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Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Kandahar with regular visits to Kabul /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 02/08/2019
Date limite : 22/08/2019



  • Advanced university degree in medicine or other paramedical studies.
  • Desirable specialization in Tropical Medicine or a degree in Public Health

Professional Experience

  • Minimum 3 years relevant work experience as Medical referent in the humanitarian sector especially in fragile and unstable environment
  • Strong experience in trainings and capacity building and development of local staff and partners in related subjects
  • Prior experience in working in complex emergency setting, involving internal displacement.
  • Strong experience with monitoring tools and systems, including remote monitoring
  • Experience with participatory approaches and working with vulnerable groups, including gender mainstreaming and with persons with disabilities.
  • Previous experience in developing and implementing M&E activities
  • Previous experience in working in Afghanistan (desirable)

Professional Requirements

  • Good/In-depth knowledge and understanding of Humanitarian Principles and H&N frameworks, tools, and minimum standards.
  • Knowledge of the cluster system
  • Experience with main donors compliance and reporting
  • Strong representation and negotiation skills
  • Proven experience in management and supervision of teams
  • Good communication skills, both oral and written, and Demonstrated leadership and interpersonal skills
  • Mastery of IT tools (MS Office package, internet, e-mail, etc.)
  • Readiness to commit and adhere to the values, mission and vision of INTERSOS


  • Excellent written and spoken English – Pashto would be asset

Personal Requirements

  • Strong organizational and problem-solving skills
  • Strong interpersonal skills and demonstrated ability to establish effective working relations with staff, beneficiaries and other stakeholders
  • Excellent analytical skills
  • Ability to take initiative and work autonomously
  • Ability to achieve results effectively, considering the need for speed, scale and quality
  • Ability to plan ahead and output oriented (proactive)
  • Able to ensure quick quality delivery in stressful environment (stress-resilient)
  • Ability to integrate and work well within multiethnic and multicultural teams
  • Attention to detail and structured way of approaching tasks (very organized)
  • Ability to adhere to deadlines and respect line management



For further information and to apply, follow the link below:

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS' platform, you can also apply by sending your CV, motivation letter via email to, with subject line: "SR-28-955 - Medical Coordinator - Afghanistan". Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least two references, including the line manager during your last job. Family members are to be excluded.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Terms of reference

Job Title: Medical Coordinator

Code: SR-28-955

Duty station: Kandahar with regular visits to Kabul

Starting date: 26/08/2019

Contract duration: 6 months

Reporting to: Head of Mission

Supervision of: PMR, Pharmacists

Dependents: //



General context of the project

The program’s general objective is to contribute to a reduced morbidity and mortality associated with malnutrition, diseases and hazards resulting from deficient (or non-existing) health and nutrition services, environmental health conditions and protection environment in conflict-affected communities in Kandahar province – Afghanistan. The program will target 72.241 individuals > 12% men, 48% women, 20% boy and 20% girls > 23% IDP, 4% documented returnees (DR), 12% undocumented returnees (UR) and 61% is most vulnerable local (host) community (HC).

The proposed program aims on the health and nutrition side to address the inadequate coverage and quality of life-saving services (especially for reproductive health and nutrition services) for the most vulnerable communities in Maywand, Spin Boldak and Zheray. The project will also address some of the key determinants of malnutrition and child and maternal mortality through promotion of improved Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices, safe delivery and healthy behaviors. Hygiene/WASH promotion is closely linked to health and nutrition and can further help to decrease mortality rates. Lastly the project will seek to enhance the psycho-social wellbeing and protective environment of the most vulnerable population groups. WASH and protection components will also be implemented in the informal settlements of Kandahar where IDP and (mostly) undocumented vulnerable returnees are concentrated.


General purpose of the position

In close collaboration with the HoM and the Medical Department, defining and implementing the medical strategy of the mission. Being responsible for the planning and coordination of all medical activities and resources in the mission, according to INTERSOS charter, policies, and ethical principles with consideration of international and national protocols, in order to ensure the delivery of quality medical care for patients and their communities as well as to improve the health condition and humanitarian living conditions of the target population.

Furthermore, the medical coordinator provides technical inputs to the health and Nutrition strategy and programme development at Mission level.


Main responsibilities and tasks

  • Responsible for defining, monitoring and updating the medical content of the INTERSOS country policy, medical strategy, annual plan and budget, translating the identified health needs into a medical strategic vision and project objectives, priorities and resources needed in order to cover the medical and humanitarian needs of the population at risk, and ensuring that the objectives and goals set in the Mission’s annual plan and project plans are achieved
  • Overall responsible for the appropriateness and quality of medical interventions conducted by INTERSOS projects and being expected to identify and work on removing barriers to better patient safety, effective medical care, and better patient-centred activities
  • Continuously monitor the medical and humanitarian needs in the Mission country in new areas of intervention or in areas where INTERSOS is already present through exploratory missions, monitor and review project proposals, determining necessary resources in order to define health and nutrition priorities and potential new programs to cover medical and humanitarian needs of the population at risk
  • Coordinate with the HQ Medical Referent for the validation of the project proposals he/she designs to be submitted to international donors and private foundation
  • Responsible for the supervision and monitoring of the medical technical aspects, humanitarian needs and in coordination with the Logistics Coordinator, the material aspects of the programmes through regular field visits, analysing difficulties during the implementation and reporting deviations as they appear, in order to proactively provide the necessary solutions and achieve operational results
  • In close collaboration with the HR Coordinator, participate in the planning, definition and sizing of the health-workforce in the mission and supervise the associated processes (recruitment, validation of medical staff, training/induction, evaluation, potential detection, development and internal / external communication). Coach and directly support the medical teams in the implementation of the medical activities making sure that internal protocols are respected as well as the ones of local Ministry and Health Department
  • Responsible for defining and sizing other resources (pharmacy and medical equipment management in collaboration with logistics) and timelines, procedures and protocols. Ensuring preparation of all medical orders in collaboration with the Logistics Department and the submission of all medical purchase requests. Being accountable for the proper management of the pharmacy in the Mission, including projects. Provide reports on the mission’s evolution from the medical perspective, as required
  • Represent INTERSOS before local medical authorities and guarantee constant presence and active participation to the health and nutrition coordination fora (clusters meetings, other technical coordination meetings) and keep regular contact with other counterparts in the mission (NGOs, local organizations, donors, authorities) in order to broaden the medical-humanitarian situation analysis, strengthening the impact of the medical intervention and supporting advocacy actions
  • Responsible for medical data collection, analysis and reporting to HQ Medical Referent to ensure a proper monitoring of the program and, where needed, to adapt them to existing programs

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : HQs in Rome with frequent field missions /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 02/08/2019
Date limite : 22/08/2019



  • Advanced university degree in Human Sciences or International Relations

Professional Experience

  • Field working experience of at least five (5) years in managing humanitarian programmes with increasing responsibilities

Professional Requirements

  • Good knowledge of humanitarian architecture;
  • Knowledge of the humanitarian project cycle management;
  • Knowledge of the main humanitarian donors;
  • Strong computer literacy with a full knowledge of MSOffice
  • Knowledge of the main humanitarian donors, with reference to DG ECHO and UN ways of working


  • English & French are mandatory
  • Italian and Arabic a strong plus

Personal Requirements

  • Strategic vision, leadership, people management;
  • Culturally sensitive and able to understand and work in a very complex context;
  • Creative competency to set up new strategies, new projects, new tools;
  • Problem solving attitude;
  • Good team player with strong initiative;
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills;
  • Ability to adapt and work in difficult situations.



For further information and to apply, follow the link below:

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS platform, you can also apply by sending your CV and motivation letter (both in PDF version) via email to, with subject line: “SR-00-1108 - Regional Director for Afghanistan and Yemen - Rome HQ”.

Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least two references, including the line manager during your last job. Family members are to be excluded.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Terms of reference

Job Title: Regional Director for Afghanistan and Yemen

Code: SR-00-1108

Duty station: HQs in Rome with frequent field missions

Starting date: 01/10/2019

Contract duration: 1 year

Reporting to: Director of Programmes

Supervision of: Regional Programme Support and Heads of Mission

Dependents: n/a



General context of the project

INTERSOS is an International Humanitarian Organisation with its HQ in Rome, branch offices in Nairobi and Amman and representation offices in Geneva and Dakar. The organisational structure is comprised of the Secretary General office, the Departments of Programmes, Finance, Logistics/ICT, Fundraising/Communication, Human Resources and the Internal Audit office. INTERSOS is operational in 17 countries with over 3,000 among national and international staff worldwide.

INTERSOS assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts, exclusion and extreme vulnerability. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable people.

The Department of Programmes is led by the Director of Programmes and includes five Regional Desks, the Protection Unit, the Medical Unit, and the Emergency Unit.


General purpose of the position

The Regional Director represents INTERSOS in the geographic area of her/his competence and, in collaboration with the Regional Programme Support, has the responsibility of management, strategic planning, implementation of the strategies and achievement of mission objectives. The Regional Director represents the Organisation in relation to third parties in the region of assignment on the basis of directives conferred by the Director of Programmes.


Main responsibilities and tasks

Under the supervision of the Director of Programmes and referring to the region of assignment:

  • Design strategies, define territorial areas and sectors to be privileged, programming and planning of activities together with Regional Programme Support

In collaboration with the Regional Programme Support guarantee the implementation of the regional strategies and analyse the critical factors of contexts

  • Is responsible of the overall security in the geographic area of his competence and of the implementation of security protocols and policies
  • Is responsible of relations with donors, stakeholders, authorities and representatives of beneficiaries and collaborate with Head of Missions and project leaders in the management of these relations
  • Is responsible for the identification and elaboration of new project interventions:

○      direct and support Head of Missions and project leaders in designing, setting up and implementing new projects

○      in agreement with the Director of Programmes approves project proposals before the submission to donors

  • Follow up, in coordination with Regional Finance Coordinator, the approval process at HQ level of project proposals before submission to the donors. Link with Director of Programmes and Secretary General for the approval of projects that involve a high risk in accordance with the provisions of the risk analysis
  • Supervise implementation of projects (constraints and rules of the donors, consistency and technical-methodological congruity, quality of resources, effectiveness of results efficiency)
  • In collaboration with the Heads of Mission guarantee the application of INTERSOS and donors’ administrative procedures for the efficient and transparent management of projects, offices and countries of its competence
  • In collaboration with Human Resources department supervise management of Human Resources and atmosphere in the missions:

○      collaborate to the recruitment of international Human Resources of the geographical area

○      motivate, direct and support managers and teams encouraging cohesion and motivation

○      promote orientation and training sessions for the operators of the region

○      appraise the performance of Head of Missions and is responsible to discuss the evaluation (IRP) and the achievement of objectives. Support the Head of Missions in the evaluation process of the project leaders

  • Ensure the constant and timely sharing of information and regular communication inside the Program Department to facilitate the adjustment of actions referring to coordination, monitoring and control of the project activities

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Kandahar /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 31/07/2019
Date limite : 20/08/2019



  • Hold an advanced degree in social science or any related field.

Professional Experience

  • At least 3 years of direct professional experience working as project manager on humanitarian project/programme, including financial management and logistics responsibilities.
  • Prior work experience in INGO in humanitarian project management.
  • Demonstrate minimum 1-year experience in the implementation of multi-sector humanitarian programming
  • Demonstrate minimum 1-year experience in security context analysis and involvement in security management
  • Experience managing health and protection programs (desirable)
  • Prior experience in working in complex emergency setting and insecure countries

Professional Requirements

  • Admin, finance and budget management skills
  • Demonstrable experience in establishing and maintaining collaborative relationships with donors and government counterparts.
  • Experience with donor compliance and reporting
  • Strong representation and negotiation skills
  • Demonstrated leadership and interpersonal skills
  • Excellent computer skills (proven computer literacy, in particular Excel knowledge is a must).
  • Demonstrated experience in staff supervision and remote management models
  • Strong experience with monitoring tools and systems
  • Readiness and ability to move around in Afghanistan
  • Readiness to commit and adhere to the values, mission and vision of INTERSOS


  • Excellent written and spoken English

Personal Requirements

  • Strong team spirit, comfortable in a multicultural environment
  • Excellent analytical skills, observation and analysis capacity
  • Attention to detail and structured way of approaching tasks (very organized)
  • Ability to plan ahead and output oriented (proactive)
  • Able to ensure quick quality delivery in stressful environment (stress-resilient)
  • Ability to adhere to deadlines and respect line management
  • Very strong interpersonal skills: strong communication and diplomatic skills
  • Practical and problem-solver
  • Ability to deal with heavy work pressure



For further information and to apply, follow the link below:

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS platform, you can also apply by sending your CV and motivation letter (both in PDF version) via email to, with subject line: “SR-28-1122 - Project Manager / Head of Base - Afghanistan”.

Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least two references, including the line manager during your last job. Family members are to be excluded.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Terms of reference

Job Title: Project Manager / Head of Base - Afghanistan

Code: 28-1122

Duty station: Kandahar

Starting date: 01/10/2019

Contract duration: 12 months

Reporting to: Head of Mission

Supervision of: approx 50 staffs

Dependents: n/a



General context of the project

The program’s general objective is to contribute to a reduced morbidity and mortality associated with malnutrition, diseases and hazards resulting from deficient (or non-existing) health and nutrition services, environmental health conditions and protection environment in conflict-affected communities in Kandahar province – Afghanistan.

The proposed program aims on the health and nutrition side to address the inadequate coverage and quality of life-saving services (especially for reproductive health and nutrition services) for the most vulnerable communities in Maywand, Spin Boldak and Zheray. The project will also address some of the key determinants of malnutrition and child and maternal mortality through promotion of improved Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices, safe delivery and healthy behaviors. Hygiene/WASH promotion is closely linked to health and nutrition and can further help to decrease mortality rates. Lastly the project will seek to enhance the psycho-social wellbeing and protective environment of the most vulnerable population groups.


Activities include:

  • Hire and train (female) dedicated health staff for RH[1] (and/or nutrition services) at HF level (static), run mobile teams to support the outreach capacity of the HFs for provision of RH and nutrition services; identify and train new additional community health workers and supervisors; conduct community awareness sessions on health and nutrition related topics; and secure the OPD[2] nutrition services at HF level by dedicated trained nutrition staff;
  • Conduct training in CP, GBV and PSS for different stakeholders, actors and volunteers; conduct awareness sessions for community members on protection related issues; provide individual case management services for individual protection cases (CP, GBV and PwSN[3])
  • Run WASH – HP sessions for different target groups.


[1] Reproductive Health (RH)

[2] Outpatient Department

[3] Persons with Specific Needs (PwSN)


General purpose of the position

The Project Manager is in charge of the implementation and the supervision of the project entitled: “Multi-sector emergency response for the conflict affected population (IDPs, returnees, vulnerable (host) communities)”. As Head of base, he/she is responsible for overseeing (in collaboration with respective coordinators / managers) the Administrative, HR, Logistics and Security units in Kandahar.


