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Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Amman /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 10/07/2016
Date limite : 29/07/2016


-Academic background on public health, social work, rehabilitation, PSS is expected

-At least 7 years of professional experience, including 2 in humanitarian context, preferably in emergency

-Previous experience as a project manager is mandatory 

-Previous experience in the field of inclusion or accessibility is a strong asset

-Strong knowledge of Handicap International mandate is expected

-Proven managerial experience

-Strong training skills 

-Strong organisational skills

-Experience in the Middle East would be an asset

-Strong interpersonal and intercultural skills

-English mandatory (oral and written), French and Arabic would be an asset

To apply please follow this link:




Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity.


Handicap International is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside disabled and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.


For further information about the association:


Present in more than 55 countries, Handicap International is composed of 2 operational directions:

- The Direction of Humanitarian Action

- The Direction of Development Action




The unrest in Syria began in 2011 when, following the revolution in Tunisia and Egypt, a large national popular movement pushed the Syrian people to demonstrate in the street to request more freedom and dignity. Given the scale of the repression and the lack of any political improvement, the country fall gradually into a civil war characterized by the systematic and extensive use of explosive weapons in populated areas. As the conflict intensified and more and more actors (local, regional and international) were involved, the original democratic aspirations of the uprising gradually disappeared in favor of a sectarian reading of the fighting. Islamist and Jihadists groups made the most of the chaos to take progressively the lead over opposition armed groups all the more the international community remained unable to find a political solution to the conflict. In almost four years of war, the Syrian crisis has deeply impacted the security and political stability of its neighboring countries. 6.7 million People were displaced inside Syria and more than 3.2 million fled the country with around 640,000 in Jordan (up to April 2016). 


The political and security situation in Jordan is, since July 2014, driven by the threat of the Islamic State. Local authorities have been since September 2014 reluctant to allow a high number of people to come into the country. Nevertheless, even if the humanitarian space is reducing, the needs remain high. As many actors are present at camp level (Zaatari and Azraq camps) and as around 84% of Syrians are leaving outside camps, gaps still need to be covered mainly in the host community. 


During the last months, Government of Jordan finally allowed thousands of refugees to enter the country and to be hosted in Azraq camp, meaning an important increase in refugees’ influx in difficult situation. Primary needs of refugees remain linked to livelihood, health and food but beyond these, refugees are facing a lot of issues related to protection. A situation worsened by negative coping mechanisms as many Syrian refugees have now been displaced for over three years.




The Inclusion Manager is part of the HI Technical Resources Unit in Jordan, under the line management of the Technical Coordinator who is responsible for guaranteeing the technical and quality framework of the HI’s emergency response in Jordan. The Technical Resources Unit role is to ensure technical coherence and efficiency in the support provided to HI teams and external actors.


Based in Amman, under the direct responsibility of the Technical Unit Coordinator and with the support of the Relevant Technical Advisors, you will be responsible for:

-representing the organisation in humanitarian fora and towards external actors

-implementing HI Inclusion Program at Jordan level

-monitoring project processes and effects versus its objectives and collect evidence

-recruiting, training and managing the team under your responsibility

-reporting on the above activities as per requested by your line manager




1/Representation (20%)


2/Program Implementation (30%)

You implement the Inclusion Project which is articulated around five pillars:

*Analysis of barriers






3/Impact Monitoring & Evidence(20%)


4/Team Management (20%)


5/Reporting (10%)


-Status: salaried status according to experience (from 2100 euros gross + perdiem)

-Advantages: social cover, repatriation insurance, housing, transport, R&R

-Start: 15/08/2016

-Duration: 6 months (renewable upon funding)

-Living conditions: guesthouse shared with other expatriates (no charges)

-Working conditions: excellent

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Amman /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 10/07/2016
Date limite : 29/07/2016


-Academic background on public health, social work, rehabilitation, PSS is expected

-At least 7 years of professional experience, including 2 in humanitarian context, preferably in emergency

-Previous experience as a project manager is mandatory 

-Previous experience in the field of inclusion or accessibility is a strong asset

-Strong knowledge of Handicap International mandate is expected

-Proven managerial experience

-Strong training skills 

-Strong organisational skills

-Experience in the Middle East would be an asset

-Strong interpersonal and intercultural skills

-English mandatory (oral and written), French and Arabic would be an asset

To apply please follow this link:




Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity.


Handicap International is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside disabled and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.


For further information about the association:


Present in more than 55 countries, Handicap International is composed of 2 operational directions:

- The Direction of Humanitarian Action

- The Direction of Development Action




The unrest in Syria began in 2011 when, following the revolution in Tunisia and Egypt, a large national popular movement pushed the Syrian people to demonstrate in the street to request more freedom and dignity. Given the scale of the repression and the lack of any political improvement, the country fall gradually into a civil war characterized by the systematic and extensive use of explosive weapons in populated areas. As the conflict intensified and more and more actors (local, regional and international) were involved, the original democratic aspirations of the uprising gradually disappeared in favor of a sectarian reading of the fighting. Islamist and Jihadists groups made the most of the chaos to take progressively the lead over opposition armed groups all the more the international community remained unable to find a political solution to the conflict. In almost four years of war, the Syrian crisis has deeply impacted the security and political stability of its neighboring countries. 6.7 million People were displaced inside Syria and more than 3.2 million fled the country with around 640,000 in Jordan (up to April 2016). 


The political and security situation in Jordan is, since July 2014, driven by the threat of the Islamic State. Local authorities have been since September 2014 reluctant to allow a high number of people to come into the country. Nevertheless, even if the humanitarian space is reducing, the needs remain high. As many actors are present at camp level (Zaatari and Azraq camps) and as around 84% of Syrians are leaving outside camps, gaps still need to be covered mainly in the host community. 


