Détails de l'annonce
Type d'emploi : Autre
Type de contrat : Autre
Fonction : Expertise/recherche
Date de publication : 09/05/2017
Date limite : 14/05/2017
Activity: Conduct an external evaluation of the EU funded project called “Children’s rights behind bars 2.0.: a participatory path towards reintegration” in collaboration with 3 national evaluators (UK, Italy and Poland)
- Strong statistical and analytical skills
- Excellent oral and written communication skills both in English and French including ability to engage stakeholders in open discussions
Recruitment criteria:
- Education: Advanced degree, preferably in International Relations, Political Sciences or Law or development related field
- Experience:
- Strong experience in project or programme evaluation
- Knowledge of and experience with EU funded project or other donor projects
- Knowledge of children’s rights
- Language requirements: Excellent command of both written and spoken English and French.
- Independence: The evaluator must be independent from any organisations that have been involved in designing, executing or advising on any aspect of the project that is the subject of the evaluation.
Reports to: Defence for Children International – Belgium, coordinator of the EU funded project
Type of contract: Sub-contract agreement.
Estimated duration: 10 to 15 days through the project duration
Salary rate: 250 euros/day.
Job title: External Evaluator specialized in the evaluation of EU funded projects in Children’s rights
In the Framework of the Criminal Justice Programme of the European Commission (EC), Defence for Children International (DCI)-Belgium coordinates a project that aims to improve the conditions of children deprived of liberty in Europe.
The purpose of the “Children’s Rights Behind Bars” (CRBB) project is to reinforce the monitoring mechanisms of places where children are deprived of liberty in order to prevent adequately and efficiently any risk or form of abuse or violation of the rights of children deprived of their liberty.
This project is divided into two phases. The first one (CRBB 1.0) took place from 2014 to 2016. Its main result was the publication of a Practical Guide to monitor places where children are deprived of liberty. The Guide has now been used as guidelines by many monitoring bodies in the preparation, implementation and follow-up of their monitoring visits (see: http://www.childrensrightsbehindbars.eu/).
The second phase of the project (CRBB 2.0), for which the evaluation is requested, started on 1 January 2017 and will end on 31 December 2018. It is a practical implementation of the achievements of the first phase as well as those of other European projects led by DCI, such as the Twelve project on the participation of children.
CRBB2.0’s objective is to improve the conditions of children deprived of liberty through the training of monitoring bodies and the capacity building of professionals; the effective participation of minors in the improvement of their detention conditions and their reintegration process; and a comprehensive collaboration of all stakeholders involved in the reintegration process of children deprived of their liberty.
- The guide produced during the first part (CRBB 1) will be translated and disseminated in the various partner countries;
- Several pilot projects involving the active participation of children in the improvement of their detention conditions and their reintegration process will be developed;
- Working groups gathering a multidisciplinary panel of professionals (judges, lawyers, directors of closed facilities, social workers, educators, etc.) will be organised in relation with the reintegration process for minors.
Apart from DCI-Belgium, the CRBB 2.0 partnership is implemented in :
- Italy by DCI-Italy and the Department of Juvenile and Community Justice of the Ministry of Justice
- Poland by the Helsinki Foundations for Human Rights
- the United Kingdom by the Howard League for Penal Reform.
Evaluation scope and objectives
The evaluation must address the entire project from the inception to completion and should embody a strong results-based orientation. The evaluation will be conducted at the international and Belgian level. At the international level, the evaluator will work with 3 national evaluators specifically selected by the project partners to implement the evaluation.
Based on a desk review of all documents produced by the project and other relevant knowledge products and interviews, the Evaluator will produce an evaluation that will:
- Identify outputs produced by the project;
- Elaborate on how outputs have or have not contributed to outcomes; and
- Identify results and transformation changes, if any, that have been produced by the project
The evaluation should assess:
- Whether stated outputs were achieved
- What factors have contributed to achieving or not achieving outputs
- What factors contributed to effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the project
- The impact of the project
- The sustainability of the project impact
The evaluator will produce:
- The methodology of the evaluation at the international and national levels, together with the national evaluators of each partner based on an existing documents/methodology and preparatory work done by the coordinator and on existing methodologies used by the European Commission (e.g. http://ec.europa.eu/smart-regulation/guidelines/tool_42_en.htm )
- A draft analysis of the national evaluation reports; and
- A final evaluation report of the national evaluation reports with lessons learned and recommendations