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Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Sana’a and Aden, 50-50% roving, with regular visits to other governorates: Hajja, Ibb, Taiz, Lahj, Hadramout /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Expertise/recherche
Date de publication : 13/06/2019
Date limite : 20/06/2019



  • Hold a Master degree in social science or any related field (unless compensated with minimum 5 year of relevant work experience)

Professional Experience

  • At least 3 years of direct professional experience working as a technical expert in Monitoring and Evaluation in emergency contexts.

  • Solid knowledge of different donors’ guidelines regarding monitoring and evaluation

  • Prior experience in working in complex emergency setting, involving displacement.

Professional Requirements

  • Experience in data collection and analysis (creation and management of database at mission level and at project level, data analysis and management, drafting of reports combining quantitative and qualitative information).

  • Demonstrated ability to carry out assessments and evaluations, to produce reports and present findings to donors’, Clusters, and other relevant stakeholders.

  • Experience in working through systems of community participation and accountability

  • Demonstrated experience in establishing and maintaining collaborative relationships with different stakeholders

  • Excellent computer skills (proven computer literacy, in particular excellent Excel knowledge is a must) and high-level expertise in working with smart tools (ODK and KOBO)

  • Ability to provide capacity building to national staff – both coaching on the job and through structure training.

  • Demonstrated leadership and interpersonal skills

  • Demonstrated experience in staff supervision and remote management

  • Readiness and ability to move around in Yemen

  • Readiness to commit and adhere to the values, mission and vision of INTERSOS


  • Excellent written and spoken English

  • Native Arabic would be an asset

Personal Requirements

  • Strong team spirit, comfortable in a multicultural environment

  • Excellent analytical skills, observation and analysis capacity

  • Attention to detail and structured way of approaching tasks (very organized)

  • Ability to plan ahead and output oriented (proactive)

  • Able to ensure quick quality delivery in stressful environment (stress-resilient)

  • Ability to adhere to deadlines and respect line management

  • Very strong interpersonal skills: strong communication and diplomatic skills

  • Practical and problem-solver

  • Ability to deal with heavy work pressure


For further information and to apply, follow the link below:

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS' platform, you can also apply by sending your CV, motivation letter via email to, with subject line: "SR-35-1038 - MEAL Expert - Yemen". Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least two references, including the line manager during your last job. Family members are to be excluded.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Terms of reference

Job Title: MEAL Expert

Code: SR-35-1038

Duty station: Sana’a and Aden, 50-50% roving, with regular visits to other governorates: Hajja, Ibb, Taiz, Lahj, Hadramout

Starting date: 01/07/2019

Contract duration: 6 months - renewable

Reporting to: Head of Mission

Supervision of: M&E Officers, Feedback & Complaint Officers

Dependents: n/a

General context of the project

In Yemen, INTERSOS has been engaged since 2008, providing protection assistance to refugees and migrants (mostly but not exclusively from the Horn of Africa). Since 2015 INTERSOS scaled up its operations to ensure a robust response to the IDPs crisis and the needs of other conflict affected Yemenis, and also expanded its geographical scope (covering Aden, Taiz, Hajja, Ibb, Hadramout and Lahj). INTERSOS’ protection programming for IDPs and conflict affected Yemenis focused on provision of emergency protection services: protection monitoring, provision of legal assistance, general case management services for GBV/PwSN/CP, including provision of cash assistance, rental subsidies, material assistance, livelihoods and life skills trainings. Moreover, from 2015 onwards INTERSOS started to implement health programming (with integration of nutrition), based on a needs-analysis of the conflict- affected communities in Yemen: with the rapidly collapsing Yemeni health care system, it has been paramount to support partially and non-functional health facilities to prevent total collapse/meltdown of health care system. Such programme includes: immunization, ANC, PNC, BEmONC, IMCI, OPD screening for malnutrition, treatment of SAM cases, health education, deworming, vitamin A supplementation and referral services. Besides attention for EPHC, INTERSOS ensures also attention for Secondary Health care to ensure referral services, while supporting the WHO/MOPHP strategy to ensure the minimum service package (MSP).

Moreover INTERSOS has integrated livelihoods and WASH activities in its main programming.


General purpose of the position

The MEAL Expert will support in completing the setting up, implementation and supervision of the MEAL Unit in the INTERSOS Yemen Mission ensuring strong coordination with Program Unit and under the supervision of the HoM.

S/he will accomplish this through leading the development and implementation of a mission MEAL framework / strategy, focusing on mentoring and/or building capacities of relevant programme and M&E staff, as well as promoting and fostering a culture of shared learning and accountability, and promoting innovation within the programme. This includes the development and integration of accountability, learning and programme quality standards in programme assessments, design, monitoring, review and evaluation as well as consistent documentation of learning and progress in this area.

Once fully developed, the MEAL Expert will be expected to lead on MEAL system implementation including monitoring, accountability initiatives, support evaluations, compile lessons learnt, MEAL budgeting and recruitment.


Main responsibilities and tasks

Strategic development

  • Carry out an analysis of the M&E department in INTERSOS Yemen

  • Steers the development of the MEAL strategy for the mission

  • Develop MEAL SoPs and tools for the mission

  • Suggest efficient and effective structure for the department


  • Coordinates and validates ToR (including data collection tools, in coordination with Technical and Program Coordinators)

  • Supports the development of multisectoral assessment tools

  • Coordinates the implementation of assessments

  • Coordinates and validates the drafting of report (second layer of validation by the HoM and Coordinators)

Monitoring of projects

  • Provides the technical framework and tools of all monitoring activities

  • Support HoM in enhancing the common monitoring framework for overall programme in place (Project Appraisal Tool system in particular)

  • Support the implementation of a system to manage information generated by MEAL activities, such as beneficiaries’ databases

  • Support and improve the current system for data collection and analysis

  • Conduct data analysis and present and disseminate information to inform programme management

  • Supports the management of external (donor) monitoring visits


  • Coordinates and validates ToR (including data collection tools)

  • Supports more proactively the development of multisectoral evaluations tools

  • Coordinates the implementation of evaluations

  • Coordinates and validates the drafting of reports. Where reports are being submitted to external stakeholders (donors or diffusion to partners) there will be a second layer of validation by the HoM


  • Supervise and improve the implementation of accountability mechanisms at field level, e.g. complaint and feedback mechanisms for beneficiaries and staff

  • In coordination with other department (in particular Protection), develop accountability SOPs for the mission

  • Responsible for the smooth rolling out of the INTERSOS Feedback and Complaint mechanism

  • Ensure the roll out of and training on accountability SOP for each project

  • Support Program Unit to ensure that the overall program is including strategies and mechanism for promoting high level of community participation.

Capitalisation and knowledge management

  • Coordinates and steers the development of ToR for capitalisation activities

  • Facilitates capitalisation activities

  • Steers and / or develop (based on circumstances) the capitalisation reports

  • Manages the knowledge cycle (i.e. how the knowledge is transformed in better quality operations)

HR Management

  • Support in the recruitment and management of staff (induction, performance management and training)

  • Identify learning and training opportunities for MEAL staff and work as a mentor for national staff.

  • Support the design and supervision of training and awareness raising activities for operations and programme staff at field level regarding MEAL priorities and quality standards

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Sana’a and Aden, 50-50% roving, with regular visits to the project governorates: Hajja and Aden /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 31/05/2019
Date limite : 11/06/2019



  • Hold a Master degree in any relevant field

Professional Experience

  • At least 3 years of direct professional experience working as humanitarian project manager, including financial management responsibilities.

  • Prior work experience in INGO in project management.

  • Demonstrate minimum 3 year experience in the implementation of multi-sector humanitarian programming in complex emergencies, including protection services and health and/or nutrition services

  • Prior experience in working in complex emergency setting, involving internal displacement

  • Prior experience working with DG ECHO as donor will be an added value

Professional Requirements

  • Admin/finance skills;

  • Demonstrable experience in establishing and maintaining collaborative relationships with donors and government counterparts.

  • Experience with donor compliance and reporting

  • Strong representation and negotiation skills

  • Demonstrated leadership and interpersonal skills

  • Excellent computer skills (proven computer literacy, in particular Excel knowledge is a must).

  • Demonstrated experience in staff supervision and remote management

  • Strong experience with monitoring tools and systems

  • Readiness and ability to move around in Yemen

  • Readiness to commit and adhere to the values, mission and vision of INTERSOS


  • Excellent written and spoken English

  • Native Arabic would be asset

Personal Requirements

  • Strong team spirit, comfortable in a multicultural environment

  • Excellent analytical skills, observation and analysis capacity

  • Attention to detail and structured way of approaching tasks (very organized)

  • Ability to plan ahead and output oriented (proactive)

  • Able to ensure quick quality delivery in stressful environment (stress-resilient)

  • Ability to adhere to deadlines and respect line management

  • Very strong interpersonal skills: strong communication and diplomatic skills

  • Practical and problem-solver

  • Ability to deal with heavy work pressure


For further information and to apply, follow the link below:

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS' platform, you can also apply by sending your CV, motivation letter and at least 2 references via email to, with subject line: "SR-35-994 - Project Manager Multi Sector - Yemen".

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Terms of reference

Job Title: Project Manager ECHO – multi sector (health-nutrition-protection)

Code: SR-35-994

Duty station: Sana’a and Aden, 50-50% roving, with regular visits to the project governorates: Hajja and Aden

Starting date: 16/06/2019

Contract duration: 11 months

Reporting to: Hierarchically to Program Coordinator, functionally to Health-Nutrition Coordinators and Protection Coordinators

Supervision of: 3 protection teams: 2 roving protection teams in Hajja (1 in Qafl Shamer and 1 in Ku’aydina) linked to 3 health facilities and 1 protection team running a community center in Al-Buraiqa in Aden. 5 health and nutrition teams: 3 at 3 health facilities in Hajja (1 in Qafl Shamer and 2 in Ku’aydina) and 2 running 2 mobile clinics covering collective IDP sites in Dar Sa’ad and Al-Buraiqa (Aden). The total number of staff for all 8 teams is in total about: 129 staff, in addition to 32 volunteers The project manager is supervising 2 national project managers, 1 for Hajja and 1 for Aden.