During the last months, Government of Jordan finally allowed thousands of refugees to enter the country and to be hosted in Azraq camp, meaning an important increase in refugees’ influx in difficult situation. Primary needs of refugees remain linked to livelihood, health and food but beyond these, refugees are facing a lot of issues related to protection. A situation worsened by negative coping mechanisms as many Syrian refugees have now been displaced for over three years.




The Inclusion Manager is part of the HI Technical Resources Unit in Jordan, under the line management of the Technical Coordinator who is responsible for guaranteeing the technical and quality framework of the HI’s emergency response in Jordan. The Technical Resources Unit role is to ensure technical coherence and efficiency in the support provided to HI teams and external actors.


Based in Amman, under the direct responsibility of the Technical Unit Coordinator and with the support of the Relevant Technical Advisors, you will be responsible for:

-representing the organisation in humanitarian fora and towards external actors

-implementing HI Inclusion Program at Jordan level

-monitoring project processes and effects versus its objectives and collect evidence

-recruiting, training and managing the team under your responsibility

-reporting on the above activities as per requested by your line manager




1/Representation (20%)


2/Program Implementation (30%)

You implement the Inclusion Project which is articulated around five pillars:

*Analysis of barriers






3/Impact Monitoring & Evidence(20%)


4/Team Management (20%)


5/Reporting (10%)


-Status: salaried status according to experience (from 2100 euros gross + perdiem)

-Advantages: social cover, repatriation insurance, housing, transport, R&R

-Start: 15/08/2016

-Duration: 6 months (renewable upon funding)

-Living conditions: guesthouse shared with other expatriates (no charges)

-Working conditions: excellent

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Monde /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 19/06/2016
Date limite : 23/06/2016


Formation :
  • Formation universitaire supérieure (gestion, finance, RH, etc.)
Compétences requises et Expériences :
  • Expérience d’au moins trois ans en tant que coordinateur administratif sur des missions humanitaires d’urgence ;
  • Expérience confirmée en management d’équipe et représentation ;
  • Capacité de conceptualisation et formalisation d’outils, méthodes et procédures ;
  • Bonnes connaissances des bailleurs de fonds d’urgence.
Langue et informatique :
  • Excellente maîtrise du Français et de l’Anglais (oral et écrit) ; l’arabe est un plus ;
  • Maîtrise des outils informatiques (Excel & logiciels comptables).
Qualités personnelles :
  • Capacité à fournir une importante charge de travail sous constante pression ; 
  • Excellente réactivité et flexibilité en toutes circonstances ; 
  • Sens des priorités, grande capacité d’organisation et d’autonomie ; 
  • Capable de vivre en communauté et en accepter les contraintes ;
  • Bonne condition physique ;
  • Sens de l’humour prononcé.
Conditions spécifiques au contrat voltigeur :
  • Mobilité totale nécessaire, selon les dispositions légales et les conditions aménagées par l’Association
  • Poste basé à Lyon mais possibilité d'avoir sa résidence ailleurs en France et de travailler en télé-travail (hors temps de missions et réunion d'équipe voltige au siège)
  • Conditions de travail particulières dans des contextes culturels et politiques variés
  • Situations de stress inhérentes à l’urgence



Handicap International est constitué de 2 directions opérationnelles :

  • la Direction d’Action du Développement (DAD)
  • la Direction de l’Action Humanitaire (DAH) qui regroupe les opérations de réponse à l’urgence et d’action de lutte contre les mines. 

La DAH met en œuvre actuellement des programmes dans plusieurs pays: RDC, Mali, Philippines, Népal, Ukraine, RCA et Yémen, Irak, Liban, Jordanie, Syrie, Turquie, Tchad, Lybie et Cambodge. Elle compte actuellement environ 150 expatriés et une équipe siège constituée d’une soixantaine de personnes.

Concernant son mandat de réponse à l’urgence, la DAH a pour but de :

  • Fournir une réponse adéquate lors des catastrophes naturelles et des situations de conflit, partout dans le monde, et ce, autant que possible dès les premières 72 heures suivant le déclenchement de la crise ; 
  • Apporter une assistance aux populations déplacées, réfugiées et sinistrées en raison des conflits ou des catastrophes, et en leur sein aux personnes blessées et handicapées ; 
  • Assurer une veille permanente des crises chroniques et/ou conflits pour garantir une réponse rapide aux éventuels besoins d’urgence qui pourraient survenir. 
  • Lutter contre les mines antipersonnel et les bombes à sous-munitions (BASM), travail sur la réduction des risques et la prévention des accidents que génèrent les armes conventionnelles

C’est pour mieux atteindre cet objectif qu’une équipe de voltigeurs a été créée au sein de la DAH composée de 7 personnes :

  • un chef de mission ;
  • un coordinateur administratif ;
  • un coordinateur logistique ;
  • un coordinateur terrain/des opérations ;
  • deux chefs de projet « besoins spécifiques » spécialisé dans la couverture des besoins spécifiques des personnes vulnérables;
  • un chef de projet « besoins de base » spécialisé dans la couverture des besoins essentiels de ces mêmes bénéficiaires - la vulnérabilité étant, dans ce contexte,  une notion élargie qui pourrait couvrir l’ensemble des personnes affectées par un phénomène.

Dans les situations d’urgence, l’Organisation s’engage à répondre à ces problématiques :

  • Moyens d’existence d’urgence : distribution de kits d’articles ménagers essentiels (NFI) et/ou programmes de transferts monétaires
  • Gestion et distribution de l’aide humanitaire (plateforme logistique): transport, stockage, post-acheminement de matériels de première nécessité ou de vivres ;
  • Gestion de camps 
  • Eau, Hygiène et assainissement 
  • Habitat et Construction communautaire : Abris d’urgence, construction/réhabilitation d’abris temporaires individuels et d’infrastructures communautaires accessibles ;
  • Réadaptation physique et fonctionnelle (rééducation, fourniture d’aides techniques, appareillage (orthèses et prothèses)…)
  • Soutien psychosocial 
  • Inclusion et accessibilité (plaidoyer et actions directes) pour une meilleure prise en charge des personnes exclues des services, et en particulier des personnes handicapées/personnes blessées, dans l’assistance humanitaire.
Les membres de l’équipe de voltigeurs sont amenés à travailler :
  1. sur le terrain dans le cadre de l’ouverture de programmes; 
  2. sur le terrain en support à des missions préétablies; 
  3. au siège entre deux missions sur des tâches de capitalisation, de création/modification d’outils et de support aux référents techniques sur la base de termes de référence.
Sous la responsabilité du Chef de mission voltigeur et en lien avec le responsable financement et les contrôleurs de gestion du siège, le coordinateur administratif voltigeur sera en charge de : 
  • Mettre en place le cadre administratif et financier en ouverture de mission, et ce conformément aux procédures de l’Organisation et aux recommandations délivrées par le siège; 
  • Apporter un soutien administratif et financier en ouverture de mission, lorsque nécessaire et de manière générale être en capacité de prendre différentes tâches et responsabilités à la demande du chef de mission qui ne serait pas forcément dépendant du rôle d’un administrateur;
  • Assurer des missions d’appui (formation, accompagnement, support, recrutement, audit interne, passation) auprès des missions qui le nécessitent, et assurer sur des courtes périodes des intérims de poste selon des termes de références établis; 
  • Effectuer un travail de capitalisation et de mise à jour systématique des outils et des procédures Administratives et Financières de l’Organisation.
  •  Statut : CDD expatrié de 1 an renouvelable
  •  Date de prise de poste: Juin 2016
  •  Durée: 1 an
  •  Salaire : 
  • A partir de 2200 euros bruts par mois selon expérience + Indemnité d’expatriation de 457 euros nets par mois + Prime de forte mobilité éventuelle
  • Congés payés classiques + Jours de récupération 
  •  Possibilité "télétravail" chez soi entre les missions, logement pris en charge lors des présences à Lyon
  •  Couverture santé (CFE + mutuelle) + assurance rapatriement International SOS. 
Pour postuler veuillez suivre le lien ci-dessous :

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : SYRIA BASED IN AMMAN /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 13/06/2016
Date limite : 24/06/2016


•University degree in information management or related field.

•A minimum of Five (5) years of progressively responsible experience in the field of information management, M&E, assessment system for a humanitarian agency 

•Extensive experience of implementing information management & M&E systems for end users, and the technical knowledge in the development of such systems

•Knowledge and expertise in GIS a plus 

•Strong analytical skills and ability to handle complex issues.

•Well organized and ability to plan work accordingly.

•Fluency in English, Arabic a plus

•Demonstrated ability to work in a multicultural environment and establish harmonious and effective working relationships, both within and outside the organization.

•Prior experience in Middle East would be an asset.



Handicap International is an independent and impartial international aid organization working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups, our action and testimony are focused on responding to their essential needs, improving their living conditions and promoting respect for their dignity and their fundamental rights.

Handicap International is a not-for-profit organization with no religious or political affiliation. It operates as a federation made up of a network of associations that provide it with human and financial resources, manage its projects and implement its actions and social mission.

For more details on the association:   

Handicap International is composed of 2 operational divisions:

Humanitarian Action Division (DAH) 

Development Action Division (DAD)

The expatriate will be recruited under the supervision of DAH for this mission. 

Under the supervision of the Head of Mission, the Assessment, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Coordinator (AM&EL) will be responsible for setting up and managing an assessment, Monitoring and evaluation & learning unit within the mission. 

While the position will be located in Amman, it will require regular contacts & likely movements within the HI response missions.


Within the mission, you will be in charge:

Responsibility 1: Lead the AM&EL unit: set up the unit in accordance with organisation and donors standards and regulations

• Strengthen AM&EL management systems (Database, reporting tools etc.) to help collect and analyse data on the humanitarian context & needs (this involves collection & analysis of primary & secondary data from a large range of stakeholders: HI, partners, media, social media, UN & international organization).

• Design or upgrade monitoring systems and tools

• Coordinate with HI coordinators and partners to put in place assessment, monitoring and reporting workflows

• Help develop and provide quality assurance of data collection systems with staff and partners. 

• Oversees AM&EL tools administration including technical updating of database.

• Support Project teams to optimize project implementation;

• Coordinate internal and external project assessment, monitoring mission or project evaluation;

Responsibility 2: Ensure AM&E management products

• Produce information management products, including assessments reports, analytical reports, and maps. 

• Lead internal assessments (design, implementation, reporting) and represent HI in humanitarian actors joint assessments. 

• Oversees GIS activities: production of maps and quality assurance of other staff producing maps.

• Production of internal, donor and external reporting.

Responsibility 3: Guarantee that Learning and Institutional Knowledge Building is disseminated within HI network  & externally

• Ensure lesson learning processes are included in the project management.

• Provide technical support to mission staff involved into lesson learning component.

• Ensure that innovative experience, lesson learning are shared within HI network and promoted in external reporting. 

Responsibility 4: Human resources:  managing the IM&E team and technical support 

• Supervising and leading IM&E team, setting objectives and assessing direct reports;

• Provide training and technical support to the team and partners 

• Support the overseeing of the team's career development: defining training needs and providing guidance on professional development, in relation with Programme Coordinator, Support Services Coordinator and Head of Mission  

Responsibility 5: Representation / coordination: represent HI and promote AM&EL unit 

• Promoting the organisation's mandate and positioning with his/her partners;

• Ensure coordination with other information management stakeholders (e.g. INGO, ACAPS, UN agencies, particularly UNMAS and OCHA) to ensure complementarities and where necessary data interoperability with other relevant systems.

• Upon request of HoM, represent HI in coordination forum related to Assessment & information management.

• Ensure coordination with existing data collection & M&E systems used by HI within the region and HQ. 

