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Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Centre National de Coopération au Développement
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Bruxelles /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Récolte de fonds
Date de publication : 09/11/2023
Date limite : 30/04/2024


PROFIL :                                                                  

Aptitudes :

  • Dynamisme et enthousiasme, créativité et autonomie
  • Intérêt pour les thématiques défendues par le CNCD-11.11.11
  • Diplomatie et grande aisance relationnelle
  • Goût pour le dialogue et le contact humain
  • Bonne résistance physique et psychologique
  • Valeurs éthiques
  • Esprit de synthèse, organisé·e et structuré·e
  • Connaissance du néerlandais et/ou de l’anglais est un plus

Expérience/Formation :

  • Expérience en récolte de fonds et/ou en face to face est un plus


  • CDD renouvelable en CDI à terme
  • Temps plein ou temps partiel
  • Rémunération uniquement fixe sur base du barème associatif + valorisation salariale en fonction de l’ancienneté externe et interne
  • Chèques repas de 8€/jour de travail presté
  • Forfait frais annexes 5€/jour de travail presté
  • Remboursement des transports en commun
  • 10 jours de congé extra légaux (sur base d’un temps plein) en plus des congés légaux


Envoyez votre CV et lettre de motivation dès que possible à  avec en objet du mail « Candidature ambassadeur·rice »

Les candidat.e.s sont sélectionné.e.s sur base de leurs qualités et compétences, sans tenir compte de l’âge, de l’origine, du sexe et de tout autre critère sans rapport avec la fonction.

Le CNCD-11.11.11 veille à respecter la vie privée des personnes et le règlement général sur la protection des données. Les données transmises par les personnes qui ne sont pas sélectionnées seront détruites dans les 6 mois qui suivent la clôture de cet appel à candidatures.


Le Centre national de coopération au développement (CNCD-11.11.11), coupole des ONG de développement en Belgique francophone et germanophone engage un.e recruteur·euse de donateurs·rices en face to face, CDD à temps-plein ou temps partiel. Localisé·e à Bruxelles et en Wallonie.


Recruter de nouveaux·elles donateurs.rices au profit de l’Opération 11.11.11.


  • Intégration à l’équipe des ambassadeurs·rices 11.11.11 pour recruter de nouveaux·elles donateurs.rices dans les rues de Bruxelles et Wallonie.
  • Pour plus d’information sur notre équipe d’ambassadeurs·rices :

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Médecins du Monde - Dokters van de Wereld
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Bruxelles /
Type d'emploi : Stage
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 09/11/2023
Date limite : 15/12/2023


Profil majoritairement orienté vers le travail de terrain et la gestion de projet

  • Stage dans le cadre des études avec une convention de stage obligatoire
  • Formation : stage dans le cadre d’un master en gestion de projet, coopération internationale, sciences politiques, sciences humaines et sociales ou toute autre formation pertinente avec le projet.
  • Maîtrise avancée des outils informatiques (Word, Excel, Outlook, …) (la connaissance de logiciels d’analyse de données (R, Stata, …) ou de systèmes de récolte de données et d’enquête est un atout)
  • Qualités relationnelles, autonomie et flexibilité, sens de l’organisation et des responsabilités, rigueur, proactivité, curiosité.
  • Intérêt ou expérience dans le secteur humanitaire et les enjeux liés à la migration
  • Langues : maîtrise du français et de l’anglais

Durée du stage : minimum 4 mois en temps plein, poste disponible à partir de mi-décembre 2023



Médecins du Monde est une ONG internationale de développement médical faisant partie d'un réseau international. Nous fournissons une assistance médicale aux groupes vulnérables, en Belgique et dans le reste du monde.
Nous voulons une couverture universelle de santé où chaque personne a accès aux soins, sans obstacles

En Belgique et dans le monde, nos projets se destinent à toutes les personnes qui n'ont pas ou plus d'accès aux soins de santé. En particulier, ils se structurent en cinq axes : les personnes en marge de la société (personnes sans-abri, sans papier, usagères de drogues, travailleuses du sexe, etc.) ; les enfants en situation de vulnérabilité ; les femmes; les personnes migrantes ou déplacées et les victimes de crises ou de conflits.

Pour mener à bien notre mission, nous nous basons sur trois piliers : 

  • Soigner : donner un réel accès aux soins aux populations.
  • Changer : plus qu'aider, nous voulons changer les choses à long terme.
  • Témoigner : nous ne restons pas silencieux. Grâce à notre expérience et notre présence sur le terrain, nous interpellons les pouvoirs  avec des faits, des chiffres et des réalités.

Nos projets suivent une série de valeurs communes à toute notre organisation : Justice sociale, Empowerment, Indépendance, Engagement, Equilibre.


En septembre 2017, devant le manque de réponse du gouvernement, Médecins du Monde s'est associé à six autres organisations pour organiser l'aide aux migrant·e·s à Bruxelles.

Le Hub humanitaire est un consortium d’ONG actuellement piloté par Médecins du Monde, Médecins Sans Frontières, la Croix-Rouge de Belgique, la Plateforme Citoyenne de Soutien aux Réfugiés et SOS Jeunes. Le projet a vu le jour en septembre 2017 pour répondre aux besoins croissants des personnes migrantes particulièrement vulnérables. Chaque organisation poursuit des objectifs complémentaires afin de répondre aux besoins des personnes en situation d’errance présentes à Bruxelles en leur offrant un accès à des services multidisciplinaires de première nécessité, un accompagnement et une orientation adaptés.

Femmes, hommes et enfants réfugié.e.s dans notre pays, peuvent y avoir accès à des soins médicaux et à une aide psychologique, mais aussi à un appui administratif, social et juridique. De la nourriture et des vêtements sont également distribués. Ils et elles peuvent profiter du wifi et de téléphones pour maintenir des contacts avec leurs familles et leurs proches.


