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Congo (Democratic Republic)

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Avocats Sans Frontières
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Nord-kivu et Ituri /
Fichier : PDF icon tdr_appel-etude-reparation_jpi-ue_vf.pdf
Type d'emploi : Autre
Type de contrat : Autre
Fonction : Expertise/recherche
Date de publication : 28/04/2020
Date limite : 19/05/2020


• Titulaire d’un diplôme universitaire en droit de niveau master ou supérieur ;
• Expérience de 5 ans minimum dans les études et analyse de mécanismes judiciaires et
extra judiciaires en justice transitionnelle ;
• Expertise démontrée en matière de justice pénale internationale ;
• Excellente capacité d’analyse, de rédaction et d’expression ;
• Connaissance ou expérience de l’arsenal juridique/judiciaire congolais est un atout
majeur ;
• Maîtrise du français et du swahili et/ou lingala serait un atout ;
• Disponibilité et aptitude à travailler et à voyager en RDC.


Créée en 1992, Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF) est une ONG internationale spécialisée dans la défense des droits humains et le soutien à la justice. ASF a des bureaux de terrain au Burundi, en Indonésie, au Maroc, en Ouganda, en République centrafricaine, en RD Congo, au Tchad et en Tunisie :
En RDC, ASF a ouvert sa mission permanente en 2002. Depuis sa venue, ASF met en oeuvre des projets visant l’accès à la justice, la lutte contre l’impunité des crimes de guerre et des crimes contre l’humanité, la lutte contre les détentions provisoires irrégulières massives, la lutte contre la torture et les traitements inhumains et dégradants, la lutte pour la transparence dans le secteur des ressources naturelles et la protection des défenseurs des droits humains.

Consultez l'offre détaillée ici

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Goma, avec des déplacements fréquents sur toutes les bases de la mission. /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion financière
Date de publication : 24/12/2019
Date limite : 24/12/2019


INTERSOS est une Organisation Humanitaire Non Gouvernementale, à but non lucratif, qui a l’objectif d’assister les victimes de désastres naturelles et de conflits armés. INTERSOS base son action sur les valeurs de la solidarité, de la justice, de la dignité humaine, de l’égalité des droits et des opportunités pour tous les peuples, du respect des diversités, de la cohabitation, de l’attention aux groups sociales les plus vulnérables.



Termes de référence 

Intitulé du poste : Coordinateur des Finances Pays

Code : SR-38-1350

Pays : République Démocratique du Congo

Lieu d’affectation : Goma, avec des déplacements fréquents sur toutes les bases de la mission.

Date de prise de fonction : 12/01/2020

Durée du contrat : 6 mois

Sous la supervision de : Chef de Mission (hierarchiquement) et Coordinateur Regional des Finances (fonctionellment)

Supervision directe de : 7 employés            

Personnes à charge : Non


Contexte général du projet

Présents en RDC depuis le 2010, INTERSOS a été financé par UNHCR, UNICEF, CEI, PAM, ECHO et Pooled Fund/CHF et travaille en partenariat avec les ASBL locales, comités de bénéficiaires et communes, leaders communautaires, la Société Civile, autorités locales et ONG locales et internationales.


Les secteurs techniques d’intervention sont principalement : protection, protection de l’enfant, santé et nutrition, éducation et sécurité alimentaire.

Aujourd’hui, INTERSOS est présente dans la région de l’Ituri, du Nord Kivu et du Sud Kivu surtout avec des projets de monitorage de protection financés par le UNHCR.


Une expérience spécifique a été développée en ce qui concerne: monitorage de protection, violence sexuelles et sexistes, cohabitation pacifique, formation des partenaires et des parties prenantes sur les aspects de la protection , sensibilisation des communautés sur la protection, identification des enfants sortis des forces et groupes armés, non-accompagnés/séparés de leur familles, vulnérables au sein des communautés, appui psychosocial, assistance matérielle, réinsertion scolaire et/ou socioéconomique.


En ce qui concerne les bailleurs, le UNHCR, UNICEF and PAM ils sont les principaux ; parallèlement, des discussions ont été lancées avec l'USAID (OFDA, Food for Peace), AICS, la Banque Mondiale et la Coopération Canadienne.


Objectif général de la position

Le Coordinateur Finances est responsable de la bonne exécution technique de toutes les activités comptables et financières de la mission et de ses projets. Dans ce contexte, il assure une gestion correcte et efficace des ressources financières, conformément aux procédures de l'Organisation.


Principales responsabilités et tâches

  1. Travailler en étroite collaboration avec le chef de mission pour assurer le respect des procédures d’INTERSOS et des bailleurs de fonds dans un contexte très difficile qui exige du dynamisme pour obtenir les résultats
  2. Aider à la comptabilité du pays et des projets et coordonner le personnel administratif, dans le cas d'une mission de mise en œuvre d'activités réparties entre les différentes régions du pays
  3. Collaborer avec le chef de mission à la préparation et au suivi des plans économiques et financiers de la mission ;
  4. Collaborer avec les chefs de projet à la préparation et au suivi des plans économiques et financiers des projets
  5. Assurer l l'administration des comptes de trésorerie, en mettant particulièrement l'accent sur la comptabilisation des fonds transférés et dépensés sur le terrain où un contrôle strict et constant est nécessaire ;
  6. Aider à la réalisation de tous les rapports financiers provisoires et définitifs et soumettre à l'approbation des gestionnaires de projet et du chef de mission
  7. Assurer le respect des lois locales du travail


Profil requis


  • Diplôme universitaire avancé en finance, administration des affaires ou autre domaines similaires

Expérience Professionnelle

  • Minimum de 5 ans d'expérience de travail pertinente dans le contexte d'urgence et d'aide humanitaire, y compris sur le terrain

Exigences professionnelles

  • Flexible
  • Capacité de faire face à des imprévues (internes et externes)
  • Proactive
  • Désireux d'être opérationnel et pas seulement un superviseur


  • Excellente maîtrise du Français écrit et parlé
  • Bon niveau d'anglais obligatoire.

