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Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Save the Children International (Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre)
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Jordanie /
Fichier : File ghsp_dtl_programmes_new_template.docx
Type d'emploi : Autre
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 11/03/2019
Date limite : 25/03/2019


Qualifications et Expériences


  • Vaste expérience de travail au sein d'un rôle de direction dans un programme pays complexe dans une intervention d'urgence ou un État fragile
  • Expérience préalable en gestion d'équipes programme dans une intervention d'urgence à grande échelle de première phase est essentielle
  • Expérience en gestion d’une grande équipe multisectorielle et multinationale
  • Expérience antérieure en gestion de programme sur plusieurs sites
  • Expérience en gestion de programmes multi-donateurs et multi-sites (notamment ECHO, DFID et OFDA) de 5 à 10 millions de Livres, de préférence dans des contextes non sécurisés.
  • Engagement à comprendre et à former le personnel aux approches de la participation et de la responsabilisation.
  • Aptitude démontrée à mettre en place des systèmes de suivi et d’évaluation dans les grands programmes complexes.
  • Capacité démontrée à mettre en place des processus d’apprentissage et de développement pour une grande équipe
  • Capacité prouvée de mentorat et d’encadrement
  • Expérience de représentation au niveau supérieur
  • Expérience de développement et de négociation de partenariats fructueux avec des donateurs institutionnels
  • Aptitude à rédiger des rapports d’évaluation et de projet clairs et bien argumentés.
  • Excellentes compétences en communication écrite et orale
  • Aptitude confirmée à influencer le changement aux niveaux opérationnel et stratégique
  • Sensible aux politiques et aux cultures avec des qualités de patience, de tact et de diplomatie
  • Un niveau élevé d’anglais écrit et parlé
  • La capacité et la volonté d'être extrêmement flexible et accommodant dans des conditions de travail difficiles et parfois incertaines.
  • Engagement envers les objectifs et les principes de Save the Children. En particulier, une bonne compréhension du mandat du Save the Children et de la focalisation sur les enfants et une capacité à garantir que cela continue de renforcer notre soutien
  • Parle couramment l'anglais et une autre langue: français, espagnol, portugais ou arabe


·         Expérience ou connaissance du travail et de la vie dans des régions / contextes pertinents
·         Expérience de gestion de la sécurité dans un grand programme
·         Expérience spécifique de la conception et de la gestion de projets de consortiums
·         Expérience médiatique


Objet du Rôle: 

Dans le cadre de son ambition humanitaire et de sa stratégie globale pour 2030, Save the Children élabore et met en œuvre un nouveau modèle de renforcement des capacités afin d'améliorer le système de déploiement d'un personnel de pointe et de qualité afin de soutenir la mise en œuvre de nos interventions humanitaires directement et en collaboration avec les partenaires de Save the Children International. Ce modèle stimulera d’autres secteurs de l’organisation en mettant en place des moyens plus collaboratifs et moins couteux pour rapprocher les enfants des ressources et en honorant nos engagements en matière de développement sectoriel, notamment les normes Grand Bargain et les standards humanitaires.

La mise à disposition d’un personnel est une composante vitale de nos interventions humanitaires, car elle fournit l'expertise et les capacités indispensables auxquelles nous pouvons faire appel au moment opportun, contribuant ainsi à garantir des interventions humanitaires de grande qualité et dans les meilleurs délais, permettant ainsi de sauver la vie des enfants et de leurs familles. Le titulaire du poste fournira un soutien spécifique à toutes les catégories d’interventions humanitaires, une couverture provisoire aux rôles essentiels et au renforcement des capacités du personnel des bureaux pays et des bureaux régionaux et des partenaires de Save the Children International dans les contextes humanitaires du monde entier. Lorsqu'il n'est pas en déploiement, le titulaire du poste entreprend les travaux sur le site de base, en accord avec son responsable hiérarchique et son responsable de déploiement, et contribue au développement du modèle de déploiement de capacité.

Ce rôle devra et sera responsable de façon adjointe du leadership d'équipe (programmes) au sein de la plate-forme mondiale d'assistance humanitaire,

En cas de situation d'urgence humanitaire majeure, le titulaire du rôle devra travailler en dehors du profil de poste préétabli et être en mesure de faire varier les heures de travail en conséquence.


Nous employons environ 25.000 personnes dans le monde entier et travaillons sur le terrain dans plus de 100 pays afin d'aider les enfants touchés par des crises ou ceux qui ont besoin de meilleurs soins de santé, d'éducation et de protection de l'enfance. Nous faisons également campagne et défendons au plus haut niveau, pour réaliser le droit des enfants et pour faire entendre leur voix.

Nous travaillons sur trois avancées dans la façon dont le monde traite les enfants d'ici 2030:

  • Aucun enfant ne meurt suite à des causes évitables avant son 5e anniversaire
  • Tous les enfants ont une éducation de base de qualité et que,
  • La violence à l'égard des enfants n'est plus tolérée

Nous sommes conscients que des personnes formidables font une grande organisation et que nos employés jouent un rôle crucial en nous aidant à atteindre nos ambitions pour les enfants. Nous valorisons nos employés et nous proposons une carrière significative et enrichissante, ainsi qu'un lieu de travail collaboratif et inclusif où l'ambition, la créativité et l'intégrité sont très appréciées 

Comment postuler ?

Merci de postuler en envoyant votre CV et votre lettre motivation dans un seul document, en mentionnant également votre rémunération actuelle ainsi que vos prétentions salariales pour ce poste. 

Nous  devons assurer la sécurité des enfants à travers nos processus de sélection, lesquelles reflètent notre engagement à la protection des enfants et incluent des enquêtes de références rigoureuses

Il est porté à la connaissance des candidats que Save the Children International ne demande aucun paiement, ni frais durant tout le processus de recrutement. Toute demande allant dans ce sens doit être immédiatement signalée car contraire aux valeurs et pratiques de notre organisation.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Save the Children International (Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre)
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Jordanie /
Fichier : Microsoft Office document icon response_team_leader.doc
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 11/03/2019
Date limite : 25/03/2019



  • Vaste expérience de travail au sein d'un rôle de direction et d'un programme pays complexe dans une intervention d'urgence ou dans un État fragile; et / ou une vaste expérience dans la mise en place de réponses dans des contextes extérieurs (que ce soit en l'absence de Save the Children ou de Bureau Pays); et / ou une vaste expérience de travail dans des contextes à revenu élevé
  • Expérience préalable en gestion d'équipes programme dans des interventions d'urgence à grande échelle / complexes, la première phase est essentielle
  • Diplôme ou expérience de terrain équivalente
  • Expérience en tant que cadre supérieur dans la direction d'une équipe diversifiée, multifonctionnelle et / ou multisectorielle a un niveau de directeur pays ou un autre niveau de direction pertinent.
  • Expérience en gestion de programmes multi-donateurs et multi-sites (y compris ECHO, DFID et OFDA) de plus de 5 millions de Livres au cours d'une première phase de réponse au niveau régional ou national.
  • Gestion de la sécurité multi-site dans des environnements non sécurisés
  • Expérience en représentation au niveau international avec les principales parties prenantes et de la coordination avec d'autres ONG / Nations Unies
  • Expérience en représentation et plaidoyer dans les médias internationaux
  • Expérience avec les systèmes de Suivi & Evaluation et de responsabilité des bénéficiaires dans les grands programmes complexes
  • Expérience de développement et de négociation de partenariats fructueux avec des donateurs institutionnels
  • Aptitude confirmée à influencer le changement aux niveaux opérationnel et stratégique
  • Sensible aux politiques et aux cultures avec des qualités de patience, de tact et de diplomatie
  • Un niveau élevé d’anglais écrit et parlé
  • La capacité et la volonté d'être extrêmement flexible et accommodant dans des conditions de travail difficiles et parfois incertaines.
  • Engagement envers les objectifs et les principes de Save the Children. En particulier, une bonne compréhension du mandat du Save the Children et de la focalisation sur les enfants et une capacité à garantir que cela continue de renforcer notre soutien
  • Parle couramment l'anglais et une autre langue: français, espagnol, portugais ou arabe


Objet du Rôle: 

Dans le cadre de son ambition humanitaire et de sa stratégie globale pour 2030, Save the Children élabore et met en œuvre un nouveau modèle de renforcement des capacités afin d'améliorer le système de déploiement d'un personnel de pointe et de qualité afin de soutenir la mise en œuvre de nos interventions humanitaires directement et en collaboration avec les partenaires de Save the Children International. Ce modèle stimulera d’autres secteurs de l’organisation en mettant en place des moyens plus collaboratifs et moins couteux pour rapprocher les enfants des ressources et en honorant nos engagements en matière de développement sectoriel, notamment les normes Grand Bargain et les standards humanitaires.

La mise à disposition d’un personnel est une composante vitale de nos interventions humanitaires, car elle fournit l'expertise et les capacités indispensables auxquelles nous pouvons faire appel au moment opportun, contribuant ainsi à garantir des interventions humanitaires de grande qualité et dans les meilleurs délais, permettant ainsi de sauver la vie des enfants et de leurs familles. Le titulaire du poste fournira un soutien spécifique à toutes les catégories d’interventions humanitaires, une couverture provisoire aux rôles essentiels et au renforcement des capacités du personnel des bureaux pays et des bureaux régionaux et des partenaires de Save the Children International dans les contextes humanitaires du monde entier. Lorsqu'il n'est pas en déploiement, le titulaire du poste entreprend les travaux sur le site de base, en accord avec son responsable hiérarchique et son responsable de déploiement, et contribue au développement du modèle de déploiement de capacité.

Le chef d’équipe (Humanitarian Surge Team «HST») sera généralement déployé pour gérer une intervention de catégorie 1 ou 2 et pour assurer la supervision de l’intervention et la direction stratégique du programme pays en collaboration avec le directeur pays et le directeur des opérations et / ou humanitaire. Dans de rares cas, le chef d’équipe sera déployé pour des interventions hors zone et relèvera directement du bureau régional ou du centre de Save Children International. Le chef d'équipe est responsable de l'identification des besoins, des ressources et de l'élaboration de recommandations programmatiques, opérationnelles, stratégiques et de direction pour l'intervention d'urgence, conformément aux priorités nationales et mondiales de Save the Children. Le titulaire du poste développera et gérera des programmes ou des fonctions d’appui par pays, puis négociera et établira des réseaux au niveau international. Il veillera à ce que toutes les politiques et procédures pertinentes de Save the Children concernant la protection de l'enfance, la sécurité, le code de conduite, l'égalité des chances et les autres politiques pertinentes soient en place. Le titulaire du poste jouera un rôle de premier plan dans l’extension et la gestion efficaces des programmes d’urgence de Save the Children afin d’accroître l’impact et de permettre un changement positif pour les enfants.



Nous employons environ 25.000 personnes dans le monde entier et travaillons sur le terrain dans plus de 100 pays afin d'aider les enfants touchés par des crises ou ceux qui ont besoin de meilleurs soins de santé, d'éducation et de protection de l'enfance. Nous faisons également campagne et défendons au plus haut niveau, pour réaliser le droit des enfants et pour faire entendre leur voix.

Nous travaillons sur trois avancées dans la façon dont le monde traite les enfants d'ici 2030:

  • Aucun enfant ne meurt suite à des causes évitables avant son 5e anniversaire
  • Tous les enfants ont une éducation de base de qualité et que,
  • La violence à l'égard des enfants n'est plus tolérée

Nous sommes conscients que des personnes formidables font une grande organisation et que nos employés jouent un rôle crucial en nous aidant à atteindre nos ambitions pour les enfants. Nous valorisons nos employés et nous proposons une carrière significative et enrichissante, ainsi qu'un lieu de travail collaboratif et inclusif où l'ambition, la créativité et l'intégrité sont très appréciées 

Comment postuler ?

Merci de postuler en envoyant votre CV et votre lettre motivation dans un seul document, en mentionnant également votre rémunération actuelle ainsi que vos prétentions salariales pour ce poste. 

Nous  devons assurer la sécurité des enfants à travers nos processus de sélection, lesquelles reflètent notre engagement à la protection des enfants et incluent des enquêtes de références rigoureuses

Il est porté à la connaissance des candidats que Save the Children International ne demande aucun paiement, ni frais durant tout le processus de recrutement. Toute demande allant dans ce sens doit être immédiatement signalée car contraire aux valeurs et pratiques de notre organisation.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web : http://
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Amman /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 09/01/2019
Date limite : 23/01/2019



  • Minimum: BA in relevant field (Social Science, Psychology, Social Work, human rights, international humanitarian law or other fields related to social development and humanitarian work)
  • Master degree (MA or LLM) in Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law or related subjects (desirable)

Professional Experience 

  • Minimum of five (5) years of relevant working experience in protection-related      sectors, preferably within an INGO.
  • 3 years’ experience in case of Higher education degree (Masters/LLM)

Professional Requirements 

  • Strong theoretical, technical and practical background in protection
  • Previous professional experience addressing the Syria crisis
  • Proven training skills and capacities in developing trainings’ curricula
  • Strong skills in networking with partners and donor liaison
  • Able to gather and critically analyze data, gaps and trends related to Protection issues
  • Strong organizational skills and ability to manage efficiently multiple priorities, deadlines and tasks
  • Solid time-management skills, resourcefulness and attention to details


  • Fluency in written and spoken English required

Personal Requirements

  • Strong organizational skills and ability to manage efficiently multiple priorities, deadlines and tasks
  • Solid time-management skills, resourcefulness and attention to details


For further information and to apply, follow the link below: 

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS' platform, you can also apply by sending your CV, motivation letter and 2 references via email to , with subject line: "SR-42-845 – Protection Coordinator – Jordan".

