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Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Kenya, Uganda or Rwanda /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Mission terrain
Date de publication : 18/03/2021
Date limite : 11/04/2021


  • You hold a master degree in Physical and Functional Rehabilitation
  • You have at least 5 years of professional experience in rehabilitation interventions in low to middle income countries
  • You have at least 3 years of experience working as project implementer
  • You have proven experience in capacity building and staff development
  • You show high knowledge of technical stakes and different stakeholders regarding rehabilitation
  • You demonstrate patience, flexibility and diplomacy abilities
  • You speak English. French and Swahili would be strong asset


“Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity”

Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation with no religious or political affiliations operating in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

Since the organisation was first founded in 1982, we have set up development programmes in more than 60 countries and responded to many emergencies. Today we have a budget of around 150 million euros, with 3500 employees worldwide.

HI is engaged in an employment policy in favour of disabled workers.

For further information about the association:



The Region is known as the East African Region, encompassing 3 countries (Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda). While the regional set up of the structure is ongoing, the three countries each have vibrant programmes, with experienced staff and strong presence in both humanitarian and development context.  HI in Kenya and Rwanda have been operational since the early 1990s, and Uganda since 2017.  All three countries implement a number of projects under similar technical domains such as Rehabilitation, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, Inclusive Education, Livelihoods and Resilience but each also have their own specific technical focus in other areas. All 3 countries work with local partners, and ensure strong advocacy on the rights of persons with disabilities.

The regional programme hub is based in Kampala, Uganda.  Currently, the Regional Director and the structure of the regional office, including The Regional Technical Unit is being progressively set up under the leadership of the Technical Unit Manager. 

Reporting to the Technical Unit Manager, and in collaboration with HQ services, the Regional Rehabilitation Specialist will participate to the setup of the Technical Unit and will build the rehabilitation network within the three countries of the programme.

In keeping with the regional set-up stage, The Regional Rehabilitation Technical Specialist will be responsible for building up the Programme’s rehab network across the three countries, and lay the foundation of a common approach of Rehabilitation technical standards in the three countries taking into account each context. The Rehabilitation Specialist will also contribute to the integration of Rehabilitation into other sectors of intervention such as education, livelihoods and health.

The Rehabilitation Technical Specialist will have to implement the StratOp on the verge of validation and develop programmes based on the StaTech which include strong context analysis of the three countries, identification of programmes strengths and weaknesses as well as Opportunities and Threats. He/she will engage in standardisation of interventions based on common quality framework and processes. It will also enhance knowledge sharing within the programme and use each country lessons learned to improve programme’s Rehab projects. The programme has currently 11 projects.

The Regional Rehabilitation specialist will also contribute to the overall growth of the rehabilitation sector in the Programme through participation in technical design, proposal development, donor and partner networks, and advocacy.




-You contribute to the regional strategies in line with the global strategies

-You ensure technical support to projects in line with the global technical frameworks and standards

-You ensure technical learning from projects

-You ensure the control & monitoring of the technical quality and the relevance of HI’s activities in the programmes

-You ensure compliance of the technical proposition with nexus stakes

-You contribute to the development of research and innovation projects in the region

-You contribute to the Technical Divisions professional channel animation



-You contribute to the local external prestige and influence of HI’s expertise



-You ensure the development of major opportunities or new projects in the region



While the regional hub is based in Kampala, the position can be based in one of the three countries of the East African Region (Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda).  All three countries are relatively stable and peaceful, although Uganda has just conducted their General elections and Kenya will have their General elections in 2022.  COVID continues to be a major public health threat, with Rwanda has recently instituted a 2nd lockdown.

Relations between the three countries, who are members of the East African Community (EAC) can be tense at times, particularly between Rwanda and Uganda which has seen diplomatic tensions rise up over the past couple of years.

The position is a regional one and will require travel to all three countries. Travel requirements between the 3 countries will be determined in consultation with the Regional Director and the Kenya and Rwanda Country Managers.



