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Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Bruxelles (ou Lyon) /
Type d'emploi : Stage
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 19/12/2016
Date limite : 09/01/2017


• Master ou BAC +4 • Connaissance de l’outil informatique (un ordinateur sera mis à disposition) ; une bonne connaissance du logiciel Excel et de la création de graphiques est nécessaire • Très bonnes capacités rédactionnelles, esprit de synthèse et d’analyse • Maîtrise de l'anglais et du français à l'écrit (rédaction/révision des documents) ; la connaissance de l’espagnol est un atout • Une première expérience dans le domaine de la coopération serait un atout • Qualités requises pour ce poste : Autonomie, sens de l'initiative et facilités de communication ; rigueur, fiabilité et sens du travail en équipe.


CONTEXTE Handicap International est une organisation de solidarité internationale indépendante et impartiale, qui intervient dans les situations de pauvreté et d’exclusion, de conflits et de catastrophes. Œuvrant aux côtés des personnes handicapées et des populations vulnérables, elle agit et témoigne, pour répondre à leurs besoins essentiels, pour améliorer leurs conditions de vie et promouvoir le respect de leur dignité et de leurs droits fondamentaux. Handicap International est une association à but non lucratif, sans affiliation politique ou confessionnelle. Elle repose sur un réseau d’associations structurées en Fédération, œuvrant de manière constante à la mobilisation des ressources, à la gestion des projets et à la mise en œuvre de la mission sociale. La Direction des Opérations et des Ressources Techniques (DORT) de Handicap International est composée de deux Directions opérationnelles organisées en Desks (DAD, Direction de l’Action de Développement, et DAH, Direction de l’Action Humanitaire) et d’une Direction des Ressources Techniques (DRT) organisée en Domaines techniques. DESCRIPTION Sous la coordination globale de la Directrice adjointe de la DORT, et en lien étroit avec les équipes Desk et DRT, les stagiaires auront principalement en charge la compilation des différentes informations sur les années 2015-2016 venant de sources diverses pré-identifiées. Ils auront des liens ponctuels avec les missions sur le terrain et feront le point à des moments prédeterminés avec chaque Responsable de Programme (Desk). C’est un travail très intéressant, qui permet au stagiaire d’acquérir une bonne vision sur l’ensemble des composantes du travail opérationnel de Handicap International. Objectif général du stage : Compiler les données venant de différents services siège et du terrain et les intégrer dans les différents Tableaux de Bord (Desks et 3 Directions) ; contribuer à un premier niveau d’analyse. Chaque stage se déroulera sur la base d’une Convention d’Insertion Professionnelle sur une durée de 3 mois et demi. Nous recherchons 2 équipes de 2 stagiaires disponibles sur 2 périodes décalées dans le temps : la première du 01/02/2017 – 15/05/2017 la seconde du 01/03/2017 – 15/06/2017 Le stage aura lieu sous couverture d’un contrat d’immersion professionnelle (pour ceux qui se dérouleront à Bruxelles) avec la rémunération légale y associée. Le stage aura lieu soit à Bruxelles (de préférence) au siège Belge de l’Association, soit à Lyon au sikège mondial de l’association.  Avant de postuler, veuillez vous assurer que vous remplissez les conditions du statut « Convention d’immersion professionnelle » ( Merci d’adresser votre CV et lettre de motivation (CV en anglais ou en français, lettre de motivation en anglais), en précisant si vous avez une préférence pour l’une ou l’autre période, par email à : , avec dans l’objet “Candidature Stage Tableaux de Bord”. Date limite de réception des candidatures : Mardi 10 janvier 2017

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : RCN Justice & Démocratie
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Bruxelles /
Fichier : PDF icon 20161215_offre_rpgl_vout.pdf
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée indéterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 18/12/2016
Date limite : 04/01/2017


- Diplôme universitaire en droit, sciences politiques, relations internationales, ou master/expérience équivalente
- Expérience confirmée d’au moins 5 ans dans la gestion de projets et le domaine juridique 
- Expérience de terrain d’au moins 2 ans, de préférence dans un pays des Grands Lacs 
- Connaissance en gestion financière avec de multiples bailleurs de fonds (DGD, UE et autres)
- Connaissance du secteur de la coopération au développemennt en Belgique
- Expertise additionnelle dans un des domaines suivant est un atout :
   • Genre et VBG
   • Justice par rapport aux crimes internationaux
  • Gestion de partenariats
- Capacités d’analyse politique, de conceptualisation et esprit de synthèse ;
- Excellentes capacités de management ; capacité à prioriser, déléguer, organiser et diriger le travail d’une équipe à distance
- Flexibilité horaire, disponibilité pour des missions à l’étranger
- Sens des responsabilités et résistance au stress
- Connaissance du français et de l’anglais
- Facilité dans les relations humaines et bonne communication (en particulier pour l’encadrement du terrain) ; 
- Maîtrise du pack Office 


