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Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Mali /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Expertise/recherche
Date de publication : 27/07/2021
Date limite : 15/08/2021



  • Vous êtes titulaire d'un diplôme universitaire dans un domaine pertinent (économie, développement rural, etc…)
  • Vous avez au minimum 5 ans d’expérience sur le terrain en inclusion économique dont 2 ans d’expérience sur des programmes de développement rural et/ou agricole
  • Vous avez déjà travaillé sur un projet de réponse d’urgence (notamment en aide alimentaire) et sur l’utilisation des modalités de transferts monétaire
  • Vous avez déjà géré un projet et occupé un poste de support technique
  • Vous maîtrisez les techniques de renforcement des compétences pour adulte  incluant la formation de formateurs et le coaching
  • Vous savez travailler en contexte sécuritaire fragile et volatile
  • Vous maîtrisez la communication institutionnelle écrite et orale, en français et avez des connaissances en anglais


Lieu :Bamako - MALI                                                         Date souhaitée de démarrage : 18/10/2021

Durée : mission de 12 mois – contrat de 2 ans    

Date limite dépôt de candidatures : 15/08/2021


« Indignés face à l’injustice que vivent les personnes handicapées et les populations vulnérables, nous aspirons à un monde solidaire et inclusif, où toutes les différences nous enrichissent et où chacun peut vivre debout. »


Handicap International / Humanity & Inclusion (HI) est une association de solidarité internationale indépendante et impartiale, qui intervient dans les situations de pauvreté et d’exclusion, de conflits et de catastrophes. Œuvrant aux côtés des personnes handicapées et vulnérabilisées, elle agit et témoigne pour répondre à leurs besoins essentiels et améliorer leurs conditions de vie. Elle s’engage à promouvoir le respect de leur dignité et de leurs droits fondamentaux. Depuis sa création en 1982, HI a mis en place des programmes de développement dans plus de 60 pays et intervient dans de nombreuses situations d’urgence. Aujourd'hui, nous avons un budget d'environ 150 millions d'euros, avec 3500 employés dans le monde.


HI est engagée dans une politique d’emploi en faveur des travailleurs handicapés.

Retrouvez plus d’informations sur l’association :



HI est présente au Mali depuis 1996 sur des activités de développement dans le sud et le nord du pays.

Aujourd’hui, elle mène de front des activités humanitaires et de développement, dans les régions de Sikasso, Bamako, Mopti, Tombouctou et Gao.

Le montant de budget mise en œuvre au sein du pays représente environ 23 millions d’euro dont 2/3 sont mis en œuvre via des partenaires au sein de consortia.

En 2021, les activités du programme s’articulent autour des orientations suivantes :

•            Santé & réadaptation : réadaptation fonctionnelle, santé maternelle et infantile, plaidoyer VIH et Handicap ; dépistage et prise en charge précoce des déficiences

•            Éducation inclusive & formation professionnelle : Éducation inclusive, insertion socioprofessionnelle etc.

•            Moyen d’existence & résilience : transferts monétaires / filets sociaux, projets communautaires, activités génératrices de revenus etc…

•            Protection & Réduction des risques : éducation aux risques liés aux engins explosifs, assistances aux victimes de conflit armés, soutien psycho-social, transformation de conflit dans le nord et centre du Mali.



Sous la responsabilité de la Manager de l'Unité Technique Mali, en qualité de Spécialiste Inclusion économique, vous contribuez à la mise en œuvre du mandat et de la stratégie à 10 ans d’Humanité & Inclusion. Vous veillez à l’optimisation de la qualité et de l’impact des projets d’amélioration des moyens d’existence et de (re-)insertion économique mis en œuvre dans le pays, par le biais d’un système de délégation avec des mécanismes de contrôle appropriés.

Vous partagez avec tous les autres responsables HI la charge d’une gestion saine et d’un bon fonctionnement de l’organisation globale, par le biais de changements de paradigme.


Dans ce cadre vos responsabilités sont :


  • Contribuer au déploiement de la stratégie opérationnelle conformément aux stratégies globales et assurer un suivi pertinent.
  • Garantir un soutien technique aux projets conformément aux normes et aux cadres techniques globaux dans le secteur de l’insertion économique et de la sécurité alimentaire
  • Veiller à l’apprentissage technique à partir des projets, à la formation…
  • Veiller à la conformité de la proposition technique avec les enjeux nexus
  • Contribuer au développement de projets de recherche et d’innovation dans la région/pays, le cas échéant, dans le domaine de l’insertion économique et de la sécurité alimentaire
  • Contribuer à l’animation du canal professionnel des divisions techniques



Contribuer au prestige externe local et à l’influence de l’expertise de HI :

  • Représenter l’expertise technique de HI dans les réseaux locaux
  • Contribuer au plaidoyer sur des thèmes spécifiques
  • Contribuer aux messages de communication au niveau local r

Développement de la mission sociale

Assurer le développement des opportunités majeures ou de nouveaux projets dans votre périmètre sectoriel :

  • Contribuer à l’analyse du contexte dans le domaine de l’insertion économique et de la sécurité alimentaire
  • Contribuer à la conception et à la rédaction de nouveaux projets dans la région et, si cela lui vous est demandé, dans d’autres pays au sein de la division géographique
  • Identifier et transformer les opportunités majeures au sein de la région
  • Identifier et développer des partenariats locaux et/ou des consortiums avec des ONG, des institutions, des entreprises sur les priorités techniques ou des thèmes importants…


Isolement et conditions de vie: le poste étant basé en capitale, la vie y est relativement agréable : Bamako est une capitale de taille importante pour la sous-région, assez agréable et présentant beaucoup de facilités même si certaines sont soumises à restriction du fait des règles sécurité.

Sécurité: la sécurité est en général bonne à Bamako mais n’exclut en aucun cas le respect des règles de prudence. Une attention particulière dans les régions du Nord (si possibilité de s’y rendre) est attendue. La sécurité sanitaire est correcte (médecins et paramédicaux de bon niveau, quelques structures de prise en charge mais la prise en charge en réelle urgence serait problématique).

Déplacements: Déplacements limités à prévoir sur les sites d’intervention des projets (Sikasso, Mopti, Tombouctou, Gao) avec certaines limitations dans le nord du pays en fonction des règles de sécurité en vigueur.

Climat: très chaud (+40°C), saison des pluies courte.



Chez HI, les conditions de départ sont à la hauteur de votre engagement et adaptées au contexte de votre mission. Une attention particulière est portée aux questions de santé et à votre situation personnelle :


Pour connaître notre parcours d’intégration et de formation, et notre politique de mobilité, cliquez ici :



  • Contrat International de 24 mois à compter idéalement du 18/10/2021 – mission de 12 mois potentiellement renouvelable


  • Le contrat international permet une couverture sociale adaptée aux besoins de chacun
    • Assurance chômage prélevée uniquement pour les ressortissants de l’UE
    • Assurance retraite adaptée à la situation de nos collaborateurs.
    • Couverture santé, rapatriement, prévoyance prises en charge par HI et par l’employé
  • Salaire : à partir de 2757 € brut/mois
  • Perdiem : 522 € net/mois – versé en monnaie locale sur le terrain
  • Hardship : 250€ net/mois
  • Congés payés : 25 jours par an ; R&R : Niveau 2 : 5 jours tous les 3 mois
  • Poste :  
  • non accompagné
  • Prise en charge des frais de transport, de visas et de transport de vos effets personnels (dès 12 mois)
  • A partir de 12 mois de mission une allocation enfant de 100 € versée à partir de 2 enfants à charge


  • ouvert aux couples
  • Prise en charge pour l’accompagnant des frais de visa et voyages, assurance si non couvert


  • Logement : individuel pris en charge par H

Si vous êtes résident(e) dans le pays : package local


Uniquement en ligne en joignant CV et Lettre de motivation via le lien suivant :

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : France (Lyon) or Belgium (Brussels) /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée indéterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 27/07/2021
Date limite : 18/11/2021


  • You hold a master degree in Conflict/Security issues, International Development, International Relations or other relevant subject.
  • You have solid knowledge and experience in the HMA or AVR sectors
  • You have excellent knowledge in project/programme cycle mechanisms and main MEAL tools and methods, as well as Information and Communication Technologies for Development is a plus
  • You have field experience of comprehensive programming in AVR
  • You show good communication and negotiation skills
  • You are able to adapt your leadership
  • You demonstrate cooperation and training skills
  • You are an empathic team player, resilient to stress and uncertainty
  • You are fluent in French and English


“Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations,
we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences,
where everyone can live in dignity”

Handicap International is changing his name and becomes « Humanity & Inclusion ». HI, Humanity & Inclusion is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation with no religious or political affiliations operating in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

Since the organisation was first founded in 1982, we have set up development programmes in 62 countries and responded to many emergencies. Today we have a budget of around 150 million euros, with 3500 employees worldwide.

