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Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Jerusalem /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Mission terrain
Date de publication : 21/03/2024
Date limite : 11/04/2024



  • At least 6 years of overall professional experience in access and security functions,
  • At least 3 years of experience in conflict-affected countries,
  • Ability to manage stress,   
  • Proactiveness and productivity, 
  • Past experience in Middle Eastern countries is an asset. 


Place: Jerusalem, with some visits to West Bank and Gaza
Duration of contract: 6 months    
Starting date: As soon as possible 

Handicap International/Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial international solidarity organization, which intervenes in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflicts and disasters. Working alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, it acts and speaks out to meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. More info:

At Handicap International-Humanity & Inclusion, we truly believe in the importance of inclusion and diversity within our organisation. This is why we are engaged to a disability policy to encourage the inclusion and integration of people with disabilities.

Please indicate if you require any special accommodation, even at the first interview.

The Palestine mission is part of the Mashriq regional programme, which covers Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine. HI in 2023 has been implementing a mix of humanitarian and development projects in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including a long-term rehabilitation project in Gaza. HI is also the coordinator of the Rehabilitation Platforms in Gaza and in the West Bank (two coordination bodies among all rehabilitation actors in each area).

The new conflict between Hamas and Israel in October 2023 has created a major humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. Around 27,000 Palestinians have been killed, more than 60,000 have been injured, and several thousand among them have suffered from amputations or permanent impairments. HI is managing a complex humanitarian operation in the Gaza Strip, with extreme challenges in terms of access and security. In addition, HI is also implementing a mix of emergency response and preparedness activities in the West Bank, with several access and security challenges.

HI current response spans these sectors: physical rehabilitation, mental health and psychosocial support, education in emergencies, armed violence reduction / humanitarian mine action, and distribution of health, hygiene, and NFI kits

Main challenges: very high security risks, very complex humanitarian access challenges, and major logistics constraints in Gaza; security risks, access constraints, and potential further escalation in West Bank and East Jerusalem.

The Humanitarian Access & Security Manager (HASM) Palestine will be in charge of overall security management and access negotiation in Palestine and in Israel. In some periods, as required by the total workload and the complexity of the risks, he might share or split this responsibility for Gaza with a second HASM deployed inside the Gaza Strip. He will have a formal reporting line to the Regional Director, in particular for objectives and strategy, with day-to-day tasking and monitoring delegated to the Country Manager Palestine.


- Ensures the implementation of HI’s security policy, operational guide and new security guidelines,
- Represents HI externally with regard to security matters concerning his/her country.

- Context monitoring, strengthening acceptance and humanitarian access,
- Continuously monitors and analyses developments in the local, national and regional humanitarian context and the actors involved, identifies obstacles to access and opportunities for improvement,
- Supports the Programme Director / Country Manager with the development of the programme’s access strategy, and helps implement it,
- Provides advice and guidance on evolving security risks, necessary resources, security frameworks, documents and strategies, and shares best practices for the safe and secure management of HI activities in the country.

- Jerusalem: In normal times, the security is relatively stable most of the year, with some days of mass demonstrations and isolated acts of violence, in particular during key religious holidays and anniversaries of important historical events. There are several opportunities for social and cultural life. In the current crisis, there is a heightened risk of violence and an increasing number of Israeli checkpoints. International staff have some limited opportunities for social life and daily trips.

- West Bank: In normal times, the security is relatively stable in Ramallah and Bethlehem, but overall unstable in Hebron and the Northern West Bank, with regular episodes of Israeli armed incursions, settler violence, and Palestinian attacks. In the current crisis, the number of incursions and violent incidents has increased considerably, and most towns and villages are isolated from each other due to the closure of all Israeli checkpoints for Palestinians.

- Gaza Strip: In normal times, the security is unpredictable, with long calm periods followed by short bouts of armed confrontation. Security rules are tight with controlled movement. Systems for hibernation and evacuation are in place. In the current crisis the whole population is at constant risk due to frequent airstrikes. HI’s team has relocated to Rafah governorate. HI has setup a solid system with for security management, although the risks will remain high as long as the war continues.

At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission.

  • 6 months International contract starting between 1st March and 1st April 2024.
  • The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation:
  • Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals
  • Pension scheme
  • Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution
  • Repatriation insurance paid by HI
  • Salary from 2869€ gross/month upon experience 
  • Perdiem: 703.25€ net/month - paid in the field
  • Hardship: 500 € net/month paid with your salary
  • Paid leaves: 25 days per year;
  • R&R: Level 3: 5 days every 6 weeks => + possible transport/package support.
  • Position:
    • unaccompanied
  • Housing: Collective taken in charge by HI

If you are resident in the country: local package

Only online by joining a CV and cover letter via the following link:

Applications will be processed on an ongoing basis, don’t wait for applying!
Only successful candidates will be contacted.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Accion contra el hambre
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Gaza /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 16/01/2024
Date limite : 24/01/2024


  • Minimum a bachelor's degree in a relevant discipline (e.g. social sciences, economics, international development or any related field). 

  • Solid knowledge and experience of Project Cycle Management with experience in project implementation and monitoring.  

  • Solid knowledge of emergency and early recovery programs and interventions. 

  • Proven knowledge of institutional donors, e.g. ECHO, GAC, OCHA, AECID, UNICEF, EU, is highly desirable, including compliance.  

  • Good knowledge of Finance, Logistical and HR departments, including budget follow up and procurement plans. 

  • At least 5 years of holding senior management positions in design and management of emergency and early recovery programs 

  • At least 3 years of experience in staff management, preferably of middle size interdisciplinary teams, including program and support functions.   

  • Proven experience in coordinating and advocating with international NGOs, local NGOs, clusters, authorities and donors regarding projects implementation and strategic planning. 

  • Strong reporting and proposal writing skills are required.  

  • Experience in security management is highly desirable, especially in security assessment of premises and project implementation sites, including staff and goods movements. 

  • Experience and/or technical knowledge of AAH sectors of intervention (WASH, FSL, NUT, MEAL and Advocacy).  

  • Experience in ensuring gender and protection components is mainstreamed in humanitarian programming.  

  • Knowledge of HNO-HRP process and humanitarian transformative approach. 

  • Knowledge of the related national and international technical standards. 

  • Knowledge of environment and climate change is desirable. 

  • Excellent organizational skills, including time and stress management.  

  • Ability to be flexible and work well under pressure in a fast-paced multi-tasking environment. 

  • Excellent working knowledge of English is required. Arabic is an asset.   

  • MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and email/internet software.  

  • Ability to work and live in Gaza in hardship conditions. 


ILS 133,628 gross/ year divided in 12 payments and based on experience. In addition, Action Against Hunger covers food and transportation allowances for a fully worked month.   


Action Against Hunger is an equal opportunities employer. Women are encouraged to apply for this position. 

Action Against Hunger has a commitment to protect all persons we come into contact with through our work, including children and At-Risk adults. Action Against Hunger has ZERO TOLERANCE towards all forms of harm and abuse, including sexual abuse and sexual exploitation. We take concerns and complaints relating to Safeguarding issues involving our Staff, Associated Personnel, Partners and Suppliers very seriously and will take action to vigorously investigate and manage any violations or alleged violations of our policies. 

Only applications received through our online service will be considered. Please click on the following link to access the service:

Only those candidates pre-selected for an interview will be contacted. 



Action Against Hunger (AAH) is a humanitarian, non-governmental, non-political, non-denominational and non-profit making organization working in the Palestinian Territory since 2002. 

