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Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Coopération Technique Belge
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Bruxelles /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée indéterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 13/11/2017
Date limite : 09/12/2017


Diplôme Master

Expérience en tant que responsable audit interne


Dans le cadre du développement de ses activités, la CTB recherche un(e) (h/f):


Responsable Audit Interne

pour le siège à Bruxelles


Réf.: BRU/17/31AI


Lieu d’affectation: Bruxelles, de courtes missions à l’étranger sont à prévoir

Durée du contrat: Contrat à durée indéterminée

Date probable d’entrée en fonction: 01/01/2018

Salaire mensuel brut: (classe 7 siège) : 5.142,56 euros pour 10 années d’expérience pertinente. Le salaire sera calculé en fonction du nombre réel d’années d’expérience pertinente. Chèques repas, assurance hospitalisation/soins de santé, assurance de groupe, ETHIAS-Assistance 24 h/24, 13e mois, double pécule de vacances.





Vous êtes responsable de fournir  au Comité d’audit, au Directeur général et/ou au management les informations pertinentes relatives à l’évaluation du bon fonctionnement des services d’Enabel, des procédures instaurées, de l’efficacité du système de contrôle interne en particulier et de la maîtrise des risques en général.


Vous prêtez une attention spéciale aux missions clés d’Enabel afin de pouvoir donner une garantie raisonnable quant au degré de maîtrise des activités par Enabel.


Vous élaborez et présentez des recommandations et des propositions d’amélioration afin

d’aider les managers à atteindre leurs objectifs et à améliorer le fonctionnement de l’organisation.


Vous êtes sous la responsabilité du Président du Comité d’Audit.


Vous aurez un collaborateur qui sera recruté ultérieurement.


Les responsabilités principales sont:


  1. Effectuer des audits de tous types concernant les tâches clés d’Enabel, notamment des audits en matière de conformité (compliance audit), des audits de l’autocontrôle au sein des projets et des audits opérationnels, organisationnels, de qualité et de management se rapportant à l’évaluation du bon fonctionnement de l’organisation et des procédures instaurées, et participer aux différents types d’audits, notamment en matière de finances, d’ICT, de qualité …
  2. Évaluer systématiquement et méthodiquement les procédures en matière d’analyse de risques, et le système de contrôle interne.
  3. Fournir des avis ou des recommandations proactives concernant les nouvelles procédures.
  4. Promouvoir le contrôle interne et la gestion du risque au sein de l’organisation, et promouvoir le développement de la meilleure gestion de l’organisation.


En outre le/la responsable Audit interne est le Représentant du bureau d’intégrité et fait le suivi de la gestion des dossiers d’intégrité dans le respect de la confidentialité et de l’indépendance.







  • Diplôme Master requis.
  • Une affiliation à un institut professionnel (I.I.A., I.P.C.F. ou I.R.E.) de même qu’une reconnaissance comme Certified Internal Auditor consituent un atout supplémentaire.




  • Au moins 10 ans d'expérience en audit, dont au moins 5 comme manager d'un service d'audit.
  • Expérience en réalisation de courtes missions à l’étranger.




  • Connaissance de la comptabilité, des marchés publics et de l’audit.
  • Connaissance en gestion d’entreprise, analyse de risques, contrôle interne, applications informatiques ayant trait aux analyses systémiques.
  • Aptitude pour une communication claire et efficace.
  • Connaissance du néerlandais, français et anglais.
  • Maîtrise des logiciels courants (MS Office), module ERP+ et application Pentana mise à disposition.





Postulez au plus tard le 10/12/2017 via notre site Web:


Si vous souhaitez recevoir l’architecture de fonction plus explicite, veuillez-vous adresser à Pour toute question supplémentaire, contactez-nous au 02/505 18 65.



Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Les Amis du Congo Solidarité
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : 113 rue Adolphe Willemyns 1070 Anderlecht /
Type d'emploi : Volontariat
Type de contrat : Temps partiel
Fonction : Animation/Formation
Date de publication : 28/02/2018
Date limite : 30/12/2018


Nous cherchons des personnes ayant non seulement la capacité mais également l'expérience et qui peuvent travailler dans un environnement multiculturel.

Si vous êtes intéressé, veuillez nous envoyer un mail ainsi que votre cv à l'adresse :


Nous cherchons 2 bénévoles pour donner des cours de YOGA à un groupe de femmes ici à Bruxelles.