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Job Title: Protection Coordinator

Code: SR-42-845

Duty station: Amman 

Starting date: 01/02/2019

Contract duration: 6 months

Reporting to: Head of Mission

Supervision of: Case Management Coordinator, Protection Officers.

Dependents: According to INTERSOS HR Manual

General context of the project

Since 2012, INTERSOS is partnering with several donors, among which UNICEF, DG ECHO, Italian Agency for Cooperation and development (AICS), OCHA (Pool Fund) to assist refugees from Syria, and most vulnerable among Jordanian population.

INTERSOS is focusing its humanitarian response on supporting Syrian families displaced across urban and rural areas, with a program that is articulated in the three (3) main sectors of intervention:

1) Education (Education in Emergency, Psycho-Social Support, Community Mobilization, Child protection);

2) Basic Needs-BNs Assistance (cash, seasonal distributions, emergency distributions);

3) WASH.

Protection mainstreaming applies as cross-cutting approach within the program.

The program is implemented in six (6) Governorates, through a coordination office in Amman, and three (3) field offices in Amman East, Irbid and Karak.

General purpose of the position

The general purpose of the position is to ensure the proper and effective implementation of all protection-related activities and services of INTERSOS Programme in Jordan, providing technical inputs, guidance and support, and operational monitoring and evaluation.

Main responsibilities and tasks

The Protection Coordinator is in charge of developing the protection programme in country, guiding and supporting all protection-related activities and services of INTERSOS Programme in Jordan, ensuring timely and quality implementation and monitoring in compliance with relevant Standard Operating Procedures, International Principles and Guidelines, International Standards, Good Practices in Protection Responses, INTERSOS Fundamental Charter and Code of Ethics. Moreover, the Protection Coordinator is in charge of assisting the Head of Mission in the development, implementation and evaluation of the protection strategy and programme at country level.

Main responsibilities:

  • Planning, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the protection programme in Jordan- including but not limited to protection monitoring at community and household level; assistance to most vulnerable persons, child protection prevention and response, GBV prevention and response and psycho-social support - ensuring timely and quality delivery of the targets set as per approved project proposals.
  • Building the capacity of specialized and non-specialized staff, as well as community volunteers and local counterparts, providing ad-hoc training sessions and continuous on-the-job coaching.
  • Maintaining relations pertaining to the protection programme with donors, partners, key stakeholders, and other relevant actors at country level.
  • Assisting the development, implementation and evaluation of the protection strategy and programme at country level, providing technical inputs, and suggestions for improvements and recommendations for future actions.

More specifically,

Programme development

  • Continuously assess the protection needs and gaps of target populations in current and prospective areas of operations, periodically update the protection situation analysis and inform the programme accordingly.
  • Continuously assess the protection response capacity of potential partners.
  • Support the development, implementation and evaluation of the protection strategy and programme at country level, providing technical inputs, suggestions for improvements and recommendations for future actions.
  • Support the design, promotion and elaboration of new interventions at country and regional level, ensuring protection mainstreaming.
  • Stimulate and maintain active exchange of protection information within the region on useful news, publications, tools, best practices and lessons learned.
  • Promote harmonization of protection approaches, methodologies and tools within the country, and create opportunities for experience sharing and learning among the team.
  • In cooperation with the accountability unit, follow up on the implementation of the Child Protection (CP) and Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Policies.

Planning, monitoring and evaluation

  • Support the Project Managers in preparing, managing and regularly updating the activities work plans for protection project, ensuring timely and quality implementation in compliance with the defined project strategy, as well as INTERSOS and donors’ guidelines.
  • Guide detailed vulnerability assessments of target populations in project areas to define the exact locations of intervention and the beneficiaries.
  • Provide inputs, guidance and support to ensure the quality implementation of the protection project activities from the technical point of view.
  • Maintain all case management relevant forms (vulnerability assessment form, case plan form, referral form, follow-up form, etc.) updated and ensure they are properly used.
  • Advise on management of complex cases.
  • Contribute to developing, rolling out and revising internal Protection Toolkits and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
  • Ensure that required data protection and sharing protocols are respected.
  • Promote age, gender and diversity sensitive approaches into the project activities, as well as social cohesion initiatives.
  • In cooperation with the Programme/Project Managers, elaborate and set up specific mechanisms to monitor and evaluate the protection project activities, as well as to collect feedback and complaints from beneficiaries and target populations at large.
  • Undertake field visits to the project locations as needed to continuously monitor the progress and the quality implementation of the protection project activities.
  • In cooperation with the protection team, conduct case audits to evaluate the quality of the service provision.
  • Continuously assess, analyze and evaluate the impact of the protection project activities to inform and adjust the programme accordingly.
  • Report in a timely manner any eventual challenges or delays faced, loss or damage occurred, fraud or misuse detected.
  • Work closely with the colleagues to ensure the integration of the protection programme with other sectors of intervention

Capacity building of INTERSOS programme staff, volunteers and local counterparts

  • In cooperation with the HR team, carry out the identification and selection of the protection staff, as required.
  • Contribute to supervising and evaluating the performance of protection staff.
  • Continuously assess the training needs of the protection staff, design the capacity building programme and develop the related material for enhanced protection response capacity and service provision according to international best practices, standards and principles.
  • Ensure that all relevant non-specialized staff, as well as community volunteers and local counterparts, are trained on humanitarian principles and code of ethics; basic principles of general protection, child protection, gender-based violence and psychosocial support; data protection and sharing protocols; safe referral; and risk mitigation.

Programme reporting

  • Contribute to preparing the project narrative reports with specific reference to the protection activities, as well as other ad hoc analysis reports and material, according to INTERSOS and donors’ requirements.
  • Ensure that all data related to the protection activities are disaggregated by sex and age, in order to develop profiles on the different needs and realities of women, girls, boys and men, for reporting and analysis purposes.
  • Support the Project Managers in elaborating and updating the internal monitoring and evaluation tool, the Project Appraisal Tool (PAT), with specific reference to the protection activities.

Coordination and representation

  • Establish and maintain collaborative relations with relevant donor officers, partners, key stakeholders and other humanitarian actors.
  • Participate in meetings with relevant donor officers and facilitate field visits by donor missions, as required.
  • Proactively participate in the Protection Cluster/Working Group and Sub-clusters/Sub-Working Groups, including related strategic Coordination groups and thematic task forces, at country level.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web : http://
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Amman /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 27/12/2018
Date limite : 09/01/2019



  • Minimum: BA in relevant field (Social Science, Psychology, Social Work, human rights, international humanitarian law or other fields related to social development and humanitarian work)
  • Master degree (MA or LLM) in Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law or related subjects (desirable)

Professional Experience 

  • Minimum of five (5) years of relevant working experience in protection-related      sectors, preferably within an INGO.
  • 3 years’ experience in case of Higher education degree (Masters/LLM)

Professional Requirements 

  • Strong theoretical, technical and practical background in protection
  • Previous professional experience addressing the Syria crisis
  • Proven training skills and capacities in developing trainings’ curricula
  • Strong skills in networking with partners and donor liaison
  • Able to gather and critically analyze data, gaps and trends related to Protection issues
  • Strong organizational skills and ability to manage efficiently multiple priorities, deadlines and tasks
  • Solid time-management skills, resourcefulness and attention to details


  • Fluency in written and spoken English required

Personal Requirements

  • Strong organizational skills and ability to manage efficiently multiple priorities, deadlines and tasks
  • Solid time-management skills, resourcefulness and attention to details


For further information and to apply, follow the link below: 

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS' platform, you can also apply by sending your CV, motivation letter and 2 references via email to , with subject line: "SR-42-845 – Protection Coordinator – Jordan".