At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission. Particular attention is paid to health issues and your personal situation.
We offer an induction and training path adapted to our staff members and we have a HR policy oriented toward mobility and professional development.

  • 3 years International contract starting ASAP
  • The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation:
    • Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals
    • Pension scheme adapted to the situation of our employees: If you already have a personal pension scheme HI will contribute at the same level of your personal monthly contribution with a maximum of 272.53€/month ; If you do not have a personal pension scheme, we will open a private pension account with your contribution of 272.53€/month and a contribution of HI of the same amount
    • Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution
    • Repatriation insurance paid by HI
  • Salary from 2757 € gross/month upon experience 
  • Perdiem : 561,55 € net/month in Kenya- paid in the field

                 494,02 € net/month in Uganda – paid in the field

                 457,51 € net/month in Rwanda – paid in the field

  • Paid leaves : 25 days per year;
  • R&R : 1 day per month
  • Position:
    • unaccompanied
      • Payment for travel costs (air ticket & visa) and transport of your personal effects (from 12 months of mission)
      • Mission of more than 12 months : a child allowance of  100€ per month, per child (from the second child) paid in the field
  • open to couples
    • Support travel costs (air ticket & visa) for accompanying dependent and health/ repatriation insurance if  the dependent has no income/
    • Mission of more than 18 months: payment of one yearly additional return flight 
  • open to families
  • a child allowance of  100€ per month, per child (from the second child) paid in the field
  • Contribution to school registration fees for children over 3 years
  • Family-wide health coverage
  • Payment for travel costs (air ticket & visa) and transport of your personal effects
  • Individual Housing taken in charge by HI

If you are resident in the country : local package

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Agence Belge de Développement
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Kampala /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 08/12/2020
Date limite : 03/01/2021


Niveau de formation requis

  • Master dans des domaines liés aux sciences humaines (de préférence : éducation des adultes, sciences de l’éducation, ou études du développement, sociologie des ressources humaines...).

Expériences requises

  • Au moins 2 ans d’expérience pertinente dans le secteur de l’éducation;
  • expérience dans le développement de l’e-learning (cours en ligne, approche mixte, application mobile...);
  • expérience en matière de renforcement des capacités;
  • toute expérience en gestion des connaissances ou en apprentissage organisationnel constitue un atout;
  • toute expérience internationale (c’est-à-dire dans le secteur du développement international et en dehors de votre pays d’origine) constitue également un atout.

Compétences et connaissances requises

  • Connaissance des dernières tendances en matière de technologies de l’éducation;
  • connaissance des ressources éducatives libres (REL);
  • très bonnes compétences en matière de technologies de l’information et de la communication;
  • bonne connaissance des aspects du développement international (contexte, défis, application, partenaires, fonctionnement...);
  • capacité à mettre en œuvre un processus de changement;
  • capitalisation et gestion des connaissances;
  • gestion axée sur les résultats;
  • capacité à utiliser les nouvelles technologies utilisées dans le domaine d’expertise;
  • compte tenu de la langue de travail de l’Ouganda et de l’environnement international dans lequel vous travaillez, une excellente maîtrise de l’anglais est exigée.

Nous demandons également aux de s’engager à respecter la vision, la mission et les valeurs d’Enabel (



En collaboration avec le ministère de l’Éducation et des Sports, Enabel renforce les compétences professionnelles des formateur·rices d’enseignant·es et futur·es enseignant·es fraîchement diplômé·es des 5 instituts de formation des enseignant·es, les National Teachers’ Colleges (NTC) de Kabale, Kaliro, Mubende, Muni et Unyama, et ce, à travers trois axes : le développement organisationnel, la réhabilitation et l’extension des infrastructures existantes, et le renforcement des capacités pour la formation des enseignant·es par l’introduction de méthodologies centrées sur l’apprenant·e et l’étude de stratégies visant à promouvoir l’utilisation des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) dans le but d’améliorer la qualité de l’apprentissage. La formation des enseignant·es constitue l’une des priorités stratégiques clés du secteur de l’éducation en Ouganda. La Belgique apporte depuis 2011 un appui à la formation des enseignant·es à travers son projet Teacher Training and Education (TTE).