Action Against Hunger is recruiting for its Gaza office a 

                                                                                   Deputy Head of Base 

 For 6 months commencing upon signature of the project contract. 

 The candidate will be responsible on the following objectives and tasks:

The candidate will be responsible on the following objectives and tasks 

  •  Objective 1: Support Program Implementation  
  • Oversee the implementation of AAH programs in Gaza Strip to ensure the timeliness, effectiveness and quality of activities; provide needed supervision and guidance to staff under his/her supervision.  

  • Ensure his/her team properly designs and adapts activities to volatile context and emerging needs, as well as increasing challenges and restrictions.  

  • Ensure activity plans for each project are in place, as well as supporting documents for each activity, according with donor compliance and derogations.  

  • Coordinate with Capital Advocacy Coordinator and Head of Base, supports advocacy initiatives and communication activities. 

  • Collaborate with Gaza MEAL Manager and Capital MEAL coordinator, ensures project monitoring, evaluation and learning activities are relevant and delivered in a timely manner.  

  •  Objective 2 Technical Support and Supervision  

    • Work closely with Program Managers and Capital Technical Coordinators, supports the development of Base strategies for FSL and WASH Sectors. 

    • Support the Head of Base and organization in following and understanding programmatic approaches of other actors in the area (national and international). 

    • Support the identification and monitoring of implementing partners. 

    • Seek to improve the organisation’s technical expertise within the mission as well as strengthening the relevance and impact of AAH programming. 

    • Participate in the recruitment process for positions that are directly managed by the Deputy Head of Base.  

    • Line management of project and/or support teams, whose size and composition may vary over time (Head of Project, Officer, Program Managers, etc.) Support and mentor project and/or support staff in the fulfilment of their tasks, providing technical support and supervision.  

    • Providing technical assistance and oversight in the areas of needs assessment, programme design, implementation and monitoring AAH interventions. 

  •  Objective 3:  Logistics and Administration 

    • Support as relevant the monitoring of the financial, administrative, and logistical management of the Base. This includes participation in the preparation of budgets and budget follow-up, accountancy, payments, fulfilment of procedures and compliance with AAH and donor regulations).  

    • Given the current context in Gaza, the Deputy Head of Base may participate in market analysis exercises, identification and negotiation with new suppliers. He/she will be expected to support procurement follow-up, participate in tenders and ensure that all documentation is in place by the logistics and finance departments.  

    • Support in importation processes and exploration of alternatives, including coordination with Clusters, UN agencies, Logistics Cluster, suppliers etc. at a field level.   

  •  Objective 4: External Representation 

    • Support Head of Base in external representation and coordination in his/her area of expertise. 

    • Ensure AAH contributes substantially to the Cluster and Sector work to prepare the development and review of the annual HNO and HRP documents and leads the submission of relevant proposals at a Base level. 

    • Participate as per need in representing AAH towards donors in support to the HoB and/or Country Director (CD) /Deputy CD. 

    • In coordination with the Head of Base, maintain regular communication with relevant stakeholders and external actors (local authorities, UN agencies, community leaders, other NGOs, volunteers, contractors and suppliers, etc.).? 

    • Inform AAH Management about the positions of different actors in the field, their response capacities etc. to anticipate joint opportunities or joint response and to avoid duplication. 

    • Maintaining regular information flow to partners and stakeholders. 

  •  Objective 5: Security management  

    • Follow the specific safety rules of the mission and base security plans.  

    • Support the Head of Base in the continuous monitoring of the local situation through the collection and analysis of security information.  

    • Identification of security threats and adjust measures to mitigate risk, as well as movements and project implementation accordingly.  

    • Support project teams to prepare project risk analysis and ensure implementation is in compliance.   

    • Communicate with the security focal point in the base about any information related to safety and security. 

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International / Humanity and Inclusion
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Gaza Strip /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Mission terrain
Date de publication : 13/12/2023
Date limite : 14/01/2024



  • You hold a degree in Physiotherapy or Occupational Therapy
  • You have skills in training, coaching and capacity building.
  • You have a strong resistance to stress and can adapt quickly to changing situations.
  • Languages: Fluent in English, Arabic is an asset.


At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission.

  • International contract from 3 weeks to 3 months (according to the needs and your availability)

  • The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation:

  • Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals

  • Pension scheme

  • Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution

  • Repatriation insurance paid by HI

  • Salary from 2400 € gross/month upon experience

  • Per Diem: 703,25 € net/month

  • Hardship: 500 € net/month

  • Paid leaves: 25 days per year

  • Rest & Recuperation: Level 3 Very difficult conditions (5 days every 6 weeks)

  • Position: unaccompanied

  • Housing: Collective taken in charge by HI

If you are resident in the country: local package


How to apply

You’re a physio or an OT with a significant experience in an active conflict context?

We look forward to hearing from you.

Please share your CV and your motivation letter via this link


Handicap International/Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial international solidarity organization, which intervenes in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflicts and disasters. Working alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, it acts and speaks out to meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. More info:

At Handicap International-Humanity & Inclusion, we truly believe in the importance of inclusion and diversity within our organisation. This is why we are engaged to a disability policy to encourage the inclusion and integration of people with disabilities. Please indicate if you require any special accommodation, even at the first interview.


In 2023 HI has been implementing a mix of humanitarian and development projects in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including a long-term rehabilitation project in Gaza. HI is also the coordinator of the Rehabilitation Platforms in Gaza and in the West Bank (two coordination bodies among all rehabilitation actors in each area).

The new conflict between Hamas and Israel in October 2023 has created a major humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. Around 50,000 Palestinians have been injured and several thousand among them have suffered from amputations or permanent impairments.

HI has launched some light rehabilitation activities in IDP shelters through trained volunteers and has provided around 1,000 people with assistive devices. HI is planning to scale up substantially its response in the coming months, hiring more local physiotherapist and providing emergency rehabilitation also in hospitals and in homes.

Current sectors of activity: physical rehabilitation, humanitarian mine action, humanitarian logistics, education in emergencies, emergency preparedness, disability mainstreaming/inclusion in humanitarian action, advocacy. The total number of staff is around 40 + around 70 volunteers.

HI is preparing to deploy Emergency Rehabilitation Professionals (physios or OTs) in the Gaza strip


As part of the HI team, you will contribute to the implementation of HI mandate and project by providing technical expertise and by ensuring that the quality and impact of the projects concerned are optimized.

As a highly Emergency rehabilitation services experienced professional, your main missions are:

  • Recruit and train national physios
  • Provide technical support to national physios
  • Provide expert training to key personnel in health structures (doctors, nurses, physiotherapists)


Your deployment will only be possible after a ceasefire or a substantial reduction of armed violence, at least in the southern governorate of Rafah, which will be your likely initial destination with short-term stays in Egypt. HI has identified a guesthouse for accommodation of visiting expats and is setting up the appropriate security systems.

Evacuation site in the event of a medical emergency: Cairo, Dubai, Europe. Evacuations from Gaza might be complex and take days.

Egypt: the security is stable in Cairo and in most areas along the Nile and on the Red Sea and Mediterranean costs. There are several opportunities for tourism and social and cultural life in Cairo and other touristic sites.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Jerusalem /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 08/12/2023
Date limite : 29/12/2023


– Master in Social Science/International Relations/Community development: or relevant field 

– Minimum of five years of experience in providing technical support and strategic guidance pillars of the Armed Violence Reduction Programming (RE, VA, Survey, clearance, conflict transformation); – Experience in Advocacy in low to middle income countries & experience working as technical Project implementer;
– Proven experience in strengthening the capacities of National Mine Action authorities or national operators and coordination with Mine Action operators/stakeholders. 

