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Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Accion contra el hambre
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Gaza /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 19/10/2021
Date limite : 27/02/2022



  • Bachelor or master’s in Economics, Business Administration, Agriculture, International Relations, International Cooperation and Development, Political Science or equivalent.
  • Familiarity with oPt context and Middle East strong advantage.
  • Strong Technical Knowledge of Project Cycle Management.
  • Technical background in Economic Development, Food Security and Livelihoods and Protection.
  • Report & Proposal Writing Skills.
  • Knowledge of donor (EU) & EU Compliance rules.
  • Experience for 7 years in international relief.
  • Previous experience in implementing large scale programs of Economic Development, Food Security and Livelihoods.
  • Previous experience in managing or being part of a consortium preferred.
  • Previous experience in the management of human resources and teams.
  • Experience in external representation and coordination between different actors
  • Experience in dealing with compliance matters       
  • Strong understanding of the humanitarian sector (Cluster, actors etc.)
  • Significant programming, advocacy, fundraising, and/or operations experience, working in both emergency and development contexts with NGOs and international organizations.
  • Knowledge of the organization and its lines of action preferred.
  • Excellent oral and written English.
  • Good Arabic (at least oral, Middle East dialect) a strong added value.
  • Mastery of Windows, essential advanced management of Excel.
  • Availability for geographic mobility (travel to work areas).


We offer immediate incorporation to a dynamic international network with the following remuneration package:

  • Formal work contract: 18 months commencing upon signature of the project contract
  • Base: Gaza ( Can be based in Jerusalem). The work can be remote/ home-based depending on possibilities of travel in COVID-19 context and on candidates’ availability.
  • Compensation package: 29,647 € gross/year divided in 12 payments.
  • In addition, there will be living expenses and per diem paid in local currency, corresponding to approx. 750 Euros per month at today’s exchange rate, for a fully worked month (*).
  • Extra per month and per child (Under 18 years old): from 100€ to 225€ monthly (according to standard list of Action against Hunger-Spain).
  • Break: 5 working days every 3 months, break per diem: 215 EUR, break travel allowance: up to 360 EUR.
  • 25 working days of paid leave per year.
  • Accommodation in guest house or payment of an allowance covering partially an individual rent.
  • Travel costs to and from the mission.
  • Expatriate health, repatriation, travel, and life insurance covered by the organization.

(*) in local currency subject to unexpected changes in currency exchange




Only applications received through our online service will be considered. Please click on the following link to access the service:

Note. - Given the urgency of this position, the vacancy may close before the deadline. For more information about this position, visit our website In case you do not find the job advertisement published here, it means that the selection process has been closed.


Action Against Hunger is an international non-governmental, private, apolitical, non-religious and non-profit organization created in 1979. Its goal is to combat hunger and dangerous situations that threaten men, women and children. Currently 500 expats and more than 5,000 employees are working for Action Against Hunger in more than forty-six countries working in projects concerning four areas of focus: nutrition, health, food security and water and sanitation.

Action Against Hunger is recruiting for its Gaza office a

                                                                                     Consortium Partnership Manager


The position of Consortium Partnership Manager aims to ensure coordination and coherence of the implementation of an 18-months economic recovery program funded by the EU in the Gaza Strip. The position is hosted by Action Against Hunger (AAH) and will work for the consortium composed of AAH and 3 Palestinian NGOs. The Consortium Partnership Manager will be accountable to the Steering Committee and will be in regular contact with the 4 agencies to ensure timely and quality implementation of the program. In addition, the Consortium Partnership Manager will represent externally and as relevant the consortium. She/He will be accountable for compliance matters and coordinate with AAH Grant Manager, Logistics and Financial colleagues.


Objective 1: Establish and promote good coordination and information sharing within the consortium and with external actors.

  • Set up consortium structure and committees and formalize ToR for each of them.
  • Support the on boarding of new staff working for this project within each of the 4 organizations.
  • Chair and facilitate the Steering Committee, prepare for the meeting, and provide minutes.
  • Chair and facilitate the discussions in the Technical & Operational Committee; propose agenda and produce minutes.
  • Maintain a close relationship with the partners and inform Steering Committee Members of the results of the Consortium.
  • Ensure information is shared within operational teams as useful and in a timely manner.
  • Maintain project’s document sharing platform and ensure proper archiving.
  • Represent the consortium to the donor and external actor as relevant and in consultation with the Steering Committee.
  • Establish and follow up of a Communication & Visibility Plan; produce documents and overview of the consortium achievements for the use of Senior Management, to inform the donor and external humanitarian/development organisations in Gaza, etc.

Objective 2: Oversee the achievements of the consortium objectives and expected results by ensuring timely and quality implementation.

  • Ensure a systematic follow-up of the work plans of each project component.
  • Encourage coherence and complementarity between the different components of the project and bring consortium members together as relevant.
  • Support consortium partners in implementing their components of the project and support in solving issues as required.
  • Ensure that the MEAL Committee is functional, and the MEAL Consortium Lead develop, implement, and keep up to date a MEAL plan for the consortium.
  • Coordinate with the finance to follow the overall budget execution of the contract according to the agreements established with the donor and between partners.
  • Set up technical working groups or specific committees to address any relevant point or need for harmonization (e.g., on agriculture infrastructures components etc.)
  • Monitor implementation risks and action points needed to address or mitigate them; propose coordination on common challenges between partners as relevant (e.g., entrance of material into the Gaza Strip).
  • Lead & coordinate consortium activities under the direct line management of the secretariat such as Mid-year Review, trainings to consortium staff etc.
  • Encourage technical Learning between partners (e.g., presentation of study findings; peer support and review; common field visits etc.).
  • Line manages consortium team (1 to 2 positions).
  • Coordinate within AAH with department that can support greater quality and impact of the program (Advocacy, Technical Advisors in mission and HQ etc.).

Objective 3: Assure adequate grant, risk, and compliance management in close collaboration with consortium partners & AAH support departments.

  • Develop and maintain up to date a risk & compliance matrix to identify and address risks related to this contract.
  • Ensure agreements with donors and partners are in place and implemented respecting all the closes; propose amendments as relevant.
  • Ensure the donor regulations are implemented by the 4 partners and lead verification as necessary in collaboration with technical, finance, procurement, and compliance colleagues.
  • Review and compile donor reports and narrative reports of partners in collaboration with Grant Manager.
  • Address and solve in a timely manner compliance matter in coordination with AAH Support departments, the Grant Manager and senior management.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Accion contra el hambre
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Gaza /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 14/09/2021
Date limite : 31/10/2021


Candidates profile:

  • Bachelor’s and/or Masters degree in international cooperation and development, economics, political sciences or agriculture.
  • Livelihoods program design, implementation and follow-up, preferably in the Middle East.
  • Knowledge of business and employability programming and Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) required.
  • At least 7 years field humanitarian experience. Experience on conflict affected areas would be an asset.
  • Experience working in complex humanitarian contexts and recovery.
  • Experience in integrated approach of livelihood programming and protection an asset.
  • Excellent oral and written English. Basic level of Arabic would be an asset.
  • Fully proficiency in MS-Office and Outlook.
  • Familiarity with analytical tool such as PowerBI and ODK an asset.

Remuneration Package:

  • Formal work contract: 12 months
  • Base: Gaza, with regular visits to Jerusalem and occasionally to Hebron. The work can be remote/ home-based depending on possibilities of travel in COVID-19 context and on candidates’ availability.
  • Compensation package: 29,647 € gross/year divided in 12 payments.
  • In addition, there will be living expenses and per diem paid in local currency, corresponding to approx. 750 Euros per month at today’s exchange rate, for a fully worked month (*).
  • Extra per month and per child (Under 18 years old): from 100€ to 225€ monthly (according to standard list of Action against Hunger -Spain).
  • Break: 5 working days every 4 months, break per diem: 215 EUR, break travel allowance: up to 360 EUR.
  • 25 working days of paid leave per year.
  • Accommodation in guest house or payment of an allowance covering partially an individual rent.
  • Travel costs to and from the mission.
  • Expatriate health, repatriation, travel, and life insurance covered by the organization.

(*) in local currency subject to unexpected changes in currency exchange


Only applications received through our online service will be considered. Please click on the following link to access the service:

Note. - Given the urgency of this position, the vacancy may close before the deadline. For more information about this position, visit our website In case you do not find the job advertisement published here, it means that the selection process has been closed.


Action Against Hunger is an international non-governmental, private, apolitical, non-religious and non-profit organization created in 1979. Its goal is to combat hunger and dangerous situations that threaten men, women and children. Currently 500 expats and more than 5,000 employees are working for Action Against Hunger in more than forty-six countries working in projects concerning four areas of focus: nutrition, health, food security and water and sanitation.

Action Against Hunger is recruiting for its Gaza office a

Food Security and Livelihood (FSL) Program Manager


The FSL Program Manager, in close collaboration with the Head of Base and Deputy Country Director, will ensure regular oversight, monitoring, and support to the management of Gaza Base’s FSL department and grant portfolio, throughout the entire Project lifecycle, from early discussions with the donor (if requested) and/or organizational partners, proposal preparation, technical design and quality implementation oversight, to donor requirements and reporting.