La prochaine phase de deux ans consolidera et complétera les réalisations engrangées à ce jour et contribuera à la mise en place d’un système de formation des enseignant·es résilient grâce à un enseignement et un apprentissage hybrides et à un soutien numérique. 


L’objectif spécifique vise le renforcement des capacités et compétences des NTC à produire des enseignant·es compétent·es grâce à une utilisation efficace des compétences acquises en matière de gestion et de pédagogie et à une bonne utilisation des infrastructures et des installations. Cela comprend l’élaboration et l’achèvement des plans stratégiques des NTC (résultat 1), la poursuite du développement et de la mise en œuvre du plan directeur des infrastructures (résultat 2) et le soutien au développement professionnel des formateur·rices d’enseignant·es, des enseignant·es et des responsables pédagogiques (résultat 3). Une attention particulière est accordée aux possibilités offertes par la transformation numérique.


L’intervention est en phase avec les plans stratégiques pertinents du gouvernement ougandais au niveau national et sectoriel ainsi qu’au niveau des NTC.


Description de la fonction

En tant qu’Intervention Officer d’Enabel, vous fates rapport à l’Intervention Manager du projet TTE. Vous travaillez en étroite collaboration avec les trois expert·es nationaux·ales responsables des trois domaines de résultats du projet et apportez votre contribution à la transformation et au développement numériques dans ces domaines. Vous travaillez également en étroite collaboration avec l’expert·e international·e Digital for Development (D4D), qui est responsable de l’orientation stratégique du soutien à la transformation numérique offert par Enabel Ouganda.






  • Vous contribuez à la mise en œuvre des activités D4E (Digital for Education) en participant à la planification, à l’exécution, à la coordination, au suivi et à l’évaluation des activités ;
  • vous coconstruisez des solutions numériques et facilitez la mise en œuvre des activités afin d’atteindre des performances conformes aux normes et standards nationaux et internationaux ;
  • vous assurez la qualité de la prestation de services et organisez la capitalisation et la gestion des connaissances afin de contribuer à créer un climat de confiance inclusif et informé au sein du projet;
  • vous contribuez au renforcement des capacités des organisations partenaires (le ministère de l’Éducation et des Sports et les National Teacher’s Colleges).


Votre profil

Niveau de formation requis

  • Master dans des domaines liés aux sciences humaines (de préférence : éducation des adultes, sciences de l’éducation, ou études du développement, sociologie des ressources humaines...).

Expériences requises

  • Au moins 2 ans d’expérience pertinente dans le secteur de l’éducation;
  • expérience dans le développement de l’e-learning (cours en ligne, approche mixte, application mobile...);
  • expérience en matière de renforcement des capacités;
  • toute expérience en gestion des connaissances ou en apprentissage organisationnel constitue un atout;
  • toute expérience internationale (c’est-à-dire dans le secteur du développement international et en dehors de votre pays d’origine) constitue également un atout.

Compétences et connaissances requises

  • Connaissance des dernières tendances en matière de technologies de l’éducation;
  • connaissance des ressources éducatives libres (REL);
  • très bonnes compétences en matière de technologies de l’information et de la communication;
  • bonne connaissance des aspects du développement international (contexte, défis, application, partenaires, fonctionnement...);
  • capacité à mettre en œuvre un processus de changement;
  • capitalisation et gestion des connaissances;
  • gestion axée sur les résultats;
  • capacité à utiliser les nouvelles technologies utilisées dans le domaine d’expertise;
  • compte tenu de la langue de travail de l’Ouganda et de l’environnement international dans lequel vous travaillez, une excellente maîtrise de l’anglais est exigée.