HI is engaged in an employment policy in favour of disabled workers.

For further information about the association:



As armed violence transcends separate sectors, a comprehensive cross-sector response is needed. This requires HI practitioners to think outside their particular programming mandates and to consider the entirety of the challenges at hand. Complex situations require comprehensive approaches. HI implements a so-called Comprehensive Models to Mine Action (CAMA) and to Armed Violence Reduction (AVR) to maximize the benefits of a given project to contribute to a world where people can lead safe and fulfilling lives in peaceful and inclusive communities. 


The AVR Quality Management Framework refers to this as ‘complementarity’, also referred to as synergies, within the sector and with other sectors. HI being a multi-mandated organization facilitates these synergies through collective comprehensive programming within the AVR sector and beyond, facilitating maximized impact. 

Our Quality Management aims at improving AVR operations’ quality and making targeted decisions based on evidence: 

Seeking to better articulate the catalytic contribution of HMA to armed violence reduction 

Ensuring coherence with and furthering our contribution to broader humanitarian and development objectives 

Demonstrating our mandate: addressing effects, root causes and long-term impacts of armed violence



Handicap International (HI) Armed Violence Reduction Technical Unit is looking for a dynamic, creative and bilingual (French and English) Armed Violence Reduction (AVR) specialist to build and grow HI’s technical support to Humanitarian Mine Action and Armed Violence Reduction projects worldwide. The position will be based in Lyon, France or Brussels, Belgium, with frequent travel worldwide.

Under the responsibility of the AVR Technical Director, the AVR specialist is an expert who ensures strategic technical guidance, support and control in his/her scope of expertise (quality management, comprehensive approaches to AVR). He/she provides standards and methodologies, provides advices, on the job training and distance mentoring.

-Ensure and control application of HI AVR technical quality framework to guarantee optimal outcomes and impact of projects.

-Support and train teams to deploy quality-oriented programming and comprehensive approaches.

-Support and promote data management as a transformative tool.

-Ensure synergies within the sector, identify and foster synergies outside.



Responsibility 1 : Expertise

1You set framework and standards on the technical know-how under your scope (NORMS)

-You ensure sectorial watch, harnessing and appropriation of norms and international standards internally

-You write and deploy the framework documentation containing HI’s norms and standards (including Nexus); and ensure dissemination

-You guarantee complementarity of standards and norms between HI sectors


2 You provide strategic technical guidance (OPE SUPPORT)

-You provide strategic technical guidance to programs through Operational strategies (STRATOPs)

-You provide technical inputs to the AVR Strategy (STRATECH) elaboration and review and appropriation by Field specialists and technical unit managers

-You ensure strategic and technical support to projects when gap of expertise within Programs

-You report  and alert to the technical director about the proper implementation of the STRATECH

-You promote and ensure transition between emergency response and development programs

-You promote and ensure complementarity of sectors and mainstream in their sector HI crosscutting approaches.


3 You ensure the control of the technical quality and the relevance of HI’s activities under your scope (OPE SUPPORT)

-You conduct/support  evaluation or audits on overall quality of projects

-You monitor the implementation of audit recommendations, if applicable, in your sectorial scope

-You develop HI AVR comprehensive information management


4 You contribute to the improvement of technical know-how through the development of lessons learnt, research and innovation projects under your scope when relevant (in close link with 3I Division) (NORMS)

-You identify strategic learning questions

-You ensure technical learning from projects by using lessons learned and best practices (review of capitalization and assessments)

-You support the emergence of innovative ideas

-You identify the priorities of Research and Studies and steer R&S

-You pilot directly or support (if in Programs) the implementation of Innovation & Research projects


  1. You facilitate the Technical Division professional development

-You ensure the facilitation of a talent pool and of a community of practice

-You describe job profile standards and a standard skill matrix for each professional channel

-You carry out technical interviews of candidates and produce recommendations/guidelines

-You ensure a mapping of technical skills of his/her talent pool and set priorities in terms of capacity building

-You contribute to the evaluation of field specialists

-You identify the needs regarding training, write content for training and give trainings


Responsibility 2 : Influence

1 You contribute to the international prestige and influence of HI’s expertise in your sectorial scope (in close link with the Policy and Development Officer if existing)

-You support and/or ,when required, represent the technical expertise of HI throughout relevant networks, so as to participate to the exchange of best practices, understands trends and influence major networks on practices and stakes of the sector

-You support the identification & the development of partnerships and/or consortium with NGOs, Institutions, corporate on technical priorities or important topics your sectorial scope

-You contribute to advocacy on specific themes in line with the global advocacy priorities

-You contribute to communication messages in line with the global communication priorities and contribute to scientific publications


Responsibility 3 : Business Development

1 You contribute to the development of major opportunities or new projects under your sectorial scope, in line with the Technical Director, the Policy and development Officer, and the Institutional Funding team

-You contribute to the context analysis in your sectorial scope (benchmark of stakeholders) and to the value proposition

-If gap of resources and in support to the business development officer, you contribute to the design and writing of new projects

-You contribute to the identification of new donors & the transformation of major opportunities under your scope

-You support or directly develop offers & proposals for technical assistance & capacity development for specific identified partners




  • Type of contract :  CDI / Open ended contract
  • Additional benefits: luncheon vouchers and health insurance
  • Working hours: 39 hours a week with 13 days of RTT (work time reduction) to be taken each year
  • 5 weeks of annual leave

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Lyon (FR), Brussels (BE), Washington (USA), London (UK) or any location within a HI’s National Association /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée indéterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 27/07/2021
Date limite : 24/08/2021


-You have an Educational background in health including Child Health, Maternal & Child Health, Mental Health & Psychosocial Support, and/or rehabilitation (OT, PT, speech therapy)
-You have at least 5 years of experience in ECD (particularly early detection and early intervention) in low and middle-income countries (LMIC)
-You demonstrate familiarity with integrated and inclusive ECD, including relevant global guidance documents, stakeholders, and networks
-You are proficient in the concepts of Gender, Age and Disability Inclusion, and the Human Rights-based Approach to disability inclusion
-You demonstrate success in working with local government and international and local development partners for integrated, multi-sectoral ECD interventions
-You have a broad capacity building and training experience, including providing remote technical support
-You have a strong record of fostering new and effective partnerships on an international level including participation in technical advisory groups, international consultations, boards, etc.
-You have an in-depth experience undertaking and supporting research, data collection, analysis and report and article writing
-You have strong interpersonal skills and experience working effectively in interdisciplinary teams and cross-cultural settings
-You demonstrate understanding of the socio-cultural issues and nuances of working in communities and with vulnerable populations
-You have excellent time management and personal organization skills
-You have excellent communication skills as well as excellent strategic and analytic thinking
-You are able to work on complex projects in multitasking and to respect tight deadlines
-You show diplomacy, self-confidence, leadership and patience
-You speak and write English and French fluently


« Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity »
HI, Humanity & Inclusion (also known as Handicap International), is an independent and impartial aid and development organization with no religious or political affiliations operating in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside persons with disabilities and vulnerable groups to help meeting their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.
Since the organization was founded in 1982, we have set up development programmes in 62 countries and responded to hundreds of emergencies. Today, the organisation manages a budget of around 215 million euros, with 4,200 employees worldwide. Eight national associations, based in the United States, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Great Britain and Canada, provide overall support for the field programs, which are implemented through the headquarters in Lyon, France.
HI is engaged in an employment policy in favor of workers with disabilities. As such, people with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.
For more information, please visit:


The Global Health Division works to ensure that Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 3) “Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages” can become a reality for persons with disabilities and vulnerable populations all along the various Nexus contexts. We focus on inclusive health system strengthening and inclusive health programming working in the following sectors: Safe and Inclusive Mobility (1 Specialist), Mental Health and Psycho Social Support (4 Specialists), Environmental Health (1 Specialist), Sexual and Reproductive Health, including Family Planning, HIV, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (1 Specialist) and Disability Inclusive Health Policies (1 Lead).
The Global Health Division works in close collaboration with the other technical Divisions, namely Rehabilitation, Protection & Risk Reduction, and Social & Inclusion, as well as with five Geographic Divisions.