Le siège de l’association, basé à Bruxelles, est composé de six salariés appuyés par une demi-douzaine de stagiaires et bénévoles. RCN J&D recherche actuellement un(e) Responsable de Programmes Grands-Lacs. Le contrat proposé est un contrat à durée indéterminée. 
Le Responsable de Programmes rend compte au Directeur de l’association. Il/elle est responsable du développement, de la stratégie et de la supervision des programmes, notamment dans les pays des Grands-Lacs (Afrique Centrale) (expatriés et équipes locales). En tant que supérieur hiérarchique, il/elle travaille en étroite collaboration avec les chefs de mission pour mener à bien le développement des programmes.
- Supervise et analyse l’exécution des programmes, ainsi que le respect du mandat, des valeurs et du cadre de gestion de RCN J&D 
- Supervise la gestion financière, administrative et logistique des programmes
- Il/elle est responsable de la gestion des contrats bailleurs et de la couverture financière des programmes
- S’assure que les programmes disposent des ressources humaines adéquates
- Il/’elle représente RCN J&D et ses programmes auprès des bailleurs, ONG, médias et autres interlocuteurs institutionnels
- Supervise et contribue à l’élaboration de nouveaux programmes, et à la recherche de financements pour ces programmes qui sont développés par les missions sous sa responsabilité
- Effectue des missions d’appui sur le terrain (3-4x/ an).
- Assure une communication régulière avec l’ensemble du personnel et des membres de RCN J&D concernant les enjeux des missions dont il/elle a la charge
- Il/elle est responsable de la sécurité des personnes et des biens engagés par RCN J&D sur les programmes
- Participe à l’élaboration du corpus théorique de RCN J&D, et à la capitalisation de son expertise
- Contribue à la réflexion stratégique et à l’évolution institutionnelle de l’association
Durée: RCN Justice & Démocratie propose un contrat à durée indéterminée 
Quand : poste à pourvoir de préférence à partir du 23/01/2017
Conditions : salaire brut conforme au secteur, chèques-repas, prime de fin d’année, frais professionnels forfaitaires, 28 jours de congé par an.
Une lettre de motivation accompagnée d’un CV doit être adressée en français le 5 janvier 2017 au plus tard par email à Patricia Kela,, en mentionnant «Responsable Programmes » dans l’objet du mail. Les candidats sont invités à mentionner leurs disponibilités dans la lettre de motivation et d’ajouter les coordonnées de trois personnes de références par rapport aux derniers postes occupés. Des informations sur RCN Justice & Démocratie sont accessibles sur le site
RCN J&D se réserve la possibilité de finaliser la sélection avant la date de clôture de réception des candidatures. Merci pour votre compréhension.
Seuls les candidats retenus seront contactés.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Indah
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Awans /
Fichier : PDF icon rech._collab._indah_2017.pdf
Type d'emploi : Autre
Type de contrat : Autre
Fonction : Récolte de fonds
Date de publication : 15/12/2016
Date limite : 30/01/2017


(Voir document en annexe)



Indah est une association spécialisée dans la recherche de fonds (au sein des entreprises belges) pour soutenir des projets locaux dans les pays en voie de développement.

Dans le cadre de son développement, Indah est à la recherche d'un(e) collaborateur(-trice) pour la récolte de fonds.


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : CARITAS International Belgique
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Bruxelles /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée indéterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Communication
Date de publication : 14/12/2016
Date limite : 02/01/2017


  • Un master en communication ou assimilé par expérience ;
  • Une expérience de minimum 3 ans dans une fonction similaire ;
  • Intérêt pour l’aide humanitaire et l’asile et la migration ;
  • Bonne compréhension du Néerlandais : vos connaissances vous permettent aisément de fonctionner au sein de notre département bilingue et de réaliser des traductions si nécessaire ;
  • Bonne plume et orthographe irréprochable en Français ;
  • Traits de personnalité : nous cherchons une personne enthousiaste, ouverte au changement, avec esprit d’équipe, créative et rigoureuse.
  • Maîtrise des réseaux sociaux et des programmes suivants : Photoshop, Mailchimp, WordPress et outils de vieille en ligne. 


Qui nous sommes


Caritas International Belgique ( est une ONG qui a comme mission de venir en aide aux victimes de guerres, de catastrophes naturelles, de migration et de pauvreté. L’organisation mène des activités à la fois à l’étranger au travers de projets humanitaires et de développement (Afrique, Moyen-Orient, Asie, Haïti, Balkans), et en Belgique par le biais de l’accueil et l’accompagnement social des demandeurs d’asile et migrants, l’intégration des réfugiés reconnus et le retour volontaire et réintégration durable dans le pays d’origine.

Caritas International est le chaînon belge d’un des plus grands réseaux internationaux, Caritas Internationalis, comprenant 165 organisations catholiques qui travaillent ensemble dans 200 pays et régions.


