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Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Hargeisa with frequent travel to Mogadishu and to Ethiopia as needed /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Expertise/recherche
Date de publication : 25/03/2021
Date limite : 11/04/2021



  • You hold a Masters level education in social science or similar fields – A Disability study related degree/diploma would be appreciated
  • You demonstrate proven Technical experience in Disability inclusion in humanitarian action
  • You have at least 3 years of experience in humanitarian sector
  • You know designing and providing capacity development (training, coaching, learning, etc.)
  • You have a good knowledge of international core standards and guidelines related to protection and disability inclusion in humanitarian and development settings
  • You are used to work on project development (on a technical side)
  • You are fluent in English


Place: Hargeisa with frequent travel to Mogadishu and to Ethiopia as needed                  

Starting date: June 2021

Length: 12 months                                                            Closing date for applications: 11th of April 2021


“Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity”

Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation with no religious or political affiliations operating in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

Since the organisation was first founded in 1982, we have set up development programmes in more than 60 countries and responded to many emergencies. Today we have a budget of around 150 million euros, with 3500 employees worldwide.

The HI network is an organisation made up of a Federation (with 2 operational HQs in Lyon and Brussels), 8 national associations (Germany, Belgium, Canada, United States, France, Luxembourg, United Kingdom and Switzerland) and the HI Institute on Humanitarian Action. All these entities work concertedly to implement HI’s international aid and development mandate.

The Federation is responsible for implementing the network’s social missions in around sixty countries. It operates under the names “Humanity & Inclusion” or “Handicap International” depending on the country.

HI is engaged in an employment policy in favour of disabled workers.

For further information about the association:



Handicap International (HI) started in Somaliland in 1992 by setting up a rehabilitation centre in Hargeisa. HI’s strategy in Somaliland has been since to advocate for the rights of persons with disabilities (PWDs) and to engage development actors to promote inclusion and participation of PWDs at local and national level.  From 2010 to 2014, HI implemented a Human Rights project entitled “Enhanced participation of Somalis with disability for human rights and democracy in Somaliland and Puntland”. This project strengthened the capacity of 15 Disabled People Organizations (DPOs) at grassroots level to empower people with disability to actively promote and advocate for their rights for protection and inclusion. A major outcome of this intervention was the development of a Disability Policy for Somaliland and Puntland.


In Mogadishu and in Somaliland, HI has been implementing projects, either directly or in consortium, with a focus on promoting inclusive humanitarian action.

Through these projects, various aspects of inclusive HA have been explored including on how to collect quality data on disability, inclusive communication and exposure to various frameworks such as the IASC guidelines on inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action and the CRPD. The interest of humanitarian/mainstream actors about disability inclusion has been raised and continues to gain momentum. These interventions are also designed to produce some lessons learned and good practices for replication in future, and to influence more actors towards being more inclusive in their response.


Since it is envisaged that these projects will continue to be funded (submission for new projects ongoing) the inclusive HA specialist will support the programme to develop new activities, complementary to the ongoing ones, with the aim to have greater impact and deepen the inclusion practice of other actors.


In 2021, the programme will develop its Country Strategy (STRATOP) and has the sight of carrying out exploratory mission to extend the programme in South Central of Somalia based on findings of the assessment and needs of the population



You will work under direct line management of Somaliland & Somalia Country Manager and closely with the programme team members,

You main objective will be to support the disability inclusion component, focus on  Improving protection and access to basic and specialized services for persons with specific needs (with main focus to Persons with disabilities, injuries, elderly, chronic illness etc) from IDPs and Host community in ongoing HI,  Consortium partners project as well as other humanitarian assistance project implemented by various humanitarian partners.  This will be achieved by: defining the framework of HI support to targeted humanitarian actors; by building partners & Cluster members’ capacities as well as HI teams to implement the action related to such technical framework; by ensuring good practices are identified within supported projects and shared across consortium partners and other humanitarian actors.


The technical framework of HI support to partner’s humanitarian actors is comprehensive and usually entails training, revisions of guidelines, procedures and tools, production of supporting materials and coaching. Agreed actions or action plans are tailored to partners’ needs, reality and interest, and therefore might take different shapes

Stakes of the post

•             Ensure technical quality of activities: Develop, deliver training in inclusive Humanitarian action, ensuring quality of activities through implementation of HI’s technical positioning and frameworks in coordination with partners.

•             Supporting the documentation, identification of good practice and lesson learning, whilst working with the team to explore new opportunities on disability inclusion / inclusive humanitarian action

•             A major stake of the position is to ensure HI inclusion officers become more autonomous in the implementation of HI support to partners and master the technical framework of HI support


Your main responsibilities will be:


Contribute  to the regional strategies in line with the global strategies

Ensure technical support to projects in line with the global technical frameworks and standards in your sectorial scope

Ensure technical learning from projects

Ensure the control & monitoring of the technical quality and the relevance of HI’s activities in the Programmes under your scope

Ensure compliance of the technical proposition with nexus stakes

Contribute to the development of research and innovation projects in the region when relevant, in your sectorial scope

Contribute to the Technical Divisions professional channel animation



Contribute to the local external prestige and influence of HI’s expertise in your sectorial scope:

  • Represent the technical expertise of HI throughout the local relevant networks
  • Contribute to advocacy on specific themes in line with the global advocacy priorities
  • Contribute to communication messages locally in line with the global communication priorities)

Business development

Ensure the development of major opportunities or new projects in the region under your sectorial scope:



Security situation in Hargeisa is overall under control, despite some periodic but rare outbreaks (last serious incident was in 2008). Most activities are currently implemented directly by HI.  In South Central is highly volatile and unpredictable.  HI intervention in South Central Somalia is only confined to Mogadishu with very small activities (capacity building to government authorities and other humanitarian agencies). 


Accommodation in Hargeisa:  At the Hotel in Hargeisa, in a small bungalow with sufficient space and amenities: 1 bedroom, bathroom and 1 living room which contains kitchen, TV and a sofa.

Accommodation in Mogadishu: Individual accommodation in a secure hotel compound  with internet access.


Accessibility/Transport: Most areas are accessible in Somaliland, although some require police escort. In Mogadishu; very strict travel guideline and movement outside hotel will be only through HI rented very secure transport.  Use of public transport is strictly prohibited both in Hargeisa and Mogadishu.


Isolation/ Social LifeVery limited access to cultural or sportive activities. Curfew might be imposed after 9pm and no access to alcohol..



At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission. Particular attention is paid to health issues and your personal situation.
We offer an induction and training path adapted to our staff members and we have a HR policy oriented toward mobility and professional development.


  • 12 months International contract starting from June  2021 – Please be aware that the position is subjected to fundings confirmation
  • The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation:
    • Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals
    • Pension scheme adapted to the situation of our employees: If you already have a personal pension scheme HI will contribute at the same level of your personal monthly contribution with a maximum of 272.53€/month ; If you do not have a personal pension scheme, we will open a private pension account with your contribution of 272.53€/month and a contribution of HI of the same amount
    • Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution
    • Repatriation insurance paid by HI
  • Salary from 2757€ gross/month upon experience 
  • Perdiem : 550€ net/month - paid in the field
  • Hardship : 500 € net/month paid with your salary (REMOVE IF NOT APPLICABLE)
  • Paid leaves : 25 days per year;
  • R&R : 5 days every 6 weeks
  • Position: unaccompanied
      • Payment for travel costs (air ticket & visa) and transport of your personal effects (from 12 months of mission)
  • Housing : Collective taken in charge by HI

If you are resident in the country : local package




Only online by joining a CV and cover letter via the following link: 


Applications will be processed on an ongoing basis, don’t wait for applying !

Only successful candidates will be contacted.