HI is a leading actor in disability inclusion and alongside key stakeholders such as UNICEF, WHO, the World Bank, promotes Early Childhood Development (ECD) as a powerful equalizer to allow every child to develop their full potential, including children with disabilities. Since its launch in 2018, HI promoted internally the awareness and application of the global Nurturing Care Framework and is now piloting its implementation in selected countries.
In this context, HI is looking for a dynamic ECD Specialist motivated to provide technical support to the design, implementation, monitoring and reporting of the ECD HI frame. The ECD Specialist will have a strong understanding of global evidence, best practices, and gaps around early childhood development interventions. The ideal candidate will have a particular experience integrating ECD into health contact points with caregivers and their children. S/he will also have experience operationalizing the Nurturing Care Framework and integrating ECD interventions into other service delivery platforms, such as rehabilitation, education, and protection. A sound comprehension of the gender, age and disability perspective on ECD is a plus.
The ECD Specialist will lead technical discussions and strategic thinking around ECD (particularly early detection, early intervention, MHPSS for the caregiver and child) with key internal stakeholders, such as the Specialists from the other Technical Directions (Rehabilitation, Social & Inclusion, Protection), Operation Officers and Geographic Directors, HI field staffs etc. The ECD Specialist will lead ECD activities, coordinating with the Knowledge Management Direction to stay abreast of research and best practices related to multi-sectoral ECD interventions.
The ECD Specialist will contribute to strategic plans, budget development, and annual/quarterly work plans as well as provide overall ECD technical guidance in line with HI strategic vision. In addition to global-level contributions, the ECD Specialist will provide ECD technical assistance to countries, leading the development, adaptation and implementation of 0-8 ECD materials and interventions.

Under the direct responsibility of the Global Health Division Director, the ECD Specialist will have four main responsibilities:

1/Technical Support
Provide Technical support to the development of ECD projects
•Develop and roll out tools, resources, and trainings to improve ECD program implementation
•Provide technical and programmatic support to build the capacity of in-country teams on ECD programming
•Participate in the development and monitoring of technical work plans and budgets, ensure appropriate levels of technical assistance in program interventions, coordinate partners’ efforts in program implementation
•Undertake regular technical supportive supervision, mentoring and monitoring visits to project sites as necessary
•Work with and provide technical leadership and support to relevant project staff for effective program planning, implementation and monitoring
•Provide technical support to ongoing maternal, newborn and child health projects
•Encourage and support the multi-sectoral collaboration to optimize child development, especially for children with developmental delays and disabilities and their families (i.e. Rehabilitation, MHPSS)

2/Definition of Technical framework
•Lead on the elaboration of HI’s ECD Guidance Document and its internal and external dissemination
•Contribution to the elaboration, dissemination and implementation of the ECD strategic action plan
•Identify and define integrated ECD interventions with relevant sectors

3/Continuous learning and knowledge management
Work with the country teams to systematically document all processes, tools and lessons learned and liaise with other senior project staff in order to identify areas of improvement
•Explore and take advantage of opportunities to share/disseminate HI’s ECD program evaluation results
•Assist in preparing donor progress reports
•Facilitate knowledge generation and lessons learned events within HI and with relevant stakeholders through, publications, webinars and other knowledge sharing forums.
•Share and disseminate internally HI’s ECD knowledge, skills and know-how
•Lead the knowledge management related to ECD programming, coordinate with other relevant sectors so that they can contribute to the process, and assure that a lessons learned mechanism is elaborated and fully functional
•Development and contribution to new ECD related resources and publications
•Contribute to and facilitate learning across HI’s geographical and programmatic areas

4/Networking and representation
Promote externally HI’s visibility, capacity and know-how in the field of ECD
•Active participation in international networks on ECD such as ECDAN, etc.
•Represent HI in major international fora, initiatives and events related to ECD, with frequent contact with international donors


The candidate can be based in Lyon (FR), Brussels (BE), Washington (USA), London (UK) or in another location within a Humanity & Inclusion’s national Association.


• start date: as soon as possible
• length of the contract: open-ended
• status: salaried
•Package depending on the location

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : France ou Belgique /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée indéterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Expertise/recherche
Date de publication : 22/07/2021
Date limite : 16/09/2021



  • Vous disposez d’une formation universitaire supérieure, dans un champ relatif aux sciences politiques, droit international, sociologie, genre et/ou handicap, ou tout autre formation pertinente en lien avec l’expertise attendue.
  • Vous disposez d’un minimum de cinq années d’expériences dans votre champ d’expertise avec des expériences de travail significatives à l’étranger dans des pays intertropicaux du Sud Global.
  • Vous avez accumulé des expériences significatives dans au moins deux des domaines suivants : inclusion de groupes de personnes marginalisées, gouvernance & développement de politiques inclusives, promotion et suivi du respect des droits humains, mobilisation communautaire et développement local, plaidoyer et appui à la société civile, accès aux services.
  • Une expérience sur le volet protection, genre et/ou âge ainsi qu’une expérience avec HI constituent des atouts pour le poste.
  • Vous maîtrisez les cadres conceptuels et avez de bonnes capacités d’analyse.
    Vous disposez de bonnes capacités de négociation et de représentation.
  • Vous avez une bonne communication à l’écrit comme à l’oral
  • Vous êtes autonome, flexible et savez travailler en équipe.
  • Vous maîtrisez le Français et l’Anglais. La connaissance de l’espagnol est un plus.


Lieu : Lyon (France) ou Bruxelles (Belgique)                                                   

Date souhaitée de démarrage : 1er Octobre 2021                                           Durée : CDI                     

Date limite dépôt de candidatures : 16/09/2021


« Indignés face à l’injustice que vivent les personnes handicapées et les populations vulnérables, nous aspirons à un monde solidaire et inclusif, où toutes les différences nous enrichissent et où chacun peut vivre debout. »


Handicap International/Humanity & Inclusion (HI) est une association de solidarité internationale indépendante et impartiale, qui intervient dans les situations de pauvreté et d’exclusion, de conflits et de catastrophes. Œuvrant aux côtés des personnes handicapées et vulnérabilisées, elle agit et témoigne pour répondre à leurs besoins essentiels et améliorer leurs conditions de vie. Elle s’engage à promouvoir le respect de leur dignité et de leurs droits fondamentaux. Depuis sa création en 1982, HI a mis en place des programmes de développement dans plus de 60 pays et intervient dans de nombreuses situations d’urgence. Aujourd'hui, nous avons un budget d'environ 150 millions d'euros, avec 3500 employés dans le monde.


Le réseau de 8 associations nationales (Allemagne, Belgique, Canada, Etats- Unis, France, Luxembourg, Royaume-Uni et Suisse) œuvre de manière constante à la mobilisation des ressources, à la cogestion des projets et au rayonnement des principes et actions de l’organisation.


HI est engagée dans une politique d’emploi en faveur des travailleurs handicapés.

Retrouvez plus d’informations sur l’association :



Le/la Spécialiste rejoint le service Gouvernance et action humanitaire inclusive au sein de la Direction protection & réduction des risques. 

Le service est composé de 8 collaborateurs sous la supervision d’un manager. Trois membres de l’équipe travaillent sur des projets dédiés. Trois sont plus particulièrement en soutien aux actions humanitaires inclusives. Une autre collaboratrice (uniquement anglophone et basée aux USA) complète le binôme dédié à la gouvernance inclusive avec une répartition par portfolio géographique.  Tous appuient à la mise en place de la politique institutionnelle « Age Genre Handicap » sur les terrains. Les membres de l’équipe sont disséminés entre USA, Canada, Europe.


En adéquation avec la stratégie fédérale de HI, une stratégie technique, sur une période de quatre ans, spécifique à la gouvernance inclusive a été développée qu’il faudra suivre et adapter en fonction des éléments nouveaux sur la période. Les missions de la gouvernance inclusive couvrent à la fois un secteur spécifique tout en établissant des synergies avec l’ensemble des secteurs techniques HI. Elles se concentrent sur un appui technique qualitatif dans les domaines suivants :

  • Le développement des capacités organisationnelles et techniques des acteurs de la société civile (et plus particulièrement des organisations auto représentatives formelles ou non des personnes handicapées) ;
  • L’appui au développement participatif de politiques publiques inclusives
  • Le suivi des droits humains, la participation politique, l’accès à la justice et la citoyenneté des personnes handicapées ;
  • Le développement local inclusif et la réadaptation à base communautaire


Outre une étroite collaboration attendue au sein de l’équipe composant le service, notamment sur les approches de «Triple Nexus», des interactions plus denses seront nouées en support aux projets conduits par les secteurs de l’éducation inclusive et des moyens de subsistance.