Qualités requises

  • Esprit d’adaptation à des conditions de vie simples, à un climat sec chaud/très chaud et à des contraints de sécurité ;
  • Capacité de communication et de travail en équipe et dans un contexte multiculturel ;
  • Respect des valeurs/mission INTERSOS ;



Les candidats intéressés sont invités à postuler en suivant le lien ci-dessous:


Veuillez noter que notre processus de candidature est composé de 3 étapes très rapidess’inscrire (incluant votre nom, mail, mot de passe, nationalité et adresse Skype), se connecter et postuler en joignant CV et lettre de motivation en version PDF. Avec cette plateforme les candidats pourront suivre l'historique de leurs candidatures avec INTERSOS.


Si vous rencontrez de graves difficultés à postuler via notre plateforme, vous pouvez envoyer un email à joignant votre CV et votre lettre de motivation (les deux en version PDF) avec comme objet du message: « Platform issue  SR-38-1350  Coordinateur des Finances Pays - RDC».

Veuillez également mentionner le nom, le poste et les coordonnées d'au moins deux références, y compris le responsable hiérarchique lors de votre dernier emploi. Les membres de la famille sont à exclure.


Seulement les candidats sélectionnés pour le premier entretien seront contactés.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Avocats Sans Frontières
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Provinces du Kongo Central et du Nord Kivu, RDC /
Fichier : PDF icon vf_pdgd_tdr_consultance_eval_vf.pdf
Type d'emploi : Autre
Type de contrat : Autre
Fonction : Expertise/recherche
Date de publication : 23/12/2019
Date limite : 17/01/2020


- Une expérience solide et diversifiée dans le domaine spécifique requis, notamment une expérience d’évaluation de projets ;
- Une expérience de travail dans la région ;
- Un diplôme universitaire en droit de niveau maîtrise ou supérieur ou dans d’autres domaines pertinents ;
- Une expérience de 5 ans en gestion de projets de développement, de préférence dans le secteur de l’accès à la justice ;
- Une excellente connaissance des méthodes et techniques d’évaluation de projets ;
- Une bonne connaissance des rôles et fonctions de différents acteurs intervenant en matière des MARC dans le contexte d’un pays post conflit ;
- Une bonne maitrise du Français et une excellente capacité de rédaction de rapports en cette langue. La maîtrise du Swahili/Lingala/Kikongo est un atout.


Créée en 1992, Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF) est une ONG internationale spécialisée dans la défense des droits humains et le soutien à la justice. ASF a des bureaux de terrain au Burundi, en Indonésie, au Maroc, en Ouganda, en République centrafricaine, en RD Congo, au Tchad et en Tunisie.

Le Programme « Contribuer aux objectifs de développement durable à travers le renforcement de l’accès à la justice en RDC » entend contribuer à la création – par l’ensemble des acteurs agissant de manière coordonnée – d’un cadre durable assurant l’accès à une justice indépendante et de qualité pour tous et, partant, oeuvrer en faveur de la cohésion sociale et du renforcement de l’État de droit. Plus spécifiquement, le Programme vise à appuyer et à promouvoir la réalisation des droits des populations par leur participation à des mécanismes de prévention et de résolution des conflits efficaces, favorisant ainsi l’État de droit et la bonne gouvernance.

Consultez l'offre détaillée ici

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Agence Belge de Développement
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Mbuji Mayi /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 08/11/2019
Date limite : 24/11/2019


Master avec de l'expérience pertinente internationale


Coordinateur Provincial Kasai Oriental

  (h/f) – République Démocratique du Congo



Enabel est l’Agence belge de développement. Elle exécute et coordonne la politique belge de développement international, et travaille principalement pour le compte de l’État belge. L’Agence met également en œuvre des actions pour d’autres organisations nationales et internationales. Avec 1400 collaborateurs, dont plus de 70 % de personnel local, Enabel gère quelque 150 projets, essentiellement dans des États fragiles d’Afrique.





La République Démocratique du Congo est le plus gros portefeuille de la Belgique avec ses pays partenaires. Enabel y est présent depuis 2001, notamment dans les domaines du développement rural, du désenclavement, de l’éducation professionnelle, de la santé, de l’eau et de l’énergie. Enabel est présent dans 10 provinces du pays à travers une vingtaine de bureaux et d’antennes. La spécificité du programme de coopération réside dans sa proximité avec les bénéficiaires.


Le programme dans le Kasai oriental et la Lomami est composé de deux interventions : PRODAKOR dans le secteur agricole et EDUKOR dans le secteur éducation. Ces projets s’inscrivent dans le Programme indicatif de la coopération bilatérale conclu entre la Belgique et la RDC, qui se focalise sur trois secteurs prioritaires : Agriculture, Pistes et Bacs, et Enseignement Technique et Formation Professionnelle (ETFP).


Description de la fonction


Le poste de coordinateur au niveau provincial répond à la volonté de la Belgique de consolider le centre de gravité de ses interventions au plus près des partenaires locaux, dans une optique d’efficience, de proximité et de collaboration renforcée, mais aussi de porter un soin particulier à la cohérence et aux synergies entre les programmes déployés en province. Vous serez l’interface principale des relations avec les partenaires provinciaux (dont les Ministères provinciaux) et jouerez un rôle de médiateur entre les différents projets d’Enabel en province.