• Participate to organisation of internal and external events

• Participate and support HQ/regional support mission


• Position based in Amman with regular visites to other HI missions in the regional area (50%) 

• Living conditions: guesthouse shared with other expatriates (no charges)

• Security conditions: mid-level

• Status: Salaried contract. Salary according to the position and experience of the candidate + 457€/month of expatriate indemnity + cost of living index according to the living base
• Starting date: asap
• Length of the assignment : 5 months, renewable
• Insurance package: Ilness insurance, retirement pension, repatriation 


To apply please follow this link:

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : FRANCE and COUNTRIES OF OPERATION /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 25/08/2016
Date limite : 29/09/2016


At least 2 years’ experience as a Head of Mission or similar

Sound  knowledge and experience of project management, ideally in Handicap International’s sectors of intervention 

Ability to anticipate and adapt very rapidly in emergency situations

Essential experience of managing international teams 

Experience of remote working

Ability to design and produce tools and procedures

Reporting skills

Representational skills (authorities and institutional funding agencies)

You also have sound knowledge of:

humanitarian intervention analysis

emergency funding agencies

French and English 

Windows operating system

You have the following personal qualities: 

a sense of responsibility and the ability to take initiatives while respecting operating procedures

excellent inter-personal  and negotiating skills

a highly-developed reaction capacity and flexibility in all circumstances

the ability to work totally independently  and in a highly-organised manner

a sense of humour



Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, and where everyone can live in dignity.

Handicap International is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside disabled and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

For more information on our organisation:

Handicap International works in over 55 countries and has two operations divisions:

- Humanitarian Action Division 

- Development Division


We are seeking a replacement for our current Head of Mission – Rapid Response Team.

In order to maintain the highest possible reaction capacity, Humanitarian Action Division has set up a rapid response team. As Head of Mission – Rapid Response Team, you will report to the Division director and manage the rapid response team which is made up of 6 people:

an administrator

a logistics officer

a field coordinator

two project managers specialised in coverage of the “specific needs” (physical and functional rehabilitation; psycho-social support) of vulnerable populations

a project manager in charge of “basic needs” (shelters, emergency aid distribution, WASH, etc.). 


Your main objective will be to open new missions in the field on behalf of Humanitarian Action Division. You will therefore:

conduct exploratory missions and produce diagnoses confirming the population's needs

help draft project proposals for submission to institutional funding agencies

open missions under the responsibility of the emergency desk officers and taking all the components of Handicap International’s emergency response mandate into account 

help introduce and develop diagnosis aids and tools for opening emergency projects 


help implement the quality approach on projects



Around 70% of working time spent in the field; periods between missions spent at head office in Lyon 

Shared field accommodation paid for by Handicap International

Expatriation allowance of 457€ net per month

Health cover (CFE + complementary health insurance ) + repatriation insurance with SOS International

Standard paid leave + time in lieu for weekends spent in the field.

Total mobility required, in accordance with legal provisions and conditions put in place by Handicap International

Situations of stress inherent in emergencies



Starting : asap

Status: 12-month renewable fixed-term expatriate contract 

Salary: starting at €2,500 gross per month, according to experience



To apply please follow this link:

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Amman /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Santé
Date de publication : 19/05/2016
Date limite : 14/07/2016


  • At least 5 years of professional experience as a Prosthetics and Orthotics Technician, International Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) Category II or I;, 
  • At least 2 years of professional experience in humanitarian context;
  • Previous experience with Handicap International at field level would be an asset;
  • Strong communication and reporting skills;
  • Strong organisational skills;
  • Experience in the Middle East would be a strong asset;
  • Strong interpersonal and intercultural skills;
  • Ability to work under high pressure; 
  • Flexibility to travel frequently;
  • English mandatory (oral and written), Arabic a strong asset, French an asset.



Handicap International (HI) is an independent and impartial international aid organization working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups, HI’s  actions  are focused on responding to their essential needs, improving their living conditions and promoting respect for their dignity and realization of their fundamental rights.

Handicap International is a not-for-profit organization with no religious or political affiliation. It operates as a federation made up of a network of associations that provide it with human and financial resources, manage its projects and implement its actions and social mission.

For more details on the association:


The Syrian crisis is the greatest humanitarian crisis of the last 20 years. According to the latest UN figures, about 13.5 million people are currently affected by the crisis in Syria, including about 6.5 million IDPs, while over 4 million Syrians have sought refuge in neighbouring countries or in Europe. The current humanitarian response only provides a patchy and partial coverage of the growing humanitarian needs. Five years after the beginning of the crisis, the number of injured persons in Syria keeps rising, with a severe lack of health and rehabilitation care and psychosocial support. In hard-to-reach areas and/or areas of new displacement, local populations and IDPs are in need of emergency assistance in terms of food, household essential items, and other basic needs. The inclusion of the most vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, in the humanitarian response remains a major concern.


HI is managing a remote humanitarian program from three hubs in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, along four main pillars:

1. Support to health partners (hospitals, rehabilitation centers, local NGOs) for the provision of comprehensive rehabilitation services (physical and functional rehabilitation, psychosocial support and/or prosthetics and orthotics) through training, technical supervisions and donations of assistive devices and/or equipment;

2. Provision of basic needs kits – food baskets, household essential items and hygiene kits – in one-shot distributions to people who experience a sudden degradation of their living conditions due to renewed conflict, displacement and/or exclusion from humanitarian assistance.

3. Education to the risks and effects caused by conventional weapons and urgent marking of hazardous areas;

4. Training and technical support to other humanitarian actors on the inclusion of persons with disabilities and other vulnerable persons in the humanitarian response.

The actual intervention is based on a mix of remote management of national teams and remote partnerships with local structures and organisations. HI has implemented some direct management programs in the past and is looking for ways to launch more in the coming months.