L’appui aux projets inclue l’appropriation et le développement de la politique Age Genre Handicap et les notions afférentes d’intersectionnalité des facteurs de d’exclusion et de discrimination



Rattaché.e au Manager Gouvernance et action humanitaire inclusives, en qualité de spécialiste Siège Gouvernance Inclusive, vous:

  • Contribuez à l’amélioration des savoir-faire techniques de votre secteur à travers le développement de projets de capitalisation, de recherche et d’innovation quand pertinent
  • Posez et faites appliquer les normes et standards de référence dans votre secteur technique
  • Contrôlez les qualité et pertinence techniques des activités HI sous votre mandat
  • Facilitez le développement professionnel de votre filière métier
  • Contribuez au prestige international de HI en promouvant l’excellence technique
  • Contribuez au développement de projets majeurs dans votre champ d’action


Avec le support du responsable de service, en étroite collaboration avec l’autre spécialiste de la Gouvernance Inclusive et en coordination avec l’ensemble des autres spécialistes techniques, vos principales responsabilités sont :

  • Supporter la définition et la mise en œuvre effective des cadres techniques HI, des standards et approches de son secteur (65%)
  • Apporter un support technique aux projets en lien avec la gouvernance inclusive, aux partenaires et équipes techniques de terrain en développant leur capacité et renforcer les qualité et impact des interventions HI du secteur. (25%)
  • Assurer un suivi des innovations et avancées dans son secteur, des réseaux professionnels et participer au rayonnement technique de HI (10%)




  • Type de contrat : CDI
  • Tickets Restaurant
  • Mutuelle




Uniquement en ligne en joignant CV et Lettre de motivation en anglais via le lien suivant :


Pour plus d’information sur l’association :





Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Lyon, ou Paris, Bruxelles, Luxembourg, Genève /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée indéterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Comptabilité
Date de publication : 20/07/2021
Date limite : 15/08/2021



  • De formation juridique (droit notarial, successions, immobilier) de type Licence / M1, vous bénéficiez d’une expérience en office notarial (clerc) ou au sein d’un service libéralités d’une association / fondation.
  • Une connaissance de la comptabilisation des legs serait un atout pour votre candidature.
  • Rigueur, autonomie, réactivité, adaptabilité, bon relationnel, sens aigu de la discrétion et de la confidentialité sont des Must pour occuper ce poste.
  • Vous avez un anglais courant et vous aimez travailler dans un environnement multiculturel.
  • Vous êtes à l’aise avec les outils informatiques.


« Indignés face à l’injustice que vivent les personnes handicapées et les populations vulnérables, nous aspirons à un monde solidaire et inclusif, où toutes les différences nous enrichissent et où chacun peut vivre debout. »


Le 24 janvier 2018, le réseau international de Handicap International a changé de nom pour devenir « Humanité & Inclusion ». Ce réseau mondial met en œuvre des opérations de solidarité internationale dans plus de 60 pays.

Le nom de l’association française demeure « Handicap International France ». Le poste à pourvoir est situé au sein de l’association française.


Handicap International / Humanité & Inclusion est une organisation de solidarité internationale indépendante et impartiale, qui intervient dans les situations de pauvreté et d’exclusion, de conflits et de catastrophes. Œuvrant aux côtés des personnes handicapées et des populations vulnérables, elle agit et témoigne, pour répondre à leurs besoins essentiels, pour améliorer leurs conditions de vie et promouvoir le respect de leur dignité et de leurs droits fondamentaux.

HI met en œuvre des activités au service des populations vulnérables, des populations réfugiées, déplacées et sinistrées, des personnes victimes de blessures et des populations exposées au danger des armes, munitions et engins explosifs. Son siège international opérationnel est basé à Lyon et Bruxelles.


Les Associations Nationales (AN) ont un rôle de levée de fonds, mobilisation et représentation de la Fédération dans 8 pays : Allemagne, Belgique, Canada, Etats-Unis, Luxembourg, France, Royaume Uni et Suisse.


HI est engagé dans une politique d’emploi en faveur des travailleurs handicapés.



En tant que Chargé(e) de Libéralité International vous contribuez au développement et au traitement des portefeuilles legs, assurance vie et autres dons planifiés pour notre réseau d’Associations Nationales.




Dans ce cadre, vos missions seront les suivantes :


  1. Vous participez à la gestion administrative, juridique et comptable des legs, donations et assurances-vie réalisées au profit d’Handicap International
    • Analyse juridique et patrimoniale des dossiers
    • Constitution des dossiers en vue de leur présentation en Conseil d’Administration
    • Mise en œuvre de processus de liquidation des dossiers (Analyse des projets d’actes notariés, Saisie et mise à jour les informations liées aux dossiers dans le logiciel, suivi des encaissements et décaissements)
    • Suivi comptable des dossiers
    • Gestion des dossiers d’assurances-vie de la réception du dossier à son archivage.


  1. Vous participez à la gestion des biens immobiliers légués et à leur vente
    • Participation et suivi des inventaires ;
    • Organisation et suivi du débarras, de l’entretien, de la sécurisation des lots, du règlement des charges …
    • Constitution de la partie immobilière des dossiers en vue de la vente
    • Participation au processus de décision de mise en vente et à l’analyse des offres d’achat
    • Traitement et suivi des opérations de vente des biens immobiliers : analyse des projets d’actes notariés


  1. Vous assurez un appui global aux activités administratives du pôle



  • Type de contrat : CDI de préférence à Lyon, et une localisation à Paris est envisageable.  
  • Package France : Statut Cadre, Forfait jours cadre et JRTTs, Tickets Restaurant, Mutuelle. Bruxelles Luxembourg ou Genève : à voir en fonction de la localisation.



Uniquement en ligne en joignant CV et Lettre de motivation via le lien suivant :


Pour plus d’information sur l’association :

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : PSE (Pour un sourire d'enfant)
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Phnom-Penh, Cambodia /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 05/07/2021
Date limite : 30/07/2021


Your profile: 
Generalist profile in information systems project management with a solid experience in multiple projects management/ multi country project in the private sector (ideally IT engineering company ) willing to live a strong human experience. Social-solidarity based profile with a strong experience in information systems project management willing to live his/her next professional challenge in expatriation. Generalist profile in information systems project management willing to test a professional reconversion in the international solidarity or make a professional break in expatriation.
Educational background: You have a university or engineer degree in computer, telecoms, IT softwares and networks OR a mixed university degree in information systems management attached to a core business area ( HR, finances, procurement, medical, education)
Experiences: You have at least 5 years experience in project management AND You have a first experience in a multicultural environment
Technical skills
  • Effectively organised
  • Manage priorities
  • Understand the specific needs of users
  • Define needs
  • Document processes and systems
  • Approach driven by the project governance
  • Call systems/processes into question
  • Uphold a planning to internal teams and providers
  • Uphold a budget to internal teams and providers
  • Ability to coordinate multiple teams
  • Support capacity building of a team
  • Make recommendations
  • Assess risks
  • Knowledge of IT global security impacts
  • Knowledge of global functioning of data bases
  • Good command of pack office
  • English fluent ( written and oral)
  • French is an asset
  • Khmer is an asset
Soft skills:
  • Intercultural awareness
  • Provide clear orientation
  • Demonstrate goodwill
  • Flexible and agile
  • Ability to absorb information
  • Solution oriented
  • Good capacity of self-management
  • Develop and maintain constructive and cooperative relationships
  • Location: Phnom-Penh, Cambodia
  • Starting date : As soon as possible
  • Lenght of contract : 2 years renewable
  • Indemnity : 1500$ monthly
  • Vacation: 24 days annual
  • Others : providing comprehensive coverage for healthcare, assistance/repatriation insurance + 1 round plane ticket once a year to home country
How to apply : Send your application (CV + cover letter) with the reference « PSE/PMSI » at :