Vos responsabilités sont :

  • Assurer l’intégration des différents projets d’Enabel dans la province et veiller à la cohérence et à la synergie de ceux-ci en tant que programme provincial, à la cohérence interne du programme en termes de démarches et d’activités mises en œuvre par les différentes interventions et à la cohérence externe du programme avec les stratégies nationales et les interventions des autres partenaires;
  • Gérer certaines procédures administratives, financières et opérationnelles ;
  • Coordonner l’organisation des comités techniques, des plateformes d’échange et des comités de pilotage avec les responsables techniques ;
  • Coordonner les missions d’évaluation, les actions de capitalisation du programme, ainsi que les missions de suivi et d’appui méthodologique avec les experts sectoriels  ;
  • Assurer la consolidation des informations en vue de garantir le rapportage des interventions ainsi qu’assurer la circulation de l’information, la priorisation et la communication au sein des programmes provinciaux ainsi que vers l’extérieur ;
  • Veiller au respect du cadre défini par Enabel, en étroite collaboration avec le/la responsable administratif et financier (RAFI), et prioriser les demandes des programmes, veiller à un suivi de qualité des prestations ;
  • Etre le point de référence principale en matière de gestion de sécurité pour tous les projets et personnels Enabel dans les provinces couvertes.


Votre profil


Niveau de formation requis

  • Master dans un domaine relevant (sciences économiques, sociales ou politiques, droit, gestion, développement, agronomie, éducation, etc.) en lien avec les programmes supervisés.

Expériences requises

  • Au moins 5 ans d’expérience professionnelle pertinente, dont 3 ans en tant que manager de projet(s) de développement agricole/rural, de décentralisation ou d’appui institutionnel impliquant plusieurs acteurs locaux travaillant en synergie pour atteindre les résultats attendus ;
  • Expérience majoritairement acquise en Afrique et une solide expérience internationale en dehors de son pays d’origine ;
  • Expériences en matière de renforcement institutionnel et organisationnel, ainsi qu’au niveau des processus de développement local ;
  • Une expérience   dans une fonction de coordinateur/facilitateur de programmes de développement pour un organisme international est un atout majeur ;
  • Une expérience antérieure en outcome mapping est un atout.

Compétences et connaissances requises

  • Maitrise des outils de planification et de suivi-évaluation de projets ;
  • Capitalisation des processus de développement ;
  • Connaissance des thèmes transversaux (environnement, genre, droits des enfants, VIH/Sida) et  expérience de l’intégration de ces thèmes dans des projets de développement ;
    • Excellentes compétences de rassembleur, facilitateur et gestionnaire de programmes ;
    • Excellentes qualités relationnelles permettant de favoriser le travail en équipe ;
    • Une connaissance de la RDC constitue un atout.
    • Expression aisée tant à l’oral qu’à l’écrit en Français ou en Néerlandais. De très bonnes capacités de communication orale et écrite en Français et en Anglais sont en outre exigées, dès lors que le Français est la langue officielle de la RDC et que le projet s’inscrit dans un contexte international.


Nous vous offrons


  • Une fonction enrichissante au sein d’une organisation en constante évolution, réputée pour sa qualité de mise en œuvre de projets de développement et  attentive à ses collaborateurs.
  • Un contrat de 3 ans et demi basé à Mbuji Mayi avec des déplacements dans les antennes du Kasai Oriental – Lomami.
    • Un salaire mensuel brut qui valorise votre expérience pertinente, calculé sur base de nos barèmes.
  • En outre, nos collaborateurs expatriés bénéficient également d’avantages liés à l'expatriation  fixés par nos règles en la matière tels qu'une indemnité d'éloignement, d'affectation, de pénibilité, la prise en charge des frais de logement (plafonnés), une allocation de déménagement, une allocation d’installation, la prise en charge des frais de scolarité des enfants accompagnants (plafonnés), un package d’assurances pour toute la famille dont l’assurance rapatriement, des billets d’avion aller-retour une fois/an pour toute la famille.

Les différents montants payés vont varier en fonction de l’expérience pertinente reconnue pour la fonction, la composition familiale et la situation fiscale.


Cette publication peut donner lieu à la constitution d’une réserve de recrutement pour une durée de 3 ans pour toute fonction similaire.




Postulez, au plus tard le 24/11/2019, via ce lien  et joignez votre CV actualisé et une lettre de motivation.


Seules les candidatures introduites via le lien ci-dessus seront prises en considération.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Save the Children International (Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre)
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Kinshasa /
Fichier : File country_director.docx
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée indéterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 06/11/2019
Date limite : 19/11/2019



  • Master’s degree or equvalent in a relevant field
  • Experienced leader who has held senior positions in complex/high profile/ multinational organisations
  • Experience of working with large, complex donors (USAID, EU, DFID etc.) to secure and/or manage new large-scale and/or competitive funding
  • Understanding of key trends in international and humanitarian development
  • Demonstrable ability to recruit, lead and develop high calibre specialist senior staff with a range of backgrounds and expertise
  • Strong track record in building high performance teams and future successors/leaders
  • Ability to manage and motivate self and others to respond to a significant and complex crisis situation in extraordinary circumstances, requiring swift action and rapid changes in priorities
  • Innovative approach to solving a range of highly complex issues and galvanising buy-in to the solutions at all levels
  • Experience and knowledge of context and actors in WCA region.
  • Fluency and speaking and writing in both French and English
  • Commitment to the Save the Children vision, principles, mission and values
  • Experience on humanitarian programs and ability to work in a volatile environment preferred.

What’s in it for you?

-          Leadership role in a challenging context

-          Working with a dynamic team, supervising 8 including 5 directors (Program Operations, Program Development & Quality, Finance, HR /Admin, Humanitarian) and 3 senior managers (the Head of Advocacy and Campaign, the Head of Internal Control, and the Safety and Security Manager)

-          Open Ended - International Contract with competitive salary

-          Expensive Posting Allowance & Education allowance for children under 18

-          Long term Saving Plan; Life Insurance, CIGNA Health care plan


Are you interested in using your expertise and experience to build a better world for children?