Ces cours sont destinés à un public adulte.

Les cours se donneront au 113 rue Adolphe Willemyns à 1070 Anderlecht.

Détails de l'annonce

Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Bruxelles /
Fichier : File head_of_sales_and_category_management_fr.docx
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée indéterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 12/11/2017
Date limite : 29/11/2017



  • Vous disposez d’un diplôme universitaire (ou d’une équivalence à travers votre expérience).
  • Vous avez minimum 10 ans d’expérience en gestion commerciale dont une partie dans une fonction stratégique avec la gestion d’une équipe.  Vous avez une experience en category management et en key account management.  Une expérience en gestion de supply chain est un plus.
  • Vous avez une capacité à interagir à un niveau très senior (direction, CEO) avec nos partenaires du retail et de l’industrie et un haut pouvoir de conviction.
  • Vous avez une expérience en FMCG et/ou en food retail
  • Vous êtes trilingues (écrit et parlé), Néerlandais, Français et Anglais.
  • Vous avez l’esprit d’équipe et êtes dynamique et ambitieux.
  • Vous avez de bonnes capacités analytiques et êtes à l’aise avec les chiffres, en particulier les chiffres de ventes et les chiffres de marché (GfK, Euromonitor,…)
  • Vous avez les pieds sur terre et êtes orienté résultat, vous travaillez de manière autonome
  • Vous êtes au courant des derniers développements sociétaux en termes de développement durable.
  • Vous croyez en la valeur ajoutée du commerce équitable et avez une affinité pour les problématiques Nord-Sud.
  • Vous avez un très bon réseau et êtes un gestionnaire d’équipe né.


Nottre offre:

  • Contrat à plein temps, à durée indéterminée
  • Un job plein de défis dans une organisation animée par des valeurs fortes, dans un bâtiment durable situé dans un quartier agréable du centre de Bruxelles. 
  • Une rémunération en ligne avec le secteur des ONG, un remboursement des tranports en commun, une assurance groupe, des chèques repas et des écochèques.



Envoyez-nous votre CV et lettre de motivation à l’attention de Kris Goossenaerts,  en mentionnant ‘Head of Industry Engagement’ avant le 30 novembre 2017. Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez contacter Nicolas Lambert,


Fairtrade Belgium SCRL recherche un/une

Head of Industry Engagement (m/v/x)


Vous faites en sorte, avec votre équipe, que les acteurs belges de l’industrie (fabricants et distributeurs) s’engagent plus avant dans leur soutien au commerce equitable.  Plus spécifiquement:

  • Vous définissez avec votre équipe et le management team de Fairtrade Belgium la stratégie commerciale vis à vis des partenaires BtoB.
  • Vous développez les ventes des produits labellisés Fairtrade en conseillant les fabricants et les distributeurs (retail et foodservice) sur leur politique d’assortiment et sur leur politique de soutien à ces produits.
  • Vous positionnez Fairtrade en tant que solution dans la politique de développement durable de nos partenaires.  Dans ce cadre, vous développez pour les partenaires des solutions spécifiques pour les aider à approfondir leur impact au niveau des chaines d’approvisionnement (avec un focus sur l’amélioration des conditions de vie des petits producteurs).
  • Avec votre équipe et le soutien du département communication, vous contribuez à travers la communication de vos partenaires, à faire la promotion du commerce équitable auprès de leurs consommateurs.
  • Vous rendez-compte au management team et au conseil d’administration de l’évolution des performances commerciales de l’organisation et proposez des mesures correctives en cas de besoin
  • Vous enthousiasmez l’équipe commerciale (3 business developers et un producer and trade relations expert ) et la coachez sur base de l’expertise acquise au cours de votre carrière.  Vous accompagnez le team dans l’exécution de la stratégie.
  • Vous êtes, à terme, reconnu dans le monde de l’industrie alimentaire et du retail en Belgique comme un expert en développement durable.
  • Vous faites partie du management team de Fairtrade Belgium et, à ce titre, vous participez à toutes les décisions stratégiques et opérationnelles concernant la gestion de l’organisation

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Médecins Sans Frontières - Artsen Zonder Grenzen
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Brussels + Wallonie /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée indéterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Communication
Date de publication : 09/11/2017
Date limite : 09/12/2017