Pour un sourire d’Enfant (PSE)- For a child’s smile is a non political, non-confessional, independant and non-profit organization founded by Christian and Marie-France des Pallières in 1995. Its mission is to help children escape from destitution and lead them to decent, skilled and well-paid jobs. Six main programs, adapted to the needs of the children, have been developed: food, health, protection, education and schooling, vocational training and support to the families. The association stands out for the priority given to the answer to the needs of the children as it occurs rather than a desire for constant growth.
The funding of its program mainly relies on private donations and child sponsorship ( covering 70% of the cost of the social missions), completed by corporate patronage. More than 600 Cambodian staffs ( mainly in Phnom Penh), are managing the different programs in the field, representing 95% of the workforce.6 staffs at the headquarters in France are completing the team. These enables PSE to limit its operational costs at 10% of its global costs. 300 volunteers in different countries are actively working on making the organization known, on fundraising donations and sponsorships. In 2000, PSE received the French human rights prize by the French Republic completed in 2018 by the awarding of the IEAS label attesting to the quality of governance, financial management and efficiency of action of associations and foundations.
Context of the recruitment
PSE is pursuing its effort to support the programs with the implementation of information systems for key activities. After the deployment of a finance and purchase information system, the support provided to the educational upgrading academy to implement distance education and the finalisation of a management tool for beneficiaries, the identified candidate will be in charge of the finalisation of the implementation of an HR information system. 2 others key activities have been identified to pursue the computerization while ensuring the followup and the improvement of the information systems already deployed.
  • Implementation of a school management system that will benefit 2800 children and youth enrolled in the vocational training center in Pnom-Penh.
  • Implementation of a medical management system in order to improve the medical follow-up of beneficaries
Job position:
Attached to the general director, the project manager information systems is responsible for an effective implementation of the mission’s information systems
  • Hierarchical link : is under the direct supervision of Cambodia mission general director He. She manages a computer project manager.
  • Functional link : provides technical support to key users and IT team/In charge of all dealings with service providers.
Missions :
  • Drive all phases of pre project/RFP, project, go live and hypercare:
    • Scoping and phasing
    • Analysis of business requirements
    • Writing RFP and select software providers and service providers
    • Organizing RFP and helping to choose solution that fits the best to PSE needs and select providers
    • Participation in Design, Build and testing
    • Writing process flowcharts
    • Users support at go live
    • Run and maintenance phase preparation
  • In charge of delivering all project phases on time quality and budget:
    • In charge of driving project governance ( Steering committees…) Project communication, Project planning and project resources coordination
    • Managing changes management activities in collaboration with key users and business sponsors
    • Insuring proper integration with existing PSE applications landscape
    • Coordinating with system/ network administrator team for all technical aspects
    • Complying with PSE IT Security policies
    • Managing all project documentation (Specification, testing scenarios, training materials…)
    • Managing relationship with external IT partners.
  • Users training and change management
    • Ensuring user training
    • Driving changes and accompany users and surrounding organization

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Shire, Tigray Region, ETHIOPIA /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 19/05/2021
Date limite : 31/05/2021



  • You hold an advanced university degree (Master’s level or equivalent) in mental health, psychology or related fields from a recognized university or academic institute
  • You have excellent knowledge of project management cycle and at least 3 years previous experience managing humanitarian projects in challenging environments
  • You have at least 4 years of experience in the field of MHPSS in emergency setting
  • You demonstrate experience in capacity building and training development and implementation in the field of MHPSS
  • Experience in a post-crisis or emergency context within an NGO is essential
  • Proven experience working collaboratively with multiple external  stakeholders and internal (HI) technical support staff is an asset
  • You have the ability to work under pressure and without constant supervision & have emotional capacity to work under unstable security situation
  • You are reactive and flexible and you are a good team player
  • You are fluent in English (oral and writing)


Place: Shire, Tigray Region, ETHIOPIA               Starting date: 21th of June 2021

Length: 12 months                                                Closing date for applications: 31rst of May 2021


“Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity”

Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation with no religious or political affiliations operating in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

Since the organisation was first founded in 1982, we have set up development programmes in more than 60 countries and responded to many emergencies. Today we have a budget of around 150 million euros, with 3500 employees worldwide.

The HI network is an organisation made up of a Federation (with 2 operational HQs in Lyon and Brussels), 8 national associations (Germany, Belgium, Canada, United States, France, Luxembourg, United Kingdom and Switzerland) and the HI Institute on Humanitarian Action. All these entities work concertedly to implement HI’s international aid and development mandate.

HI is engaged in an employment policy in favour of disabled workers.

For further information about the association:



In view of the dire humanitarian crisis taking place in Tigray, HI Ethiopia, not present in this area, has launched an initial assessment to support the definition of an operational strategy.

This assessment provided many information on the situation, access, opportunities, etc… The main conclusion is that the needs are acute, the response is not sufficient, the donors are positioning themselves, the security situation is manageable following strict protocols and the access - although very restricted - is possible. In this context, HI does have an added value in responding to this humanitarian crisis and should position itself very fast as a stakeholder in this emergency response.


Following this needs assessment, HI designed a global strategic operational framework to address the identified needs with the following pillars:

  • Pillar 1 : Integrated approach between MHPSS, Protection, IHA and Functional & Physical Rehabilitation, to improve access to services and wellbeing of the conflict affected populations including the most vulnerable and persons with specific needs
  • Pillar 2: Contribute to improve access and ensure delivery of assistance to the most vulnerable living in Tigray while limiting the use of logistics negative coping mechanisms.

HI is therefore mobilizing resources to open its program based on this strategy.



Under the line management of the Tigray Operations Manager, with the technical support of the MHPSS Specialist at HQ and technical MHPSS officer (to be recruited), and in close coordination with Admin, Logistics, Finance and Human Resources Departments, as MHPSS Project Manager, you contribute to the implementation of the mandate and the 10-year strategy of Humanity & Inclusion in the country. You ensure optimal quality and impact of the projects implemented in the country by means of a delegation system with appropriate control mechanisms. With all HI managers, and through paradigm changes, you share responsibility for the sound management and effective functioning of the global organisation.


As such, you will ensure efficient implementation and quality of the MHPSS project activities, including operational, HR, financial and logistical aspects of the project. You will recruit, manage and support the MHPSS technical officer and project officers (directly) as well as field teams (indirectly), ensure clear and timely reporting on activities, ongoing monitoring and evaluation, ensure internal and external coordination and, if needed participate in the development of new projects. You will as well ensure the technical support to the teams and make sur it is in line with HI’s MHPSS vision and strategy.


In this framework, your main duties will be:

1: Technical Support:

  • Provide continuous technical support to MHPSS staff in field of expertise
  • Support and coordinate the provision of training to HI’s MHPSS teams  through direct provision of both formal and on the job trainings and supervision
  • Design training modules and provision of capacity building to meet the needs of MHPSS team
  • Review and design technical approach, protocols and tools, trainings content and implementation, leaflets, IEC material, and other relevant documents and disseminate them  among the mission upon prior validation by HQ MHPSS Specialist
  • Support and guide in the development of assessments, evaluations (data analysis) and monitoring methodologies and tools.
  • Close collaborative work with the Rehabilitation PM to strengthen the comprehensive approach serving persons with injuries/disabilities
  • Work closely with the MHPSS Specialist and MHPSS technical Officer to identify technical challenges, propose solutions, implement and follow up on technical guidance regarding quality of activities.
  • Ensure through regular exchanges with HQ MHPSS Specialist that field approaches and methods are in line with HI’s global technical standards.
  • Support through technical inputs in project development processes.


2: Program Management

  • Ensure that all project activities are implemented in coordination with Rehabilitation PM and Emergency PM following operational targets, internal quality and technical standards,
  • Propose adjustment for improvements to meet the objectives in collaboration with the Operations Manager, Rehabilitation PM, Emergency PM and Technical referent at HQ level;
  • Support and mentor the MHPSS technical Officer and Project Officer to supervise the teams’ implementation of project activities in the different locations
  • Collaborate with MEAL team and ensure monitoring tools are used effectively by Project Officers and teams to follow the result achievements and indicators closely.
  • Work closely with other consortium project staff (Emergency PM) to ensure a cohesive and collaborative MHPSS approach across the consortium project.
  • Build and maintain relationships with relevant government bodies and other stakeholders to create a collaborative approach to the project implementation.
  • Participate to internal coordination meetings (team meetings, base meetings, general coordination meetings)
  • Contribute to the definition of the strategy of intervention and the operational modalities in Tigray region.