Guide rehabilitation staff members, P&O’s in particular, to  respect HI’s physical and functional rehabilitation technical guidelines, quality and evidence;

Implement, incrementally, HI’s Physical and Functional Rehabilitation Policy Paper principles, benchmarks, and modalities;  

Ensure appropriateness, quality, and quantity of output of all  rehabilitation  staff members, P&O’s in particular, in collaboration with operations; 

Liaise with Headquarters Technical Referents (HQ TRs) on physical and functional rehabilitation as needed; 

Oversee the design and review, integration, and use of technical tools, training materials, leaflets and other relevant documents in collaboration with the corresponding HI team members and HQ TRs; 

Warrant that rehabilitation technical support  is provided to operational teams according to needs identified and within the mission’s framework;

Define training priorities and needs with staff and partners in close collaboration with the related staff members, coordinate trainings with other staff members as appropriate and contribute to overall training strategies;  


Consult staff members, analyse program data, activities, and outputs, and use program level technical expertise to contribute to strategic planning and decision-making processes, as requested;

Lead the implementation of the physical and functional rehabilitation  technical component of the strategy by overseeing implementation of related strategies, plans, and activities from perspective of adherence to technical standards of quality;

Participate in identification of partnership opportunities with health-related Syrian, local and international organizations (INGOs, UN…) in collaboration with the Technical Coordinator; 

Participate in proposal design and follow-up to ensure that the physical and functional rehabilitation  technical components, P&O specifically, are relevant, effective/impactful, efficient, and sustainable; 


Facilitate the harmonisation of physical and functional rehabilitation, P&O specifically, competencies, materials, tools, approaches, etc.  throughout the mission; 

Establish criteria for quality of materials, collect all materials, compare materials to criteria, prioritize materials in terms of immediate and long-term needs of the mission and ensure their capitalisation. 


Respect the human resources, logistical and/or administrative procedures; 

Collaborate and coordinate  with other technical, operational and support domains as needed; 

Determine and review P&O-related technical support needs and coordinate with staff members as to provide effective support to project teams in each hub;


Contribute to the monthly situation report (SITREP)



  • Living conditions: guesthouse shared with other expatriates (no charges). Possibility of individual accommodation with costs shared between HI and staff .
  • Travel: this is a highly mobile position. Employee should  expect to spend at least 50% of their working time outside of Jordan, with trips to Beirut (Lebanon), Gaziantep and Antakya (Turkey), and other relevant locations in the Middle East. There will probably be punctual visits to northern Iraq and some accessible parts of Syria.
  • Security conditions: low level of insecurity in Jordan. Low to medium level of insecurity in Lebanon, Turkey, and northern Iraq. Medium to high level of insecurity in Syria.
  • Status: salaried contract according to experience
  • Remuneration: according to HI salary grid 
  • Start: June 2016 
  • Duration: 9 to 12 months, with possible renewal 
  • Social insurance: 100% covered
To apply please follow this link:

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Amman /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Santé
Date de publication : 07/07/2016
Date limite : 28/07/2016


PROFIL ATTENDU :  At least 5 years of professional experience as a physiotherapist;,  At least 2 years of professional experience in humanitarian context;  Previous experience with Handicap International at field level would be an asset;  Strong communication and reporting skills;  Strong organisational skills;  Experience in the Middle East would be a strong asset;  Strong interpersonal and intercultural skills;  Ability to work under high pressure;  Flexibility to travel frequently;  English mandatory (oral and written), Arabic a strong asset, French an asset.