– Knowledge of the international frameworks for AVR (Humanitarian Mine Action, Risk Education, SALW, Conflict Transformation, Victim Assistance specific efforts).


Place: Jerusalem, with regular visits to Gaza Strip
Starting date: ASAP – Emergency recruitment. Starting remotely before departure for the field possible
Duration of contract: 6 months 
Closing date for applications: 29/12/2023 

Handicap International/Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial international solidarity organization, which intervenes in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflicts and disasters. Working alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, it acts and speaks out to meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. More info: 

At Handicap International-Humanity & Inclusion, we truly believe in the importance of inclusion and diversity within our organisation. This is why we are engaged to a disability policy to encourage the inclusion and integration of people with disabilities.
Please indicate if you require any special accommodation, even at the first interview. 

The Palestine mission is part of the Mashriq regional programme, which covers Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine. HI in 2023 has been implementing a mix of humanitarian and development projects in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.  

The new conflict between Hamas and Israel in October 2023 has created a major humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip and growing needs and access constraints in the West Bank HI has launched some emergency activities in both areas and is planning to scale up his response in the coming months, both for the emergency phase during the conflict and for the recovery phase after a ceasefire.  

As armed violence transcends separate sectors, a comprehensive cross-sector response is needed. This requires HI practitioners to think outside their particular programming mandates and to consider the entirety of the challenges at hand. Complex situations require comprehensive approaches. HI implements a so-called Comprehensive Models to Mine Action (CAMA) and to Armed Violence Reduction (AVR) to maximize the benefits of a given project to contribute to a world where people can lead safe and fulfilling lives in peaceful and inclusive communities. 

HI AVR unit deals directly with the instruments of war, their impact and root causes by: 


A key component of this mandate is supporting Humanitarian Mine Action coordination. 

Under the line management and upon delegation of the Palestine Country Manager, The Co-coordinator will carry out the following 6 core functions:

1. Joint strategic planning and prioritization for the Mine Action AoR response:
– Facilitate contributions to the Humanitarian Programme Cycle process and products;
– Contribute to harmonize needs assessment processes, tools and standards and indicators across response areas to inform the HNO;
– Contribute to the ISG by ensuring that deliverables represent the views of the sector coordinators, who in turn represent the views of their sector partners, of the response areas;
– Contribute to MA AoR IM response monitoring, reporting and contributions to HPC processes. 

2. Mine Action AoR policy positions and harmonized advocacy efforts including guiding principles on critical issues affecting all response areas:
– Lead the development of the annual advocacy agenda for Mine Action in Palestine within the MA AoR through a consultative process;
– Provide leadership and support advocacy efforts of Mine Action in conjunction with the MA AoR coordinator, other UN agencies, and MA AoR members/partners;
– Identify fora/meetings at national and international level to speak about protection of civilians/ MA/Explosive Ordnance contamination;
– Representing the MA AoR along with / or instead of the MA AoR coordinator with donors/potential, UNSC State Members, Global Protection cluster Advocacy meetings, conferences dedicated to Protection of Civilians;
– Guide the MA AoR members/partners in the collection, analysis and use of sex and age dis-aggregated data, and the inclusion of disability data collection.  

3. Palestine HI Mission AVR policy:
– Utilize internal and external advocacy platforms including social media channels to build broader awareness of the Program’s activities, lessons learned, and results;
– In collaboration with the Senior MEAL Officer and regional AVR Specialist, support production and development of IEC materials, MEAL materials (fact sheets, infographics etc) and any other relevant documents (guidelines, policies, tool kits etc.). 

4. Supporting effective inter-response area operational planning and response:
– Facilitate proactive information-sharing across sectors to enable effective inter-sector cross-response area coordination;
– Conduct regular analysis of project data and external secondary data on AVR needs and interventions in close collaboration with the Operations and MEAL team;
– Liaise with national mine action authorities and other line ministries and participate in different forums to advocate for policy changes;
– Maintain strong bilateral coordination with other international and national organisations implementing AVR activities   

5. Enhance Mine Action mainstreaming in the cross-response areas and cross-sector information sharing:
– Facilitate proactive information sharing across response areas and sectors that can be linked with Mine Action;
– Analyse lessons learned/ best practices of implementation approaches on Mine Action AoR with/within other sectors and ensure cross-fertilization.  

6. Representation of the AoR:
– AoR Coordinator and Co-Coordinator are both able to represent the views of the sector. Official representation will ideally be conducted jointly as a priority, or otherwise with prior notice and transparency. All external messaging will be based on agreed upon Mine Action AoR positions, in a manner that is neutral, without preference to any single agency’s position, or any specific location/area. The Sector Co-coordinator will work impartially with all members of the Sector/Cluster/Working Groups, and serve and represent these groups as a whole. Mine Action AoR Co-coordinator will work closely notably with the Protection Cluster, the humanitarian architecture, and donors as and when requested to do so with the humanitarian coordination acting similarly.

At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission. 

  • 6 months International contract starting as soon as possible. Starting remotely before departure for the field possible 
  • The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation: 
  • Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals 
  • Pension scheme  
  • Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution  
  • Repatriation insurance paid by HI
  • Salary from 2757€ gross/month upon experience  
  • Perdiem: 703,25€ net/month – paid in the field 
  • Hardship: 500 € net/month paid with your salary 
  • Paid leaves: 25 days per year;  
  • R&R: Level 3: 5 days every 6 weeks => + possible transport/package support. 
  • Position:
  • Housing: Collective taken in charge by HI 

If you are resident in the country: local package

Only online by joining a CV and cover letter via the following link:  

Applications will be processed on an ongoing basis, don’t wait for applying!
Only successful candidates will be contacted.  

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Gaza /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Ressources humaines
Date de publication : 05/12/2023
Date limite : 27/12/2023


  • You have at least 3 years of experience in the field of international development or humanitarian field from the human resources management angle
  • You have experience working with INGO and experience of working with teams of people with varying experience.
  • You have Knowledge of management methods, Institutional frameworks and Humanitarian principles.
  • You have a good capacity to work remotely.
  • You are organised, rigorous and autonomous, and able to manage stress and work under pressure.
  • Good written and spoken language is essential.
  • Knowledge of the region and the context is a plus.


Handicap International/Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial international solidarity organization, which intervenes in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflicts and disasters. Working alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, it acts and speaks out to meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. More info:

At Handicap International-Humanity & Inclusion, we truly believe in the importance of inclusion and diversity within our organisation. This is why we are engaged to a disability policy to encourage the inclusion and integration of people with disabilities.

Please indicate if you require any special accommodation, even at the first interview.


The Gaza Strip, a small enclave home to roughly 2.3 million people, has been under continued bombardment by the Israeli military since October 7th 2023, killing more than 11.000 and injuring more than 20.000 people, triggering mass displacement of the population and causing widespread destruction of civilian property and infrastructure. The bombardment began as Israel’s retaliatory response to the surprise attack on Israel launched by the armed wing of Hamas, in which 1,200 Israelis were killed, and roughly 240 Israelis and foreign nationals taken hostage.

The Gaza Protection Consortium (GPC) is a partnership between the Norwegian Refugee Council, Mercy Corps, Humanity and Inclusion and Médecins du Monde – France. The goal of the consortium is to improve the ability of the vulnerable conflict-affected population in Gaza to meet their basic needs, reduce dependencies on negative coping strategies, reduce vulnerabilities and increase self-reliance. GPC is scaling-up and adapting the existing multi-sectoral programme to deliver an integrated response to the current crisis in Gaza.


