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Détails de l'annonce

Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Yaoundé, Cameroon /
Fichier : File jd-human_resources_manager_cameroon.docx
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Ressources humaines
Date de publication : 02/04/2017
Date limite : 23/04/2017


Do you want to be part of establishing a new country programme? NRC is looking for an experienced Human Resource Manager for a new country programme in Cameroon. NRC is seeking to expand our programmes in the Lake Chad Basin beyond our current presence in Nigeria. Assessments in the North and East of Cameroon are currently being conducted and we expect to start operations in the country soon. The purpose of the HR Manager is to be responsible that the HR system is according to NRC standard and to support programme/project implementation. Job description Establish a HR structure in NRC Cameroon at country and field level, in accordance with NRC requirements and within legal frameworks of Cameroon Accountable for the proper implementation of all NRC HR policies, handbooks tools, and procedures in NRC Cameroon. Establish a robust HR team in the country office and, as applicable, in the area office(s) Establish office administration routines in the country office including administration of offices, guest houses, visa requirements, travel bookings, training administration, drafting of official letters as well as other administrative tasks Analyse the local labour market in order to implement workforce planning Develop Terms of Employment, a pay structure and payroll for national staff, in accordance with NRC requirements and within legal frameworks of Cameroon. Develop job descriptions for NRC Cameroon in accordance with the NRC generic job description standards. Establish and implement recruitment procedures in accordance with NRC requirements and local labour legislation Train the HR teams and line managers, on all relevant HR tools and procedures, including, but not limited to setting induction processes. Provide support to line managers in the implementation of the NRC performance management system The HR Manager reports to Country Director. Qualifications Minimum 3 years of experience from working as a senior HR Manager in a humanitarian/recovery context Experience from working in complex and volatile contexts Documented results related to the position’s responsibilities Knowledge about own leadership skills/profile Fluency in French and English, both written and verbal Knowledge of the context in Central and West Africa, particularly Cameroon. Experience with building an HR structure. Experience with start-up programs in a complex environment. Personal qualities Managing resources to optimize results Initiating action and change Managing performance and development Empowering and building trust Handling insecure environments All employees of the Norwegian Refugee Council should be able to adhere to our Code of Conduct and the four organizational values: Dedicated, innovative, inclusive and accountable Language •English •French We offer Salary/benefits: According to NRC’s International general directions Duty station: Yaoundé, Cameroon, with frequent travel to the field Duration:18 months Application procedures and CV registration: Please note that you are required to enter the geographical location for all your previous positions while registering your CV. There is no specific field for this information in our CV form, but you can use the "Company name" field for both company and location. Related documents


Do you want to be part of establishing a new country programme? NRC is looking for an experienced Human Resource Manager for a new country programme in Cameroon. NRC is seeking to expand our programmes in the Lake Chad Basin beyond our current presence in Nigeria. Assessments in the North and East of Cameroon are currently being conducted and we expect to start operations in the country soon. The purpose of the HR Manager is to be responsible that the HR system is according to NRC standard and to support programme/project implementation. PLEASE NOTE THAT APPLICATIONS SENT BY EMAIL WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. TO APPLY GO TO: Job description Establish a HR structure in NRC Cameroon at country and field level, in accordance with NRC requirements and within legal frameworks of Cameroon Accountable for the proper implementation of all NRC HR policies, handbooks tools, and procedures in NRC Cameroon. Establish a robust HR team in the country office and, as applicable, in the area office(s) Establish office administration routines in the country office including administration of offices, guest houses, visa requirements, travel bookings, training administration, drafting of official letters as well as other administrative tasks Analyse the local labour market in order to implement workforce planning Develop Terms of Employment, a pay structure and payroll for national staff, in accordance with NRC requirements and within legal frameworks of Cameroon. Develop job descriptions for NRC Cameroon in accordance with the NRC generic job description standards. Establish and implement recruitment procedures in accordance with NRC requirements and local labour legislation Train the HR teams and line managers, on all relevant HR tools and procedures, including, but not limited to setting induction processes. Provide support to line managers in the implementation of the NRC performance management system The HR Manager reports to Country Director.