Dependents: /


General context of the project

The project targets Qafl Shamer and Ku'aydinah in Hajja and Al-Buraiqa and Dar Sa'ad in Aden, providing emergency health and nutrition services, integrated with protection services for conflict and displacement affected people. For health and nutrition services, the project follows the by cluster defined MSP - by level of care (incl. mental health and GBV medical services). The services at health facilities-HFs (Hajja) or provided by mobile clinic teams-MCTs (Aden) include Reproductive Health/Maternal, Neonatal, Child Health, deliveries and antenatal and postnatal care for mothers; newborn care, immunization, deworming, vitamin.

A supplementation, screening for malnutrition, treatment for acute malnutrition cases, health education, outpatient treatment for common ailments, integrating Infant and Young Child Feeding in nutrition treatment and prevention. For protection, the project provides emergency protection services for the most vulnerable, targeting Persons with Specific Needs (incl. persons with disabilities), Child Protection cases and GBV survivors, integrating protection activities with health, providing individual case management services and collective PSS provided from a community center (CC) or a HF, while community volunteers ensure community acceptance, outreach and referral. Community awareness will be tailored per target, age and gender group. For Hajja, INTERSOS will support 3 existing HFs, by support for staff, drugs, equipment and running cost, as well as running 2 ambulances, and will have 2 protection teams covering to the catchment area of the 3 health facilities, working from a room provided in the health facility. For Aden, INTERSOS will run 2 MCTs, targeting the IDPs staying in collective shelters and other concentration areas in Dar Sa'ad and Al-Buraiqa districts. A CC will be set up in Al-Buraiqa, to address the protection needs of the IDPs and HC (while a CC was already established in Dar Sa'ad with OCHA funding).


General purpose of the position

The Project Manager is in charge of the implementation and the supervision of the DG ECHO funded project entitled: “Provision of emergency primary and secondary health & nutrition services, with integration of protection services, for conflict and displacement affected people, in Aden and Hajjah governorates”.


Main responsibilities and tasks

Main responsibilities:

  • Ensures the planning, implementation and monitoring/evaluation and sets targets as included in the project description.

  • Guarantee an efficient financial management for the project in compliance with INTERSOS’ model and donor regulations.

  • Team management (staff and volunteers)

  • Deliver quality project activities reporting, including the findings in terms of impact/changes at the level of beneficiaries achieved through the project.

More specifically:

Ensure the full and timely implementation of the project proposal as approved, pro-actively respecting deadlines for reporting:

  • Team recruitment, liaise with admin-fin department to secure up to date HR files

  • Prepare and organize training for volunteers and staff

  • Project kick-off and presentation/sharing of project with teams

  • Review and prepare a detailed activity plan with team

  • Agree and establish clear reporting and communication lines

  • Verification on the targeting of beneficiaries

  • Ensure sector SOPs and guidelines are properly applied and adhered to

  • Permanent on-job coaching of teams to work on quality in delivery

  • Ensure security assessment for teams’ daily movement and report incidents/concerns in a proactive manner to the Head of Mission and Security Focal point

  • Secure drug store management

Financial management and procurement:

  • Prepare, monitor and implement financial and procurement plan

  • Prepare weekly liquidity plan

  • Approval of all purchases/contracting and budget line allocations

  • Verify on a weekly basis the bookkeeping entries in the INTERSOS accounting spread sheets (PN): verify budget line allocations, budget expenditure status against actual delivery and the financial plan for the remainder project implementation period

  • Ensure for all purchases/contracting of goods/services/supplies the correct INTERSOS procurement guidelines are applied and properly documented (also for the procedures applied by the municipalities), in close coordination with the admin-fin and logistics department

  • Verify the list of expenditures prior to finalizing the interim and final financial reports

  • Holds final responsibility for verification of all support documents’ completeness and correctness

Manage team and to provide relevant capacity building and on-job coaching to the project team:

  • Manages and evaluates the performance of the project staff

  • Conduct weekly and monthly meetings with the team to review the planning and discuss the main concerns to focus on for the upcoming period

  • Ensure use of correct/relevant forms for assessments and reporting by the team

  • Ensure fluent chain of information/data transfer from field to supervisors

  • Ensure timely processing of information/data and conduct coaching for teams on the analysis of the processed data

  • Continuous/fast verification of data quality collected and received from field staff

  • Establish a participatory process to inform/develop relevant response strategies for conflict mitigation and enhanced social cohesion.

  • Undertake (if security situation allows) field visits to provide technical guidance and supervision to the team and to monitor the progress and quality of the different project activities.

  • Ensure good practice and system for internal and external referral of most vulnerable cases, in close coordination and collaboration with other INTERSOS programmes/project staff.

  • Oversee team attendances and authorize holidays, liaise with admin-fin department to secure up to date HR files

  • Ensure teams respect INTERSOS rules and guidelines to the mission and adhere to INTERSOS code of conduct and charter of values

Monitoring & evaluation:

  • Ensure monitoring and verification for the targeting of beneficiaries.

  • Applying a result-based management approach, monitor the project outcomes, in addition to the outputs and activities, including changes at the household and community level achieved through the project.


  • Ensure quality reporting on achievements through daily short briefings, monthly and weekly planning presented against weekly and monthly performance reports containing clear quantitative and qualitative information related to the activities.

  • Secure weekly and monthly reporting per team and compile, review and analyses reports on monthly bases to be reflected in INTERSOS PAT reporting tool

  • Prepare ad hoc progress reporting for the donor and official required interim and final project reports: Prepare interim and final narrative reports for the donor in a timely and qualitative manner, looking into achievements against outcomes and output and reflect lessons learnt clearly into recommendations for future programming. Reporting must at all times be gender and age disaggregated per OCHA gender and age marker guidelines.

  • Holds final responsibility for all support documents (means of verification) and general project documents

  • Delivers regular communication products (including pictures) on the project to be used by the INTERSOS communication department in different outlets

Coordination and representation:

  • Attend the health cluster meetings and ensure timely reporting of highlights to HNC, program coordinator and HoM.

  • Conduct regular meetings with the donor representatives and facilitates field visits by donor missions (when security allows for).

  • Coordinate with MoPHP, Executive Unit for IDPs and MOPIC to assure the timely signature of sub-agreement.

  • Support INTERSOS with the outlining of its Yemen Country strategy, in particular for the development of an integrated strategy towards end of 2019.

  • Contribute to the coordination between the different project-teams for the projects in Yemen. Proactively participate in health cluster meetings and other relevant working groups for Yemen, also relevant inter-sectoral coordination meetings at national level.

  • Ensure systematic information and update sharing with the HOM and other programme staff.

  • Coordinate with other INTERSOS projects/sectors for effective and efficient referral of cases between INTERSOS projects/sectors


  • Perform any other related duties as requested

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Sana’a and Aden, 50-50% roving, with regular visits to other governorates: Hajja, Ibb, Taiz, Lahj, Hadramout /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 31/05/2019
Date limite : 11/06/2019



  • Hold a Master degree in social science or any related field (unless compensated with minimum 5 year of relevant work experience)

Professional Experience

  • At least 3 years of direct professional experience working as a technical expert in Monitoring and Evaluation in emergency contexts.

  • Solid knowledge of different donors’ guidelines regarding monitoring and evaluation

  • Prior experience in working in complex emergency setting, involving displacement.

Professional Requirements

  • Experience in data collection and analysis (creation and management of database at mission level and at project level, data analysis and management, drafting of reports combining quantitative and qualitative information).

  • Demonstrated ability to carry out assessments and evaluations, to produce reports and present findings to donors’, Clusters, and other relevant stakeholders.

  • Experience in working through systems of community participation and accountability

  • Demonstrated experience in establishing and maintaining collaborative relationships with different stakeholders

  • Excellent computer skills (proven computer literacy, in particular excellent Excel knowledge is a must) and high-level expertise in working with smart tools (ODK and KOBO)

  • Ability to provide capacity building to national staff – both coaching on the job and through structure training.

  • Demonstrated leadership and interpersonal skills

  • Demonstrated experience in staff supervision and remote management

  • Readiness and ability to move around in Yemen

  • Readiness to commit and adhere to the values, mission and vision of INTERSOS


  • Excellent written and spoken English

  • Native Arabic would be asset

Personal Requirements

  • Strong team spirit, comfortable in a multicultural environment

  • Excellent analytical skills, observation and analysis capacity

  • Attention to detail and structured way of approaching tasks (very organized)

  • Ability to plan ahead and output oriented (proactive)

  • Able to ensure quick quality delivery in stressful environment (stress-resilient)

  • Ability to adhere to deadlines and respect line management

  • Very strong interpersonal skills: strong communication and diplomatic skills

  • Practical and problem-solver

  • Ability to deal with heavy work pressure



For further information and to apply, follow the link below:

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS' platform, you can also apply by sending your CV, motivation letter and at least 2 references via email to, with subject line: "SR-35-1038 - MEAL Expert - Yemen".