Caritas International cherche


un/une digital communication officer


La/le digital communication officer développe et garantit la présence en ligne de Caritas International. Il/elle fera partie de la cellule Content Strategy au sein du département communication de Caritas International. Département qui gère la communication, le plaidoyer, l’éducation et la récolte de fonds de l’organisation.



Description de fonction



  • En lien avec notre stratégie globale, vous définissez la stratégie digitale de Caritas International et en assurez la mise en œuvre ;
  • Vous êtes responsable des canaux suivants : site web, médias sociaux et newsletter digitale ;
  • Vous savez mesurer l’impact et l’effectivité des contenus sur ces canaux;
  • Vous créez du contenu pour ces canaux, sur base d’interviews ou de reportages menés sur le terrain, au sein de nos divers départements ;
  • Vous assurez l’envoi régulier des newsletters en accord avec les autres métiers du département ;
  • Vous assurez le suivi technique du site web (WordPress) ; 
  • Vous élaborez des campagnes Adwords, Facebook ads ou autres campagnes de publicité en ligne ;
  • Vous élaborez des campagnes d’engagement en ligne (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,…) ;
  • Vous garantissez l’unité et la cohérence des moyens de communication digitaux : respect du look & feel (sur base de notre ‘livre de marque’ et charte graphique), de l’expérience utilisateur et de la ligne éditoriale.



  • Un contrat à temps plein de durée indéterminée au sein d’une équipe dynamique et en lien étroit avec les activités de nos départements opérationnels et de leurs publics-cibles.
  • Avantages : chèques repas, 13ème mois, assurance groupe et intervention dans les frais de transport domicile- bureau.





Veuillez envoyer votre cv, accompagné d’une lettre de motivation, au plus tard le 3 janvier 2017, à avec la communication « DIGITAL » dans le sujet de votre mail.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Coopération Technique Belge
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Bruxelles /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée indéterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Comptabilité
Date de publication : 14/12/2016
Date limite : 03/01/2017


Bachelor ou Master, orientation comptabilité


Dans le cadre du développement de ses activités, la CTB recherche un (h/f):





pour le siège à Bruxelles


Réf.: BRU/16/44ACC


Dans le cadre de cette procédure de sélection, une réserve de recrutement sera constituée pour ce type de fonction.


Lieu d’affectation: Bruxelles

Durée du contrat: contrat à durée indéterminée

Date probable d’entrée en fonction: Février 2017

Salaire mensuel brut: 2.677,31 euros pour 1 année d’expérience pertinente. Chèques-repas, assurance hospitalisation/soins de santé, assurance de groupe, Ethias Assistance 24h/24, 13ème mois, double pécule de vacances.





Le comptable (h/f) assurera le traitement, le contrôle, le reporting et l’analyse des données financières et comptables de la société. Il/elle traitera plus spécifiquement celles qui sont liées  à la gestion des fournisseurs, des clients, des  prestations, des représentations, des immobilisés, des notes de frais, des travel expenses reports et des journaux financiers.


La fonction de comptable implique également d’une part un rôle de conseiller et d’encadrement vis à vis des différents intervenants au niveau interne et d’autre part, un rôle de participation active à la clôture annuelle des comptes  et à l’audit.


Il/elle lui est incombé(e) de rapporter au responsable de la comptabilité.



Les responsabilités principales:


  • Assurer la consolidation des données financières diverses afin de permettre un traitement des informations minutieux et adéquat;
  • Assurer le contrôle des données financières diverses afin de vérifier la conformité des transactions et des paiements et apposer les signatures et les cachets nécessaires sur les documents vérifiés;
  • Analyser les données et processus financiers, les informations relatives à la comptabilité afin de déceler d’éventuels problèmes et/ou dysfonctionnement et d’y apporter des rectifications ou améliorations constantes;
  • Donner un support aux collaborateurs et clients internes et externes, suggérer des conseils techniques sur des principes comptables afin d’informer et d’accroître les connaissances de chacun dans le domaine comptable;
  • Assister à la préparation des clôtures et de l’audit afin d’effectuer les tâches nécessaires pour assister le chef comptable.






  • Bachelor  ou Master; orientation comptabilité.



  • Expérience en comptabilité générale;
  • Expérience en diverses opérations bancaires (paiements internationaux, règles et usances bancaires…).



  • Connaissance des procédures et des logiciels comptables;
  • Connaissance approfondie des applications ICT, des applications de type ERP et des applications bureautiques – en particulier Excel ;
  • Bonnes connaissances en français et/ou en néerlandais. La connaissance de l’anglais et/ou de l’espagnol est un atout.




  • Capable d’analyser l’information;
  • Orienté résolution de problems;
  • A l’aise dans le soutien aux collaborateurs;
  • Orienté service;
  • Fait preuve de respect, d’intégrité, d’engagement et de sens des responsabilités;
  • Disposé à effectuer des missions dans les pays partenaires de la CTB, particulièrement en Afrique.