Gaza Human Resources Manager rolls out HR action plans defining the Programme's STRATOP in Gaza Palestine. S/he is delegated some of the responsibilities of the Regional HR Manager at the area. In the Area in which s/he works, s/he ensures that the human resources management is consistent with HI's policies and frameworks and with local regulations. S/he advises managers in his/her geographical area on all the HR processes they roll out and is responsible for maintaining the social environment in his/her country. Gaza HR Manager is responsible of the management of the HR team present in Gaza.

Mission 1: Management

  • Understands the strategy, clarifies it, translates it into operational objectives for his/her team, drives the changes required. Gives purpose to each managerial action.
  • Organises the operational management of his/her team, structures work around the processes identified, oversees performance, and facilitates problem solving.
  • Contributes to the development of his/her team members

Mission 2: Strategy and Supervision

  • Develops the Programme’s HR strategy in the country in which s/he works.
  • Defines and implements the HR action plan for his/her country.
  • Contributes to major Programme HR reorganisations: team dimensioning: social plans or plans for strong growth
  • Compiles standard HR indicators for his/her geographical area and helps to map and mitigate HR risks and deal with incidents.
  • Participates in representing HI's HR at external bodies at his/her country level.

Mission 3: Rolls out Standards, contributes to HI's Expertise and Accountability in his/her scope of responsibility:

  • Is responsible for implementing HI’s HR policies and frameworks in his/her country.
  • Ensures compliance with HI's legal obligations and monitors the renewal of the legal documents ensuring the legal exercising of HI's activities in the country.
  • Is in charge of audit and archiving procedures.
  • Helps to ensure compliance with the rules applicable to donors in his/her scope of responsibility.

Mission 4: Operational implementation of HR

4.1 : Contributes to the dimensioning and quality of Programme resources:

  • Contributes to the Programme's budgetary processes. Ensures the balance of the wage bill for his/her geographical area.
  • Monitors the HR aspects of local partnerships in his/her country.
  • Implements the sourcing process in his/her geographical area, and ensures compliance with and the quality of the recruitment process
  • Participates in the Programme's HR reporting schedule and helps to meet HI’s global HR deadlines.

4.2 : Career Management and Skills Development

  • Organises and monitors the implementation of the Programme’s HR cycle including the career-management policy.
  • Helps to develop the skills of managers in his/her geographical area

4.3 : Ensures the quality of the Programme's administrative management for HI staff present in his/her country.

  • Organises staff briefings on administrative matters and employment conditions
  • Is responsible for the implementation of the payroll process and its compliance with HI’s frameworks and policies and the national legal framework
  • Represents HI with local public administrative bodies (employment inspectorate, tax, social security etc.)
  • Implements the contractual system for the country’s national staff and ensures that contracts are monitored.
  • Implements and monitors the local physical and mental health policy in line with HI standards.
  • Ensures the obtaining and renewal of visas for international staff and visitors that can be carried out locally

4.4 : Assists managers on his/her Programme with the implementation of HI's HR policies

4.5 : Legal and social aspects: ensures the maintenance of the social environment and compliance with the HR legal framework

4.6 : Assists the Country Manager with the deployment of the HR part of the Code of Conduct and the PSEA.

Mission 5: Emergency preparedness and response

Oversees emergency preparedness actions in his/her department and, in the event of an emergency, reorganises the priorities of his/her team in accordance with the humanitarian imperative, in order to ensure a rapid and effective response by HI


The position starts in Jerusalem and will be moved to Gaza as soon as access is granted.


At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission.

  • 3 months International contract starting As Soon As Possible
  • The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation:
  • Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals
  • Pension scheme
  • Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution
  • Repatriation insurance paid by HI
  • Salary from 2757 € gross/month upon experience 
  • Perdiem: 703,25 € net/month - paid in the field
  • Hardship: 500 € net/month paid with your salary  
  • Paid leaves: 25 days per year;
  • R&R: 5 days every 6 weeks and possible transport/package support.
  • Position: unaccompanied
  • Housing: Collective taken in charge by HI

If you are resident in the country: local package


Only online by joining a CV and cover letter via the following link:

Applications will be processed on an ongoing basis, don’t wait for applying!

Only successful candidates will be contacted.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Amman /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Plaidoyer
Date de publication : 27/11/2023
Date limite : 20/12/2023


  • You have an university degree in international development, humanitarian law/action, international relations, human rights, public relations/lobbying
  • You have at least 5 years of experience in the field of international development or humanitarian field from the advocacy and communication angle.
  • You have previous experience with advocacy, ideally in an NGO
  • You demonstrate knowledge of the global policy debate in the specific theme of assignment
  • You have strong interest and good understanding of protection issues and issues relating to vulnerable populations
  • You are capable of helping team members to progress: developing your staff‘s ability to work autonomously
  • You know how to position yourself so things can move forward


Handicap International/Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial international solidarity organization, which intervenes in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflicts and disasters. Working alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, it acts and speaks out to meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. More info:

At Handicap International-Humanity & Inclusion, we truly believe in the importance of inclusion and diversity within our organisation. This is why we are engaged to a disability policy to encourage the inclusion and integration of people with disabilities.

Please indicate if you require any special accommodation, even at the first interview.


The Gaza Strip, a small enclave home to roughly 2.3 million people, has been under continued bombardment by the Israeli military since October 7th 2023, killing more than 11.000 and injuring more than 20.000 people, triggering mass displacement of the population and causing widespread destruction of civilian property and infrastructure. The bombardment began as Israel’s retaliatory response to the surprise attack on Israel launched by the armed wing of Hamas, in which 1,200 Israelis were killed, and roughly 240 Israelis and foreign nationals taken hostage.

The Gaza Protection Consortium (GPC) is a partnership between the Norwegian Refugee Council, Mercy Corps, Humanity and Inclusion and Médecins du Monde – France. The goal of the consortium is to improve the ability of the vulnerable conflict-affected population in Gaza to meet their basic needs, reduce dependencies on negative coping strategies, reduce vulnerabilities and increase self-reliance. GPC is scaling-up and adapting the existing multi-sectoral programme to deliver an integrated response to the current crisis in Gaza.


The Manager of Communication and Humanitarian Advocacy is part of the Secretariat of the Gaza Protection Consortium. The Manager of Communication and Humanitarian Advocacy initiates and leads the design and implementation of the advocacy and communication strategy in relation to the priorities of the Gaza Protection Consortium.


Responsibility 1.1: Lead the internal process to design and review GPC advocacy and communication strategies and action plans in relation to the priority topics in her/his theme, ensuring the meaningful contributions of key GPC stakeholders.

  • Prepare and monitor the advocacy strategies
  • Establish the three-year plans of action through the thematic internal coordination group and ensure its implementation and follow-up, in line with the strategies
  • Manage and convene the calls/meetings of the thematic internal working groups and/or secretariat, liaise with the GPC’s members as needed, and contribute to other relevant internal working groups.
  • Design and implement a communication strategy for flagship advocacy activities and publications
  • Lead the design, implementation and dissemination of GPCs advocacy messages on social media,

Responsibility 1.2 : Organise the production of adequate advocacy and communication tools to ensure our advocacy is grounded on solid evidence and arising from GPCs operations.