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Terms of reference

Job Title: MEAL Expert

Code: SR-35-1038

Duty station: Sana’a and Aden, 50-50% roving, with regular visits to other governorates: Hajja, Ibb, Taiz, Lahj, Hadramout

Starting date: 01/07/2019

Contract duration: 6 months - renewable

Reporting to: Head of Mission

Supervision of: M&E Officers, Feedback & Complaint Officers

Dependents: n/a


General context of the project

In Yemen, INTERSOS has been engaged since 2008, providing protection assistance to refugees and migrants (mostly but not exclusively from the Horn of Africa). Since 2015 INTERSOS scaled up its operations to ensure a robust response to the IDPs crisis and the needs of other conflict affected Yemenis, and also expanded its geographical scope (covering Aden, Taiz, Hajja, Ibb, Hadramout and Lahj). INTERSOS’ protection programming for IDPs and conflict affected Yemenis focused on provision of emergency protection services: protection monitoring, provision of legal assistance, general case management services for GBV/PwSN/CP, including provision of cash assistance, rental subsidies, material assistance, livelihoods and life skills trainings. Moreover, from 2015 onwards INTERSOS started to implement health programming (with integration of nutrition), based on a needs-analysis of the conflict- affected communities in Yemen: with the rapidly collapsing Yemeni health care system, it has been paramount to support partially and non-functional health facilities to prevent total collapse/meltdown of health care system. Such programme includes: immunization, ANC, PNC, BEmONC, IMCI, OPD screening for malnutrition, treatment of SAM cases, health education, deworming, vitamin A supplementation and referral services. Besides attention for EPHC, INTERSOS ensures also attention for Secondary Health care to ensure referral services, while supporting the WHO/MOPHP strategy to ensure the minimum service package (MSP).

Moreover INTERSOS has integrated livelihoods and WASH activities in its main programming.


General purpose of the position

The MEAL Expert will support in completing the setting up, implementation and supervision of the MEAL Unit in the INTERSOS Yemen Mission ensuring strong coordination with Program Unit and under the supervision of the HoM.

S/he will accomplish this through leading the development and implementation of a mission MEAL framework / strategy, focusing on mentoring and/or building capacities of relevant programme and M&E staff, as well as promoting and fostering a culture of shared learning and accountability, and promoting innovation within the programme. This includes the development and integration of accountability, learning and programme quality standards in programme assessments, design, monitoring, review and evaluation as well as consistent documentation of learning and progress in this area.

Once fully developed, the MEAL Expert will be expected to lead on MEAL system implementation including monitoring, accountability initiatives, support evaluations, compile lessons learnt, MEAL budgeting and recruitment.


Main responsibilities and tasks

Strategic development

  • Carry out an analysis of the M&E department in INTERSOS Yemen

  • Steers the development of the MEAL strategy for the mission

  • Develop MEAL SoPs and tools for the mission

  • Suggest efficient and effective structure for the department


  • Coordinates and validates ToR (including data collection tools, in coordination with Technical and Program Coordinators)

  • Supports the development of multisectoral assessment tools

  • Coordinates the implementation of assessments

  • Coordinates and validates the drafting of report (second layer of validation by the HoM and Coordinators)

Monitoring of projects

  • Provides the technical framework and tools of all monitoring activities

  • Support HoM in enhancing the common monitoring framework for overall programme in place (Project Appraisal Tool system in particular)

  • Support the implementation of a system to manage information generated by MEAL activities, such as beneficiaries’ databases

  • Support and improve the current system for data collection and analysis

  • Conduct data analysis and present and disseminate information to inform programme management

  • Supports the management of external (donor) monitoring visits


  • Coordinates and validates ToR (including data collection tools)

  • Supports more proactively the development of multisectoral evaluations tools

  • Coordinates the implementation of evaluations

  • Coordinates and validates the drafting of reports. Where reports are being submitted to external stakeholders (donors or diffusion to partners) there will be a second layer of validation by the HoM


  • Supervise and improve the implementation of accountability mechanisms at field level, e.g. complaint and feedback mechanisms for beneficiaries and staff

  • In coordination with other department (in particular Protection), develop accountability SOPs for the mission

  • Responsible for the smooth rolling out of the INTERSOS Feedback and Complaint mechanism

  • Ensure the roll out of and training on accountability SOP for each project

  • Support Program Unit to ensure that the overall program is including strategies and mechanism for promoting high level of community participation.

Capitalisation and knowledge management

  • Coordinates and steers the development of ToR for capitalisation activities

  • Facilitates capitalisation activities

  • Steers and / or develop (based on circumstances) the capitalisation reports

  • Manages the knowledge cycle (i.e. how the knowledge is transformed in better quality operations)

HR Management

  • Support in the recruitment and management of staff (induction, performance management and training)

  • Identify learning and training opportunities for MEAL staff and work as a mentor for national staff.

  • Support the design and supervision of training and awareness raising activities for operations and programme staff at field level regarding MEAL priorities and quality standards

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Sana’a and Aden, 50-50% roving, with regular visits to other governorates: Hajja, Ibb, Taiz, Lahj, Hadramout /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 09/05/2019
Date limite : 23/05/2019



  • Hold a Master degree in social science or any related field (unless compensated with minimum 5 year of relevant work experience)

Professional Experience

  • At least 3 years of direct professional experience working as a technical expert in Monitoring and Evaluation in emergency contexts.

  • Solid knowledge of different donors’ guidelines regarding monitoring and evaluation

  • Prior experience in working in complex emergency setting, involving displacement.

Professional Requirements

  • Experience in data collection and analysis (creation and management of database at mission level and at project level, data analysis and management, drafting of reports combining quantitative and qualitative information).

  • Demonstrated ability to carry out assessments and evaluations, to produce reports and present findings to donors’, Clusters, and other relevant stakeholders.

  • Experience in working through systems of community participation and accountability

  • Demonstrated experience in establishing and maintaining collaborative relationships with different stakeholders

  • Excellent computer skills (proven computer literacy, in particular excellent Excel knowledge is a must) and high-level expertise in working with smart tools (ODK and KOBO)

  • Ability to provide capacity building to national staff – both coaching on the job and through structure training.

  • Demonstrated leadership and interpersonal skills

  • Demonstrated experience in staff supervision and remote management

  • Readiness and ability to move around in Yemen

  • Readiness to commit and adhere to the values, mission and vision of INTERSOS


  • Excellent written and spoken English

  • Native Arabic would be asset

Personal Requirements

  • Strong team spirit, comfortable in a multicultural environment

  • Excellent analytical skills, observation and analysis capacity

  • Attention to detail and structured way of approaching tasks (very organized)

  • Ability to plan ahead and output oriented (proactive)

  • Able to ensure quick quality delivery in stressful environment (stress-resilient)

  • Ability to adhere to deadlines and respect line management

  • Very strong interpersonal skills: strong communication and diplomatic skills

  • Practical and problem-solver

  • Ability to deal with heavy work pressure


For further information and to apply, follow the link below:

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS' platform, you can also apply by sending your CV, motivation letter and at least 2 references via email to, with subject line: "SR-35-1038 - MEAL Expert - Yemen".

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Terms of reference

Job Title: MEAL Expert

Code: SR-35-1038

Duty station: Sana’a and Aden, 50-50% roving, with regular visits to other governorates: Hajja, Ibb, Taiz, Lahj, Hadramout

Starting date: 01/07/2019

Contract duration: 6 months - renewable

Reporting to: Head of Mission

Supervision of: M&E Officers, Feedback & Complaint Officers

Dependents: n/a


General context of the project

In Yemen, INTERSOS has been engaged since 2008, providing protection assistance to refugees and migrants (mostly but not exclusively from the Horn of Africa). Since 2015 INTERSOS scaled up its operations to ensure a robust response to the IDPs crisis and the needs of other conflict affected Yemenis, and also expanded its geographical scope (covering Aden, Taiz, Hajja, Ibb, Hadramout and Lahj). INTERSOS’ protection programming for IDPs and conflict affected Yemenis focused on provision of emergency protection services: protection monitoring, provision of legal assistance, general case management services for GBV/PwSN/CP, including provision of cash assistance, rental subsidies, material assistance, livelihoods and life skills trainings. Moreover, from 2015 onwards INTERSOS started to implement health programming (with integration of nutrition), based on a needs-analysis of the conflict- affected communities in Yemen: with the rapidly collapsing Yemeni health care system, it has been paramount to support partially and non-functional health facilities to prevent total collapse/meltdown of health care system. Such programme includes: immunization, ANC, PNC, BEmONC, IMCI, OPD screening for malnutrition, treatment of SAM cases, health education, deworming, vitamin A supplementation and referral services. Besides attention for EPHC, INTERSOS ensures also attention for Secondary Health care to ensure referral services, while supporting the WHO/MOPHP strategy to ensure the minimum service package (MSP).
Moreover INTERSOS has integrated livelihoods and WASH activities in its main programming.


General purpose of the position

The MEAL Expert will support in completing the setting up, implementation and supervision of the MEAL Unit in the INTERSOS Yemen Mission ensuring strong coordination with Program Unit and under the supervision of the HoM.
S/he will accomplish this through leading the development and implementation of a mission MEAL framework / strategy, focusing on mentoring and/or building capacities of relevant programme and M&E staff, as well as promoting and fostering a culture of shared learning and accountability, and promoting innovation within the programme. This includes the development and integration of accountability, learning and programme quality standards in programme assessments, design, monitoring, review and evaluation as well as consistent documentation of learning and progress in this area.
Once fully developed, the MEAL Expert will be expected to lead on MEAL system implementation including monitoring, accountability initiatives, support evaluations, compile lessons learnt, MEAL budgeting and recruitment.