Détails de l'annonce

Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Yaoundé, Cameroon /
Fichier : File jd-logistics_manager_cameroon.docx
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 02/04/2017
Date limite : 23/04/2017


Qualifications Minimum 3 years of experience from working as a senior Logistics Manager in a humanitarian/recovery context Certification in Humanitarian Logistics will be an added advantage Experience from working in complex and volatile contexts Documented results related to the position’s responsibilities Knowledge about own leadership skills/profile Fluency in French and English, both written and verbal Valid driver’s license Knowledge of the context in Central and West Africa, particularly Cameroon. Experience in setting up ICT systems Experience with start-up programs in complex environment. Personal qualities Managing resources to optimize results Managing performance and development Initiating action and change Handling insecure environments A good sense of humour is an asset All employees of the Norwegian Refugee Council should be able to adhere to our Code of Conduct and the four organizational values: Dedicated, innovative, inclusive and accountable. Language •French •English We offer Salary/benefits: According to NRC’s International general directions Duty station: Yaoundé, Cameroon, with frequent travel to the field Commencement: July 2017 Duration:18 months Application procedures and CV registration: Please note that you are required to enter the geographical location for all your previous positions while registering your CV. There is no specific field for this information in our CV form, but you can use the "Company name" field for both company and location.


Do you want to be part of establishing a new country programme? NRC is looking for an experienced Logistics Manager for a new country programme in Cameroon. NRC is seeking to expand our programmes in the Lake Chad Basin beyond our current presence in Nigeria. Assessments in the North and East of Cameroon are currently being conducted and we expect to start operations in the country soon. The purpose of the Logistics Manager is to be responsible that the logistic set up is according to NRC standard and to support programme/project implementation. PLEASE NOTE THAT APPLICATIONS SENT BY EMAIL WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. TO APPLY GO TO: Job description Establish a Logistics structure in NRC Cameroon at country and field level, in accordance with NRC requirements and within legal frameworks of Cameroon. Accountable for the proper implementation of all NRC logistics policies, logistics handbook, tools, procedures in NRC Cameroon. Establish a robust logistics team in the country office and, as applicable, in the area office(s) based on a solid workforce planning and follow up. Train the logistics teams, and program staff, on all relevant logistics tools and procedures. Establish procedures and routines in line with NRC Logistics Handbook for warehouse/stock management, asset registers, and fleet management. Establish ICT suppliers and ensure maintenance of ICT systems and equipment line with NRC Logistics Handbook. Establish procurement procedures and invoice/ documentation routines in line with NRC Logistics Handbook. Responsible for office and guesthouse rental and maintenance. The Logistics Manager reports to Country Director. Related documents JD Logistics Manager Cameroon

Détails de l'annonce

Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Douala /
Fichier : PDF icon 2016_responsable_des_operations_dr_iecd_cameroun.pdf
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Animation/Formation
Date de publication : 02/05/2016
Date limite : 31/07/2016


Formation : issue de l’enseignement supérieur de type commerce, ingénieur, économie / gestion,…

Expérience :
- Expérience professionnelle requise (8 ans minimum), dont une partie à l’international, dans un poste de direction qu’il soit au sein d’une PME, d’une filiale d’une grande entreprise ou dans le secteur du développement
- Expérience de gestion d’équipe multiculturelle et de partenaires variés
- Expérience professionnelle ou personnelle dans l’entrepreneuriat ou la formation est un atout
- Expérience dans les pays tropicaux, si possible d’Afrique subsaharienne, appréciée

Compétences :
- Bonnes capacités de gestion de projet, suivi d’activités et d’indicateurs
- Capacités à mobiliser et fédérer un réseau de personnes et de partenaires
- Compétences en suivi budgétaire et contrôle financier
- Maîtrise du Pack Office et notamment maîtrise d’Excel confirmée