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : RDC /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 24/03/2021
Date limite : 14/04/2021



  • Vous êtes titulaire d'un Master dans un domaine en adéquation avec les domaines techniques portés par HI
  • Vous maîtrisez les différents courants de pensées et modèles explicatifs du handicap & les stratégies de lutte contre l’exclusion et la discrimination.
  • En plus de votre expertise technique, vous connaissez les enjeux d’au moins 1 secteur des services d’HI
  • Vous justifiez d’expérience en gestion de projet ET en expertise technique
  • Vous avez l’expérience des cadres et mécanismes de la coopération internationale (développement & action humanitaire) et maitrisez les lignes directrices sur les interventions d’urgence
  • Vous êtes expérimenté(e) dans le management d’équipe et démontrez des qualités de leader et de rassembleur ; vous aimez travailler en équipe et en réseau
  • Vous maîtrisez les techniques de renforcement des compétences pour adulte
  • Vous savez travailler dans des contextes d’urgence, savez prioriser et travailler sous pression
  • Vous maîtrisez le français et avez un niveau professionnel en anglais (incluant la capacité à écrire des propositions de projets en anglais)


Lieu : Goma/RDC                                            Date souhaitée de démarrage : Juin 2021

Durée : 2 ans                                                                  Date limite dépôt de candidatures : 14/04/2021


« Indignés face à l’injustice que vivent les personnes handicapées et les populations vulnérables, nous aspirons à un monde solidaire et inclusif, où toutes les différences nous enrichissent et où chacun peut vivre debout. »


Handicap International / Humanity & Inclusion (HI) est une association de solidarité internationale indépendante et impartiale, qui intervient dans les situations de pauvreté et d’exclusion, de conflits et de catastrophes. Œuvrant aux côtés des personnes handicapées et vulnérabilisées, elle agit et témoigne pour répondre à leurs besoins essentiels et améliorer leurs conditions de vie. Elle s’engage à promouvoir le respect de leur dignité et de leurs droits fondamentaux. Depuis sa création en 1982, HI a mis en place des programmes de développement dans plus de 60 pays et intervient dans de nombreuses situations d’urgence. Aujourd'hui, nous avons un budget d'environ 150 millions d'euros, avec 3500 employés dans le monde.


HI est engagée dans une politique d’emploi en faveur des travailleurs handicapés.

Retrouvez plus d’informations sur l’association :




La RDC subit une instabilité chronique depuis la fin des années 1990, liée à des problèmes de gouvernance interne et sa proximité avec des pays ayant connu des crises majeures. Du fait de la fragilité des institutions, pour l’ensemble de la population congolaise, estimée entre 100 et 120 millions d’habitants, l’accès à des services sociaux de qualité reste un défi majeur. La crise de la COVID 19 impacte également le bon fonctionnement de ces services (fermeture des écoles, ralentissement de l’économie), même si les chiffres en termes de contaminations et d’hospitalisation reste globalement stable. Il est également notable qu’en 2018, une alternance démocratique a été observée lors de l’élection présidentielle, même si la vie politique au niveau nationale et au niveau local fait l’objet de nombreux soubresauts.


Les provinces de l’Est de la RDC sont le théâtre d’une crise chronique depuis plus de 25 ans. L’instabilité y est permanente et les groupes armés, parfois issus des pays voisins, y pullulent. Les affrontements armés, pour le contrôle de territoires, de ressources minières, mènent à des déplacements massifs de population et à des violations répétées des droits humains et du droit humanitaire. La RDC enregistre le deuxième plus grand







nombre de personnes déplacées après la Syrie (5,2 millions) et 1,4 million de personnes retournées. Elle accueille également plus de 527 000 réfugiés. Selon l’analyse IPC, il est estimé que près de 19,6 millions de personnes seront confrontées à une insécurité alimentaire sévère et aiguë en 2021.

 L’accès humanitaire à ces populations en situation d’urgence est un défi permanent, à la fois à cause de l’insécurité chronique, et à cause des contraintes d’accès logistiques (pistes et routes très dégradées, glissements de terrain réguliers, zones inondées…).


Les acteurs humanitaires interviennent dans la zone depuis de nombreuses années, y mélangeant des approches combinant l’urgence (réponse aux épidémies de Choléra, Ebola notamment, déplacements de populations liés aux conflits, réponses aux crises aigües sur le plan alimentaires et nutritionnelles), mais aussi sur le plan de la transition / résilience et essayant d’assurer un certain développement/stabilisation dans les zones les plus stables.


En réponse aux besoins et dans le cadre de son expertise technique, HI intervient en RDC depuis 1995 dans de nombreux secteurs et est un acteur reconnu dans l’assistance humanitaire et le domaine logistique à l’Est de la RDC.

Depuis mars 2018, le programme est géré par une coordination pays basée à Kinshasa et pilote 3 bases opérationnelles en RDC (Kinshasa, Goma et Kananga) :

-              A Kinshasa sont mis en place des projets pluriannuels de développement sur les thématiques de la Réadaptation, de la Santé Maternelle et Infantile, la Sécurité Routière, l’Appui aux Associations et l’Education Inclusive.

-              Au Kasaï-Central, initialement engagé dans des activités de développement, HI intervient depuis la crise de 2016 sur des projets de Sécurité Alimentaire en partenariat avec ACF.

-              Au Nord-Kivu, HI intervient actuellement en support logistique (projet PLATEFORME stockage et  transport d’intrants humanitaires, projet SIGNAL d’analyse des vulnérabilités logistiques) aux acteurs humanitaires, en Réhabilitation d’infrastructures routières et sur un Projet visant à rendre l’action humanitaire plus inclusive des personnes à risque de discrimination.


L’année 2021 sera consacrée également à la mise à jour de la stratégie pluriannuelle du Programme RDC, avec des réflexions axées notamment sur les capacités de réponse d’urgence, le positionnement stratégique sur le NEXUS, et l’amélioration de l’accès aux soins et services de réadaptation dans l’Est de la RDC.


C’est dans ce cadre, qu’HI RDC recherche son/sa Technical Unit Manager pour 24 mois









Sous la responsabilité du Directeur Pays RDC, en tant que TUM (Technical Unit Manager), vous  contribuez à la mise en œuvre du mandat et de la stratégie à 10 ans d’Humanité & Inclusion (2016-2025) en RDC.


Vous veillez à l’optimisation de la qualité et de l’impact des projets mis en œuvre dans le pays, via un système de délégation avec des mécanismes de contrôle appropriés, sur la base des standards et de l’expertise développée par HI au niveau global et en RDC. Vous jouez également un rôle important dans la capitalisation des interventions de HI en RDC, en étroite collaboration avec le département MEAL.


Vous participez activement à mise à jour et au déploiement de la stratégie du Programme (2021 -2024), en lien avec les Stratégies techniques élaborées au siège. En soutien au Directeur Programme et aux Managers des Opérations sur les bases, vous assurez une veille constante sur les besoins humanitaires en RDC, et participez aux échanges avec les partenaires sur les réponses apportées en lien avec l’expertise HI.


En tant que membre du Senior Management team  vous partagez avec tous les autres responsables HI la charge d’une gestion saine et d’un bon fonctionnement de l’organisation globale, par des visites régulières sur les bases opérationnelles (Kananga, Goma, Kinshasa) et en assurant que les standards et recommandations techniques sont bien prises en compte dans la mise en œuvre des activités.


Dans ce cadre, vos différentes responsabilités sont :

  • Management de l’équipe composant l’unité technique
  • Expertise technique : participation à la compréhension du contexte humanitaire global en RDC et à la réflexion entre l’évolution des besoins et la réponse apportée par HI - Contribution aux stratégies en RDC - Veille du respect des normes et cadres techniques globaux et au processus d’apprentissage à partir des projets - Assure le développement de projets de recherche et d’innovation dans la région - Veille à la conformité des propositions de projet avec les enjeux humanitaires sur le nexus - Mène un canal professionnel local et contribue à l’animation de ce canal
  • Influence : représente l’expertise technique de HI dans les réseaux locaux pertinents - Contribue au plaidoyer sur des thèmes spécifiques - Contribue aux messages de communication au niveau local
  • Développement de la mission sociale de l’organisation : assure le développement technique des opportunités majeures pour chaque thème au sein de la région dans votre périmètre










Le poste est basé à Kinshasa avec de fréquents déplacements sur les zones d’intervention (1/3 à 1/4 du temps).

A Kinshasa, le contexte est relativement stable, avec des conditions de vie confortables et la présence d’une importante communauté expatriée. Le contexte politique nécessite une vigilance régulière, et la criminalité y demeure importante dans de nombreux quartiers.

Les conditions de vie sont bonnes à Goma avec la présence d’une importante communauté humanitaire et quelques opportunités d’activités extraprofessionnelles. Les conditions de sécurité en ville sont actuellement bonnes même si persiste une petite criminalité urbaine.

La province du Nord-Kivu, hors ville de Goma, est la proie à de nombreux conflits qui persistent depuis plus de 20 ans. Les incidents de sécurité, y compris ciblant les acteurs humanitaires, sont nombreux et contraignent le bon déploiement des activités des acteurs humanitaires.

La province du Kasaï central souffre d’un enclavement important, et les déplacements dans la province sont compliqués. Après une crise aigüe due à une crise politico-militaire majeure entre 2016 et 2018, le contexte est désormais celui du relèvement précoce. La sécurité est plutôt bonne à Kananga malgré la persistance d’une criminalité importante.