Postulez au plus tard le 04/01/2017 via le lien:

Pour toute question supplémentaire, contactez-nous au 02/505 18 65.


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Médecins Sans Frontières - Artsen Zonder Grenzen
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : BRUSSELS + FIELD /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Ressources humaines
Date de publication : 13/12/2016
Date limite : 14/01/2017



  • MSF experience in operations to the level of HR Coordinator or HQ RH referent
  • Experience in working in an MSF hospital environment
  • Experience in health staff training will be an asset
  • Good transversal competencies such as context analysis, cultural awareness, strategic vision, networking and building relationships
  • Autonomous, proactive, flexible and out of the box thinker
  • Good team player and team manager
  • Fluent in speaking/writing English


  • 12 months contract extendable - full-time – based in Brussels with regular visits to the field (Freetown and Kenema) or abroad if needed
  • Hospital Insurance (DKV) – Pension Plan – Canteen - canteen at democratic price - 100% reimbursement for public transport costs
  • Starting date : immediate

Deadline for applications is 15/01/2017 - Interested candidates should send a cover letter and curriculum vitae by e-mail to Beatrice Barbot,




The project is located in the district of Kenema, Sierra Leone, which together with Kono and Kailahun belongs to what is called the eastern region (or eastern province) of the country. The district counts 654,124 inhabitants.

Human Resources for Health in Kenema district were particularly hard hit by the Ebola epidemic, notably at Kenema General Hospital, where many employees died from Ebola.

Kenema district is the epicentre of Lassa fever, a haemorrhagic fever transmitted through contact with fluids of sick patients or excreta of a rat of the genus mastomyst.

OCB supported 123 PHC facilities during a 9-month short-term project (that finished at the end of March 2016) by providing training staff and treatment of children under 5 against three major killers (ARI, diarrhoea and malaria), upgrading 6 delivery rooms (rehabilitation/water access/light) and supporting 5 vaccination rounds follow by a coverage survey.

OCB is also currently planning a project addressing mother and child health at primary health level in 2 remote chiefdoms of the district (Gorama Mende and Wandor).

Rationale of the project

Following the Ebola epidemic, access to care in Sierra Leone, especially secondary paediatrics and obstetrical care, remains greatly insufficient where prior to Ebola the Maternal Mortality Rate and infant mortality rate were already among the highest in the world.

OCB is also particularly interested in developing its modus operandi in health facilities located in Viral Haemorrhagic fever prevalent areas, increasing its knowledge on Lassa fever, and improving diagnostic capabilities for unspecified severe fever cases in children.

In addition, by implementing good practices in specific medical areas, MSF Belgium is willing to develop a reference structure for the training of health personnel in the district and even at a broader level (country, region) as well as for the international personnel.


Prior to the Ebola outbreak, OCB who was running a paediatric and obstetric hospital (GRC) in Gondama near Bo and had already planned to close it and transfer its paediatrics services to a newly built hospital in Bo district.

Following the Ebola epidemic, the decision was made to completely review OCB plans. An assessment was initiated in the South East region (Kailahun, Kenema, Bo and Pujehun districts) which leads to the operational choice of investing in paediatric/obstetric secondary care in Kenema. This decision was motivated by three main reasons: the important needs in access of quality mother and child secondary care in the region, the high number of health staff that died during the Ebola outbreak in the area and the OCB willingness to sustain and develop its expertise in paediatrics and Lassa fever management.

After evaluating the feasibility of directly supporting the Kenema Government Hospital, it has been decided to set up an independent MSF structure in order to ensure/control conditions guaranteeing quality secondary care and health security for the medical staff (expatriate, national).

Discussion regarding the hospital project has started with the district and National authorities in August this year and a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed late November allowing MSF to engage in the following:

  1. Build/Set up a new paediatric and maternity hospital in Kenema district using high quality, long-lasting pre-fabricated materials. A plot of land was identified and will be made available to MSFB for the construction of the hospital.
  2. Run and Manage the MSF hospital for a period of minimum 10 years.
  3. Facilitate the hospital as quality training centre for MoHS medical and nursing students.
  4. MSFB will avoid “brain-drain” by not hiring current staff of Kenema Government Hospital.

Considering the complexity for implementing a 200 beds pediatric/obstetric hospital, the department of operations decided to set up a dedicated team as part of the Cell 3 for the duration of the project. This team lead by a project coordinator is directly under the CO responsibility. It will be composed of four core members: a project coordinator, a medical referent, a human resources referent and a logistic referent, all based at the HQ level but spending time as much as needed in the field and on site.

The dedicated team will be in charge of the whole process from the project design to the hospital construction and the start of the activities, in addition to regular consultations and negotiations with key stakeholders and authorities.

They will work in close collaboration with the cell members and the coordination team at the field level in order to ensure a proper and smooth hand-over of the hospital project to the mission.