Assistant·e Responsable Accueil Hub Humanitaire

Sous la supervision de la maîtresse de stage et en collaboration avec l’équipe de projets, le/la stagiaire participera à la gestion opérationnelle de « l’Accueil » au Hub Humanitaire. Il/elle aura comme principales missions :

  • La coordination et l’encadrement d’un réseau de bénévoles ;
  • La bonne gestion de la permanence de l’accueil du HUB avec la responsable accueil ;
  • La gestion du flux des bénéficiaires du HUB
  • La transmission efficiente de la communication au sein du HUB (entre les travailleurs, les bénévoles et les bénéficiaires)
  • Assurer le respect des protocoles de sécurité au sein du HUB
  • Assurer la formation opérationnelle des bénévoles accueillants formés par la Responsable Accueil en session d’information
  • La participation aux prises de décisions collectives

Soutien activités MEAL

Sous la supervision de la MEAL Officer, le/la stagiaire contribue au développement des activités MEAL au sein du Hub Humanitaire (Monitoring Evaluation Acccountability and Learning) visant à améliorer la qualité des services mis en place au sein du dispositif.

Il/elle contribue à :

  • L’élaboration d’outils et de systèmes de collectes de données ainsi qu’à l’analyse de celles-ci pour la rédaction de rapports périodiques (mensuels, trimestriels)
  • Rédaction du rapport annuel d’activités du Hub Humanitaire
  • Conception, réalisation et mise en place d’enquêtes thématiques sur différents sujets et répondant à différents buts en fonction des besoins, tels que l’analyse des profils socio-démographiques des bénéficiaires du centre de jour,
  • La conception et mise en place d’un système de feedback pour les usagers/bénéficiaires

Lieu de travail : Hub Humanitaire, Avenue du Port 96-100, 1000 Bruxelles


  • Une expérience concrète, variée et active par la participation à toutes les missions et à toutes les étapes des actions permettant de prendre des responsabilités dans un cadre professionnel ;
  • Un apprentissage au sein d’une ONG de solidarité internationale ;
  • Un apprentissage dans un contexte lié à l’intervention humanitaire en Belgique ;
  • Formation, encadrement et suivi de l’étudiant.e par la structure ;
  • Intégration dans une équipe de professionnels enthousiastes ;
  • Remboursement des frais de transport (frais de transport limités au territoire belge).

MdM ne prend pas en charge les déplacements pour les entretiens, les formalités et les frais de permis de séjour en Belgique. Les stages conventionnés sont non-rémunérés.


Si vous souhaitez rejoindre notre équipe, merci d’envoyer votre demande en remplissant le formulaire approprié de candidature.

Médecins du Monde s’engage pour les personnes en situation de handicap et lutte contre toutes les discriminations.
Nous vous informons que les données vous concernant sont informatisées, elles seront traitées de façon confidentielle.
Dans le cadre de la présente candidature, vos données sont conservées pour une durée de 6 mois.
Seules les personnes habilitées par notre Charte de confidentialité Générale pourront accéder à vos données à des fins strictement internes. 

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Médecins Sans Frontières - Artsen Zonder Grenzen
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Bruxelles /
Type d'emploi : Stage
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 08/11/2023
Date limite : 20/11/2023


We are looking for a flexible and enthusiastic candidate, inspired by MSF social mission, and with strong interest in adult learning and eLearning, eager to contribute actively to the MSF Academy’s success.

 Required qualifications and experiences  

  • Working towards a degree in a relevant field: Education Sciences, Digital learning technologies, Instructional Design, Pedagogy, etc  
  • Mandatory excellent command of French and English, both written and spoken 
  • Excellent IT skills, strong knowledge of MS Office (Outlook, Teams, OneDrive, SharePoint, Word, Excel,) and Android (tablets) are mandatory 

Personal characteristics/Interpersonal skills  

  • Strong organizational, planning and administrative/logistical skills, and attention to detail 
  • Responsible, driven, and able to work independently, with guidance from staff members  
  • Empathic problem solver, and creative 
  • Strong excellent verbal and written communication, copy-editing, reporting and proofreading skills  
  • Team-player, hands-on and flexible, invested in reaching the end goals of the MSF Academy 
  • Initiative and confidence to ask questions in a fast-paced work environment. 
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills 

What can be a plus  

  • Graphic design skills a plus  
  • Experience and knowledge of MSF or any international NGO a plus  
  • Experience in general administration is a plus 


Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international humanitarian aid organization that provides assistance in more than 60 countries to populations in distress, to victims of natural or manmade disasters and to victims of armed conflicts, without discrimination and irrespective of origin, religion, creed or political affiliation.  


The MSF Academy for Healthcare is an initiative that has been created with the aim to increase the quality of healthcare provided by our staff to the patients we assist in the missions. The Academy has a growing portfolio of projects addressing specific learning objectives of different categories of healthcare staff in MSF. All these projects are chosen in line with overall MSF operational and medical priorities. 

A large focus is on MSF’s national staff, especially in the countries with the largest gaps in human resources for health (HRH) capacity. Presently, a lot of effort goes to nursing staff of MSF hospitals in Africa. More recently, the Out-patient care initiative has been implemented with pilot initiatives in the field. The Academy develops adapted curricula and invests a great deal in clinical mentorship in the wards. Presently the nursing training programme has projects in CAR, South Sudan and Sierra Leone and it is planned to be expanded to other countries in the coming years. We hope to install a much stronger learning culture within the MSF operations. Beyond MSF projects, the Academy connects also to health authorities to work on accreditation of its learning and punctual support to governmental programs.  

Finally, in 2021 the MSF Academy has started to implement a project to improve the management of Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in MSF-supported structures, and two longer term academic courses: a Post-Graduate Diploma in Infectious disease (PG DIP), and a two-year course for medical managers in the organisation. The portfolio of project of the MSF Academy is growing, and projects are increasing in scope and complexity, the workload of the overall team has increased, and we recognize the need to reinforce the capacity of the ‘global team’ of the Academy. 

The Academy aims to maintain the same overall educational approach in all its projects: competency-based learning; as much as possible on-the-job training with the presence of strong tutors or clinical mentors; and seeking to achieve appropriate accreditation for all trainings, often in collaboration with partner teaching institutes.

All our learning programmes include a digital learning component, whether synchronous or asynchronous. Some learning programmes are delivered almost entirely remotely while some are mostly face-to-face with a small eLearning component. We are aiming at offering more blended learning solutions. 

More information on the MSF Academy and its initiatives can be found on 

Positioning within the organisation  

This position will report to MSF Academy eLearning content developer.