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Job Title: Protection Coordinator

Code: SR-42-845

Duty station: Amman 

Starting date: 27/01/2019

Contract duration: 6 months

Reporting to: Head of Mission

Supervision of: Case Management Coordinator, Protection Officers.

Dependents: According to INTERSOS HR Manual

General context of the project

Since 2012, INTERSOS is partnering with several donors, among which UNICEF, DG ECHO, Italian Agency for Cooperation and development (AICS), OCHA (Pool Fund) to assist refugees from Syria, and most vulnerable among Jordanian population.

INTERSOS is focusing its humanitarian response on supporting Syrian families displaced across urban and rural areas, with a program that is articulated in the three (3) main sectors of intervention:

1) Education (Education in Emergency, Psycho-Social Support, Community Mobilization, Child protection);

2) Basic Needs-BNs Assistance (cash, seasonal distributions, emergency distributions);

3) WASH.

Protection mainstreaming applies as cross-cutting approach within the program.

The program is implemented in six (6) Governorates, through a coordination office in Amman, and three (3) field offices in Amman East, Irbid and Karak.

General purpose of the position

The general purpose of the position is to ensure the proper and effective implementation of all protection-related activities and services of INTERSOS Programme in Jordan, providing technical inputs, guidance and support, and operational monitoring and evaluation.

Main responsibilities and tasks

The Protection Coordinator is in charge of developing the protection programme in country, guiding and supporting all protection-related activities and services of INTERSOS Programme in Jordan, ensuring timely and quality implementation and monitoring in compliance with relevant Standard Operating Procedures, International Principles and Guidelines, International Standards, Good Practices in Protection Responses, INTERSOS Fundamental Charter and Code of Ethics. Moreover, the Protection Coordinator is in charge of assisting the Head of Mission in the development, implementation and evaluation of the protection strategy and programme at country level.

Main responsibilities:

  • Planning, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the protection programme in Jordan- including but not limited to protection monitoring at community and household level; assistance to most vulnerable persons, child protection prevention and response, GBV prevention and response and psycho-social support - ensuring timely and quality delivery of the targets set as per approved project proposals.
  • Building the capacity of specialized and non-specialized staff, as well as community volunteers and local counterparts, providing ad-hoc training sessions and continuous on-the-job coaching.
  • Maintaining relations pertaining to the protection programme with donors, partners, key stakeholders, and other relevant actors at country level.
  • Assisting the development, implementation and evaluation of the protection strategy and programme at country level, providing technical inputs, and suggestions for improvements and recommendations for future actions.

More specifically,

Programme development

  • Continuously assess the protection needs and gaps of target populations in current and prospective areas of operations, periodically update the protection situation analysis and inform the programme accordingly.
  • Continuously assess the protection response capacity of potential partners.
  • Support the development, implementation and evaluation of the protection strategy and programme at country level, providing technical inputs, suggestions for improvements and recommendations for future actions.
  • Support the design, promotion and elaboration of new interventions at country and regional level, ensuring protection mainstreaming.
  • Stimulate and maintain active exchange of protection information within the region on useful news, publications, tools, best practices and lessons learned.
  • Promote harmonization of protection approaches, methodologies and tools within the country, and create opportunities for experience sharing and learning among the team.
  • In cooperation with the accountability unit, follow up on the implementation of the Child Protection (CP) and Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Policies.

Planning, monitoring and evaluation

  • Support the Project Managers in preparing, managing and regularly updating the activities work plans for protection project, ensuring timely and quality implementation in compliance with the defined project strategy, as well as INTERSOS and donors’ guidelines.
  • Guide detailed vulnerability assessments of target populations in project areas to define the exact locations of intervention and the beneficiaries.
  • Provide inputs, guidance and support to ensure the quality implementation of the protection project activities from the technical point of view.
  • Maintain all case management relevant forms (vulnerability assessment form, case plan form, referral form, follow-up form, etc.) updated and ensure they are properly used.
  • Advise on management of complex cases.
  • Contribute to developing, rolling out and revising internal Protection Toolkits and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
  • Ensure that required data protection and sharing protocols are respected.
  • Promote age, gender and diversity sensitive approaches into the project activities, as well as social cohesion initiatives.
  • In cooperation with the Programme/Project Managers, elaborate and set up specific mechanisms to monitor and evaluate the protection project activities, as well as to collect feedback and complaints from beneficiaries and target populations at large.
  • Undertake field visits to the project locations as needed to continuously monitor the progress and the quality implementation of the protection project activities.
  • In cooperation with the protection team, conduct case audits to evaluate the quality of the service provision.
  • Continuously assess, analyze and evaluate the impact of the protection project activities to inform and adjust the programme accordingly.
  • Report in a timely manner any eventual challenges or delays faced, loss or damage occurred, fraud or misuse detected.
  • Work closely with the colleagues to ensure the integration of the protection programme with other sectors of intervention

Capacity building of INTERSOS programme staff, volunteers and local counterparts

  • In cooperation with the HR team, carry out the identification and selection of the protection staff, as required.
  • Contribute to supervising and evaluating the performance of protection staff.
  • Continuously assess the training needs of the protection staff, design the capacity building programme and develop the related material for enhanced protection response capacity and service provision according to international best practices, standards and principles.
  • Ensure that all relevant non-specialized staff, as well as community volunteers and local counterparts, are trained on humanitarian principles and code of ethics; basic principles of general protection, child protection, gender-based violence and psychosocial support; data protection and sharing protocols; safe referral; and risk mitigation.

Programme reporting

  • Contribute to preparing the project narrative reports with specific reference to the protection activities, as well as other ad hoc analysis reports and material, according to INTERSOS and donors’ requirements.
  • Ensure that all data related to the protection activities are disaggregated by sex and age, in order to develop profiles on the different needs and realities of women, girls, boys and men, for reporting and analysis purposes.
  • Support the Project Managers in elaborating and updating the internal monitoring and evaluation tool, the Project Appraisal Tool (PAT), with specific reference to the protection activities.