Main responsibilities and tasks

Main responsibilities:

  • Ensures the planning, implementation and monitoring/evaluation and sets targets as included in the project description
  • Guarantee an efficient financial management for the project in compliance with INTERSOS’ model and donor regulations
  • Team management and project integration assurance across the 3 sectors
  • Deliver quality project activities reporting, including the findings in terms of impact/changes at the level of beneficiaries achieved through the project
  • Oversee the Administrative, HR, Logistics and Security units in Kandahar

More specifically:

Ensure the full and timely implementation of the project proposal as approved, pro-actively respecting deadlines for reporting:

  • Team recruitment, liaise with HR department and technical Coordinators to secure up to date HR files
  • Prepare and organize training for volunteers and teams
  • Project kick-off and presentation/sharing of project with teams
  • Review and prepare a detailed activities plan with team
  • Agree and establish clear reporting and communication lines
  • Verification on the targeting of beneficiaries
  • Ensure sector SOPs and guidelines are properly applied and adhered to
  • Permanent on-job coaching of teams to work on quality in delivery
  • Ensure security assessment for teams’ daily movement and report incidents/concerns in a proactive manner to the Head of Mission and Security Focal points

Financial management and procurement:

  • Prepare, monitor and implement financial and procurement plan
  • Prepare weekly liquidity plan
  • Approval of all purchases/contracting and budget line allocations
  • Verify on a weekly basis the bookkeeping entries in the INTERSOS accounting spreadsheets (PN): verify budget line allocations, budget expenditure status against actual delivery and the financial plan for the remainder project implementation period
  • Ensure for all purchases/contracting of goods/services/supplies the correct INTERSOS procurement guidelines are applied and properly documented (also for the procedures applied by the municipalities), in close coordination with the admin-fin and logistics department
  • Verify the list of expenditures prior to finalizing the interim and final financial reports
  • Holds final responsibility for verification of all support documents’ completeness and correctness

Manage team and to provide relevant capacity building and on-job coaching to the project team:

  • Manages and evaluates the performance of the project staff
  • Conduct weekly and monthly meetings with the team to review the planning and discuss the main concerns to focus on for the upcoming period
  • Ensure use of correct/relevant forms for assessments and reporting by the team
  • Ensure fluent chain of information/data transfer from field to supervisors
  • Ensure timely processing of information/data and conduct coaching for teams on the analysis of the processed data
  • Continuous/fast verification of data quality collected and received from field staff
  • Establish a participatory process to inform/develop relevant response strategies for conflict mitigation and enhanced social cohesion.
  • Undertake (if security situation allows) field visits to provide technical guidance and supervision to the team and to monitor the progress and quality of the different project activities.
  • Ensure good practice and system for internal and external referral of most vulnerable cases, in close coordination and collaboration with other INTERSOS programmes/project staff.
  • Oversee team attendances and authorize holidays, liaise with HR department to secure up to date HR files
  • Ensure teams respect INTERSOS rules and guidelines to the mission and adhere to INTERSOS code of conduct and charter of values

Monitoring & evaluation:

  • Ensure monitoring and verification for the targeting of beneficiaries
  • Applying a result-oriented approach, monitor the project outcomes, in addition to the outputs and activities, including changes at the household and community level achieved through the project


  • Ensure quality reporting on achievements through daily short briefings, monthly and weekly planning presented against weekly and monthly performance reports containing clear quantitative and qualitative information related to the activities.
  • Secure weekly and monthly reporting per team and compile, review and analyses reports on monthly bases to be reflected in INTERSOS’ PAT reporting tool
  • Prepare ad hoc progress reporting for the donor and official required interim and final project reports: Prepare interim and final narrative reports for the donor in a timely and qualitative manner, looking into achievements against outcomes and output and reflect lessons learnt clearly into recommendations for future programming. Reporting must at all times be gender and age disaggregated.
  • Holds final responsibility for all support documents (means of verification) and general project documents
  • Delivers regular communication products (including pictures) on the project to be used by the INTERSOS communication department in different outlets

Coordination and representation:

  • Attend the relevant cluster meetings and ensure timely reporting of highlights to HoM.
  • Ensure regular updates to donor representatives.
  • Coordinate with relevant line-ministries and assure the timely signature of sub-agreement with MoPH and MoEc for the implementation of the project.
  • Support INTERSOS with the implementation of the Country Strategy, in particular for the development of specific and detailed sector strategies.
  • Contribute to the coordination between the different project-teams for the projects in Afghanistan. Proactively participate in cluster meetings and other relevant working groups for Afghanistan, also relevant inter-sectoral coordination meetings at national level.
  • Ensure systematic information and update sharing with the HoM and other programme staff.
  • Coordinate with other INTERSOS projects/sectors in Kandahar for effective and efficient referral of cases between INTERSOS projects/sectors.

Head of Base:

  • Represent INTERSOS in relevant meetings
  • Support the security analysis and support the HoM in updating the CPPs in the field base, the SOPs and in any other security-related task.
  • Support the HoM on the promotion of accountability and commitment to INTERSOS charter and prevention on power of abuse.
  • Oversee the Administrative, HR and Logistics units in Kandahar
  • Cooperate with the Logistic Manager for any logistic and procurement-related tasks in the field base.
  • Cooperate with the Country Finance Coordinator for the supervision of the financial and administrative aspects in the field base.
  • Cooperate with the HR manager for the implementation of the HR procedures at field level.

Perform any other related duties as required.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Kabul with regular field visits /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 26/07/2019
Date limite : 08/08/2019



Master’s degree in social science, Community Development, Social Work and/or equivalent practical field experience, preferably with a humanitarian organisation

Professional Experience

  • Minimum 5 years professional experience in emergency programs: technical focus on health and nutrition, protection, population movements and reintegration is an asset;
  • Previous experience in humanitarian program management is required;
  • Previous experiences in complex emergency context are an asset

Professional Requirements

  • Deep knowledge of the cluster system and humanitarian country system
  • Demonstrable experience in establishing and maintaining collaborative relationships with donors and government counterparts.
  • Good interpersonal skills to work effective with different stakeholders including different communities in the target areas, humanitarian actors, service providers, local and national authorities;
  • Programme Management skills, including new proposal writing;
  • Good problem solving attitude
  • Excellent organisational, team-building and participatory training skills and experience is required, as well as ability to work as part of a team;
  • Strong representation and negotiation skills
  • Demonstrated leadership and interpersonal skills
  • Previous working experience in Afghanistan will be an asset


Fluency in written and spoken English, good reporting and communication skills are required;

Personal Requirements

  • Comfortable to work in a High Risk Environment.
  • Team worker and flexible in job planning
  • Ability to travel frequently to different areas in Afghanistan working in stressful situations and at times, in hardship field locations.



For further information and to apply, follow the link below:

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS platform, you can also apply by sending your CV, motivation letter via email to, with subject line: “SR-28-1069 - Head of Mission - Afghanistan”.

Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least two references, including the line manager during your last job. Family members are to be excluded.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Terms of reference

Job Title: Head of Mission

Code: SR-28-1069

Duty station: Kabul - with travel to other provinces

Starting date: 15/08/2019

Contract duration: 6 months

Reporting to: Regional Director

Supervision of: Direct line management of 5 expats and 1 national staff

Dependents: no



General context of the project

INTERSOS has been present in Afghanistan since October 2001, with its main office in Kabul and sub-offices in Jalalabad, Maimana, Kandahar and Lashkar Gah. Currently, INTERSOS is present with operation capacity in Kandahar and maintains its office in the capital city (Kabul) for representative purposes, supervising also some operational activities.

Currently, INTERSOS humanitarian response strategy for Afghanistan is paying attention to emergency needs of the conflict-affected population, in particular IDPs, documented and undocumented returnees (from Pakistan and Iran) and vulnerable/isolated host communities. INTERSOS’ strategy is to provide for emergency response capacity in 4 main sectors: protection (including Education in Emergency), health-nutrition, livelihoods and WASH. As such INTERSOS has also ongoing multi-sector humanitarian programs (with its 4 priority sectors integrated), opting for an area- and community-based approach in Southern Region and targeting both returnees coming from Pakistan and conflict affected IDPs.