West and Central Africa is known for the region in the world where it is particularly hard to be a child.


To help our region achieve the GLOBAL STRATEGY: AMBITION FOR CHILDREN 2030, we are recruiting a Country Director for our DRC County Office.


Reporting to the Regional Director for West and Central Africa, this exciting career opportunity will suit someone with significant ambition, high potential and passion for making a difference in the lives of children.


As a member of the West & Central Africa Senior Leadership team, you will have shared accountability for Save the Children’s international development and emergency programming in the region of approximately $180 million (2019) through an organisation of over 2,400 people. To achieve our ambitious goals and breakthroughs for children, the leadership team will, in collaboration with Save the Children Members and in conjunction with the other regional organisations, aim to drive growth of the donor landscape to $2.7 billion this year.

The Country Director will lead the transformation of the country office to a new operating model, whilst also delivering Save the Children’s strategy within the country through:

  • Delivering quality programmes, including advocacy, for children; and
  • Serving Members and their donors


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Save the Children International (Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre)
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Beni /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 04/11/2019
Date limite : 18/11/2019


Qualifications and experience


  • University degree in relevant field
  • At least 5 years experience of managing field based operations in challenging and insecure areas.
  • Ability to lead a programme and support a team working from remote locations.
  • Proven experience in grant management, including budget holding and donor reporting and effective financial and budgetary control in securing and managing grants.
  • Experience in management of Human Resources, finance, logistics, administration,
  • Proven skills/experience in security management in instable / conflict environments.
  • Skills & experience in project/programme monitoring review, reporting and evaluation.
  • Fluency in written and spoken French and working proficiency of English
  • Ability to work with limited supervision
  • Commitment to and understanding of Save the Children’s aims values and principles
  • Proven skills in programme management and project administration.
  • Strong skills in people management, moderation, conflict resolution and capacity-building skills
  • Ability to represent Save the Children, promote and advocate for children’s rights and maintain good relations at a provincial level with donors, United Nations organisations, international and national Non Governmental Organizations and local authorities.



 Working experience in the Great Lakes context

  • Experience in promoting children’s participation in programming, design, implementation and evaluation.
  • Knowledge and working experience of Child’s Rights Programming approach.



The role

The Field Manager will develop and manage all Save the Children’s programmes (Currently Protection and Education) as well as Human Resources, finance, logistics, administration, security, representation and advocacy concerning the humanitarian response in the area. The post-holder will effectively and efficiently coordinate operations systems, processes and activities so that programme is delivered on time according to organisational strategy, donor requirements and within allocated budget.


Contract length: 01 year


The Organisation

We employ approximately 25,000 people across the globe and work on the ground in over 100 countries to help children affected by crises, or those that need better healthcare, education and child protection. We also campaign and advocate at the highest levels to realise the right of children and to ensure their voices are heard. 

We are working towards three breakthroughs in how the world treats children by 2030:

  • No child dies from preventable causes before their 5th birthday
  • All children learn from a quality basic education and that,
  • Violence against children is no longer tolerated


We know that great people make a great organization, and that our employees play a crucial role in helping us achieve our ambitions for children.  We value our people and offer a meaningful and rewarding career, along with a collaborative and inclusive workplace where ambition, creativity, and integrity are highly valued.

Application Information:

Please apply using the following link:

Senda cover letter and up-to-date CV as a single document. Please also include details of your current remuneration and salary expectations. 

We need to keep children safe so our selection process reflects our commitment to the protection of children from abuse.

Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply

Applicants are advised that Save the Children International does not require any payment or expense during the entire recruitment process. Any request in this direction should be immediately reported as contrary to the values and practices of our organization.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Save the Children International (Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre)
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Goma /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 31/10/2019
Date limite : 15/11/2019



  • University graduate in relevant field of study
  • CFE – Certified Fraud Examiner, Obligatory
  • Strong cultural awareness and be able to work well in an international environment with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures
  • Highly developed interpersonal and communication ability
  • Willingness to travel within the DRC
  • Demonstrate standards of ethics and integrity
  • Commitment to Save the Children’s values



  • 3 years’ work experience required
  • Good spoken and written French
  • Good spoken and written English
  • Audit Experience an advantage
  • Counter fraud Experience an advantage


The role

The Fraud Specialist will support the Head of Internal Control, on fraud awareness raising campaigns and initiatives, assist in Fraud Risk Assessments, gathering statistics and draft reports on fraud data relating to the Country Office. She/he will support in conducting fraud investigations within the Country Office, facilitate the implementation of SCI policies in the Country Office by supporting the Head of Internal Control in implementing, directing and overseeing the auditing and compliance function. She/he will assist in the support conduct and direction of audits and ongoing reviews of organisation controls, operating procedures, and compliance with policies and regulations. The Specialist will be required to assess the soundness, effectiveness, and proper application of accounting and financial controls, compliance procedures and controls and timeliness of documentation generation in the field office. She/he will assist to compile and issue reports detailing conclusions and providing recommendations for improvements. She/he will sometimes serve as a liaison for external audit and regulatory agencies and will support fraud management and prevention within the organisation.

The post holder will be expected to build strong relationships across the field office and ensure they are kept up-to-date with changes and events that may have a significant impact on the risk profile of actual or potential activities at field office level.

In the event of a major humanitarian emergency, the role holder will be expected to work outside the normal role profile and be able to vary working hours accordingly.