The FSL Program Manager will oversee the FSL Department in Gaza Base, ensure the overall management and supervision of the department’s staff (comprised of Heads of Projects, Field Officer and Field Assistants as well as Business Coaches) and take the lead and coordinate the process of development of high-quality funding proposal and concept notes in compliance with Action Against Hunger oPt standards and deadlines, in coordination with the Grant Manager and Deputy Country Director. It is also expected that the FSL Program Manager will work with the Advocacy coordinator to identify topics in line with FSL and Advocacy strategies.

The FSL Program Manager is responsible for ensuring quality implementation within the FSL Department, following up on building the capacities of the Heads of Projects and Field Staff, as well as ensuring that Sources of Verification and collected and archived according to Action Against Hunger and Donor standards.

This is an extremely dynamic and rigorous role, requiring strong coordination and organization skills, to ensure that all deliverables are produced in a timely manner, which can be a challenge at times. The FSL Program Manager is required to keep in regular contact with other departments including Wash (to ensure programmatic integration), MEAL, logistics and administration.

The FSL Program Manager will develop capacity-building initiatives, such as workshops or short training sessions, for staff in the FSL department, and that they hold regular coordination meetings within their team.

The FSL Program Manager will be required to represent Action Against Hunger in the relevant for a, which include, but is not limited to: the Food Security Sector in Gaza, the Cash Working Group, and the relevant working groups of the consortium.

Objective 1: Consolidation of Action Against Hunger’s technical network and food security and livelihoods strategy in the Gaza base

  • Review and update the FSL strategy 2021-2023 and FSL action plan in collaboration with FSL team and DCD.
  • Understand the challenges associated to the livelihood and food security sector by identifying areas and participating in the collection and analysis of data related to the Food Security and Livelihoods sector in the Gaza Strip; this undertaken in close coordination with the MEAL department and the clusters.
  • Analyze the potential relevant FSL activities in the Gaza Strip and ensure participation in the relevant coordination forums (FSS, CWG, etc.).
  • Identify the needs of the most vulnerable populations through regular visits and literature review, and through the design and implementation of relevant needs assessments.
  • Propose cost-effective and high-impact responses to identified needs.
  • Proactive participation in the implementation and revision of Action Against Hunger’s Food Security Strategy for oPt in general and the Gaza Strip specifically.
  • Develop Food Security and Livelihoods projects in coordination with WASH, MEAL, Administration and Logistics departments under the programmatic guidance of the Deputy Country Director.
  • Propose an integrated approach for protection, gender and nutritional security to be included in Action Against Hunger programming.
  • Ensure effective communication with stakeholders involved in food security (data sharing and brainstorming); involved in project definition and/or implementation;
  • Analyze and develop effective operational partnerships and oversight on the implementation and monitoring of programmes to ensure timely and effective implementation and financial management.
  • Work closely with the Advocacy Coordinator on defining and identifying key advocacy products and messaging for the FSL Department in the Gaza Strip
  • Participate in the development of all technical tools related to FSL projects (ToRs for consultants and evaluators, ad hoc reports, research & studies, monitoring tools, implementation SOPs, capitalization reports…).
  • Participate in workshops and ad hoc meetings related to FSL areas of intervention and report systematically to the HoB and Deputy Country Director.

Objective 2: Project implementation & quality, follow-up and monitoring:

  • Organize and supervise the effective implementation of Action Against Hunger Food Security and Livelihoods project activities, in close coordination with MEAL, administration, logistics, finance and HR departments.
  • Define program implementation modalities and methodologies (including, but not limited to technical specifications, identification and registration of beneficiaries, distribution and sensitization) based on existing approaches and SoPs.
  • Analyze the appropriateness, adequacy and potential impact of all interventions based on known contexts and needs.
  • Revise as necessary internal and external reports.
  • Follow up of project budgets and expenditure with FSL head of projects to ensure the effective and appropriate utilization of funds for each project within specified timeframes and donor regulations.
  • Follow up of project logistical planning and procurement with FSL head of projects to ensure adequate forward planning and adherence to Action Against Hunger and donor timeframes, rules and regulations.
  • Identify program constraints and problems during implementation, propose solutions and implement after validation if necessary.
  • Participate in the development of an adequate MEAL plans linked with the relevant project indicators in coordination with the MEAL department in Gaza; formalize the results in a report to be shared with supervisory staff.
  • Report on protection issues observed in the course of implementation of AAH projects in Gaza.
  • Report activities achievements both internally (to supervisory staff and team members) and externally (donors).

Objective 3: Food Security and Livelihoods team management

  • Ensure good communication with team members and coach team staff for positive growth and development.
  • Plan and follow up the recruitment of new members of the Gaza FSL team.
  • Participate in the yearly revision of the HR FSL team structure.
  • Follow up the staff allocation in collaboration with HR department.
  • Plan and coordinate team members’ activities through weekly and monthly work schedules.
  • Identify the FSL team members training needs and follow up with the HR officer.
  • Evaluate each team member’s performance following Action Against Hunger appraisal procedures, in collaboration with the Admin/HR Department and Head of Base.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Accion contra el hambre
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Gaza /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 09/09/2021
Date limite : 30/09/2021



  • Bachelor or master’s degree in economics, business, agriculture, international relations, international cooperation and development, political science or equivalent.
  • Familiarity with oPt context and Middle East strong advantage.
  • Strong Technical Knowledge of Project Cycle Management.
  • Technical background in Economic Development, Food Security and Livelihoods and Protection.
  • Report & Proposal Writing Skills.
  • Knowledge of donor (EU) & EU Compliance rules.
  • 7 years of experience in international relief.
  • Previous experience in implementing large scale programs of Economic Development, Food Security and Livelihoods.
  • Previous experience in managing or being part of a consortium preferred.
  • Previous experience in team management .
  • Experience in external representation and coordination between different actors.
  • Experience in dealing with compliance matters.
  • Strong understanding of the humanitarian sector (Cluster, actors etc.)
  • Significant programming, advocacy, fundraising, and/or operations experience, working in both emergency and development contexts with NGOs and international organizations.
  • Knowledge of the organization and its lines of action preferred.
  • Excellent oral and written English.
  • Good Arabic (at least oral, Middle East dialect) a strong added value.
  • Mastery of Windows, essential advanced management of Excel.
  • Availability for geographic mobility (travel to work areas).


We offer immediate incorporation to a dynamic international network with the following remuneration package:

  • Formal work contract: 18 months commencing upon signature of the project contract
  • Base: Gaza, with regular visits to Jerusalem and Ramallah. The work can be remote/ home-based depending on possibilities of travel in COVID-19 context and on candidates’ availability.
  • Compensation package: 29,647 € gross/year divided in 12 payments.
  • In addition, there will be living expenses and per diem paid in local currency, corresponding to approx. 750 Euros per month at today’s exchange rate, for a fully worked month (*).
  • Extra per month and per child (Under 18 years old): from 100€ to 225€ monthly (according to standard list of Action against Hunger -Spain).
  • Break: 5 working days every 4 months, break per diem: 215 EUR, break travel allowance: up to 360 EUR.
  • 25 working days of paid leave per year.
  • Accommodation in guest house or payment of an allowance covering partially an individual rent.
  • Travel costs to and from the mission.
  • Expatriate health, repatriation, travel, and life insurance covered by the organization.

(*) in local currency subject to unexpected changes in currency exchange




Only applications received through our online service will be considered. Please click on the following link to access the service:

Note. - Given the urgency of this position, the vacancy may close before the deadline. For more information about this position, visit our website In case you do not find the job advertisement published here, it means that the selection process has been closed.






Action Against Hunger is an international non-governmental, private, apolitical, non-religious and non-profit organization created in 1979. Its goal is to combat hunger and dangerous situations that threaten men, women and children. Currently 500 expats and more than 5,000 employees are working for Action Against Hunger in more than forty-six countries working in projects concerning four areas of focus: nutrition, health, food security and water and sanitation.

Action Against Hunger is recruiting for its Gaza office a

Consortium Coordinator


The position of Consortium Coordinator aims to ensure coordination and coherence of the implementation of an 18-month economic recovery program funded by the EU in the Gaza Strip. The position is hosted by Action Against Hunger (AAH) and will work for the consortium composed of AAH and 3 Palestinian NGOs. The Consortium Coordinator will be accountable to the Steering Committee and will be in regular contact with the 4 agencies to ensure timely and quality implementation of the program. In addition, the Consortium Coordinator will represent externally and as relevant the consortium. She/He will be accountable for compliance matters and coordinate with AAH Grant Manager, Logistics and Financial colleagues.


Objective 1: Establish and promote good coordination and information sharing within the consortium and with external actors.

  • Set up consortium structure and Committees and formalize ToR for each of them.
  • Support the on boarding of new staff working for this project within each of the 4 organizations.
  • Chair and facilitate the Steering Committee, prepare for the meeting, and provide minutes.
  • Chair and facilitate the discussions in the Technical & Operational Committee; propose agenda and produce minutes.
  • Maintain a close relationship with the partners and inform Steering Committee Members of the results of the Consortium.
  • Ensure information is shared within operational teams as useful and in a timely manner. 
  • Maintain project’s document sharing platform and ensure proper archiving.
  • Represent the consortium to the donor and external actor as relevant and in consultation with the Steering Committee.
  • Establish and follow up of a Communication & Visibility Plan; produce documents and overview of the consortium achievements for the use of Senior Management, to inform the donor and external humanitarian/development organisations in Gaza, etc.

Objective 2: Oversee the achievements of the consortium objectives and expected results by ensuring timely and quality implementation.