  • Aptitudes managériales et pédagogique (écoute, gestion des conflits, flexibilité, amélioration des méthodes de travail, contribution au développement de chaque recruteur).
  • Adhère à nos valeurs managériales : Adhésion à nos valeurs managériales : Respect, Transparence, Responsabilisation, Intégrité, Confiance, Autonomisation
  • Orienté résultats et recherche de solutions.
  • Bonne organisation de travail, autonomie et rigueur.
  • Expérience de travail auprès d’une ONG
  • une expérience en face to face est un plus
  • Réelle motivation et intérêt à s’investir dans le domaine de l’humanitaire.
  • Possédant une voiture.                                     


  • Contrat à durée indéterminée – temps plein
  • 5 jours semaine (y compris le samedi)
  • Assurance groupe et assurance hospitalisation (DKV)
  • Remboursement des frais de transports.
  • Participation aux frais de repas et de téléphonie

Envoyer C.V. et lettre de motivation chez Médecins Sans Frontières avant le 09 décembre 2017,

Daphné Feldes, rue de l’Arbre Bénit 46 à 1050 Bruxelles



Basé au sein du département communication de Médecins Sans Frontières à Bruxelles, l’unité de Récolte de Fonds gère et organise l’ensemble des activités de récolte de fonds menées en Belgique par notre organisation. Ces activités sont d’une importance majeure pour notre organisation et sa volonté d’indépendance financière (85% des ressources de MSF proviennent de dons privés).

L’unité de Récolte de Fonds est composée d’une équipe de neuf personnes, dont le travail au quotidien couvre notamment les activités suivantes : la gestion de la base de données, la fidélisation, la prospection, les contacts avec les entreprises et le suivi du Face to Face.  Cette équipe est gérée par une responsable qui rapporte au Directeur de la Communication et de la Récolte de Fonds.

Désireux de répondre à de nouveaux défis, nous souhaitons engager un(e) Superviseur d’équipe pour les équipes chargées du Face to Face. 

Via une approche personnelle et respectueuse, les équipes vont à la rencontre de la population belge et proposent aux personnes rencontrées, au travers d’un dialogue sensibilisateur, de soutenir MSF en signant une domiciliation au profit de MSF. Les recruteurs établissent ainsi un contact direct entre MSF et la population belge.


En étroite collaboration avec les chefs d’équipe, le ou la candidate sera chargé(e) :

  • d’assurer sur le territoire belge (Bruxelles et Wallonie) le coaching individualisé de chaque recruteur (encadrement, conseils, motivation de 8 à 12 recruteurs). 
  • de la supervision du travail de l’équipe ainsi que des objectifs quantitatifs et qualitatif (cohérence des messages, respect des horaires, suivi des plannings et des résultats) selon le plan stratégique établi par les Chefs d’équipe.
  • de la dynamisation générale de son équipe en montrant l’exemple en termes d’attitude, de discours et de réussite au niveau du recrutement de nouveaux donateurs
  • de recruter de nouveaux donateurs avec son équipe.
  • de collaborer pour ces tâches avec son homologue régional.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : RED CROSS EU OFFICE
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Brussels /
Fichier : PDF icon policy_and_progtamme_officer_vacancy_notice_november_2017_0.pdf
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 08/11/2017
Date limite : 29/11/2017



  • University degree in social sciences, sociology, social affairs, political science, or law



  • At least 2 years of work experience in the social sector;
  • Experience with the implementation of EU programmes at national level e.g. the European Social Fund (ESF) or the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) - preferred
  • Experience with the work of the EU institutions e.g. the European Commission or the European Parliament - preferred
  • Experience with the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement, including with a regional or local branch of a National Red Cross Society in the EU - preferred
  • Experience/knowledge of building and maintaining relationships with external partners
  • Interest in advocacy and in promoting not-for-profit service provision in the social sector



  • Solid interpersonal and communication skills; able to work independently, but also as part of a multinational team
  • Skilled at drafting reports, papers and briefings
  • Knowledge of EU institutional affairs, social policies, legislation and programmes
  • Knowledge of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and/or other networks engaged in work with vulnerable groups in European societies
  • Able to negotiate with strong sense of diplomacy and tact
  • Well-developed PC skills (MS Office, Windows, Online tools).