 Contract length: 01 year

 The Organisation

We employ approximately 25,000 people across the globe and work on the ground in over 100 countries to help children affected by crises, or those that need better healthcare, education and child protection. We also campaign and advocate at the highest levels to realise the right of children and to ensure their voices are heard. 

 We are working towards three breakthroughs in how the world treats children by 2030:

  • No child dies from preventable causes before their 5th birthday
  • All children learn from a quality basic education and that,
  • Violence against children is no longer tolerated

 We know that great people make a great organization, and that our employees play a crucial role in helping us achieve our ambitions for children.  We value our people and offer a meaningful and rewarding career, along with a collaborative and inclusive workplace where ambition, creativity, and integrity are highly valued.

 Application Information:

Please apply using the following link:

Send a cover letter and up-to-date CV as a single document. Please also include details of your current remuneration and salary expectations. 

We need to keep children safe so our selection process reflects our commitment to the protection of children from abuse.

Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply

Applicants are advised that Save the Children International does not require any payment or expense during the entire recruitment process. Any request in this direction should be immediately reported as contrary to the values and practices of our organization.


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Cordaid
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Kinshasa /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Récolte de fonds
Date de publication : 21/10/2019
Date limite : 06/11/2019


  • Masters Degree in Development, International Relations, or relevant field preferred, equivalent experience acceptable;
  • Minimum five years of international development experience, including at least two years in a developing country;
  • Demonstrated experience leading and producing competitive proposals;
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and French;
  • Excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication and negotiation skills;
  • Strong analytical skills;
  • Knowledge in health, education and  justice program preferred;
  • Must be familiar with international donors rules, regulations and policies including EU, UN agencies; World Bank, Global Fund;
  • Ability to work long hours in stressful environments, insecure, unstable and/or rigorous;
  • Ability to cultivate and maintain professional relationships with internal colleagues and contacts in donor and peer organisation at country level;
  • Excellent attention to details;
  • Strong planning and time management skills, multi-task & adapt to frequent changing priorities;
  • Commitment to the mission and goals of the Cordaid program and the security policy;
  • Ability and willingness to travel within the 2 countries as needed, up to 60% of job time.


For the Cordaid Country offices in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Burundi and Central African Republic (CAR), Cordaid is looking for a Business Development Manager.



Cordaid has a long working history in DRC, a country affected by war and conflicts for decades.

Cordaid is currently working in Health, Education, Security and Justice, Economic Resilience and Humanitarian Aid. .We have one main office in Kinshasa, and 5 others regional offices in Goma, Bukavu, Bunia, Gemena and Kananga. The Cordaid program in Burundi covers Health, Security and Justice, and Resilience. Specifically the health programs of Cordaid have a nationwide coverage. Cordaid is an important international actor in Burundi. Cordaid in CAR has multiple offices and works on different sectors such as Health, Security and Justice and Humanitarian Aid.


To develop the portfolio for Cordaid in DRC, CAR and Burundi we are looking for an experienced Business Development Manager (BDM) with a strong management and leadership capacity as well as a profound knowledge of the technical aspects of the job and excellent writing skills in French and English.


General objective of the posting

This Business Development Manager (BDM) position supports Cordaid acquisition of resources from a wide range of donors, including World Bank, multi-lateral organizations, foundations, corporations, and a variety of emerging, non-traditional sources of funding.

As a member of the Countries Senior Management Team, the BDM will provide overall strategic direction, leadership, and management to ensure portfolio growth. This leadership, management and knowledge will enable Cordaid DRC/CAR/Burundi to deliver high-quality proposal and prepositioning. The BDM will be responsible for network representation, Business Development strategy and fundraising, for the 2 countries.


Specific objectives

The BDM will support the agency’s positioning for and pursuit of institutional donor resources, with an emphasis on competitive funding mechanisms. S/he will provide business development expertise and leadership in the development of proposals to ensure the highest quality and competitiveness. S/he will contribute to and support internal learning processes that improve Cordaid’ business development practice, and leverage innovative.


Business Development & Grant Acquisition

  • The BDM will coordinate the process of developing and writing high-quality project proposals;
  • Research, track and analyze new business opportunities, for DRC, CAR and Burundi;
  • Support senior management’s cultivation and strengthening of institutional relationships with donors, partner organizations, and other collaborators in the international relief/development arena;
  • Lead all proposal development;
  • Participate in SOC and ensure adequate documentation is available prior SOC meeting;
  • Work in liaison with the thematic leads, MEAL officers and Global Office on donor intelligence and community priorities/needs, and positioning of Cordaid for emerging funding opportunities; 
  • Support and guide the identification of partners for all opportunities;
  • Conduct donor mapping, identify potential allies/partners and competitors for funding opportunities in country;
  • Contribute to bid management processes with technical writing of the proposal in accordance with donor requirements and South Sudan’s Strategic Plan;
  • Lead in the research process during the development of new proposals in coordination with related departments in order to ensure high-quality proposals that meet the requirements of the donors; 
  • Ensure to follow up and review the entire grant proposal development process, including conceptualization, performing research, producing compelling content, make revisions and submission; 
  • Monitor the competitive landscape, assess and test new approaches, gather lessons learned and update the countries’ funding strategy. 

Donor engagement 

  • Develop priority donor account plans in line with the funding strategy and ensure participation of technical and program teams in donor engagement fora;
  • Support the process and provide direction in the development of individual donor relations by periodically inviting donors and potential donors to visit Cordaid program areas to get first-hand information on program activities and also to explore new opportunities that can be leveraged with the achievements of existing programs; 
  • Monitor, research and carry out regular in-country donor strategy analysis and share findings with Program Managers; 
    • Develop and maintain Past performance.