In the last 15 years, INTERSOS has been working on various aspects of the Afghan emergency, mainly focusing on repatriation and returns, protection, water and sanitation, reconstruction, humanitarian demining, mine risk education, and institutional building. For INTERSOS Afghanistan remains a key humanitarian emergency for its geopolitical importance and because of the internal dynamics related to manmade and natural disasters. Humanitarian gaps and needs are high in the provinces where we are currently operating and even more in others. In order to respond to the ongoing emergency in the country and given the shortage of players currently engaged, INTERSOS considers really important its contribution to bring aid and assistance to those affected by the crisis.

The main strategic objective that the Head of Mission should pursue is to boost INTERSOS presence in the capital city while consolidating and expanding operations in the southern provinces.

General purpose of the position

  • Be INTERSOS referent in Afghanistan vis-à-vis international donors, main stakeholders and national team in Kabul and Kandahar;
  • Define country priorities and strategy based on a needs assessment and the analysis of the context of the country.


Main responsibilities and tasks

  • Actively participate to the main humanitarian coordination meetings and fora
  • Ensure a steady and active representation of INTERSOS at clusters level (Health/Nutrition and Protection).
  • Maintain daily relationship with the Donors and involve the Regional Director whereas strategic opportunity can arise.
  • Maintain ongoing surveillance of the developing humanitarian situation, monitor donor’s priorities and intervention strategies in the country and propose activities accordingly.
  • Keep constant relation with international donors at Kabul level
  • Identify opportunities for new emergency intervention and develop project proposals and concept papers
  • Coordinate and supervise international and national staff in the central and southern regions and recruit new staff following the start up of new interventions
  • Organize and participate to assessment in new area of intervention with the support of INTERSOS technical staff
  • Re-organize and enlarge INTERSOS office in Kabul and Kandahar and ensure respect for the values, Code of Ethics and Organization Management and Control Model of INTERSOS
  • Establish, guarantee and periodically monitor government’s recognition and accreditation procedures and any other formalities required by the hosting country, ensuring their timely renewal;
  • Manage human resources in the country and in particular, ensuring direct supervision and appraisal of performances as well as personnel compliance with procedures foreseen by INTERSOS’ Organization Management and Control Model
  • Be responsible for security, providing the definition of specific procedures and behaviours, and monitoring the implementation of regulations and protocols in line with INTERSOS Security Manual

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Kandahar with regular visits to Kabul /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 19/07/2019
Date limite : 01/08/2019



  • Advanced university degree in medicine or other paramedical studies.
  • Desirable specialization in Tropical Medicine or a degree in Public Health


Professional Experience

  • Minimum 3 years relevant work experience as Medical referent in the humanitarian sector especially in fragile and unstable environment
  • Strong experience in trainings and capacity building and development of local staff and partners in related subjects
  • Prior experience in working in complex emergency setting, involving internal displacement.
  • Strong experience with monitoring tools and systems, including remote monitoring
  • Experience with participatory approaches and working with vulnerable groups, including gender mainstreaming and with persons with disabilities.
  • Previous experience in developing and implementing M&E activities
  • Previous experience in working in Afghanistan (desirable)


Professional Requirements

  • Good/In-depth knowledge and understanding of Humanitarian Principles and H&N frameworks, tools, and minimum standards.
  • Knowledge of the cluster system
  • Experience with main donors compliance and reporting
  • Strong representation and negotiation skills
  • Proven experience in management and supervision of teams
  • Good communication skills, both oral and written, and Demonstrated leadership and interpersonal skills
  • Mastery of IT tools (MS Office package, internet, e-mail, etc.)
  • Readiness to commit and adhere to the values, mission and vision of INTERSOS



  • Excellent written and spoken English – Pashto would be asset


Personal Requirements

  • Strong organizational and problem-solving skills
  • Strong interpersonal skills and demonstrated ability to establish effective working relations with staff, beneficiaries and other stakeholders
  • Excellent analytical skills
  • Ability to take initiative and work autonomously
  • Ability to achieve results effectively, considering the need for speed, scale and quality
  • Ability to plan ahead and output oriented (proactive)
  • Able to ensure quick quality delivery in stressful environment (stress-resilient)
  • Ability to integrate and work well within multiethnic and multicultural teams
  • Attention to detail and structured way of approaching tasks (very organized)
  • Ability to adhere to deadlines and respect line management



For further information and to apply, follow the link below:

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS' platform, you can also apply by sending your CV, motivation letter via email to, with subject line: "SR-28-955 - Medical Coordinator - Afghanistan". Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least two references, including the line manager during your last job. Family members are to be excluded.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Terms of reference

Job Title: Medical Coordinator

Code: SR-28-955

Duty station: Kandahar with regular visits to Kabul

Starting date: 05/08/2019

Contract duration: 6 months

Reporting to: Head of Mission

Supervision of: PMR, Pharmacists

Dependents: //



General context of the project

The program’s general objective is to contribute to a reduced morbidity and mortality associated with malnutrition, diseases and hazards resulting from deficient (or non-existing) health and nutrition services, environmental health conditions and protection environment in conflict-affected communities in Kandahar province – Afghanistan. The program will target 72.241 individuals > 12% men, 48% women, 20% boy and 20% girls > 23% IDP, 4% documented returnees (DR), 12% undocumented returnees (UR) and 61% is most vulnerable local (host) community (HC).

The proposed program aims on the health and nutrition side to address the inadequate coverage and quality of life-saving services (especially for reproductive health and nutrition services) for the most vulnerable communities in Maywand, Spin Boldak and Zheray. The project will also address some of the key determinants of malnutrition and child and maternal mortality through promotion of improved Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices, safe delivery and healthy behaviors. Hygiene/WASH promotion is closely linked to health and nutrition and can further help to decrease mortality rates. Lastly the project will seek to enhance the psycho-social wellbeing and protective environment of the most vulnerable population groups. WASH and protection components will also be implemented in the informal settlements of Kandahar where IDP and (mostly) undocumented vulnerable returnees are concentrated.


General purpose of the position

In close collaboration with the HoM and the Medical Department, defining and implementing the medical strategy of the mission. Being responsible for the planning and coordination of all medical activities and resources in the mission, according to INTERSOS charter, policies, and ethical principles with consideration of international and national protocols, in order to ensure the delivery of quality medical care for patients and their communities as well as to improve the health condition and humanitarian living conditions of the target population.

Furthermore, the medical coordinator provides technical inputs to the health and Nutrition strategy and programme development at Mission level.


Main responsibilities and tasks

  • Responsible for defining, monitoring and updating the medical content of the INTERSOS country policy, medical strategy, annual plan and budget, translating the identified health needs into a medical strategic vision and project objectives, priorities and resources needed in order to cover the medical and humanitarian needs of the population at risk, and ensuring that the objectives and goals set in the Mission’s annual plan and project plans are achieved
  • Overall responsible for the appropriateness and quality of medical interventions conducted by INTERSOS projects and being expected to identify and work on removing barriers to better patient safety, effective medical care, and better patient-centred activities
  • Continuously monitor the medical and humanitarian needs in the Mission country in new areas of intervention or in areas where INTERSOS is already present through exploratory missions, monitor and review project proposals, determining necessary resources in order to define health and nutrition priorities and potential new programs to cover medical and humanitarian needs of the population at risk
  • Coordinate with the HQ Medical Referent for the validation of the project proposals he/she designs to be submitted to international donors and private foundation
  • Responsible for the supervision and monitoring of the medical technical aspects, humanitarian needs and in coordination with the Logistics Coordinator, the material aspects of the programmes through regular field visits, analysing difficulties during the implementation and reporting deviations as they appear, in order to proactively provide the necessary solutions and achieve operational results
  • In close collaboration with the HR Coordinator, participate in the planning, definition and sizing of the health-workforce in the mission and supervise the associated processes (recruitment, validation of medical staff, training/induction, evaluation, potential detection, development and internal / external communication). Coach and directly support the medical teams in the implementation of the medical activities making sure that internal protocols are respected as well as the ones of local Ministry and Health Department
  • Responsible for defining and sizing other resources (pharmacy and medical equipment management in collaboration with logistics) and timelines, procedures and protocols. Ensuring preparation of all medical orders in collaboration with the Logistics Department and the submission of all medical purchase requests. Being accountable for the proper management of the pharmacy in the Mission, including projects. Provide reports on the mission’s evolution from the medical perspective, as required
  • Represent INTERSOS before local medical authorities and guarantee constant presence and active participation to the health and nutrition coordination fora (clusters meetings, other technical coordination meetings) and keep regular contact with other counterparts in the mission (NGOs, local organizations, donors, authorities) in order to broaden the medical-humanitarian situation analysis, strengthening the impact of the medical intervention and supporting advocacy actions
  • Responsible for medical data collection, analysis and reporting to HQ Medical Referent to ensure a proper monitoring of the program and, where needed, to adapt them to existing programs