Under the supervision of the MSF Academy eLearning content developer and in close collaboration with the tutors, mentors and subject matter experts, the intern will:  

  1. Produce eLearning contents for the Basic Clinical Nursing Care online self-paced course 

  • Produce eLearning modules with Storyline   
  • Collect feedback in Storyline review and finalize modules  
  • Upload modules and tests on Tembo LMS  


  1. Support the administration and delivery of the Training on Facilitation (ToF) and Training on Clinical Mentoring (ToM) online tutored courses (3-week courses) 

  • Update course page for new cohorts 
  • Course administration: course page update, enrolment, communication with learners and trainers 
  • Support facilitators and learners during Zoom virtual classes 
  • Support the transfer of contents of the Postgraduate diploma in Medical Humanitarian Action form MSF LMS (Tembo) to the partner university’s LMS 
  • Check for any discrepancies of the content on the new platform. 
  • Check for any disfunction or inform the team about it 
  • Ensure links are matching with the right document and fix any disfunction  
  • Check functioning of all quizzes and discussion boards  
  • Propose or implement improvements for course pages lay-out 
  • Document and maintain a log of activities, issues encountered, and steps taken to resolve them. This will serve as a reference for future migrations. 
  • Regularly update the MSF Academy team on progress and any challenges faced during the migration process. 



  • 4 months internship (unpaid) - Full time – internship with school convention necessity to be present in the Brussels Office at least 3/5 days 
  • Reimbursement (100%) of public transport costs in case of travels to the office 
  • Adhere to the MSF principles and to our managerial values: Respect, Transparency, Integrity, Accountability, Trust and Empowerment 
  • Adhere to the MSF Behavioral Commitments 
  • Starting date:  as soon as possible 

Deadline for applications: 20/11/2023 

How to apply? 

Please, send your CV and cover letter to before 20/11/2023 and mention MSF ACADEMY eLearning Intern in the subject of your email.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

MSF values diversity and is committed to create an inclusive working environment. We welcome applications from all qualified candidates regardless of disability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. 

The protection of your personal data is important to MSF. By submitting your application, you consent to MSF using your personal data. For more information, consult our privacy notice to job applicants

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Near Est Foundation
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Brussels (Belgium), London (United Kingdom), or Syracuse, NY (USA) (cross posted) /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée indéterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Direction
Date de publication : 08/11/2023
Date limite : 12/11/2023


We encourage all individuals who believe they have the skills necessary to succeed within this position and thrive at NEF to apply for this role, even if you do not meet 100% of the qualifications.
Basic Qualifications
Band 1: Manager; Band 2: Director
  • A university degree in a relevant subject;
  • Direct professional experience in MEL or action research/knowledge product development in the international development or humanitarian response field; [7 years for Band 1; 10 years for Band 2]
  • MEL work experience devising M&E, Learning and/or knowledge systems, processes, or platforms; [5 years for Band 1; 8 years for Band 2]
  • Proven work experience devising systems and processes for rapid action research, impact studies, or knowledge product development – proven experience in developing and delivering similar products; [5 years for Band 1; 8 years for Band 2]
  • Proven work experience authoring internal and external technical learning products, including published MEL or action research/knowledge products;
  • Experience on USAID, EU or UKAID funded projects (and/or other equivalent international development donors); [7 years for Band 1; 10 years for Band 2]
  • Working knowledge of databases and data collection and analysis platforms;
  • Proven experience leading or facilitating trainings, learning events etc. with colleagues and partner staff;
  • Demonstrated experience supporting multiple projects simultaneously;
  • Advanced Excel skills, including pivot tables and descriptive statistics;
  • Applicable knowledge working with statistic software such as SPSS, SAS, STATA;
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and the ability to clearly articulate key messages for multiple audiences and stakeholders; 
  • Demonstrated proficiency with MS Office suite;
  • Candidates must have the right to work in the BE, UK, US at the time of appointment.
Additional Desired Qualifications
  • Experience in MEL/Action Research programming in fragile settings;
  • Experience implementing USAID Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting practices;
  • Familiarity in the design of innovative and/or alternative finance vehicles;
  • Thematic experience in programmatic areas relevant to NEF;
  • Experience in MEL for innovate finance programming;
  • Experience and success with proposal development and fundraising for NGOs;
Previous field experience in one or more countries in an NEF region of interest is a plus; understanding of context and operating environment;
  • Arabic and/or French language skills are a plus;
Position Criteria:
  • High degree of flexibility and adaptability;
  • Willingness to travel to countries where NEF works;
  • Ability to work effectively as a team player across a wide variety of cultural contexts;
  • Understanding of effective and values-based partnership work;
  • Strong communication and relationship building skills, particularly at a distance;
  • Creative thinker; display solutions-oriented approaches in an innovative and frequently high-pressure environment.
NEF will accept rolling applications until the position is filled.  Review of applications will begin on November 12, 2023. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.
To apply:
Please apply by submitting the following documents on the Near East Foundations Career page at :
  • Cover letter outlining relevant experience and availability;
  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • List of three references.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with the Near East Foundation by visiting the NEF website at
The Near East Foundation promotes Equal Employment Opportunities for all applicants seeking employment and NEF employees.
Please note, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Total compensation for this role is market competitive. The anticipated salary range for this position based out of Brussels is estimated at Band 1: Manager position €48,800 – €62,340 annually; Band 2: Director position €83,000 - €95,000 annually. The actual salary will vary based on applicant’s experience, skills, and abilities, geographic location as well as other organizational needs.
Pre-employment Checks
Any Employment with the Near East Foundation will be subject to the following checks prior to start date:
  • A satisfactory Restricted Party Screening and/or Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check;
  • Receipt of satisfactory references;
  • Proof of eligibility to work in the national location for this role.