Chez HI, les conditions de départ sont à la hauteur de votre engagement et adaptées au contexte de votre mission. Une attention particulière est portée aux questions de santé et à votre situation personnelle :

Pour connaître notre parcours d’intégration et de formation, et notre politique de mobilité, cliquez ici :


  • Contrat International de 24 mois à compter idéalement du début juin 2021


  • Le contrat international permet une couverture sociale adaptée aux besoins de chacun
    • Assurance chômage prélevée uniquement pour les ressortissants de l’UE
    • Assurance retraite adaptée à la situation de nos collaborateurs.
    • Couverture santé, rapatriement, prévoyance prises en charge par HI et par l’employé
  • Salaire : à partir de 2800€ brut/mois
  • Perdiem : 579€ net/mois – versé en monnaie locale sur le terrain
  • Hardship : 250 € net/mois
  • Congés payés : 25 jours par an ; R&R : 1 jour par mois
  • Poste non accompagné
      • Prise en charge des frais de transport, de visas et de transport de vos effets personnels (dès 12 mois)
      • A partir de 12 mois de mission une allocation enfant de 100 € versée à partir de 2 enfants à charge
  • Logement : Collectif / individuel pris en charge par H

Si vous êtes résident(e) dans le pays : package local

POSTULER : Uniquement en ligne en joignant CV et Lettre de motivation via le lien suivant : 

Les candidatures sont traitées de façon continue, n’attendez pas pour postuler !

Seules les candidatures retenues seront contactées.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : RCA /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Expertise/recherche
Date de publication : 19/03/2021
Date limite : 14/04/2021



  • Vous êtes titulaire d'un diplôme universitaire en sciences sociales, Disability Studies (ergothérapeute, kiné, physio, SLP), gestion de projet humanitaire, études humanitaires ou de développement
  • Vous avez au minimum 5 ans d'expérience dans un rôle de conseil/appui technique dans le domaine du handicap/genre/inclusion, préférablement dans un contexte humanitaire (Maîtrise des interventions en contextes humanitaires et des mécanismes de coordination inter acteurs / agences (clusters etc…)
  • Vous connaissez les différents courants de pensées et modèles explicatifs du handicap et maîtrisez l’application de certains outils ; vous connaissez les cadres internationaux des droits de l’homme et humanitaires (Protection, inclusion) ; vous comprenez le langage relatif aux droits humains, notamment sur le handicap, le genre, l’âge et l’intersectionalité et vous savez analyser de manière critique les contextes, les tendances et les vulnérabilités liés à la discrimination et à la violence à l'aide d'une optique DGA
  • Vous avez déjà une expérience où vous avez rendus plus inclusifs des opérations humanitaires et systèmes de données. Vous avez une sensibilité forte aux questions de Handicap, Genre et Age
  • Vous comprenez les contextes alliant enjeux d’urgence, de préparation à l’urgence, reconstruction et développement résultant de crises chroniques
  • Vous avez une expérience de travail avec des personnes handicapées et des organisations représentatives
  • Vous avez de fortes compétences en transmission du savoir, formation, appui et coaching et savez faire du ‘’capacity building’’ auprès de différents acteurs (OPH, partenaires, staff HI…)
  • Vous êtes doté(e) de fortes capacités de représentation interne et externe et comprenez totalement l’approche partenariale
  • Vous êtes réactif(ve) et flexible
  • Vous maitrisez le français oral et écrit


Lieu : République de Centrafrique (Bangui avec des déplacements terrain)

Durée : 12 mois

Date souhaitée : dès que possible

Date limite dépôt de candidatures : 14 avril 2021


Indignés face à l’injustice que vivent les personnes handicapées et les populations vulnérables, nous aspirons à un monde solidaire et inclusif, où toutes les différences nous enrichissent et où chacun peut vivre debout.

Handicap International change de nom et devient « Humanité & Inclusion ». HI, Humanité & Inclusion est une organisation de solidarité internationale indépendante et impartiale, qui intervient dans les situations de pauvreté et d’exclusion, de conflits et de catastrophes. Œuvrant aux côtés des personnes handicapées et des populations vulnérables, elle agit et témoigne, pour répondre à leurs besoins essentiels, pour améliorer leurs conditions de vie et promouvoir le respect de leur dignité et de leurs droits fondamentaux.


HI est engagé dans une politique d’emploi en faveur des travailleurs handicapés.


Présente dans 63 pays, retrouvez plus d’informations sur l’association :



Présente en RCA de 1994 à 2004, HI a notamment appuyé l’ouverture du centre d’appareillage de Bangui (ANRAC). HI a par ailleurs travaillé sur la mise en place d’une formation universitaire d’assistant kinésithérapeute. L’organisation a aussi travaillé en collaboration avec l’ONAPHA, association nationale des personnes en situation de handicap de République Centrafricaine. HI est revenue en RCA en 2015 pour déployer les activités de sa plateforme logistique.

Aujourd’hui, l’organisation est composée de 85 personnels nationaux et 17 internationaux, répartis sur trois bases : Bangui, Bambari et Bangassou; la mission HI a également une équipe de réadaptation intégrée au sein de la mission MSF-Espagne à Batangafo et une équipe volante assurant la réhabilitation de pistes aériennes sur tout le pays. Aujourd’hui, HI intervient en République de Centrafrique avec des projets dans 4 secteurs : la logistique, la santé, la protection et les moyens de subsistances.



En 2019, la mission RCA a finalisé sa stratégie opérationnelle à 3 ans. Cette stratégie vise le déploiement de la mission autour de 3 piliers d’intervention : la Santé (rééducation fonctionnelle et santé mentale), l’assistance technique H2H et opérationnelle (Plateforme logistique ATLAS et inclusion) et la résilience socio-économique. C’est dans cette dynamique ambitieuse que des évaluations sont en cours pour le déploiement de nouveaux projets dans la zone sud-est de la RCA.



Sous la responsabilité de l’adjoint de la Directrice de Programme, en tant que Spécialiste Inclusion, vous interviendrez en appui technique aux projets du programme RCA dans le domaine de l’action Humanitaire  Inclusive


Vous interviendrez en appui technique/formation aux équipes opérationnelles et auprès des autres spécialistes dans le programme sur les cadres et méthodologies de l’Action Humanitaire Inclusive en lien avec  la spécialiste du Siège.


Vous serez amené(e) également à intervenir directement en assistance technique et renforcement des capacités auprès d'acteurs de la préparation et réponse d’urgence (ONG nationales et internationales, autorités locales et nationales et OPH ou autres structures de la société civile) en lien avec les équipes opérationnelles


En outre, sur base de la stratégie opérationnelle du programme, vous serez, en lien avec les équipes opérationnelles, en charge du développement des interventions pour promouvoir des politiques, stratégies et programmes de préparation et de réponse plus inclusives dans le secteur de l’Action Humanitaire Inclusive dans les différents contextes d’urgence


Dans ce cadre, vous aurez pour principales responsabilités :

  • Supervision technique des activités, actions et stratégie de HI et ses partenaires en RCA pour assurer l’inclusion et la participation des personnes à risque d’exclusion
  • Garantie de la qualité technique des projets et activités d’inclusion et la participation des personnes en situation d’exclusion
  • Contribution, en lien avec l’équipe de coordination, à la définition et au suivi de la stratégie pays, au développement général du programme et des futurs projets ciblant les personnes vulnérables, dans le cadre des cadres globaux et les cadres de d’HI sur l’action humanitaire inclusive
  • Appui du programme, à court et moyen termes, via des actions et une stratégie, pour assurer une meilleure inclusion et participation des personnes cibles



Sécurité : les contraintes sécuritaires sont importantes en RCA.

Conditions de vie : les guesthouses offrent de bonnes conditions de vie. Il est possible de se faire livrer de la nourriture ou de trouver des restaurants ouverts respectant les mesures de distanciation et d’hygiène.