  • Fluently spoken and written English
  • Other EU languages - preferred


 The officer will be based within the Social Inclusion unit and contribute to implementing the work programme of the Red Cross EU Office.

  • Heighten Red Cross influence on EU policy, legislation and practice in the social sector;
  • Monitor and analyse EU actions and initiatives regarding employment, social affairs and inclusion, deprivation and poverty;
  • Monitor and analyse EU policy trends and developments regarding regional and social cohesion, and where relevant, economic growth and development;
  • Ensure exchange of timely and relevant information with member organisations on EU social affairs, including information from European Parliament and Council, European Commission, Committees (EESC, CoR), EU level stakeholders and networks;
  • Inform EU institutions, policy makers and stakeholders about Red Cross initiatives and best practices in the social sector, specifically services and support for the most vulnerable groups in European societies;
  • Assist National Red Cross Societies to contribute to or develop their own initiatives for the implementation of EU social policies e.g. the European Pillar of Social Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
  • Explore ways to strengthen participation of National Red Cross Societies into the implementation of EU structural and investment funds, i.e. assist member organisations in taking an active role in the design and implementation of national operational programmes in the social sector. 

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : RED CROSS EU OFFICE
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Brussels /
Fichier : PDF icon policy_and_progtamme_officer_vacancy_notice_november_2017.pdf
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 08/11/2017
Date limite : 29/11/2017



  • University degree in social sciences, sociology, social affairs, political science, or law



  • At least 2 years of work experience in the social sector;
  • Experience with the implementation of EU programmes at national level e.g. the European Social Fund (ESF) or the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) - preferred
  • Experience with the work of the EU institutions e.g. the European Commission or the European Parliament - preferred
  • Experience with the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement, including with a regional or local branch of a National Red Cross Society in the EU - preferred
  • Experience/knowledge of building and maintaining relationships with external partners
  • Interest in advocacy and in promoting not-for-profit service provision in the social sector



  • Solid interpersonal and communication skills; able to work independently, but also as part of a multinational team
  • Skilled at drafting reports, papers and briefings
  • Knowledge of EU institutional affairs, social policies, legislation and programmes
  • Knowledge of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and/or other networks engaged in work with vulnerable groups in European societies
  • Able to negotiate with strong sense of diplomacy and tact
  • Well-developed PC skills (MS Office, Windows, Online tools).



  • Fluently spoken and written English
  • Other EU languages - preferred


 The officer will be based within the Social Inclusion unit and contribute to implementing the work programme of the Red Cross EU Office.

  • Heighten Red Cross influence on EU policy, legislation and practice in the social sector;
  • Monitor and analyse EU actions and initiatives regarding employment, social affairs and inclusion, deprivation and poverty;
  • Monitor and analyse EU policy trends and developments regarding regional and social cohesion, and where relevant, economic growth and development;
  • Ensure exchange of timely and relevant information with member organisations on EU social affairs, including information from European Parliament and Council, European Commission, Committees (EESC, CoR), EU level stakeholders and networks;
  • Inform EU institutions, policy makers and stakeholders about Red Cross initiatives and best practices in the social sector, specifically services and support for the most vulnerable groups in European societies;
  • Assist National Red Cross Societies to contribute to or develop their own initiatives for the implementation of EU social policies e.g. the European Pillar of Social Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
  • Explore ways to strengthen participation of National Red Cross Societies into the implementation of EU structural and investment funds, i.e. assist member organisations in taking an active role in the design and implementation of national operational programmes in the social sector. 

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : World Wild Fund for Nature Belgium
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Bruxelles /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée indéterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Plaidoyer
Date de publication : 07/11/2017
Date limite : 29/11/2017


  • Passionate about WWF’s mission and vision
  • At least Master level (or similar) in Science or Bio-engineering (agriculture, food systems or related disciplines), or related to the topic area
  • 5 years+ of work experience in a similar field
  • Good working knowledge of French, Dutch and English
  • Experience with financial instruments is an added value
  • Good knowledge of the Walloon agriculture stakeholders is an added value
  • Knowledge of the Belgian political system
  • Experience in political and corporate engagement
  • Proactive and independent individual but also a real team player
  • Able to prioritize, adapt in a fast-moving context
  • Willing to travel occasionally
  • Being able to produce high-quality work, even with tight deadlines


WWF believes in a future where people and nature thrive, so we’re committed to safeguarding the natural world. WWF has teams of experts working in over 100 countries to protect the natural resources that sustain and inspire us: our forests, rivers, oceans, climate, food and wildlife. WWF harnesses the collective power of supporters around the world, communities, companies and governments to create real solutions for people and the planet. One of the ways we’re safeguarding the natural world is by raising funds to support our fields projects.