  • Ensure a systematic follow-up of the work plans of each project component
  • Encourage coherence and complementarity between the different components of the project and bring consortium members together as relevant .
  • Support consortium partners in implementing their components of the project and support in solving issues as required .
  • Ensure that the MEAL Committee is functional, and the MEAL Consortium Lead develop, implement, and keep up to date a MEAL plan for the consortium.
  • Coordinate with the finance to follow the overall budget execution of the contract according to the agreements established with the donor and between partners.
  • Set up technical working groups or specific committees to address any relevant point or need for harmonization (e.g., on agriculture infrastructures components etc.).
  • Monitor implementation risks and action points needed to address or mitigate them; propose coordination on common challenges between partners as relevant (e.g., entrance of material into the Gaza Strip).
  • Lead & coordinate consortium activities under the direct line management of the secretariat such as Mid-year Review, trainings to consortium staff etc.
  • Encourage technical Learning between partners (e.g., presentation of study findings; peer support and review; common field visits etc.).
  • Line manages consortium team (1 to 2 positions) .
  • Coordinate within AAH with department that can support greater quality and impact of the program (Advocacy, Technical Advisors in mission and HQ etc.).

Objective 3: Assure adequate grant, risk, and compliance management in close collaboration with consortium partners & AAH support departments.

  • Develop and maintain up to date a risk & compliance matrix to identify and address risks related to this contract.
  • Ensure agreements with donors and partners are in place and implemented respecting all the closes; propose amendments as relevant.
  • Ensure the donor regulations are implemented by the 4 partners and lead verification as necessary in collaboration with technical, finance, procurement, and compliance colleagues.
  • Review and compile donor reports and narrative reports of partners in collaboration with Grant Manager.
  • Address and solve in a timely manner compliance matter in coordination with AAH Support departments, the Grant Manager and senior management.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Accion contra el hambre
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Gaza /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 30/08/2021
Date limite : 13/09/2021



  • Bachelor’s or master’s degree in Sociology, International Development, Political Science, or International Relations.
  • Project cycle management, logistics and administration.
  • At least five years’ experience in the humanitarian field, with a background in base and budget management, accountancy, and familiarity with logistics, security management and European donor rules.
  • Familiarity with AAH procedures is considered an asset.
  • Ability to write donor reports and proposals in English.
  • Training and capacity-building experience.
  • Diplomacy and tact
  • A professional and transparent operational style.
  • Good communication, management, and planning skills.
  • Ability to quickly integrate and understand a complex socio-political working environment.
  • The HoB will maintain the team spirit and high morale of the committed, dedicated members of the Gaza office.
  • English is the working language in Gaza (spoken, read, and written); Familiarity with Spanish or Arabic would be useful.
  • Windows domain, expertise in Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and Internet.


We offer immediate incorporation to a dynamic international network with the following remuneration package:

  • Formal work contract: 12 months.
  • Base: Gaza. The work can be remote/ home-based depending on possibilities of travel in COVID-19 context and on candidates’ availability.
  • Compensation package: 36,034 – 42,040 € gross/year divided in 12 payments.
  • In addition, there will be living expenses and per diem paid in local currency, corresponding to approx. 750 Euros per month at today’s exchange rate, for a fully worked month (*).
  • Extra per month and per child (Under 18 years old): from 100€ to 225€ monthly (according to standard list of Action against Hunger -Spain).
  • Break: 5 working days every 3 months, break per diem: 215 EUR, break travel allowance: up to 360 EUR.
  • 25 working days of paid leave per year.
  • Accommodation in guest house covered by the organization.
  • Travel costs to and from the mission.
  • Expatriate health, repatriation, travel, and life insurance covered by the organization.

(*) in local currency subject to unexpected changes in currency exchange



Only applications received through our online service will be considered. Please click on the following link to access the service:

Note. - Given the urgency of this position, the vacancy may close before the deadline. For more information about this position, visit our website In case you do not find the job advertisement published here, it means that the selection process has been closed.



Action Against Hunger is an international non-governmental, private, apolitical, non-religious and non-profit organization created in 1979. Its goal is to combat hunger and dangerous situations that threaten men, women and children. Currently 500 expats and more than 5,000 employees are working for Action Against Hunger in more than forty-six countries working in projects concerning four areas of focus: nutrition, health, food security and water and sanitation.

Action Against Hunger is recruiting for its Gaza office a

Head of Base


  • We strengthen our operational capacity by leading collaborative actions in emergency, rehabilitation and resilience that reduce human suffering.
  • We increase access to basic services and coverage of needs by developing strategic alliances with key actors and fostering localization.
  • We mainstream transversal policies and strategies by promoting feminist approach, climate crisis, humanitarian protection, social inclusion, and conflict sensitivity
  • We center our approach on people by increasing participation, transparency and accountability.
  • We anticipate, detect, and manage risk globally, by reinforcing control and compliance.


Objective 1: Programme Management


  • Ensure the effective implementation of programmes through careful oversight of and adherence to logistics, communications, transport, human resources, and finance policies and procedures. Oversight on the implementation and monitoring of programmes to ensure their timely and effective implementation and financial management.
  • Agreement on goals and objectives with key staff and monthly assessment of progress against outputs.
  • Collaborate with the technical coordinators in the appropriate identification and effective implementation of projects.
  • Contribute to programme development through participation in and facilitation of assessments, visits, and evaluations.
  • Ensure that a high standard is maintained in all proposals, reports, and other material to be submitted to donors.
  • Ensure that programmes are implemented in accordance with AAH-Spain policies and strategies.
  • Ensure the maintenance of accurate project documentation summarised in weekly minutes and in reports for submission to donors.

Objective 2: Human Resources Management & Capacity Building


  • Application and respect of AAH procedures, internal regulations, deontology, and principles for both the Head of Base and staff members.
  • Update and review of the base structure according to programme needs, with input from the Technical Coordinators, Jerusalem Admin, and the Country Director.
  • Participation with the HR Officer in the recruitment of new national staff as needed.
  • Line management of Programme Managers, HR Officer, Finance Officer and Base Logistician and their regular evaluation according to AAH procedures.

Capacity Building

  • Assume responsibility for capacity building of Gaza staffs.
  • Identify needs and organize appropriate training through the Mission Training Plan tool.
  • Initiate and implement internal training where required.

Objective 3: Ensure effective intra-base coordination in Gaza


  • Monitoring of financial and administrative management of the base including the preparation of budgets, financial requests, accountancy, payments, tenders, procedures, and movements.
  • Coordination of all staff activities through weekly base meetings and activity planning sessions.
  • Support in the identification and implementation of programme strategy.
  • Ensuring that programmes are designed and implemented in consultation with local authorities, partners, and all other stakeholders.
  • Supporting the CD in the development of strategic partnerships and the assessment of existing partner capacity.
  • Collaborating in the development of concept notes and proposals in the FSL and WASH teams, technical staff such as the base administrator and logistician and submitting these into the validation chain.
  • Assessing the relevance and feasibility of other interventions in the area in accordance with mission strategy in discussion with relevant external actors.
  • Assisting external evaluators in the assessment of AAH programmes.

Objective 4: Logistics and Administration


  • Monitoring the financial, administrative, and logistical management of the base (including the preparation and of budgets, accountancy, payments, tenders, fulfilment of procedures, movements etc.).
  • Following up on the implementation of logistics procedures, policies and practices as defined in the Logistics Kit.
  • Supervising, supporting, and following up on the compilation and timely submission of monthly logistics and administrative reports and accountancy to the Jerusalem office.
  • Authorization of expenses for the base in compliance with monthly treasury forecasts.
  • Participation in the financial management of the base in collaboration with the base administrator: this includes budget drafts and updates, budget follow ups and projections,
  • Follow up on co-funding and partner contributions according to mission tools.
  • Regular communication with the Administration Coordinator on all important issues regarding finance and administrative matters.

Objective 5: Ensure proper management of the AAH security procedures and tools in coordination with CD


  • Continuous monitoring of the local situation through the collection and analysis of security information.
  • Identification of security threats and measures to mitigate risk.
  • Follow up on the implementation of security measures.
  • Contribute to updating the security plan as required.
  • Comply with ACF-Spain’s security procedures.
  • Follow up and analysis of security incidents.
  • Ensuring that staff members are aware of ACF-Spain’s security management system including ACF-Spain’s Security Guidelines and monitoring their compliance.
  • Oversight on the preparation and submission of security reports to Logistics Coordinator as required.
  • Management of the Gaza ERU

Objective 6: Additional responsibility


  • Represent AAH at the inter-agency level.
  • Maintain high team spirit and motivation within the AAH Gaza team
  • Participate in coordination meetings in Jerusalem as required.
  • Any other duties assigned by the CD.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Accion contra el hambre
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Jerusalem /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Plaidoyer
Date de publication : 09/08/2021
Date limite : 24/08/2021



  • Master’s degree in law or any other related field.
  • Strong knowledge of the information management, design of questionnaires.
  • A demonstrated understanding of relevant areas of international law, in particular of international humanitarian law, excellent analytical skills and the capability to work in a precise, structured and detailed manner.
  • Must have strong drafting and verbal communications skills; research and analytical skills; ability to manage competing deadlines and priorities.
  • Minimum 4 to 5 years’ relevant professional experience in advocacy, communications and working in Humanitarian and/or development aid.
  • Good knowledge of the oPt context. Previous working experience on oPt desirable.
  • Proven experience of influencing skills to achieve policy change.
  • Proven track record of achieving international media coverage, both traditional and new media.
  • Solid understanding of the global dynamics: Triple Nexus, CT measures, Grand Bargain, conflict sensitivity.
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal and coordination skills, and an ability to work independently and as a part of a team to deliver under tight deadline.
  • Strong negotiation skills and capacity to promote consortiums and partnerships.
  • English compulsory, Hebrew/Arabic desirable.
  • Good skills in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
  • International with ability to travel to West bank and Gaza and stay overnight.