The NEF Family of Entities composed of Near East Foundation (Syracuse, NY, USA), Near East Foundation UK (London, UK) and NEF Belgium. NEF Family of Entities represents a network of three non-profit international organisations that support livelihoods recovery and community-based economic development in the Middle East, Africa, and Caucasus. Since 1915, NEF’s work draws on local teams, experience, and partnerships in the field to create community-led solutions to improve livelihoods and local governance among conflict and crisis-affected groups, while maintaining neutrality and ensuring inclusiveness in our approach. Working through a network of country offices and local partners, NEF currently has approximately 250 staff members and active programs in nine countries: Armenia, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Mali, Morocco, Sudan, South Sudan, and Syria. NEF’s work lies at the humanitarian-development nexus and is organised around three pillars: Inclusive Economic Development, Climate-resilient Development, and Stabilisation and Peacebuilding.
Position Description
The MEL & AR Director/Manager is part of the MEL team within the broader HQ Program & Impact team within NEF headquarters (USA, UK, and Belgium). As part of the HQ MEL team, the position will require a high degree of coordination with the global MEL, program support, and partnerships and technical leadership teams.  The MEL & AR Director/Manager is integral to the effectiveness of MEL and action research, impact, and knowledge product development across the whole organisation. They will provide a) support in the design, refinement, integration, roll out, and implementation of NEF organisation-wide policies, strategies, and systems; and b) direct MEL technical support to NEF country/regional teams and NEF HQ teams including business development.
The MEL & AR Director/Manager will support global NEF programs operating in the development, humanitarian and/or nexus space, and which may also include programmes operating in the innovative and alternative finance space such as the first refugee impact bond (Jordan and Lebanon), a forthcoming impact investment facility in Syria and an innovative financing facility in South Sudan.
Program-level research/knowledge products (60%):
  • Oversee the production of key deliverables, such as impact studies and knowledge products, either as part of program deliverables or for program learning and adaptation.
  • Contribute to the strengthening and development of existing processes, systems, and capacities for the delivery of program-level rapid and embedded action research/impact/knowledge products;
  • Contribute to the development of pilot projects and project learning frameworks;
  • Co-lead and support NEF’s global MEL and program teams to capture, analyse, document, and communicate evidence tailored to different audiences;
  • Lead data analysis and interpretation of qualitative and quantitative evidence as part of action research and MEL initiatives;
  • Provide targeted support to develop strategically important program-level rapid and embedded research/knowledge products;
  • Oversee and build capacities of the global team engaged in the development of program-level research products including support for professional development opportunities and help to identify capacity development opportunities for relevant staff;
  • Collaborate with project managers to prioritise and integrate research/knowledge products development into their management responsibilities to ensure coherence and consistency across country/regional teams;
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (40%):
  • Collaborate with the MEL global leadership team to update, strengthen and execute MEL global strategy and policy;
  • Provide targeted MEL support to strategically important projects and programs;
  • Oversee and optimize the design process of project and program log-frames, theory of changes, and MEL Plans;
  • Oversee, optimize and build capacities of MEL country/regional staff with respect to the design of project and program log-frames, MEL plans and implementation, data analysis, and conducting program evaluations (internal and external); 
  • Contribute to the review and strengthening of and provide oversight for MEL coordination mechanisms, support functions, and quality assurance process and systems; 


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Médecins Sans Frontières - Artsen Zonder Grenzen
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Brussels /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Ressources humaines
Date de publication : 07/11/2023
Date limite : 28/11/2023


Education & experience

  • Higher education diploma in the field of HR and/or Administration is an asset.
  • 1 year experience in a support and administrative function
  • MSF experience is a strong asset


  • IT competencies: Excellent knowledge of the Office 365 package; Good knowledge of Zoom and technical facilitation
  • Planning and organization
  • Analytical spirit
  • Ability to adapt and to demonstrate initiative
  • Teamwork with strong collaborative skills
  • Quick learner
  • Strong humanitarian commitment and interest; motivation to work with MSF


  • Oral and written fluency in French and English



Within the HR department of MSF Operational Center of Brussels (OCB), the People Development Hub aims to develop MSF’s people working globally, so they have the capacity and capabilities to meet MSF’s operational needs and objectives. As Learning and Development unit (L&D) within the People Development hub, we want to continue building a learning organisation with space for learning and development for all, that sees the MSF staff as our main asset, and that is focused on the interaction between the individual, the work context and the goals of the organisation.

As Induction & Onboarding Support Administrator, you will provide an adequate, continuous and sustainable support to our staff learning and development needs linked to Induction & Onboarding (I&O) learning event for the global workforce. You will play a key role by providing administrative and logistical support to those involved in learning activities as well as facilitating the access to those learning solutions.

Under the direct supervision of the L&D Support team leader, you will work with other L&D Support Administrators. You will closely collaborate and receive technical support from the Induction & Onboarding team.


You are the main focal point for the administrative and logistics follow-up of learning initiatives organized by MSF related to welcoming our new staff, orienting the learner and their HR responsible towards to most appropriate learning solutions.

Management of all the training administration for participants before / during / after the training sessions in collaboration with MSF Denmark

  • Update enrollment forms when needed
  • Manage the participants excel list for the different sessions from the Masterfile
  • Be in charge of the different lists, different sessions, different months, etc.
  • Making the different groups with support of Course coordinators & Tech L&D referents
  • Plan & book zoom/teams for the (tech) onboardings (with team)
  • Send invitations to participants well in advance for the sessions
  • Follow up with participants and HR responsible for staff that did not show up
  • Encode participation of staff in relevant platforms (Homere; WeDoo…)
  • Reflect on administrative procedures in place and improve them if and when needed

Act as focal point for all learning related questions for Field Staff & HR responsible

  • Ensure a perfect understanding of the Induction & Onboarding Learning offer
  • Provide info and guidance to staff on all Welcome to MSF learning opportunities
  • Make sure information available on OCB Intranet and other relevant platforms are up to date and coherent

Other activities:

  • Communication to participants and their HR responsible (projects and offices)
  • Communicate & advertise about the I&0 Learning Offer whenever needed (updates) and possible (and with L&D Leadership and Inclusion referent)
  • Ensure the technical facilitation to identified learning events when needed
  • Be the backup of the L&D Support Administrators when needed
  • Participate to the L&D team meeting, Induction & Onboarding team meetings and other as needed


  • Expected starting date: As soon as possible
  • Location*: Brussels (Belgium)
  • Contract type: Fixed term contract – Full time or 80% - homeworking possible up to 50% per week
  • Contract duration: 12 months
  • Salary according to MSF-OCB HQ grid
  • Meal vouchers - Hospital Insurance (DKV) – Pension Plan – 100% reimbursement for public transportation costs
  • Adhere to the MSF principles and to our managerial values: Respect, Transparency, Integrity, Accountability, Trust and Empowerment
  • Adhere to the MSF Behavioral Commitments

* Due to administrative constraints, given the duration of the contract, candidates must already have the permanent right and/or a valid work permit to work in the mentioned location

Deadline for applications: 28/11/2023

How to apply?