Chez HI, les conditions de départ sont à la hauteur de votre engagement et adaptées au contexte de votre mission. Une attention particulière est portée aux questions de santé et à votre situation personnelle :

Pour connaître notre parcours d’intégration et de formation, et notre politique de mobilité, cliquez ici :


  • Contrat International de 12 mois – prise de poste dès que possible
  • Le contrat international permet une couverture sociale adaptée aux besoins de chacun
    • Assurance chômage prélevée uniquement pour les ressortissants de l’UE
    • Assurance retraite adaptée à la situation de nos collaborateurs.
    • Couverture santé, rapatriement, prévoyance prises en charge par HI et par l’employé
  • Salaire : à partir de 2757€ brut/mois
  • Perdiem : 660€ net/mois – versé en monnaie locale sur le terrain
  • Hardship : 250 € net/mois
  • Congés payés : 25 jours par an ; R&R : 7 jours tous les 2 mois
  • Poste non accompagné - Prise en charge des frais de transport, de visas et de transport de vos effets personnels (dès 12 mois)-A partir de 12 mois de mission une allocation enfant de 100 € versée à partir de 2 enfants à charge
  • Logement : Collectif pris en charge par H

Si vous êtes résident(e) dans le pays : package local



Uniquement en ligne en joignant CV et Lettre de motivation via le lien suivant :

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Iraq /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Expertise/recherche
Date de publication : 17/03/2021
Date limite : 07/04/2021



  • You hold Degree in Humanitarian Action/Development studies or social fields (Occupational therapy, Physiotherapy, Social work….)
  • You have experience working directly with people with disabilities  (social assistance, personalised support) & good understanding of the rights of persons with disabilities, and other vulnerable groups and their challenges in humanitarian settings and are familiar with principles and frameworks that promote inclusive humanitarian action for persons with disabilities
  • You show proven experience in projects mainstreaming disability in humanitarian action and providing technical guidance on mainstreaming disability to INGOs
  • You know and you like designing and facilitating training on inclusion and related topics (human rights, disability, age, gender, accessibility…)
  • You have strong internal and external coordination and representation skills
  • You are able to work under high pressure with a great level of personal organisation
  • You are fluent in English (oral & written); Arabic and / or Kurdish language skills would be an asset


Place: Iraq (Based in Erbil with regular travels in the field)     Starting date: as soon as possible

Length: 2 years with possible renewal              

Closing date for applications: 7th of April 2021


“Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity”

Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation with no religious or political affiliations operating in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

Since the organisation was first founded in 1982, we have set up development programmes in more than 60 countries and responded to many emergencies. Today we have a budget of around 150 million euros, with 3500 employees worldwide.


HI is engaged in an employment policy in favour of disabled workers.

For further information about the association:



HI has been registered and operational in Iraq since 1991 and has become a lead implementing agency in the emergency response in the Health and Protection sectors, operating across Ninewa, Kirkuk, Baghdad, Sulemaniyah and Diyala Governorates. Since 2014, HI has scaled up its intervention in Iraq to respond to the humanitarian needs.

In line with HI Iraq’s Operational Strategy for the period 2017-2020, the global objective of HI programming in Iraq is to Enhance the protection and resilience of conflict-affected communities in Iraq; an objective achieved through an operational framework of three central pillars:


  1. Arms Risk Reduction: Reduce the impact of the Conventional Weapon (CW) and Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) for conflict-affected populations through Risk Education and land release
  2. Health: Improve access to specific services for the most vulnerable people whose physical and functional and/or psychological integrity is compromised, through the provision of physical rehabilitation and Mental Health/Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) services
  3. Access to Essential Services: Ensure equal access to essential services, protection and basic needs for all conflict-affected populations, including persons with disabilities
    These pillars are complemented by three cross-cutting themes: a comprehensive approach to mine action, inclusion mainstreaming, and protection mainstreaming.

Inclusion is central to HI’s mission globally, with a commitment to understanding and approaching disability inclusion as human-right following the concepts of disability provided in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

Inclusive humanitarian action refers to actions to ensure the right to protection and assistance in all stages of the humanitarian crisis (preparedness, response, and reconstruction and recovery) for all affected persons, regardless of age, gender, disability and any other characteristic. HI projects in Iraq engage with humanitarian and government actors to provide technical support, training and tools to promote inclusive responses, reconstruction and recovery processes. HI strongly believes that persons with disabilities themselves, as civil society representatives must play a central role in ensuring that their human rights are translated into concrete measures that effectively improve their lives. Our overall objective of projects focused on developing the capacity of CSO’s is to promote the full participation of persons with disabilities in all areas and at all levels while simultaneously promoting and technically supporting disability and gender inclusion mainstreaming through all HI and consortium partners activities.


To carry out of this project, HI Iraq is looking for his/her Inclusion Technical Field Specialist for 24 months with possible renewal



Under the management of the Technical Unit Manager, as Inclusion Technical Field Specialist, you are responsible to ensure harmonization of HI Iraq’s inclusion approach through coordination with external actors and HI programme staff.


You contribute to the implementation of the mandate and the 10-year strategy of Humanity & Inclusion. You ensure optimal quality and impact of the projects implemented in the country, through a delegation system with appropriate control mechanisms. You share with all HI managers the responsibility of a sound management and successful functioning of the global organization, through paradigm changes.


In this framework, your main missions are:

  • Expertise:
    • Contribute to the regional strategies in line with the global strategies
    • Ensure technical support to projects in line with the global technical frameworks and standards on your sectorial scope
    • Ensure technical learning from projects
    • Ensure the control & monitoring of the technical quality and the relevance of HI’s activities in the Programmes under your scope
    • Ensure compliance of the technical proposition with nexus stakes
    • Contribute to the development of research and innovation projects in the region when relevant, in your sectorial scope
    • Contribute to the Technical Divisions professional channel animation
  • Influence:
    • Contribute to the local external prestige and influence of HI’s expertise in his sectorial scope
  • Business development:
    • Ensure the development of major opportunities or new projects in the region under his sectorial scope



The position is based in Erbil, where there is an active social life and most facilities are available. The position will require frequent travel to the areas of intervention, where HI teams are working in community resources centres, IDP camps, health facilities and the communities in areas of Iraqi Kurdistan, Kirkuk, Nineveh, Diyala and Anbar and Baghdad if visas are issued.

The security context remains fluid and movement restrictions can be introduced on an ad hoc basis.



At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission. Particular attention is paid to health issues and your personal situation.
We offer an induction and training path adapted to our staff members and we have a HR policy oriented toward mobility and professional development.


  • 24 months International contract (with possible renewal) starting from May 2021
  • The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation:
    • Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals
    • Pension scheme adapted to the situation of our employees: If you already have a personal pension scheme HI will contribute at the same level of your personal monthly contribution with a maximum of 272.53€/month ; If you do not have a personal pension scheme, we will open a private pension account with your contribution of 272.53€/month and a contribution of HI of the same amount
    • Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution
    • Repatriation insurance paid by HI
  • Salary from 2757€ gross/month upon experience 
  • Perdiem : 494 € net/month - paid in the field
  • Paid leaves : 25 days per year;
  • R&R : 5 days every 3 months
  • open to couples
    Support travel costs (air ticket & visa) for accompanying dependent and health/ repatriation insurance if  the dependent has no income/
    Mission of more than 18 months: payment of one yearly additional return flight 
  • Payment for travel costs (air ticket & visa) and transport of your personal effects (from 12 months of mission)
  • Housing : individual taken in charge by HI

If you are resident in the country: local package



Only online by joining a CV and cover letter via the following link:



Applications will be processed on an ongoing basis, don’t wait for applying !

Only successful candidates will be contacted.


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Lyon /
Type d'emploi : Stage
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 02/03/2021
Date limite : 14/03/2021


Vous avez un niveau de formation Bac +5 en relations internationales, gestion de projet internationaux, développement, humanitaires et/ou en communication

Vous avez un intérêt pour la solidarité internationales et/ou expérience dans le domaine du handicap/ONG et milieu associatif

Vous avez une expérience ou qualification dans la communication (conception de documentation, rédaction, etc…)

Vous avez un intérêt et/ou connaissance de la zone Moyen-Orient

Vous avez d’excellentes capacités rédactionnelles et un esprit de synthèse

Vous avez des capacités de formalisation d’outils et de procédures

Un intérêt particulier pour le secteur associatif, sensibilité pour les causes défendues, culture générale en lien avec les causes ou expérience préalable en association/ONG

Vous maîtrisez obligatoirement le français et l'anglais, à l’oral comme à l’écrit

Vous êtes autonome, avez le sens de l'initiative et des facilités de communication

Vous êtes rigoureux et fiable et avez le sens du travail en équipe

Diversité encouragée, candidat(e) en situation de handicap bienvenu(e)


« S’engager aux côtés d’HI, c’est agir pour venir en aide aux populations vulnérables que nous soutenons sur le terrain. Pour mener à bien cette mission, nous recherchons des étudiants motivés et prêts à mettre leur énergie au service d’une cause qui a du sens »

Indignés face à l’injustice que vivent les personnes handicapées et les populations vulnérables, nous aspirons à un monde solidaire et inclusif, où toutes les différences nous enrichissent et où chacun peut vivre debout.

Handicap International change de nom et devient « Humanité & Inclusion ». HI, Humanité & Inclusion est une organisation de solidarité internationale indépendante et impartiale, qui intervient dans les situations de pauvreté et d’exclusion, de conflits et de catastrophes. Œuvrant aux côtés des personnes handicapées et des populations vulnérables, elle agit et témoigne, pour répondre à leurs besoins essentiels, pour améliorer leurs conditions de vie et promouvoir le respect de leur dignité et de leurs droits fondamentaux.