Qualités :
- Leadership et esprit entrepreneurial ; goût du challenge et sens du résultat
- Rigueur, organisation, pragmatisme et gestion opérationnelle / financière de multiples projets
- Capacités managériales : accompagner, fédérer et former des équipes et adaptation à la culture locale
- Capacités de représentation de l’IECD auprès de partenaires institutionnels et privés, diplomatie et adaptation auprès d’interlocuteurs externes variés
- Bonnes capacités de travail : ce poste à responsabilités nécessite un engagement fort et une mobilité géographique au Cameroun
- Bonnes capacités d’écoute, intelligence des situations et sens de la diplomatie
- Le/la candidat(e) aura à coeur de s’engager au service d’un projet de développement
- Solides qualités morales : honnêteté, humilité, respect, écoute, patience
- Adhésion aux valeurs de l’IECD : un regard sur la personne, l’esprit de service, un engagement professionnel.


h/f Responsable des opérations IECD Cameroun
Projets Entrepreneuriat Rural

L’Institut Européen de Coopération et Développement (IECD), organisme français d’aide au développement, oeuvre depuis 1988 au service au développement social et économique dans quinze pays en développement et émergents. Près de trente années d’expérience ont permis à l’IECD de développer un vrai savoir-faire dans la formation technique et professionnelle et dans l’appui à la petite entreprise.
Présent au Cameroun depuis plus de 20 ans, l’IECD y mène plusieurs de ses programmes phares : formation aux métiers ruraux (Ecoles Familiales Agricoles), appui aux très petits entrepreneurs (TPE), Incubation d’entrepreneurs agroalimentaires, renforcement de filières maraichères ainsi qu’un projet Santé /lutte contre la Drépanocytose.
Le projet de structuration de la filière maraichère
En partenariat avec un grand groupe Agroalimentaire français, l’IECD a lancé depuis 2014 un projet de structuration de filière maraichère, dont l’objectif est de contribuer à l’amélioration des conditions de vie des producteurs agricoles de la région de l’Ouest Camerounais par la mise en place d’une filière végétale. En plus, de contribuer à l’essor de promoteur de TPE de transformation en relation avec la filière. Pour cela, le projet développe une approche innovante s’appuyant simultanément sur des activités d’ordre commercial (social business), technique (formation/accompagnement des différents acteurs des filières : producteurs, transporteurs, vanniers, transformateurs…) et social (soutien à l’école primaire locale).
Le projet d’incubateur de petites et moyennes entreprises dans le secteur agroalimentaire
Au sein d’un centre agroalimentaire situé à Njombé, dans la région du Littoral, le projet contribue à la professionnalisation des acteurs de la petite transformation informelle locale du secteur agroalimentaire. Il accompagne des porteurs de projet d’entreprise dans la préparation et la concrétisation de leur projet. Le projet s’organise autour de trois parcours de formation et d’accompagnement et héberge un incubateur d’entreprises au sein duquel les porteurs de projets bénéficient d’un suivi et d’un ensemble de services : bureaux, conseils spécialisés, moyens logistiques, etc. Le centre agroalimentaire met à la disposition de ces entrepreneurs une halle technologique, équipée en matériel de transformation alimentaire.
Dans le cadre d’un remplacement et pour assurer la coordination et le développement des activités au Cameroun, l’IECD recherche un(e) Responsable des opérations IECD Cameroun.

En collaboration étroite avec la direction générale, les fonctions supports et la coordination thématique de l’IECD Paris, il/elle contribue à l’atteinte des objectifs quantitatifs et qualitatifs de chacun des projets suivants :