Please, send your CV and cover letter to  and mention “I&O Support Administrator” in the subject of your email.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

MSF values diversity and is committed to create an inclusive working environment. We welcome applications from all qualified candidates regardless of disability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.

The protection of your personal data is important to MSF. By submitting your application, you consent to MSF using your personal data. For more information, consult our privacy notice to job applicants.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Médecins Sans Frontières - Artsen Zonder Grenzen
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Brussels /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée indéterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion financière
Date de publication : 07/11/2023
Date limite : 30/11/2023


Education and Experience

  • Masters in finance or economics or MBA
  • Minimum 5 years’ experience in a Senior Finance management position (CFO), preferably in an international company/organisation and settings
  • Field and operational finance experience in MSF or another humanitarian organization is an added value


  • Analytical and strategic thinking with demonstrated talent for identifying, and improving complex work processes and set-ups
  • Strong ability to adapt to different context, people and environment
  • Demonstrate problem-solving aptitude, creativity and initiative
  • Strong communication skills (both oral and written) at various levels, for often non-experts (pedagogical skills)
  • Strong ability to lead and organise teamwork, promoting trust and enthusiasm
  • Capacity to negotiate with different internal and external stakeholders
  • Strong resistance to stress and ability to set priorities
  • Demonstrable understanding and commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion is an asset - Cross-cultural awareness
  • Strong humanitarian commitment and interest; motivation to work with MSF and available to travel


  • Proficient level in English and French, both oral and written is mandatory
  • Other commonly used languages in MSF (Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese) are an asset


The Operational Center Brussels of Médecins Sans Frontières (OCB) is looking for a highly qualified and motivated professional to fill the position of Finance Director. 


The mission of MSF Belgium Finance Department is to provide, through collaboration and partnership, expertise that promotes and supports the ongoing sustainability of MSF.

We do so by:

  • Providing financial information recognised as 'one single source of truth', information provided are transparent, of high quality and produced in a timely manner.
  • Producing reliable forecasts and multi-year financial projections.
  • Managing compliance to regulations and to local requirements in the missions by providing guidance and/or by acting in HQ to ease work.
  • Supporting Operations in their respective environment to reduce risks linked to the use of resources by suggesting appropriate mitigation measures.

MSF OCB (Operational Centre Brussels) currently manages projects in 45 countries and spends over 440M€ on an annual basis.

As Finance Director, you play a key role in the financial management of the organization, being responsible for ensuring the financial transparency and sustainability of MSF OCB, and thereby actively contribute to the social mission of the organization.

You are a member of the Management Team and will be supported by a Deputy Finance Director in the management of the Finance department. You will also play a key role at international level, through your participation in the international Finance Directors platform.


  • Overall Financial Management: ensure effective oversight and management of all financial operations of MSF OCB, ensuring compliance with internal and external financial policies and regulations.
  • Strategic Financial Planning: develop and implement mid- and long-term financial strategies that support the organization’s growth and development goals, in close collaboration with the Management Team and the international finance platforms.
  • Financial Reporting and Analysis: prepare and present regular financial reports, including detailed analyses of the current financial situation, budgets, forecasts, scenario planning, and recommendations for maintaining a sound financial trajectory to the budget committee and to the Board.
  • Leadership and Team Management: lead and coordinate a highly performing financial team of 41 FTEs organized into 6 units in Head Quarters (General Accounting, Field accounting, HQ planning & controlling, Operational Finance, Funding, Finance Applications Support). Ensure the functional leadership of over 400 finance professionals working in the field and in operations managed by MSF OCB.
  • Cash Management: closely monitor cash, liquidity and cash flows to ensure the availability of funds necessary for the effective implementation of operations and HQ projects, and the long-term financial sustainability of the organization.
  • Financial Operations: ensure that financial operations are effective in terms of transfers to the field and payments, support the team in finding solutions for finances in complex field situations where normal transfers are no longer possible.
  • Financial Risk Management: identify and assess potential financial risks and implement risk management strategies to mitigate negative impacts on the organization’s operations.
  • Financial Compliance: ensure that the financial statements give an accurate view of the financial position of MSF Belgium/OCB, ensure accurate preparation and timely submission of requested financial reports to the authorities and to donors.
  • Financial governance: provide strategic advice to the management team and the board on financial matters and ensure the implementation of sound and transparent financial governance practices.
  • Financial Partnerships: establish and maintain strong relationships with internal and external financial partners, including partner sections within the MSF Movement, the other Operational Centers of the MSF Movement, the International Office of MSF, MSF Supply, financial institutions, external auditors, donors …


  • Expected starting date: 1st March 2024
  • Location: Brussels (Belgium)
  • Type of contract: Open-ended contract with 4 years mandate (extendable for max. 2 more years) – Full-time
  • Salary according to OCB HQ salary grid
  • Meal Vouchers - Hospital Insurance (DKV) – Pension Plan – 100% reimbursement for public transportation costs
  • Adhere to the MSF principles and to our managerial values: Respect, Transparency, Integrity, Accountability, Trust, and Empowerment.
  • Adhere to the MSF Behavioral Commitments

Deadline for applications: 30/11/2023

How to apply?

Please, send your CV and cover letter to and mention “DIRFIN” in the subject of your email.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

MSF values diversity and is committed to creating an inclusive working environment. We welcome applications from all qualified candidates regardless of disability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, race, colour or ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.

The protection of your personal data is important to MSF. By submitting your application, you consent to MSF using your personal data. For more information, consult our privacy notice to job applicants.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Centre National de Coopération au Développement
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Bruxelles /
Type d'emploi : Stage
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Animation/Formation
Date de publication : 07/11/2023
Date limite : 30/11/2023



  • La/le candidat/e sera essentiellement créati/ve/f et enthousiaste, capable d'adapter ses compétences théoriques à une dynamique de travail porteuse de sens.