  • Facilitate the training of senior manager in effective donor engagement;
  • Document lessons learned and report findings during program evaluation meetings;
  • Submit recommendations and suggestions to ensure that the best practices are adapted;
  • Keep overview and manage the organizational pipeline opportunity system and account related database for the 2 countries;
  • Attend to other duties as and when directed by the Country Director; 
  • These duties and responsibilities listed are representative of the nature and level of work assigned and are not necessarily all-inclusive. 



  • Masters Degree in Development, International Relations, or relevant field preferred, equivalent experience acceptable;
  • Minimum five years of international development experience, including at least two years in a developing country;
  • Demonstrated experience leading and producing competitive proposals;
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and French;
  • Excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication and negotiation skills;
  • Strong analytical skills;
  • Knowledge in health, education and  justice program preferred;
  • Must be familiar with international donors rules, regulations and policies including EU, UN agencies; World Bank, Global Fund;
  • Ability to work long hours in stressful environments, insecure, unstable and/or rigorous;
  • Ability to cultivate and maintain professional relationships with internal colleagues and contacts in donor and peer organisation at country level;
  • Excellent attention to details;
  • Strong planning and time management skills, multi-task & adapt to frequent changing priorities;
  • Commitment to the mission and goals of the Cordaid program and the security policy;
  • Ability and willingness to travel within the 2 countries as needed, up to 60% of job time.


Specifics of station

The  BDM will be based in Kinshasa, Bujumbura or Goma This is an accompanied position.


Contract information

The contract period is for 12 months starting as soon as possible, with the intention to extend for a longer period. We offer a Cordaid contract with a competitive salary and a benefit package which includes R&R, a comprehensive insurance cover, social security and pension contribution, a holiday allowance, 13th month, hardship allowance and cost of living allowance (if applicable).


Further information & how to apply

Applications including a motivation letter and extensive CV in English, including the contact details of at least three professional references, should be forwarded on attn. of Mister Remco van der Veen before November 6, 2019.

An integrity screening will be part of the application procedure.


Please note that we accept applications through our website only:




Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Save the Children International (Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre)
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : ITURI /
Fichier : File jd_field_manager_ituri_2019.docx
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 18/10/2019
Date limite : 31/10/2019


The Organisation

We employ approximately 25,000 people across the globe and work on the ground in over 100 countries to help children affected by crises, or those that need better healthcare, education and child protection. We also campaign and advocate at the highest levels to realise the right of children and to ensure their voices are heard. 


We are working towards three breakthroughs in how the world treats children by 2030:

  • No child dies from preventable causes before their 5th birthday
  • All children learn from a quality basic education and that,
  • Violence against children is no longer tolerated


We know that great people make a great organization, and that our employees play a crucial role in helping us achieve our ambitions for children.  We value our people and offer a meaningful and rewarding career, along with a collaborative and inclusive workplace where ambition, creativity, and integrity are highly valued.

Application Information:

Please apply using a cover letter and up-to-date CV as a single document. Please also include details of your current remuneration and salary expectations. 

We need to keep children safe so our selection process reflects our commitment to the protection of children from abuse.

Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply

Applicants are advised that Save the Children International does not require any payment or expense during the entire recruitment process. Any request in this direction should be immediately reported as contrary to the values and practices of our organization.


The role

The post holder is expected to lead the effective implementation of all Save the Children programme in the Ituri province. S/He will also manage all operations in the area.

In the event of a major humanitarian emergency, the role holder will be expected to work outside the normal role profile and be able to vary working hours accordingly.

Qualifications and experience


  • University degree in relevant field (social sciences, development, emergency….)
  • Ability to lead a programme and support a team working from remote locations.
  • Commitment to and understanding of Save the Children’s aims values and principles


  • Experience in heading a field office, an advantage.
  • Experience in working in remote / isolated conditions, an asset
  • Background/familiarity with Emergency response.
  • Knowledge and working experience of Child’s Rights Programming approach.
  • Experience in promoting children’s participation in programming, design, implementation and evaluation.

Experience and Skills

  • At least 5 years experience of managing field based operations in challenging and insecure areas.
  • Proven experience in grant management, including budget holding and donor reporting and effective financial and budgetary control in securing and managing grants.
  • Experience in management of Human Resources, finance, logistics, administration,
  • Proven skills/experience in security management in instable / conflict environments.
  • Proven skills in programme management and project administration.
  • Strong skills in people management, moderation, conflict resolution and capacity-building skills
  • Skills & experience in project/programme monitoring review, reporting and evaluation.
  • Ability to represent Save the Children, promote and advocate for children’s rights and maintain good relations at a provincial level with donors, United Nations organisations, international and national Non-Governmental Organizations and local authorities.
  • Fluency in written and spoken French and working proficiency of English
  • Ability to work with limited supervision


Contract length: 1 Year Renewable


Location: Bunia, Ituri



Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Save the Children International (Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre)
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Kinshasa /
Fichier : File jd_prog._director_sp_2019.docx
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 17/09/2019
Date limite : 30/09/2019


Qualifications and experienceEssential:

  • Relevant university degree (Health or other Social Science, International Development, etc.)
  • Sound knowledge of the DRC health system including institutions, policies and legal frameworks.
  • Prior experience in managing institutional and corporate donors funded programmes.
  • Ability to analyse information, evaluate options and to think and plan strategically.
  • At least 5 years' experience of working at the same level of responsibility
  • Strong experience of working in fragile or conflict affected states.
  • Prior experience in partnership management.
  • Prior experience in managing a complex and multi-donors funded programme portfolio.
  • Knowledge and working experience of Child's Rights Programming approach.
  • Proven skills in programme management and administration, including grants management and donor compliance.
  • Experience of building, leading and developing a team of senior staff with different backgrounds and expertise.
  • Skills and experience in programme monitoring review, reporting and evaluation.
  • Strong skills in people management, moderation, conflict resolution and capacity-building.
  • Strong analytical and conceptual skills and the ability to think and plan strategically.
  • Ability to lead a programme and support a team working from remote locations.
  • Fluency in written and spoken French and English.
  • Ability to work with limited supervision.
  • Commitment to and understanding of Save the Children aims, values, principles, policies, procedures.
  • Capacity and willingness to be extremely flexible and accommodating in difficult working circumstances.