WWF employs knowledgeable, talented people who are passionate about engaging and inspiring others. People who share our optimism that it’s possible to change the world. People who are determined to make a difference.


The global agri-food systems are essential to sustain the human population, but today, food production, transformation, distribution, over-consumption and waste constitute a primary cause of biodiversity loss, land use change, depletion of finite natural resources like water, and climate change.

Demand for agricultural commodities is rising rapidly as the world's population grows. Agriculture’s deep connections to the world economy, human societies and biodiversity make it one of the most important conservation issues around the globe. That’s why WWF is playing a key role in the transition towards resilient, equitable and sustainable agri-food systems. The organization is working with the agri-food sector and developing strategies that focus on more sustainable farming and production, landscape protection, reduction of food loss and waste, and more sustainable consumer choices for healthy diets.


Together with different stakeholders, work on food to reduce Belgian’s overall impact and work on agriculture in Belgium to offer solutions for a transition to agro-ecological farming.


 Advocacy to policy-makers, business and civil society to raise awareness of and influence WWF's missions in decision-making on sustainable food

  • Following political dossiers on sustainable food and agriculture
  • Engaging and negotiating with decision-makers (politicians, trade unions, companies, agriculture organisations, etc.), formalising agreements and partnerships
  • Engaging and coordinating with other NGOs and think tanks at Belgian level in respect to sustainable food and agriculture systems
  • Providing advice, information and recommendations on sustainable food and agriculture
  • Critically monitoring the performance of the actions on the development of sustainable agriculture systems and responsible sourcing of food commodities in Belgium


Develop knowledge on the thematic, and guarantee expert support to the organization on sustainable food

  • Being up to date on the latest research on sustainable food and agriculture, as well as WWF international positions.
  • Providing in-house expertise on the issue and being able to quickly respond to internal and external requests for information
  • Develop knowledge on business cases for alternative agriculture models and financial mechanisms to facilitate the transition towards agro-ecology farming


Represent WWF through defending our positions

  • Representing WWF Belgium in various national and international working groups, conferences, and symposia, including giving presentations and interviews
  • Influencing Belgian decision-makers on WWF positions on sustainable food and agriculture
  • Having and building a strong network around food and agriculture


  • A great work place in a young, dynamic and innovative team, located in the heart of Brussels, easily accessible by public transport
  • A full-time permanent contract
  • An attractive salary package for the sector including meal vouchers, group insurance, health insurance, 100% reimbursement of the costs of public transport
  • Working in national and international context
  • The opportunity to contribute to the mission of WWF and to share our values

How to apply?

Apply only by using the Application button below the Ad on WWF’s jobsite:

Détails de l'annonce

Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Brussels /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Plaidoyer
Date de publication : 30/10/2017
Date limite : 12/11/2017


Application Procedures

If you have the right skills and experience please send your CV and motivation cover letter by 14th November 2017 to Interviews are likely to be held w/c 20th November 2017. You are requested to highlight in the motivation letter how specifically you meet the criteria for this role.  To be considered for this role, you must be able to provide proof of eligibility to work in Belgium. 

 If you do not meet all the essential criteria, please don’t apply as we only invite candidates for an interview if they meet all of the essential criteria listed on the job description. In addition your application will be stronger if you meet at least some of the desirable criteria.

 Due to high volumes of applications received, should you not have received feedback on your application within two weeks of the closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful. We reserve the right to withdraw any of our vacancies at any time.

ActionAid welcomes applications from all sections of the community and we promote diversity. We regret that agency candidates will not be considered.




DIRECTORATE/CLUSTER: Programmes & Global Engagement   

Position: EU Gender Equality Advocacy Manager  

Duration: Fixed Term Contract – 2 Years

Location: Brussels Office   

AAI Grade: D / Local terms and conditions of employment will apply

Annual gross salary: £36,035

 ActionAid is a leading international organisation, working with over 15 million people in 45 countries for a world free from poverty and injustice. We’re amongst the first few international development organisations with our head office based in Africa. We also have offices right across Asia, the Americas and Europe. We believe the people whose lives our work affects should decide how we’re run. And that’s what makes us different. We help people use their own power to fight poverty and injustice – the Power in People.