  • Siège central du CNCD-11.11.11 (Quai du Commerce, 9 à 1000 Bruxelles) -Télétravail possible, à discuter


  • Expérience enrichissante dans le secteur associatif, au sein du département campagne
  • stagiaire évolue au sein d’une équipe multi-profils et dans un environnement dynamique
  • Stage non rémunéré - remboursement des frais engendrés durant le stage et des frais de transports
  • PC et téléphone de fonction mis à disposition sur la durée du stage
  • Durée du stage : du 1/02/24 au 15/05/24 à temps partiel ou temps plein. Quelques prestations en soirée ou WE à prévoir.


Envoyez votre CV et lettre de motivation à pour le 30 novembre 2024 au plus tard

Pour en savoir plus sur le CNCD-11.11.11, visitez notre site Internet :

Les candidat·es sont sélectionné·es sur base de leurs qualités et compétences, sans tenir compte de l’âge, l’origine, du sexe et de tout autre critère sans rapport avec la fonction.

Le CNCD-11.11.11 veille à respecter la vie privée des personnes et le règlement général sur la protection des données. Les données transmises par les personnes qui ne sont pas sélectionnées seront détruites dans les 6 mois qui suivent la clôture de cet appel à candidatures.


Le Centre national de Coopération au Développement (CNCD-11.11.11), coupole des ONG de développement en Belgique francophone et germanophone recherche un·e stagiaire en éducation à la citoyenneté mondiale et solidaire (ECMS).

Le CNCD-11.11.11 recherche un.e stagiaire en éducation à la citoyenneté mondiale et solidaire pour un appui aux activités de la cellule pédagogique.

Le stage couvrira plusieurs volets d’activités :

  1. Un volet d’appui à la mise en place de la mallette pédagogique à destination des enseignant.e.s du primaire
  • Le CNCD-11.11.11 coordonne un LED (Lieu d’éducation au développement) primaire composé d’une série d’associations membres ou non du CNCD 11.11.11. L’objectif de cette mallette est de réunir des outils pédagogiques à destination du public primaire. Il s’agira d’accompagner la création du carnet pédagogique de la mallette et le travail des différents participants du LED.
  1. Un volet d’appui sur de l’accompagnement de volontaires au sein d’un projet pour les écoles primaires
    • Le CNCD-11.11.11 organise un cycle de formation en février 2023 et mars 2023 pour former des personnes désireuses d’animer des outils sur la solidarité internationale en classe. Il s’agira d’accompagner ces volontaires au sein du projet « la solidarité, c’est la classe », en soutien du responsable du public primaire et secondaire.
  2. Un volet d’appui aux formations à destination des professionnels pédagogiques sur les enjeux mondiaux (climat, inégalités mondiales, etc.)
    • Le travail consistera à accompagner la responsable du public primaire et/ou secondaire dans la promotion, la mise en place des formations et de leurs évaluations.
  3. Un volet d’activités transversales en ECMS
  • Participation à des groupes de travail/réunions internes ou externes
  • Soutien à la création d’outils pédagogiques
  • Animations dans les écoles

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Médecins Sans Frontières - Artsen Zonder Grenzen
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Brussels /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Entretien/logisitique
Date de publication : 07/11/2023
Date limite : 26/11/2023



Education & Experience 

  • Structural Engineer diploma 
  • Minimum 5 years of professional experience in Construction Project Management of which at least 1 year with MSF or other NGO 
  • Experience in coaching and training of staff  
  • Experience in low-income countries is an asset  
  • Experience in building pathology is a strong asset  


  • Proficient user of Autocad and ETABS 
  • Ability to design & propose solutions  
  • Ability to produce clear and concise technical reports  
  • Ability to design & deliver technical trainings  
  • Willing to take measured risks and responsibility for your choices  
  • Ability to set priorities and organize your own work, even in a stressful environment 
  • Good analytical skills  
  • Excellent written and oral communications skills  
  • Result, quality & service oriented  
  • Good teamwork and cooperation capacity  
  • Flexibility 
  • Good understanding of sustainable building design and insulation techniques is an asset  


  • Good oral and written communication in English and French   
  • Knowledge of Spanish, Arabic or Portuguese is an asset 



Logistics at MSF aims at providing the best environment of care for MSF beneficiaries and medical teams activities through a pragmatic and solution-oriented approach. MSF operations are very diverse and constantly evolving, requiring Logs to continuously adapt to provide appropriate solutions.  

The Logistics Department’s mission is twofold. Firstly, it is to provide the frame of action of Logs on the field. Secondly, it provides access to support (both in technical and intervention families), knowledge as well as learning & development opportunities for field Logs to be able to carry out their mission. 

For these purposes, the Log department at MSF Operational Center Brussels (OCB) is composed of 3 main units. The Log Support Unit (LSU) provides direct support to Logs in Operations and identifies needs to be tackled by other Log entities. The Workforce Unit (WFU) ensures that the Log workforce is available and prepared to contribute to operational ambitions in their project/mission. The Knowledge Management Unit (KMU) aims at improving access to information, knowledge and to the variety of support means for Logs in the field. 

As Intersectional Structural Engineer Mobile Implementation Officer (MIO), and under the line management of the OCB Construction Team Leader, you provide technical support and expertise on the structural engineering domain for MSF construction projects according to operational objectives, guaranteeing a quality and secure hosting, working, and living environment for beneficiaries and users. 

Within the Log Support Unit (LSU) and under the line management of the Construction Team Leader you work with the Construction Team supporting in requests submitted to you by Construction Advisors from all 5 sections. 