  • Working experience in challenging and insecure contexts similar to DRC.
  • Experience in promoting children's participation in programming, design, implementation and evaluation.
  • Previous safety and security training for working in conflict settings
  • Commitment to and understanding of child rights, humanitarian standards such as the Sphere Charter and the Code of Conduct.



TITLE:  Programme Director – Health Signature Programe – Democratic Republic of Congo

TEAM/PROGRAMME: Operations / Health

LOCATION: Kinshasa

With significant travel to field locations (30 to 50%).

GRADE: TBC (Competitive Package)

CONTRACT LENGTH: 2 years renewable, with 6 months probation



Level 3:  the post holder will have contact with children and/or young people either frequently (e.g. once a week or more) or intensively (e.g. four days in one month or more or overnight) because they work country programmes; or are visiting country programmes; or because they are responsible for implementing the police checking/vetting process staff.



Save the Children is recruiting for an experienced Programme Director to lead our flagship Health Signature Programme across DRC. The programme is a multi-awards / multi donor and ambitious programme implemented in 10 Health Zones in Kasai Oriental and Lomami provinces, currently funded by EU DEVCO, DFID, GSK and Save the Children. The programme currently has an active funding portfolio of USD 17 million and funded until the end of 2021, with programme development work ongoing. The programme employs over 30 staff members across the 2 provinces.


We work with the DRC MoH to provide a full package on institutional support and health services with the aim to :


-       Improve access to quality health care for new born and children

-       Reduce the burden of the 5 child killer diseases (Measles, Malaria, Pneumonia, Diarrhea, Malnutrition)

-       Improve community knowledge / awareness of the essential family practices

-       Improve accountability at community level


The Programme Director will be the 1st accountable person to ensure performance, quality and risk management of the programme.




Reports to: Director of Programme Operations


Staff directly reporting to this post: Deputy Programme Director.

Dotted line management to RMEAL Manager, Finance Specialist, Pharmacist.

Total programme staff: approx. 35

Partners: mainly DRC MoH (and few selected national and international organisations).



Programme delivery, management and quality assurance

  • Hold overall responsibility for development and implementation of all aspects of the Programme in DRC.
  • Provide strategic guidance, strong leadership and ensure technically sound decision-making processes.
  • Lead and motivate the teams in the areas of responsibility in the delivery of the programme’s goals and objectives.
  • Support spot checks and audit processes throughout the project lifecycle while ensuring the implementation of recommendations.
  • Create and nurture external partnerships; and in particular identify suitable local partners and ensure adherence to the partnership manual.
  • Lead and represent the programme on behalf of Save the Children in all relevant fora at all times, including with the donor and government in country.
  • Ensure compliance with and adherence to Save the Children and the donor’s rules and regulations in all aspects.
  • Ensure timely start up of the grant in collaboration with the field managers / area managers of the relevant areas and bases, the director of programme operations, through planning projects’ opening meetings, and developing all grants management documents such as phased budget, plans of implementation, procurement plans, monitoring plans, grants filing, staff recruitment plans, etc.
  • Ensure regular monitoring and reporting on all grant management aspects: phased budget and actual expenses analysis, work-plans progresses and updating, procurement plans revision, data collection and analysis and monitoring of indicators.
  • Take full responsibility for the delegated budget holding function on the programmatic aspects of the managed grants, participate actively in finance and projects review meetings and contribute to financial decision making.
  • Ensure value for money can be effectively demonstrated to the donor.
  • Ensure monitoring and evaluation tools are systematically implemented and used by the teams, in cooperation with the technical staff and Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) staff.
  • Conduct baseline surveys, regular monitoring, review and evaluation, in cooperation with the technical and MEAL staff.
  • Through the established MEAL system, deliver the results-based programming.
  • Foster an integrated approach by coordinating and cooperating with all other thematic areas (Protection, Education, etc.), during programme implementation and for future programme design and development.
  • Produce high quality reports within agreed reporting schedules.
  • Mentor, coach and supervise partners, including ensuring that they regularly report on financial and programmatic aspects in line with partnership guidelines.
  • Ensure programming interventions are implemented in cooperation with affected communities, particularly children.
  • Ensure programming interventions are designed based on an analysis of gender relations and that programmes seek to support the different needs and opportunities of women, men, boys and girls.
  • Ensure established inter-agency standards and guidelines are followed.
  • Conduct regular field visits, including discussions with beneficiaries, where a report is produced and corrective actions put in place and monitored.
  • Ensure Save the Children’s Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy is understood by staff within the programme as well as partners and suppliers including stakeholders, and that it is integrated into all aspects of the team’s work.
  • Document programme learning, and incorporate analysis and lessons learned into new strategies/activities and advocacy work.
  • Ensure programme delivery happens in strict adherence to security policy and procedures.
  • Focus on ensuring appropriate closure of grants and readjustment of the others to potentially cover any gaps


Performance management and capacity building

  • Line-manage the programme’s staff in the areas of responsibility.
  • Lead, manage and motivate the programme’s staff, ensuring they have clear objectives and receive meaningful feedback on their performance regularly, in collaboration with the human resources department.
  • Identify capacity building requirements of staff in collaboration with the human resources department.
  • Lead on capacity building of staff and partners through coaching, mentoring and training. 
  • Create and maintain a cooperative and positive working environment where staff have clear roles and responsibilities, participate in decision making and are supported in progressing towards their objectives.