Main responsibilities and tasks

Strategic development

  • Carry out an analysis of the M&E department in INTERSOS Yemen

  • Steers the development of the MEAL strategy for the mission

  • Develop MEAL SoPs and tools for the mission

  • Suggest efficient and effective structure for the department


  • Coordinates and validates ToR (including data collection tools, in coordination with Technical and Program Coordinators)

  • Supports the development of multisectoral assessment tools

  • Coordinates the implementation of assessments

  • Coordinates and validates the drafting of report (second layer of validation by the HoM and Coordinators)

Monitoring of projects

  • Provides the technical framework and tools of all monitoring activities

  • Support HoM in enhancing the common monitoring framework for overall programme in place (Project Appraisal Tool system in particular)

  • Support the implementation of a system to manage information generated by MEAL activities, such as beneficiaries’ databases

  • Support and improve the current system for data collection and analysis

  • Conduct data analysis and present and disseminate information to inform programme management

  • Supports the management of external (donor) monitoring visits


  • Coordinates and validates ToR (including data collection tools)

  • Supports more proactively the development of multisectoral evaluations tools

  • Coordinates the implementation of evaluations

  • Coordinates and validates the drafting of reports. Where reports are being submitted to external stakeholders (donors or diffusion to partners) there will be a second layer of validation by the HoM


  • Supervise and improve the implementation of accountability mechanisms at field level, e.g. complaint and feedback mechanisms for beneficiaries and staff

  • In coordination with other department (in particular Protection), develop accountability SOPs for the mission

  • Responsible for the smooth rolling out of the INTERSOS Feedback and Complaint mechanism

  • Ensure the roll out of and training on accountability SOP for each project

  • Support Program Unit to ensure that the overall program is including strategies and mechanism for promoting high level of community participation.

Capitalisation and knowledge management

  • Coordinates and steers the development of ToR for capitalisation activities

  • Facilitates capitalisation activities

  • Steers and / or develop (based on circumstances) the capitalisation reports

  • Manages the knowledge cycle (i.e. how the knowledge is transformed in better quality operations)

HR Management

  • Support in the recruitment and management of staff (induction, performance management and training)

  • Identify learning and training opportunities for MEAL staff and work as a mentor for national staff.

  • Support the design and supervision of training and awareness raising activities for operations and programme staff at field level regarding MEAL priorities and quality standards

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Sana’a and Aden, 50-50% roving, with regular visits to the project governorates: Hajja and Aden /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 19/04/2019
Date limite : 30/04/2019



  • Hold a Master degree in any relevant field

Professional Experience

  • At least 3 years of direct professional experience working as humanitarian project manager, including financial management responsibilities.

  • Prior work experience in INGO in project management.

  • Demonstrate minimum 3 year experience in the implementation of multi-sector humanitarian programming in complex emergencies, including protection services and health and/or nutrition services

  • Prior experience in working in complex emergency setting, involving internal displacement

  • Prior experience working with DG ECHO as donor will be an added value

Professional Requirements

  • Admin/finance skills;

  • Demonstrable experience in establishing and maintaining collaborative relationships with donors and government counterparts.

  • Experience with donor compliance and reporting

  • Strong representation and negotiation skills

  • Demonstrated leadership and interpersonal skills

  • Excellent computer skills (proven computer literacy, in particular Excel knowledge is a must).

  • Demonstrated experience in staff supervision and remote management

  • Strong experience with monitoring tools and systems

  • Readiness and ability to move around in Yemen

  • Readiness to commit and adhere to the values, mission and vision of INTERSOS


  • Excellent written and spoken English

  • Native Arabic would be asset

Personal Requirements

  • Strong team spirit, comfortable in a multi-cultural environment

  • Excellent analytical skills, observation and analysis capacity

  • Attention to detail and structured way of approaching tasks (very organized)

  • Ability to plan ahead and output oriented (pro-active)

  • Able to ensure quick quality delivery in stressful environment (stress-resilient)

  • Ability to adhere to deadlines and respect line management

  • Very strong interpersonal skills: strong communication and diplomatic skills

  • Practical and problem-solver

  • Ability to deal with heavy work pressure



For further information and to apply, follow the link below:

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS' platform, you can also apply by sending your CV, motivation letter and 2 references via email to , with subject line: "SR-35-994 - Project Manager Multi Sector - Yemen".

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Terms of reference

Job Title: Project Manager – multi sector (health-nutrition-protection)

Code: SR-35-994

Duty station: Sana’a and Aden, 50-50% roving, with regular visits to the project governorates: Hajja and Aden

Starting date: 01/05/2019

Contract duration: 11 months

Reporting to: Hierarchically to Program Coordinator, functionally to Health-Nutrition Coordinators and Protection Coordinators

Supervision of: 3 protection teams: 2 roving protection teams in Hajja (1 in Qafl Shamer and 1 in Ku’aydina) linked to 3 health facilities and 1 protection team running a community center in Al-Buraiqa in Aden. 5 health and nutrition teams: 3 at 3 health facilities in Hajja (1 in Qafl Shamer and 2 in Ku’aydina) and 2 running 2 mobile clinics covering collective IDP sites in Dar Sa’ad and Al-Buraiqa (Aden). The total number of staff for all 8 teams is in total about: 129 staff, in addition to 32 volunteers The project manager is supervising 2 national project managers, 1 for Hajja and 1 for Aden.

Dependents: /

General context of the project

The project targets Qafl Shamer and Ku'aydinah in Hajja and Al-Buraiqa and Dar Sa'ad in Aden, providing emergency health and nutrition services, integrated with protection services for conflict and displacement affected people. For health and nutrition services, the project follows the by cluster defined MSP - by level of care (incl. mental health and GBV medical services). The services at health facilities-HFs (Hajja) or provided by mobile clinic teams-MCTs (Aden) include Reproductive Health/Maternal, Neonatal, Child Health, deliveries and antenatal and postnatal care for mothers; newborn care, immunization, deworming, vitamin.

A supplementation, screening for malnutrition, treatment for acute malnutrition cases, health education, outpatient treatment for common ailments, integrating Infant and Young Child Feeding in nutrition treatment and prevention. For protection, the project provides emergency protection services for the most vulnerable, targeting Persons with Specific Needs (incl. persons with disabilities), Child Protection cases and GBV survivors, integrating protection activities with health, providing individual case management services and collective PSS provided from a community center (CC) or a HF, while community volunteers ensure community acceptance, outreach and referral. Community awareness will be tailored per target, age and gender group. For Hajja, INTERSOS will support 3 existing HFs, by support for staff, drugs, equipment and running cost, as well as running 2 ambulances, and will have 2 protection teams covering to the catchment area of the 3 health facilities, working from a room provided in the health facility. For Aden, INTERSOS will run 2 MCTs, targeting the IDPs staying in collective shelters and other concentration areas in Dar Sa'ad and Al-Buraiqa districts. A CC will be set up in Al-Buraiqa, to address the protection needs of the IDPs and HC (while a CC was already established in Dar Sa'ad with OCHA funding).


General purpose of the position

The Project Manager is in charge of the implementation and the supervision of the DG ECHO funded project entitled: “Provision of emergency primary and secondary health & nutrition services, with integration of protection services, for conflict and displacement affected people, in Aden and Hajjah governorates”.


Main responsibilities and tasks

Main responsibilities:

  • Ensures the planning, implementation and monitoring/evaluation and sets targets as included in the project description.

  • Guarantee an efficient financial management for the project in compliance with INTERSOS’ model and donor regulations.

  • Team management (staff and volunteers)

  • Deliver quality project activities reporting, including the findings in terms of impact/changes at the level of beneficiaries achieved through the project.

More specifically:

Ensure the full and timely implementation of the project proposal as approved, pro-actively respecting deadlines for reporting:

  • Team recruitment, liaise with admin-fin department to secure up to date HR files

  • Prepare and organize training for volunteers and staff

  • Project kick-off and presentation/sharing of project with teams

  • Review and prepare a detailed activity plan with team

  • Agree and establish clear reporting and communication lines

  • Verification on the targeting of beneficiaries

  • Ensure sector SOPs and guidelines are properly applied and adhered to

  • Permanent on-job coaching of teams to work on quality in delivery

  • Ensure security assessment for teams’ daily movement and report incidents/concerns in a pro-active manner to the Head of Mission and Security Focal point

  • Secure drug store management

Financial management and procurement:

  • Prepare, monitor and implement financial and procurement plan

  • Prepare weekly liquidity plan

  • Approval of all purchases/contracting and budget line allocations

  • Verify on a weekly basis the bookkeeping entries in the INTERSOS accounting spread sheets (PN): verify budget line allocations, budget expenditure status against actual delivery and the financial plan for the remainder project implementation period

  • Ensure for all purchases/contracting of goods/services/supplies the correct INTERSOS procurement guidelines are applied and properly documented (also for the procedures applied by the municipalities), in close coordination with the admin-fin and logistics department

  • Verify the list of expenditures prior to finalizing the interim and final financial reports

  • Holds final responsibility for verification of all support documents’ completeness and correctness

Manage team and to provide relevant capacity building and on-job coaching to the project team:

  • Manages and evaluates the performance of the project staff

  • Conduct weekly and monthly meetings with the team to review the planning and discuss the main concerns to focus on for the upcoming period

  • Ensure use of correct/relevant forms for assessments and reporting by the team

  • Ensure fluent chain of information/data transfer from field to supervisors

  • Ensure timely processing of information/data and conduct coaching for teams on the analysis of the processed data

  • Continuous/fast verification of data quality collected and received from field staff

  • Establish a participatory process to inform/develop relevant response strategies for conflict mitigation and enhanced social cohesion.

  • Undertake (if security situation allows) field visits to provide technical guidance and supervision to the team and to monitor the progress and quality of the different project activities.

  • Ensure good practice and system for internal and external referral of most vulnerable cases, in close coordination and collaboration with other INTERSOS programmes/project staff.

  • Oversee team attendances and authorize holidays, liaise with admin-fin department to secure up to date HR files

  • Ensure teams respect INTERSOS rules and guidelines to the mission and adhere to INTERSOS code of conduct and charter of values

Monitoring & evaluation:

  • Ensure monitoring and verification for the targeting of beneficiaries.