  • Organize the planning and identify adequate tools and modalities for the production of evidence-based messages,
  • Ensure meaningful contribution from key internal stakeholders (members of GPCs), as well as external stakeholders to identify available data, and organize evidence collection
  • Establish a shared dissemination strategy at national, regional and global levels, in line with expected policy change objectives
  • Coordinate the production of communication materials relating to advocacy work. When relevant, directly produce this material
  • Collaborate with GPCs member's communication team to further external dissemination, including through media


Responsibility 2.1: Engage with decision-makers at the global level, identifying key targets and processes to achieve strategic policy changes and ensure relevant support from key GPCS existing network and stakeholders

  • Monitor and identify key processes and events related to the diplomatic and policy agendas
  • Represent GPCs in bilateral discussion and as required, act as a spokesperson
  • Maintain relevant contacts with key interlocutors
  • Ensure and coordinate GPCs participation in key international conferences/events, taking every opportunity to facilitate the participation of GPCs local partners and advocates
  • Organise accessible advocacy events

Responsibility 2.2: Liaise with relevant networks and coalitions to contribute to and influence collective action towards advocacy objectives

  • Identify and regularly review the most strategic coalitions and groups related to the identified objectives strategic groups and directly engage
  • Liaise with other GPCs stakeholders who might be engaged in strategic networks or coalitions, at global or local levels and ensure they are provided with the necessary information to enhance their influence and impact
  • Contribute to the monitoring and analysis of GPCs participation in strategic networks

Responsibility 2.3: Ensure proper internal and external communication of GPCs advocacy in the assigned theme

  • Systematically inform and promote development advocacy activities within the organization, feeding in internal and external communication tools
  • Liaise with GPCs member's Communication departments to ensure they have an excellent level of information and ownership about GPC advocacy messages
  • Organise the smooth flow of information to advocacy targets and partners, including through social media


Contribute to raising funds and meeting donor requirements and contribute to proposal’s writing in advocacy and communication topics.

  • Contribute to the design and delivery of sound proposals
  • Accompany Secretariat’s members and the Consortium Manager in key fundraising meetings and contribute in elaborating fundraising strategy/messages.
  • Provide advocacy-related inputs into internal processes as requested
  • Coordinate and support development of GPC visibility products in line with donor requirements


The position is based in Jordan, acting in Palestine, with travels in Palestine.
Living conditions in Jordan are comfortable and security conditions are very stable throughout the country.


At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission.

  • 8 months International contract starting ASAP
  • The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation:
  • Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals
  • Pension scheme
  • Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution
  • Repatriation insurance paid by HI
  • Salary from 2757 € gross/month upon experience 
  • Perdiem: 703,25 € net/month - paid in the field
  • Hardship: 500 € net/month paid with your salary
  • Paid leaves: 25 days per year
  • R&R: 5 days every 8 weeks
  • Position: unaccompanied
  • Housing: Collective taken in charge by HI

If you are resident in the country: local package


Only online by joining a CV and cover letter via the following link:

Applications will be processed on an ongoing basis, don’t wait for applying!

Only successful candidates will be contacted.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Accion contra el hambre
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Jerusalem /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Plaidoyer
Date de publication : 10/11/2023
Date limite : 01/12/2023



  • Master’s degree in law or any other related field. 

  • A demonstrated understanding of relevant areas of international law, in particular of international humanitarian law, excellent analytical skills and the capability to work in a precise, structured and detailed manner.  

  • Must have strong drafting and verbal communications skills; research and analytical skills; ability to manage competing deadlines and priorities. 

  • Minimum 4 to 5 years’ relevant professional experience in advocacy, communications and working in Humanitarian and/or development aid. 

  • Good knowledge of the oPt context. Previous working experience on oPt desirable. 

  • Proven experience of influencing skills to achieve policy change. 

  • Proven track record of achieving international media coverage, both traditional and new media. 

  • Solid understanding of the global dynamics: Triple Nexus, CT measures, Grand Bargain, conflict sensitivity. 

  • Knowledge of Emergency response and Clusters. 

  • Excellent communication, interpersonal and coordination skills, and an ability to work independently and as a part of a team to deliver under tight deadline. 

  • Strong negotiation skills and capacity to promote consortiums and partnerships. 

  • English compulsory, Hebrew/Arabic desirable. 

  • Good skills in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.  

  • International mobility with the ability to travel to West bank and Gaza and stay overnight. 


We offer immediate Incorporation into a multicultural, professional and innovative organization with the possibility of participating in projects with high social impact. 

  • Contract Length: 12 months with possibility of extension. 

  • Base: Jerusalem office with regular trips to Hebron and Gaza. 

  • A compensation package estimated at 53,323 EUR gross/year consisting of: 

  • Salary: 38,323 € gross/year divided in 12 payments. 

  • Benefits package * estimated at 15,000 euros / year paid directly by the organization that includes: 

  • Insurance for the expatriate (health, life, repatriation, travel etc.). 

  • Travel allowance for breaks: up to 365 EUR. 

  • Per Diem of 215 euros for each break. 

  • Annual leave return ticket. 

  • Accommodation in guest house or payment of an allowance covering partially an individual rent. 

  • Return ticket to the mission. 

  • Child allowance per child (under 18 years old): from 100€ to 225€ monthly (according to standard list of Action Against Hunger-Spain) 

  • Adapted professional career where talent and motivation are recognized. Continuous training in both technical skills and competencies. 

  • 25 days paid leave per year. 



Only applications received through our online service will be considered. Please click on the following link to access the service: 

Note. - Given the urgency of this position, the vacancy may close before the deadline. For more information about this position, visit our website In case you do not find the job advertisement published here, it means that the selection process has been closed. 


Action Against Hunger is an international non-governmental, private, apolitical, non-religious and non-profit organization created in 1979. Its goal is to combat hunger and dangerous situations that threaten men, women and children. Currently 500 expats and more than 5,000 employees are working for Action Against Hunger in more than forty-six countries working in projects concerning four areas of focus: nutrition, health, food security and water and sanitation. 

Action Against Hunger is recruiting for its Jerusalem office a 

 Advocacy and Communications Coordinator 

The Advocacy and Communications Coordinator will work as part of the Action Against Hunger oPt Mission to develop strategic advocacy and contribute to the overall programs of Action Against Hunger in the country.  


  • Manage the implementation of the Action Against Hunger oPt advocacy strategy. Work in close coordination internally with the programme and MEAL teams, and with HQ, while reinforcing external partnerships and ACF positioning in different fora.  

  • Manage the implementation of the communications strategy and oversee the development of communications content. Manage the communications plans within grant agreements and ensure donor requirements are met in a timely and quality manner. 

  • Represent ACF in external coordination groups and with key diplomatic stakeholders. 


Objective 1: To operationalize the advocacy strategy for OPT, including by establishing relevant collaborations for its implementation and ensure the coherence with organizational new ways of working and global initiatives: 

  • Represent Action Against Hunger in high level fora in oPt including: HCT Advocacy Working Group, AIDA advocacy sub-committee working group, WBPC AWG, Legal Task Force, WASH Cluster and FSS Cluster. 

  • Guide advocacy strategy development and priority setting for aforementioned working groups, ensuring views of Action Against Hunger are represented and included. 

  • Develop Action Against Hunger yearly advocacy Action plan. 

  • Responsible for advocacy initiatives when appropriate, in multiple programs as well as co-coordinating advocacy work for Action Against Hunger for both the West Bank and Gaza  

  • Guide strategic direction of advocacy initiatives for Action Against Hunger including actively seeking funding for these through proposal development. 

  • Provide strong support to the field teams with regards to the implementation of the new ways of working of the organizations by consolidating the linkage between advocacy and operations department (MP1). 