 Le projet de structuration de la filière maraichère (basé à Douala et Dschang)
1/ Gestion de la mise en oeuvre opérationnelle et du développement du projet
- Planifier, superviser et coordonner la mise en oeuvre et le développement des trois activités du projet :
o Production : appui aux producteurs et actions sociales
o Commercialisation : appui aux producteurs maraichers et filières
o Social : appui à des initiatives sociales locales (écoles, eau potable, etc.) - Assurer la revue des activités et la mesure d’impact du projet : mesure des résultats, élaboration et suivi des indicateurs quantitatifs et qualitatifs du projet - Analyser les difficultés rencontrées, recommander et mettre en oeuvre des solutions adéquates - Assurer le suivi financier du projet (engagement des dépenses, respect du budget, etc…), en coordination avec le pôle Entrepreneuriat - Créer et gérer l’entreprise sociale (SASU) associée au projet
- Encadrer, former et accompagner l’équipe projet constituée de deux chargés de projet expatriés et d’une équipe locale de 4 personnes
- Contribuer au développement du projet, en coordination avec le pôle Entrepreneuriat basé à Paris et le partenaire
2/ Pilotage de la relation partenariale
- Animer la relation avec le partenaire principal en coordination avec le Responsable Entrepreneuriat:
o Interface avec les interlocuteurs partenaires du projet : hebdomadaire suivant les activités ; participation au comité de pilotage du projet
o Organisation et accompagnement des missions des collaborateurs du partenaire sur le terrain (bénévolat de compétences)
- Garantir les résultats en cohérence avec les objectifs annuels et recommander les actions correctrices
- Assurer la bonne cohésion entre les objectifs du partenaire et les enjeux et procédures de l’IECD

 Le projet d’incubateur de petites et moyennes entreprises dans le secteur agroalimentaire (basé à Njombé)
- Encadrer, former et accompagner la chef de projet expatriée, dans une dynamique entrepreneuriale, sur les sujets suivants :
o Gestion des ressources humaines : encadrement de son équipe projets (6 personnes), identification de talents et gestion administrative RH
o Mise en oeuvre opérationnelle des activités
o Gestion et renforcement des relations partenariales (deux entreprises et une association locales) et développement de nouveaux partenariats
- Assurer la représentation du projet auprès des différentes parties prenantes (partenaires et bénéficiaires) en intégrant les enjeux définis par l’IECD - Assurer et consolider le réseau nécessaire au bon fonctionnement, au développement et à la pérennité du projet au Cameroun (entreprises, institutions, associations) Créer et gérer des entités locales (association puis entreprise) pour porter les activités du projet

 Responsable du bureau IECD (basé à Douala)
Le responsable des opérations IECD Cameroun est le représentant légal de l’IECD au Cameroun et l’interlocuteur institutionnel des autorités publiques locales. En tant que tel, il doit veiller à ce que les activités de l’IECD se fassent dans le respect de la règlementation camerounaise. Il (elle) est responsable des fonctions suivantes :
1/ Appui et coordination des fonctions supports du bureau
- Ressources Humaines :
o Piloter la gestion administrative du personnel local IECD, soit 10 personnes (contrats, règlements, horaires, congés, santé…)
o Harmoniser et formaliser les pratiques et procédures RH en cohérence avec le droit du travail local et la politique RH interne de l’IECD
o Assurer la gestion prévisionnelle des emplois et des compétences des collaborateurs IECD et partenaires : recrutement, formation, suivi personnel, entretiens annuels, identification et montée en compétences de talents locaux…
o Animer et encourager les échanges et l’esprit d’équipe entre les différentes équipes opérationnelles éloignées géographiquement
- Finances (en lien direct avec le Directeur Administratif et Financier de l’IECD basé à Paris) :
o Encadrer et suivre le comptable (archivage, saisie, …)
o Elaborer le budget annuel de la délégation et assurer le suivi via les outils IECD, en collaboration avec le Responsable de pôle
- Administration :
o Gérer les dossiers administratifs du bureau (banques, assurances, impôts, bail, contrats prestataires, conseils, inventaires…)

2/ Relations institutionnelles
- Représenter l’IECD auprès de partenaires institutionnels, en coordination avec les autres responsables internes des autres projets menés au Cameroun (Appui à la Petite Entreprise en milieu urbain et Ecoles Familiales Agricoles)

3/ Développement
- Identifier de nouveaux partenaires potentiels (entreprises, bailleurs, associations locales…) et opportunités de projets
- Développer un réseau d’acteurs mobilisables pour les différents projets de l’IECD
- Contribuer à la structuration juridique des entités des projets

Formation : issue de l’enseignement supérieur de type commerce, ingénieur, économie / gestion,…
Expérience :
- Expérience professionnelle requise (8 ans minimum), dont une partie à l’international, dans un poste de direction qu’il soit au sein d’une PME, d’une filiale d’une grande entreprise ou dans le secteur du développement
- Expérience de gestion d’équipe multiculturelle et de partenaires variés
- Expérience professionnelle ou personnelle dans l’entrepreneuriat ou la formation est un atout
- Expérience dans les pays tropicaux, si possible d’Afrique subsaharienne, appréciée
Compétences :
- Bonnes capacités de gestion de projet, suivi d’activités et d’indicateurs
- Capacités à mobiliser et fédérer un réseau de personnes et de partenaires
- Compétences en suivi budgétaire et contrôle financier
- Maîtrise du Pack Office et notamment maîtrise d’Excel confirmée
Qualités :
- Leadership et esprit entrepreneurial ; goût du challenge et sens du résultat
- Rigueur, organisation, pragmatisme et gestion opérationnelle / financière de multiples projets
- Capacités managériales : accompagner, fédérer et former des équipes et adaptation à la culture locale
- Capacités de représentation de l’IECD auprès de partenaires institutionnels et privés, diplomatie et adaptation auprès d’interlocuteurs externes variés
- Bonnes capacités de travail : ce poste à responsabilités nécessite un engagement fort et une mobilité géographique au Cameroun
- Bonnes capacités d’écoute, intelligence des situations et sens de la diplomatie
- Le/la candidat(e) aura à coeur de s’engager au service d’un projet de développement
- Solides qualités morales : honnêteté, humilité, respect, écoute, patience
- Adhésion aux valeurs de l’IECD : un regard sur la personne, l’esprit de service, un engagement professionnel.

Statut : contrat de droit français, Volontariat de Solidarité Internationale (VSI) - formation préalable au départ d’une semaine à Paris
Sous la responsabilité :
- Du Responsable du pôle Entrepreneuriat et Afrique (Cameroun et Côte d’Ivoire), basé à Paris
- Etroite collaboration avec le Responsable du programme des Ecoles Familiales Agricoles, basé au Cameroun, et avec la Responsable du programme Santé, basée à Paris
Dates du poste : juillet 2016, pour trois ans renouvelables
Localisation : Douala, Cameroun
Déplacements mensuels à l’intérieur du pays (10 jours par mois environ), notamment à Dschang et Njombé
Package global :
- Rémunération selon profil
- Participation au logement
- Billet début et fin de contrat + 1 A/R tous les 12 mois
- Pack médical et social complet (maladie, rapatriement, mutuelle complémentaire, cotisation retraite de base)
- Possibilité de départ familial, conditions à discuter selon profil

Envoyez votre dossier de candidature (CV et lettre de motivation)
avec la référence « Cameroun - Responsable opérations »
au service recrutement,

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Mission Chrétienne pour Aveugles/Christelijke Blindenmissie
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Yaounde' /
Fichier : PDF icon ophthalmic_nurse_tutor_external_aug.2015.pdf
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Santé
Date de publication : 25/08/2015
Date limite : 29/09/2015


Professional Profile & Requirements •University degree in Nursing or equivalent, as well as qualification as a State Registered Nurse •At least 3 years of nursing experience in a management position in a eye clinic with high volume of surgery •Experience in teaching ophthalmic nursing •Demonstrated experience in assisting as scrub nurse in subspecialty operations (retina, glaucoma, paediatric ophthalmology, squint, cornea, ocular plastics) •Sound experience in preventive maintenance of diagnostic and surgical equipment used in clinic and operating theatres •Working experience in developing countries would be advantageous •Working knowledge of both English and French Personal Profile & Competencies • Excellent leadership skills to manage a diverse team of staff • Ability to communicate clearly and effectively • Ability to transmit knowledge and empower others • Ability to build harmonious and productive relationships internally and externally • Excellent coordination skills • Strong flexibility and resiliency


Objective Under the supervision of the Director of Medical Services, the incumbent of this position will supervise, train and mentor the nursing team of the Magrabi ICO Cameroon Eye Institute, as well as set up training programmes for middle-level ophthalmic personnel. Main Tasks •Teach and supervise ophthalmic theatre management •Teach and supervise preparation and post surgical follow-up of patients for all ophthalmic surgical procedures •Set up quality standards (JCI compliant) for ophthalmic nursing practice at the institute including hygiene •Teach proper handling of clinical and surgical instruments •Teach and supervise proper eye patient care •Manage rotas and rotations of allied eye health staff and trainees •Deliver relevant lectures •Perform other duties as required