3: Human Resources Management

  • Recruit, supervise and manage the HI operational team under direct responsibility
  • Lead  the recruitment and selection process for new positions in the teams under direct management, with the support of MHPSS Technical Referent at HQ level and HR
  • Ensure strict application and respect of the Internal Regulations for all HI project staff
  • Work closely with the Technical Unit at HQ level to provide trainings, on-job recommendations and capacity building sessions to the team when needed
  • Ensure that all staff respect confidentiality and follow HI’s ethical and protection guidelines


4: Financial, administrative and logistical management

  • Ensure that logistical, administrative and financial procedures linked to project implementation are followed and alert the Field coordinator if gaps are observed to take corrective actions
  • Forecast and closely follow up on expenditures related to the project
  • Participate in monthly budget revisions for budget under direct management
  • Prepare timely purchase requests in line with the project needs
  • Support required actions by the administration related to team management and supervision
  • Identify logistic and admin support needs related to the project and communicate these to the relevant log/admin support person(s)


5: MEAL and Reporting management

  • Monitor the operational achievements and indicators, as per the logical framework and if needed, develop new monitoring tools and reporting templates for activities with the technical advisors.
  • Prepare the monthly situation report and PM Box for the project under direct responsibility
  • Coordinate and lead regular review and reporting on the activities to both field and operations coordinators in collaboration with MEAL staff.
  • Regular verification and correction of the activity database.
  • Prepare and share minutes of meetings and activity reports


6: Representation and external coordination

  • At the request of the Operations Manager, represent the organization with donors, partners, local authorities and stakeholders involved in the implementation of the project
  • At the request of the Operations Manager, attend and actively participate to the dedicated clusters and coordination meetings (Health sub-cluster, MHPSS working group, protection cluster etc.).
  • Maintain good professional relationships with government, UN Agencies, & NGOs (national & international)
  • At the request of the Operations Manager, participate in the coordination of donor and media visits


7: Participation in the development of new projects

  • Participate in the development of any possible/future concept note or project proposal
  • Contribute to needs assessment for new interventions


Other duties

  • Ensure a good understanding and general analysis of the political, security and humanitarian context in Tigray region.
  • Ensure that the security tracking is respected, monitor the security context and situation on the field at any time and provide feedback to the Operations Manager and HAS Manager



HI exact setup in Tigray is under development.

Shire is around 7 hours’ drive from Gonder, which is linked, to Addis by 70 minutes domestic flight. Recurrent movement are to be planned between Shire and Addis because of administrative access constraint during the first months of contract but should be reduced once work permit are secured.


In Tigray, HI plans to have an office/guest house in Shire town to cover operation in Shire town, North western and central Tigray.


Security risk are considered high in Tigray. In Shire town, the security risk related are more limited. HI security framework is currently under development and aim at mitigating identified risks.


Electricity and communication network are limited in Tigray. Communication constraint include phone and internet interruption. Nevertheless, internet remain available in Shire in other aid agencies structure for professional purpose.



At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission.


12 months International contract starting from 21th, June 2021 - The position is subjected to fundings

  • The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation:
    • Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals
    • Pension scheme adapted to the situation of our employees: If you already have a personal pension scheme HI will contribute at the same level of your personal monthly contribution with a maximum of 272.53€/month ; If you do not have a personal pension scheme, we will open a private pension account with your contribution of 272.53€/month and a contribution of HI of the same amount
    • Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution
    • Repatriation insurance paid by HI


  • Salary from 2448€ gross/month upon experience 
  • Perdiem : 472€ net/month - paid in the field
  • Hardship : 500 € net/month paid with your salary
  • Paid leaves : 25 days per year;
  • R&R : 5 days every 6 weeks  + possible transport/package support
  • Position unaccompanied
  • Payment for travel costs (air ticket & visa) and transport of your personal effects (from 12 months of mission)
  • Mission of more than 12 months : a child allowance of  100€ per month, per child (from the second child) paid in the field
  • Housing : Collective taken in charge by HI


If you are resident in the country : local package



Only online by joining a CV and cover letter via the following link:

Applications will be processed on an ongoing basis, don’t wait for applying !

Only successful candidates will be contacted.


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Yemen /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Expertise/recherche
Date de publication : 18/05/2021
Date limite : 02/06/2021



  • You hold a degree in Psychology, psychosocial work or community Mental Health (Advanced degree is recommended).
  • You have at least 3 years of experience in providing MHPSS technical support to programs
  • Proven experience in providing MHPSS services and training in NGO is essential
  • You know supervising, accompanying and coaching others
  • Having worked in a post-crisis or development context is an asset
  • Understanding of humanitarian coordination and the protection sector is necessary
  • You are able to work under pressure and without constant supervision. You have emotional capacity to work under unstable security situation
  • You are a good team member, with strong interpersonal & intercultural skills – You are keen to participatory approach
  • You are fluent in English (written and oral institutional communication) – You demonstrate eexcellent writing skills. Arabic would be an asset


Place: YEMEN (Aden) with regular field visits   Starting date: 8th of July2021

Length: 12 months                                                 Closing date for applications: 2nd of June 2021


“Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity”

Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation with no religious or political affiliations operating in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

Since the organisation was first founded in 1982, we have set up development programmes in more than 60 countries and responded to many emergencies. Today we have a budget of around 150 million euros, with 3500 employees worldwide.

The HI network is an organisation made up of a Federation (with 2 operational HQs in Lyon and Brussels), 8 national associations (Germany, Belgium, Canada, United States, France, Luxembourg, United Kingdom and Switzerland) and the HI Institute on Humanitarian Action. All these entities work concertedly to implement HI’s international aid and development mandate.

The Federation is responsible for implementing the network’s social missions in around sixty countries. It operates under the names “Humanity & Inclusion” or “Handicap International” depending on the country.

HI is engaged in an employment policy in favour of disabled workers.

For further information about the association:



HI have been intervening in Yemen on and off for the last 12 years, with its actions initially focused on development issues, notably through the support to the development of physical and functional rehabilitation services for people with disabilities as well as through the capacity-building of the national networks of Yemen Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs).

Since 2015, HI interventions have been adapted to the current context of conflict in Yemen. With the support of different donors, HI has been supporting two hospitals and one physical and functional rehabilitation centre in Sana'a City, building the capacities of their key staff in early rehabilitation care and psychological first aid (including specifically for children), supplying rehabilitation equipment, and directly providing functional rehabilitation care and psychosocial support to war affected people (including through the donation of assistive devices and provision of Prosthesis). In 2017, these activities have extended to new facilities in and around Sana’a.

In parallel, HI is implementing an inclusion and protection mainstreaming project, to increase the knowledge and capacities of the staff of International NGOs in the inclusion of the most vulnerable persons in their humanitarian response (including persons with disability), so as to increase their access to essential services.

While all of HI activities were done so far in Sana’a governorate, HI has expanded in Aden in 2019 and has opened an office in Mokha in 2020. Activities in Hajjah have been launched early 2021.



Under the responsibility of the Technical Unit manager of Yemen Programme, as MHPSS Specialist, you contribute within the country where you are based to the implementation of the mandate and the 10-year strategy of Humanity & Inclusion. You ensure optimal quality and impact of the projects implemented in the country, through a delegation system with appropriate control mechanisms. You share with all HI managers the responsibility of a sound management and successful functioning of the global organization, through paradigm changes.