  • Ensure the coherent contribution of the mission advocacy strategy to the global advocacy initiatives of the Action Network Against Hunger (Hunger and Conflict, Triple Nexus). 

  • Engage with communication department on the release of press release and relevant communication project. 

Objective 2: Conduct research and lobbying on root causes of vulnerabilities faced by our beneficiaries/right holders and by the mission in the discharge of its humanitarian mandate.  and action. 

  • Work closely with Action Against Hunger Bases, Protection Coordinator and Technical Coordinator to conduct field visits in areas of operation verify generate evidence on practices, humanitarian needs, responses implemented, and remaining gaps to feed evidence-based advocacy.  

  • Monitor closely relevant humanitarian and policy issues, including media reports, surveys, statistical reports, databases, and relevant literature, as needed for the production of reports and background/position papers. 

  • Generate and promote recommendations related to policies and practices based on Action Against Hunger generated findings and experiences by engaging with relevant stakeholders. Identify the key linkages among Action Against Hunger programming, root causes of vulnerabilities and potential consequences of deterioration of the humanitarian situation in oPt. 

  • Support the Bases in implementing, at the local level, advocacy initiatives and operationalization of the advocacy strategy and action plan. 

  • Analyse political and normative frameworks affecting humanitarian situation in oPt. 

Objective 3: To liaise with external stakeholders and ensure collaboration in the development and implementation of advocacy work for the OPT mission. 

  • Mapping of key stakeholders and conducting regular power analysis to identify direct and intermediate targets. 

  • Liaison, networking and building relationships with donors, UN and diplomatic community in oPt as requested and under overall supervision of the Country Director. 

  • Work closely with Advocacy desk in headquarters, under overall supervision of the Country Director, to develop advocacy initiatives, messaging, and materials in line with advocacy priorities in both headquarters and oPt mission. 

  • Production of advocacy materials for use by Action Against Hunger HQ and ensure oPt Advocacy priorities are fed back to headquarters in line with organizational mandate. 

  • Regularly engage with AAH advocacy network by attending Middle East call but also by sending alert and organising meeting with them. 

Objective 4: To contribute to the mission information management strategy and its implementation at mission level. 

  • Contribute to the development of the mission Information management strategy in cooperation with MEAL unit, Operations team, technical/program units. 

  • Establish exchange of information between MEAL unit, advocacy team, technical/program units and Information management considering different levels: activities/project; project/mission 

  • Provide Advocacy training refresher to each base. 

Objective 5: Implementation of the oPt communications strategy. 

  • Guide the development of the communications plan in line with the oPt Mission Communications strategy. 

  • Oversee the quality control of communications products, including the management of the validation process. 

  • Ensure coordination with the ACF Middle East Communications Group on social media posting. 

  • Manage the Communications and Advocacy Officer, including the setting of objectives, approval and oversight of workplan development and implementation. 

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Accion contra el hambre
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Gaza /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Entretien/logisitique
Date de publication : 07/11/2023
Date limite : 20/11/2023



  • University degree in humanitarian, development management with professional experience in humanitarian logistics work. 

  • Procurement management, fleet management, Supply Chain management, Inventory control, intermediate IT knowledge, Security 

  • Minimum 3 years’ experience doing logistics support to humanitarian projects for humanitarian aid organizations and/or international donors or private sector, ideally in emergency situations. 

  • Experience in team management and capacity building. 

  • Experience in Security Management. 

  • Basic Knowledge in humanitarian or emergency programming. Solid organizational skills: the ability to be flexible and work well under pressure in a fast-paced multi-tasking environment.  

  • Minimum 3 years staff management experience, preferably of multidisciplinary teams, including capacity building and managing performance of staff members that doesn’t meet AAH expectations. 

  • Motivation and commitment to humanitarian work and values. 

  • Excellent interpersonal, analytical and communications skills. 

  • English compulsory (written and verbal), Arabic an asset. 

  • Strong Knowledge of Windows domain, Office 365, and IT network maintenance needed. Power BI, KOBO and BIS software is a plus. 

  • Mobility between Bases as required. International travels might be requested .


We offer immediate Incorporation into a multicultural, professional and innovative organization with the possibility of participating in projects with high social impact.  

  • Contract Length: 12 months with possibility of extension 

  • Base: Gaza and Jerusalem depending on access constraints. 

      A Compensation package estimated in €48,068 gross/year. 

  • Compensation Package * consisting of: 

  • Salary: 33,068€ gross/year divided in 12 payments. 

  • Benefits package * estimated at 15,000 euros / year paid directly by the organization that includes: 

  • Insurance for the expatriate (health, life, repatriation, travel etc.). 

  • Travel for breaks: up to 365 EUR. 

  • Per Diem of 215 euros for each break (paid at mission level in local currency). 

  • Annual leave return ticket. 

  • Housing. 

  • Return ticket to the mission. 

  • Child allowance per child (under 18 years old): from 100€ to 225€ monthly (according to standard list of Action Against Hunger-Spain) 

  • Adapted professional career where talent and motivation are recognized. 

  • Continuous training in both technical skills and competencies. 

  • 25 days paid leave per year. 


 Action Against Hunger is an equal opportunities employer. Women are encouraged to apply for this position.  

Action against Hunger is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behaviour at work such as but not limited to sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and/or financial misconduct; We expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through endorsing our code of conduct and other related policies and only those who share our values and code of conduct will be recruited to work for us. 



Action Against Hunger is an equal opportunities employer. Women are encouraged to apply for this position.

Action against Hunger is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behaviour at work such as but not limited to sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and/or financial misconduct; We expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through endorsing our code of conduct and other related policies and only those who share our values and code of conduct will be recruited to work for us.

We will only consider the candidacies received by our online service. Please click in the following link to access to the service:

Note. - Given the urgency of this position, the vacancy may close before the deadline. For more information about this position, visit our website In case you do not find the job advertisement published here, it means that the selection process has been closed.


Action Against Hunger is an international non-governmental, private, apolitical, non-religious and non-profit organization created in 1979. Its goal is to combat hunger and dangerous situations that threaten men, women and children. Currently 500 expats and more than 5,000 employees are working for Action Against Hunger in more than forty-six countries working in projects concerning four areas of focus: nutrition, health, food security and water and sanitation. 

Action Against Hunger is recruiting for its Gaza office a 

                                                                              Emergency Base Logistician  

For 3 months with possibility of extension  


The Emergency Base Log is supporting the actual Base Log on all logistics and security aspects in the base, with a strong focus on emergency activities. The actual Base Log is overall responsible for all logistics activities in the Base (procurement, fleet, storage, equipment, premises, ICT, energy) and actively contributes to the security management (monitoring, reporting, and operational implementation).  

Key activities in your role will include

Objective 1: Provide leadership in the area of activity (10%) 

  • Monitoring and analyzing logistical indicators in his/her zone. 

  • Assessment of the logistical capacities of his/her zone. 

  • Supporting Program Managers in the assessment of their needs and proposal writing (needs, (Project Procurement Plan (PPP), etc. 

  • Timely and high-quality reporting on his/her area of activity (monthly report). 

  • Optimizing the logistics response for his/her zone by analyzing indicators, making recommendations to improve procedures/tools and providing information updates on a monthly basis via AAH tools. 

  • Maintaining updates of the logistics capacity in his/her zone and planning accordingly (Preparing LAT (Logistics Assessment Tool) with Logistics Coordinator). 