Nous demandons également aux de s’engager à respecter la vision, la mission et les valeurs d’Enabel (


Nous vous offrons


  • Une fonction passionnante dans un environnement international.
  • Un contrat de 22 mois, basé à Kampala, avec des déplacements fréquents vers les 5 National Teachers’ Colleges de Kabale, Kaliro, Mubende, Muni et Unyama.
  • Un package salarial comprenant le salaire mensuel brut correspondant à nos barèmes (classe 5), ainsi que des avantages liés à votre statut d’expatrié·e au sein d’Enabel, tels qu’une indemnité d’éloignement, d’affectation et de pénibilité, la prise en charge (plafonnée) des frais de logement, une allocation de déménagement, d’installation, la prise en charge (plafonnée) des frais de scolarité des enfants accompagnants, un package d’assurances pour toute la famille, dont l’assurance rapatriement, et des billets d’avion aller-retour une fois/an pour toute la famille.
  • En cas d’expatriation sans les membres de la famille (personnes à charge), jusqu’à 6 billets d’avion aller-retour supplémentaires par an vers le pays d’origine ou toute autre destination (plafonnés suivant le règlement d’Enabel).

Les différents montants varient en fonction de l’expérience pertinente reconnue pour la fonction, la composition familiale et la situation fiscale.


Cette publication peut donner lieu à la constitution d’une réserve de recrutement pour une durée de 3 ans pour toute fonction similaire.


Enabel s’engage pour l’égalité des chances et la diversité au sein de son personnel. Les candidat·es sont choisi·es uniquement sur la base de leurs compétences.




Postulez ici au plus tard le 03/01/2021 et joignez votre CV actualisé et une lettre de motivation.


Seules les candidatures introduites via le lien ci-dessus seront prises en considération. 

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Kampala /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 20/10/2020
Date limite : 02/11/2020


• You hold a Master’s level in a relevant field
• You have more than 7 years working experience as Technical Specialist, Operations Coordinator, Technical Unit Manager, or similar background and a proven technical expertise in one sector of HI’s strategy
• You have worked more than 5 years in management of teams in humanitarian or development programs
• You know how to collaborate remotely
• A previous experience with HI would be a real asset as a previous experience working in humanitarian/development programs in Africa
• Written and oral institutional communication in English



While the regional set up is ongoing, the three countries (Kenya-Rwanda-Uganda) each have vibrant programmes, with experienced staff and strong presence in both humanitarian and development context. HI in Kenya and Rwanda have been operational since the early 1990s, and Uganda since 2017. All three countries implement a number of projects under similar technical domains such as Rehabilitation, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, Inclusive Education, Livelihoods and Resilience but each also have their own specific technical focus in other areas. The opportunities for collaboration across the countries, knowledge exchange and cross fertilization are readily available to improve on programming and the quality of services to beneficiaries.

The regional programme hub is based in Kampala, Uganda. Currently, the Regional Director has been appointed and over the coming six months, the structure of the regional office, including the regional positions will be progressively set up. The Technical Unit Manager will be one of the first positions in the regional programme due to the importance of developing and driving the Technical Unit strategy and support to projects.


Under the responsibility of the Regional Programme Director, you will ensure optimal technical quality and impact of the projects across the regional programme. You will ensure the technical sectoral frameworks and standards implemented in the region. You will share with all HI managers the responsibility of a sound management of the Unit.

As the Region and the role are new, you will be responsible for setting up the direction, objectives, financial planning and resources allocation, and roll out of the Unit.

You will then play a key role in developing the new Regional Strategy 2021-2023, which will guide the development of the Technical Unit. The Regional Strategy will define the sectoral priorities across the three countries, and the related technical set-up required to deliver on the objectives of the Strategy.