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : HQs in Rome with frequent field missions /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 16/07/2019
Date limite : 01/08/2019



  • Advanced university degree in Human Sciences or International Relations

Professional Experience

  • Field working experience of at least five (5) years in managing humanitarian programmes with increasing responsibilities

Professional Requirements

  • Good knowledge of humanitarian architecture;
  • Knowledge of the humanitarian project cycle management;
  • Knowledge of the main humanitarian donors;
  • Strong computer literacy with a full knowledge of MSOffice
  • Knowledge of the main humanitarian donors, with particular reference to DG ECHO and UN ways of working


  • English & French are mandatory
  • Italian and Arabic a strong plus

Personal Requirements

  • Strategic vision, leadership, people management;
  • Culturally sensitive and able to understand and work in a very complex context;
  • Creative competency to set up new strategies, new projects, new tools;
  • Problem solving attitude;
  • Good team player with strong initiative;
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills;
  • Ability to adapt and work in difficult situations.



For further information and to apply, follow the link below:

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS platform, you can also apply by sending your CV and motivation letter (both in PDF version) via email to, with subject line: “SR-00-1108 - Regional Director for Afghanistan and Yemen - Rome HQ”.

Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least two references, including the line manager during your last job. Family members are to be excluded.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Terms of reference

Job Title: Regional Director for Afghanistan and Yemen

Code: SR-00-1108

Duty station: HQs in Rome with frequent field missions

Starting date: 01/10/2019

Contract duration: 1 year

Reporting to: Director of Programmes

Supervision of: Regional Programme Support and Heads of Mission

Dependents: n/a



General context of the project

INTERSOS is an International Humanitarian Organisation with its HQ in Rome, branch offices in Nairobi and Amman and representation offices in Geneva and Dakar. The organisational structure is comprised of the Secretary General office, the Departments of Programmes, Finance, Logistics/ICT, Fundraising/Communication, Human Resources and the Internal Audit office. INTERSOS is operational in 17 countries with over 3,000 among national and international staff worldwide.

INTERSOS assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts, exclusion and extreme vulnerability. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable people.

The Department of Programmes is led by the Director of Programmes and includes five Regional Desks, the Protection Unit, the Medical Unit, and the Emergency Unit.


General purpose of the position

The Regional Director represents INTERSOS in the geographic area of her/his competence and, in collaboration with the Regional Programme Support, has the responsibility of management, strategic planning, implementation of the strategies and achievement of mission objectives. The Regional Director represents the Organisation in relation to third parties in the region of assignment on the basis of directives conferred by the Director of Programmes.


Main responsibilities and tasks

Under the supervision of the Director of Programmes and referring to the region of assignment:

  • Design strategies, define territorial areas and sectors to be privileged, programming and planning of activities together with Regional Programme Support

In collaboration with the Regional Programme Support guarantee the implementation of the regional strategies and analyse the critical factors of contexts

  • Is responsible of the overall security in the geographic area of his competence and of the implementation of security protocols and policies
  • Is responsible of relations with donors, stakeholders, authorities and representatives of beneficiaries and collaborate with Head of Missions and project leaders in the management of these relations
  • Is responsible for the identification and elaboration of new project interventions:

○      direct and support Head of Missions and project leaders in designing, setting up and implementing new projects

○      in agreement with the Director of Programmes approves project proposals before the submission to donors

  • Follow up, in coordination with Regional Finance Coordinator, the approval process at HQ level of project proposals before submission to the donors. Link with Director of Programmes and Secretary General for the approval of projects that involve a high risk in accordance with the provisions of the risk analysis
  • Supervise implementation of projects (constraints and rules of the donors, consistency and technical-methodological congruity, quality of resources, effectiveness of results efficiency)
  • In collaboration with the Heads of Mission guarantee the application of INTERSOS and donors administrative procedures for the efficient and transparent management of projects, offices and countries of its competence
  • In collaboration with Human Resources department supervise management of Human Resources and atmosphere in the missions:

○      collaborate to the recruitment of international Human Resources of the geographical area

○      motivate, direct and support managers and teams encouraging cohesion and motivation

○      promote orientation and training sessions for the operators of the region

○      appraise the performance of Head of Missions and is responsible to discuss the evaluation (IRP) and the achievement of objectives. Support the Head of Missions in the evaluation process of the project leaders

  • Ensure the constant and timely sharing of information and regular communication inside the Program Department to facilitate the adjustment of actions referring to coordination, monitoring and control of the project activities

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : approx 50% in Kabul and 50% in Kandahar /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 13/07/2019
Date limite : 25/07/2019


Required profile and experience


  • Advanced university degree in social science related fields such as Political Science, International Relations, International Development, Cooperation, Sociology, Psychology, Law, Human Rights or similar subjects.
  • A first level university degree with a relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.

Professional Experience

  • At least 3 years of professional work experience in management/coordination of protection-related activities in humanitarian contexts.
  • Proven experience in coordination, case management supervision (CP, SGBV and/or PwSN).
  • Strong experience in trainings and capacity building and development of local staff and partners in protection related subjects
  • Prior experience in working in complex emergency setting, involving internal displacement.
  • Strong experience with monitoring tools and systems, including remote monitoring

Professional Requirements

  • Demonstrated technical expertise of Protection, including Child Protection, Gender-Based Violence, individual case management and Psychosocial Support.
  • Good/In-depth knowledge and understanding of Humanitarian Principles and Protection frameworks, tools, and minimum standards.
  • Knowledge of the cluster system
  • Experience with main donors compliance and reporting
  • Strong representation and negotiation skills
  • Proven experience in management and supervision of teams
  • Good communication skills, both oral and written, and Demonstrated leadership and interpersonal skills
  • Mastery of IT tools (MS Office package, internet, e-mail, etc.)
  • Experience with participatory approaches and working with vulnerable groups, including gender mainstreaming and with persons with disabilities.
  • Readiness to commit and adhere to the values, mission and vision of INTERSOS
  • Previous experience in developing and implementing M&E activities
  • Previous experience in working in Afghanistan (desirable)


  • Excellent written and spoken English
  • Pashto would be an asset

Personal Requirements

  • Strong organizational and problem-solving skills
  • Strong interpersonal skills and demonstrated ability to establish effective working relations with staff, beneficiaries and other stakeholders
  • Excellent analytical skills
  • Ability to take initiative and work autonomously
  • Ability to achieve results effectively, considering the need for speed, scale and quality
  • Ability to plan ahead and output oriented (proactive)
  • Able to ensure quick quality delivery in stressful environment (stress-resilient)
  • Ability to integrate and work well within multiethnic and multicultural teams
  • Attention to detail and structured way of approaching tasks (very organized)
  • Ability to adhere to deadlines and respect line management



For further information and to apply, follow the link below:

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS' platform, you can also apply by sending your CV and a motivation letter via email to , with subject line: "SR-28-1020 - Protection Coordinator - Afghanistan". Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least two references, including the line manager during your last job. Family members are to be excluded.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Terms of reference

Job Title: Protection Coordinator - Afghanistan

Code: SR-28-1020

Duty station: approx 50% in Kabul and 50% in Kandahar

Starting date: 29/07/2019

Contract duration: 3,5 months - renewable

Reporting to: Head of Mission

Supervision of: Technical supervision of Protection teams

Dependents: //


General context of the project

The program’s general objective is to contribute to a reduced morbidity and mortality associated with malnutrition, diseases and hazards resulting from deficient (or non-existing) health and nutrition services, environmental health conditions and protection environment in conflict-affected communities in Kandahar and Kabul province – Afghanistan.