  • Making available all logistical information needed for the elaboration of projects, training and monitoring by Program Managers and other staff 

  • Participating in assessment in the field if needed 

  • Participate in proposals development, in coordination with the technical staff of the base, in order to determine the logistical needs of the projects and the Base – Coordinate in the forecasting of equipment, vehicles, furniture, premises. 

  • Participate in the development of the PPP for each new proposal, in coordination with the technical department.  

  • Give inputs on the writing of the security part of the proposals 

  • Give orientation to new staff about logistics department functions, security, responsibilities and team roles. 

  • Report and follow up with HQ about any logistics related issue during the absence of the Logistics Coordinator. 

Objective 2: Implement and ensure the performance of the supply chain (30%) 

  • Ensuring compliance with AAH procedures at each stage of the supply chain. 

  • Performance in respect of costs, quality and timeliness in the supply chain (purchasing, transport, stock) throughout his/her zone. 

  • Advice, follow up information sharing on the processing of requests to the requesters. 

  • Comprehensive knowledge of the market in his/her zone. 

  • Putting in place AAH logistical procedures and training and supervising both staff and suppliers in the application of these procedures. 

  • Contributing, Monitoring and update the Supply Plan (SP) as relevant. 

  • Receiving and approving the Procurement Requests (PR) and ensuring the Procurement. Follow-Up (PFU) tool is updated on daily basis. 

  • Putting in place and arranging for purchases in a timely manner and in accordance with the AAH procedures applying to each purchase (goods, tasks, services, premises). 

  • Negotiation and selection of suppliers. 

  • Controlling deliveries to the Base and programs sites. 

  • Controlling stock management (storage conditions, reporting, expiry dates) and stock movements. 

  • Collecting and analyzing data on the market and local suppliers. 

  • Follow up with local implementing partners (such as municipalities, village councils, local NGOs…) regarding procurement related issues including but not limited to preparation of documents, disseminate guidelines and closing of the dossier. 

  • Improve local partners’ capacity in all procurement procedures. 

Objective 3: Implement and ensure the performance of fleet & facilities management (10%) 

  • Safety of the working and living environment. 

  • Provision and maintenance of logistical equipment. 

  • Security of logistical equipment, training and assistance to users. 

  • Supervision of the building, rehabilitation and maintenance required for the functioning of the base and the living environment. 

  • Provision of water and energy supplies to all buildings required for the functioning of the base and the living environment. 

  • Evaluate the needs of the base in terms of equipment and vehicles in coordination with the Logistics Officer. 

  • Undertaking or supervising the installation, maintenance and repair of logistical equipment. 

  • Supervising the equipment list at the base (inventories, ID cards, codification, labelling, allocation follow-up). 

  • Supervising inventory and reporting on the state of repairs of premises on arrival and departure. 

  • Supervision of energy and resources consumption. 

  • Supervision of the Fleet management: maintenance, movement planning, monitoring costs, tools, administrative aspects (insurance, documentation) and taxis companies. 

  • Supervision of driver. 

Objective 4: Implement and ensure the performance of information and communication technology and network management (10%) 

  • The setting up and efficient operation of the means of communication (voice and data) in accordance with AAH standards. 

  • The security of both equipment and its users. 

  • Training and support to users. 

  • Rationalization of the costs of equipment usage. 

  • Assistance to the Logistics Coordinator in the strategic choice of equipment. 

  • Undertaking or supervising the installation, maintenance and repair of equipment. 

  • Assessing the needs for equipment and ensuring proportional allocation through coordination with the finance department. 

  • Putting in place rules for the use of equipment and ensuring they are followed. 

  • Deliver training in software and good IT practices, if applicable. 

Objective 5: Contribute to Security Management (20%) 

  • Work on the development and implementation of the Local Security Plan. 

  • Deliver security briefing and training of AAH teams. 

  • Maintaining an effective network, with local stakeholders and actors, on contextual and security matters. 

  • Collecting and analyzing information and forwarding it to HoB with security analysis and recommendations.  

  • Follow the process of updating the base security plan on a regular basis and lead the annual Risk Response Plan exercise. 

  • Active member of the IRT, keep IRT and Head of Base informed on any security issues 

  • Report to the HoB any security incidents and ensure prompt registration on Security Incident Reporting Online (SIRO). 

  • Support with inputs the review and update of Base Access matrix and Strategy. 

  • Ensure that the security rules stated in the security guidelines are respected by all the staff. 

  • Communicating to the teams’ security focal points of all working locations any security related information or noncompliance with the security plan. 

Objective 6: Manage the Logistics team in the base (20%) 

  • Day-to-day management of his/her team (guidance, follow-up, motivation). 

  • Evaluating the performance and developing the skills of his/her team members. 

  • Defining the Human Resources needs in his/her area of activity and producing the organisational chart of his/her team. 

  • Taking part in the recruitment of his/her team members. 

  • Organising and leading logistic team meetings. 

  • Preparing and monitoring individual action plans for team members. 

  • Managing workplans, task allocation and coordination of work. 

  • Complete annual or semi-annual evaluations of his/her team members. 

  • Providing technical support to the teams. 

  • Identifying the training needs of team members. 

  • Developing, organising and delivering training sessions related to logistics, security and IT 

  • Managing performance of team members that doesn’t meet AAH expectations, including capacity building, personal development plans and suggest disciplinary actions. 

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Accion contra el hambre
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Jerusalem /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 03/11/2023
Date limite : 16/11/2023



  • Background studies: International Relations, Political Science or any related fields 

  • Excellent skills in Report and Proposal writing.

  • Experience in multisectoral responses (E.g., WASH, Shelter, Education, Protection), with overarching protection objective. 

  • Familiarity with the humanitarian coordination system (HPC, Clusters/Sectors) required. 

  • Experience within ACFIN is an asset. 

    Strong knowledge of humanitarian situation in West Bank (oPt)
  • Experience in public relations, 5 years relevant experience in humanitarian context/protracted crisis, managing large scale humanitarian operation with complex programming. 

  • Liaison experience on the humanitarian sector (UN, INGOs, Donors, Diplomats) 

  • Familiarity with donors’ regulation and management procedures (e.g., ECHO, AECID, DGD, UN HRP cycle). 

  • Strong staff management skills. 

  • Strong analytical skills and strategic thinking capacity. 

  • Excellent reporting writing skills, both for language and content. 

  • Proficiency in written and spoken English, Arabic is a plus. 

  • Fully proficient in MS-Office, Outlook and Skype. 

  • Ability to travel in West Bank and stay overnight. 


We offer immediate incorporation to a dynamic international network with the following remuneration package: 

  • Formal work contract: 6 months maternity replacement. 

  • Base: Jerusalem with regular trips to West Bank.  

  • A Compensation package estimated in €59,710 gross/year. 

  • Compensation Package * consisting of: 

  • Salary: 44,710 € gross/year divided in 12 payments. 

  • Benefits package * estimated at 15,000 euros / year paid directly by the organization that includes: 

  • Insurance for the expatriate (health, life, repatriation, travel etc.). 

  • Travel allowance for breaks: up to 365 EUR. 

  • Per Diem of 215 euros for each break. 

  • Annual leave return ticket. 

  • Accommodation in guest house or payment of an allowance covering partially an individual rent. 

  • Return ticket to the mission. 

  • Child allowance per child (under 18 years old): from 100€ to 225€ monthly (according to standard list of Action Against Hunger-Spain) 

  • Adapted professional career where talent and motivation are recognized. Continuous training in both technical skills and competencies. 

  • 25 days paid leave per year. 