  • Lead representation of the programme in all relevant fora at all times, ensuring complementarity and avoiding overlap with other programmes in the same areas in DRC.
  • Represent the programme, Save the Children and partners at donor meetings in country and internationally as required.
  • Communicate regularly across Save the Children offices to ensure strong communications internally and externally and contribute to a coordinated vision.
  • Participate proactively and regularly whenrrequired in senior management meetings in the areas of responsibility, making concrete contributions to strategic and operational orientations.
  • In collaboration with the field / area managers in the areas of responsibility, represent Save the Children DRC with local authorities and governmental counterparts (relevant Ministries), donors and members of the humanitarian community, and ensure that Save the Children’s work is coordinated with these bodies.


Programme development and fundraising

  • Proactively look for opportunities to build on existing programme
  • In collaboration with the technical advisors, actively contribute to the development of the thematic strategies in the areas of responsibility.
  • Identify the most appropriate programming interventions for meeting the needs of children based on assessment findings.
  • Lead on situation analysis/needs assessments in the area of responsibility and ensure all proposals respond to beneficiaries’ needs.
  • Play an active role in the development of a fundraising strategy in the areas of responsibility and in donor liaison where appropriate. 
  • Incorporate analysis and lessons learned into new strategies/activities.



  • Lead/support advocacy and research initiatives.
  • Work closely with the programme advocacy team and Save the Children head offices to ensure input and buy-in to strategic approach, including coordinating with cross-organisational advocacy working groups and responding to requests and enquiries relating to the programme thematic sectors.
  • Analyse, interpret and act upon information from internal and external sources, and maintain an in-depth understanding of key advocacy issues and of the positions of key actors, including ministers, political, civil society and economic leaders, donors etc.
  • Work closely with operations, programmes, technical, and MEAL colleagues to ensure substantial integration of advocacy into programme planning and implementation especially ensuring that evidence and best practices generated by Save the Children’s programmes inform our advocacy work.
  • Support the development of high quality advocacy resources and tools as required including talking points, policy briefings, letters, reports, communications and media lines for internal and external use, and support and/or commission research on specific issues to support Save the Children’s advocacy.
  • Lobby/support the lobbying of decision-makers at high level in line with the advocacy strategy.
  • Develop and foster close working relationships with responding agencies, civil society groups and other for a to strengthen collective advocacy initiatives at country, regional and global levels



  • Comply with all relevant Save the Children policies and procedures with respect to code of conduct, child safeguarding policy, health and safety, equal opportunities and other relevant policies.
  • Any other reasonable duty as may be assigned that is consistent with the nature of the job and level of responsibility.


BEHAVIOURS (Values in Practice)


  • Holds self accountable for making decisions, managing resources efficiently, achieving and role modelling Save the Children values.
  • Holds the team and partners accountable to deliver on their responsibilities - giving them the freedom to deliver in the best way they see fit, providing the necessary development to improve performance and applying appropriate consequences when results are not achieved.



  • Sets ambitious and challenging goals for themselves and their team, takes responsibility for their own personal development and encourages their team to do the same.
  • Widely shares their personal vision for Save the Children, engages and motivates others.
  • Future orientated, thinks strategically and on a global scale.



  • Builds and maintains effective relationships, with their team, colleagues, Save the Children’s members and external partners and supporters.
  • Values diversity, sees it as a source of competitive strength.
  • Approachable, good listener, easy to talk to.



  • Develops and encourages new and innovative solutions.
  • Willing to take disciplined risks.



  • Honest, encourages openness and transparency; demonstrates highest levels of integrity.






  • Relevant university degree (Health or other Social Science, International Development, etc.)
  • Sound knowledge of the DRC health system including institutions, policies and legal frameworks.
  • Prior experience in managing institutional and corporate donors funded programmes.
  • Ability to analyse information, evaluate options and to think and plan strategically.
  • At least 5 years’ experience of working at the same level of responsibility
  • Strong experience of working in fragile or conflict affected states.
  • Prior experience in partnership management.
  • Prior experience in managing a complex and multi-donors funded programme portfolio.
  • Knowledge and working experience of Child’s Rights Programming approach.
  • Proven skills in programme management and administration, including grants management and donor compliance.
  • Experience of building, leading and developing a team of senior staff with different backgrounds and expertise.
  • Skills and experience in programme monitoring review, reporting and evaluation.
  • Strong skills in people management, moderation, conflict resolution and capacity-building.
  • Strong analytical and conceptual skills and the ability to think and plan strategically.
  • Ability to lead a programme and support a team working from remote locations.
  • Fluency in written and spoken French and English.
  • Ability to work with limited supervision.
  • Commitment to and understanding of Save the Children aims, values, principles, policies, procedures.
  • Capacity and willingness to be extremely flexible and accommodating in difficult working circumstances.



  • Working experience in challenging and insecure contexts similar to DRC.
  • Experience in promoting children’s participation in programming, design, implementation and evaluation.
  • Previous safety and security training for working in conflict settings
  • Commitment to and understanding of child rights, humanitarian standards such as the Sphere Charter and the Code of Conduct.


Additional job responsibilities

The duties and responsibilities as set out above are not exhaustive and the role holder may be required to carry out additional duties within reasonableness of their level of skills and experience.


Equal Opportunities

The role holder is required to carry out the duties in accordance with the SCI Equal Opportunities and Diversity policies and procedures.


Child Safeguarding:

We need to keep children safe so our selection process, which includes rigorous background checks, reflects our commitment to the protection of children from abuse.


Health and Safety

The role holder is required to carry out the duties in accordance with SCI Health and Safety policies and procedures.


Date of issue: Sept. 2019, Kinshasa, DRC