This dedicated team will also be the interface between the technical departments (mainly medical, human resources, logistic and punctually more specific departments/expertise) and the operations, guaranteeing that adequate resources are mobilized for the proper implementation of the project in compliance with operational lines.


As one of the core member of the project team, the HUMAN RESOURCES REFERENT will contribute to the conception (human resources component of the project design), the implementation and the start of the Kenema Mother and Child Hospital.

Under the direct supervision of the Project Coordinator, he/she will work in close collaboration with all relevant specialists from the HQ and in contact with the cell members for developing a long term training strategy targeting health students and MOH personal. He will also ensure the proper HR organization and staffing of the MSF Mother and Child hospital that is expected to be open by beginning of 2018.

Specific Responsibilities

  • Contribute to the project design by proposing an innovative approach to health worker training with the support of the human resources department/learning & development unit (long term perspective).This will imply to work in close collaboration with the MOHS authorities and other local key partners (Universities, nursing school, ONGs), for defining the OCB contribution to the health education system. It could comprehend creating an OCB scholarship, involvement in nursing and CHO schools training, receiving nursing, CHO, medical students for practical training at KMCH
  • Develop strategies to staff the hospital in a context where skilled human resources for health are scarce without contributing to drain HR from the public health sector and notably from Kenema General Hospital (partnerships, health workers development).
  • Define in close collaboration with the hospital management referent the hospital management set up.
  • Implement all the required international & OCB HR tools (HR needs & analysis, staff ratio, internal regulations, evaluation, job profiles, etc.) and develop specific ones for the hospital management in Sierra Leone
  • Plan and supervise the recruitment process of the whole hospital staff
  • Participate with the other core members to working groups (PATIO) when appropriated.
  • Define the RH activities planning and contribute to the general chronogram, with a particular attention to human resources aspects (training and health staff development, sizing of the workforce, recruitment mechanisms)
  • Contribute to the planning of the overall budget.
  • Contribute with the other core members to the writing of key documents such as:  Project Document and concept mapping, CoPro document, Masterplan, HR strategy/HR management tools, Service Level Agreement (SLA), Project planning, Budget forecast.
  • Contribute with the medical referent to define precisely resources necessary for the functioning of the hospital.
  • Accompany the opening of the hospital by guarantee a smooth transition with the Kenema hospital HR responsible
  • Contribute to the writing of the project’s situation report (Project Sitrep).

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Médecins Sans Frontières - Artsen Zonder Grenzen
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : BRUSSELS /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Santé
Date de publication : 13/12/2016
Date limite : 14/01/2017



  • Mandatory : Degree in medicine or other paramedical studies
  • Valuable : Degree in hospital management
  • MSF experience in operations to the level of Project Medical Referent or Medical Coordinator or HQ Medical referent
  • Hospital experience and/or MSF hospital project
  • Experienced in integrated project planning which include of working in close collaboration with different technical expertise (medical/non-medical)
  • Good transversal competencies such as context analysis, cultural awareness, strategic vision, networking and building relationships
  • Good personal skill in working in team
  • Autonomous, proactive, flexible
  • Fluent in speaking/writing English


  • 6 months contract extendable - full-time – based in Brussels with regular visits to the field (Freetown and Kenema) or abroad if needed
  • Hospital Insurance (DKV) – Pension Plan – Canteen - canteen at democratic price - 100% reimbursement for public transport costs
  • Starting date : immediate

Deadline for applications is 15/01/2017 - Interested candidates should send a cover letter and curriculum vitae by e-mail to Beatrice Barbot,



The project is located in the district of Kenema, Sierra Leone, which together with Kono and Kailahun belongs to what is called the eastern region (or eastern province) of the country. The district counts 654,124 inhabitants.

Human Resources for Health in Kenema district were particularly hard hit by the Ebola epidemic, notably at Kenema General Hospital, where many employees died from Ebola.

Kenema district is the epicentre of Lassa fever, a haemorrhagic fever transmitted through contact with fluids of sick patients or excreta of a rat of the genus mastomyst.

OCB supported 123 PHC facilities during a 9-month short-term project (that finished at the end of March 2016) by providing training staff and treatment of children under 5 against three major killers (ARI, diarrhoea and malaria), upgrading 6 delivery rooms (rehabilitation/water access/light) and supporting 5 vaccination rounds follow by a coverage survey.

OCB is also currently planning a project addressing mother and child health at primary health level in 2 remote chiefdoms of the district (Gorama Mende and Wandor).

Rationale of the project

Following the Ebola epidemic, access to care in Sierra Leone, especially secondary paediatrics and obstetrical care, remains greatly insufficient where prior to Ebola the Maternal Mortality Rate and infant mortality rate were already among the highest in the world.

OCB is also particularly interested in developing its modus operandi in health facilities located in Viral Haemorrhagic fever prevalent areas, increasing its knowledge on Lassa fever, and improving diagnostic capabilities for unspecified severe fever cases in children.