In this framework, your main missions will be:
• Technical Unit team members’ management
• Expertise: you ensure the control & monitoring of the technical quality and the relevance of HI’s activities in respect of global technical frameworks and standards; you also ensure the development of research and innovation projects in the region when relevant; you lead a local professional channel/talent pool and contribute to the Technical Divisions professional channel animation
• Influence: ensure the local external prestige and influence of HI’s expertise
• Business development: you ensure the technical development of major opportunities for each different theme in the region and countries under your scope.

In this part, your overall objectives will include:
• Analyse the technical and human resource needs within the Regional and Individual country programmes according to the Regional strategy
• Analyse the funding needs of the Regional and Individual Country programmes according to the Regional Strategy and funding opportunities
• Based on the analysis, determine the Technical Unit Strategy and develop a timeline for the set-up of the regional unit, including financial plan according to the budget available
• Lead the recruitment process of the technical team, including business development officer
• Induct the new team and drive the professional development of the teams in close connections with the global specialists at HQ (personal training plan)
• Develop resource allocation plans of the Technical Unit specialist for support to the three countries.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Agence Belge de Développement
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Kampala /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Mission terrain
Date de publication : 09/09/2020
Date limite : 22/09/2020


Required training/degree (eliminatory on CV):

  • Law/Criminology

Required professional experience (internships included / eliminatory on CV):

  • Professional experience in the field of Human Rights (6 months minimum)

Preferred assets (not eliminatory on CV):

  • Motivation to learn on the job
  • Excellent writing and analytical skills
  • Computer skills including Intermediate Excel
  • Positive attitude in multi-cultural working environment
  • Human Rights monitoring methods

Language skills:

  • English: Essential
  • French: Essential

Discover the complete job description.


Less than 31 years and want to give meaning to your talent ?

The Junior Programme aims to contribute to the development of a new generation of young people who, following their experience as a Junior Expert, will commit to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). During their field experience, the focus is on developing competences, innovation, contact with the local reality and networking. The Junior Experts work at least 1 and at most 2 years in a project of Enabel or of one of the belgian Non-governmental Actors (NGA) that are affiliated to the Junior Programme. 

We are looking for a Junior Expert Access to Justice for NGO Avocats sans Frontières in Uganda. Under the supervision of the Country Director and in close coordination with the Knowledge Manager (i.e the person responsible for the monitoring, evaluation and learning strategies), this Junior Expert (JE) will provide cross-cutting support in terms of legal expertise, especially with regard to International Law and Human Rights. The JE will work in close collaboration with the Coordinators of Programs (CoPs) for Burundi and Uganda (i.e. the persons responsible for the implementation strategy). In particular, the JE will support the relation between ASF and its partner organizations and external networks of legal and A2J practitioners: human rights monitors, paralegals, mediators and lawyers. With support from the experts in Brussels, the JE will centralize the implementation of the ASF organizational methods (toolbox, guidelines etc.) that are relevant to the work with local practitioners. The JE will help contextualize these methods and ensure their efficient use across all projects. The JE will also support the CD in the formulation of the country and regional strategies, in particular through provision of legal analysis.  

Apply online from Tuesday September 8 until Tuesday September 22,  2020 12:00 (noon - Brussels time).
​​​​You can apply if you completely fulfil the general requirements for admission  and the specific requirements of this job. The job openings page will only be activated during the publication period.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Agence Belge de Développement
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Fort Portal /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Mission terrain
Date de publication : 09/09/2020
Date limite : 22/09/2020


Required training/degree (eliminatory on CV):

  • Economy/Commercial engineer/marketing
  • Development economy

Preferred assets (not eliminatory on CV):

  • Experiences linked with the sector of Social Economy
  • Knowledge of the dynamics in food supply chains
  • Relational skills (ability to work as a team, taste for multidisciplinary approaches, good relationship with partners/beneficiaries)
  • Ability to work within isolated zones, including fieldwork (ability to adapt, psychological solidity)
  • Writing skills (spirit of synthesis, fluid writing, good spelling)

Language skills:

  • English: Essential

Discover the complete job description.


Less than 31 years and want to give meaning to your talent ?