HI est engagé dans une politique d’emploi en faveur des travailleurs handicapés.

Pour plus d’information sur l’association :



La Direction Moyen-Orient regroupe 4 Programmes :

  1. MEREP (Middle-East Regional Program) Jordanie, Palestine, Egypte, Liban
  2. Yémen
  3. Irak
  4. Crise syrienne

Elle couvre des projets allant de l’urgence au développement, dans des contextes de crises aigues comme chroniques.



Le Stage proposé vise à contribuer à l’élaboration des tableaux de bord de la Direction (40-50% jusqu’au mois de juin), de développer la visibilité et les actions de communication pour les programmes (30-40%), et d’apporter un appui au fonctionnement de la Direction en ad’hoc selon les besoins (10%)

Activité 1 : Vous contribuez à la compilation de données et à l’élaboration des tableaux de bords de la Direction (50%)

  • Prise de connaissance de l’organisation (commun à toutes les activités du stage)
  • Compilation de données et contrôle qualité
  • Création d’outils de visualisation des données (schémas, graphiques, tableaux…)
  • Accompagnement des équipes de la DO à la production d’analyses sur les données
  • Intégration des données et analyses, et le cas échéant des objectifs revus, dans des documents Word

Activité 2 : Vous développez la visibilité et les actions de communication pour les programmes (30-40%)

  • Appui à la communication et visibilité de l’action mise en œuvre sur le terrain
  • Appui à la conception de case studies
  • Appui à la conception de matériel de communication auprès des bailleurs
  • Suivi de communication sur une action ciblée (sur une ou plusieurs thématiques à définir: insertion économique, éducation inclusive, déminage etc.) ou sur un bailleur ciblé (WRA)

Activité 3 : Vous appuyez le fonctionnement de la Direction en ad’hoc et/ou à la mise en œuvre des projets terrain selon les besoins (10%).

  • Contribution à l’organisation des réunions et ateliers de travail
  • Contribution à l'amélioration de la visibilité du desk et à l'accessibilité des informations (via les plateformes internes Hinside/Teams, etc.)
  • Participation à la révision des propositions de projets et rapports bailleurs
  • Traduction/mise sous format des propositions de projets et rapports bailleurs 
  • Appui à la révision/mise à jour des outils de suivi des contrats bailleurs 
  • Appui au suivi des obligations contractuelles (format bailleurs, règles bailleurs, etc.) en lien avec les contrats de financements 
  • Participation à l’élaboration de documents programmes (outils, trames de document type, appui au développement de STRATOP, etc.) 



Vous recevrez :

  • Une gratification mensuelle de 600,60€
  • Des tickets restaurant d’une valeur faciale de 8,96 euros (60 % à la charge de l’employeur, 40% à votre charge)
  • Une participation de 50% à votre abonnement au titre des transports

Vous devez disposer d’une convention de stage obligatoire délivrée par un établissement d’enseignement ou de formation français.

Pour ce stage, le dispositif de l’alternance n’est pas souhaité.



Les stages proposés chez HI donnent l’occasion aux étudiants d’évoluer dans une organisation internationale et de prendre part à l’action d’Humanité & Inclusion. Nous considérons que les stagiaires pour qui l’expérience s’est bien passée sont nos talents de demain !

Merci d’envoyer votre CV et Lettre de motivation à :

Les candidatures seront étudiées au fur et à mesure. Nous encourageons les personnes intéressées à postuler dès qu'elles le peuvent.

Pour plus d’information sur l’association :


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Iraq /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Expertise/recherche
Date de publication : 17/02/2021
Date limite : 03/03/2021



  • You hold Degree in Humanitarian Action/Development studies or social fields (Occupational therapy, Physiotherapy, Social work….)
  • You have experience working directly with people with disabilities  (social assistance, personalised support) & good understanding of the rights of persons with disabilities, and other vulnerable groups and their challenges in humanitarian settings and are familiar with principles and frameworks that promote inclusive humanitarian action for persons with disabilities
  • You show proven experience in projects mainstreaming disability in humanitarian action and providing technical guidance on mainstreaming disability to INGOs
  • You know and you like designing and facilitating training on inclusion and related topics (human rights, disability, age, gender, accessibility…)
  • You have strong internal and external coordination and representation skills
  • You are able to work under high pressure with a great level of personal organisation
  • You are fluent in English (oral & written); Arabic and / or Kurdish language skills would be an asset


Place: Iraq (Based in Erbil with regular travels in the field)     Starting date: as soon as possible

Length: 2 years with possible renewal              

Closing date for applications: 03rd of February 2021


“Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity”

Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation with no religious or political affiliations operating in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

Since the organisation was first founded in 1982, we have set up development programmes in more than 60 countries and responded to many emergencies. Today we have a budget of around 150 million euros, with 3500 employees worldwide.


HI is engaged in an employment policy in favour of disabled workers.

For further information about the association:



HI has been registered and operational in Iraq since 1991 and has become a lead implementing agency in the emergency response in the Health and Protection sectors, operating across Ninewa, Kirkuk, Baghdad, Sulemaniyah and Diyala Governorates. Since 2014, HI has scaled up its intervention in Iraq to respond to the humanitarian needs.

In line with HI Iraq’s Operational Strategy for the period 2017-2020, the global objective of HI programming in Iraq is to Enhance the protection and resilience of conflict-affected communities in Iraq; an objective achieved through an operational framework of three central pillars:


  1. Arms Risk Reduction: Reduce the impact of the Conventional Weapon (CW) and Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) for conflict-affected populations through Risk Education and land release
  2. Health: Improve access to specific services for the most vulnerable people whose physical and functional and/or psychological integrity is compromised, through the provision of physical rehabilitation and Mental Health/Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) services
  3. Access to Essential Services: Ensure equal access to essential services, protection and basic needs for all conflict-affected populations, including persons with disabilities
    These pillars are complemented by three cross-cutting themes: a comprehensive approach to mine action, inclusion mainstreaming, and protection mainstreaming.

Inclusion is central to HI’s mission globally, with a commitment to understanding and approaching disability inclusion as human-right following the concepts of disability provided in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

Inclusive humanitarian action refers to actions to ensure the right to protection and assistance in all stages of the humanitarian crisis (preparedness, response, and reconstruction and recovery) for all affected persons, regardless of age, gender, disability and any other characteristic. HI projects in Iraq engage with humanitarian and government actors to provide technical support, training and tools to promote inclusive responses, reconstruction and recovery processes. HI strongly believes that persons with disabilities themselves, as civil society representatives must play a central role in ensuring that their human rights are translated into concrete measures that effectively improve their lives. Our overall objective of projects focused on developing the capacity of CSO’s is to promote the full participation of persons with disabilities in all areas and at all levels while simultaneously promoting and technically supporting disability and gender inclusion mainstreaming through all HI and consortium partners activities.


To carry out of this project, HI Iraq is looking for his/her Inclusion Technical Field Specialist for 24 months with possible renewal



Under the management of the Technical Unit Manager, as Inclusion Technical Field Specialist, you are responsible to ensure harmonization of HI Iraq’s inclusion approach through coordination with external actors and HI programme staff.


You contribute to the implementation of the mandate and the 10-year strategy of Humanity & Inclusion. You ensure optimal quality and impact of the projects implemented in the country, through a delegation system with appropriate control mechanisms. You share with all HI managers the responsibility of a sound management and successful functioning of the global organization, through paradigm changes.


In this framework, your main missions are:

  • Expertise:
    • Contribute to the regional strategies in line with the global strategies
    • Ensure technical support to projects in line with the global technical frameworks and standards on your sectorial scope
    • Ensure technical learning from projects
    • Ensure the control & monitoring of the technical quality and the relevance of HI’s activities in the Programmes under your scope
    • Ensure compliance of the technical proposition with nexus stakes
    • Contribute to the development of research and innovation projects in the region when relevant, in your sectorial scope
    • Contribute to the Technical Divisions professional channel animation
  • Influence:
    • Contribute to the local external prestige and influence of HI’s expertise in his sectorial scope
  • Business development:
    • Ensure the development of major opportunities or new projects in the region under his sectorial scope



The position is based in Erbil, where there is an active social life and most facilities are available. The position will require frequent travel to the areas of intervention, where HI teams are working in community resources centres, IDP camps, health facilities and the communities in areas of Iraqi Kurdistan, Kirkuk, Nineveh, Diyala and Anbar and Baghdad if visas are issued.

The security context remains fluid and movement restrictions can be introduced on an ad hoc basis.



At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission. Particular attention is paid to health issues and your personal situation.
We offer an induction and training path adapted to our staff members and we have a HR policy oriented toward mobility and professional development.