We offer immediate incorporation to a dynamic international network with the following remuneration package:

  • Formal work contract: 12 months.
  • Base: Jerusalem with regular trips to Hebron and Gaza bases. The work can be remote/ home-based depending on possibilities of travel in COVID-19 context and on candidates’ availability.
  • Compensation package: 29,647 € gross/year divided in 12 payments.
  • In addition, there will be living expenses and per diem paid in local currency, corresponding to approx. 750 Euros per month at today’s exchange rate, for a fully worked month (*).
  • Extra per month and per child (Under 18 years old): from 100€ to 225€ monthly (according to standard list of Action against Hunger -Spain).
  • Break: 5 working days every 4 months, break per diem: 215 EUR, break travel allowance: up to 360 EUR.
  • 25 working days of paid leave per year.
  • Accommodation in guest house or payment of an allowance covering partially an individual rent.
  • Travel costs to and from the mission.
  • Expatriate health, repatriation, travel, and life insurance covered by the organization.

(*) in local currency subject to unexpected changes in currency exchange



Only applications received through our online service will be considered. Please click on the following link to access the service:

Note. - Given the urgency of this position, the vacancy may close before the deadline. For more information about this position, visit our Website In case you do not find the job advertisement published here, it means that the selection process has been closed.




Action Against Hunger is an international non-governmental, private, apolitical, non-religious and non-profit organization created in 1979. Its goal is to combat hunger and dangerous situations that threaten men, women and children. Currently 500 expats and more than 5,000 employees are working for Action Against Hunger in more than forty-six countries working in projects concerning four areas of focus: nutrition, health, food security and water and sanitation.

Action Against Hunger is recruiting for its Jerusalem office a

Humanitarian Advocacy and Information Management Coordinator

The Humanitarian Advocacy and Information Management Coordinator will work as part of the Action Against Hunger oPt Mission to develop strategic advocacy and contribute to the overall programs of Action Against Hunger in the country.


  • Develop and implement Action Against Hunger oPt advocacy strategy in line with AAH – Spain’s advocacy policy. Work in close coordination internally with the teams and HQ while reinforcing also external partnerships and AAH positioning in different fora.
  • To actively contribute to the development of an information management methodology (collection and use of the information).


Objective 1: To operationalize the advocacy strategy for OPT, including by establishing relevant collaborations for its implementation and ensure the coherence with organizational new ways of working and global initiatives:

  • Represent Action Against Hunger in high level fora in oPt including: HCT Advocacy Working Group, AIDA advocacy sub-committee working group, WBPC AWG, Legal Task Force, WASH Cluster and FSS Cluster.
  • Guide advocacy strategy development and priority setting for aforementioned working groups, ensuring views of Action Against Hunger are represented and included.
  • Develop Action Against Hunger yearly advocacy Action plan.
  • Responsible for advocacy initiatives when appropriate, in multiple programs as well as co-coordinating advocacy work for Action Against Hunger for both the West Bank and Gaza
  • Guide strategic direction of advocacy initiatives for Action Against Hunger including actively seeking funding for these through proposal development.
  • Provide strong support to the field teams with regards to the implementation of the new ways of working of the organizations by consolidating the linkage between advocacy and operations department (MP1).
  • Ensure the coherent contribution of the mission advocacy strategy to the global advocacy initiatives of the Action Network Against Hunger (Hunger and Conflict, Triple Nexus).
  • Engage with communication department on the release of press release and relevant communication project.

Objective 2: Conduct research and lobbying on root causes of vulnerabilities faced by our beneficiaries/right holders and by the mission in the discharge of its humanitarian mandate.  and action.

  • Work closely with Action Against Hunger Bases, Protection Coordinator and Technical Coordinator to conduct field visits in areas of operation verify generate evidence on practices, humanitarian needs, responses implemented, and remaining gaps to feed evidence-based advocacy.
  • Monitor closely relevant humanitarian and policy issues, including media reports, surveys, statistical reports, databases, and relevant literature, as needed for the production of reports and background/position papers.
  • Undertake strategic lobbying on policies and practices based on Action Against Hunger generated findings and experiences by engaging with relevant stakeholders.
  • Identify the key linkages among Action Against Hunger programming, root causes of vulnerabilities and potential consequences of deterioration of the humanitarian situation in oPt.
  • Support the Bases in implementing, at the local level, advocacy initiatives and operationalization of the advocacy strategy and action plan.
  • Analyse political and normative frameworks affecting humanitarian situation in oPt.

Objective 3: To liaise with external stakeholders and ensure collaboration in the development and implementation of advocacy work for the OPT mission.

  • Mapping of key stakeholders and conducting regular power analysis to identify direct and intermediate targets.
  • Liaison, networking and building relationships with donors, UN and diplomatic community in oPt as requested and under overall supervision of the Country Director.
  • Work closely with Advocacy desk in headquarters, under overall supervision of the Country Director, to develop advocacy initiatives, messaging, and materials in line with advocacy priorities in both headquarters and oPt mission.
  • Production of advocacy materials for use by Action Against Hunger HQ and ensure oPt Advocacy priorities are fed back to headquarters in line with organizational mandate.
  • Regularly engage with AAH advocacy network by attending Middle East call but also by sending alert and organising meeting with them.

Objective 4: To contribute to the mission information management strategy and its implementation at mission level.

  • Contribute to the development of the mission Information management strategy in cooperation with MEAL unit, Operations team, technical/program units.
  • Establish exchange of information between MEAL unit, advocacy team, technical/program units and Information management considering different levels: activities/project; project/mission
  • Provide Advocacy training refresher to each base.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Agence Belge de Développement
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Jérusalem /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 17/06/2021
Date limite : 08/07/2021



Remarque : le personnel international travaillant pour Enabel en Palestine doit être de nationalité belge pour obtenir un permis de travail comme membre du personnel du Consulat général belge.


Qualifications et expérience requises

  • Vous êtes titulaire d’un diplôme de master ; 
  • au minimum 5 ans d’expérience pertinente dans le pilotage de projets de développement internationaux ;
  • au moins 5 ans d’expérience pertinente dans l’économie verte et circulaire et/ou la gestion et l’urbanisme de villes vertes ;
  • une expérience professionnelle pertinente en dehors de votre pays d’origine ;
  • une expérience dans la gestion d’équipes ;
  • toute expérience dans plusieurs projets est un atout.

Compétences et connaissances requises

  • Bonne connaissance des aspects du développement international (contexte, défis, application, partenaires, fonctionnement...) ;
  • connaissance approfondie des méthodologies de gestion de projets ;
  • connaissance approfondie d’un ou de plusieurs domaines d’expertise spécifiques liés à l’économie verte et circulaire en mettant l’accent sur l’efficacité énergétique, l’optimisation de l’utilisation des matières premières et le recyclage des déchets dans le processus de production et/ou la gestion et l’urbanisme de villes durables prenant en compte des services publics verts en mettant l’accent sur l’efficacité énergétique, les énergies renouvelables et la gestion durable des déchets solides prenant en compte la réduction, la réutilisation, le recyclage et la récupération ;
  • compétences en matière de monitoring et d’évaluation;
  • excellentes aptitudes aux relations interpersonnelles et à la diplomatie ;   
  • aisance dans la gestion de la dynamique de groupe et l’interculturalisme ;
  • gestion proactive axée sur les résultats ;
  •  expression aisée tant à l’oral qu’à l’écrit en français et/ou en néerlandais. Compte tenu de la langue de travail en Palestine et de l’environnement international dans lequel vous travaillez, une excellente maîtrise de l’anglais est exigée. Toute notion de l’arabe est un atout. 


Nous demandons également aux candidat·es de s’engager à respecter la vision, la mission et les valeurs d’Enabel (




Enabel est en train d’élaborer un nouveau programme de coopération pour la Palestine. Celui-ci s’appuiera, d’une part, sur les succès de la coopération gouvernementale au cours de la dernière décennie et apportera, d’autre part, une réponse aux défis palestiniens et mondiaux à relever cette décennie.


La Coopération belge au développement appuie les Territoires palestiniens depuis 1993, à l’origine par le biais d’une coopération déléguée. La coopération gouvernementale directe a elle débuté en 1997 pour un montant de 15 millions d’euros et le quatrième et dernier accord, à titre provisoire (2011) a évolué pour atteindre quelque 71,6 millions d’euros (2012-2015). Ce programme a été prolongé en décembre 2020 avec un budget supplémentaire de 10 millions d’euros.


Le nouveau portefeuille est proposé pour une période de 5 ans (2022-2026). Sa signature est planifiée pour la fin décembre en vue d’entamer la mise en œuvre au tout début de 2022. Un budget indicatif de 70 millions d’euros est proposé pour le programme 2022-2026, qui continuera en partie à capitaliser les actuels projets.