The Junior Programme aims to contribute to the development of a new generation of young people who, following their experience as a Junior Expert, will commit to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). During their field experience, the focus is on developing competences, innovation, contact with the local reality and networking. The Junior Experts work at least 1 and at most 2 years in a project of Enabel or of one of the belgian Non-governmental Actors (NGA) that are affiliated to the Junior Programme. 

We are looking for a Junior Expert Agricultural Business and Social Marketing for NGO Iles de Paix in Uganda. The position of this Junior Expert aims to support smallholder farmers, their organisations and collaborating partners in the development and implementation of strategies and methodologies to improve the business and marketing components of small-scale farming in the Rwenzori region. This will happen in collaboration with NGOs Broederlijk Delen and SOS Faim.

Apply online from Tuesday September 8 until Tuesday September 22,  2020 12:00 (noon - Brussels time).
You can apply if you completely fulfil the general requirements for admission  and the specific requirements of this job. The job openings page will only be activated during the publication period.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Avocats Sans Frontières
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Home-based/Kampala (tbc) /
Fichier : PDF icon tor_bhr_risk_management_final.pdf
Type d'emploi : Autre
Type de contrat : Autre
Fonction : Expertise/recherche
Date de publication : 28/08/2020
Date limite : 15/09/2020


- A Master’s degree or equivalent diploma in law, international relations, journalism, risk management, or any other relevant field is required.

- A minimum of 10 (ten) years of professional experience, including within international governmental or non-governmental organisations in carrying out risk management analyses in a legal context, and reflecting a capacity to elaborate policies, guidelines, reports or other operational recommendations.

- Experience in risk management applied to B&HR strategies is essential. The understanding of security stakes related to human rights protection in natural resources management contexts is an asset.

- Experience in fragile security contexts is essential; experience in one of the abovementioned countries is an asset.

- Native level of English is required; a good command of French is a strong asset.


The consultant will be home-based (tbc for the training). The consultant will submit a methodological note, which will include at minimum:

1) A review of available literature and relevant institutional documents and

2) the outcome of semi-structured interviews with ASF’s team at headquarters and in the field, as well as ASF’s partners in contexts of intervention.

The overall objective of the consultancy is to elaborate a methodology of risk management and analysis to orientate ASF’s strategic choices in the B&HR field.

Find the offer description ENG

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Agence Belge de Développement
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Kampala /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Mission terrain
Date de publication : 25/03/2020
Date limite : 08/04/2020


Required training/degree (eliminatory on CV):
Master or Professional Bachelor’s Degree

  • Economy/Commercial engineer/Marketing
  • Or any other financial profile

Required professional experience (internships included / eliminatory on CV):

  • Experience in financial analysis (3 months)

Preferred assets (not eliminatory on CV):

  • Basic knowledge on sustainable / development finance (microfinance/ ESG-criteria used in financial sector etc)
  • Able to work creatively in low resource/skill environments
  • Be creative and able to translate jargon information into an accessible format (language, visuals, etc.)
  • Able to motivate and inspire colleagues 
  • Not only be an implementer of activities, but have an explorative mindset. You should be willing to try out new things, without a fixed framework or example.

Language skills:

  • English: essential


You are younger than 31 and you want to give meaning to your talents?

The Junior Programme and the Belgian development agency (Enabel) offer you the opportunity to work for 1 to 2 years in a development project implemented by Enabel or one of 26 Belgian Non-Governmental Actors (NGAs) affiliated to the Junior Programme.

You are assigned to one of the 14 partner counties of the Belgian Development Cooperation and contribute actively to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through your field work you develop your competences, focus on innovation, experience local realities and help develop networks and partnerships.

Objective of the function :

The junior will develop new activities and inspiring formats to cover the risks that financing local food supply chain projects run in East Africa. The aim is to integrate blended finance models in our programs and developing partnerships with financial institutions.  
The junior will be part of the cross-cultural inclusive business team, working with colleagues worldwide and will help in building and sharing internal knowledge on inclusive business modelling and finance / investment strategies

Discover the complete job description.