  • Applying a result-based management approach, monitor the project outcomes, in addition to the outputs and activities, including changes at the household and community level achieved through the project.


  • Ensure quality reporting on achievements through daily short briefings, monthly and weekly planning presented against weekly and monthly performance reports containing clear quantitative and qualitative information related to the activities.

  • Secure weekly and monthly reporting per team and compile, review and analyses reports on monthly bases to be reflected in INTERSOS PAT reporting tool

  • Prepare ad hoc progress reporting for the donor and official required interim and final project reports: Prepare interim and final narrative reports for the donor in a timely and qualitative manner, looking into achievements against outcomes and output and reflect lessons learnt clearly into recommendations for future programming. Reporting must at all times be gender and age disaggregated per OCHA gender and age marker guidelines.

  • Holds final responsibility for all support documents (means of verification) and general project documents

  • Delivers regular communication products (including pictures) on the project to be used by the INTERSOS communication department in different outlets

Coordination and representation:

  • Attend the health cluster meetings and ensure timely reporting of highlights to HNC, program coordinator and HoM.

  • Conduct regular meetings with the donor representatives and facilitates field visits by donor missions (when security allows for).

  • Coordinate with MoPHP, Executive Unit for IDPs and MOPIC to assure the timely signature of sub-agreement.

  • Support INTERSOS with the outlining of its Yemen Country strategy, in particular for the development of an integrated strategy towards end of 2019.

  • Contribute to the coordination between the different project-teams for the projects in Yemen. Proactively participate in health cluster meetings and other relevant working groups for Yemen, also relevant inter-sectorial coordination meetings at national level.

  • Ensure systematic information and update sharing with the HOM and other programme staff.

  • Coordinate with other INTERSOS projects/sectors for effective and efficient referral of cases between INTERSOS projects/sectors


  • Perform any other related duties as required.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Sana’a and Aden, 50-50% roving, with regular visits to the project governorates: Hajja and Aden /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 04/04/2019
Date limite : 18/04/2019



  • Hold a Master degree in any relevant field

Professional Experience

  • At least 3 years of direct professional experience working as humanitarian project manager, including financial management responsibilities.

  • Prior work experience in INGO in project management.

  • Demonstrate minimum 3 year experience in the implementation of multi-sector humanitarian programming in complex emergencies, including protection services and health and/or nutrition services

  • Prior experience in working in complex emergency setting, involving internal displacement

  • Prior experience working with DG ECHO as donor will be an added value

Professional Requirements

  • Admin/finance skills;

  • Demonstrable experience in establishing and maintaining collaborative relationships with donors and government counterparts.

  • Experience with donor compliance and reporting

  • Strong representation and negotiation skills

  • Demonstrated leadership and interpersonal skills

  • Excellent computer skills (proven computer literacy, in particular Excel knowledge is a must).

  • Demonstrated experience in staff supervision and remote management

  • Strong experience with monitoring tools and systems

  • Readiness and ability to move around in Yemen

  • Readiness to commit and adhere to the values, mission and vision of INTERSOS


  • Excellent written and spoken English

  • Native Arabic would be asset

Personal Requirements

  • Strong team spirit, comfortable in a multi-cultural environment

  • Excellent analytical skills, observation and analysis capacity

  • Attention to detail and structured way of approaching tasks (very organized)

  • Ability to plan ahead and output oriented (pro-active)

  • Able to ensure quick quality delivery in stressful environment (stress-resilient)

  • Ability to adhere to deadlines and respect line management

  • Very strong interpersonal skills: strong communication and diplomatic skills

  • Practical and problem-solver

  • Ability to deal with heavy work pressure


For further information and to apply, follow the link below:

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS' platform, you can also apply by sending your CV, motivation letter and 2 references via email to , with subject line: "SR-35-994 - Project Manager Multi Sector - Yemen".

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Terms of reference

Job Title: Project Manager – multi sector (health-nutrition-protection)

Code: SR-35-994

Duty station: Sana’a and Aden, 50-50% roving, with regular visits to the project governorates: Hajja and Aden

Starting date: 01/05/2019

Contract duration: 11 months

Reporting to: Hierarchically to Program Coordinator, functionally to Health-Nutrition Coordinators and Protection Coordinators

Supervision of: 3 protection teams: 2 roving protection teams in Hajja (1 in Qafl Shamer and 1 in Ku’aydina) linked to 3 health facilities and 1 protection team running a community center in Al-Buraiqa in Aden. 5 health and nutrition teams: 3 at 3 health facilities in Hajja (1 in Qafl Shamer and 2 in Ku’aydina) and 2 running 2 mobile clinics covering collective IDP sites in Dar Sa’ad and Al-Buraiqa (Aden). The total number of staff for all 8 teams is in total about: 129 staff, in addition to 32 volunteers The project manager is supervising 2 national project managers, 1 for Hajja and 1 for Aden.

Dependents: /

General context of the project

The project targets Qafl Shamer and Ku'aydinah in Hajja and Al-Buraiqa and Dar Sa'ad in Aden, providing emergency health and nutrition services, integrated with protection services for conflict and displacement affected people. For health and nutrition services, the project follows the by cluster defined MSP - by level of care (incl. mental health and GBV medical services). The services at health facilities-HFs (Hajja) or provided by mobile clinic teams-MCTs (Aden) include Reproductive Health/Maternal, Neonatal, Child Health, deliveries and antenatal and postnatal care for mothers; newborn care, immunization, deworming, vitamin.

A supplementation, screening for malnutrition, treatment for acute malnutrition cases, health education, outpatient treatment for common ailments, integrating Infant and Young Child Feeding in nutrition treatment and prevention. For protection, the project provides emergency protection services for the most vulnerable, targeting Persons with Specific Needs (incl. persons with disabilities), Child Protection cases and GBV survivors, integrating protection activities with health, providing individual case management services and collective PSS provided from a community center (CC) or a HF, while community volunteers ensure community acceptance, outreach and referral. Community awareness will be tailored per target, age and gender group. For Hajja, INTERSOS will support 3 existing HFs, by support for staff, drugs, equipment and running cost, as well as running 2 ambulances, and will have 2 protection teams covering to the catchment area of the 3 health facilities, working from a room provided in the health facility. For Aden, INTERSOS will run 2 MCTs, targeting the IDPs staying in collective shelters and other concentration areas in Dar Sa'ad and Al-Buraiqa districts. A CC will be set up in Al-Buraiqa, to address the protection needs of the IDPs and HC (while a CC was already established in Dar Sa'ad with OCHA funding).


General purpose of the position

The Project Manager is in charge of the implementation and the supervision of the DG ECHO funded project entitled: “Provision of emergency primary and secondary health & nutrition services, with integration of protection services, for conflict and displacement affected people, in Aden and Hajjah governorates”.


Main responsibilities and tasks

Main responsibilities:

  • Ensures the planning, implementation and monitoring/evaluation and sets targets as included in the project description.

  • Guarantee an efficient financial management for the project in compliance with INTERSOS’ model and donor regulations.

  • Team management (staff and volunteers)

  • Deliver quality project activities reporting, including the findings in terms of impact/changes at the level of beneficiaries achieved through the project.

More specifically:

Ensure the full and timely implementation of the project proposal as approved, pro-actively respecting deadlines for reporting:

  • Team recruitment, liaise with admin-fin department to secure up to date HR files

  • Prepare and organize training for volunteers and staff

  • Project kick-off and presentation/sharing of project with teams

  • Review and prepare a detailed activity plan with team

  • Agree and establish clear reporting and communication lines

  • Verification on the targeting of beneficiaries

  • Ensure sector SOPs and guidelines are properly applied and adhered to

  • Permanent on-job coaching of teams to work on quality in delivery

  • Ensure security assessment for teams’ daily movement and report incidents/concerns in a pro-active manner to the Head of Mission and Security Focal point

  • Secure drug store management

Financial management and procurement:

  • Prepare, monitor and implement financial and procurement plan

  • Prepare weekly liquidity plan

  • Approval of all purchases/contracting and budget line allocations

  • Verify on a weekly basis the bookkeeping entries in the INTERSOS accounting spread sheets (PN): verify budget line allocations, budget expenditure status against actual delivery and the financial plan for the remainder project implementation period

  • Ensure for all purchases/contracting of goods/services/supplies the correct INTERSOS procurement guidelines are applied and properly documented (also for the procedures applied by the municipalities), in close coordination with the admin-fin and logistics department

  • Verify the list of expenditures prior to finalizing the interim and final financial reports

  • Holds final responsibility for verification of all support documents’ completeness and correctness

Manage team and to provide relevant capacity building and on-job coaching to the project team:

  • Manages and evaluates the performance of the project staff

  • Conduct weekly and monthly meetings with the team to review the planning and discuss the main concerns to focus on for the upcoming period

  • Ensure use of correct/relevant forms for assessments and reporting by the team

  • Ensure fluent chain of information/data transfer from field to supervisors

  • Ensure timely processing of information/data and conduct coaching for teams on the analysis of the processed data

  • Continuous/fast verification of data quality collected and received from field staff

  • Establish a participatory process to inform/develop relevant response strategies for conflict mitigation and enhanced social cohesion.

  • Undertake (if security situation allows) field visits to provide technical guidance and supervision to the team and to monitor the progress and quality of the different project activities.

  • Ensure good practice and system for internal and external referral of most vulnerable cases, in close coordination and collaboration with other INTERSOS programmes/project staff.

  • Oversee team attendances and authorize holidays, liaise with admin-fin department to secure up to date HR files

  • Ensure teams respect INTERSOS rules and guidelines to the mission and adhere to INTERSOS code of conduct and charter of values

Monitoring & evaluation:

  • Ensure monitoring and verification for the targeting of beneficiaries.

  • Applying a result-based management approach, monitor the project outcomes, in addition to the outputs and activities, including changes at the household and community level achieved through the project.