In this part, your main responsibilities will be:



  • Provide sectorial technical input to the Programme’s Operational Strategy within your scope and in MHPSS sector, in line with the global technical strategy and ensure relevant follow up- support the analysis of barriers limiting access to MHPSS services including humanitarian responses (ethnical political, geographical, gender/age/disability) in order to adapt HI project, targets and activities accordingly - upport the Technical Unit Manager in the definition of objectives, activities, targets according to the context of intervention and the mission MHPSS strategy.
  • Ensure technical support to projects in line with the global technical frameworks and standards in your sectorial scope
  • Ensure technical learning from projects
  • Ensure the control & monitoring of the technical quality and the relevance of HI’s activities in the Programmes under your scope
  • Ensure compliance of the technical proposition with nexus stakes
  • Contribute to the development of research and innovation projects in the region when relevant, in your sectorial scope
  • Contribute to the Technical Divisions professional channel animation


Influence: Contribute to the local external prestige and influence of HI’s expertise in your sectorial scope

  • Represent the technical expertise of HI throughout the local relevant networks
  • Contribute to advocacy on specific themes in line with the global advocacy priorities –
  • Ensure a harmonized technical message is provided during these working groups and that HI speaks in a common voice on technical issues
  • Contributes to communication messages locally in line with the global communication priorities


Business development : ensure the development of major opportunities or new projects in the region under your sectorial scope

  • Contribute to the context analysis in his sectorial scope;
  • Contribute to the design, conception and writing of new projects in the country;
  • Identify & develop local partnerships and/or consortium with NGOs, Institutions, Companies on technical priorities or important topics in the country under his sectorial scope


Coordination and reporting

  • Support the teams to produce regular reports on HI activities (newsletters, case studies, activity reports, etc.);
  • Ensure the quantitative and qualitative reporting through the tools (assessment form, follow up form, discharge and monitoring form, groups report) and system in place;
  • Contribute to projects reporting for donors and local authorities;
  • Ensure regular internal reporting on your activities to managers upon his/her solicitation (field visit reports, coordination meeting, workshop, meeting minutes, etc.)
  • Actively participate to coordination meetings and workshops;
  • Contribute to efficient internal coordination between technical sectors and with other departments.



The position is based in Aden

You will be expected to travel between HI bases (Aden, Mokha and Hajjah).  In the four locations, shared guesthouses well equipped with a safe room, most of the work is done at the office but there are some possibilities to go out for work purposes. Outside movements are possible for some extra professional activities in Sana’a and Aden. All movements are done by car. HI has set-up a curfew. The situation is relatively calm in Sana’a and Hajjah nowadays. However, the security is volatile in southern areas.

Dress code: Men will be required to wear long pants and at least a short sleeved shirt. Women are required to wear the abaya and hijab (head scarf) outside of the compound. For female staff in the office, appropriate attire includes long pants, and long sleeve shirts.



At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission. Particular attention is paid to health issues and your personal situation.
We offer an induction and training path adapted to our staff members and we have a HR policy oriented toward mobility and professional development.


  • 12 months International contract starting from 8th of July 2021
  • The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation:
    • Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals
    • Pension scheme adapted to the situation of our employees: If you already have a personal pension scheme HI will contribute at the same level of your personal monthly contribution with a maximum of 272.53€/month ; If you do not have a personal pension scheme, we will open a private pension account with your contribution of 272.53€/month and a contribution of HI of the same amount
    • Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution
    • Repatriation insurance paid by HI


  • Salary from 2757€ gross/month upon experience 
  • Perdiem : 550€ net/month - paid in the field
  • Hardship : 500€ net/month paid with your salary
  • Paid leaves : 25 days per year;
  • R&R : Level 3: 5 days every 6 weeks
  • Position unaccompanied
  • Payment for travel costs (air ticket & visa) and transport of your personal effects (from 12 months of mission)
  • Mission of more than 12 months : a child allowance of  100€ per month, per child (from the second child) paid in the field
  • Housing : Collective taken in charge by HI


If you are resident in the country: local package



Only online by joining a CV and cover letter via the following link:


Applications will be processed on an ongoing basis, don’t wait for applying!

Only successful candidates will be contacted.


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Myanmar or Thailand /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Expertise/recherche
Date de publication : 18/05/2021
Date limite : 06/06/2021



  • You hold a Master degree in psychology
  • You have at least 5 years of experience in MHPSS at field level - Experience in clinical psychology is an asset
  • You master the technical issues concerning MHPSS sector, the stakeholders and professionals in MHPSS
  • You know how to work in an intercultural environment, and remotely
  • You know designing and providing capacity development (training, coaching, learning, etc.), using different pedagogical models
  • You are used to work on project development (on a technical side) & have already work as MHPSS technical Advisor
  • You like working as part of a team/network, you know cooperating (including remotely)
  • You are OK to regularly do field visits
  • You are fluent in English : producing written and oral institutional communication - Burmese is an asset


Place: MYANMAR (Yangon) or THAILAND (Mae Sot)                Starting date: 15th of July 2021

Length: 6 Months   

Closing date for applications: 6th of June 2021


“Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity”

Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation with no religious or political affiliations operating in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

Since the organisation was first founded in 1982, we have set up development programmes in more than 60 countries and responded to many emergencies. Today we have a budget of around 150 million euros, with 3500 employees worldwide.

The HI network is an organisation made up of a Federation (with 2 operational HQs in Lyon and Brussels), 8 national associations (Germany, Belgium, Canada, United States, France, Luxembourg, United Kingdom and Switzerland) and the HI Institute on Humanitarian Action. All these entities work concertedly to implement HI’s international aid and development mandate.

The Federation is responsible for implementing the network’s social missions in around sixty countries. It operates under the names “Humanity & Inclusion” or “Handicap International” depending on the country.

HI is engaged in an employment policy in favour of disabled workers.

For further information about the association:



The Myanmar Thailand (MyTh) program involves all HI’s interventions’ contexts (Armed Violence Reduction, Emergency and Development) and was created in 2016 with the merge of 2 already existing missions, setting up cross border initiatives to integrate the return of refugees from Thailand to Myanmar as part of its regional strategy.


In Thailand, HI started working in 1984 and first focused its actions on the delivery of mobility and assistive devices to Thai and Burmese landmine/ERW victims. HI currently implements activities in the camps of Burmese refugees on the Thailand/Myanmar border and in three thematic areas: Rehabilitation, Disability and Social Inclusion (DSI) including inclusive child development, implemented in 5 camps and Risk Education (RE), implemented in 9 camps.


HI's first activities in Myanmar were in the frame of the Cyclone Nargis's response, from October 2008 to December 2009. Following the ratification of the CRPD by the Myanmar authorities, HI reopened a mission in Myanmar in 2014. HI in Myanmar covers its entire mandate from emergency to development and going through Armed Violence Reduction (Humanitarian Mine Action). HI is part of several consortia and coordination mechanism including Health, Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction Clusters. In addition, HI coordinates with the National Victim Assistance Technical Group, gathering national and international actors under the umbrella of the National Mine Risk Working Group (MRWG) chaired by the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement (SWRR).


HI has developed its first regional strategy and it is therefore on the one hand consolidating current sectors of activities, and on the other exploring the needs and possibility to enter in new operational sectors.



Under the responsibility of the Technical Unit Manager (TUM) of the MYANMAR & THAILAND PROGRAM (MyTh Program), as MHPSS Technical Specialist, you contribute within the program to the implementation of the mandate and the 10-year strategy of Humanity & Inclusion. You ensure optimal quality and impact of the projects implemented in the country, through a delegation system with appropriate control mechanisms. You share with all HI managers the responsibility of a sound management and successful functioning of the global organization, through paradigm changes.


You will spend more time with project/field teams and visit field frequently to work efficiently with the field team and visit all areas of program implementation depending upon the need.


The role therefore, requires significant focus on strategy development, quality assurance, and close collaboration with the project/field team to determine where best to improve ongoing intervention. The role will also require a high degree of capacity building and coaching to the project/field teams.

Finally, you will closely work with the MEAL Manager on data analysis.


By the end of the 6-months mission, the objective is that project/field team has the capacity to independently provide technical support and should be able to implement the activities with the technical tools and with a high level of technical quality.


You Missions:


  • Contribute to the regional strategies in line with the global strategies: Provide MHPSS sectorial technical inputs to the STRATOPs of the MyTh programme, in line with the global STRATECH and ensure relevant follow up 


  • Ensure technical support and quality monitoring of MHPSS activities in line with the global technical frameworks and standards:
  • Support the implementation of targeting, awareness raising, care and training activities in accordance with HI in line with strategies, standards, and mandatory transversal approaches
  • Ensure the capacity building of project/field team and the technical supervision of activities
  • Contribute to the planning and reporting of the activities carried out
  • Contribute to recruitment and briefing when relevant


  • Ensure technical learning from projects: contribute to projects’ capitalization and ensure technical learning from projects in MHPSS


  • Ensure the control & monitoring of the technical quality and the relevance of HI’s activities in terms of MHPSS


  • Ensures compliance of the technical proposition with nexus stakes


  • Contribute to the development of MHPSS research and innovation projects in MyTh when relevant,
  • Suggest and steer technical innovation projects


  • Contribute to the Technical Divisions professional channel animation & contribute to Disability Inclusion Unit work to promote inclusive services for all when MHPSS expertise is needed.