If you fulfil the general admission conditions and the specific criteria of this job opening, please apply online from Monday 25 March at 12:00 (noon - Brussels time) to Monday 8 April 2019 at 12:00 (noon - Brussels time).

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Agence Belge de Développement
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Kampala /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Mission terrain
Date de publication : 25/03/2020
Date limite : 08/04/2020


Required training/degree (eliminatory on CV):
Master or Professional Bachelor’s Degree

  •  Civil/industrial/electrical engineer/Architect
  •  Studies including water & sanitation expertise (others)

Required professional experience (internships included / eliminatory on CV):

  • Technical design and making of technical drawings and Bill of Quantities (6 months experience)

Preferred assets (not eliminatory on CV):

  • Basic understanding of contracting principles (responding to tenders) and general procurement risks
  • Proven networking and training skills and ability to train people with different educational and cultural background   
  • Flexible and willingness to do field visits and perform work during building/construction processes
  • Knowledge of quality standards for construction works and materials
  • Knowledge of hydraulic design software

Language skills:

  • English: essential
  • French: essential
  • Dutch: preferred


Moins de 31 ans et envie de donner du sens à ton talent ?

Le Programme Junior - organisé par l’Agence belge de développement (Enabel) - te donne l’opportunité de travailler pendant 1 à 2 ans au sein de projets de développement mis en œuvre par Enabel ou l'un des 26 Acteurs Non Gouvernementaux (ANG) belges affiliés au Programme Junior.

Tu partiras dans l’un des 14 pays partenaires de la Coopération belge dans l’objectif de contribuer activement aux Objectifs de développement durable (ODD). Durant ton expérience sur le terrain, l’accent sera mis sur le développement de tes compétences, l’innovation, le contact avec les réalités locales ainsi que sur le développement de réseaux et partenariats.

Objective of the function: 

The Junior Expert will be appointed as focal person for quality assurance with the objective to support the upgrade of technical standards and working principles of partner interventions, and to enhance exchange and standardization of technical guidelines within the network of local partners in the Great Lakes Region and Protos – Join for Water as a whole.

Discover the complete job description.

Intéressé(e) ?

Si tu réponds aux conditions d’admission générales et aux critères spécifiques du ou des postes qui t’intéressent, postule en ligne jusqu’au 8 avril 2020 à 12h00 (midi - heure de Bruxelles)

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Agence Belge de Développement
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Kampala /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Mission terrain
Date de publication : 25/03/2020
Date limite : 08/04/2020


Required training/degree (eliminatory on CV):
Master or Professional Bachelor’s Degree

  • ICT - NTIC
  • Mathematics/Exact Sciences
  • Political Sciences/International Relations/Diplomacy
  • Sociology/Anthropology/Social Work
  • Development studies
  • Other: Computer Science specialiezin in Data / Information Management

Required professional experience (internships included / eliminatory on CV)

  • Experience in collecting and analysing quantitative and qualitative data 
  • Experience in digital management systems including databas management, mobile dta collection, statistical analyses and data protection

Preferred assets (not eliminatory on CV):

  • Certification in Data management
  • Experience in implementing results monitoring systems and indicator tracking
  • Experience in using ICT, mobile data technologies in challenging contexts (weak access to internet, challenging environment for hardware, weak digital literacy...)
  • Capacity to conduct surveys
  • Knowledge of Geographic Information Systems
  • Background / Experience in one of the following sectors: humanitarian action, education, MHPSS, Rehabilitation, livelihood
  • Creative thinking
  • Pro-activity: taking initiatives and responsibility at the same time

Language skills
English: Essential


Moins de 31 ans et envie de donner du sens à ton talent ?

Le Programme Junior - organisé par l’Agence belge de développement (Enabel) - te donne l’opportunité de travailler pendant 1 à 2 ans au sein de projets de développement mis en œuvre par Enabel ou l'un des 26 Acteurs Non Gouvernementaux (ANG) belges affiliés au Programme Junior.