  • Ensure quality reporting on achievements through daily short briefings, monthly and weekly planning presented against weekly and monthly performance reports containing clear quantitative and qualitative information related to the activities.

  • Secure weekly and monthly reporting per team and compile, review and analyses reports on monthly bases to be reflected in INTERSOS PAT reporting tool

  • Prepare ad hoc progress reporting for the donor and official required interim and final project reports: Prepare interim and final narrative reports for the donor in a timely and qualitative manner, looking into achievements against outcomes and output and reflect lessons learnt clearly into recommendations for future programming. Reporting must at all times be gender and age disaggregated per OCHA gender and age marker guidelines.

  • Holds final responsibility for all support documents (means of verification) and general project documents

  • Delivers regular communication products (including pictures) on the project to be used by the INTERSOS communication department in different outlets

Coordination and representation:

  • Attend the health cluster meetings and ensure timely reporting of highlights to HNC, program coordinator and HoM.

  • Conduct regular meetings with the donor representatives and facilitates field visits by donor missions (when security allows for).

  • Coordinate with MoPHP, Executive Unit for IDPs and MOPIC to assure the timely signature of sub-agreement.

  • Support INTERSOS with the outlining of its Yemen Country strategy, in particular for the development of an integrated strategy towards end of 2019.

  • Contribute to the coordination between the different project-teams for the projects in Yemen. Proactively participate in health cluster meetings and other relevant working groups for Yemen, also relevant inter-sectorial coordination meetings at national level.

  • Ensure systematic information and update sharing with the HOM and other programme staff.

  • Coordinate with other INTERSOS projects/sectors for effective and efficient referral of cases between INTERSOS projects/sectors


  • Perform any other related duties as required.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Aden, but with regular field visits for cluster-related purposes to other governorates /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 28/03/2019
Date limite : 04/04/2019



Hold a master’s degree in social science or any related field (unless compensated with minimum 5 year of relevant work experience).

Professional Experience

  • At least 2 years relevant coordination experience in the protection sector in emergency settings

  • Familiarity with the Cluster system and OCHA functions is mandatory

  • Prior experience in providing coordination, training and guidance to partners (UN agencies, INGOs, NNGOs) in carrying out protection & multi-sector rapid assessments and intention surveys in challenging environment

  • Prior experience in roles of coordination & representation of national and international NGOs

  • Deep knowledge of protection mainstreaming, referral pathway mechanisms and service mapping

  • Prior experience in working in protracted complex emergency setting, involving internal displacement

  • Demonstrated knowledge of project proposal writing, while prior experience in Cluster defense would be an asset

Professional Requirements

  • Demonstrable experience in establishing and maintaining collaborative relationships with a variety of stakeholders including, donors and government counterparts, INGOs, NGOs, other Clusters, UN agencies representatives

  • Excellent computer skills (proven computer literacy, in particular excellent Excel knowledge is a must)

  • Experience in data collection and analysis (data analysis and management, drafting of reports combining quantitative and qualitative information), including ability to work smoothly with SMART tools such as ODK and KOBO

  • Demonstrate ability to provide capacity building to national staff – both coaching on the job and through structure training

  • Demonstrated leadership and interpersonal skills

  • Strong experience with monitoring tools and systems

  • Basic IM and design skills would be an asset

  • Readiness to move around in Yemen

  • Readiness to commit and adhere to the values, mission and vision of INTERSOS


  • EXCELLENT English language skills – reading, speaking, writing

  • Knowledge of Arabic language will be considered as an asset but is not compulsory

Personal Requirements

  • Strong team spirit, comfortable in a multi-cultural environment

  • Excellent analytical skills, observation and analysis capacity

  • Attention to detail and structured way of approaching tasks (very organized)

  • Ability to plan ahead and output oriented (pro-active)

  • Able to ensure quick quality delivery in stressful environment (stress-resilient)

  • Ability to adhere to deadlines and respect line management

  • Very strong interpersonal skills: strong communication and diplomatic skills

  • Practical and problem-solver

  • Ability to deal with heavy work pressure and flexible working hours


For further information and to apply, follow the link below:


In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS' platform, you can also apply by sending your CV, motivation letter and 2 references via email to , with subject line: "SR-35-705 - Sub National Protection Cluster Co-Coordinator- Yemen".

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Terms of reference

Job Title: Sub National Protection Cluster Co-Coordinator

Code: 35-705

Duty station: Aden, but with regular field visits for cluster-related purposes to other governorates (meetings, assessments, surveys). Other governorates include: Lahj, South Taiz, Al-Dhale’a, Abyan, in addition to Mukalla-hub (Shabwa, Hadramout and Al-Mahra) until present presence is established by protection cluster in Mukalla.

Starting date: 07/04/2019

Contract duration: 9 Months

Reporting to: INTERSOS - Head of Mission & UNHCR - Sub National Protection Cluster Co-Coordinator (UNHCR SN-PCC)

Supervision of: n/a

Dependents: n/a


General context of the project

Yemen finds itself in a man-made protracted crisis with devastating effects on the lives of ordinary people. The protection of civilians is continuously undermined and/or ignored by the parties to the conflict. Armed conflict, risk of famine and disease outbreaks in Yemen have resulted in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis with over 18 million people estimated to be in need of humanitarian assistance. At the heart of this man-made humanitarian emergency is a protection crisis that threatens the life, safety and well-being of millions of civilians, not least the most vulnerable already struggling to survive. Underlying the armed conflict, deep financial and economy crisis, and collapse basic services and institutions, are ongoing violations of international human rights law (IHRL) and international humanitarian law (IHL) and that result in civilian casualties, displacement, damage to civilian infrastructure and disruption and loss of livelihoods. These factors have exacerbated the vulnerabilities of the Yemeni population, leading to households and individuals resorting to negative coping mechanisms, such as child marriage, child labor, forced recruitment, etc. Moreover there is an increased family separation and the breakdown of community support structures, not to mention increased psychosocial and mental distress.


General purpose of the position

With protection being strategic and cross-cutting, the Sub-National Protection Cluster Co-Coordinator (SN-PCCC), together with the Sub National Protection Cluster Coordinator (SN-PCC), under leadership of UNHCR, assumes the responsibility of promoting the centrality of protection in the overall humanitarian response in the southern governorates. In addition to ensure access to qualitative protection services, the Sub-National Protection Cluster, under the leadership of the SN-PCC, is also responsible for providing training and guidance so that protection is sufficiently mainstreamed across clusters and sectors. 

The SN-PCCC represents the Protection Cluster in inter-cluster coordination mechanisms, at the Inter-Cluster Working Group and in other relevant fora (as necessary). The SN-PCCC represents the interests of the members of the Protection Cluster, respecting and promoting the humanitarian principles.

The SN-PCCC supports the work of the sub-clusters (Child Protection, GBV and the MATWG) while ensuring a holistic and coordinated approach in the protection response and ensures consultation to represent interests of sub-clusters.

Moreover the SN-PCCC will ensure:

  • Timely and coordinated action to address the protection needs of affected populations by Sub-National Protection Cluster members

  • Relevant and robust coordination mechanisms, incl. information management, are established and maintained with Sub-National Protection Cluster members, government counterparts and donors, for timely and effective needs assessments, planning, prioritization, implementation, reporting and evaluation

  • Quality analysis of context and data, permitting prioritization of protection related response activities, considering age, gender, disability and other diversities of the affected populations

  • Ensure that Sub-National Protection Cluster members are accountable to affected populations through consultation, participation, feedback and response mechanisms integrated throughout the programming cycles

  • Timely and evidence-based advocacy for adequate funding of activities delivered by the Sub-National Protection Cluster.


Main responsibilities and tasks

  • Support the SN-PCC to convene and facilitate Sub-National Protection Cluster meetings in line with the Principles of Partnership, ensuring that meetings are consultative and results-oriented;

  • Promote the centrality of protection in the overall humanitarian response throughout the humanitarian program cycle, incl. timely and comprehensive protection analysis and recommendations for action;

  • Ensure that the protection response is driven by a Protection Cluster strategy, which is informed by protection considerations and humanitarian principles, developed in a consultative process with Sub-National Protection Cluster members and external partners;

  • Ensure monitoring and reporting on activities, needs, and performance against the Protection Cluster strategy and agreed results;

  • Proactively represent the Sub-National Protection Cluster and the interests of Sub-National Protection Cluster members in inter-cluster working group, including with the government, ensuring consultation with Sub-National Protection Cluster members on key messages and adherence to humanitarian principles of impartiality, independence, neutrality and humanity;

  • Ensure coordination with government counterparts and other relevant authorities as well as complementarity with government policies and plans;

  • Co-lead and coordinate protection needs assessments, including participatory assessments of all affected populations within the Protection Cluster or at the inter-cluster level;

  • Ensure evidence-based collaborative planning;

  • Provide timely information as available and appropriate to Sub-National Protection Cluster members concerning funding opportunities as well as advocating of funding of protection activities in southern Governorates;

  • Co-coordinate and contribute to initiatives, including the delivery of protection training activities, to build the protection capacity of inter alia Sub-National Protection Cluster members and local authorities, external partners and civil society;

  • Co-facilitate reporting and information sharing within the Sub-National Protection Cluster and at the inter-cluster level;

  • Ensure the collection, analysis and use of sex and age disaggregated data, and that reporting captures gender, age and diversity dimensions.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Aden, but with regular field visits for cluster-related purposes to other governorates /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 21/03/2019
Date limite : 28/03/2019



Hold a master’s degree in social science or any related field (unless compensated with minimum 5 year of relevant work experience).