Provide specialized 2nd line support in the Construction domain and contribute to the reflection on the impact of this 2nd line support on the 3rd line developments  

  • Assist the Construction Teams during the construction project cycle 
  • Perform structural revision of existing structures during feasibility stage (assess the structure, conduct destructive and non-destructive tests, reports on the state of the structure and advise on next steps and possible retrofitting solutions). Follow-up on external companies performing those structural assessments if required 
  • Align with the structural dimensioning of preliminary layout plans and the interdisciplinary problem-solving exercise during Design Stage. If required, set-up the Basis of Design documentation for externalization 
  • Ensure a peer-to-peer review of structural set of plans and details during Technical Design stage (foundations, beams and other structural elements), technical specifications, BoQ and cost estimates. Help with the transversal cross-check among technical families (architectural, plumbing, electricity and plumbing drawings) 
  • Support project teams with technical expertise during site follow-up during Construction Stage  

Provide support to the Construction Teams and Advisors in 3rd line support tools development 

  • Clarify building codes to apply according to the type of project and type of context: minimum MSF standards, international codes, local regulations, etc. 
  • Compile and capitalize on technical recommendations for construction/rehabilitation projects in Vertisol soil types 
  • Standardized structural design for basic constructions (buildings with span lesser than 6m, concrete slabs for waste zone and under tents, etc.) 
  • Review of the water tower catalogue 
  • Bunker design guidance 

Provide specialized 1st line support in the Construction domain in very specific cases 

  • Answer ad-hoc technical questions (i.e. information to perform soil tests prior to construction, setting out for upcoming constructions) 
  • Provide reactive support to potential Epool requests 


  • Expected starting date: 1st January 2024 
  • Location*: Brussels (Belgium); but mainly carried out in the field  
  • Mobility: up to 70% in the projects worldwide 
  • Contract type: Fixed-term contract - Full-time 
  • Contract duration: 2 years  
  • Salary according to MSF-OCB field grid 
  • Medical Insurance 100% covered as per international package – 45 paid leaves 
  • Adhere to the MSF principles and to our managerial values: Respect, Transparency, Integrity, Accountability, Trust and Empowerment 
  • Adhere to the MSF Behavioral Commitments 

*Other location where there is an MSF Operational Center (OC) HQ and with proximity to OCB HQ could be exceptionally discussed (Paris, Geneva, Amsterdam, Barcelona). The final outcome depends on local legal limitations (residency, work permit, etc.) and on agreement with the hosting and contractual MSF OC. The local contract and standard salary grid will then apply. 


Deadline for applications: 26/11/2023 

How to apply? 

Please, send your CV and cover letter to and mention “MIO Structural Engineer” in the subject of your email. 

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. 

MSF values diversity and is committed to creating an inclusive working environment. We welcome applications from all qualified candidates regardless of disability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. 

The protection of your personal data is important to MSF. By submitting your application, you consent to MSF using your personal data. For more information, consult our privacy notice to job applicants

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Médecins Sans Frontières - Artsen Zonder Grenzen
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Brussels /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Santé
Date de publication : 06/11/2023
Date limite : 26/11/2023


Education & Experience

  • Medical or paramedical diploma with training in healthcare/project management, public health, epidemiology, or health informatics
  • At least 3 years of experience in health information management, project monitoring and surveillance with MSF or with a similar humanitarian organization (as epidemiologist, Project Medical Referent, Medical coordinator...)
  • Experience in implementing and/or maintaining HMIS and in working with MS Excel
  • Experience in conducting trainings [face to face and online] for a diverse audience.
  • Experience with data visualization using power BI, DHIS2, Tableau, etc is an asset.


  • Evidenced understanding of medical data management and monitoring.
  • Excellent communication skills and team spirit
  • Ability to draft clear and concise guidelines/instructions and other written communication in both English and French
  • Strong humanitarian commitment and interest; motivation to work with MSF.


  • Fluent in French and English (oral and written)


  • Willingness and availability to travel frequently and to work in diverse contexts, sometimes under difficult conditions.


Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international humanitarian aid organization that provides assistance in more than 60 countries to populations in distress, to victims of natural or manmade disasters and to victims of armed conflicts, without discrimination and irrespective of origin, religion, creed or political affiliation.


Health information management comprises of a series of activities and responsibilities which starts from data collection in front of the patient, encoding into databases, to the production of analyses used by clinicians, epidemiologists, and operational managers, to guide clinical activities and humanitarian operations. Operational, medical, and humanitarian strategic intelligence is produced out of relevant, clean, and quality data.

Within MSF Operational Center Brussels (OCB) is Ariadne unit responsible for designing, deploying, and maintaining Health Management Information Systems (HMIS). Ariadne is part of the medical department that supports our operations at project and HQ levels in collection, processing, and use of medical data, in line with the projects’ objectives and OCB’s overall ambitions.

Within the Ariadne Unit, the Monitoring and Surveillance Tools (MAST) Program, composed of a multi-disciplinary team that processes data methods and software applications used in OCB to facilitate routine activity monitoring and epidemiological surveillance. In MSF, dhis2 is the standard HMIS of choice.

As eHealth Mobile Implementation Officer (MIO) you will be part of the MAST team and you will primarily be working in the field. You will provide support in all aspects of the design, tailored implementations of health information systems, that enable efficient capture, transmission, analysis and visualization of medical data. While being the key onsite service provider in the projects, you will also provide general expertise and support to HMIS users in HQ.  


Projects data management support:

  • Engage with relevant project stakeholders to define goals for health information management support.
  • Review project log frames and support field teams to update and align their log frames to current medical objectives.
  • Support medical managers to define and select a set of appropriate medical indicators to be monitored routinely
  • Conduct mapping of health information systems, medical data flow from collection to reporting, processes used, quality of data captured, and people involved.
  • Identify, analyze, document and resolve procedural and/or system related challenges that hinder quality data: Provide recommendations for improvement and promote adoption of best practices in health information management.
  • Work with the projects teams to entrench appropriate changes in existing health information systems, propose new ways of working and devise project specific data errors mitigation measures.
  • Support projects to ensure data protection best practices are implemented and followed.
  • In collaboration with the team of Epidemiologists, support data use activities including reviewing key indicators for project monitoring.

HMIS implementation:

  • Support projects in the set up and prepare for deployment of standard HMIS.
  • Pilot HMIS tools, capture users’ experience and requests necessary to improve the system to meet the projects’ needs.
  • Work with other MAST team members to organize and deploy standard HMIS.
  • Lead implementation of the HMIS on site or remotely
  • Participate in the initial “after go live” review of the system’s configuration and output displays and identify changes or improvements required.
  • Debrief and handover to the MAST support team after HMIS implementation.