Coordination and representation

  • Establish and maintain collaborative relations with relevant donor officers, partners, key stakeholders and other humanitarian actors.
  • Participate in meetings with relevant donor officers and facilitate field visits by donor missions, as required.
  • Proactively participate in the Protection Cluster/Working Group and Sub-clusters/Sub-Working Groups, including related strategic Coordination groups and thematic task forces, at country level.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Amman /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 27/01/2019
Date limite : 07/02/2019


Please find more detailed information about the position via the following link:


Humanity and Inclusion (HI) is recruiting a Disability Inclusion Advisor seconded to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) to act as a driver of change to identify next steps for concrete operationalization of disability inclusion across UNRWA building on the work-to-date from the partnership and to implement the recommendations of the Lessons Learned exercise carried out in the end of 2018. As Disability Advisor, you will be a member of the HI MEREP Regional Technical Unit, which is managed by the Regional Technical Unit Coordinator (RTUC) based in Amman. With close technical support and collaboration with the HI regional office and under the direct supervision of the Chief Protection Division of UNRWA, you will advocate for the rights of Palestine refugees with disabilities; help build the capacities of UNRWA staff on practical strategies for disability inclusion; and advance the Agency's work to equitably serve Palestine refugees with disabilities. In this framework, your main duties are: · Facilitate operationalisation of the disability inclusion guidelines and identify opportunities to implement disability inclusion within UNRWA. · Provide technical assistance on disability inclusion, as part of UNRWA's protection mainstreaming efforts. · Coordinate capacity development, information exchange, and experience sharing on disability inclusion within UNRWA. · Represent UNRWA in external disability related fora, and raise the profile of UNRWA as a disability inclusive organisation. · Help enhance and facilitate greater partnership between HI and UNRWA. This will require the Advisor to work diplomatically and negotiate the complex operational environment of UNRWA, including fostering positive working relationships with field-level colleagues and HQ programme departments.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Amman /
Fichier : File jordan_technical_coordinator_economic_inclusion_201902.docx
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 04/11/2018
Date limite : 17/11/2018


· You hold a Master degree in social sciences

·You have at least 5 years of experience in INGOs or consultancies working in development programs

· You have previous experience in developing Theory of Change and log-frames

· You have proven qualification in Project Cycle management

You have experience in workshop facilitation  and a good practice of participatory approaches

· You have excellent writing skills and a good ability to analyse and synthetize

· The knowledge of socio-economic inclusion of persons with disabilities is preferable

· You are fluent in English and French (oral & written communication)



Place: JORDAN (Amman)

Length: 6 months

Starting date: 4th February 2019

Closing date for applications: 18th November 2018


Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity.

Handicap International is changing his name and becomes « Humanity & Inclusion ». HI, Humanity & Inclusion is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation with no religious or political affiliations operating in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.


HI has offices in more than 55 countries; for further information about the association:



HI’s Middle East Regional Programme coordinates missions in 4 different countries (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine) for now. The programme is engaged in the second part of its StrateOp 2015 – 2019 with a massive growing of financial volumes on the last 2 years. The program is covering the full mandate of HI – emergency, mine action and development with a strong focus on continuum and resilience. The program has a total volume expected for 2018 of 11M Euros with 220 expatriates and national staff.


HI has been mandated by Drosos Foundation to support the design Drosos’ cross-regional programme for employability of persons with disabilities and promotion of an inclusive labour market in the MENA region (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia).

In line with the Terms of Reference (ToR) defined by Drosos, HI will facilitate participatory discussions between Drosos staff and its partners in the region and use the results to produce the following deliverables:

   Development of a Theory of Change (ToC) on employability of persons with disability and promotion of an inclusive labour market in MENA region

   Development of a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework for Drosos Cross-regional programme in line with the newly developed Theory of Change

   Development of a knowledge management model and regional community of practice for knowledge generation, sharing and dissemination and development of a guidance document for advocacy and lobbying on employability and access to work for people with disabilities.

These deliverables will be achieved through the implementation of several activities. HI will be responsible to organize the logistics of all activities, implement the activities and to produce all associated deliverables.

The timeframe for the implementation of the offer of services is February to July 2019.




Services to Drosos will be implemented by HI MEREP Regional Technical Unit (RTU) with the direct support of several technical resources in HQ and other HI missions in and outside the MENA region. The Technical Coordinator will be the key and main player of a team composed of the following other position:

   A Team Leader

   An Inclusive Employment Advisor

   A Knowledge Management Technical Advisor

   An Inclusive Employment Policy Officer

   IT consultant

As Technical Coordinator, you will be a member of the MEREP RTU and report to the RTU Coordinator. Your main objective will be to support the successful implementation of the offer of services to Drosos.

In this framework, your main responsibilities are the following:

·      Carry out a situation analysis on the work situation of persons with disabilities in MENA region and identify main stakeholders

·      Lead the production of a cross-regional Theory of Change (ToC) and M&E framework for the employability of persons with disability in the MENA region

·      Support the design of a Knowledge Management model and Community of Practice in the MENA region for the employability of persons with disability

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Mission basée en Jordanie, à Amman avec déplacements sur les différentes zones d’intervention potentielles de /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps partiel
Fonction : Communication
Date de publication : 18/07/2018
Date limite : 22/07/2018


Compétences et expérience
- Formation école de journalisme, école de communication.
- Expérience comme chargé-e de communication (écriture, relations presse…) d’au moins 3 ans, idéalement au sein d’une organisation de solidarité internationale.
- Expérience terrain souhaitée
- Compétences photos et vidéo (tournage et capacité à préparer un chutier) - Parfaite maitrise du français et de l’anglais, l’arabe serait un plus. - Connaissance du Moyen-Orient

Savoir être
- Autonomie
- Capacité à travailler en équipe
- Capacité à travailler à distance
- Résistance au stress
- Capacité à travailler dans un contexte instable
- Réactivité, souplesse

- contexte géopolitique instable qui nécessite des mesures de sécurité spécifiques
- procédures de sécurité strictes applicables aux personnels de la mission (déplacement notamment).
- nécessité de respecter les consignes du chef de mission en matière de sécurité.

Candidature et offre tarifaire à adresser avant le 23 juillet à Arnaud Richard, Responsable Information fédérale par e-mail:



Suite aux conflits qui affectent la Syrie et l’Iraq depuis plus de sept ans, Handicap International (HI) se mobilise pour apporter une aide d’urgence aux victimes, populations déplacées au sein de ces pays et réfugiées dans les pays voisins. HI est également engagée pour apporter une aide aux populations du Yémen victimes d’un conflit qui a commencé en septembre 2014.
HI, déjà présente au Moyen Orient avant la crise syrienne, a déployé des activités supplémentaires dès l’été 2012 pour répondre à l’urgence. L’association intervient aujourd’hui en Irak, au Liban, en Jordanie afin de venir en aide aux réfugiés et aux déplacés, victimes des différents conflits. Des équipes de HI sont impliquées au Yémen depuis novembre 2016.