Le nouveau portefeuille, qui a pour slogan « Autonomisation de la jeunesse dans une Palestine écologiquement durable », se concentrera sur deux piliers : d’une part, les jeunes et leur développement au sens large et, d’autre part, l’environnement, lui aussi au sens large. Ce faisant, le programme entend exploiter au maximum les perspectives d’avenir des jeunes, en termes de formation générale, d’éducation et d’emploi, en prêtant une grande attention à la dimension de genre et en se focalisant sur les plus vulnérables. Le programme veut de surcroît privilégier la durabilité, les solutions respectueuses de l’environnement, l’adaptation au changement climatique et l’atténuation de ses effets. 


Dans le cadre de l’élaboration de ce nouveau programme, nous recherchons un·e chef·fe de projet qui sera chargé·e d’appuyer la mise en œuvre du pilier « Environnement » du nouveau programme gouvernementale, dont l’objectif général sera que « le peuple palestinien bénéficie des opportunités d’un environnement de vie durable ».



Description de la fonction


Tâches principales du·de la chef·fe de projet en environnement :


  • vous êtes responsable de la bonne exécution des projets (contenu, planification, budget, qualité) afin d’atteindre des résultats de développement durable ;
  • vous coordonnez la réalisation des activités dans l’optique d’atteindre les objectifs des projets ;
  • vous soutenez les personnes désignées pour diriger le processus de changement ;
  • vous contribuez au renforcement des capacités de diverses organisations partenaires ;
  • vous coordonnez le processus d’apprentissage sur la manière dont une intervention contribue au développement du secteur ;
  • vous dirigez les équipes placées sous votre responsabilité hiérarchique ;
  • vous veillez à la disponibilité d’informations pertinentes sur les résultats à des fins de monitoring et d’évaluation en vue de permettre le suivi de la performance, la prise de décisions, l’apprentissage et le rapportage.


Votre profil


Remarque : le personnel international travaillant pour Enabel en Palestine doit être de nationalité belge pour obtenir un permis de travail comme membre du personnel du Consulat général belge.


Qualifications et expérience requises

  • Vous êtes titulaire d’un diplôme de master ; 
  • au minimum 5 ans d’expérience pertinente dans le pilotage de projets de développement internationaux ;
  • au moins 5 ans d’expérience pertinente dans l’économie verte et circulaire et/ou la gestion et l’urbanisme de villes vertes ;
  • une expérience professionnelle pertinente en dehors de votre pays d’origine ;
  • une expérience dans la gestion d’équipes ;
  • toute expérience dans plusieurs projets est un atout.

Compétences et connaissances requises

  • Bonne connaissance des aspects du développement international (contexte, défis, application, partenaires, fonctionnement...) ;
  • connaissance approfondie des méthodologies de gestion de projets ;
  • connaissance approfondie d’un ou de plusieurs domaines d’expertise spécifiques liés à l’économie verte et circulaire en mettant l’accent sur l’efficacité énergétique, l’optimisation de l’utilisation des matières premières et le recyclage des déchets dans le processus de production et/ou la gestion et l’urbanisme de villes durables prenant en compte des services publics verts en mettant l’accent sur l’efficacité énergétique, les énergies renouvelables et la gestion durable des déchets solides prenant en compte la réduction, la réutilisation, le recyclage et la récupération ;
  • compétences en matière de monitoring et d’évaluation;
  • excellentes aptitudes aux relations interpersonnelles et à la diplomatie ;   
  • aisance dans la gestion de la dynamique de groupe et l’interculturalisme ;
  • gestion proactive axée sur les résultats ;
  •  expression aisée tant à l’oral qu’à l’écrit en français et/ou en néerlandais. Compte tenu de la langue de travail en Palestine et de l’environnement international dans lequel vous travaillez, une excellente maîtrise de l’anglais est exigée. Toute notion de l’arabe est un atout. 


Nous demandons également aux candidat·es de s’engager à respecter la vision, la mission et les valeurs d’Enabel (


Nous vous offrons


  • Une fonction passionnante dans un environnement international.
  • Un contrat de 48 mois, avec une prolongation possible jusqu’à un maximum de 60 mois. Vous êtes basé à Jérusalem et vous travaillez depuis Ramallah. Vous effectuez des déplacements réguliers à l’intérieur du pays.
  • Un package salarial comprenant le salaire mensuel brut correspondant à nos barèmes (classe 6), ainsi que des avantages liés à votre statut d’expatrié·e au sein d’Enabel, tels qu’une indemnité d’éloignement, d’affectation et de pénibilité, la prise en charge (plafonnée) des frais de logement, des allocations de déménagement et d’installation, la prise en charge (plafonnée) des frais de scolarité des enfants vous accompagnant, un package d’assurances pour toute la famille, dont l’assurance rapatriement, et des billets d’avion aller-retour une fois/an pour toute la famille.
  • En cas d’expatriation sans les membres de la famille (personnes à charge), jusqu’à 6 billets d’avion aller-retour supplémentaires par an vers le pays d’origine ou toute autre destination (plafonnés suivant le règlement d’Enabel).

Les différents montants varient en fonction de l’expérience pertinente reconnue pour la fonction et de la composition familiale.


Cette publication peut donner lieu à la constitution d’une réserve de recrutement pour une durée de 3 ans pour toute fonction similaire.


Nos postes vacants sont ouverts à toute personne qui remplit les conditions décrites dans nos offres d’emploi. Enabel s’engage pour l’égalité des chances et la diversité au sein de son personnel. Nous ne faisons pas de discrimination fondée sur le genre, l’origine, l’âge, la religion, l’orientation sexuelle, le handicap ou tout autre facteur que les compétences.




Postulez ici au plus tard le 08/07/2021 et joignez votre CV actualisé et une lettre de motivation.


Seules les candidatures introduites via le lien ci-dessus seront prises en considération. 

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Agence Belge de Développement
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Jérusalem /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 17/06/2021
Date limite : 08/07/2021



Remarque : le personnel international travaillant pour Enabel en Palestine doit être de nationalité belge pour obtenir un permis de travail comme membre du personnel du Consulat général belge.


Qualifications et expérience requises

  • Vous êtes titulaire d’un diplôme de master ;
  • au minimum 5 ans d’expérience pertinente dans le pilotage de projets de développement internationaux ;
  • au minimum 5 ans d’expérience pertinente dans l’autonomisation de la jeunesse dans au moins deux des domaines d’expertise suivants : éducation, protection, développement des compétences, emploi, entrepreneuriat et développement d’entreprises ;
  • une expérience professionnelle pertinente en dehors de votre pays d’origine ;
  • une expérience dans la gestion d’équipes ;
  • toute expérience dans plusieurs projets pertinents constitue un atout.

Compétences et connaissances requises

  • Bonne connaissance des aspects du développement international (contexte, défis, application, partenaires, fonctionnement...) ;
  • connaissance approfondie des méthodologies de gestion de projets ;
  • familiarisation avec les différentes dimensions de l’autonomisation de la jeunesse et connaissance approfondie dans au moins deux des domaines d’expertise suivants : éducation, protection, développement des compétences, emploi, entrepreneuriat et développement d’entreprises ;
  • compétences en matière de monitoring et d’évaluation ;
  • excellentes aptitudes aux relations interpersonnelles et à la diplomatie ;   
  • aisance dans la gestion de la dynamique de groupe et l’interculturalisme ;
  • gestion proactive axée sur les résultats ;
  • expression aisée tant à l’oral qu’à l’écrit en français et/ou en néerlandais. Compte tenu de la langue de travail en Palestine et de l’environnement international dans lequel vous travaillez, une excellente maîtrise de l’anglais est exigée.  Toute notion de l’arabe est un atout.


Nous demandons également aux candidat·es de s’engager à respecter la vision, la mission et les valeurs d’Enabel (




Enabel est en train d’élaborer un nouveau programme de coopération pour la Palestine. Celui-ci s’appuiera, d’une part, sur les succès de la coopération gouvernementale au cours de la dernière décennie et apportera, d’autre part, une réponse aux défis palestiniens et mondiaux à relever cette décennie.


La Coopération belge au développement appuie les Territoires palestiniens depuis 1993, à l’origine par le biais d’une coopération déléguée. La coopération gouvernementale directe a elle débuté en 1997 pour un montant de 15 millions d’euros et le quatrième et dernier accord, à titre provisoire (2011) a évolué pour atteindre quelque 71,6 millions d’euros (2012-2015). Ce programme a été prolongé en décembre 2020 avec un budget supplémentaire de 10 millions d’euros.


Le nouveau portefeuille est proposé pour une période de 5 ans (2022-2026). Sa signature est planifiée pour la fin décembre en vue d’entamer la mise en œuvre au tout début de 2022. Un budget indicatif de 70 millions d’euros est proposé pour le programme 2022-2026.


Le nouveau portefeuille, qui a pour slogan « Autonomisation de la jeunesse dans une Palestine écologiquement durable », se concentrera sur deux piliers : d’une part, les jeunes et leur développement au sens large et, d’autre part, l’environnement, lui aussi au sens large.  Ce faisant, le programme entend exploiter au maximum les perspectives d’avenir des jeunes, en termes de formation générale, d’éducation et d’emploi, en prêtant une grande attention à la dimension de genre et en se focalisant sur les plus vulnérables. Le programme veut de surcroît privilégier la durabilité, les solutions respectueuses de l’environnement, l’adaptation au changement climatique et l’atténuation de ses effets. 


Dans le cadre de l’élaboration de ce nouveau programme, nous recherchons un·e chef·fe de projet qui sera chargé·e d’appuyer la mise en œuvre du pilier « Autonomisation de la jeunesse » du nouveau programme gouvernementale, dont l’objectif général sera que « les jeunes de Palestine se transforment en citoyen·nes actif·ives et critiques, prêt·es à relever les défis locaux et mondiaux, grâce à l’amélioration de l’éducation, de la formation, de l’orientation et de l’accès au travail. »



Description de la fonction


Tâches principales du·de la chef·fe de projet en autonomisation de la jeunesse :


  • vous êtes responsable de la bonne exécution des projets (contenu, planification, budget, qualité) afin d’atteindre des résultats de développement durable ;
  • vous coordonnez la réalisation des activités dans l’optique d’atteindre les objectifs des projets ;
  • vous soutenez les personnes désignées pour diriger le processus de changement ;
  • vous contribuez au renforcement des capacités d’organisations partenaires ;
  • vous coordonnez le processus d’apprentissage sur la manière dont une intervention contribue au développement du secteur ;
  • vous dirigez les équipes placées sous votre responsabilité hiérarchique ;
  • vous veillez à la disponibilité d’informations pertinentes sur les résultats à des fins de monitoring et d’évaluation en vue de permettre le suivi de la performance, la prise de décisions, l’apprentissage et le rapportage.


Votre profil


Remarque : le personnel international travaillant pour Enabel en Palestine doit être de nationalité belge pour obtenir un permis de travail comme membre du personnel du Consulat général belge.


Qualifications et expérience requises

  • Vous êtes titulaire d’un diplôme de master ;
  • au minimum 5 ans d’expérience pertinente dans le pilotage de projets de développement internationaux ;
  • au minimum 5 ans d’expérience pertinente dans l’autonomisation de la jeunesse dans au moins deux des domaines d’expertise suivants : éducation, protection, développement des compétences, emploi, entrepreneuriat et développement d’entreprises ;
  • une expérience professionnelle pertinente en dehors de votre pays d’origine ;
  • une expérience dans la gestion d’équipes ;
  • toute expérience dans plusieurs projets pertinents constitue un atout.

Compétences et connaissances requises

  • Bonne connaissance des aspects du développement international (contexte, défis, application, partenaires, fonctionnement...) ;
  • connaissance approfondie des méthodologies de gestion de projets ;
  • familiarisation avec les différentes dimensions de l’autonomisation de la jeunesse et connaissance approfondie dans au moins deux des domaines d’expertise suivants : éducation, protection, développement des compétences, emploi, entrepreneuriat et développement d’entreprises ;
  • compétences en matière de monitoring et d’évaluation ;
  • excellentes aptitudes aux relations interpersonnelles et à la diplomatie ;   
  • aisance dans la gestion de la dynamique de groupe et l’interculturalisme ;
  • gestion proactive axée sur les résultats ;
  • expression aisée tant à l’oral qu’à l’écrit en français et/ou en néerlandais. Compte tenu de la langue de travail en Palestine et de l’environnement international dans lequel vous travaillez, une excellente maîtrise de l’anglais est exigée.  Toute notion de l’arabe est un atout.


Nous demandons également aux candidat·es de s’engager à respecter la vision, la mission et les valeurs d’Enabel (


Nous vous offrons


  • Une fonction passionnante dans un environnement international stimulant.
  • Un contrat de 48 mois, avec une prolongation possible jusqu’à un maximum de 60 mois. Vous êtes basé à Jérusalem et vous travaillez depuis Ramallah. Vous effectuez des déplacements réguliers à l’intérieur du pays.
  • Un package salarial comprenant le salaire mensuel brut correspondant à nos barèmes (classe 6), ainsi que des avantages liés à votre statut d’expatrié·e au sein d’Enabel, tels qu’une indemnité d’éloignement, d’affectation et de pénibilité, la prise en charge (plafonnée) des frais de logement, des allocations de déménagement et d’installation, la prise en charge (plafonnée) des frais de scolarité des enfants vous accompagnant, un package d’assurances pour toute la famille, dont l’assurance rapatriement, et des billets d’avion aller-retour une fois/an pour toute la famille.
  • En cas d’expatriation sans les membres de la famille (personnes à charge), jusqu’à 6 billets d’avion aller-retour supplémentaires par an vers le pays d’origine ou toute autre destination (plafonnés suivant le règlement d’Enabel).

Les différents montants varient en fonction de l’expérience pertinente reconnue pour la fonction et de la composition familiale.


Cette publication peut donner lieu à la constitution d’une réserve de recrutement pour une durée de 3 ans pour toute fonction similaire.


Nos postes vacants sont ouverts à toute personne qui remplit les conditions décrites dans nos offres d’emploi. Enabel s’engage pour l’égalité des chances et la diversité au sein de son personnel. Nous ne faisons pas de discrimination fondée sur le genre, l’origine, l’âge, la religion, l’orientation sexuelle, le handicap ou tout autre facteur que les compétences.


Intéressé·e ?


Postulez ici au plus tard le 08/07/2021 et joignez votre CV actualisé et une lettre de motivation.


Seules les candidatures introduites via le lien ci-dessus seront prises en considération. 

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : International Medical corps
Site web : http://www.internationalmedicalcorps
Lieu de l'emploi : Palestinian Territories /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Direction
Date de publication : 04/06/2021
Date limite : 04/06/2021


  • Typically, an advance university degree (equivalent to Master’s degree) in Accounting or Business Administration. Equivalent combination of relevant education and experience may be substituted as appropriate;
  • 12+ years of relevant progressive experience in the finance field, including minimum 7 years’ experience, in the administrative and financial management of overseas programs;
  • Extensive experience in working with computerized accounting systems, experience with ERP systems is a plus;
  • Working experience and comprehensive knowledge of USAID, ECHO, and UNDP regulations and financial management and reporting policies and procedures; also World Bank, EU, DfID, and other donors;
  • Experience in developing and managing procurement and logistical procedures and policies;
  • Experience in working with a large national staff team;
  • Must be able to carry out responsibilities independently with minimal technical support from within the organization;
  • Knowledge of varied donor financial regulations;
  • Experience in managing procurement and logistical procedures and policies;
  • Proven leadership qualities required;
  • Strong negotiation, interpersonal and organization skills;
  • Can function effectively in a loosely structured work environment and to set appropriate priorities and deal effectively with numerous simultaneous requirements;
  • Skills and knowledge in program sustainability and capacity building, public- private partnerships and project monitoring and evaluation (both quantitative and qualitative methods);
  • Strong writing and presentation skills. Ability to effectively present Information and respond appropriately to questions from senior managers in the field and HQ, counterparts, government and other related regional players;
  • Proven capabilities in leadership required;
  • Strong negotiation, interpersonal and organization skills;
  • Languages: fluency in English, written and oral is required. Additional ability to read, write and interpret, technical and non-technical in Arabic preferred. 
To apply :


Essential Job Duties/Scope of Work:
International Medical Corps is a global humanitarian nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through healthcare training and relief and development programs.
Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, International Medical Corps is a private, voluntary, nonpolitical, nonsectarian organization. Its mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in areas worldwide. By offering training and healthcare to local populations and medical assistance to people at high risk, and with the flexibility to respond rapidly to emergency situations, International Medical Corps rehabilitates devastated healthcare systems and helps bring them back to self-reliance.
After a period of relative calm following the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, the security and political situation in Gaza deteriorated significantly in May 2021. Since mid-May, OHCHR has reported that 232 Palestinians, including 65 children and 39 women (of which 3 were pregnant), and 121 men have been killed in Gaza. Around 1,760 Palestinians have been injured, including 540 children, 361 women. The ongoing conflict situation has brought widespread devastation to an already impoverished territory and placed an additional burden on Gaza’s health infrastructure, which is already overwhelmed due to COVID-19. Utilizing internal and private donor funds, International Medical Corps has been working with local partners in Gaza to provide health, mental health, and nutrition services to vulnerable communities.
International Medical Corps is anticipating an award for a proposed 3-month emergency project to be funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA). This project is anticipated to begin in early June 2021, with recruitments conditional on securing funding. Under this project, International Medical Corps intends to support a multi-sectoral package of interventions including:
  • healthcare services, including medicines and medical supplies;
  • mental health services, including psychological first aid, for victims of trauma;
  • emergency nutrition programming;
  • support for survivors of gender-based violence (GBV);
  • child protection and response activities; and
  • services to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
Responsible for overseeing the administrative and financial management activities, accountability requirements and human resources administration within the country office. Provide technical assistance to country team members in implementing and complying with financial and administrative procedures to ensure compliance with regulations and serve as the financial liaison in the country, local NGOs, other implementing partners and implementing units.  
The below tasks and responsibilities are intended to describe the general nature and level of work being performed by persons assigned to this position.
The level of work performed may varies depending on the complexity of country portfolio, as to the number of influencing factors and their interdependencies. Some of the factors affecting complexity may be size of country program (USD value and number of projects), variety of donors, interdependence and interrelations of projects, number of field sites, stakeholders, resources, country context, etc.
To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential function with or without reasonable accommodation:
Accounting and Finance Management
  • Ensure compliance with the organization and donor regulations and procedures; establish finance and supporting function policies, systems, and procedures; and direct or perform their development, documentation, and implementation
  • Supervise and ensure that the day-to-day accounting operations and financial management functions in country offices are performed in accordance with internal policy and procedures
  • Review and account for procurement transactions to ensure adequate supporting documentation, accuracy of amounts, and control over payments
  • Suggest formats for financial reporting to aid financial statement users to better understand the contents of the reports for decision-making and strategic planning purposes
  • Ensure the maintenance of accurate records of financial transactions of the country office (main and field offices) In order to monitor financial status of all project activities
  • Manage the finance department of the country office to meet the financial reporting requirements of In-country management and Headquarters, including ensuring that all financial reports are submitted on or before the deadlines set and contain relevant information for all the users of the financial reports
  • Direct the preparation of all financial reports for external purposes with respect to accounting, legal, and contractual requirements
  • Maintain the organization's system of accounts, ensuring all accounting data are updated, reconciled, and fully supported
  • Oversee training of finance staff and provide technical support to country program and logistics
  • Work closely with Budget Holders and the rest of the team members on budget preparation. Provide input on general, non-program costs. Provide recommendations for budget realignments as required
  • Present and facilitate review of actual to projected budget expenditures with Budget Holders and Country Management team
  • Make frequent visits to field offices to provide training to finance staff on internal procedures and requirements
  • Present & facilitate review of actual to budget expenditures with Country Director and Site Managers
Human Resources Management
  • Supervise the human resource and administrative functions in field offices to ensure their smooth and effective operations
  • Supervise the oversight of staff personnel flies inclusive of contracts, leave records, and other paperwork required for employment in local context
  • Ensure compliance to focal labor laws, inclusive of contracts, compensation packages, and working hours
  • Oversee the recruitment and selection of qualified program field staff and recommend promotions, disciplinary action, and termination of staff in consultation with supervisors
  • Collaborate with security officer/Country Director to maintain security of staff in the field locations
  • Make frequent site visits to facilities to ensure that appropriate care and training are being conducted and to offer support to field staff
  • Maintain open lines of communication with all field staff
Training/Capacity Building
  • Determine training needs for finance and human resources staff
  • Train senior national staff to increase their capacity in order to increase responsibilities and ensure sustainability of programs
  • Advocate and plan for professional development for international and national staff
Working Relationships
  • Maintain frequent communication with International Finance to ensure finance activities and objectives are communicated
  • Work with Country Director, Budget Holder and the rest of the country management staff to ensure the coordination of programs are within budgeted targets
  • Attend coordination meetings which are relevant to country activities
  • Interface with national government and relevant agencies to ensure compliance with varying government regulations
  • Serve as the principal liaison with donors on matters related to the program to ensure financial and programmatic accountability to donors
  • Establish and update contact details of potential donors in-country, as applicable
  • Participate in donor meetings and communicate relevant information to International Finance and other corporate offices HQ
  • Work with key donor Staff to develop and maintain optimum financial and programmatic relationship
  • Ensure maximum visibility of the agency amongst the NGO community
    Lead the production of reports and ensure the timeliness and accuracy of information provided, as well ensuring confidentiality of sensitive information.
  • Contribute to the creation of a positive image and overall credibility of the organization, notably through the application of the organizations Code of Conduct, ethics, values and stand-point with regard to internal and external actors
  • Ensures application and compliance of security protocols and policies when requested
  • Facilitates emergency and non-emergency security expenditures
Perform other duties as assigned. The duties and responsibilities listed in this document are representative of the nature and level of work assigned and not necessarily all inclusive.
Code of Conduct
As applicable to this position, an individual must promote and encourage a culture of compliance and ethics throughout the organization and maintain a clear understanding of International Medical Corps’ and donor compliance and ethics standards and adheres to those standards.
If this is a supervisory position, one must set an example of ethical behavior through one’s own conduct and oversight of the work of others; ensure that those who report to you have sufficient knowledge and resources to follow the standards outlined in the Code of Conduct & Ethics; monitor compliance of the people you supervise; enforce the Code of Conduct & Ethics and International Medical Corps’ policies, including the Safeguarding Policy and the Protection from Harassment, Bullying and Sexual Misconduct in the Workplace Policy, consistently and fairly; support employees who in good faith raise questions or concerns.
It is all staff shared responsibility and obligation to safeguard and protect populations with whom we work, including adults who may be particularly vulnerable and children. This includes safeguarding from the following conduct by our staff or partners: sexual exploitation and abuse; exploitation, neglect, or abuse of children, adults at risk, or LGBTI individuals; and any form of trafficking in persons. Staff are also responsible for preventing violations to our Code of Conduct and Ethics, which may involve Conflicts of Interest, Fraud, Corruption or Harassment.  If you see, hear or are made aware of any violations to the Code of Conduct and Ethics or Safeguarding Policy, you have an obligation to report.
Equal Opportunities
International Medical Corps is proud to provide equal employment opportunities to all employees and qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, age, disability or status as a veteran.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Accion contra el hambre
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Jerusalem /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 03/06/2021
Date limite : 24/06/2021


  • Degree and/or master’s degree in Humanitarian Action or any related field (communications, political science, law, etc.).
  • Demonstrated understanding of the Protection sector and recently developed methodologies and approaches within the humanitarian world.
  • Demonstrated understanding of relevant areas of international law, especially international humanitarian law and International Human Rights Law.
  • Must have strong drafting and verbal communications skills; analytical and operational skills; ability to manage competing deadlines and priorities. 
  • Strong capacity to transmit and share knowledge and good practices, adapted to interlocutor. 
  • Previous experience in a similar position and/or in the humanitarian field and humanitarian protection of at least 3 years.
  • Previous experience in the full project cycle required including in leading needs assessments and developing new programmatic approaches and activities (standards, toolbox for implementation, selection criteria etc.).
  •  Previous experience as a Project or Program Manager in the field / in project implementation desirable.
  • Qualitative and Quantitative data analysis skills an advantage.
  • Good knowledge of the oPt context and/previous working experience on oPt desirable.
  • English: Compulsory working language. Excellent writing skills are required for this position.
  • Arabic: Oral skills or bilingual a great advantage.
  • Good skills in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
  • Mobility: The position is based in Jerusalem with frequent visits to the Bases (Gaza and Hebron) to follow up with Base Management and Programme teams


Action Against Hunger is an international non-governmental, private, apolitical, non-religious and non-profit organization created in 1979. Its goal is to combat hunger and dangerous situations that threaten men, women and children. Currently 500 expats and more than 5,000 employees are working for Action Against Hunger in more than forty-six countries working in projects concerning four areas of focus: nutrition, health, food security and water and sanitation.

Action Against Hunger is recruiting for its Jerusalem office a

Protection and Gender Manager


The Protection & Gender Manager will work as part of the Action Against Hunger oPt Mission to further incorporate and develop protection approaches, protection, and gender mainstreaming within current and future programming. These approaches should be adapted to the protection risks identified within Protracted Protection Crisis in oPt and to its diversified population. Priority projects and sub-thematic for the year will be established with the DCD and in collaboration with the two field offices. 


Objective 1: Support Action Against Hunger team in integrating and mainstreaming protection & gender across its current programming and new proposals tailored to the organization mandate and capacities in oPt.

  • Monitor the context, the protection and gender related topics in the oPt as well as main stakeholders’ strategies and operational approaches. Draft related briefing notes to the DCD and the management team as relevant.
  • Develop and keep up to date with the field teams a Protection and Gender Risks Analysis (for each base of per program as relevant); develop tools and approaches to mitigate or monitor identified risks, as necessary.
  • Support the implementation of current programs in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank especially the one identified as priority for having a Protection component adapting support to field teams’ needs and capacities. This imply but is not limited to: (co-)develop Standards Operating Procedures; (co-)develop assessment ToR and tools; review and advice on selection methodology; review gender related material for training and coaching components.
  • Support key staff appointed to follow Protection related issues or with Protection related programming in translating program and strategic objectives into outputs and actions.
  • Identify opportunities to reinforce protection and gender mainstreaming through field visits, discussion with field teams and review of programmatic approaches of Action Against Hunger and its partners.
  • Support the MEAL and Technical team in ensuring protection and gender mainstreaming in their M&E and data management work by proposing indicators, reviewing data collection tools and data analysis approaches. Encourage good practices and monitor their implementation.
  • Support new project design and proposal development focusing on key priority programs and/or donors. This may include but is not limited to organizing project design workshops, review logical frameworks and indicators, drafting sections or full concept notes or proposals if necessary.
  • Encourage learning practices and co-develop with the field team institutional knowledge related documentation to ensure documentation of good practices and lesson learned.

Objective 2: Lead protection related capacity building for Action Against Hunger staff and its implementing partners.

  • Develop capacity building material adapted to the oPt mission needs and capacities using traditional and non-traditional learning approaches.
  • Lead capacity building sessions and encourage practices of learning among field teams.
  • Identify and maintain the presence of gender focal points within each of AAH field office; reinforce their capacity and facilitate a small working group with the focal points to encourage initiatives and learning.
  • Identify opportunities to support Action Against Hunger partners within each of the two geographical area.
  • Identify opportunities of learning from Action Against Hunger’s partners and other actors; organize exchanges and training with/by external entity as fit.

Objective 3: Identify and develop new strategic and programmatic opportunities relevant to the oPt context and represent Action Against Hunger in technical fora.