Handicap International (HI) is an independent and impartial international aid organization working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups, HI’s actions are focused on responding to their essential needs, improving their living conditions and promoting respect for their dignity and realization of their fundamental rights. Handicap International is a not-for-profit organization with no religious or political affiliation. It operates as a federation made up of a network of associations that provide it with human and financial resources, manage its projects and implement its actions and social mission. For more details on the association: The Syrian crisis is the greatest humanitarian crisis of the last 20 years. According to the latest UN figures, about 13.5 million people are currently affected by the crisis in Syria, including about 6.5 million IDPs, while over 4 million Syrians have sought refuge in neighbouring countries or in Europe. The current humanitarian response only provides a patchy and partial coverage of the growing humanitarian needs. Five years after the beginning of the crisis, the number of injured persons in Syria keeps rising, with a severe lack of health and rehabilitation care and psychosocial support. In hard-to-reach areas and/or areas of new displacement, local populations and IDPs are in need of emergency assistance in terms of food, household essential items, and other basic needs. The inclusion of the most vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, in the humanitarian response remains a major concern. HI is managing a remote humanitarian program from three hubs in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, along four main pillars: 1. Support to health partners (hospitals, rehabilitation centers, local NGOs) for the provision of comprehensive rehabilitation services (physical and functional rehabilitation, psychosocial support and/or prosthetics and orthotics) through training, technical supervisions and donations of assistive devices and/or equipment; 2. Provision of basic needs kits – food baskets, household essential items and hygiene kits – in one-shot distributions to people who experience a sudden degradation of their living conditions due to renewed conflict, displacement and/or exclusion from humanitarian assistance. 3. Education to the risks and effects caused by conventional weapons and urgent marking of hazardous areas; 4. Training and technical support to other humanitarian actors on the inclusion of persons with disabilities and other vulnerable persons in the humanitarian response. The actual intervention is based on a mix of remote management of national teams and remote partnerships with local structures and organisations. HI has implemented some direct management programs in the past and is looking for ways to launch more in the coming months. DESCRIPTION DE POSTE : 1. PROGRAM LEVEL TECHNICAL SUPPORT • Guide rehabilitation staff members, including the Rehabilitation TA, to respect HI’s physical and functional rehabilitation technical guidelines, quality and evidence • Implement, incrementally, HI’s Physical and Functional Rehabilitation Policy Paper principles, benchmarks, and modalities in close collaboration with the Rehabilitation TAs • Ensure appropriateness, quality, and quantity of output of all rehabilitation staff members in collaboration with operations through the support of the Rehabilitation TA when available • Oversee the design and review, integration, and use of technical tools, training materials, leaflets and other relevant documents • Define training priorities and need with staff and partners in close collaboration with the Rehabilitation TA , coordinate trainings with other staff members and contribute to overall training strategies, support the Rehabilitation TA in the implementation of these training • Ensure that technical support is provided to logistics, human resources, finance and management as needed such as contributing to technical recruitments, designing technical job descriptions, staff induction, giving input on purchases of rehabilitation equipment and assistive devices, etc. 2. STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION • Consult staff members, analyse program data, activities, and outputs, and use program level technical expertise to contribute to strategic planning and decision-making processes, as requested • Lead the implementation of the physical and functional rehabilitation technical component of the strategy by overseeing implementation of related strategies, plans, and activities • Participate in identification of partnership opportunities with health-related Syrian, local and international organizations • Participate in proposal design and donor follow-up • Propose relevant needed adaptation to the composition of the physical and functional rehabilitation teams and contribute to its implementation upon request 3. BUILD COMMUNICATION AND COHERENCE AMONG THE SYRIA MISSION’S THREE HUBS • Facilitate the harmonisation of physical and functional rehabilitation competencies, materials, tools, approaches, etc. throughout the mission • Establish criteria for quality of materials, collect all materials, compare materials to criteria, prioritize materials in terms of immediate and long-term needs of the mission and ensure their capitalisation 4. COORDINATION AND REPRESENTATION • Respect the human resources, logistical and/or administrative procedures • Collaborate and coordinate with other technical, operational and support domains as needed • Determine and review rehabilitation-related technical support needs and coordinate with staff members as to provide effective support to project teams 5. REPORTING • Provide input in all rehabilitation -related mission reporting needs SPECIFICITES/PARTICULARITES DU POSTE : Based in Amman and under the responsibility of the Technical Coordinator, the Senior Rehabilitation Technical Advisor (SR TA) is responsible for providing technical support to the mission’s rehabilitation staff and rehabilitation TA and other staff members as needed, guaranteeing the technical quality and ensuring coherence of the physical and functional rehabilitation activities. CONDITIONS :  Status: salaried contract according to experience  Remuneration: according to HI salary grid  Start: July 2016  Duration: 9 to 12 months, with possible renewal  Living conditions: guesthouse shared with other expatriates (no charges). Possibility of individual accommodation with costs shared between HI and staff .  Travel: this is a highly mobile position. Employee should expect to spend at least 50% of their working time outside of Jordan, with trips to Beirut (Lebanon), Gaziantep an

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : AMMAN /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 01/09/2016
Date limite : 14/09/2016



Education and experience:

- Minimum 5 years in the humanitarian field with at least one experience as head of mission in an INGO, and 3 years in an advocacy or positioning senior position

- Experience of emergency and post-emergency contexts Professional skills:

- Extensive knowledge of emergency donors, including ECHO, DFID and UN.

- Experience in advisory/counselling/consulting positions

- Proper knowledge of the Near East context an asset

- Excellent analysis and writing skills.



- English perfect fluency mandatory, French and Arabic an asset.


Personal skills:

- Able to cope with a huge workload

- Curiosity

- Proactivity and flexibility

- Diplomacy and interpersonal skills

- Confident and incisive

- Sense of humor



Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity. Handicap International is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside disabled and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. Present in more than 55 countries, Handicap International is composed of 2 operational directions: - The Direction of Humanitarian Action - The Direction of Development Action The Syrian crisis is the greatest humanitarian crisis of the last 20 years. According to the latest UN figures, about 13.5 million people are currently affected by the crisis in Syria, including about 6.5 million IDPs, while over 4 million Syrians have sought refuge in neighbouring countries or in Europe. The current humanitarian response only provides a patchy and partial coverage of the growing humanitarian needs. Five years after the beginning of the crisis, the number of injured persons in Syria keeps rising, with a severe lack of rehabilitative care and psychosocial support. In hard-to-reach areas and/or areas of new displacement, local populations and IDPs are in need of emergency assistance in terms of food, household essential items, and other basic needs. The inclusion of the most vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, in the humanitarian response remains a major concern. HI is managing a remote humanitarian program from three hubs in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, along four main pillars:

1. Support to health partners (hospitals, care houses, rehabilitation centers, local NGOs) for the provision of comprehensive rehabilitation services (physical rehabilitation, psychosocial support and/or prosthetics and orthotics) through training, technical supervisions and donations of rehabilitation material and/or equipment;

2. Provision of basic needs kits – Food baskets, Household Essential Items and Hygiene kits – in one-shot distributions to people who experience a sudden degradation of their living conditions due to renewed conflict, displacement and/or exclusion from humanitarian assistance.

3. Education to the risks and effects caused by conventional weapons (including mines, Explosive Remnants of War and Small Arms Light Weapons) and urgent marking of hazardous areas;

4. Training and technical support to other humanitarian actors on the inclusion of persons with disabilities and other vulnerable persons in the humanitarian response. The actual intervention is based on a mix of remote management of national teams and remote partnerships with local structures and organisations. HI has implemented some direct management programs in the past and is looking for ways to launch more in the coming months.