Professional Experience

  • At least 2 years relevant coordination experience in the protection sector in emergency settings

  • Familiarity with the Cluster system and OCHA functions is mandatory

  • Prior experience in providing coordination, training and guidance to partners (UN agencies, INGOs, NNGOs) in carrying out protection & multi-sector rapid assessments and intention surveys in challenging environment

  • Prior experience in roles of coordination & representation of national and international NGOs

  • Deep knowledge of protection mainstreaming, referral pathway mechanisms and service mapping

  • Prior experience in working in protracted complex emergency setting, involving internal displacement

  • Demonstrated knowledge of project proposal writing, while prior experience in Cluster defense would be an asset

Professional Requirements

  • Demonstrable experience in establishing and maintaining collaborative relationships with a variety of stakeholders including, donors and government counterparts, INGOs, NGOs, other Clusters, UN agencies representatives

  • Excellent computer skills (proven computer literacy, in particular excellent Excel knowledge is a must)

  • Experience in data collection and analysis (data analysis and management, drafting of reports combining quantitative and qualitative information), including ability to work smoothly with SMART tools such as ODK and KOBO

  • Demonstrate ability to provide capacity building to national staff – both coaching on the job and through structure training

  • Demonstrated leadership and interpersonal skills

  • Strong experience with monitoring tools and systems

  • Basic IM and design skills would be an asset

  • Readiness to move around in Yemen

  • Readiness to commit and adhere to the values, mission and vision of INTERSOS


  • EXCELLENT English language skills – reading, speaking, writing

  • Knowledge of Arabic language will be considered as an asset but is not compulsory

Personal Requirements

  • Strong team spirit, comfortable in a multi-cultural environment

  • Excellent analytical skills, observation and analysis capacity

  • Attention to detail and structured way of approaching tasks (very organized)

  • Ability to plan ahead and output oriented (pro-active)

  • Able to ensure quick quality delivery in stressful environment (stress-resilient)

  • Ability to adhere to deadlines and respect line management

  • Very strong interpersonal skills: strong communication and diplomatic skills

  • Practical and problem-solver

  • Ability to deal with heavy work pressure and flexible working hours


For further information and to apply, follow the link below:


In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS' platform, you can also apply by sending your CV, motivation letter and 2 references via email to , with subject line: "SR-35-705 - Sub National Protection Cluster Co-Coordinator- Yemen".

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Terms of reference

Job Title: Sub National Protection Cluster Co-Coordinator

Code: 35-705

Duty station: Aden, but with regular field visits for cluster-related purposes to other governorates (meetings, assessments, surveys). Other governorates include: Lahj, South Taiz, Al-Dhale’a, Abyan, in addition to Mukalla-hub (Shabwa, Hadramout and Al-Mahra) until present presence is established by protection cluster in Mukalla.

Starting date: 07/04/2019

Contract duration: 9 Months

Reporting to: INTERSOS - Head of Mission & UNHCR - Sub National Protection Cluster Co-Coordinator (UNHCR SN-PCC)

Supervision of: n/a

Dependents: n/a


General context of the project

Yemen finds itself in a man-made protracted crisis with devastating effects on the lives of ordinary people. The protection of civilians is continuously undermined and/or ignored by the parties to the conflict. Armed conflict, risk of famine and disease outbreaks in Yemen have resulted in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis with over 18 million people estimated to be in need of humanitarian assistance. At the heart of this man-made humanitarian emergency is a protection crisis that threatens the life, safety and well-being of millions of civilians, not least the most vulnerable already struggling to survive. Underlying the armed conflict, deep financial and economy crisis, and collapse basic services and institutions, are ongoing violations of international human rights law (IHRL) and international humanitarian law (IHL) and that result in civilian casualties, displacement, damage to civilian infrastructure and disruption and loss of livelihoods. These factors have exacerbated the vulnerabilities of the Yemeni population, leading to households and individuals resorting to negative coping mechanisms, such as child marriage, child labor, forced recruitment, etc. Moreover there is an increased family separation and the breakdown of community support structures, not to mention increased psychosocial and mental distress.


General purpose of the position

With protection being strategic and cross-cutting, the Sub-National Protection Cluster Co-Coordinator (SN-PCCC), together with the Sub National Protection Cluster Coordinator (SN-PCC), under leadership of UNHCR, assumes the responsibility of promoting the centrality of protection in the overall humanitarian response in the southern governorates. In addition to ensure access to qualitative protection services, the Sub-National Protection Cluster, under the leadership of the SN-PCC, is also responsible for providing training and guidance so that protection is sufficiently mainstreamed across clusters and sectors. 

The SN-PCCC represents the Protection Cluster in inter-cluster coordination mechanisms, at the Inter-Cluster Working Group and in other relevant fora (as necessary). The SN-PCCC represents the interests of the members of the Protection Cluster, respecting and promoting the humanitarian principles.

The SN-PCCC supports the work of the sub-clusters (Child Protection, GBV and the MATWG) while ensuring a holistic and coordinated approach in the protection response and ensures consultation to represent interests of sub-clusters.

Moreover the SN-PCCC will ensure:

  • Timely and coordinated action to address the protection needs of affected populations by Sub-National Protection Cluster members

  • Relevant and robust coordination mechanisms, incl. information management, are established and maintained with Sub-National Protection Cluster members, government counterparts and donors, for timely and effective needs assessments, planning, prioritization, implementation, reporting and evaluation

  • Quality analysis of context and data, permitting prioritization of protection related response activities, considering age, gender, disability and other diversities of the affected populations

  • Ensure that Sub-National Protection Cluster members are accountable to affected populations through consultation, participation, feedback and response mechanisms integrated throughout the programming cycles

  • Timely and evidence-based advocacy for adequate funding of activities delivered by the Sub-National Protection Cluster.


Main responsibilities and tasks

  • Support the SN-PCC to convene and facilitate Sub-National Protection Cluster meetings in line with the Principles of Partnership, ensuring that meetings are consultative and results-oriented;

  • Promote the centrality of protection in the overall humanitarian response throughout the humanitarian program cycle, incl. timely and comprehensive protection analysis and recommendations for action;

  • Ensure that the protection response is driven by a Protection Cluster strategy, which is informed by protection considerations and humanitarian principles, developed in a consultative process with Sub-National Protection Cluster members and external partners;

  • Ensure monitoring and reporting on activities, needs, and performance against the Protection Cluster strategy and agreed results;

  • Proactively represent the Sub-National Protection Cluster and the interests of Sub-National Protection Cluster members in inter-cluster working group, including with the government, ensuring consultation with Sub-National Protection Cluster members on key messages and adherence to humanitarian principles of impartiality, independence, neutrality and humanity;

  • Ensure coordination with government counterparts and other relevant authorities as well as complementarity with government policies and plans;

  • Co-lead and coordinate protection needs assessments, including participatory assessments of all affected populations within the Protection Cluster or at the inter-cluster level;

  • Ensure evidence-based collaborative planning;

  • Provide timely information as available and appropriate to Sub-National Protection Cluster members concerning funding opportunities as well as advocating of funding of protection activities in southern Governorates;

  • Co-coordinate and contribute to initiatives, including the delivery of protection training activities, to build the protection capacity of inter alia Sub-National Protection Cluster members and local authorities, external partners and civil society;

  • Co-facilitate reporting and information sharing within the Sub-National Protection Cluster and at the inter-cluster level;

  • Ensure the collection, analysis and use of sex and age disaggregated data, and that reporting captures gender, age and diversity dimensions.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Aden, but with regular field visits for cluster-related purposes to other governorates /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 12/03/2019
Date limite : 21/03/2019



Hold a master’s degree in social science or any related field (unless compensated with minimum 5 year of relevant work experience).

Professional Experience

  • At least 2 years relevant coordination experience in the protection sector in emergency settings
  • Familiarity with the Cluster system and OCHA functions is mandatory
  • Prior experience in providing coordination, training and guidance to partners (UN agencies, INGOs, NNGOs) in carrying out protection & multi-sector rapid assessments and intention surveys in challenging environment
  • Prior experience in roles of coordination & representation of national and international NGOs
  • Deep knowledge of protection mainstreaming, referral pathway mechanisms and service mapping
  • Prior experience in working in protracted complex emergency setting, involving internal displacement
  • Demonstrated knowledge of project proposal writing, while prior experience in Cluster defense would be an asset

Professional Requirements

  • Demonstrable experience in establishing and maintaining collaborative relationships with a variety of stakeholders including, donors and government counterparts, INGOs, NGOs, other Clusters, UN agencies representatives
  • Excellent computer skills (proven computer literacy, in particular excellent Excel knowledge is a must)
  • Experience in data collection and analysis (data analysis and management, drafting of reports combining quantitative and qualitative information), including ability to work smoothly with SMART tools such as ODK and KOBO
  • Demonstrate ability to provide capacity building to national staff – both coaching on the job and through structure training
  • Demonstrated leadership and interpersonal skills
  • Strong experience with monitoring tools and systems
  • Basic IM and design skills would be an asset
  • Readiness to move around in Yemen
  • Readiness to commit and adhere to the values, mission and vision of INTERSOS


  • EXCELLENT English language skills – reading, speaking, writing
  • Knowledge of Arabic language will be considered as an asset but is not compulsory

Personal Requirements

  • Strong team spirit, comfortable in a multi-cultural environment
  • Excellent analytical skills, observation and analysis capacity
  • Attention to detail and structured way of approaching tasks (very organized)
  • Ability to plan ahead and output oriented (pro-active)
  • Able to ensure quick quality delivery in stressful environment (stress-resilient)
  • Ability to adhere to deadlines and respect line management
  • Very strong interpersonal skills: strong communication and diplomatic skills
  • Practical and problem-solver
  • Ability to deal with heavy work pressure and flexible working hours




For further information and to apply, follow the link below: 


In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS' platform, you can also apply by sending your CV, motivation letter and 2 references via email to , with subject line: "SR-35-705 - Sub National Protection Cluster Co-Coordinator- Yemen".