Capacity Building

  • Identify training, coaching and professional development needs of medical and projects data management staff.
  • Provide user training to projects and HQ personnel on Ariadne supported applications/ tools and on general data management and use.
  • Assist with the development and revision of training materials whenever needed.

Business Analysis

  • Assist in writing HMIS use cases in the projects and HQ to inform new features, applications, and system interfaces.


  • Expected starting date: February 2024
  • Location*: Brussels (Belgium), Nairobi (Kenya) or Abidjan (Ivory Coast); but mainly carried out in the projects.
  • Mobility more than 70% in project locations
  • Contract type: Fixed-term contract – Full time
  • Contract duration: 1 year.
  • Salary according to MSF-OCB Field grid
  • The contractual terms, conditions and salary will be established according to the official residence of the selected candidate and in compliance with the standard MSF function and salary grids. 
  • Not a family position
  • Adhere to the MSF principles and to our managerial values: Respect, Transparency, Integrity, Accountability, Trust and Empowerment
  • Adhere to the MSF Behavioral Commitments

*Due to administrative constraints, given the duration of the contract, candidates might already need to have the permanent right and/or a valid work permit to work in some of the mentioned locations

Deadline for applications: 26/11/2023

How to apply?

Please, send your CV and cover letter to and mention “eHealth MIO” in the subject of your email.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

MSF values diversity and is committed to creating an inclusive working environment. We welcome applications from all qualified candidates regardless of disability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.

The protection of your personal data is important to MSF. By submitting your application, you consent to MSF using your personal data. For more information, consult our privacy notice to job applicants.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Unicef Belgique - Unicef België
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Bruxelles /
Fichier : PDF icon vacature_marcom_fr_-_november_2023_def_versie.pdf
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée indéterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Communication
Date de publication : 06/11/2023
Date limite : 19/11/2023



  • Vous êtes responsable pour le développement des supports et/ou campagnes de communication à destination du grand public et/ou de groupes cibles spécifiques afin d’atteindre les objectifs de Fundraising et de plaidoyer.
  • Comme gestionnaire de projet, vous êtes responsable de la mise en oeuvre selon un plan prédéfini d'un projet ou d’une campagne de communication (sur la base d'un plan de communication) en respectant le budget fixé, les timings et des objectifs à atteindre conformément aux besoins des parties prenantes internes.
  • Vous êtes responsable pour mesurer, interpréter et établir des rapports sur les KPI (indicateurs clés de performance) prédéfinis.
  • Vous rédigez des briefings (techniques) clairs.
  • Vous produisez, suivez et distribuez le matériel de communication (et autres soutiens de communication: brochures, visuels, vidéos, affiches, audios).
  • Vous relisez les contenus de communication liés aux projets de communication.
  • Vous maitrisez les règles relatives à la marque d’UNICEF, et veillez à ce qu’elles soient appliquées dans les projets de communication avec tous les partenaires internes et externes.
  • Vous prenez en charge de manière proactive la gestion des ‘Goodwill Ambassadors’ qui vous ont été assignés.
  • Vous êtes capable d'interpréter les analyses, les rapports et les résultats d'une campagne de communication et de mettre en oeuvre les résultats d'une étude de marché.
  • Vous évaluez des projets de communication et intégrez les résultats dans une présentation.
  • Vous entretenez une relation durable avec les partenaires et agences externes.


  • Vous avez au moins 5 ans d'expérience dans le domaine de la communication marketing (Bachelor ou Master).
  • Expérience de la gestion de projets de communication.
  • Vous êtes bien trilingue (NL, FR, ENG).
  • Vous êtes polyvalent (un multi-tasker) et avez un esprit innovant et stratégique.
  • Vous êtes un bon communicateur et un véritable joueur d'équipe.
  • Vous êtes capable de mener à bien un projet de manière coordonnée/planifiée.
  • Vous êtes un vrai fonceur et vous êtes flexible lorsqu'il s'agit de respecter les délais.
  • Vous aimez travailler en réseau, tant à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur de l'organisation.
  • Vous avez de bonnes compétences rédactionnelles.
  • La mission de l'UNICEF, la coopération au développement et les droits de l'enfant dans le monde vous fascinent.


  • UNICEF Belgique vous propose un emploi motivant qui vous donnera la possibilité de vous développer au sein d’une équipe engagée.
  • Nous vous proposons un contrat à temps plein à durée indéterminée ainsi qu’un package salarial attrayant assorti d’avantages extralégaux.
  • Nos bureaux, situés à Gare Maritime, près de la Gare du Nord, sont aisément accessibles en transports en commun.

Veuillez nous faire parvenir votre CV et votre lettre de motivation au plus tard le 19 novembre 2023 à l’adresse e-mail : à l’attention de Hannelore De Pooter, HR & Legal Director.
Pour de plus amples informations sur UNICEF Belgique, consultez le site web


La gestion de projet n'a pas de secret pour vous ? Vous aimez les échéances et votre ADN vous pousse à travailler de façon structurelle ? Voulez-vous utiliser vos talents pour le bien-être de chaque enfant ? Alors nous vous cherchons !
En tant que Fonds des Nations unies pour l’enfance, l’UNICEF a une mission unique : offrir à tous les enfants ce à quoi ils ont droit. Grâce à de grands partenariats, nous sommes en mesure d’atteindre des millions d’enfants à travers le monde et de les aider à vaincre la pauvreté, la maladie, la violence et la discrimination.
Vous pouvez nous aider à mettre en place des campagnes parlantes et ciblées pour accroître l'engagement de nos différentes parties prenantes et leur participation en faveur des droits de l'enfant. Vous veillerez à la réalisation de notre mission. Voulez-vous relever ce défi avec nous et accroître notre impact sur chaque enfant ? Alors cette fonction est faite pour vous.

* * *
En tant que Marketing Communication Officer, vous êtes responsable pour le développement, la gestion et l’évaluation des projets / campagnes de communication vers des groupes cibles spécifiques et vers le grand public, afin de soutenir les objectifs de nos activités de Fundraising et de plaidoyer.
Le / la Marketing Communication Officer rapporte au Communication Manager et travaille en étroite collaboration avec les autres membres de l’équipe Communication, ses clients internes, ainsi que tout partenaire externe.