Principales responsabilités

Basé-e à Amman, mais mobile pour se rendre à Beyrouth, ou Erbil (voire Sanaa) en fonction des priorités de communication, il/elle devra rendre compte de l’avancée de sa mission au Responsable Information Fédérale (référent communication siège – Lyon / FRANCE). Les Chefs de mission et la Directrice de programme des pays où il interviendra seront tenus informés de l’avancée de ses activités et pourront avoir recours à ses services pour des appuis ponctuels.
Le suivi de sa mission sera assuré par le Responsable du service Information Fédérale, qui déterminera les priorités en matière de communication externe et de collecte, de réponse aux médias, et de reportages terrain en lien avec le directeur géographique et les chefs de mission/Directrice de programme.

Le/la consutant-e en communication tiendra à disposition des chefs de mission un reporting des actions de communication réalisées,

Le/la consutant-e  en communication doit contribuer à mettre en valeur le travail effectué par l’association concernant les crises au Moyen Orient :

  • En termes de visibilité dans les médias des 8 pays où HI est représentée par une association nationale en assurant l’accueil des médias issus de ces 8 pays, et plus généralement des médias internationaux.
  • En produisant le recueil de contenus d’informations et de collecte (infos brutes, photos, films), à transmettre au service Information fédérale qui relaiera aux Associations nationales et à l’ensemble du réseau (sièges et terrains). En assurant dans le même temps la réponse aux commandes spécifiques des Associations nationales (productions digitales, témoignages, identification de porte-parole).
  •  En étant la personne référente pour les questions de communication et de médias (internationaux et nationaux) au sein de la mission, auprès des Chefs de mission et de la Directrice de programme, afin que les autres membres de la mission puissent se consacrer au mieux à leurs objectifs opérationnels.
  • En apportant un soutien aux équipes Jordanie, Liban et Irak et Yémen pour l’organisation et l’accueil des visites bailleurs et VIP.

Tâches principales

  • Soutien à la collecte fédérale

-Identification de bénéficiaires spécifiques collecte (témoignages très développés, réadaptation…), pour contribuer au développement de la collecte de fonds.
- Réalisation ou organisation de reportages vidéos et photos, à des fins spécifiques de collecte de fonds (réseau des Associations nationales).

  • Communication externe

- Assurer les relations avec les médias, répondre aux sollicitations médias sur le terrain et aux sollicitations médias adressées par l’Information fédérale (via les Associations nationales), ou entrant dans le cadre d’une obligation bailleur, assurer la liaison avec les équipes basées en Jordanie, au Liban, au Yémen et en Irak en vue de répondre à ces sollicitations.
- Assurer une représentation institutionnelle adaptée : identification de porte-parole par secteurs d’activité urgence et « mine action », et sensibilisation de ces personnes à l’accueil des médias.
- Assurer plus généralement la formation des équipes (briefings), et particulièrement des nouveaux arrivants (staffs nat et expats), en matière de communication, afin de développer les bons réflexes en matière de réponse aux médias.
- Le recueil d’informations (textes, photos et vidéos) : recueils de témoignages (bénéficiaires, témoins, staff local et expatrié, partenaires…), infos sur le contexte et son évolution. Les témoignages seront recueillis selon les grilles qui seront proposés par HI.
- Le recueil de témoignages (vidéos et photos) pour réponse spécifiques aux engagements partenaires et bailleurs.
- Mediatraining des équipes dans le cadre d’évènements.
- Proposer, tous les 3 mois, un point de situation actualisé par mission.
- Trainings communication pour le recueil de témoignages pour la collecte et la com, à distance avec les équipes au Yémen ainsi que des area coordinators sur les différentes bases.
- Gérer les missions de recueil d’information d’éventuels photographes ou cameramen envoyés par l’Information fédérale ou les associations nationales.

  • Appui aux programmes

Le/la consutant-e en communication est la personne de référence pour les équipes Jordanie, Liban, Yémen et Irak.

- Point focal pour toute demande de partenariat qui serait relié à une action de communication.
- Il/Elle aide à la réalisation de documents de communication interne et externe
- Mise à disposition de photos issues de la base de données (ePhoto) pour l’élaboration de rapports, newsletters, présentations internes, etc.
- Briefing communication aux nouveaux expatriés et chefs de projets nationaux.
- Gestion des commandes des missions en termes de goodies/matériel communication.
- Elaboration, en lien avec les chefs de mission et directrice de programme, d’un plan de communication national, pour faciliter l’acceptance, la compréhension des actions de HI.

  • Relations bailleurs

- Visibilité (HI + bailleurs + partenaires techniques) : soutien à la mise en place des procédures de respect des engagements concernant la visibilité, sur les activités et sur les supports (présence des logos / mentions nécessaires, au vu des engagements pris avec les bailleurs).
- Accueil des visites bailleurs : organisation logistique, accompagnement des équipes dans la préparation, sensibilisation des bénéficiaires, accueil des représentants bailleurs sur les activités de l’association

  • Visites VIP

- Le/La consutant-e en communication appuiera la préparation et l’accueil de visites de VIP (direction de HI, personnalités…), en lien avec les équipes présentes dans les pays d’intervention.
- Positionnement / plaidoyer humanitaire
- En lien avec les représentants plaidoyer et le Responsable Information Fédérale, collecte d’informations, (données chiffrées, témoignages…) pour alimenter le plaidoyer humanitaire.


  • Contrat : consultant
  • Durée de la mission : Du 30/07/2018 au 31/12/2018
  •  Moyenne de 10 jours / mois – soit un total de 60 jours.
  • Conditions sur place :

- Management coordonné à distance (responsable information fédérale) en lien avec un management rapproché (chef de mission HI terrain)
- Mission basée en Jordanie, à Amman avec déplacements sur les différentes zones d’intervention potentielles de HI (Jordanie, Liban, Yémen & Iraq). Prévoir 50% de déplacements.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Action Contre la Faim
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Amman /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion financière
Date de publication : 05/07/2018
Date limite : 05/08/2018


You hold an advanced degree in international development or other relevant fields and have at least 2 years of experience in fundraising and donor relations in the development and humanitarian aid sectors.

Knowledge regarding Gender Minimum Standards will be an asset. To be a qualified candidate, you must possess strong interpersonal skills, autonomous, flexible and challenge seeking. You are recognized for your communication skills, diplomacy and ability to adapt all type of interlocutors.

Fluency in English is mandatory as well as excellent writing skills.





Jordan mission is a dynamic mission rapidly growing; with large scale WaSH and Livelihoods projects being implemented in host communities and refugees’ camp, Mental Health sector is being now developed. Country strategy combines emergency and development projects to address needs of Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanian in a holistic approach.

With a team of 12 international employees and more than 100 national colleagues, ACF Jordan office manages a portfolio of projects for more than 9 million €, in response to the Syria crisis in Northern and Eastern Jordan. The donors range vary from institutional funds (UNICEF / MADAD) to bilateral agreements (AFD / GIZ / Taiwan). To support the three operational bases, the coordination office is based in Amman.



Security, working and living conditions:

Jordan is considered as a stable country where security conditions enable a safe implementation of the projects.

Amman is a pleasant city where you may have a good social life as well as weekend trips outside the city. Access to certain areas is limited and female staffs cannot walk alone in the street after 10pm.