Influence: contribute to the local external prestige and influence of HI’s expertise in the MHPSS sector

  • Represent HI’s protection approach and component within the project and all kind of coordination meetings and protection related networks (government meetings, clusters, working group and others) and provide technical support
  • Contribute to advocacy on specific themes in line with the global advocacy priorities
  • Contribute developing communication messages at local level by adopting global communication priorities

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 Ensure the development of major opportunities or new projects on MHPSS under Myanmar

  • Contribute to the context analysis on MHPSS
  • Contribute to the design and writing of new projects in Myanmar
  • Identify & develop local partnerships and/or consortium with NGOs, Institutions, Companies on technical priorities or important topics in the region under his sectorial scope





Due to the Military Coup on February 1st and the COVID situation in the region, the Program must adapt its set-up and expectations. Therefore, this position can be located either in Yangon or Mae Sot, but will be competent for the whole program. In Myanmar, the security and administrative contexts are harder than in Thailand.



At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission. Particular attention is paid to health issues and your personal situation.
We offer an induction and training path adapted to our staff members and we have a HR policy oriented toward mobility and professional development.


  • 6 months of mission – a longer contract can be possible
  • The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation:
    • Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals
    • Pension scheme adapted to the situation of our employees: If you already have a personal pension scheme HI will contribute at the same level of your personal monthly contribution with a maximum of 272.53€/month ; If you do not have a personal pension scheme, we will open a private pension account with your contribution of 272.53€/month and a contribution of HI of the same amount
    • Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution
    • Repatriation insurance paid by HI


  • Salary from 2757€ gross/month upon experience 
  • Perdiem : 530,11€ for Myanmar - 573,80€  For Thailand  (net/month - paid in the field)
  • Hardship : 250 Euros for Myanmar - 0 € for Thailand (net/month paid with your salary)
  • Paid leaves : 25 days per year;
  • R&R : according to the level of the mission- Level 1 for Thailand: 1 day per month & Level 2 for Myanmar : 5 days every 3 months
  • Position:
    • Unaccompanied for Myanmar
      • Payment for travel costs (air ticket & visa) and transport of your personal effects (from 12 months of mission)


  • open to couples & families in Thailand IF the contract is from  12 months
    • Support travel costs (air ticket & visa) for accompanying dependent and health/ repatriation insurance if  the dependent has no income/
    • a child allowance of  100€ per month, per child (from the second child) paid in the field
    • Contribution to school registration fees for children over 3 years (No international school in Mae sot)
    • Family-wide health coverage
    • Payment for travel costs (air ticket & visa) and transport of your personal effects



  • Housing : individual taken in charge by HI


If you are resident in the country: local package



Only online by joining a CV and cover letter via the following link:

Applications will be processed on an ongoing basis, don’t wait for applying!

Only successful candidates will be contacted.


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Paris ou Luxembourg /
Type d'emploi : Stage
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Communication
Date de publication : 10/05/2021
Date limite : 31/05/2021


Vous avez une formation en communication et gestion de projet

Vous avez une première expérience d’organisation d’évènements 

Vous êtes capable de travailler avec de nombreux acteurs dans un contexte multiculturel

Vous êtes autonome, polyvalent(e) et adaptable.

Vous disposez de fortes capacités de communication à l’écrit comme à l’oral

Vous êtes force de proposition et vous aimez le travail en équipe

Vous maitrisez les outils informatiques et les systèmes de communication en ligne

Vous savez utiliser des logiciels de montage vidéo

Vous maîtrisez obligatoirement le français et l'anglais, à l’oral comme à l’écrit


Diversité encouragée, candidat(e) en situation de handicap bienvenu(e)


« S’engager aux côtés d’HI, c’est agir pour venir en aide aux populations vulnérables que nous soutenons sur le terrain. Pour mener à bien cette mission, nous recherchons des étudiants motivés et prêts à mettre leur énergie au service d’une cause qui a du sens »


Indignés face à l’injustice que vivent les personnes handicapées et les populations vulnérables, nous aspirons à un monde solidaire et inclusif, où toutes les différences nous enrichissent et où chacun peut vivre debout.

Handicap International change de nom et devient « Humanité & Inclusion ». HI, Humanité & Inclusion est une organisation de solidarité internationale indépendante et impartiale, qui intervient dans les situations de pauvreté et d’exclusion, de conflits et de catastrophes. Œuvrant aux côtés des personnes handicapées et des populations vulnérables, elle agit et témoigne, pour répondre à leurs besoins essentiels, pour améliorer leurs conditions de vie et promouvoir le respect de leur dignité et de leurs droits fondamentaux.


HI est engagé dans une politique d’emploi en faveur des travailleurs handicapés.


Pour plus d’information sur l’association :



La Direction des Opérations (DO) d’Humanité & Inclusion rassemble 5 directions géographiques, quatre directions techniques, une direction de l’urgence et une direction transverse. Le mandat plus spécifique des directions techniques est de fournir un soutien technique et un cadre aux programmes de HI dans le monde, mais aussi de porter les projets de recherche et d’innovation ainsi que de porter la représentation de HI à l’externe. Ces directions sont : Santé & Prévention, Réadaptation, Protection, Services Sociaux et Inclusion.

La direction Technique Réadaptation accueille 18 collaborateurs, en charge d’incarner les différentes facettes de ce mandat pour les programmes d’Humanité & Inclusion sur la thématique de la réadaptation en contexte humanitaire et de développement.





Le stage se déroulera au sein de la direction Réadaptation, l’objectif du stage est de co-organiser avec les différents interlocuteurs un séminaire transversal, portant sur la thématique de l’utilisation de la télé-réadaptation et des Tic (Technologie de l’Information et de la Communication) en réadaptation.

Le séminaire se déroulera au mois de novembre 2021.

Activité 1 : Vous co-organisez et préparez le programme du séminaire en lien avec les différentes parties prenantes

-Vous adaptez le format du séminaire selon les contraintes liées au contexte sanitaire (webinaire ou séminaire en présentiel, ou format mixte)

-Vous assurez la coordination des échanges (participants, experts, partenaires etc.)

Activité 2 : Vous créez des supports de communication et de travail du séminaire

-Vous proposez et produisez les différents supports de communication (mailing)

-Vous élaborez avec la direction technique les supports de travail (note de cadrage, etc.)

-Vous êtes un soutien et une personne ressource, pour les équipes de terrains dans la préparation de leur partage d’expérience

Activité 3 : Vous co-organisez et gérez l’ensemble des aspects logistiques du séminaire

-Au regard du contexte sanitaire, vous mettez en place les aspects logistiques si le séminaire a lieu en présentiel

-Dans le cadre d’un webinaire, vous assurez la coordination des interventions des différents acteurs en lien avec la direction de la réadaptation

Activité 4 : Vous participez à la réalisation du séminaire

-Vous réalisez la prise de note et ou l’enregistrement des interventions lors du séminaire

Activité 5 : Vous produisez un rapport sur la tenue du séminaire


Vous recevrez :

  • Une gratification mensuelle de 600,60€
  • Des tickets restaurant d’une valeur faciale de 8,96 euros (60 % à la charge de l’employeur, 40% à votre charge)
  • Une participation de 50% à votre abonnement au titre des transports


Vous devez disposer d’une convention de stage obligatoire délivrée par un établissement d’enseignement ou de formation français.


Pour ce stage, le dispositif de l’alternance n’est pas souhaité.



Les stages proposés chez HI donnent l’occasion aux étudiants d’évoluer dans une organisation internationale et de prendre part à l’action d’Humanité & Inclusion. Nous considérons que les stagiaires pour qui l’expérience s’est bien passée sont nos talents de demain !

Les stages proposés chez HI donnent l’occasion aux étudiants d’évoluer dans une organisation internationale et de prendre part à l’action d’Humanité & Inclusion. Nous considérons que les stagiaires pour qui l’expérience s’est bien passée sont nos talents de demain !


Merci d’envoyer votre CV et Lettre de motivation à :

Les candidatures seront étudiées au fur et à mesure. Nous encourageons les personnes intéressées à postuler dès qu'elles le peuvent.

Les candidatures seront étudiées au fur et à mesure. Nous encourageons les personnes intéressées à postuler dès qu'elles le peuvent.

Pour plus d’information sur l’association :