The proposed program aims on the health and nutrition side to address the inadequate coverage and quality of life-saving services (especially for reproductive health and nutrition services) for the most vulnerable communities. The project will also address some of the key determinants of malnutrition and child and maternal mortality through promotion of improved Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices, safe delivery and healthy behaviors. Hygiene/WASH promotion is closely linked to health and nutrition and can further help to decrease mortality rates. Lastly the project will seek to enhance the psycho-social wellbeing and protective environment of the most vulnerable population groups.


Activities include:

  • Conduct training in CP, GBV and PSS for different stakeholders, actors and volunteers; conduct awareness sessions for community members on protection related issues; provide individual case management services for individual protection cases (CP, GBV and PwSN*);
  • Run WASH – HP sessions for different target groups;
  • Promoting harmonization of programme approaches and methodologies across the different implementation sites by developing and monitoring use of common tools, as well as creating opportunities for experience sharing and learning;
  • Providing clear technical support, supervision, training and mentoring to the protection teams, including training needed to build specialized skills in GBV and CP case management, legal assistance, psycho-social support (PSS), protection monitoring and risk mitigation;
  • Ensuring that protection staff and services adhere to GBV and CP best practices, professional standards and principles;
  • Providing support tools to monitor programme implementation and quality, as well as to collect feedback from beneficiaries;
  • Contributing to produce high quality donor reports and other materials as required;
  • Participating in proposals design including protection components;
  • In coordination with Project Managers, identifying individual training needs and ensuring access to training and professional development opportunities appropriate to the skill gaps and needs;
  • Developing training material for different trainings to share within the protection teams

*Persons with Specific Needs (PwSN)


General purpose of the position

The Protection Coordinator ensures coordination of protection programming in the mission with the aim to achieve a maximum quality and delivery of the different components of the INTERSOS protection programme.

Furthermore, the protection coordinator provides technical inputs to the protection strategy and programme development at Mission level.


Main responsibilities and tasks

The Protection Coordinator is expected to carry out the following specific responsibilities:

  • Support the Project Managers and Protection Activity Managers (PAM) in the technical aspects of the implementation of project’s activities;
  • Provide clear technical support, guidance and supervision to the protection staff, including training needed to build specialized skills in all protection-related principles and activities, including Protection Monitoring, Case Management and vulnerability criteria, Legal Assistance, Psycho-Social Support (PSS), inclusion of disabilities in emergency, and Risk Mitigation;
  • Provide technical support and guidance in the implementation of Child Protection and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) activities, including specific training on principles and concepts related to Child Protection and GBV;
  • Mainstream protection concepts and principles in all programs;
  • According to identified needs and resources available, deliver training, workshops and seminars to national and international staff on protection-related issues, GBV and Child Protection;
  • Contribute to project planning and reporting documents;
  • Promote harmonization of programme approaches and methodologies across the different implementation sites, depending on contexts and needs, by developing and monitoring use of common tools;
  • Creating opportunities for experience sharing and learning within the Protection Staff of all projects, in order to ensure synergy among Staff and cooperative/supportive attitude and mechanisms;
  • Ensure that protection staff and services adhere to case management best practices, as well as international protection standards and principles;
  • Contribute to monitoring programme implementation and quality;
  • Undertake regular field visits (if / where possible) to provide technical guidance and supervision, as well as continuously monitor the progress of the case management and referral activities;
  • Contribute to the production of high quality donor reports and other materials as required;
  • Support the development of new project/programme proposals through technical inputs to and feedback about the project/programme methodology.


Program Coordination and Support

  • Revise and develop the protection tools in use in the mission;
  • Develop and consolidate internal and external functional and effective referral and coordination mechanisms;
  • Developing SOPs and guidelines for the implementation of Protection Programming for INTERSOS Mission of Afghanistan;
  • Ensure that the work of protection staff is harmonized according to internal SOPs and interagency guidelines;
  • Revise tools and topics for FGDs (Focus Group Discussions) and material for awareness, information and/or sensitization sessions in coordination with Protection Activity Managers and Project Manager;
  • Organize meeting with the protection Staff (PMs and Protection AM) on a regular basis, in order to discuss priorities for the next period, challenges, protection trends, sharing information, experiences and suggestions between programs
  • Participate in monitoring missions in the field ;
  • Provide technical support to the Protection AM in elaborating monthly reports when needed;
  • Contribute to the INTERSOS Protection Strategy for 2019 / 2020.
  • Ensure the proper storage of sensitive data through a correct use of internal databases and case monitoring tools
  • Ensure to put in place a quality complaint mechanism and conduct a beneficiary satisfaction survey at the end of the project implementation to measure the impact of the activities and adapt the program to better meet the needs and respond to the gaps for assistance in the project target areas.

Management and supervision

  • Review work plans of Protection AMs and define priorities together with Project Manager;
  • Review PAT of Protection components, focusing on target planned VS actual achievements. Identify challenges and sit with the PMs in order to find solution
  • Upon completion by the Project Managers, review and provide feedback on IRP for Protection AMs.
  • In coordination and consultation with PM, to complete the recruitment and selection of the protection project national staff

Capacity Building

  • In coordination with the Project Managers and Protection AMs, identify individual training needs and ensure access to professional development opportunities and resources appropriate to their skill gaps/needs;
  • Train all relevant protection staff (Case Workers and CW Team Leaders, Lawyers, Psychologists, etc.) in protection topics including: protection and humanitarian principles, GBV and CP basic principles, case management for PWSNs and PSS;
  • Develop training material for different trainings to share within the protection staff and other partners;
  • Develop capacity-building programmes for local actors – if any (including partner NGOs and relevant local service providers) on GBV and CP basic principles, case management and data protection.

Case Management Monitoring

  • Develop internal SOPs on case management and ensure they are applied in the field, updating/ revising them based on the needs;
  • Ensure case management minimum standards are respected in all steps of case management;
  • Advise the Protection AMs, Case Workers and CWTL and Psychologists as needed (complex cases);
  • Ensure appropriate Information Management Systems are in place;
  • Realize case audits (in collaboration with the Case Workers Team Leaders and Protection AMs) to evaluate the quality of services provision;
  • Coordinate with other relevant actors within the case management support to ensure comprehensive assistance;
  • Encourage local coping mechanisms and community self-reliant processes;
  • Develop periodic General Protection, GBV and CP trend analysis.
  • Psychosocial Support Activities
  • Monitor and evaluate the implementation of psychosocial support activities;
  • Support the development and ensure the roll out of internal PSS toolkits;

Protection Mainstreaming

  • Ensure GBV and CP mainstreaming in each new project or programme proposal;
  • Ensure collection of disaggregated data for reporting and analysis purposes.