Under the direct responsibility and support of the Desk Officer, you are responsible for:


- Advocacy: contributing to the design, implementation and follow-up of HI advocacy strategy regarding the Syrian crisis and its impacts at national, regional and international levels

- Regional representation/ external coordination: representing Handicap International towards institutional donors, humanitarian community, stakeholders and lobbying initiatives at regional level;

- Positioning: liaise with HI foundation/ strategic positioning department, monitor and advise the missions on their compliance with Handicap International mandate, humanitarian and ethical approach

- Internal coordination: ensuring synergy and coordination between advocacy components, inclusion and external communication - Reporting: ensuring contextual analysis and reporting toward Head Quarters and Country Heads of Mission


Contributing to the design, implementation and follow-up of HI advocacy strategy regarding the Syrian crisis and its impacts at national, regional and international levels

DATA COLLECTION AND EVIDENCE BASED ADVOCACY: Ensuring reliable and up to date data and information are available for advocacy purposes



- Status: according to experience

- Remuneration: according to salary scale

- Start: 05/09/2016 - Duration: 6 months

- Living conditions: guesthouse shared with other expatriates (no charges) - Social insurance: 50% covered APPLICATION :

To apply please follow think link:

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Amman /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 25/08/2016
Date limite : 01/09/2016



  • a higher education degree (Bachelor, Master or PhD) is a strong asset
  • at least 3 years of managerial experience with significant coordination responsibilities
  • experience within one of the mission’s technical domains: physical or occupational therapy, prosthetics and orthotics, psychosocial support, inclusion, mine action and/or basic needs (emergency distributions) 
  • at least 3 years of professional experience in humanitarian context
  • experience in remote management would be an asset
  • previous experience with Handicap International at Headquarters or Field is a strong asset
  • project management skills 


  • strong interpersonal and intercultural skills
  • ability to work in a multicultural environment and in a multidisciplinary teamwork
  • ability to work under high pressure with a great level of personal organisationdemonstrated effective communication, analytical and problem solving skills
  • strong communication and reporting skills
  • strong organisational skills
  • flexibility to travel frequently


  • English mandatory (oral and written),
  • Arabic a strong asset,
  • French an asset.



Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity.

Handicap International is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside disabled and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

For further information about the association:

Present in more than 55 countries, Handicap International is composed of 2 operational directions:

  • The Direction of Humanitarian Action
  • The Direction of Development Action


The Syrian crisis is the greatest humanitarian crisis of the last 20 years. According to the latest UN figures, about 13.5 million people are currently affected by the crisis in Syria, including about 6.5 million IDPs, while over 4 million Syrians have sought refuge in neighbouring countries or in Europe. The current humanitarian response only provides a patchy and partial coverage of the growing humanitarian needs. Five years after the beginning of the crisis, the number of injured persons in Syria keeps rising, with a severe lack of health and rehabilitation care and psychosocial support. In hard-to-reach areas and/or areas of new displacement, local populations and IDPs are in need of emergency assistance in terms of food, household essential items, and other basic needs. The inclusion of the most vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, in the humanitarian response remains a major concern. 

HI is managing a remote humanitarian program from three hubs in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, along four main pillars:

1. Support to health partners (hospitals, care houses, rehabilitation centres, local NGOs) for the provision of comprehensive rehabilitation services (physical and functional rehabilitation, psychosocial support and/or prosthetics and orthotics) through training, technical supervisions and donations of assistive devices and/or equipment

2. Provision of basic needs kits – food baskets, household essential items and hygiene kits – in one-shot distributions to people who experience a sudden degradation of their living conditions due to renewed conflict, displacement and/or exclusion from humanitarian assistance

3. Education to the risks and effects caused by conventional weapons (including mines, explosive remnants of war and small arms light weapons) and urgent marking of hazardous areas

4. Training and technical support to other humanitarian actors on the inclusion of persons with disabilities and other vulnerable persons in the humanitarian response.

The actual intervention is based on a mix of remote management of national teams and remote partnerships with local structures and organisations. 


In general, HI’s Technical Unit functions within the 4 technical domains to:

  • Promote continuous improvement of the quality of programs and activities
  • Build the capacity of HI Staff, HI partners, and other relevant stakeholders within the technical domains of basic needs, physical and functional rehabilitation, psychosocial support, and mine action (knowledge, attitudes, competencies)
  • Provide regular input, based on subject matter expertise and program experience, into HI Syria coordination mechanisms to contribute to technically sound and locally relevant program strategies, program development, and program implementation
  • Develop, adapt, disseminate HI technical resources to benefit as many Syrian individuals and organizations as possible within HI’s purview.


Based in Amman and under the responsibility of the Head of Mission, the Technical Unit Coordinator will be responsible for ensuring that the technical aspects of the mission’s activities are represented and advocated for at the Coordination level and that the technical supports within the mission are well coordinated. In addition, the Technical Unit Coordinator will be responsible for ensuring that each Technical Advisor guarantees the overall technical quality of HI’s activities in its respective mission domains: physical and functional rehabilitation, Mental Health and psychosocial support, Mine action (Risk Education and marking in particular), basic needs related responses, and Inclusion mainstreaming. It will include: 

  • Leading the Technical Unit in the mission, managing and coordinating the work of the different technical domains in order to:
  •  provide an harmonized technical support within the mission
  •  ensure effective technical support is provided to all   operational activities as needed (by ensuring that the level of support provided in each hub responds to the needs of each team)
  •  ensure growing synergy between all the technical sectors of intervention
  • Monitoring and maintaining Technical Unit’s compliance and coherence with HI quality standards, principles, guidelines and technical frameworks and tools,  as well as to potential minimum quality related donor requirements
  • Feed into the  mission strategy by providing appropriate elements on technical stakes
  • Providing support to implement mission strategy on all technical aspects
  • Anticipate and lead the development of the Technical Unit’s strategy
  • Ensuring HI’s proper representation in sector working groups and other forums through appropriate coordination of the technical teams

In terms of work relationships, you will be placed under the Line Management of the Head of Mission. You will receive technical support from HQ Technical Referents, and will be in direct management & coordination of the Senior Technical Advisors (STA), Technical Advisors (TA) and Technical Consultants (minimum 3 to a maximum of 7 people).


This is a highly mobile position. The Technical Unit Coordinator should expect to spend at least 50% of his/her working time outside of Jordan, with trips to Beirut (Lebanon), Gaziantep and Antakya (Turkey), and other relevant locations in the Middle-East. There will probably be punctual visits to Northern Iraq and some accessible parts of Syria.