  • 24 months International contract (with possible renewal) starting from February 2021
  • The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation:
    • Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals
    • Pension scheme adapted to the situation of our employees: If you already have a personal pension scheme HI will contribute at the same level of your personal monthly contribution with a maximum of 272.53€/month ; If you do not have a personal pension scheme, we will open a private pension account with your contribution of 272.53€/month and a contribution of HI of the same amount
    • Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution
    • Repatriation insurance paid by HI
  • Salary from 2757€ gross/month upon experience 
  • Perdiem : 494 € net/month - paid in the field
  • Paid leaves : 25 days per year;
  • R&R : 5 days every 3 months
  • open to couples
    Support travel costs (air ticket & visa) for accompanying dependent and health/ repatriation insurance if  the dependent has no income/
    Mission of more than 18 months: payment of one yearly additional return flight 
  • Payment for travel costs (air ticket & visa) and transport of your personal effects (from 12 months of mission)
  • Housing : individual taken in charge by HI

If you are resident in the country: local package



Only online by joining a CV and cover letter via the following link:


Applications will be processed on an ongoing basis, don’t wait for applying !

Only successful candidates will be contacted.


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Bangladesh /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Expertise/recherche
Date de publication : 10/02/2021
Date limite : 02/03/2021



  • You have at minimum a Bachelor’s degree in related field (Master’s degree preferable)
  • You have at least 5-7 years working experience as technical professional and/or technical advisor. You have technical skills in at least two or more of the following: Physical Rehabilitation, Inclusion/mainstreaming, inclusive humanitarian action, education, livelihood and DRR. You have a strong knowledge of the different schools of thought and explanatory models of disability
  • You have already been Technical Unit Manager or a similar position, with remote management experience
  • You are an excellent team manager in humanitarian and development contexts
  • You show a proven experience in project management (multi-or complex) and demonstrate strong resilience to stress and uncertainty
  • You have strong Capacity Building skills and strong internal and external coordination and representation skills
  • A previous experience with HI is a strong asset; experience in South Asia/Asia region is also an added value
  • You are fluent in oral and written English – Bangla would be a plus


Place: BANGLADESH (Dhaka)                            Starting date: April 2021

Length: 36 months                                                            Closing date for applications: 2nd of March 21


“Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity”

Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation with no religious or political affiliations operating in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

Since the organisation was first founded in 1982, we have set up development programmes in more than 60 countries and responded to many emergencies. Today we have a budget of around 150 million euros, with 3500 employees worldwide.

The HI network is an organisation made up of a Federation (with 2 operational HQs in Lyon and Brussels), 8 national associations (Germany, Belgium, Canada, United States, France, Luxembourg, United Kingdom and Switzerland) and the HI Institute on Humanitarian Action. All these entities work concertedly to implement HI’s international aid and development mandate.

HI is engaged in an employment policy in favour of disabled workers.

For further information about the association:



HI has been operating in Bangladesh  since 1997, implementing emergency and development actions aimed at improving protection, quality of life, and the promotion of rights of vulnerable individuals, including people with disabilities. HI’s current operations are centered Northern (Kurigram) and Southern part (Sitakundu and Cox Bazar). Currently HI major operation is located in FDMN( Forcibly Displaced Myanmar National/Rohingya refugee in) camp in Cox Bazar with 3 field offices ;Cox, Ukhiya and Teknaf.

HI Bangaldesh is currently developing country strategy/StartOp ( 2021-2023) with one of the great focus to create an operational balance between  developmental and emergency operations ; hence while maintaining the current emergency operation in Cox Bazar, HI is also extensively working to further expand programme to others part of the country including host community of Cox Bazar.  HI current operations in Bangladesh mainly includes  disability inclusive extreme poverty graduation project , Women Integrated Sexual Health Rights (WISH), Inclusive Sports and Education, Health and Rehabilitation, Protection and MHPSS, Inclusive Humanitarian Responses, Inclusive Education, and Atlas Logistic(H2H logistic support) …


Considering the larger scope and objective of this position, HI Bangladesh is looking for inspiring and dynamic person with programme leadership and learning experience



Under the responsibility of the Programme Director, as Technical Unit Manager (TUM), you will contribute within the country to the implementation of the mandate and the 10-year strategy of Humanity & Inclusion. You will ensure optimal quality and impact of the projects implemented in the country, through a delegation system with appropriate control mechanisms. You will share with all HI managers the responsibility of a sound management and successful functioning of the global organization, through paradigm changes.


In this framework, your main missions will be:

1. Management

  • Set individual objectives, evaluate individual performance, and contribute to development & career evolution, monitor competences
  • Ensure a good communication and information level to his/her team members and ensure conflict resolution within the team
  • Propose relevant adaptation to the organizational chart of the mission and contribute to its implementation (job descriptions, recruitment of team members, etc.)
  • Follow the nationalization process for relevant positions: support the identification of the adequate national candidate, create capacity building plan and follow up on its implementation


2. Expertise

  • Contribute to the regional strategies in line with the global strategies
  • Ensure the respect of global technical frameworks and standards and the learning process from projects
  • Ensure the development of research and innovation projects in the region when relevant
  • Ensure the control & monitoring of the technical quality and the relevance of HI’s activities in the Programme
  • Ensure compliance of the technical proposition with nexus stakes
  • Lead a local professional channel/talent pool and contribute to the Technical Divisions professional channel animation


3. Influence

  • Ensure the local external prestige and influence of HI’s expertise
  • Ensure the technical development of major opportunities for each different theme in the region under his scope


4. Business development

  • Ensure the technical development of major opportunities for each different theme in the region: identify & transform major opportunities, contribute to the design and writing of new major projects, identify & develop in country partnerships and/or consortium with NGOs, Institutions, and Companies on technical priorities or important topics in the region



Standard of Living

Dhaka is a large and densly populated metropolis, which is rapidly expanding. In recent years there has been a high increase in the development of shopping malls and restaurant/bar and coffee shop chains. The office and expatriate housing will be located within the diplomatic area, in Gulshan,provided all the required standard of living conditions and comfort level. Public transport options are limited and not accessible for expatriates, so alternative options are provided by HI. Traffic and movement by car within Dhaka can be slow, particularly during rush hours.


Travelling between the differents sites is easy : 1 hour flight Dhaka – Cox’s Bazar and from 1 to 1h30 hours by car within Cox’s Bazar district sites.


Safety and Security

Security is  fairly good in some area but inlarge remain ongoing concern in the  country. The Hill Tracts (Myanmar border and Indian border) are zones where expatriates are not allowed to go except with an authorization from the government. In Dhaka, the blockades and Hartals (national strikes) can restrict project activity. Expatriates have to strictly follow the security rules, which are periodically updated. Expatriates are currently only allowed to move by car; walking in the streets is restricted to specific areas. Security in Cox’s Bazar is even more sensitive with the growing criminality in host community as well as in Camps.



At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission. Particular attention is paid to health issues and your personal situation.
We offer an induction and training path adapted to our staff members and we have a HR policy oriented toward mobility and professional development.


  • 36 months International contract starting from April 2021
  • The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation:
    • Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals
    • Pension scheme adapted to the situation of our employees: If you already have a personal pension scheme HI will contribute at the same level of your personal monthly contribution with a maximum of 272.53€/month ; If you do not have a personal pension scheme, we will open a private pension account with your contribution of 272.53€/month and a contribution of HI of the same amount
    • Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution
    • Repatriation insurance paid by HI
  • Salary from 2800 € gross/month upon experience 
  • Perdiem : 574 € net/month - paid in the field
  • Hardship : 250€ net/month paid with your salary
  • Paid leaves : 25 days per year;
  • R&R : Level 2: 5 days every 3 months
  • open to families:
  • a child allowance of  100€ per month, per child (from the second child) paid in the field
  • Contribution to school registration fees for children over 3 years
  • Family-wide health coverage
  • Payment for travel costs (air ticket & visa) and transport of your personal effects


  • Housing : individual taken in charge by HI

If you are resident in the country : local package



Only online by joining a CV and cover letter via the following link: 

Applications will be processed on an ongoing basis, don’t wait for applying !

Only successful candidates will be contacted.


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Phnom Penh /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Expertise/recherche
Date de publication : 02/02/2021
Date limite : 21/02/2021



  • You hold a Master’s Degree in a relevant field: Livelihood, Business…
  • You have  minimum 8 years’ experience in a technical support position in this field (livelihood, employment…) - You show significant experience in support and advising partners
  • You are experienced in promoting inclusive employment practices. 
  • you are used and you like to create modules and to create trainings
  • You are creative, curious and demonstrate skills in advisory tasks and transfer of competencies
  • You know coordinate with several actors and like working in a team
  • You are fluent in written and spoken English


Place: CAMBODIA (Phnom Penh,)          Starting date: 01rst of May 2021

Length: 6 months                                       Closing date for applications: 21rst of February 2021


“Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity”

Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation with no religious or political affiliations operating in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

Since the organisation was first founded in 1982, we have set up development programmes in more than 60 countries and responded to many emergencies. Today we have a budget of around 150 million euros, with 3500 employees worldwide.