External Coordination and Representation

  • Establish and maintain effective working relationships with key stakeholders including donors, partners, government actors and other relevant actors, international or national, humanitarian or institutional;
  • Represent INTERSOS in main Protection, GBV and CPiE coordination fora (including related strategic advisory groups and task forces) at national and provincial level together with the Protection AMs ensuring INTERSOS is represented in all coordination meetings;
  • Ensure key protection field concerns are brought to relevant stakeholders;
  • Brief relevant staff on the discussions held during the Working Group and Cluster meetings.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Kabul - with travel to other provinces /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 12/07/2019
Date limite : 25/07/2019



Master degree in Social Science, Community Development, Social Work and/or equivalent practical field experience, preferably with a humanitarian organisation

Professional Experience

  • Minimum 5 years professional experience in emergency programs: technical focus on health and nutrition, protection, population movements and reintegration is an asset;
  • Previous experience in humanitarian program management is required;
  • Previous experiences in complex emergency context are an asset

Professional Requirements

  • Deep knowledge of the cluster system and humanitarian country system
  • Demonstrable experience in establishing and maintaining collaborative relationships with donors and government counterparts.
  • Good interpersonal skills to work effective with different stakeholders including different communities in the target areas, humanitarian actors, service providers, local and national authorities;
  • Programme Management skills, including new proposal writing;
  • Good problem solving attitude
  • Excellent organisational, team-building and participatory training skills and experience is required, as well as ability to work as part of a team;
  • Strong representation and negotiation skills
  • Demonstrated leadership and interpersonal skills
  • Previous working experience in Afghanistan will be an asset


Fluency in written and spoken English, good reporting and communication skills are required;

Personal Requirements

  • Comfortable to work in a High Risk Environment.
  • Team worker and flexible in job planning
  • Ability to travel frequently to different areas in Afghanistan working in stressful situations and at times, in hardship field locations.



For further information and to apply, follow the link below:

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS platform, you can also apply by sending your CV, motivation letter via email to, with subject line: “SR-28-1069 - Head of Mission - Afghanistan”.

Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least two references, including the line manager during your last job. Family members are to be excluded.


Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Terms of reference

Job Title: Head of Mission

Code: SR-28-1069

Duty station: Kabul - with travel to other provinces

Starting date: 15/08/2019

Contract duration: 6 months

Reporting to: Regional Director

Supervision of: Direct line management of 5 expats and 1 national staff

Dependents: no



General context of the project

INTERSOS has been present in Afghanistan since October 2001, with its main office in Kabul and sub-offices in Jalalabad, Maimana, Kandahar and Lashkar Gah. Currently, INTERSOS is present with operation capacity in Kandahar and maintains its office in the capital city (Kabul) for representative purposes, supervising also some operational activities.

Currently, INTERSOS humanitarian response strategy for Afghanistan is paying attention to emergency needs of the conflict-affected population, in particular IDPs, documented and undocumented returnees (from Pakistan and Iran) and vulnerable/isolated host communities. INTERSOS’ strategy is to provide for emergency response capacity in 4 main sectors: protection (including Education in Emergency), health-nutrition, livelihoods and WASH. As such INTERSOS has also ongoing multi-sector humanitarian programs (with its 4 priority sectors integrated), opting for an area- and community-based approach in Southern Region and targeting both returnees coming from Pakistan and conflict affected IDPs.

In the last 15 years, INTERSOS has been working on various aspects of the Afghan emergency, mainly focusing on repatriation and returns, protection, water and sanitation, reconstruction, humanitarian demining, mine risk education, and institutional building. For INTERSOS Afghanistan remains a key humanitarian emergency for its geopolitical importance and because of the internal dynamics related to manmade and natural disasters. Humanitarian gaps and needs are high in the provinces where we are currently operating and even more in others. In order to respond to the ongoing emergency in the country and given the shortage of players currently engaged, INTERSOS considers really important its contribution to bring aid and assistance to those affected by the crisis.

The main strategic objective that the Head of Mission should pursue is to boost INTERSOS presence in the capital city while consolidating and expanding operations in the southern provinces.

General purpose of the position

  • Be INTERSOS referent in Afghanistan vis-à-vis international donors, main stakeholders and national team in Kabul and Kandahar;
  • Define country priorities and strategy based on a needs assessment and the analysis of the context of the country.


Main responsibilities and tasks

  • Actively participate to the main humanitarian coordination meetings and fora
  • Ensure a steady and active representation of INTERSOS at clusters level (Health/Nutrition and Protection).
  • Maintain daily relationship with the Donors and involve the Regional Director whereas strategic opportunity can arise.
  • Maintain ongoing surveillance of the developing humanitarian situation, monitor donor’s priorities and intervention strategies in the country and propose activities accordingly.
  • Keep constant relation with international donors at Kabul level
  • Identify opportunities for new emergency intervention and develop project proposals and concept papers
  • Coordinate and supervise international and national staff in the central and southern regions and recruit new staff following the start up of new interventions
  • Organize and participate to assessment in new area of intervention with the support of INTERSOS technical staff
  • Re-organize and enlarge INTERSOS office in Kabul and Kandahar and ensure respect for the values, Code of Ethics and Organization Management and Control Model of INTERSOS
  • Establish, guarantee and periodically monitor government’s recognition and accreditation procedures and any other formalities required by the hosting country, ensuring their timely renewal;
  • Manage human resources in the country and in particular, ensuring direct supervision and appraisal of performances as well as personnel compliance with procedures foreseen by INTERSOS’ Organization Management and Control Model
  • Be responsible for security, providing the definition of specific procedures and behaviours, and monitoring the implementation of regulations and protocols in line with INTERSOS Security Manual

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Kandahar /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Coordination
Date de publication : 12/07/2019
Date limite : 25/07/2019



  • Hold an advanced degree in social science or any related field.

Professional Experience

  • At least 3 years of direct professional experience working in humanitarian project management and/or coordination, including financial management responsibilities.
  • Prior work experience in INGO setting in humanitarian project management.
  • Demonstrate minimum 2 year experience in the implementation of multi-sector humanitarian programming in complex emergencies, including protection and health/nutrition services.
  • Prior experience in working in complex emergency setting, involving internal displacement.

Professional Requirements

  • Demonstrable experience in programme management and coordination
  • Admin, finance and budget management skills
  • Demonstrable experience in establishing and maintaining collaborative relationships with donors and government counterparts.
  • Experience with donor compliance and reporting
  • Strong representation and negotiation skills
  • Demonstrated leadership and interpersonal skills
  • Excellent computer skills (proven computer literacy, in particular Excel knowledge is a must).
  • Demonstrated experience in staff supervision and remote management models
  • Strong experience with monitoring tools and systems
  • Readiness and ability to move around in Afghanistan
  • Readiness to commit and adhere to the values, mission and vision of INTERSOS


  • Excellent command of written and spoken English

Personal Requirements

  • Strong team spirit, comfortable in a multicultural environment
  • Excellent analytical skills, observation and analysis capacity
  • Attention to detail and structured way of approaching tasks (very organized)
  • Ability to plan ahead and output oriented (proactive)
  • Able to ensure quick quality delivery in stressful environment (stress-resilient)
  • Ability to adhere to deadlines and respect line management
  • Very strong interpersonal skills: strong communication and diplomatic skills
  • Practical and problem-solver
  • Ability to deal with heavy work pressure




For further information and to apply, follow the link below:

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS platform, you can also apply by sending your CV and motivation letter (both in PDF version) via email to, with subject line: “SR-28-819 - Head of Base – Afghanistan”.

Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least two references, including the line manager during your last job. Family members are to be excluded.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Terms of reference

Job Title: Head of Base

Code: SR-28-819

Duty station: Kandahar - Afghanistan

Starting date: 29/07/2019

Contract duration: 8 months

Reporting to: Head of Mission

Supervision of: Project Managers (national/expat), M&E officers (national) 1 Log, 1 Finance, 1 HR and 1 security officer (national)

Dependents: n/a


General context of the project

INTERSOS is an Italian non-profit humanitarian aid organisation that works to bring assistance to people in danger, victims of natural disasters and armed conflicts. Established in 1992, its actions are based on the values of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equal rights and opportunities for all people and respect for diversity and coexistence, paying particular attention to the most vulnerable and unprotected. INTERSOS is an independent association which, through its own humanitarian operators, intervenes to effectively answer the needs of people in serious crises situations, mainly in the world's poorest regions, who are suffering, deprived of rights, dignity and essentials goods. It maintains a flexible operating structure.

INTERSOS has base office in Kandahar with a number of projects and between 100-300 staff and paid volunteers working in Southern Region (depending on the number of projects). INTERSOS is implementing a multi-sector programme covering the sectors of : health, protection, WASH and EiE. in several districts.The office in Kabul serves for coordination, support and representation.


General purpose of the position

The Head of Base will support the Head of Mission with the field programme management in accordance with INTERSOS’ country strategies, plans and policies, as well as with daily management of Kandahar base.

He/she is responsible for:

  • Overseeing the Administrative, HR, Security and Logistics units in Kandahar,
  • Ensuring the smooth running of the operations,
  • Representing INTERSOS in relevant meetings
  • Leading access negotiations for the area
  • Motivating and leading a diverse staff as well as effectively overseeing operations and partnerships.
  • Providing support to Project Managers in project management and project cycle management
  • Directly managing the Project Managers (in coordination with HoM), while working collaboratively with the Protection and Health Coordinators
  • Playing a key role in the definition and implementation of the Strategy of the mission, ensuring the smooth running of INTERSOS humanitarian operations
  • Monitoring, evaluating and supporting the implementation of the protection, education and health programs, participating also in the donor reporting



Main responsibilities and tasks

Management of support departments

  • Oversees the logistics, administration/finance and HR operations in Kandahar base, aiming at improving the operations systems and processes.
  • Supports the security analysis and support the HoM in updating the CPPs in the field base, the SOPs and in any other security-related task.
  • Oversees the application of the CCP and SoP and is responsible of the overall security of INTERSOS’ staff and assets in the area.
  • Leads access negotiations for the geographic area.
  • Supports the HoM on the promotion of accountability and commitment to INTERSOS charter and prevention on power of abuse.
  • Cooperate with the Logistic team for any logistic and procurement-related tasks in the field base.
  • Cooperates with the Country Finance Coordinator for the supervision of the financial and administrative aspects in the field base.
  • Cooperates with the HR manager for the implementation of the HR procedures at field level.
  • Supports project field staff in the base in the optimal and efficient organization (in terms of administration and logistics) for a smooth implementation of the projects.

Program implementation

  • Hierarchically manages the Project Managers and supports them on the operational issues.
  • Supports the Project Managers in the planning and the monitoring of the achievement of the activities, deliverables and budget.
  • Provides feedback on the monthly monitoring tool (PAT) to PMs
  • Supervises, plans and monitors throughout the programs through regular field visit and staff meeting.
  • Ensures the quality of projects in cooperation with the technical coordinators.
  • Ensures that the Project Managers produce high quality donor reports and work in close collaboration on their preparation
  • Organizes programme meetings on a regular basis.
  • In collaboration with HR and HoM, supports the recruitment of new staff.

Strategy development and representation

  • Contributes to the definition of the INTERSOS’ operational strategy in collaboration with HoM and other Technical Coordinators
  • Supports the HoM in the design of the Afghanistan Country Strategy.
  • Contributes to the design of potential funding opportunities
  • Contributes to the writing of proposals to donors.
  • Establishes and maintains collaborative relationships with relevant donors, local authorities, partners, project stakeholders and other organizations working in the project areas.
  • Proactively engages with donors, international NGO and other actors participating at coordination meetings at regional level.
  • Supports the technical Coordinators in maintaining productive working relationships with Health, Education and Protection Clusters as well as Child Protection and other relevant Working Groups at the regional level.
  • Ensures the participation of INTERSOS to relevant Working Groups and Task Forces (responsibilities can be delegated)
  • Briefs Head of Mission, Technical Coordinators and relevant Project Managers on discussions held during working groups.
  • Developpes strategic partnerships with local organizations, wherever possible.

Staff Management

  • Develops the capacity of the staff under his/her supervision. and ensures the capacity building strategy of all the staff in the area, in coordination with the RH department and HoM.
  • Manages the performance of all the staff under his responsibility (setting of objectives, conducting appraisal, providing constructive feedback and ensuring effective coordination and communication)
  • Completes the Internal Review Process (IRP) of all staff under line management responsibilities.
  • Works in the strategic nationalization of key positions, when feasible, in coordination with the RH department and HoM.
  • Organizes regular base meetings ensuring clear priorities and the smooth collaboration, coordination and communication among departments.


  • Developpes monthly reports to be submitted to the Head of Mission as drawn from the PATs and discussions with Project Managers regarding:

○      Trends and analysis of the humanitarian context;

○      Analysis of security environment and (internal and external) incidents;

○      Activities and Programme Achievements.

  • Contributes to the development of reports due to donors, government and other stakeholders.

Performs any other related duties as required.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : HQ in Rome, Italy /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Ressources humaines
Date de publication : 12/07/2019
Date limite : 25/07/2019



  • University degree in Human Resources Management or a related field is an asset.

Professional Experience

  • Minimum 2 year relevant work experience on a similar position
  • Work experience in a no-profit or NGO
  • Field experience in missions preferable

Professional Requirements

  • Proven ability to deal with multiple tasks and in demanding working conditions that often have short deadlines
  • Strong organization skills and resistance to stress
  • Identification with INTERSOS values and principles
  • IT advanced knowledge (Office package, Database system)


  • Excellent command of English and French

Personal Requirements

  • Mature, diplomatic, polite and analytical
  • Excellent communication and strong interpersonal skills
  • Empathy and enthusiasm, excellent team working skills



For further information and to apply, follow the link below:

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS platform, you can also apply by sending your CV and motivation letter (both in PDF version) via email to, with subject line: “SR-00-739 - Recruitment Officer - Rome HQ”.

Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least two references, including the line manager during your last job. Family members are to be excluded.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Terms of reference

Job Title: Recruitment Officer

Code: SR-00-739

Duty station: Rome, Italy

Starting date: 26/08/2019

Contract duration: 2 years

Reporting to: Senior Recruitment Officer

Supervision of: //

Dependents: //


General context of the project

INTERSOS is an independent non-profit humanitarian organization committed to assist the victims of natural disasters and armed conflicts. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, and respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable and unprotected people.


General purpose of the position

In close collaboration with the Director of Human Resources and colleagues in the Human Resources Department, the Recruiter Officer is in charge of Personnel recruitment for INTERSOS missions and HQ, following the organisation internal recruitment process.


Main responsibilities and tasks

  • Works on recruiting planning meetings, creates job descriptions, and leads the creation of a recruiting and interviewing plan for each open position.
  • Recruits staff, including checking applications, shortlisting, interviewing, references check and proposal.
  • Prepares collaborations proposals, according to INTERSOS compensation structure, and submits them to the HR Director.
  • Researches and recommends new sources for recruitment, actively seeks new and cultivates existing relationships with external contacts on HR trends and issues.
  • Manages filing systems (IMP) , making improvements and ensuring privacy of personnel records.
  • Provides regular reports on recruitment activities.
  • Schedules briefings between field workers and office staff.
  • Attends regularly scheduled staff meetings and Programme Updates and several annual office-wide debates to participate in information sharing across all departments.
  • Actively encourages all staff involved in the recruitment process to follow the recruitment procedures.