  • Status: salaried contract according to experience
  • (from 2200 euros gross + 457€/month of expatriate indemnity + Cost of Living Allowance for Amman + insurances)
  • Start: 1st of August 2016 
  • Duration: 12 months with possible renewal 
  • Living conditions: guesthouse shared with other expatriates (no charges). Possibility of individual accommodation with costs shared between HI and staff.
  • Security conditions: low level of insecurity in Jordan. Low to medium level of insecurity in Lebanon, Turkey.
To apply please follow this link:

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Amman with many trips (See Specificities) /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Mission terrain
Date de publication : 17/05/2016
Date limite : 28/05/2016


  • Formal degree in  Psychology (Master degree of Psychology or at least Bachelor degree of Psychology with strong proven knowledge and experience in providing technical support to MHPSS programs in emergency contexts and complementary degree in Sociology / Social Work / Community based approaches)
  • 4 years of Professional experience in the related field: provision of MHPSS services of different levels 
  • Demonstrate good understanding of  psychosocial issues in the country / culture of deployment 
  • Understanding of a comprehensive approach of  vulnerability and disabilities issues and their interactions with psychosocial consequences 
  • Proven experience in providing technical support to field teams, implementing trainings 
  • Experience in NGO in emergency context
  • Experience in remote management would be an asset
  • Good report writing skills
  • Demonstrated effective communication, analytical and problem solving skills
  • Ability to propose workable solutions and identify their implications (positive and negative) adapted to the psychosocial needs of individuals 
  • Strong interpersonal and intercultural skills
  • Ability to work in a multicultural environment and in a multidisciplinary teamwork
  • Ability to work under high pressure with a great level of personal organisation
  • Diplomacy sense
  • Flexibility
  • English mandatory (oral and written),
  • Arabic would be an asset. 



Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity.

Handicap International is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside disabled and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

For further information about the association:

Present in more than 55 countries, Handicap International is composed of 2 operational directions:

 - The Direction of Humanitarian Action

 - The Direction of Development Action


The Syrian crisis is the greatest humanitarian crisis of the last 20 years. According to the latest UN figures, about 13.5 million people are currently affected by the crisis in Syria, including about 6.5 million IDPs, while over 4 million Syrians have sought refuge in neighbouring countries or in Europe. The current humanitarian response only provides a patchy and partial coverage of the growing humanitarian needs. Five years after the beginning of the crisis, the number of injured persons in Syria keeps rising, with a severe lack of health and rehabilitation care and psychosocial support. In hard-to-reach areas and/or areas of new displacement, local populations and IDPs are in need of emergency assistance in terms of food, household essential items, and other basic needs. The inclusion of the most vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, in the humanitarian response remains a major concern. 

HI is managing a remote humanitarian program from three hubs in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, along four main pillars:

1. Support to health partners (hospitals, care houses, rehabilitation centres, local NGOs) for the provision of comprehensive rehabilitation services (physical and functional rehabilitation, psychosocial support and/or prosthetics and orthotics) through training, technical supervisions and donations of assistive devices and/or Equipment

2. Provision of basic needs kits – food baskets, household essential items and hygiene kits – in one-shot distributions to people who experience a sudden degradation of their living conditions due to renewed conflict, displacement and/or exclusion from humanitarian assistance

3. Education to the risks and effects caused by conventional weapons (including mines, explosive remnants of war and small arms light weapons) and urgent marking of hazardous areas

4. Training and technical support to other humanitarian actors on the inclusion of persons with disabilities and other vulnerable persons in the humanitarian response. 

The actual intervention is based on a mix of remote management of national teams and remote partnerships with local structures and organisations.


In general, HI’s Technical Unit functions within the 4 technical domains to:

• Promote continuous improvement of the quality of programs and activities

• Build the capacity of HI Staff, HI partners, and other relevant stakeholders within the technical domains of basic needs, physical and functional rehabilitation, psychosocial support, and mine action (knowledge, attitudes, competencies)

• Provide regular input, based on subject matter expertise and program experience, into HI Syria coordination mechanisms to contribute to technically sound and locally relevant program strategies, program development, and program implementation

• Develop, adapt, disseminate HI technical resources to benefit as many Syrian individuals and organizations as possible within HI’s purview.


Based in Amman and under the responsibility of the Technical Coordinator, the Senior Psychosocial Technical Advisor (SPSS TA) is responsible for providing technical support to the mission’s psychosocial support staff, Psychosocial Support TA’s and other staff members as needed, guaranteeing the technical quality and ensuring coherence of the psychosocial support activities. The SPSS TA will fill the following main roles: 

  • Provide program level technical support in the domain of  Mental Health and psychosocial support 
  • Coordinate the provision of support throughout the three hubs 
  • Contribute to the development and oversee implementation of  psychosocial support - strategies and plans within the three hubs and at Coordination level
  • Build communication and technical coherence among the mission’s psychosocial support staff members, in close collaboration with the Psychosocial Support Technical Advisors (PSS TA). 
This is a highly mobile position. The Senior Psychosocial Support Technical Advisor should expect to spend at least 50% of his/her working time outside of Jordan, with trips to Beirut (Lebanon), Gaziantep and Antakya (Turkey), and other relevant locations in the Middle-East. There will probably be punctual visits to Northern Iraq and some accessible parts of Syria.
  • Status: salaried contract according to experience(from 2050 euros gross + 457€/month of expatriate indemnity + Cost of Living Allowance for Amman)
  • Start: 13th of June, 2016 
  • Duration: 9 to 12 months with possible renewal 
  • Living conditions: guesthouse shared with other expatriates (no charges). Possibility of individual accommodation with costs shared between HI and staff.
  • Security conditions: low level of insecurity in Jordan. Low to medium level of insecurity in Lebanon, Turkey.
To apply please follow this link:
