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Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Médecins Sans Frontières - Artsen Zonder Grenzen
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Brussels /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée indéterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Ressources humaines
Date de publication : 18/07/2023
Date limite : 16/08/2023



Education & Experience

  • Education or equivalent through experience in Learning and Development/Adult learning
  • Education or equivalent through experience in one of the 4 MOAC domains (Medical, Operations, Analysis and Communication) is a strong asset
  • Minimum 3 years of MSF experience, or similar INGO, preferably in the field
  • Experience in team management
  • Proven project management experience is an asset


  • Capacity to propose learning strategies, innovative learning methods, and technologies
  • Strong interpersonal and intercultural communication skills
  • Good negotiation skills
  • Team player and cross functional attitude
  • Very good aptitude for listening and dialogue


  • Oral and written fluency in English
  • Fluency in French, Spanish, Portuguese or Arabic is a very strong asset



The current OCB (Operational Center of Brussels) operational and HR strategies (2020-2023), shape the focus for learning & development in the field. The People Development Hub aims to develop MSF’s people working globally, so they have the capacity and capabilities to meet MSF’s operational needs and objectives.

The People Development Hub is currently looking for a Learning & Development Partner for Medical, Operations, Analysis and Communication (L&D Partner MOAC) in order to co-create the L&D strategy and L&D paths for the Med, Ops, Analysis and Communication staff and to support the vision of further autonomy and quality in our projects and missions. As L&D Partner, you work transversally with OCB’s medical, operational, analysis and communication departments, that span multiple locations, to co-create an L&D strategy for the different domains that reflects the L&D vision and the MOAC strategies. He/she is a key contributor for defining and managing the L&D offer for the 4 domains.

There are 4 teams under L&D Solutions, one of which is the L&D MOAC Team. The L&D MOAC team is composed by an L&D Partner and two L&D referents who are co-designing the L&D Strategy for the different departments (both technical and transversal) as well as designing L&D solutions that answer to the needs.

As L&D Partner MOAC you will work under the direct supervision of the People Development Hub Coordinator and with functional management to the 4 departments involved (Medical, Operations, Analysis and Communication). You will be the line manager of 2 L&D Referents as well as ad hoc staff as needed. You will network with other the internal and external stakeholders involved in other L&D initiatives (ie. MSF Academy for health care, MSF UK GHHM,….)

As we are in a phase of restructuring the L&D Unit, it will be the partner to further refine the respective roles and responsibilities of the MOAC team.


As privileged partner of Medical, Operations, Analysis and Communication, you co-create the L&D strategy and L&D paths for the domains under your responsibility, co-identify and prioritize L&D needs together with relevant stakeholders, have an overview of existing offers, create synergies with relevant actors and ensure the development and offer of relevant L&D solutions by your team.

Your main responsibilities are to:

  • Co-design of L&D strategy for the relevant domains
  • In partnership with key stakeholders such as the Pool Managers, the Development Advisors, co-analyze the characteristics of the workforce (positions, competencies, skills, location, language, etc) in order to understand the overall L&D needs and target audiences
  • Align the L&D needs and the L&D offer
  • Engage with project sponsor/stakeholders to ensure proper development of learning solutions to answer to MOAC needs across the different levels of the organization.
  • Conduct necessary research to support the creation and implementation of development process including learning needs analysis
  • Ensures links between technical and transversal offer
  • Liaise with other OCs and MSF entities to remain up to date with the proposed learning solutions fostering collaboration and avoiding overlap
  • Ensure follow up of solutions developed and deployed on Tembo
  • Together with the relevant stakeholders initiate and follow up partnership with external stakeholders when necessary (university, etc)
  • With key stakeholders, defines and follows-up a multi-year L&D budget for the relevant domains
  • Team management of the L&D referents and ad hoc positions as needed
  • Take part to the internal (L&D and 4 depts), intersectional and external meetings as relevant
  • Together with the other L&D partners and L&D team, contributes to the overall L&D strategy design
  • Together with the other L&D partners, participates to the governance of the L&D Solutions

Specific responsibilities

  • Liaise with the medical international working groups in order to follow up on initiatives and provide support when necessary
  • Oversee the activities of the BASIC and PTC intersectional initiative in collaboration with the Intersectional Medical Directors Platform and the Intersectional L&D Coordinators Platform
  • Reinforce the link with the L&D Unit of the SAMU
  • Ensure a good collaboration with the Medical Academy and the LEAP program as well as other similar initiatives
  • Liaise with OCB decentralized units and has an overview of the deployed solutions and new initiatives



  • Expected starting date: As soon as possible

  • Location: Brussels (Belgium)
  • Mobility: Some travels in the Europe and in the field
  • Contract type: Open ended contract – Full time – 50% of homeworking possible per week
  • Belgian contract; Salary according to MSF-OCB HQ grid
  • Meal vouchers - Hospital Insurance (DKV) - Pension plan – 100% reimbursement for public transportation costs
  • Adhere to the MSF principles and to our managerial values: Respect, Transparency, Integrity, Accountability, Trust and Empowerment
  • Adhere to the MSF Behavioral Commitments

Deadline to apply: 16 August 2023 


Please, send your CV and cover letter to and mention “L&D Partner MOAC” in the subject of your email. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. 

MSF values diversity and is committed to create an inclusive working environment. We welcome applications from all qualified candidates regardless of disability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. 

The protection of your personal data is important to MSF. By submitting your application, you consent to MSF using your personal data. For more information, consult our privacy notice to job applicants

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Association for Cultural, Technical & Educational Cooperation
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Bruxelles /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée indéterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 18/07/2023
Date limite : 31/08/2023


  • 0 à 6 ans d’expérience professionnelle 
  • Diplôme universitaire
  • Dynamisme au service des pays du Sud
  • Flexibilité & ouverture sur d’autres cultures 
  • Capacité de travail en équipe
  • Bonnes aptitudes rédactionnelles
  • Capacité à gérer différentes tâches simultanément
  • Compétences linguistiques : français, espagnol, anglais et néerlandais
  • Bonne connaissance informatique (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Canvas, etc.) 
  • Disponibilité pour réaliser des missions courtes à l’étranger


ACTEC-Un métier pour tous ( est une ONG dont la mission est de promouvoir la dignité des personnes et le développement des pays du Sud à travers les métiers et l’emploi. ACTEC travaille essentiellement en Amérique latine et en Afrique et appuie surtout des projets de formation technique et professionnelle s'adressant aux personnes défavorisées dans les pays en développement.

ACTEC promeut l’essor des micro-entrepreneurs à travers le microMBA (, un programme disruptif et très innovateur de formation et de coaching adapté au secteur informel qui est implémenté par 4 Business School pour Micro-entrepreneurs (BSM).

Basé(e) à Bruxelles, le gestionnaire devra assumer toutes les tâches liées à la réalisation d’un projet de développement : identification, préparation, échanges réguliers avec les partenaires du Sud et missions sur le terrain, suivi des activités et des résultats, recherche des fonds, contrôle budgétaire, rédaction de rapports d'activités, reporting financier et administratif, évaluation des projets. Il réalisera ces tâches en appui aux gestionnaires senior d’ACTEC.

En plus du suivi direct de certains projets au Sud, le gestionnaire sera amené à travailler en équipe pour assurer le suivi de l'ensemble de nos projets sur le long terme, contribuer aux activités de communication d'ACTEC, etc.

Nous vous offrons :

Temps plein ;

Contrat à durée indéterminée ;

Rémunération en fonction de l’expérience.

Détails :

Organisation : ONG ACTEC – Un métier pour tous

Lieu d’emploi : Boulevard Auguste Reyers, 207 à 1030 Bruxelles

Personne de contact : Daniel Turiel (

Si vous intéressé(e), envoyer une lettre de motivation et votre C.V. avant le 16 août 2023


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Médecins Sans Frontières - Artsen Zonder Grenzen
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Bruxelles, Nairobi ou Abidjan /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Santé
Date de publication : 17/07/2023
Date limite : 17/07/2023


Education et expérience

  • Infirmier(e) diplômé(e), diplôme en soins infirmiers ou licence en soins infirmiers requis
  • Spécialisation en soins infirmiers néonatals/pédiatriques ou en soins infirmiers en salle d'opération requis
  • Expérience clinique en soins néonatals/pédiatriques dans les soins de second niveau ou en soins infirmiers en salle d'opération/périopératoires au cours des 2 dernières années requise
  • 3 années d'expérience avec MSF ou une organisation comparable dans les pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire et/ou dans des contextes humanitaires
  • Une expérience en soins intensifs ou en salle d'urgence est un atout


  • Bonnes compétences en communication : écoute active, communication claire et efficace, sens de la diplomatie
  • Compétences éprouvées en formation, coaching et mentorat
  • Capacité à établir et à maintenir des relations de travail positives
  • Capacité à analyser et à synthétiser de multiples informations
  • Rigoureux(se), organisé(e), capable de hiérarchiser et de travailler dans le respect des délais convenus
  • Grande sensibilité et adaptabilité culturelles


  • Bonne maîtrise de la communication orale et écrite en français et en anglais requise
  • La maîtrise du portugais, de l'espagnol, de l'arabe ou d'autres langues parlées au sein des missions MSF est un atout


  • Volonté de voyager à l'étranger dans des conditions difficiles, dans des lieux parfois dangereux et éloignés



Le département médical du Centre opérationnel Bruxelles de MSF (OCB) assure une direction stratégique et un leadership technique, s'engageant à se tenir au courant des innovations dans les soins de santé. Il partage la responsabilité des choix opérationnels et de la réactivité, et participe au soutien de nos équipes de projet en développant conjointement des stratégies médico-opérationnelles adaptées au contexte et en définissant les niveaux de soins. Le département est composé de plusieurs spécialistes répartis dans un réseau d'unités à travers le monde et travaille en collaboration avec les opérations, les autres départements de l'OCB et le mouvement MSF.

MSF OCB dispose d'un nombre croissant d'hôpitaux avec un nombre accru de lits, un volume d'activités, une complexité des soins et une technicité croissante ; l'OCB souhaite investir pour garantir des soins infirmiers adéquats, durables et de bonne qualité.

En tant que Mobile Implementation officer (MIO) en Soins Infirmiers, spécialisé en néonatalogie/pédiatrie ou bloc opératoire, vous fournirez un soutien technique direct aux infirmières des projets, en collaboration avec le référent Nursing Care.


En tant que MIO Soins Infirmiers spécialisé en néonatalogie/pédiatrie ou bloc opératoire, vous apporterez un soutien technique aux infirmières et aux responsables infirmiers au niveau du projet. Tous les domaines d'attention seront abordés en collaboration avec les équipes de projet afin de les autonomiser pour maintenir et améliorer en permanence des soins sûrs, efficaces et centrés sur la personne.

Vos principales responsabilités sont les suivantes :

  • Évaluer les pratiques actuelles de soins infirmiers et préparer des plans d'amélioration complets, contextualisés et prioritaires en collaboration avec les équipes infirmières et les superviseurs de projet
  • Promouvoir et former à l'utilisation d'outils de sécurité des patients et d'amélioration de la qualité, et inculquer une culture d'amélioration de la qualité fondée sur des preuves et une culture d'apprentissage en matière de sécurité des patients
  • Veiller à ce que les infirmières aient accès aux ressources standard de soins infirmiers et soutenir la mise en œuvre de protocoles, de directives, de dispositifs médicaux et de changements de pratique, accompagnés d'un suivi du déploiement et de l'impact
  • Optimiser la planification et l'organisation des activités liées aux soins infirmiers, y compris la coordination des activités de soins, la gestion des ressources humaines et le maintien d'interactions efficaces entre les différents services
  • Encadrer et former les infirmières, les infirmières en chef et les directeurs des soins infirmiers/gestionnaires des activités infirmières, fournir une formation ciblée et soutenir un calendrier de formation pour le département

Selon sa spécialisation en néonatalogie/pédiatrie ou bloc opératoire, le MIO Soins infirmiers se concentrera sur les soins holistiques en néonatologie et en pédiatrie avec une attention particulière à la sécurité des médicaments, ou sur la sécurité et le flux des patients en salle d'opération, en salle de réveil et en unité de soins post-anesthésiques, avec une interaction interdépartementale optimale.



  • Date du début: Dès que possible
  • Localisation*: Bruxelles (Belgique), Nairobi (Kenya) ou Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire). D’autres localisations ou il y a une entité MSF pourraient être discutées.
  • Mobilité jusqu’à 70% sur les projects 
  • Type de contrat: Contrat à durée déterminée - Temps plein
  • Durée du contrat : 1 an
  • Salaire en fonction de la grille salariale terrain MSF-OCB
  • Assurance médicale couverte à 100% selon le package international - 45 jours de congé payés
  • Les conditions contractuelles seront établies en fonction du lieu, des contraintes administratives/légales et dans le respect des grilles de fonctions et des politiques salariales de MSF
  • Adhésion aux valeurs managériales de l’organisation : Respect, Transparence, Responsabilisation, Intégrité, Confiance, Autonomisation
  • Adhésion aux engagements pour un comportement responsable 

*L'issue finale dépend des limitations légales locales (résidence, permis de travail, etc.) et de l'accord avec l'entité MSF d'accueil des lieux mentionnés ou envisagés.

*Les candidats ayant un droit de résidence permanent ou un permis de travail valide dans les lieux mentionnés sont vivement invités à postuler. En raison de contraintes administratives liées à la durée du contrat, pour certains des lieux mentionnés, les candidats devront déjà avoir le droit de résidence permanent et/ou un permis de travail valide pour travailler dans les lieux mentionnés.

Date limite pour postuler : 7 Août 2023

Comment postuler?

CV et lettre de motivation à envoyer par mail à avec en sujet “Nursing Care Mobile Implementation Officer”.

Seules les personnes dont la candidature sera retenue seront contactées.

MSF valorise la diversité et s'engage à créer un environnement de travail inclusif. Nous accueillons les candidatures de tous les candidats qualifiés, quels que soient leur invalidité, leur identité de genre, leur statut matrimonial ou civil, leur race, leur couleur ou leurs origines ethniques et nationales, leur religion ou leurs convictions ou leur orientation sexuelle.

MSF se soucie de la protection de vos données. En soumettant votre candidature, vous acceptez que MSF utilise vos données personnelles. Pour plus d’informations, consultez notre avis de confidentialité destinée aux candidats.


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : WWF-BELGIUM
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Brussels /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée indéterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 17/07/2023
Date limite : 12/09/2023


This is a good match for you if

  • You are eager to provide a high-quality care to our supporters
  • This is an entry-level job, it would be a plus if you had a first experience in a similar environment (Customer Care, Supporters Service,..) but motivated juniors are welcome!
  • You are looking for a stable career in administration
  • You are good at planningwell organized and you can handle multiple priorities.
  • You have great communication skills to communicate with precision and enthusiasm with our supporters, but also your colleagues & suppliers
  • You are autonomous and great team player
  • You have an excellent knowledge of French and Dutch and a good command of English.
  • Adheres to WWF’s values, which are: CourageIntegrityRespect and Collaboration


Are you ready to be part of something great?

The Fundraising department aims to increase the growth and acquisition of new donors, and the loyalty of existing donors through different channels (face to face, door to door, direct mailings, telemarketing, online campaigns ...) to support nature conservation.
As Supporters Service Officer, you will contribute to this goal by offering our supporters a service of excellence to ensure their satisfaction and loyalty. You will also guarantee the reliability and the quality of our database. This function reports directly to the Fundraising Director.

Deep dive into the role

  • Answering calls and incoming emails and/or forwarding them to the right persons or department.
  • Ensuring the dispatch of various documents, within an agreed timeframe, to our supporters (welcome pack, members cards, administrative documents,..) but also internally ( Automation payments, fiscal attests,..)
  • Ensuring an up-to-date and complete database by integrating files and data regularly and with precision.
  • Providing qualitative information related to WWF missions, campaigns, activities and news by keeping yourself informed.
  • Being responsible for the follow-up of the team’s KPI’s and dashboards (reportings, analysis and recommendations)
  • Enhancing and keeping all procedures up to date.
  • Maintaining good contacts with external suppliers and partners.

Who will you collaborate with

  • Your team, the fundraising Department: Have a look at our website for a sneack peek at your futures colleagues
  • But also the Conservation, Communications and Operations teams

Ready to join us in our mission? Here is what’s in it for YOU

  • full-time, permanent contract
  • An attractive salary package for the sector including meal vouchers, group insurance, health insurance, 100% reimbursement of the costs of public transport ...
  • flexible working environment adapted to COVID restrictions: either from home with all the ad hoc IT equipment, or in our pleasant office in the heart of Brussels, easily accessible by public transport
  • Our policies and benefits reflect the importance of people being able to have a good work-life balance and being able to bring their ‘full self’ to work
  • The opportunity to contribute to the mission of WWF and to share our values that will be embedded in your work and behaviour


Follow this link to apply:

 WWF is an equal opportunity employer and deeply believes in the strengths of a diverse workforce. We are committed to having a barrier-free and equitable recruitment & selection process. If you are contacted in relation an opportunity to join our team and require an accommodation at any point in the process, please advise the recruiter of your specific needs. We commit to managing these requests in a confidential manner.  

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Médecins Sans Frontières - Artsen Zonder Grenzen
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Brussels /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Ressources humaines
Date de publication : 17/07/2023
Date limite : 17/08/2023



Education and Experience

  • Degree in Humane Resource management or equivalent through experience
  • Recent MSF operational experience, preferably project based (Project Coordinator) and/or HR Coordinator
  • Knowledge & experience in the setup of teams and development of roles & responsibilities
  • Experience in participating in the approach or processus of Comp & Ben, Recruitment, Matching processes, and Learning & Development
  • Coaching or mentoring experience is a great asset


  • Good knowledge of the OCB HR processes and tools
  • Able to proactively formulate new and innovative administrative solutions and help fast track for adoption
  • Understanding of the overall administrative implications and legal considerations linked to changes in roles and contractual issues (with support from HR capacities in Region)
  • Excellent active listening skills & ability to establish strong relationships; coaching posture
  • Demonstrable commitment & belief in FrC principles (project autonomy, subsidiarity and related ways of working)
  • Ability to clearly articulate messages to a variety of audiences
  • Ability to influence others and move toward a common vision or goal
  • Team player
  • Acute understanding of organizational issues and challenges (related to change process)
  • Strong communication skills


  • Fluency in French & English required (oral and written)



Mid-2019, the Field Recentralization (FrC) programme started as a transformational change process that touches upon both cultural and structural changes, all pointing towards improving project autonomy. This transformational initiative is intended to inspire the whole of MSF Operational Center Brussels (OCB).

After piloting FrC in the Southern African operations, the central African region is implementing new processes, setting up adapted structures and innovate the way of working. The operational management in South America & Europe started also reflecting on possible adaptations based on the same principles. All OCB operations will be impacted on a medium or longer term. 

As HR Partner for Field recentralization, your role is key in ensuring that all HR consequences, opportunities and challenges of the FrC are identified, that the various HR policies, roles and procedures are adapted to the changes and communicated in close collaboration with the FrC project manager*.

*The FRC project manager is the referent for the development of the change programme and has been working since mid-2019 with different colleagues and HR partners. She is taken the lead in the design, support and implementation of the changes related to the programme and is focal point for the communication strategy around it. She is your direct supervisor, and more important your closest colleague.   


  • Review all key positions at the project, country and regional levels
  • Reinvent & cross-check with HR dept several key HR processes such as the matching process that has been reviewed and rewritten accordingly to match with the overarching objectives of the frc initiative. 
  • work through many counterparts in the organization to succeed at project, country, regional level and global hq level.: HR managers in the projects, HR teams at country/coordination level, Cell / Regional Support Teams (RST), HR department at OCB HQ,. Contacts with these partners will be mostly under a consultative/facilitator but pro-active mode as the changes should result in a broader acceptance by all MSF colleagues involved. The constant link between the HR partner and FrC project manager is crucial
  • Proactively participate in the overall objective of the Global workforce agenda - FrC as an excellent opportunity to boost the responsibilities and the visibility of our locally hired staff/LHS in the region for the sake of increasing the stability in the various teams
  • Be a key actor in the ongoing transition towards an HR support system with increased decision-making autonomy at project-level. Help to develop adaptation of roles at the HQ/global level for the set up to be sustainable

In close alignment with the lessons learned of the FRC programme till date and with the MSF HR values and principles, the main axes to work on include:

  • Connect in a pro-active way with HR interlocutors/expertise such as Comp & Ben, Rewards project, Recruitment, Pool Managers and Development Advisor teams, Learning and Development, Administration & staff health to align any proposals for change with policies and connect for implementation.
  • Lead/chair the implementation of HR change initiatives in the different regions with interlocuters at all levels (Project, Country, cell/RST (Regional Support Teams) & HR dept)

1/ Implementation of adapted matching process for International Mobile staff

2/ Accompany transition from country HR team to HR managers

3/ HR mobility

4/ HR development

5/ Appropriation of adapted/new roles & responsibilities in the different regions including adapted JDs

6/ Promote a more transversal management leadership in the region

  • As HR expert, mirror for HR related topics with FRC project manager in connection with other depts/domains
  • Connect with the OCB HR dept initiatives in the different regions & connect with all key HR profiles in the operational teams where FRC is active

Important Notes:

  • Role to work in close collaboration with the HR department, the teams in the regions (project, country and cells/RST) and the FrC project manager
  • The above responsibilities apply to mainly: Latin-America (Brazil, Venezuela, new operations) and European operations (Greece/Serbia, Belgium, Italy; Poland; UK); considering the pace of FrC out roll is different from one region to another.

There is still a support upon request for the Southern African region.

The Central African country teams still need support in transition towards CST, mainly in Kinshasa & Bangui.

  • Proximity with the operational teams and hence travel within the regions should be possible (if relevant and feasible; decided with the frc project manager)


  • Starting date: September 2023
  • Location*: Brussels (Belgium); Eventual other location within a similar time zone (maximum 2 hours difference) where there is a MSF entity could be discussed  
  • 30 to 40% mobility to project & country locations (mainly Southern America & Europe)
  • Type of contract: Fixed term contract – Full time – 50% homeworking possible per week
  • Duration of contract:  1 year (extendable)
  • Salary according to MSF-OCB HQ salary grid
  • Meal Vouchers - Hospital Insurance (DKV) – Pension Plan – 100% reimbursement for public transportation costs
  •  Adherence to managerial values of the organisation: Respect, Transparency, Integrity, Trust, Autonomy
  • Adherence to the commitment to responsable behaviour

*Due to administrative constraints, given the duration of the contract, candidates will need to already have the permanent right and/or a valid work permit to work for the mentioned location

*For an eventual other location, the final outcome depends on local legal limitations (residency, work permit, etc.) and on agreement with the hosting MSF entity of the location. The local contract and standard salary grid will then apply.

Deadline for applications: 17 August 2023

How to apply?

Please, send your CV and cover letter to and mention “Field recentralization HR Partner” in the subject of your email.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Position only open to candidates with previous experience with MSF ("Médecins Sans Frontières")!

No MSF experience? Check out all our job offers at the office:

MSF values diversity and is committed to create an inclusive working environment. We welcome applications from all qualified candidates regardless of disability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.

The protection of your personal data is important to MSF. By submitting your application, you consent to MSF using your personal data. For more information, consult our privacy notice to job applicants.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Avocats Sans Frontieres
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Bruxelles /
Fichier : PDF icon bxl_map_2023_appel_d_offre_.pdf
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Informatique
Date de publication : 17/07/2023
Date limite : 23/08/2023


Ce projet sera confié à une société qui devra avoir :
a) Au niveau de l’organisation et des références similaires du bureau :
i. Un minimum de 3 ans d’expérience dans le domaine des TIC ;
ii. Avoir réalisé au moins 2 projets similaires de carte interactive en ligne ou de système de publication de données en ligne
iii. Dispose de personnel qualifié permanent
b) Au niveau des qualifications des personnes intervenantes, au minimum 1 expert spécialisé en système de traitement et de publication des données et/ou en développement et design de webmap.

Description prestataire est engagé.e par ASF pour développer la plateforme « The ExPEERience Map – Carte interactive en ligne des violations de droits humains documentées par ASF et ses partenaires » et y intégrer des tables de données fournies par ASF. La plateforme « ExPEERience Map » consistera en une carte interactive en ligne, accessible publiquement, hébergée sur notre serveur propre et permettant de visualiser les données.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Climate Action Network Europe asbl
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Brussels /
Fichier : PDF icon 2307_policy_project_assitant_vout.pdf
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 16/07/2023
Date limite : 11/08/2023


Required skills and experiences:

  • Recent graduate or advanced degree in a relevant policy field such as economics, politics or communications;
  • Good knowledge of EU climate and energy policies, or national energy and climate planning;
  • Excellent level of written and spoken English;
  • Excellent communication and networking skills;
  • High level of motivation and the ability to learn and perform different types of tasks related to project work;
  • Attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines.

The ideal candidate will preferably have some of the following attributes:

  • Demonstrated interest in the mission and values of CAN Europe;
  • Experience in project development and reporting;
  • Ability or experience in drafting communication materials such as newsletters, blog posts and narrative reports;
  • Experience in working in a diverse environment and a large network;
  • Familiarity with EU institutions, particularly the functioning of the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council.


Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe is Europe's largest coalition working on climate and energy issues. With over 180 member organisations in more than 38 European countries – representing over 44 million citizens – CAN Europe works to prevent dangerous climate change and promote sustainable climate and energy policy in Europe.

We're currently seeking a dynamic individual with a demonstrated interest in energy and climate policies to work with us on the LIFE Together for 1.5 project, a consortium of 14 NGOs –led by CAN Europe – working together to push national governments to accelerate climate action and to keep them accountable for their actions. The individual will gain professional experience in our Together for 1,5 team as a Multi- Stakeholder Policy Project Assistant (Intern). The individual will support the project’s team by engaging in several processes, including the dissemination of project results, project reporting to donors, coordination of consortium activities, organization of project meetings and events. The position is full time and based in our Brussels-based secretariat. Working from home is possible (max 4 days a week).

Internship contents:

  • The intern’s role will focus on supporting the coordination of project deliverables, including briefings, reports, events and campaigns materials. You will have the opportunity to contribute to setting up a high level event on the benefits of climate action, as well as to the coordination of project meetings with partners, project monitoring visit and reporting; the candidate will also be able to participate and contribute to strategic and operational discussions on policy and campaign tasks, as well as to regular exchanges with a wide range of climate and energy policy experts thereby acquiring relevant knowledge, skills and experiences for future employment;
  • The intern will gain insights into the operation of an international NGO coalition fighting dangerous climate change and a chance to engage with a number of other NGOs, decision makers and climate activists;

Tasks will include:

  • Preparing slides, memos, invitations, timetable, internal meetings, webinars and organising meetings with external partners and experts, decision makers;
  • Support the project coordination and reporting;
  • maintaining an “NECP database”;
  • Assist editing publications;
  • Event organisation, contacting speakers, etc.

With this opportunity, we offer:

  • A six-month paid internship contract under Belgian law (CIP) with a gross compensation of 1.435,36 €/month plus additional benefits;
  • An exciting and highly motivating working environment;
  • An opportunity to contribute to climate action and development;
  • Valuable professional experience;
  • An introduction to one of the largest networks of European NGOs.

More about us:

We are an open and inclusive, multicultural, multilingual team and explicitly encourage applications from all applicants, independent of their age, ancestry, colour, disability, ethnicity, family or marital status, gender identity or expression, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Climate Action Network Europe asbl
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Brussels /
Fichier : PDF icon 230904_communication_coordinator_job_description_vout.pdf
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Communication
Date de publication : 15/07/2023
Date limite : 04/08/2023


Required Educational/professional qualifications:

  • Minimum 3 years of relevant professional experience in communications, journalism/press or media relations;
  • University degree or equivalent qualification preferably in communications, journalism or related field;
  • Working knowledge of EU institutions and processes, and in particular of climate, energy and environment policy;
  • Excellent level of written and spoken English; additional EU languages considered an asset.
  • Experience of working with NGOs in the climate and energy fields are considered as an important asset.

Skills and abilities

  • Experience writing, editing and proofreading in English, with a proven ability to manage the production of various types of high quality print and digital media products;
  • Demonstrable experience of using digital and social media to achieve campaign/advocacy objectives;
  • Ability to prioritise and manage diverse tasks, meeting deadlines while maintaining high editorial standards;
  • A good team player, flexible, coupled with ability to be self-reliant and self-disciplined, and use one’s own initiative and to generate new communication ideas;
  • Solid grounding in Microsoft Office applications, CANVA and WordPress


CAN Europe, Europe's largest coalition working on climate and energy issues, is currently seeking an experienced and dynamic Communication Coordinator to join our team from September 1st, 2023 - February 29th, 2024. This position will offer the successful candidate an opportunity to be at the centre of the largest movement for global change that will affect people and the planet for centuries to come. The communication coordinator will be a part of CAN Europe’s communications team, and should be experienced in developing press and communication products, engaging narratives and key messages for advocacy and campaign work, and content creation for the communications products.

Main duties will include:

  • Responsible for external communication products and materials developed in cooperation with policy teams;
  • Writing, editing and dissemination of press releases and other documents, responding to media enquiries;
  • Leading on communications plans in key policy moments while supporting the development of narratives together with the Head of Communications.
  • Organising production and editing of paper and digital publications in collaboration with policy officers
  • Manage content and updates to the website (;
  • Maintain a contact database of experts and journalists;
  • Descriptive reporting to funding organisations and inputting in grants applications;
  • Develop/liaise and maintain contacts with the media

Our offer for this position:

A fixed term employment or consultancy contract – 6 months (replacement), with flexible working hours and the possibility of teleworking.

This position is preferably based in Brussels but it is also open to applicants from the European Union or those already in possession of a residence and a work permit. We are not considering sponsoring visas this time.

Remuneration is based on our Belgian salary grid and adapted to the cost of living on location.

If the position is based at our head office in Brussels, we will offer: A Belgian open-ended contract with an expected salary of between 3.500,00 € and 3.900,00 € gross/month depending on the relevant years of experience (from 3 to 10 years) and subject to Belgian tax; Meal vouchers (7,00 €/day); transport costs; eco-vouchers (125€ for 6 months); sport and culture vouchers (50,00 € for 6 months), phone allowance (39,00 €/month); work computer.

In other cases, it will be a consultancy contract or an employment contract, depending on opportunities, with equivalent remuneration in line with the local cost of living.


We are an open and inclusive, multicultural, multilingual and multi-ethnic team. We explicitly encourage all candidates to submit their application, regardless of their age, ancestry, colour, disability, ethnicity, family or marital status, gender identity or expression, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation.



To apply:

Please send your CV and a motivation letter in English to with “Communication Coordinator” as the subject line.

Closing date for applications: Friday 4 August 2023 at 8h00 AM (Brussels time)

    • First round of Interviews: 10th & 11th of August 2023 (online)
    • Second round of interviews: 21st & 22nd of August 2023 (online)

Start date: 4 September 2023


Inquiries to César CHANTRAINE, Human Resources Coordinator,

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Médecins Sans Frontières - Artsen Zonder Grenzen
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Mozambique /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Expertise/recherche
Date de publication : 14/07/2023
Date limite : 31/08/2023



Education & Experience

  • University degree (MSc or higher) in a (para)-medical field
  • A completed Field-Epidemiology degree or equivalent work experience
  • Minimum of 3 years work experience as an operational researcher
  • Previous experience in HIV/ TB is essential
  • Field experience as an epidemiologist/ operational research with MSF or other NGOs is a strong asset


  • Humanitarian motivation and interest
  • Teamwork and collaboration as well as ability to work autonomously
  • Keen interest and experience in project monitoring
  • Experience in supervising, coaching and training
  • Diplomatic skills
  • Professional and personal flexibility and adaptability
  • Good knowledge of different EPI data collection tools; SQL, C-SHARP, DHIS2, STATA, QGIS etc.
  • Experience in statistical analysis and the use of relevant tools (R, Stata, etc.)
  • Documented scientific writing skills; protocol and manuscript writing, with at least one publication in a peer-reviewed journal


  • Oral and written fluency in Portuguese and English



Beira town in Mozambique has an estimated population of 719,806 inhabitants and has an estimation of 14% HIV preva-lence in general population. In 2021, according to Ministry of Health (MISAU), in Beira city there were 66.853 people (3,435 paediatrics and 63,418 adult).

In terms of Key Vulnerable Population (sex workers/men who have sex with men/transgender and youth at risk) , there is an esti-mated number of 6,082 female sex workers (SW) populations, with an HIV prevalence around 24% (FSW IBBS 2012). The estimated number of men who have sex with men (MSM) in Beira is between 2624 with an estimated HIV prevalence of 9.1% (MSM IBBS 2011).

To address this context in Beira City and tackle the high HIV prevalence, MSF aims to reduce HIV related morbidity, mortality and incidence among key and general population. Specifically for Key Vulnerable Population, this project aims to improve the access to health care ensuring prevention, diagnosis, and linkage to Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH)/HIV/Tuberculosis care through tailored services at community, primary health care and hospital level, and for general population at the Primary health care and Hospital level.

MSF Belgium already implemented SRH activities and advanced HIV patient’s assistance at Primary Health Center level (Munhava and Ponta Gêa); MSF also implemented advanced HIV project in emergency room of Beira Central Hospital and put in place the innovative and tailored strategy for Key Population (KP) in the community.

The project is collaborating with Minstry of Health to implement its national guidelines for KP friendly Primary Health Center and Advance HIV Disease guidelines in Beira city with mentoring approach.

The project is restructured into 3 components:

  • Sensitizaion and mobilatization with medical support for KP in the community in collaboration with Community Based Organization;
  • Decentralized KP friendly Primary Health Center with SRH and Advanced HIV Disease services included in 10 Primary Health Center in Beira city;
  • MSF vertical Advance HIV Disease project at Beira central hospital and Munhava Primary Health Center to be used as training centers for Sofala province.

As Epidemiology Activity Manager, your main objectives are to execute and oversee the operational research outline by the project, following MSF protocols, standards and procedures with the aim to facilitate the utilization of MSF interventions that are grounded in evidence.


As Epidemiology Activity Manager Operational Research (OR), you will:

  • Participate in defining the objectives of operational research, develop research protocols and methodology including patient inclusion criteria and data management processes, and identify and train the human resources needed to conduct the research in order to obtain relevant information for the medical intervention.
  • Coordinate the execution of the research with SAMU and partners ensuring compliance to MSF protocols
  • Ensure dissemination of findings to all partners and community as described in the study protocol
  • Collaborate with the project M&E team to assess project data collection and perform analysis when necessary, with regular reporting to the team and relevant stakeholders to provide updates on the progress and share any pertinent information.
  • Support the project team on Capitalization and sharing of lessons learnt by the project to increase the project visibility.


  • Expected starting date: As soon as possible
  • Location:Beira (Mozambique)
  • Length of contract: 12 months (extension possible)
  • Contract type: Fixed term contract – Full-time
  • Salary according to MSF OCB field salary grid
  • The contractual terms, conditions and salary will be established according to the official residence of the selected candidate and in compliance with the standard MSF function and salary grids
  • No family position
  • Adhere to the MSF principles and to our managerial values: Respect, Transparency, Integrity, Accountability, Trust and Empowerment
  • Adhere to the MSF Behavioral Commitments

How to apply?

Online applications to submitted by 31st of August 2023  latest via the following link. When clicking on this link, you will be directed to our online application tool.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

MSF values diversity and is committed to create an inclusive working environment. We welcome applications from all qualified candidates regardless of disability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.

The protection of your personal data is important to MSF. By submitting your application, you consent to MSF using your personal data. For more information, consult our privacy notice to job applicants.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Handicap International Belgium
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Brussels /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Informatique
Date de publication : 14/07/2023
Date limite : 31/07/2023


• Vous disposez d’une première expérience sur un poste similaire, idéalement acquise dans un environnement international et multiculturel.
• Vous avez bonne connaissance générale des systèmes d’information (infrastructure, réseaux et environnement Windows)
• Vous vous appuierez sur votre excellente communication, votre sens du service, sur votre adaptabilité et votre relationnel pour réussir dans ce poste.
• Un niveau d'anglais vous permettant d'échanger au quotidien avec des interlocuteurs anglophones serait un plus.
Nous recherchons un collaborateur(trice) motivé, disposant d’un bon relationnel, d’une rapide capacité d’adaptation et désireux(se) de progresser au sein d’une équipe dynamique.


Français : Courant
Anglais : Moyen



Handicap International/Humanité & Inclusion est une organisation de solidarité internationale indépendante et impartiale, qui intervient dans les situations de pauvreté et d’exclusion, de conflits et de catastrophes. Œuvrant aux côtés des personnes handicapées et des populations vulnérables, elle agit et témoigne, pour répondre à leurs besoins essentiels, pour améliorer leurs conditions de vie et promouvoir le respect de leur dignité et de leurs droits fondamentaux.
Présente dans 63 pays, HI met en œuvre des activités au service des populations vulnérables, des populations réfugiées, déplacées et sinistrées, des personnes victimes de blessures et des populations exposées au danger des armes, munitions et engins explosifs.

Chez Handicap International, nous croyons fermement en l'importance de l'inclusion et de la diversité au sein de notre structure. C'est pourquoi nous sommes engagés dans une politique handicap afin de favoriser l'accueil et l'intégration de personnes en situation de handicap.

Merci d’indiquer si vous avez besoin d’un aménagement particulier, y compris pour participer aux 1ers entretiens.

CONTEXTE : Vous souhaitez donner du sens à votre travail et vous épanouir dans une structure internationale à taille et à valeurs humaines ? Venez rejoindre notre DSI en tant que Technicien(ne) Support Informatique


En tant que technicien(ne) support informatique, vous intervenez auprès de l’ensemble des utilisateurs siège et Associations Nationales (AN) sur l’ensemble des sollicitations liées au poste de travail et sur des applications métier. Vous assurerez le bon fonctionnement de l’environnement de travail utilisateur et vous apporterez une aide en matière d’utilisation du poste de travail et de l'environnement associé. Votre mission principale sera de contribuer à résoudre toute difficulté que celui-ci rencontre.

Vos activités :
• Vous assurez un support helpdesk de niveau 1 & 2 auprès des utilisateurs du siège et AN
• Vous identifiez et analysez les besoins décrits par les utilisateurs
• Vous traitez le suivi et la résolution des sollicitations utilisateurs sur notre outil de suivi GLPI
• Vous escaladez en cas de besoin vers le support (N3)
• Vous participez à la capitalisation des connaissances et à leur mise à jour (documentation)
• Vous participez à la rédaction des procédures et des bonnes pratiques pour rendre les utilisateurs de plus en plus autonomes
• Vous gérez les arrivées et départs des collaborateurs (préparation du poste de travail et récupération des données)
• Vous déployez les nouveaux ordinateurs lors des renouvellements
• Vous êtes en charge des installations d’applications
• Vous garantissez la qualité de service en vue de la satisfaction utilisateur


Le poste est situé en Open Space, des box sont mis à disposition pour plus de calme si nécessaire et l’espace de travail est très lumineux. Le poste est facilement accessible en transports en commun Un parking est à disposition. Concernant le bâtiment, des ascenseurs et des rampes d'accès sont mis en place.


  • Chèques-repas
  • Assurance santé/Assurance groupe
  • 20 jours de congés payés, 6 jours de congés conventionnels (par an)
