- Presentation of the mission
Title of the study/research:
Cost of employment for persons with disabilities
Objective of the mission:
Duration of the mission:
9 months (10th of April to 10th of December 2022)
Location of the mission:
- Presentation of the context
2-1- Context
Humanity and Inclusion (HI) is a 40-year-old nonprofit organization operating in more than 60 countries, working in situations of poverty and exclusion. It was the world’s most important mine action charity before focusing on broader issues like poverty, exclusion, conflict, and disaster. It is notably working for the inclusion of people with disability, through strong personalized support aiming at employment (waged-employment and self-employment) ensuring decent work conditions.
According to the International Labour Organization, decent work involves opportunities for work that are productive and deliver a fair income, security in the workplace and social protection for families, better prospects for personal development and social integration, freedom for people to express their concerns, organize and participate in the decisions that affect their lives and equality of opportunity and treatment for all women and men.
Offering such personalized assistance is costly. The organization currently faces difficulty in explaining the cost of its inclusion projects to its donors and demonstrating the added value of their services. It is sometimes forced to reduce costs and thus the quality of inclusion.
HI has built a partnership with the Bocconi University of Milano and benefit of the support of students who are mobilized for specific data collection and literature review.
2-2- Presentation of the project
This research aims to determine the average public spending in a specific country for the “economic inclusion” of a person with disability (PwD). By economic inclusion we understand sustainable economic integration through employment (waged and self-employment).
Thus, the purpose of this study is to identify the average cost per capita, in a specific country, to include a Person with disability into “employment hence achieving economic inclusion. This particularly means assessing the budget spent by different countries in work schemes for persons with disabilities, determining how many people are reached by these government programs, and how successful the inclusion is. The overall objective is to compare the costs incurred by governments in developed countries with those by Humanity and Inclusion in developing countries Ultimately, the goal is to assess the market competitiveness and efficiency of the organization globally and review its cost versus quality strategy. Having this information would provide HI with credibility and bargaining power with respect to its stakeholders and donors.
- Presentation of the research
3-1- Why this research?
Overall, this research project can be broken up in different objectives with different time frames.
In the short term: This research focuses on analyzing a few selected countries and how they proceed in the economic inclusion through employment of PwDs. For this purpose, several key definitions need to be understood for the countries targeted as the audience for the research. First, consider the definition of disability for the country being analyzed and underline the differences it may have with the standard UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Secondly consider what the country understands by “economic inclusion” so that the right scope for each country is set and all considered policies and work schemes are exhaustive. Finally, proceed to data gathering and analysis in order to aggregate all the information and compute an average cost of economic inclusion per person with disability for each targeted country.
In the medium term: After having computed the averages costs of inclusion in each targeted country, the research will focus on computing the average cost of economic inclusion for PwDs incurred by HI. By using similar methods and variables used to compute this average cost of inclusion in specific countries, the comparison between the cost incurred by HI and the targeted countries will be more relevant, thus allowing the research to focus on the qualitative differences of economic inclusion between the countries and the organization.
In the long run: (2023 and beyond) As the countries are being analyzed and the costs added up, an ideal socio economic model will d be developed. for HI in each country of intervention This model will be tested in order to demonstrate its added value and effectiveness compare to other models with less personalized support.
3-2- Research objectives
- Overall objectives of the research
The objective is to develop and test a methodology to measure the cost of economic inclusion of PwDs in high, low and middle income countries, through public policies and programs and HI projects. The methodology shall produce reliable and comparable information through countries and contexts.
1/ Provide a literature review on existing approaches and evidence on the cost of inclusion
2/ Based on existing knowledge and the consultant expertise, develop a methodology to calculate the cost of economic inclusion to be able to compare situation in different countries
3/ Apply & test the defined methodology in four countries of the OECD for PwDs and a selection of relevant HI projects in economic inclusion.
4/ Present the main findings and explain the mechanisms for economic inclusion that will explain the average cost of inclusion for PwDs (possibly disaggregated by gender, age and disability)
3-3- Target countries
The purpose of the research is to compile and analyze public policies and programs of four different countries regarding the economic inclusion of PwDs. The countries will be from the OECD, a preliminary work has been done in France and UK by the team of junior consultants.
3-4- Methodology
The consultant will propose a methodology regarding the research and the data collection and data analysis, mixing primary and secondary data. The consultant will also add the cost of the projects developed by HI and integrate this data into his cost-analysis.
- Presentation of the mission
4-1- Mission objective
The expert will ensure the planning (methodology design, data collection tools creation), execution (data collection, processing & analysis), monitoring and findings sharing.
4-2- Expected results of the mission
1/ Literature review on public policies and programs for employment and economic inclusion of persons with disabilities is produced.
This document provides a literature review on existing studies, researches or existing data collection to provide an introduction to the research. It will provide a situational analysis and describe the research’s value for HI. The consultant can use the preliminary findings of the junior team of consultants as a starting point.
2/ Production and testing of an economic model on the average cost of inclusion with the collected data.
With the support of the junior consultants:
- Macro analysis of 4 countries from OECD for the cost of economic inclusion policies and programs (waged-employment and self-employment)
- Collection and selection of data for an analysis at the services and users level
- Analyze of the costs for HI projects in economic inclusion in developing countries (waged-employment and self-employment)
- Determine an average cost of economic inclusion for a PwD per country
- Standardize the cost of economic inclusion for each country
- Determine an economic model explaining the average cost of economic inclusion.
3/ The main findings and recommendations are presented.
Through the organization of a workshop with HI and partners, the main findings and recommendations for HI are presented at the end of the mission.
4-2- Deliverables
Delivery deadlines
Technical Documents
1 Mid-term report
1 Methodological guide
End of mission
1 Final report
End of mission
1 Database
End of mission
1 Presentation of the main findings
HI, partners
End of mission
The consultant accepts that Handicap International may reproduce the methodological proposal and use the tools developed for data collection in other contexts or projects.
4-3- Timeline & budget
This consultancy duration is 9 months, the contract shall begin on the 10th of April 2022 and end on the 10th of December 2022. The application must include logistics expenses and the cost of a field mission.
4-4- Mechanisms for communication and monitoring between the consultant and Handicap International
The responsible for the monitoring will be the director of the unit Social & Inclusion, Hervé BERNARD. Specialists from the BANEREI unit (Basic Needs, Economic Recovery and Economic Inclusion) will be following the development of the research.
The senior consultant will be accountable to a Steering Committee and will have to present periodic proof of progress for the research. A weekly meeting between HI and the junior consultant team will also ensure a follow up of the project.
- Requested profile
- Application process
Applications must include [to adjust depending on the context]:
- In relation to the consultant:
- In relation to the technical proposal:
- A methodological proposal to conduct this study/research, including:
Understanding of the study’s issues and of the terms of reference; background of the study/research; presentation of the objectives (overall & specific); location; target countries; presentation of the methodological framework: study design, data collection, data processing, data analysis, ethical considerations.
- A timeline, clearly detailing the research’s implementation, execution, monitoring and final presentation
- A financial proposal including the research’s consultancy fees and operational costs (travel, accommodation, investigator per diems, software, etc.).
Please, send all required documents before the 27th of march 2022 (midnight CET) to the following address: