Détails de l'annonce
Organisation : Action Contre la Faim
Site web : http://www.actioncontrelafaim.org
Adresse email : recrut@actioncontrelafaim.org
Lieu de l'emploi : Paris - France /
Fichier : gwc-fst-jd-imo-acf_vf.pdf
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 19/09/2017
Date limite : 18/12/2017
Status: Fixed Term contract of 12 months – Executive Level
Annual Salary: Salary between 54,8 and 62 K€ gross over 13 months, Per-Diem supported by UNICEF when in the field, 19 days of extra leaves (RTT)/ year, complementary health insurance (covered 80% by ACF)
Starting Date: 1st October 2017
If your are interested, please click in the following URL: http://recrutement.actioncontrelafaim.org/positions/view/2931/A-Field-Support-Team-Member-Global-WASH-Cluster/
Overall objective of the position :
The FST post will be focused upon providing both direct and indirect support to WASH coordination platforms and/or clusters where present globally, regional focus areas. All members of the team may also be deployed to or provide indirect support to FST target countries or operations globally. All members of the team, although having distinct technical portfolio’s and profiles, are expected to contribute to improved and strengthened WASH coordination (pre, during and after emergency) and relevant capacity building activities. Similarly, all team members are expected to contribute to intercluster/sector harmonization and cross cutting issues of gender, age, diversity, advocacy, environmental sustainability and accountability to affected populations and ensure dissemination of information, and learning and capacity building through to national platforms.
It is a HOME BASED position with regular field visit
The FST includes a number of distinct profiles to be able to support and strengthen national and regional coordination platforms through:
- Direct field deployments to establish basic systems at the onset of an emergency, and critical gapfilling in ongoing crises and capacity building activities.
- Indirect remote technical support to national platforms in conjunction with other FST members
- Contributing to the workplans of the employing NGO
The breakdown of time allocated to these different activities is detailed in the section above.
Specific areas of indirect support for regional or national platforms should be based on performance /capacity diagnostics within the specific technical area (Information Management), but also as part of a broader risk and capacity mapping, and work-planning in conjunction with other members of the FST.
In the section below, several indicative deployment and non-deployment tasks are detailed, however it should be noted that these specifics will vary from context to context and are not comprehensive.
The time sharing linked to this position is:
A - Deployment (Global WASH Cluster) => 60%
B - Non Deployment: support to the Global WASH Cluster and remote support to countries => 20%
C - Support to the hosting agency (AAH) => 20 %
Accordingly, the main responsibilities are:
A – During deployments period (Global WASH Cluster) 60% :
1. Support service delivery of the National WASH Coordination Platforms:
- Providing a platform that ensures service delivery is driven by the Strategic Response Plan (1) and strategic priorities.
- Developing mechanisms to eliminate duplications of service delivery
2. Informing strategic decision-making for the humanitarian response:
- Preparing needs assessments and analysis of gaps (across and within sectors, using information management tools as needed).
- Identifying and finding solutions for (emerging) gaps, obstacles, duplication and cross-cutting issues.
- Formulating priorities on the basis of analysis.
3. Planning and strategy development
- Supporting the development of sectoral plans, objectives and indicators that directly support realization of the response’s strategic priorities.
- Applying and adhering to common standards and guidelines.
- Clarifying funding requirements, helping to set priorities, and agreeing cluster contributions to the HC’s overall humanitarian funding proposals.
4. Advocacy:
- Identifying concerns that contribute to HC and HCT messaging and action.
- Undertaking advocacy on behalf of the cluster, cluster members, and affected people.
5. Monitoring and reporting:
- Monitoring and reporting on activities and needs.
- Measuring performance against the cluster strategy, recommending corrective action where necessary
6. To build national capacity in preparedness and contingency planning:
- Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Monitoring
- Minimum Preparedness Actions (MPA)
- Contingency Planning and Advanced Preparedness Actions
7. Accountability to affected populations (AAP):
- Governance & Transparency
- Common Performance and Reporting Framework
B - During non deployment period (support to the Global WASH Cluster and remote support to countries) 20%:
IM support to the Global WASH Cluster and remote IM support to countries. Please refer to the enclosed Job description for details.
C - Support to the Hosting Agency (AAH) 20%:
1. Support to AAH International Network HQs and Missions (50 missions) on IM & MEAL implementation in emergency contexts. This support may involve field deployments, on Missions request.
2. Generic support to the MEAL position AAH-IN, based in Paris HQs, upon MEAL manager specific requests.
Qualification and previous experience:
- Minimum five years field management experience in emergency humanitarian contexts.
- Knowledge of the cluster / sector coordination and humanitarian reform.
- Strong experience of developing and implementing IM tools and systems.
- A good understanding of the humanitarian policy environment including current knowledge of the latest IM policies, research, international standards and developments in the field.
- Proven ability to conceptualize, develop, plan monitor and evaluate IM relative to programmes, as well as to teach skills and build team capacity.
- Experience with natural and complex political emergencies in diverse cultural and climatic settings.
- Experience of applying humanitarian accountability standards and practices.
- Experience in liaison with a broad range of stakeholders, ability to build relationships and networks with international donors, UN agencies and INGOs, national authorities, national/local partner agencies and emergency affected communities.
- Proactive problem solving and operational decision making
Knowledge and Skills:
- High-level technical and analytical.
- Strong communication and advocacy skills.
- Strong skills in presentation and facilitation.
- Technical integrity.
- Ability to encourage and contribute to a climate of team-working and collaboration in a multi-cultural environment.
- Excellent training, coaching and mentoring skills.
- Consistently achieves high-level results, managing and delivering projects and activities on-time and on-budget.
- Excellent leadership and supervisory skills; provides others with a clear direction; motivates and empowers others.
- Ability to analyse and present diverse and complex quantitative and qualitative data from a wide range of sources.
- Quickly builds rapport with individuals and groups and nurtures good relationships across organizational levels and boundaries from government leaders to all stakeholders and the affected population.
- Computer skills, including common databases, GIS, and analysis softwares.
- Willingness to travel, resilience, stress tolerance and work under difficult conditions