Détails de l'annonce

Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 10/08/2015
Date limite : 29/09/2015


Your Profile • You have completed a university degree relevant to the field of development cooperation (sociology, ethnology, political science, education, or similar) or a comparable qualification. • You have already gained experience working in development cooperation and have worked as an advisor to organisations and institutions, ideally in Africa. • You have sound theoretical and practical knowledge in planning / monitoring / evaluating (PME) and in outcome and impact assessment. You have also gained experience in the fields of public relations, media and campaign work. • You have practical experience in adult education and are able to prepare and communicate specialist subjects methodically and didactically in a way that is appropriate to the target group. • You are an EU or Swiss citizen. As a member of a Christian church you demonstratively share the goals and concerns of church-related development cooperation. • You can communicate in fluent French, verbally and in writing. English knowledge is also preferable. What we offer We offer you a meaningful role within a challenging environment. Your place of residence and work Yaoundé is suitable for families with children. There is an international school and medical facilities available. Your assignment is scheduled for three years. We will prepare you thoroughly and individually for your work. As per the German Development Aid Workers Act (Entwicklungshelfer-Gesetz), you will receive an employment contract, including social security and a remuneration commensurate to the position. The Association for Development Cooperation (AGEH e.V.) is the personnel service of the German Catholics for Development Cooperation. For over 50 years, we have been select-ing professionals and placing them in development organisations and projects in more than 60 countries. If possible, please use our online application form at If you are unable to use this form for technical reasons, please apply with your CV and letter of motivation to Association for Development Cooperation (AGEH e.V.), PO Box 210128, 50527 Cologne, Germany


Development cooperation – a job for you? You understand the strong need for direct dialogue between people when it comes to initiating and furthering development processes. You are looking for a job which focuses on the concerns and hardships of people, organisations and communities. And you are ready for a challenging new position with a high level of personal responsibility. If so, we can offer you the following position: Specialist (m/f) for improving outcome and impact assessment within the SNJP network, Cameroon #3014 The Catholic Church in Cameroon sees itself as a values-based, yet politically neutral, structure with a mandate to spread Catholic social teaching, and to provide information and continued education to the population at grassroots level. Therefore, since 1970, the National Conference of Bishops (CENC) has been performing social tasks and tasks related to development policy, in addition to representing bishops and the interests of the Church. In order to promote justice and peace, to help establish democratic principles and economic, social and cultural rights, to protect human rights, to strengthen democracy and in the fight against corruption, the Conference of Bishops established the National Commission for Justice and Peace (SNJP – Service National Justice et Paix) with its diocesan commissions (CDJP). Our customer, MISEREOR - The German Catholic Bishops' Organisation for Development Cooperation, is currently supporting the SNJP in building an appropriate monitoring and evaluation system and establishing this within the CDJP network. MISEREOR is looking for a specialist in outcome-oriented PM&E to assist it in this task. Your tasks… … include involvement in building up and establishing a monitoring and evaluation system that, on the one hand, is available to SNJP for successful project work, and, on the other, supports the diocesan commissions in developing their M&E systems. Specifically, you will carry out the following tasks: • You will advise and support the SNJP team in developing a systematic and outcome-oriented PM&E approach for projects. • You will be involved in creating training modules on outcome and impact assessment for project staff. In particular, you will provide advice and prepare appropriate educational materials. • You will support the SNJP in editorial tasks and establish possibilities to incorporate outcome and impact assessment in project reports appropriately. • You will train up SNJP staff to become trainers, in order to secure internal and external training on outcome and impact assessment for the long term. • Together with your team, you will also carry out training on outcome and impact assessment requested by external parties.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : AGEH
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Afrika /
Fichier : PDF icon 3005englisch.pdf
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 10/08/2015
Date limite : 29/09/2015