The HI network is an organisation made up of a Federation (with 2 operational HQs in Lyon and Brussels), 8 national associations (Germany, Belgium, Canada, United States, France, Luxembourg, United Kingdom and Switzerland) and the HI Institute on Humanitarian Action. All these entities work concertedly to implement HI’s international aid and development mandate.

The Federation is responsible for implementing the network’s social missions in around sixty countries. It operates under the names “Humanity & Inclusion” or “Handicap International” depending on the country.

HI is engaged in an employment policy in favour of disabled workers.

For further information about the association:



The Mekong Regional Program includes operations in Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and China.  The Regional Program Office is based in Vientiane, Laos.  The Inclusive Employment Specialist will ideally be based within this office to work within the Regional Technical Unit (RTU).  However, within the evolving health context of the region, Cambodia has been identified as the most suitable alternative base for the mission.





Under the responsibility of the Technical Unit Regional Manager (HI Mekong Program), as Regional Inclusive Employment Specialist, you will be responsible for improving the overall quality of HI’s inclusive employment strategy and ongoing interventions in the Mekong region.  Within this short, six-month mission, you will be specifically responsible for the development of technical resources for the implementation of an ongoing action in China and training / coaching of the China project team and partners.


China has adopted strong legislation protecting the employment rights of people with disabilities.  An important component of China’s policy approach is a quota system.  However, employment discrimination continues to result in significant disparities in the employment rate of people with disabilities.  The Inclusive Employment project was launched in July 2020 and is implemented in partnership with one national non-profit partner.  The project aims to build the capacity of 10 municipal level non-profit organizations to engage with employers in a supportive and technical consultancy role promoting inclusive employment practices. 


You will then work closely with the Mekong Region Economic Empowerment Specialist, HI China’s Country Manager, Operations Coordinator, Inclusive Employment Project Manager, Inclusive Employment Project Officer, staff of the project’s implementing partner, and senior stakeholders within targeted enterprises.

 In addition to supporting the development of project technical resources, you will be expected to provide significant coaching to project and partner staff. 


In this part your main responsibilities will be:


  1. Expertise

Responsibility 1: Support the development of key technical resources of the ongoing inclusive employment action in China. 

  • Coordinate with HI’s global specialists and ensure the project’s technical resources are in line with HI’s international inclusive employment strategy
  • Work with HI staff and partners to contextualize resources and produce final outputs to be utilized for the implementation of the project in China.  Key outputs expected for the six-month mission will include:
  • Support the development of an Inclusive Employment Manual for Employers – the manual will lay out the “business case” for inclusive employment, provide detailed guidance on development of inclusive employment policies and management procedures, and provide practical tools to support engage with disability specialized civil society organizations for the implementation of Improved Inclusion Plans (2IP).
  • Support the development of an Inclusive Employment Promotion Manual for Civil Society Organizations – the manual will provide guidance aiming to educate local non-profit organizations on good practices for engaging enterprises and providing technical consultation services to support enterprises to achieve inclusive employment goals.
  • Support the development of information, education and communication resources required for the delivery of the project.
  • Lead the planning of one international exchange visit to support sharing of experience with a selected HI mission in the Asia region. 
  • Lead the development of tools and methods for identification, collection, and documentation of good practices of the project.
    Responsibility 2: Strengthen capacities of the HI China project team and partners
  • Ensure HI team and partners are involved in the definition of all project resources
  • Provide training sessions as needed to introduce core concepts, methods, tools, and good practices
  • Support problem-solving and ongoing learning and quality improvement


  1. Influence

Contribute to the local external prestige and influence of HI’s expertise in the EE scope

  1. Represent the technical expertise of HI throughout the local relevant networks
  2. Contribute to advocacy on specific themes in line with the global advocacy priorities
  3. Contribute to communication messages locally in line with the global communication priorities


  1. Business development

Ensure the development of major opportunities or new projects in the region under the EE scope

  1. Contribute to the context analysis in the EE scope
  2. Contribute to the design and writing of new projects in the region and when asked in other countries within the Geographic Division
  3. Identify & transform major opportunities in the region under your scope
  4. Contributes to the conception of major projects (multiple countries, one theme) or of new projects in the region
  5. Identify & develop local partnerships and/or consortium with NGOs, Institutions, Companies on technical priorities or important topics in the region under your sectorial scope



The living condition in Cambodia remains quite good with reliable transportation infrastructure, health services, and housing in the capital area.   


The mission will require regular travel to China, where the program’s inclusive employment project is current ongoing.  Frequency of travel will be determined by the evolving situation of the COVID-19 health context and travel restrictions issues. 



At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission. Particular attention is paid to health issues and your personal situation.
We offer an induction and training path adapted to our staff members and we have a HR policy oriented toward mobility and professional development.


  • 6 months International contract starting from 1rst of May 2021
  • The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation:
    • Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals
    • Pension scheme adapted to the situation of our employees: If you already have a personal pension scheme HI will contribute at the same level of your personal monthly contribution with a maximum of 272.53€/month ; If you do not have a personal pension scheme, we will open a private pension account with your contribution of 272.53€/month and a contribution of HI of the same amount
    • Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution
    • Repatriation insurance paid by HI
  • Salary from 2757€ gross/month upon experience 
  • Perdiem : 575€ net/month - paid in the field
  • Paid leaves : 25 days per year;
  • R&R : 1 day per month
  • Position: open to couples - Support travel costs (air ticket & visa) for accompanying dependent and health/ repatriation insurance if  the dependent has no income
  • Housing : individual taken in charge by HI

If you are resident in the country: local package



Only online by joining a CV and cover letter via the following link:



Applications will be processed on an ongoing basis, don’t wait for applying !

Only successful candidates will be contacted.


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Based in Dhaka with regular field visits /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Expertise/recherche
Date de publication : 20/01/2021
Date limite : 31/01/2021



You have/are:

  • Master’s degree in Education, Disability Studies, Social Inclusion
  • Minimum of 10 years of relevant experience in an Inclusive Education Specialist / Advisor position in a project of similar magnitude and complexity; preferably with USAID supported programs/projects
  • proven experience in designing and operating technical tools and methodologies relevant to the sector; proven track record of developing and implementing project technical management and quality control tools, including content editing, to ensure quality deliverables from a team across areas, including with local staff and organizations.
  • proven experience working with Ministries and relevant authorities (Education) and institutions (Universities, Schools, etc.)
  • fluent in English ; knowledge of Bengali/Bangla would be an asset
  • demonstrate Report writing skills training skills ; pedagogical skills
  • ability to coordinate and collaborate with others for creative solutions, and complementarities to maximize results


Place: BANGLADESH (DHAKA with frequent field visits)          

Anticipated Starting date: September 2021                                           Length: 36 months              

Closing date for applications: 31rst of January 2021


“Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity”

Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation with no religious or political affiliations operating in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

Since the organisation was first founded in 1982, we have set up development programmes in more than 60 countries and responded to many emergencies. Today we have a budget of around 150 million euros, with 3500 employees worldwide.

The HI network is an organisation made up of a Federation (with 2 operational HQs in Lyon and Brussels), 8 national associations (Germany, Belgium, Canada, United States, France, Luxembourg, United Kingdom and Switzerland) and the HI Institute on Humanitarian Action. All these entities work concertedly to implement HI’s international aid and development mandate.

The Federation is responsible for implementing the network’s social missions in around sixty countries. It operates under the names “Humanity & Inclusion” or “Handicap International” depending on the country.

HI is engaged in an employment policy in favour of disabled workers.

For further information about the association:



The United States of America Agency for International Development (USAID) is expected to release a call for proposals for an Inclusive Education project (Shobai Miley Pori :“Everyone Reads Together”).The anticipated aim of the project is to improve early grade reading outcomes in Bangla for children with disabilities in Government Primary Schools in Bangladesh.

HI is seeking a qualified Inclusive Education Specialist (Advisor), responsible of ensuring the technical quality of the consortium’s delivery of Inclusive Education activities respecting international and internal standards, if the consortium is successful, the proposal accepted, and granted with the award.

The project is anticipated to start in September 2021 and will have a 36 months duration; the anticipated overall budget falls between USD 10.000.000 -25.000.000



Under the direct line management of the Consortium Chief of Party, as Inclusive Education Specialist (Advisor), you are a part of the consortium management team.