In addition, by implementing good practices in specific medical areas, MSF Belgium is willing to develop a reference structure for the training of health personnel in the district and even at a broader level (country, region) as well as for the international personnel.


Prior to the Ebola outbreak, OCB who was running a paediatric and obstetric hospital (GRC) in Gondama near Bo and had already planned to close it and transfer its paediatrics services to a newly built hospital in Bo district.

Following the Ebola epidemic, the decision was made to completely review OCB plans. An assessment was initiated in the South East region (Kailahun, Kenema, Bo and Pujehun districts) which leads to the operational choice of investing in paediatric/obstetric secondary care in Kenema. This decision was motivated by three main reasons: the important needs in access of quality mother and child secondary care in the region, the high number of health staff that died during the Ebola outbreak in the area and the OCB willingness to sustain and develop its expertise in paediatrics and Lassa fever management.

After evaluating the feasibility of directly supporting the Kenema Government Hospital, it has been decided to set up an independent MSF structure in order to ensure/control conditions guaranteeing quality secondary care and health security for the medical staff (expatriate, national).

Discussion regarding the hospital project has started with the district and National authorities in August this year and a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed late November allowing MSF to engage in the following:

  1. Build/Set up a new paediatric and maternity hospital in Kenema district using high quality, long-lasting pre-fabricated materials. A plot of land was identified and will be made available to MSFB for the construction of the hospital.
  2. Run and Manage the MSF hospital for a period of minimum 10 years.
  3. Facilitate the hospital as quality training centre for MoHS medical and nursing students.
  4. MSFB will avoid “brain-drain” by not hiring current staff of Kenema Government Hospital.

Considering the complexity for implementing a 200 beds pediatric/obstetric hospital, the department of operations decided to set up a dedicated team as part of the Cell 3 for the duration of the project. This team lead by a project coordinator is directly under the CO responsibility. It will be composed of four core members: a project coordinator, a medical referent, a human resources referent and a logistic referent, all based at the HQ level but spending time as much as needed in the field and on site.

The dedicated team will be in charge of the whole process from the project design to the hospital construction and the start of the activities, in addition to regular consultations and negotiations with key stakeholders and authorities. They will work in close collaboration with the cell members and the coordination team at the field level in order to ensure a proper and smooth hand-over of the hospital project to the mission.

This dedicated team will also be the interface between the technical departments (mainly medical, human resources, logistic and punctually more specific departments/expertise) and the operations, guaranteeing that adequate resources are mobilized for the proper implementation of the project in compliance with operational lines.


As one of the core member of the project team, the MEDICAL REFERENT will contribute to the conception (project design), the implementation and the initiation of provision of care of the Kenema Mother and Child Hospital.

Under the direct supervision of the Project Coordinator, he/she will work in close collaboration with all relevant expertise from the medical department in HQ and the cell members with the aim of having activities starting at the KMCHH by beginning of 2018.

Scope of responsibilities

  • Contribute to the definition of the project strategy
  • Contribute to the planning of the overall budget
  • Ensure that all medical aspects of the project have been taken into account
  • Ensure a constructive coordination with support departments in particular the medical departement during the preparation and implementation of the project and its different steps.
  • Participate in writing and coordinating writing of all required documents for the project
  • Contribute to define precisely resources necessary for the functioning of the hospital.
  • Contribute to the chronogram and the activities planning, with a particular attention to medical related aspects

Responsibilities attached to the function

  • Define in close collaboration with the medical department and all departments involved, the design of the medical project as one of the key pillars of the global operational strategy.
  • Participate in working groups (PATIO) leading to define the project strategy, the medical project, the hospital design (masterplan) and all related issues to hospital set up and management.
  • Gather all information needed to propose relevant medical strategy in line with the global objective and strategy and propose relevant action plan (context analysis, resources, etc.)
  • Gather and provide all information needed to support analysis in the  technical patios and consecutive further decision-making
  • Contribute with the other core members to the writing of key documents such as:  Project Document and concept mapping, CoPro document, Medical Specifications, Masterplan, HR strategy/HR management tools, Service Level Agreement (SLA), Project planning, Budget forcast.
  • Contribute to the overall planning and chronogram of activities for the project implementation, including the trainings and HR development aspects.
  • Establish in close collaboration with the medical department (in particular referents), the full package of protocols, guidelines and data collection mechanism that will be put in place and used
  • Contribute to the order process and planning of medical supply (local and international) for starting activities and provide a support on pharmacy management.
  • Contribute to the writing of the project’s situation report (Project Sitrep).