To know more about Jordan:

The ACF’s blog where you can find further information: (in French)



Length of contract: 12 months


The position:


With the support of the Deputy Country Director-Programs, you will lead and follow up on the tactical elements of donor relations and project cycle management for Action Against Hunger’s programmes in Jordan for Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanian households, in conformity with Action Against Hunger and international standards and national policies.


The main priorities  to address in the first three to six months in post are:

·         Autonomously spearhead all institutional donor report development and finalisation for all projects implemented independently by Action Against Hunger as well as those conducted in partnership / consortium (either as the lead agency or as a sub-grant recipient)

·         Independently coordinate the drafting and finalisation of all concept note and proposal submission packages, ensuring that project design is presented in an evidence-based manner, aligned to donor priorities and Action Against Hunger's strategies, and drafted within the frame of a gender analysis, as the team in Jordan is currently moving toward becoming compliant with Action Against Hunger's Gender Minimum Standards;

  • Monitor and follow up on potential donor compliance issues, being proactive in management and organisation for transparency, institutional knowledge retention, audit preparation


The applicant:




Salaried - Gross monthly salary ranging from €1600 to €1975 depending on relevant experience

Food and hygiene expenses, per diem, transportation costs, collective accommodation and medical insurance paid by ACF

25 days of annual paid leaves and 20 days of rest and recuperation (R&R) per year



Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Amman with regular visits to Field Offices (Irbid, Amman East, and Karak) and regular presence in the field /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 03/07/2018
Date limite : 17/07/2018


  • Master degree (MA or LLM) in International Refugee Protection and/or Human Rights/ International Humanitarian Law or related subjects
  • Minimum of five (5) years of relevant working experience in protection-related sectors, preferably within an INGO
  • Strong theoretical, technical and practical background in protection
  • Proven training skills and capacities in developing trainings’ curricula
  • Strong skills in networking with partners and donor liaison
  • Experience in writing policies and guideline documents
  • Able to gather and critically analyze data, gaps and trends related to Protection issues
  • Knowledge of the Jordan humanitarian context and of the Syrian refugee crisis is an asset
  • Strong organizational skills and ability to manage efficiently multiple priorities, deadlines and tasks
  • Solid time-management skills, resourcefulness and attention to details
  • Fluency in English with excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Knowledge of Italian and Arabic “desirable"
  • Excellent team-working and team-building skills, as well as ability to work under high pressure and with flexibility
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills and ability to work and integrate in a multicultural team
  • Problem solver, dynamic, mature
  • Confidently able to deal with authorities and donors
  • Pro-active approach to work
  • Able to work independently as well as being a strong team player
  • Flexibility, capacity of managing stress, good diplomatic skills
  • Available to share accommodation facilities when required
  • European Driving license B “desirable”


INTERSOS is an independent humanitarian organization that assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts and exclusion. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable people.

1. Terms of reference

Job Title: Protection Advisor
Code: SR-42-537
Country: Jordan
Duty Station: Amman with regular visits to Field Offices (Irbid, Amman East, and Karak) and regular presence in the field
Starting date: 23/07/2018
Contract duration: 5 months – Maternity Leave Replacement
Reporting to: Head of Mission
Supervision of: Protection Specialist (n.1 expat staff); Case Manager Coordinator (n.1 national staff)

2. General context of the project

Following the conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic and the deterioration of the humanitarian situation which is negatively affecting also the neighbouring countries, since 2012 INTERSOS has resumed the operations in the Middle East to contribute towards ensuring emergency relief and social protection assistance for the Syrian refugees fleeing their home in search of safety, with special focus on most vulnerable groups (children, women, elderly and persons with special needs).

In Jordan, INTERSOS has focused its humanitarian response on supporting Syrian families displaced across urban and rural areas, as well as vulnerable host communities, with a programme that concentrates on protection and protection mainstreaming within the different sectors of intervention that compose the Country Strategy (Protection, Child Protection, Education in Emergency, WASH, Shelter and Basic Needs including Cash and Winterization Assistance).

Specifically, in Irbid, Karak and Ma’an Governorates, INTERSOS is implementing projects aimed at mitigating high vulnerabilities of refugees by supporting identified cases with ad hoc multi-responses, while contextually empowering community-based prevention and response mechanisms. Specific support to obtaining documentation for refugees and hosting communities is one among the key programmes aimed at protection vulnerable individuals. INTERSOS applies a multi-sectoral and holistic approach which aims to provide extremely vulnerable families with a comprehensive package of services, ranging from psychosocial support activities and informal education opportunities to WASH and cash assistance.

INTERSOS main partners and donors in the Country are: UNICEF, DG ECHO, Italian Cooperation, and OCHA-HPF (Humanitarian Pooled Fund).

3. General purpose of the position

The general purpose of the position is to ensure the proper and effective implementation of all protection-related activities and services of INTERSOS Programme in Jordan, providing technical inputs, guidance and support, as well as overall operational monitoring and evaluation.

4. Main responsibilities and tasks

The Protection Advisor is in charge of guiding and supporting all protection-related activities and services of INTERSOS Programme in Jordan, ensuring timely and quality implementation and monitoring in compliance with relevant Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), International Principles and Guidelines, International Standards, Good Practices in Protection Responses, INTERSOS Fundamental Charter and Code of Ethics.

Main responsibilities:

  1. Planning, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the protection programme in Jordan - including but not limited to protection monitoring at community and household level; assistance to most vulnerable persons, with special focus on documentation/registration issues; child protection and SGBV prevention and response; and psychosocial support - ensuring timely and quality delivery of the targets set as per approved projects’ proposals.

  2. Building the capacity of specialized and non-specialized staffs, as well as community volunteers and local counterparts, providing ad hoc training sessions and continuous on-the-job coaching.

  3. Maintaining relations pertaining to the protection programme with donors, partners, key stakeholders, and other relevant actors at country and regional level.

More specifically:

Programme activities planning, monitoring and evaluation

  • Support the Programme/Project Managers in preparing, managing and regularly updating the protection projects’ activities work plan, ensuring timely and quality implementation in compliance with the defined projects’ strategy, as well as INTERSOS and donors’ guidelines.
  • Provide inputs, guidance and support to ensure the quality implementation of the protection projects’ activities from the technical point of view.
  • Maintain all case management relevant forms (vulnerability assessment form, case plan form, referral form, follow-up form, etc.) updated and ensure they are properly used.
  • Advise on management of complex cases.
  • Contribute to developing, rolling out and revising internal Protection Toolkits and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
  • Ensure that required data protection and sharing protocols are respected.
  • Promote age, gender and diversity sensitive approaches into the projects’ activities..
  • In cooperation with the Programme/Project Managers, elaborate and set up specific mechanisms to monitor and evaluate the protection projects’ activities, as well as to collect feedback and complaints from beneficiaries and target populations at large.
  • Undertake field visits to the projects’ locations as needed to continuously monitor the progress and the quality implementation of the protection projects’ activities.
  • In cooperation with the Protection Officers and case management coordinator, conduct case audits to evaluate the quality of the service provision.
  • Continuously assess, analyze and evaluate the impact of the protection projects’ activities to inform and adjust the programme accordingly.
  • Report in a timely manner any eventual challenges or delays faced, loss or damage occurred, fraud or misuse detected.
  • Work closely with the colleagues to ensure the integration of the protection programme with other sectors of intervention.
  • Programme staffs, volunteers and local counterparts capacity building
  • In cooperation with the management and human resources staffs, carry out the identification and selection of the protection, as required.
  • Contribute to supervising and evaluating the performance of the protection staffs.
  • Continuously assess the training needs of the protection staffs, design the capacity building programme and develop the related material for enhanced protection response capacity and service provision according to international best practices, standards and principles.
  • Ensure that all relevant non-specialized staffs, as well as community volunteers and local counterparts, are trained on humanitarian principles and code of ethics; basic principles of general protection, child protection, gender-based violence and psychosocial support; data protection and sharing protocols; safe referral; and risk mitigation.