 Do you have experience of working on gender equality or women’s rights issues and are passionate about creating change? If yes, this role at ActionAid International is just the opportunity you need to make your mark and drive change. Join us EU Gender Equality Advocacy Officer and lead a major project on gender equality in EU policies and tools.

 As the Advocacy Officer you will lead the implementation of ActionAid two year project for a gender-responsive EU development policy that guarantees meaningful policy and financial support to women’s rights programmes and organisations in the global South.  This will involve, executing project plans, gathering intelligence on EU gender equality issues, connecting women’s rights partners from Southern countries with EU processes as well as acting as our main representative in Brussels on women’s rights matters.  You will also use opportunities to increase the visibility of our work on gender equality, especially with EU institutions, the media and public. You will collaborate with colleagues to ensure strong connections between public engagement and policy work as well as coordinate the production of communication and mobilisation tools, as well as desk research about EU development assistance for women’s rights. In addition, you will help track the project’s impacts, ensure its daily management and delivery, contribute to the donor relationship and ensure compliance with reporting requirements with the support of finance colleagues, as well as the formal donor manager ActionAid USA.

 Ideally qualified at degree level you must have solid experience of working on human rights and gender equality or women’s rights with a multi-country focus. You will have successfully managed multi-country donor-funded projects and gained policy advocacy experience particularly in the EU context. As well as being familiar with commissioning and managing research processes aimed at shaping development assistance or influencing policy too.

 Please visit our website for further information

Reg. Charity No: 274467

Détails de l'annonce

Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Brussels /
Fichier : PDF icon jd_-_eu_gender_advocacy_manager.pdf
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Plaidoyer
Date de publication : 30/10/2017
Date limite : 12/11/2017


See job description in the document attached or


Please visit our website for further information.





DIRECTORATE/CLUSTER: Programmes & Global Engagement   

Position: EU Gender Equality Advocacy Manager  

Duration: Fixed Term Contract – 2 Years

Location: Brussels Office   

AAI Grade: D / Local terms and conditions of employment will apply

Annual gross salary: £36,035


ActionAid is a leading international organisation, working with over 15 million people in 45 countries for a world free from poverty and injustice. We’re amongst the first few international development organisations with our head office based in Africa. We also have offices right across Asia, the Americas and Europe. We believe the people whose lives our work affects should decide how we’re run. And that’s what makes us different. We help people use their own power to fight poverty and injustice – the Power in People.


Do you have experience of working on gender equality or women’s rights issues and are passionate about creating change? If yes, this role at ActionAid International is just the opportunity you need to make your mark and drive change. Join us EU Gender Equality Advocacy Officer and lead a major project on gender equality in EU policies and tools.


As the Advocacy Officer you will lead the implementation of ActionAid two year project for a gender-responsive EU development policy that guarantees meaningful policy and financial support to women’s rights programmes and organisations in the global South.  This will involve, executing project plans, gathering intelligence on EU gender equality issues, connecting women’s rights partners from Southern countries with EU processes as well as acting as our main representative in Brussels on women’s rights matters.  You will also use opportunities to increase the visibility of our work on gender equality, especially with EU institutions, the media and public. You will collaborate with colleagues to ensure strong connections between public engagement and policy work as well as coordinate the production of communication and mobilisation tools, as well as desk research about EU development assistance for women’s rights. In addition, you will help track the project’s impacts, ensure its daily management and delivery, contribute to the donor relationship and ensure compliance with reporting requirements with the support of finance colleagues, as well as the formal donor manager ActionAid USA.


Ideally qualified at degree level you must have solid experience of working on human rights and gender equality or women’s rights with a multi-country focus. You will have successfully managed multi-country donor-funded projects and gained policy advocacy experience particularly in the EU context. As well as being familiar with commissioning and managing research processes aimed at shaping development assistance or influencing policy too.


Please visit our website for further information.


Application Procedures


If you have the right skills and experience please send your CV and motivation cover letter by 14th November 2017 to Interviews are likely to be held w/c 20th November 2017. You are requested to highlight in the motivation letter how specifically you meet the criteria for this role.  To be considered for this role, you must be able to provide proof of eligibility to work in Belgium. 