  • Represent Action Against Hunger in relevant technical fora and external meetings including cluster, consortium, and bilateral meetings.
  • Support the field teams and DCD in identifying strategic opportunities and new activities/programs relevant to the oPt context.
  • Collaborate with the Humanitarian Advocacy and Information Management Coordinator to provide needed information and technical advice to integrate protection considerations in Action Against Hunger Advocacy work.
  • Support the development of Action Against Hunger Program Strategy and lead on the Protection components.
  • Approach local and international actors from the humanitarian and development sector but also outside of it (research institute/human right organizations) to identify opportunities of collaborations and increase Action Against Hunger understanding of the oPt protection crisis.
  • Provide regular updates to the Deputy Country Director and the Country Director to inform appropriate decision-making processes; and coordinate closely with relevant staff within the Action Against Hunger Network.

We offer immediate incorporation to a dynamic international network with the following remuneration package:

  • Formal work contract: 12 months.
  • Base: Jerusalem with regular trips to Hebron and Gaza bases. The work can be remote/ home-based depending on possibilities of travel in COVID-19 context and on candidates’ availability.
  • Compensation package: From 24,392€ to 28,457€ gross/year divided in 12 payments.
  • In addition, there will be living expenses and per diem paid in local currency, corresponding to approx. 750 Euros per month at today’s exchange rate, for a fully worked month (*).
  • Extra per month and per child (Under 18 years old): from 100€ to 225€ monthly (according to standard list of Action against Hunger -Spain).
  • Break: 5 working days every 4 months, break per diem: 215 EUR, break travel allowance: up to 360 EUR.
  • 25 working days of paid leave per year.
  • Accommodation in guest house or payment of an allowance covering partially an individual rent (800 USD).
  • Travel costs to and from the mission.
  • Expatriate health, repatriation, travel, and life insurance covered by the organization.

(*) in local currency subject to unexpected changes in currency exchange


Only applications received through our online service will be considered. Please click on the following link to access the service:

Note. - Given the urgency of this position, the vacancy may close before the deadline. For more information about this position, visit our Website In case you do not find the job advertisement published here, it means that the selection process has been closed.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : International Medical corps
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Palestinian Territories /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Santé
Date de publication : 02/06/2021
Date limite : 18/06/2021


  • Typically, a Master’s degree in Disaster management or Public Health, Medical Doctor preferred. Equivalent combination of relevant education and experience may be substituted as appropriate.
  •  10+ years of relevant and progressive experience in development or humanitarian emergency response field, with increasing responsibilities including at least 5 years in similar management position in an INGO environment
  • Project management experience in a developing country or similar context including responsibility for budget control, strategy, human resources and planning
  • Pedagogical Skills are an asset
  • Experience in effectively dealing with hospital management and headquarters staff, as well as donor agencies, and government officials
  • Proven capabilities in leadership
  • People management
  • Commitment to Humanitarian Principles
  • Behavioral Flexibility
  • Result and quality orientation
  • Teamwork and Cooperation
  • Excellent self-motivation skills
  • Ability to relate to and motivate staff effectively
  • Ability to work with a broad range of people
  • Ability to exercise sound judgement and make medical decisions affecting the standard of care independently
  • Creativity and the ability to work with limited resources
  • Excellent decision-making skills
  • Skills and knowledge in program sustainability and capacity building, public-private partnerships and project monitoring and evaluation (both quantitative and qualitative methods)
  • Strong writing and presentation skills
  • Strong negotiation, interpersonal and organizational skills
  • Computer literacy
  • Ability to read, write, analyze and interpret, technical and non-technical information in the English language
  • Fluency in written and spoken English is required; fluency in Arabic is desirable
  • Ability to travel, and live in remote area and insecure location
International Medical Corps is a first responder to natural and man-made disasters and has a mandate of working in remote locations. The organization has a comprehensive security management policy and plan in place and is committed to doing everything possible within its remit to ensure safety and security. Notwithstanding, the mandate and programming choices of International Medical Corps require staff members who have a high degree of resilience, extremely decisive qualities and the ability to move fast.
To apply :


Essential Job Duties/Scope of Work:
International Medical Corps is a global humanitarian nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through healthcare training and relief and development programs.
Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, International Medical Corps is a private, voluntary, nonpolitical, nonsectarian organization. Its mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in areas worldwide. By offering training and healthcare to local populations and medical assistance to people at high risk, and with the flexibility to respond rapidly to emergency situations, International Medical Corps rehabilitates devastated healthcare systems and helps bring them back to self-reliance.
After a period of relative calm following the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, the security and political situation in Gaza deteriorated significantly in May 2021. Since mid-May, OHCHR has reported that 232 Palestinians, including 65 children and 39 women (of which 3 were pregnant), and 121 men have been killed in Gaza. Around 1,760 Palestinians have been injured, including 540 children, 361 women. The ongoing conflict situation has brought widespread devastation to an already impoverished territory and placed an additional burden on Gaza’s health infrastructure, which is already overwhelmed due to COVID-19. Utilizing internal and private donor funds, International Medical Corps has been working with local partners in Gaza to provide health, mental health, and nutrition services to vulnerable communities.
International Medical Corps is anticipating an award for a proposed 3-month emergency project to be funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA). This project is anticipated to begin in early June 2021, with recruitments conditional on securing funding. Under this project, International Medical Corps intends to support a multi-sectoral package of interventions including:
  • healthcare services, including medicines and medical supplies;
  • mental health services, including psychological first aid, for victims of trauma;
  • emergency nutrition programming;
  • support for survivors of gender-based violence (GBV);
  • child protection and response activities; and
  • services to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

The Response Head, Emergency Response Team (ERT) will work closely with the Country Director to devise response strategy based on the available information and assessments reports. He/she, hereafter referred to as “he”, will provide strategic leadership to the emergency team to implement contextualized emergency response plan based on the assessment reports and the available resources. He will direct an initial assessment, outline needs and provide overall strategic leadership to the International Medical Corps team including fiduciary planning, human resource management, and develop project proposals and program designs with the support of various functions within the organization.
To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential function with or without reasonable accommodation:
Strategy and Business Development
  • Lead the exploratory team in conducting rapid assessment in areas of concern and presenting the findings and recommendations to the senior management team in Sudan and HQ. 
  • Prioritize programmatic needs and develop quality proposal by working closely with the country team in Sudan.
  • Map key areas of intervention and develop close coordination with local and international actors working in the region.
  • Closely follow the context and include necessary adaptations to the strategy as and when needed.
  • Provide strategic guidance to the implementation of International Medical Corps program
  • Lead work plan development and coordinate input from staff and counterparts
  • Oversee the implementation of the activities in the region and ensure compliance with the regulations of the government bodies
  •  Ensure high-quality performance and integrity standards in compliance with International Medical Corps policies and regulations
  •  Report to International Medical Corps senior management project and donors the achievements and results of the response
  •  Establish systems for maintaining an overview of all staff activity
  •  Represent International Medical Corps to Local & National Authorities, international donors, international and national NGOs
  •  Develop good working relationships with all stakeholders including MOH, UN and as well as local authorities and federal agencies
  •  Liaise with appropriate departments within International Medical Corps as needed, and ensuring required reporting are submitted on time
  •  Ensure that appropriate logistic, administrative and financial structures and procedures appropriate for program are established and / or maintained in accordance with International Medical Corps
  •  Develop and submit program reporting on timely manners according to International Medical Corps and Donor requirement
  •  Ensure application and compliance of security protocols and policies
  •  Serve as the focal point for Health and Safety and will be responsible for any Risk or Security Assessments
  •  Serve as the Safeguarding focal point
Policy Adherence
  •  Actively promote PSEA (Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) standards within International Medical Corps and amongst beneficiaries served by International Medical Corps
  •  Adhere to the Code of Conduct, maintain humanitarian principles and respect international humanitarian law at all times.
Perform other duties as assigned. The duties and responsibilities listed in this document are representative of the nature and level of work assigned and not necessarily all inclusive.
Code of Conduct
As applicable to this position, an individual must promote and encourage a culture of compliance and ethics throughout the organization and maintain a clear understanding of International Medical Corps’ and donor compliance and ethics standards and adheres to those standards.
If this is a supervisory position, one must set an example of ethical behavior through one’s own conduct and oversight of the work of others; ensure that those who report to you have sufficient knowledge and resources to follow the standards outlined in the Code of Conduct & Ethics; monitor compliance of the people you supervise; enforce the Code of Conduct & Ethics and International Medical Corps’ policies, including the Safeguarding Policy and the Protection from Harassment, Bullying and Sexual Misconduct in the Workplace Policy, consistently and fairly; support employees who in good faith raise questions or concerns.
It is all staff shared responsibility and obligation to safeguard and protect populations with whom we work, including adults who may be particularly vulnerable and children. This includes safeguarding from the following conduct by our staff or partners: sexual exploitation and abuse; exploitation, neglect, or abuse of children, adults at risk, or LGBTI individuals; and any form of trafficking in persons. Staff are also responsible for preventing violations to our Code of Conduct and Ethics, which may involve Conflicts of Interest, Fraud, Corruption or Harassment.  If you see, hear or are made aware of any violations to the Code of Conduct and Ethics or Safeguarding Policy, you have an obligation to report.
Equal Opportunities
International Medical Corps is proud to provide equal employment opportunities to all employees and qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, age, disability or status as a veteran.