Programme reporting

  • Support the Programme/Project Managers in elaborating and monthly updating the internal monitoring and evaluation tool, the Project Appraisal Tool (PAT), with specific reference to the protection activities.
  • Contribute to preparing the projects’ narrative reports with specific reference to the protection activities, as well as other ad hoc analysis reports and material, according to INTERSOS and donors’ requirements.
  • Ensure that all data related to the protection activities are disaggregated by sex and age, in order to develop profiles on the different needs and realities of women, girls, boys and men, for reporting and analysis purposes.

Coordination and representation

  • Establish and maintain collaborative relations with relevant donor officers, partners, key stakeholders and other humanitarian actors.
  • Participate in meetings with relevant donor officers and facilitate field visits by donor missions, as required.
  • Proactively participate in the Protection Working Group and Sub-Working Groups, including related strategic advisory groups and thematic task forces, at country and regional level.

Programme development

  • Continuously assess the protection needs and gaps of target populations in current and prospective areas of operations, periodically update the protection situation analysis and inform the programme accordingly.
  • Continuously assess the protection response capacity of potential partners.
  • Support the design, promotion and elaboration of new interventions at country and regional level, ensuring protection mainstreaming.
  • Promote harmonization of protection approaches, methodologies and tools within the region, and create opportunities for experience sharing and learning.
  • In cooperation with the accountability unit, follow up on the implementation of the Child Protection (CP) and Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Policies.



For further information and to apply, follow the link below:

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS’ platform, you can also apply by sending your CV, motivation letter and 2 references via email to , with subject line: « SR-42-537 Protection Advisor – Jordan« .

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Amman with regular presence in the three (3) Field offices in Amman East, Irbid and Karak /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 01/07/2018
Date limite : 15/07/2018


  • Postgraduate degree (MA or LLM) in International Humanitarian Action, International Relations, or similar relevant fields
  • at least 5 years of professional experience as Head of Mission, Country Director, Field Coordinator for International NGO
  • Knowledge of the main Institutional donors’ procedures and guidelines
  • Strong skills in networking with partners and donor liaison
  • Experience in managing large scale missions, in term of budget, number of staff and geographical scope and presence
  • Advanced management skills
  • Knowledge of and previous experience in the Middle Eat Region and in the context of the Syrian crisis highly desirable
  • Fluency in English with excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Italian and Arabic are an asset
  • Problem solver, dynamic, mature
  • Confidently able to deal with authorities and donors
  • Pro-active approach to work
  • Able to work independently as well as being a strong team player
  • Flexibility, capacity of managing stress, good diplomatic skills
  • Ability to integrate and work well within multiethnic and multicultural teams


INTERSOS is an independent humanitarian organization that assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts and exclusion. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable people.

1. Terms of reference

Job Title: Head of Mission
Code: SR-42-562
Duty Station: Amman with regular presence in the three (3) Field offices in Amman East, Irbid and Karak
Starting date: 01/08/2018
Contract duration: 12 months (renewable)
Reporting to: Regional Director
Supervision of: Senior Management Team members

2. General context of the project

Since 2012, INTERSOS is partnering with several donors, among which UNICEF, DG ECHO, Italian Agency for Cooperation and development (AICS), OCHA (Pool Fund) to assist refugees from Syria, and most vulnerable among Jordanian population.

INTERSOS is focusing its humanitarian response on supporting Syrian families displaced across urban and rural areas, with a program that is articulated in the three (3) main sectors of intervention:

1) Education (Education in Emergency, Psycho-Social Support, Community Mobilization, Child protection);

2) Basic Needs-BNs Assistance (cash, seasonal distributions, emergency distributions);

3) WASH.

Protection mainstreaming applies as cross-cutting approach within the program.

The program is implemented in six (6) Governorates, through a coordination office in Amman, and three (3) field offices in Amman East, Irbid and Karak.

3. General purpose of the position

Legally and officially represents INTERSOS in the country of assignment – granted with powers conferred by proxy by the Secretary General upon appointment to the post – and acts under the supervision of the Regional Director and in accordance with its specific directions.

4. Main responsibilities and tasks

The HoM manages and coordinates the operations and human resources in the country and is responsible to:

Communication and representation

  • Establish and maintain collaborative relations with Local Authorities and Institutions, Donors, International Agencies, NGOs and other stakeholders
  • Follow up, guarantee and monitor government recognition procedures for the organization in compliance with the host country formalities
  • To monitor donor’s priorities and intervention strategies in the country as well as to map and approach new donors

Planning and implementation

  • Define country priorities based on context and needs analyses; monitor donor intervention strategies in the country; design, promote and elaborate new interventions
  • Assess, promote and submit new projects, following the procedures defined and promoting a spirit of participation among beneficiaries at all management stages, ensuring the transparency of the intervention
  • Supervise, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the country operations - and all related administrative, financial, human resources, logistics and security aspects - ensuring timely and quality assistance delivery, as well as cost efficiency and accountability, in compliance with INTERSOS and donors guidelines, regulations and procedures

Information and Reporting

  • Continuously assess, analyze and evaluate the impact of the country operations, also through periodic visits to the areas of intervention


  • Define the mission financial plan, ensuring self-sufficiency and consistency of expenses, and assume responsibility for the mission funds management, including bank accounts

Human Resources

  • Coordinate, guide and supervise the mission staff, and evaluate their performance
  • To ensure the respect for the values, Code of Ethics and Organization Management and Control Model of INTERSOS within the mission
  • Ensure personnel compliance with procedures foreseen by INTERSOS’ Organization Management and Control Model
  • Proactively participate in relevant coordination meetings


  • Validation of all the mission security plans (Capital and projects)
  • Interaction on the Country security issues with HQ (Security Referent) and relevant actors
  • To hold final responsibility for any decision concerning security



For further information and to apply, follow the link below:

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS' platform, you can also apply by sending your CV, motivation letter and 2 references via email to , with subject line: "SR-42-562 Head of mission - Jordan"

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.