You will lead in ensuring the technical quality of the consortium’s work by

  • Implement the project Inclusive Education strategy in line with the global strategies (provides technical input, in line with the global, donor’s and GoB strategies and standards, and ensure relevant follow up)
  • Ensure technical support to activities in line with the technical frameworks and standards of Inclusive Education developed for the project
  1. Provide adequate technical guidance and support to project’s staff in line with strategies, standards and mandatory transversal approaches;
  2. Ensure a local sectorial watch, best practices to adopt.
  3. Contribute to recruitment and briefing when relevant.
  • Ensure technical learning from the project
  1. Contribute to project’s learning and ensure technical learning from the project in coordination with MEAL Senior Manager and project’s staff;
  • Ensure the control & monitoring of the technical quality and the relevance of the project’s activities
    1. Ensure regular technical quality control of project’s activities, issues warnings and recommendations
  1. Monitor the implementation of audit recommendations.
  • Ensure compliance of the technical proposition with nexus stakes
  • Contribute to the development of research and innovation components of the project
  1. Suggest and steers technical innovation projects
  2. Identify the priorities of Research and Studies and steer R&S
  • Participate to the external representation of the consortium’s expertise at country and other level (when relevant):
  1. Under CoP delegation, represent the consortium, in coordination groups, technical working groups, and other relevant networks at local and national level
  2. Contribute to advocacy on specific themes in line with the global advocacy priorities
  3. Contribute to communication messages locally in line with the global communication priorities
  4. Represent the consortium in technical meetings with relevant national authorities.


  • The position is based in Dhaka with regular field visits


At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission. Particular attention is paid to health issues and your personal situation.
We offer an induction and training path adapted to our staff members and we have a HR policy oriented toward mobility and professional development.


  • 36 months International contract (anticipated starting date: September 2021)
  • The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation:
    • Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals
    • Pension scheme adapted to the situation of our employees: If you already have a personal pension scheme HI will contribute at the same level of your personal monthly contribution with a maximum of 272.53€/month ; If you do not have a personal pension scheme, we will open a private pension account with your contribution of 272.53€/month and a contribution of HI of the same amount
    • Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution
    • Repatriation insurance paid by HI
  • Salary upon experience 
  • Perdiem : 427.82€ net/month - paid in the field
  • Paid leaves : 25 days per year;
  • R&R : 1 day per month
  • Position open to families: family package
  • a child allowance of  100€ per month, per child (from the second child) paid in the field
  • Contribution to school registration fees for children over 3 years
  • Family-wide health coverage
  • Payment for travel costs (air ticket & visa) and transport of your personal effects
  • Housing : individual taken in charge by HI

If you are resident in the country: local package



Only online by joining a CV and cover letter via the following link:


Applications will be processed on an ongoing basis, don’t wait for applying!

Only successful candidates will be contacted.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Jordan /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 20/01/2021
Date limite : 07/02/2021



  • You have at minimum a Bachelor’s degree (Master’s degree preferable) in related field
  • You have more than 7 years working experience as technical professional and/or technical advisor in a sector of expertise for the mission, technical unit manager,  or similar background, with remote management experience and you have a strong knowledge of the different schools of thought and explanatory models of disability
  • You have a proven experience in management of teams in humanitarian & development programs
  • You show a proven experience in project management (multi-or complex) and demonstrate strong resilience to stress and uncertainty
  • you have strong Capacity Building skills and strong internal and external coordination and representation skills
  • A previous experience with HI is a strong asset; experience in Middle Easy is also an added value
  • You are fluent in oral and written English – Arabic would be an asset


Place: JORDAN – Amman based with field visits                     Starting date: As soon as possible

Length: 3 years                                               Closing date for applications: 7th of February 2021


“Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity”

Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation with no religious or political affiliations operating in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

Since the organisation was first founded in 1982, we have set up development programmes in more than 60 countries and responded to many emergencies. Today we have a budget of around 150 million euros, with 3500 employees worldwide.

The HI network is an organisation made up of a Federation (with 2 operational HQs in Lyon and Brussels), 8 national associations (Germany, Belgium, Canada, United States, France, Luxembourg, United Kingdom and Switzerland) and the HI Institute on Humanitarian Action. All these entities work concertedly to implement HI’s international aid and development mandate.

HI is engaged in an employment policy in favour of disabled workers.

For further information about the association:



The Syrian crisis is the greatest humanitarian crisis of the last 20 years. According to the latest UN figures, about 11.7 million people are currently affected by the crisis in Syria, including about 6 million IDPs, while over 5 million Syrians have sought refuge in neighbouring countries or in Europe. The current humanitarian response only provides a patchy and partial coverage of the growing humanitarian needs. Eight years after the beginning of the crisis, the number of injured persons in Syria keeps rising, with a severe lack of healthcare in many areas. In large areas of the country, the local economy is in bad shape, local populations and IDPs are in need of livelihoods assistance. The inclusion of the most vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, in the humanitarian response remains a major concern.


HI is managing a large humanitarian program along 4 main pillars:


1. Support to health partners for the provision of multidisciplinary rehabilitation and standalone psychosocial support services, through training, technical supervisions and donations of assistive devices and/or equipment


2. Education to the risks and effects caused by conventional weapons (including mines, explosive remnants of war and small arms light weapons) and non-technical survey of hazardous areas


3. Livelihoods assistance, with a combination of cash for work, vocational training, small grants for businesses and apprenticeships


4. Training and technical support to humanitarian actors on the inclusion of persons with disabilities and other vulnerable persons in the humanitarian response


This is an exciting opportunity to join an intervention that reduces the disability specific risks and barriers, enhances capacities among those persons most at risk of vulnerability and harm in the existing emergency relief and social services available. It brings a rare expertise to a strong consortium of NGO’s aiming to improve resilience and positive coping mechanisms in a complex crisis and post conflict environment.


The actual intervention is based on a mix of remote management of national teams, partnerships with local structures and organizations, and direct implementation



Under the responsibility of the Country Director, as Technical Unit Manager, you will contribute to the implementation of the mandate and the 10-year strategy of Humanity & Inclusion. You will ensure optimal quality and impact of the projects implemented in the country, through a delegation system with appropriate control mechanisms. You will share with all HI managers the responsibility of a sound management and successful functioning of the global organization, through paradigm changes.


In this part, your main responsibilities will be:


•             Management: set individual objectives, evaluate individual performance, contribute to development & career evolution, monitor competences; ensure good communication and information, follow the nationalization process for relevant positions…..


•             Expertise: contribute to the country strategies in line with the global strategy; ensure the respect of global technical frameworks and standards and the learning process from projects;ensure the development of research and innovation projects in the region when relevant; ensure the control & monitoring of the technical quality and the relevance of HI’s activities; ensure compliance of the technical proposition with nexus stakes; lead a local professional channel/talent pool and contribute to the Technical Divisions professional channel animation


•             Influence: represent the technical expertise of HI throughout the local relevant networks ; contribute to advocacy on specific themes in line with the global advocacy priorities; contribute to communication messages locally in line with the global communication priorities


•             Business development: identify & transform major opportunities in the region ; contribute to the design and writing of new major projects; produce & steer the conception of major projects; identify & develop country-level partnerships and/or consortium with NGOs, Institutions, companies on technical priorities or important topics in the country



Jordan is a relatively safe and secure country, with regular presence of international tourists including from Occidental countries, and where the situation/context does not require having heavy security procedures.

However, Jordan also faces some regular difficulties and possible tensions could be expected due to the regional situation, especially in the close-by countries.



At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission. Particular attention is paid to health issues and your personal situation.
We offer an induction and training path adapted to our staff members and we have a HR policy oriented toward mobility and professional development.


  • 3 years International contract starting as soon as possible
  • The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation:
    • Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals
    • Pension scheme adapted to the situation of our employees: If you already have a personal pension scheme HI will contribute at the same level of your personal monthly contribution with a maximum of 272.53€/month ; If you do not have a personal pension scheme, we will open a private pension account with your contribution of 272.53€/month and a contribution of HI of the same amount
    • Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution
    • Repatriation insurance paid by HI
  • Salary from 2800€ gross/month upon experience 
  • Perdiem : 609€ net/month - paid in the field
  • Paid leaves : 25 days per year;
  • R&R : 1 day per month
  • Position open to families: package familial
  • a child allowance of  100€ per month, per child (from the second child) paid in the field
  • Contribution to school registration fees for children over 3 years
  • Family-wide health coverage
  • Payment for travel costs (air ticket & visa) and transport of your personal effects
  • Housing : individual taken in charge by HI

If you are resident in the country: local package



Only online by joining a CV and cover letter via the following link: 


Applications will be processed on an ongoing basis, don’t wait for applying!

Only successful candidates will be contacted.