If you do not meet all the essential criteria, please don’t apply as we only invite candidates for an interview if they meet all of the essential criteria listed on the job description. In addition your application will be stronger if you meet at least some of the desirable criteria.


Due to high volumes of applications received, should you not have received feedback on your application within two weeks of the closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful. We reserve the right to withdraw any of our vacancies at any time.


ActionAid welcomes applications from all sections of the community and we promote diversity. We regret that agency candidates will not be considered.


Reg. Charity No: 274467

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Médecins Sans Frontières - Artsen Zonder Grenzen
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Brussels /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée indéterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 30/10/2017
Date limite : 06/12/2017


Candidate profile

  • Knowledge and at least three years’ experience working in a national or international aid agency (NGO) , preferably both at headquarters and in the field is required;
  • Advanced law degree;
  • Minimum three, preferably five years’ experience working in a bilateral and/or multilateral context;
  • Experience in employment law related issues;
  • Practice of Belgium law is an asset;
  • Rigor and ability to adapt to different legal systems, sense of priorities and of organization;
  • Ability to translate an operational negotiation in legal language;
  • Adhere to our managerial values: Respect, Transparency, Integrity, Accountability, Trust, Empowerment;
  • French and English speaking.

We offer

  • Long-term contract - Full time - Based in Brussels (Ixelles) with visits on the field
  • Hospital insurance (DKV) - pension plan - canteen - 100% reimbursement for public transport costs
  • Starting date:  January 2018.

Deadline for applications: 7 December 2017

Curriculum Vitae and covering letter to be sent by e-mail to  with “legal advisor” in the subject.




Under the hierarchical supervision of OCB General Direction and the functional supervision of the Head of the International Legal Department, the Legal Advisor is responsible for assisting operations/field missions in managing and preventing legal risk in relation to: Human Resources, Duty of Care, Incidents (including road accidents, medical incidents, and other serious events), as well as manage mutualized legal resources and support the OCB HQ with various field-related issues.

As an organisation that employs over 35,000 national field staff, the legal advisor is responsible for assisting MSF operations/field missions in elaborating solutions in line with the Employment Law of the various countries of MSF operations as well as MSF’s Human Resources policies.

(S)he works in a team with other legal advisors of the Movement to ensure harmonious solutions and equivalent quality between the different sections. Based on his/her legal analysis, (s)he proposes an annual action plan tailored to the needs of the section and contributes to the identification and resolution of intersectional legal issues as a team with other legal advisors and with the International Legal Director.

(S)he is a member of the International Legal Department HR Working Group, of which (s)he is foreseen to take the lead.

Job Profile

S(he) will be charged with the following responsibilities

70% dedicated to the Prevention and Management of Legal Risk

  • Employment Law and Field Human Resources, which includes
    • Collective HR = Internal Regulations and field policies: updates and country openings, support for the definition / writing of HR field policies and contracts, development of tools;
    • Individual HR = case management and litigation;
    • Possible evolution: ‘Responsable de domaine RH’ for the entire International Legal Department ;
  • Incidents / Road Accidents;
  • Incidents / Attacks on property and persons: robberies, seizures of vehicles, etc.;
  • Medical practice and incidents : medical registration, qualifications of medical personnel, management of medical incidents cases;
  • Litigation: definition of legal strategies, follow-up of cases, assignment of legal resources, and provision of an annual overall assessment of the OCB missions’ litigation risk and prescription of mitigations measures.

15% dedicated to the management of shared field legal resources

  • Field lawyers and litigation as ‘Responsable de domaine’ for the entire International Legal Department: validation, contractualisation, pooling of resources, data reporting and data analysis on litigation, creation and dissemination of monitoring tools;
  • Management of OCB's pool of field legal advisors.

15% dedicated to HQ support

Focal point for HQ issues (such as HR, associative governance, admin/finance, etc.), the Legal Advisor is in charge of receiving the request, assessing the technicity of the issue to then either manage the issue directly or identify the right person inside the Legal team or the external pro bono lawyers to provide the service.


  • Provide timely legal support on topics assigned by the DG;
  • Participate in crisis management teams;
  • Participate in the definition of the Legal Department’s strategy and develop annual work plan and objectives in conformity with the Department’s goals.