Tu partiras dans l’un des 14 pays partenaires de la Coopération belge dans l’objectif de contribuer activement aux Objectifs de développement durable (ODD). Durant ton expérience sur le terrain, l’accent sera mis sur le développement de tes compétences, l’innovation, le contact avec les réalités locales ainsi que sur le développement de réseaux et partenariats.

Objective of the function:

The MEAL (Monitoring, Evalution,, Accountability and Learning) Department has been created as an independent structure from projects in January 2020 and is developing its strategy including new structure deployment and digitalisation. The JE will therefore fully participate in the setup of the MEAL strategy, including key strategic action planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and training of MEAL staff.

In close collaboration with Operations Department, MEAL Manager and Project Managers, the JE will be responsible of the development and implementation of the digitalization strategy within all Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning aspects of HI activities in Uganda. Added Value of the job include stronger capacity to monitor projects and evaluate impacts, stronger accountability of the actions towards donors, authorities and beneficiaries and stronger evidence-based knowledge management benefitting both the organization and the partners for improved actions

Discover the complete job description.

Intéressé(e) ?

Si tu réponds aux conditions d’admission générales et aux critères spécifiques du ou des postes qui t’intéressent, postule en ligne jusqu’au 8 avril 2020 à 12h00 (midi - heure de Bruxelles)


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Agence Belge de Développement
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Kampala /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Mission terrain
Date de publication : 25/03/2020
Date limite : 08/04/2020


Required training/degree (eliminatory on CV)
Master or Professional Bachelor’s Degree
•    All Profiles

Required professional experience (internships included / eliminatory on CV

  • Experience in support to small organizations // business models and market perspectives (3 months minimum)
  • Experience in innovation management (e.g. design thinking, innovation adoption, replication/scaling-up)
  • Experience with applications of digital technologies for development (e.g. the  potential and the use of mobile apps; GIS & remote sensing; internet of things; fintech; etc.)

Preferred assets (not eliminatory on CV):

  • Preferred assets for the job:

-    Knowledge of non-for-profit business models and/or business model innovation
-    Knowledge of capitalization and learning approaches 

  • Preferred competences for the job:

-    Critical thinker
-     Problem solver
-     Digital-savvy
-     Creative
-     Agile
-     Sense of responsibility and initiative
-     Good interpersonal skills

Language skills:

  • English: Essential
  • French: Essential
  • Dutch: Preferred


Moins de 31 ans et envie de donner du sens à ton talent ?

Le Programme Junior - organisé par l’Agence belge de développement (Enabel) - te donne l’opportunité de travailler pendant 1 à 2 ans au sein de projets de développement mis en œuvre par Enabel ou l'un des 26 Acteurs Non Gouvernementaux (ANG) belges affiliés au Programme Junior.

Tu partiras dans l’un des 14 pays partenaires de la Coopération belge dans l’objectif de contribuer activement aux Objectifs de développement durable (ODD). Durant ton expérience sur le terrain, l’accent sera mis sur le développement de tes compétences, l’innovation, le contact avec les réalités locales ainsi que sur le développement de réseaux et partenariats.

Objective of the function:

Wehubit will now encourage and organise joint learning among the different projects. Another objective is to support the organisations in the consolidation of their digital innovations and business models.

The Junior Expert will play a crucial role in this. He/she will work more specifically on:

  • Learning within and between the Wehubit projects (knowledge manager)
  • the sustainability of the non-for-profit business models underlying the digital innovations (business analyst)
  • the transfer of innovation between Wehubit and Enabel (innovation facilitator)

Discover the complete job description

Intéressé(e) ?

Si tu réponds aux conditions d’admission générales et aux critères spécifiques du ou des postes qui t’intéressent, postule en ligne jusqu’au 8 avril 2020 à 12h00 (midi - heure de Bruxelles)