Your profile • You have completed a university degree relevant to the field of development cooperation and have acquired at least two years of professional experience, ideally abroad. • Ideally, you have theoretical and practical knowledge of peace-building work and civil conflict management, and if possible even in managing agropastoral or religiously motivated conflicts. • You are familiar with the requirements of successful project management and have a strong command of the tools necessary for organisational development as well as networking. • You enjoy imparting knowledge and are able to prepare and communicate content in a way that is appropriate to the target group. • You are prepared to live and work in challenging surroundings. You must be fit to work in a tropical climate, able to work under physical and mental stress and prepared to travel independently in the region. • You can communicate in fluent French and English, verbally and in writing. • You are an EU or Swiss citizen. As a member of a Christian church you share the goals and concerns of church-related development cooperation. You can also act appropriately in local Catholic structures and are interested in taking part in community life. What we offer We offer you a meaningful role within a challenging intercultural environment. Your assignment is scheduled for three years. We will prepare you thoroughly and individually for your work. As per the German Development Aid Workers Act (Entwick-lungshelfer-Gesetz), you will receive an employment contract, including social security and a remuneration commensurate to the position. The Association for Development Cooperation (AGEH) personnel service of the German Catholics for Development Cooperation. For over 50 years, we have been selecting professionals, ensuring their continued training and their insurance coverage. We place them in development organisations and projects in more than 60 countries. We look forward to receiving your application via our online application form at If you are unable to use the application form for technical reasons, please apply with your CV and covering letter to Applications should only be submitted in German or English. Association for Development Cooperation (AGEH), PO Box 210128, 50527 Cologne, Germany


Peace-building work – a job for you? You understand the strong need for direct dialogue between people when it comes to initiating and furthering peace processes. You are looking for a job, which focuses on the concerns and hardships of people, organisations and communities. And are you ready for a challenging new position with a high level of responsibility. If so, we can offer you the following role within the Civil Peace Service (CPS): Integrated Consultant (m/f) with the CDJP, Ngaoundéré, Cameroon, #3005 The Civil Peace Service (CPS) is a joint venture of the German federal government and German civil society. As one of nine agencies across Germany, AGEH e.V. places professionals around the world to support the activity of its partner organisations. Working together with the partner organisations, the integrated specialised staff is committed to the aim of preventing the outbreak of conflicts, as well as contributing to peaceful conflict resolution and peace-keeping after conflicts, through peace-building measures. In the diocese Ngaoundéré, which geographically corresponds with the Adamaoua province, there are a large number of ethnic groups who traditionally belong to a variety of religions. The largest are Islam and Christianity, as well as a number of natural religions. The numerous conflicts in the region, which pose a permanent threat to social peace, increasingly involve a religious component. The Comité Diocésain de Dévelop-pement et des Activités Sociales (CODAS/Caritas) de Ngaoundéré is the body of the diocese Ngaoundéré responsible for pastoral-social action. It is tasked with contributing to integrated human development, in accordance with Catholic social teaching. Via CODAS/Caritas or the Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission (CDJP) associated with CODAS/Caritas, the diocese aims to make a contribution to a more peaceful coexistence of the various ethnic groups in the region. It aims to do so via mediation and by incorporating state administration, but in particular by promoting interreligious dialogue and creating appropriate structures. Your tasks… …are based on the church-related and civil-social commitment of our partners in Cameroon. Working in close coordination with the CDJP in Ngaoundéré, you will carry out the following tasks: • Advice and support to the CDJP regarding a context analysis • Advice and support in setting up and monitoring bodies/committees for interreligious dialogue in the Adamaoua region • Advice and support in the fields of mediation and the incorporation of state administration in the non-violent resolution of agropastoral conflicts • A leading role in the planning and execution of advanced training methods and workshops for the staff of CODAS/Caritas and CDJP, the members of interreligious committees, and staff of the local Justice and Peace Commission structures in the fields of peace-building measures and interreligious dialogue. • Support in the fundraising for the measures planned • Support and advice in reporting and accounting • Support in networking with relevant stakeholders at regional, national and international level • Promoting dialogue with churches in Europe