Only applications received through our online service will be considered. Please click on the following link to access the service: 


Action Against Hunger is an international non-governmental, private, apolitical, non-religious and non-profit organization created in 1979. Its goal is to combat hunger and dangerous situations that threaten men, women and children. Currently 500 expats and more than 5,000 employees are working for Action Against Hunger in more than forty-six countries working in projects concerning four areas of focus: nutrition, health, food security and water and sanitation. 

Action Against Hunger is recruiting for its Jerusalem office a 

Consortium Head of Programs 

6 months maternity replacement 


  • Provide overall technical supervision of the West Bank Consortium Operations (WBPC).  

  • Ensure good coordination among Consortium partners and externally with other stakeholders within oPt humanitarian architecture.  

  • Profile the work of the WBPC in oPt. 


Objective 1: Technical and Strategic Programmatic Coordination  

  • Act as an advisor to consortium partners to address technical and strategic programmatic issues and provide neutral facilitation to solve potential technical issues between partners as well as ensure a good flow of information and efficient communication between partners. 

  • Lead consortium partners to address technical issues and facilitate the solution of technical issues as well as ensuring a functional good flow of information and efficient communication between partners. 

  • Lead the technical coordination between consortium partners on a day-to day- basis as well as convene and provide reporting and attend part of the steering committee meetings on a regular basis and additional ad hoc meetings as required. 

  • In collaboration with the Consortium Representative and the Data Analyst coordinate the strategic development of the project, in particular the integration between advocacy and operations. 

  • Work closely with the consortium advocacy working group to contribute to linking the consortium advocacy work with the field work. 

  • Responsible for co-chairing and facilitating the work of the Consortium Management Unit (CMU) composed by Thematic Technical Focal Points of each Consortium Member. 

  • Ensure that the desired harmonization of tools, SOPs and else within the consortium and potentially with other stakeholders does take place in a timely and efficient manner. 

Objective 2: Quality and development  

  • Further develop and improve the consortium project to respond to needs of beneficiaries. 

Ensure timely submission of consortium proposals/ modifications (if requested)/reports to donor agencies
  • Ensure proper risk mapping of consortium activities and, with the other consortium partners develop and implement mitigation measures. 

  • Lead on assuring the continuous quality and improvement of the overarching Integrated Protection Approach of the Consortium in coordination with the Partners Technical Focal Points.   

  • Manage the monitoring and evaluation of the project and provide feedback to the consortium and suggest with other consortium partners programmatic changes in response to results of monitoring and evaluation. 

Objective 3: External stakeholders’ engagement  

  • In coordination with the Consortium Representative and Country Directors represents the Consortium on technical issues with National Authorities and in relevant humanitarian/crisis response mechanisms, events, and fora, as well as in the humanitarian/ crisis response community. 

  • Coordinate the activities of Partners to assure the mobilization of actions complementary to the Consortium, to provide integrated protection response to beneficiaries. 

  • Support the Consortium Rep in the regular coordination of project partners within the cluster system, and with the broader humanitarian coordination structure.   

Objective 4: Consortium steering committee engagement  

  • Report on day-to-day operations to the Consortium Representative, and overall, at the Steering Committee meetings in a proper and timely manner on all relevant matters as per the ToR. 

  • Attend part of the Steering Committee meetings on a regular and ad hoc basis in coordination with the Consortium Rep. During those meetings, he/she will report on: 

  • Implementation progress of the signed agreements. 

  • Technical issues faced and suggested solutions to overcome them. 

  • Overall program development prospects. 

  • Representation and public relations matters. 

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Jerusalem /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 24/10/2023
Date limite : 20/11/2023


You hold a Bachelor’s Degree in social sciences, public health, humanitarian action, project management, or other relevant field

You have at least 2 years of experience in emergency responses in conflict situations

You have experience in management and leadership of multi-cultural and multi-sector teams, on-site and remotely, in program, country management, operational management (including budgeting analysis & resource planning) and experience in risk & security management.

Written and oral communication in English

You are capable to negotiate and represent HI internally and externally, network and fundraise

You are well organized, flexible, motivated, and able to work under pressure.


Handicap International/Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial international solidarity organization, which intervenes in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflicts and disasters. Working alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, it acts and speaks out to meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. More info:

At Handicap International-Humanity & Inclusion, we truly believe in the importance of inclusion and diversity within our organisation. This is why we are engaged to a disability policy to encourage the inclusion and integration of people with disabilities.


The Palestine mission is part of the Mashriq regional programme, which covers Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine. HI implements a mix of humanitarian and development projects in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

Funding levels have been rising gradually since early 2023 and several key grants are already secured for 2024 and 2025 with a total budget between 3 and 4 M EUR; for 2024. The total number of staff is between 35 and 45.

HI activities in Palestine are covering inclusive education, physical rehabilitation, early childhood development, emergency preparedness, economic recovery, disability mainstreaming/inclusion in humanitarian action, advocacy. Our team works every day in a relatively tense and unstable security situation in West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, with some restrictions on movements and humanitarian access.

Despite the unstable security situation in some areas of the country (episodes of violence), living conditions in Jerusalem are excellent, with all modern comforts and a quality of services similar to European countries.

Job Description

Reporting to the Palestine Country Manager, the Deputy Country Manager contributes to the implementation of the mandate and 10-year strategy of Humanity & Inclusion in Palestine. S/he supports optimal quality and the impact of the projects implemented in the country by means of a delegation system with appropriate oversight mechanisms. With all the other HI managers, s/he shares responsibility for the sound management and effective functioning of the global organisation through paradigm changes. The deputy country manager manages a team of project managers in his/her country.

In this framework, as Deputy Country Manager, your main duties are :

1/ Management, strategy and direction

– You replace AMs and the Country Manager during their absence or ensure gap filling

– You contribute to the development of the operational strategy of the program, as well as its implementation and annual monitoring in the country.

– Serving as Role Model and coach for your team, you contribute to organizational transformation. You communicate the organization’s strategy, encourage innovation, and facilitate inter-departmental collaboration. You also play a crucial role in organizing operational management, ensuring performance, and fostering staff development while upholding the organization’s code of conduct and policies.

2/ Standards and expertise

– You ensure implementation and compliance with hi global frameworks, institutional policies and standards.

3/ Operational implementation

– You ensure good management and supervision of projects under your responsibility.

– Take into account both potential opportunities and risks, contribute to the monitoring and analysis carried out by the line manager and propose mitigation measures when relevant.

– Develop the external influence of HI (forums, operational and strategic alliances, etc.) and the external representation of the organization (events, media) in the country.

– Support the Program Director in monitoring security in the country and ensure adequate resources according to the context

Mission 4: Emergency Preparedness and Response

– You lead emergency preparedness actions in your department and, in case of emergency, reorganize your team’s priorities according to humanitarian priority, in order to ensure a rapid and efficient response by HI.


At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission.

• 24 months International contract renewable

• Position based in Jerusalem with frequent visits to West Bank and Gaza Strip.

• The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation:

o Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals

o Pension scheme

o Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution

o Repatriation insurance paid by HI


• Salary from 3’000€ gross/month upon experience

• Perdiem: 764€ net/month – paid in the field

• Paid leaves: 25 days per year;

• R&R:1 day per month

• Position: unaccompanied

o Support travel costs (air ticket & visa) for accompanying dependent and health/ repatriation insurance if the dependent has no income/

o Payment of one yearly additional return flight

• Housing: individual taken in charge by HI

Comment postuler

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Only successful candidates will be contacted.