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : FERN
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Brussels or Moreton in March (UK) /
Fichier : PDF icon 2017_finance_and_admin_manager_job_description.pdf
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée indéterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion financière
Date de publication : 12/12/2016
Date limite : 14/01/2017


We are looking for a strong and independent finance professional; a good team worker who is able to communicate well, across different cultural backgrounds; who can show initiative and can work quickly and accurately; who can work without close supervision and be a good co-manager of the organisation. Essential: • At least five years experience of financial management of an organisation of similar size and complexity; • Strong accountancy skills, either by qualification or experience; • Familiarity with the Belgian and/or UK administrative environment; • Fluency in English; • Excellent computer skills (Word, Excel, Access, Internet, and a recognised accounting software); • An interest in environmental and social issues. Desirable: • Experience of working for an NGO; • Familiarity with fundraising procedures and applications/reporting requirements of funders, notably the European Commission. • Fluency in French Indicative salary: • From €42,650 to €57,050, if based in Belgium; from £33,480 to £43,176, if based in the UK.


FERN is looking for a new finance and administration manager to provide strong and professional support to the organisation. The post can be based in either of our offices (Brussels or Moreton in March, UK).

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Médecins Sans Frontières - Artsen Zonder Grenzen
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : BRUSSELS /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Entretien/logisitique
Date de publication : 08/12/2016
Date limite : 01/02/2017


Candidate profile


  • Extended experience in the management of technical projects
  • Experience in project mode environment is an asset
  • Proactive and willing to propose innovative ideas and solutions rapidly
  • Willing to take measured risks and responsibility for her/his choices
  • Interest in individual and group coaching is needed
  • Mobile & flexible
  • Field Experience with MSF or another international humanitarian organisation is an asset.
  • Good oral and written communication in English and French is essential (any additional language is an asset)

 Transversal Skills

  • Excellent team player / Good Teamwork and cooperation capacity
  • Very good analytical skills
  • Result, quality & service oriented

Technical Skills

  • Engineering background with experience in HVAC and/or alternative energies.
  • Electrical engineering background is an asset.
  • Experience or knowledge on electronics is an asset (programming PLC’s hardware)


  • 18 months contract - Full time - based in Brussels (Ixelles).
  • Hospital insurance (DKV) - pension plan - canteen - 100% reimbursement for public transport costs
  • Starting date:  immediate.

Deadline for applications: 2 of January 2017

 Curriculum Vitae and covering letter to be sent by e-mail to Elwira DOLINA - with “Energy Project Developer” in the subject.



The Log department is opening a position for an Energy Project Developer, who has interest in operational challenges and tactics.

According with Log vision @ MSF Today, the Operational Logistics is a very specific and well-known force of MSF.

Beyond the fulfilment of basic logistic needs, logistics is a solution-driven and innovative force that helps to build and realize operational projects.

MSF Operations are growing and becoming more and more complex on the technical side. The energy team in the back-office is growing to answer these needs in terms of volume, complexity and field of expertise, opening up to the external world as well as setting up a ground to reinforce the capacities to proactively deliver solutions and products that meet the operational needs.

The Energy Project Developer is part of the Technical team in the Log Back Office under the supervision of the Technical Team Leader.

S/He is part of the Energy team and is a project manager for the new developments within the family. S/He coordinates the resources for these developments and through his engineering skills develops new solutions for the technical family.

S/he ensures the consistency and coordination of the team activities by keeping and integrating the overview in terms of activities for the team.

The energy team works in a matrix mode where each member has specific roles and responsibilities. The vision on the technical family as well as the decisions regarding new developments and activities are discussed and agreed within a decision platform involving all members of the team. This team is composed of a technical referent, a technician (both based in HQ) and a Mobile Implementation Officer (i.e. MIO, 70% on the field).

The duty of the person in charge of the energy project development is twofold; the position is at the crossroad between the management of projects developing new products, solutions and/or tools and a technical position answering technical requests in specific domains.

Together with the team and within the decision platform, s/he defines new R&D projects to be developed. Then s/he manages (definition and follow-up) these projects in terms of planning, budget and resources. These projects can be developed by the team, partially or fully outsourced, or developed in collaboration with other MSF sections and/or MSF field projects.

The Energy Project Developer also has a technical role and supports the MSF operations in defining and developing solutions in his field of expertise. This is done in a close relationship with the technical referent who is responsible to define the quality of installations / technical solutions within his/her field of expertise.

Job Profile


Provide 1st line support (Help Desk)

  • Together with the energy technician, to support the Operations on the activities linked to his domain(s): HVAC, alternative energy, engineering, when no local building capacity or formal MSF guidance is available.

Produce 2nd line support (contextualized complex project)

  • To support the definition, planning and execution of engineering projects linked to HVAC and/or alternative energy / engineering for a mission.
  • To give support to the technical aspects & execution of HVAC and/or alternative energy / engineering.