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Terms of reference

Job Title: Sub National Protection Cluster Co-Coordinator

Code: 35-705

Duty station: Aden, but with regular field visits for cluster-related purposes to other governorates (meetings, assessments, surveys). Other governorates include: Lahj, South Taiz, Al-Dhale’a, Abyan, in addition to Mukalla-hub (Shabwa, Hadramout and Al-Mahra) until present presence is established by protection cluster in Mukalla.

Starting date: 07/04/2019

Contract duration: 9 Months

Reporting to: INTERSOS - Head of Mission & UNHCR - Sub National Protection Cluster Co-Coordinator (UNHCR SN-PCC)

Supervision of: n/a

Dependents: n/a


General context of the project

Yemen finds itself in a man-made protracted crisis with devastating effects on the lives of ordinary people. The protection of civilians is continuously undermined and/or ignored by the parties to the conflict. Armed conflict, risk of famine and disease outbreaks in Yemen have resulted in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis with over 18 million people estimated to be in need of humanitarian assistance. At the heart of this man-made humanitarian emergency is a protection crisis that threatens the life, safety and well-being of millions of civilians, not least the most vulnerable already struggling to survive. Underlying the armed conflict, deep financial and economy crisis, and collapse basic services and institutions, are ongoing violations of international human rights law (IHRL) and international humanitarian law (IHL) and that result in civilian casualties, displacement, damage to civilian infrastructure and disruption and loss of livelihoods. These factors have exacerbated the vulnerabilities of the Yemeni population, leading to households and individuals resorting to negative coping mechanisms, such as child marriage, child labor, forced recruitment, etc. Moreover there is an increased family separation and the breakdown of community support structures, not to mention increased psychosocial and mental distress.


General purpose of the position

With protection being strategic and cross-cutting, the Sub-National Protection Cluster Co-Coordinator (SN-PCCC), together with the Sub National Protection Cluster Coordinator (SN-PCC), under leadership of UNHCR, assumes the responsibility of promoting the centrality of protection in the overall humanitarian response in the southern governorates. In addition to ensure access to qualitative protection services, the Sub-National Protection Cluster, under the leadership of the SN-PCC, is also responsible for providing training and guidance so that protection is sufficiently mainstreamed across clusters and sectors. 

The SN-PCCC represents the Protection Cluster in inter-cluster coordination mechanisms, at the Inter-Cluster Working Group and in other relevant fora (as necessary). The SN-PCCC represents the interests of the members of the Protection Cluster, respecting and promoting the humanitarian principles.

The SN-PCCC supports the work of the sub-clusters (Child Protection, GBV and the MATWG) while ensuring a holistic and coordinated approach in the protection response and ensures consultation to represent interests of sub-clusters.

Moreover the SN-PCCC will ensure:

  • Timely and coordinated action to address the protection needs of affected populations by Sub-National Protection Cluster members
  • Relevant and robust coordination mechanisms, incl. information management, are established and maintained with Sub-National Protection Cluster members, government counterparts and donors, for timely and effective needs assessments, planning, prioritization, implementation, reporting and evaluation
  • Quality analysis of context and data, permitting prioritization of protection related response activities, considering age, gender, disability and other diversities of the affected populations
  • Ensure that Sub-National Protection Cluster members are accountable to affected populations through consultation, participation, feedback and response mechanisms integrated throughout the programming cycles
  • Timely and evidence-based advocacy for adequate funding of activities delivered by the Sub-National Protection Cluster.


Main responsibilities and tasks

  • Support the SN-PCC to convene and facilitate Sub-National Protection Cluster meetings in line with the Principles of Partnership, ensuring that meetings are consultative and results-oriented;
  • Promote the centrality of protection in the overall humanitarian response throughout the humanitarian program cycle, incl. timely and comprehensive protection analysis and recommendations for action;
  • Ensure that the protection response is driven by a Protection Cluster strategy, which is informed by protection considerations and humanitarian principles, developed in a consultative process with Sub-National Protection Cluster members and external partners;
  • Ensure monitoring and reporting on activities, needs, and performance against the Protection Cluster strategy and agreed results;
  • Proactively represent the Sub-National Protection Cluster and the interests of Sub-National Protection Cluster members in inter-cluster working group, including with the government, ensuring consultation with Sub-National Protection Cluster members on key messages and adherence to humanitarian principles of impartiality, independence, neutrality and humanity;
  • Ensure coordination with government counterparts and other relevant authorities as well as complementarity with government policies and plans;
  • Co-lead and coordinate protection needs assessments, including participatory assessments of all affected populations within the Protection Cluster or at the inter-cluster level;
  • Ensure evidence-based collaborative planning;
  • Provide timely information as available and appropriate to Sub-National Protection Cluster members concerning funding opportunities as well as advocating of funding of protection activities in southern Governorates;
  • Co-coordinate and contribute to initiatives, including the delivery of protection training activities, to build the protection capacity of inter alia Sub-National Protection Cluster members and local authorities, external partners and civil society;
  • Co-facilitate reporting and information sharing within the Sub-National Protection Cluster and at the inter-cluster level;
  • Ensure the collection, analysis and use of sex and age disaggregated data, and that reporting captures gender, age and diversity dimensions.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Aden /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 27/12/2018
Date limite : 19/01/2019




  • Diploma in a field related to the job (humanitarian, Sciences Po, etc.)

Experience :

  • At least 4 years of professional experience
  • At least 3 years of professional experience in humanitarian contexts, preferably in the management of emergency/conflicts area
  • Previous coordination experience (Field, Project, Admin, Log) is mandatory
  • Previous security management experience is mandatory
  • Proven managerial experience
  • Proven representation experience


  • Fostering teamwork
  • Empowering and developing others
  • Excellent communication skills (oral and written)
  • Strong writing and reporting skills
  • Analytical thinking
  • Integrity and accountability
  • Planning/Organizational skills
  • Results oriented

Personal qualities:

  • Self confidence
  • Adaptability
  • Strong interpersonal and multicultural skills
  • High level of autonomy and initiative
  • Ability to work under high pressure
  • Sense of humour


  • Starting date : January 2019
  • Length of the contract: 6 months renewable
  • Salary from 2970 € gross/month regarding the experience of the candidate
  • Perdiem : 550 € net/month
  • Hardship allowance: 500 € net/month
  • Insurances : medical hearth coverage, retirement planning, repatriation
  • Paid holiday : 25 days per year
  • R&R : 7 days every 8 weeks
  • Housing : Collective housing fully covered by HI



Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity.
Handicap International is changing his name and becomes « Humanity & Inclusion ». HI, Humanity & Inclusion is an independent and impartial aid and development organization with no religious or political affiliations operating in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.
Since the organization was first founded in 1982, we have set up development programs in more than 55 countries and responded to many emergencies. Today we have a budget of around 150 million euros, with 3500 employees worldwide.


HI have been intervening in Yemen on and off for the last 12 years, with its actions initially focused on development issues, notably through the support to the development of physical and functional rehabilitation services for people with disabilities (PwDs) as well as through the capacity-building of the national networks of Yemen Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs).
Since 2015, HI interventions have been adapted to the current context of conflict in Yemen. With the support of different donors, HI has been supporting two hospitals and one physical and functional rehabilitation centre in Sana'a City, building the capacities of their key staff in early rehabilitation care and psychological first aid (including specifically for children), supplying rehabilitation equipment, and directly providing functional rehabilitation care and psychosocial support to war affected people (including through the donation of assistive devices and provision of Prosthesis). In 2017, these activities have extended to new facilities in and around Sana’a.
In parallel, HI is implementing an inclusion and protection mainstreaming project, to increase the knowledge and capacities of the staff International NGOs in the inclusion of the most vulnerable persons in their humanitarian response (including PwD), so as to increase their access to essential services.
In addition, the mission is also expanding its sector of intervention through Risk education and Cash support. Eventually, the set-up of advocacy mechanisms considering the country and regional environment is another major goal of the mission.
While all of HI activities were done so far in Sana’a governorate, HI is about to expand its activities in the Northern part of the country including Hudaydah and in the Southern part of the country including Aden.


Line manager: Head of Mission
Funder(s): Multiple donors
Size of budget to be managed: 2.5 M.
Duration of funding (project: 24 months
Size of the team: Approximately 40/50 persons
Number of persons under direct supervision: 5 to 6 persons

Working in emergency project since 2015 in Sanaa, HI has the aim to develop the mission within the country and will open a new base in Aden in January 2019. The Area coordinator will set up the base and launch the projects in the South with the support of the coordination team.

Job description:

General mission: Coordination of the area and supervision of teams to ensure the quality of the projects implemented in the southern part of the country – with a base in Aden.

  • Responsibility 1: To open Aden base and set-up activities in the area with the close support of the coordination team.
  • Responsibility 2: To represent HI (Hub level)
  • Responsibility 3: To develop a strategy
  • Responsibility 4: To coordinate and implement projects
  • Responsibility 5: To ensure the coordination and application of processes/supporting documents
  • Responsibility 6: To manage team
  • Responsibility 7: To follow up context and security
  • Responsibility 8: To manage security
  • Responsibility 9: To manage communication, advocacy and confidentiality
  • Responsibility 10: To report

The complete job description will be shared with short-listed candidates.


The position is based in Aden – Yemen, but during the first part of the mission, the expatriate will be based in HI remote office in Amman, until his/her VISA for Yemen is approved. The office in Amman is used as a back-up office for HI expatriates to follow-up the mission, until they can visit Yemen.

In Aden, shared guesthouse well equipped with a safe room, most of the work is done at the office but few possibilities to go out for work purpose and for some extra professional activities. All movement are done by car. HI has set-up a curfew and strict security rules are applied. The situation in Aden is tense nowadays.