Produce 3rd line support (Base of knowledge)

  • To supervise and manage the 3rd line projects (planning, budget, resources)
  • To coordinate MSF OCB developments with other sections developments & field developments.
  • To identify outsourcing possibilities; to liaise with external partners/contractors (networking).
  • To follow-up and supervise outsourced developments.
  • Within the decision platform, propose, define and discuss new developments/ innovations/ R&D projects
  • Within the decision platform, propose, define and discuss the vision for the energy technical family within MSF OCB.
  • Support trainings as facilitator.
  • Ensure that there is a coherent strategy for information management within the technical family.
  • Support to Back Office Coordination on the budget and planning exercises in the technical family.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Médecins Sans Frontières - Artsen Zonder Grenzen
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Brussels /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée indéterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Entretien/logisitique
Date de publication : 08/12/2016
Date limite : 21/12/2016



  •  Comprehensive knowledge of logistics in humanitarian interventions;
  • Proven experience on complex medical projects and innovative health facilities concept, implementation and running;
  • Minimum 5 years MSF experience;
  • Minimum 2 years as Logistics Coordinator for MSF;
  • Experience as Field Co or HoM is an asset;
  • Genuine interest and knowledge on migration;
  • Good oral and written communication in English and French is necessary. Other languages are an asset.


  • Solution Oriented and positive catalyst;
  • Technical culture;
  • Person oriented;
  • Agile, adaptive, responsive;
  • Capable of unfolding operations in a difficult, volatile and chaotic environment.

Function challenges

  • Versatile context and environment. Working conditions can go from volatile, dangerous and chaotic to stable safe settings;
  • The quality of the environment of the beneficiaries and the quality of services to the medical activities are key performance indicators for Logistics;
  • Turnover is inherent to the context and HR modalities we are working with; it is a parameter and constraint to be integrated in our management.


  • Open-ended contract, full-time, based in Brussels with field visits
  • Hospital Insurance (DKV) – Pension Plan – Canteen - 100% reimbursement for public transport costs
  • Deadline for applications : 22/12/2016
  • Starting date for position is immediate

Interested candidates should send a letter of motivation and curriculum vitae by e-mail to Beatrice Barbot  with the following reference: “Log Cell 3”



  • Logistics is a specific and well-known force of MSF. Beyond the fulfillment of basic logistical needs, logistics is a solution-driven and innovative force that helps to build and realize operational objectives;
  • The LogCell plays a front role in developing operational tactics: Our capacity to unfold and maintain our activities in the field, even under the most critical conditions;
  • In other words, the LogCell collaborates closely in the definition of the how of operations' strategy in order to be able to anticipate and define the appropriate tactics;
  • To feed the Operational Cell dynamics, he/she brings an analysis complementary to that of other cells' members.

On operational topics and problems addressed in the scope of the HQ functioning and organisation:

  • The LogCell ensures -with the medical actors- the implementation of actions via his/her understanding of operational strategies and objectives;
  • He/she is appointed to a cell in order to elaborate and monitor the deployment of operational tactics;
  • He/she supervises and supports the Logistics Coordinators and is accountable for them;
  • He/she is the representative of operations for his/her Cell within the logistics department;
  • His/her input to the Logistics Back-Office will define and guide their actions and developments;
  • He/she is the interface between the logisticians under his/her supervision; the cell and the logistics Back-Office.
  • He/she acts as representative of the field at HQ and as HQ representative at field level. A good & dynamic balance is needed for optimal support to field and enriching of HQ with field realities
  • He / she is able to orient the tactical choices balancing the risks to take and the required efficient outcome

Specifics to Cell-3 Operations:

  • Cell-3 manages operations in the following countries:

Sierra Leone; Haiti; Kenya; Indonesia and South East Asia / Oceania Migrants and gives logistics support to a Medical Research Project in Cambodia

These countries are indicative and can change / increase as portfolios are regularly reshuffled

  • Through an innovative approach and necessary high standards in term of infection control, Cell 3 runs and/or is going to deploy Complex Medical Projects in appropriate ad-hoc Health Facilities


1.     Defines / Workouts the methods and means to deploy and run our operations

  • Co-defines with the medical teams the necessary quality of environment for the beneficiaries;
  • Co-defines with the medical teams the necessary quality of services needed for the medical teams’ activities.


  • Works out the logistics set-up and management required to realize operations objectives;
  • Works out the expected results within a well-defined timeframe;
  • Works out the effective use of all necessary log-related means mobilizes and maintains their operational capacity;
  • Works out forecasts of non-medical products;
  • Estimates and manages the budget of the logistics planned and monitors the results.

2.     Defines and capitalizes on the use of specific products for operations

  • Defines & validates the necessary products for our operations;
  • Defines & validates the support line and resources for those products;
  • Defines, validates & works out the methods and means of monitoring, evaluating and readjusting these products;
  • Defines, validates and works out the methods and means of collecting lessons learnt in order to readjust and define standards.

    3.     Ensure smooth running of MSF facilities

  • Works out the necessary products and facilities - including health structures, bases, offices, stocks, and the packages of equipment necessary for their good functioning;
  • Defines an effective and efficient way of using, maintaining and of disposing of them;
  • Validates the resources necessary to that effect;
  • Works out the methods and means of monitoring, evaluating and readjusting these products/facilities.
