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Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web : http://
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : The post holder will be based in Beirut, Lebanon /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 16/10/2018
Date limite : 07/11/2018



  • Master degree in Refugee law, International Human Rights Law, Forced Migration and Refugee Studies, Gender studies or other relevant to the position

Professional Experience 

  • At least 5 years in humanitarian assistance and 2 years of international relief and emergency experience in senior (Field Coordination and up) positions in a multicultural environment, preferably in emergency setting
  • Previous experience in the Middle East region (desirable)
  • Experience in conflict/post-conflict contexts, with experience in supporting emergency responses, access and security analysis and management
  • Knowledge of UNHCR procedures is a asset

Professional Requirements 

  • Background in protection and human rights emergency projects, especially in SGBV and Child Protection
  • Ability to set high standards for quality of work and quick adaptability and flexibility in stressful environment
  • Ability to manage human, technical, administrative and financial resources
  • Facilitating and encouraging open communication in the team, communicating effectively


  • Fluency in English, spoken and written
  • Arabic is an asset

Personal Requirements 

  • Perfect knowledge of all the phases of the PCM
  • Ability to work in partnership with local organizations and under stressful conditions
  • Excellent diplomacy skills
  • Ability to delegate and work in team
  • Flexibility (will have to take on responsibilities that might not be directly on his/her JD)
  • Adaptability to changing work environment and possible volatile security situation
  • Stress management skills: ability to work under pressure to meet tight deadlines, with peaks of heavy workloads;
  • Good communication skills, both written and oral
  • Self-development, initiative-taking
  • Strong organizational and problem-solving skills with analytic approach.
  • Good computing skills


For further information and to apply, follow the link below: 

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS' platform, you can also apply by sending your CV, motivation letter and 2 references via email to , with subject line: "SR-34-741 - Project Manager - Head of Base Mount Lebanon".

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Job Title: Project Manager / Head of Base - Mount Lebanon

Code: SR-34-741 

Duty station: The post holder will be based in Beirut, Lebanon

Starting date: 18/02/2019

Contract duration: 10,5 months

Reporting to: Program Coordinator, Head of Mission

Supervision of: 80 national employees

Dependents: n/a

General context of the project

The project is designed and has being implemented in accordance with the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan, UNHCR and INTERSOS Protection Frameworks. This project aims at reinforcing effective protection environment for Syrian refugees and other vulnerable communities in Mount Lebanon providing access to structured and quality services. These services target individuals at risk or survivors of SGBV, as well as children and adolescents with protection concerns living in Beirut and the Mount-Lebanon governorate. The project targets about 30.000 vulnerable refugees and host community. Additionally, Intersos will provide legal assistance and collective site management and coordination (CSMC). The programming promotes a strengthened protection environment for Syrian refugees through the implementation of protection outreach, capacity building of Refugee Outreach Volunteers (ROVs), provision of mobile legal services (information dissemination, counselling and assistance) and support for collective site management and coordination. A component of Shelter and Wash was added in the 2018 activities.

General purpose of the position

The Project Manager – Head of Base is in charge of the implementation and the supervision of the activities of the UNHCR-funded project in Mount Lebanon, ensuring qualitative and timely planning, implementation as well as monitoring and evaluation of INTERSOS activities in compliance with relevant standard operating procedures, Sphere standards and good practices for protection and basic assistance programming, INTERSOS code of conduct and ethical values chart.

The Project Manager – Head of Base is responsible for an efficient financial management for the UNHCR-funded project in compliance with INTERSOS’ model and donor regulations, as well for the coordination of support functions (i.e. administration, logistics, security) at the Base level.

The Project Manager – Head of Base operates in strict coordination and under the supervision of the Programme Coordinator with reference to project-related activities, and – in parallel - under the supervision of the Head of Mission with reference to Base management-related activities (i.e. administration, logistics, security).

The Project Manager – Head of Base coordinates with the Admin and Finance Assistant and the Programme Coordinator for financial and liquidity planning, weekly and monthly budget line allocation in the INTERSOS accounting spreadsheets (PN) and all procurement procedures.

The Project Manager – Head of Base also works in close collaboration with the other Project Managers and Protection Officers in Mount Lebanon, and coordinates in a systematic manner with INTERSOS Programme Coordinator.

For representation and coordination, the Project Manager – Head of Base follows guidelines received by the Head of Mission and the Programme Coordinator.

Main responsibilities and tasks

  • Assure a comprehensive vision of the intervention in Mount Lebanon strengthening the complementary of different projects implemented in the area.
  • Collaboration with the other HOB in order to integrate the different intervention in the same long term strategy.
  • Follow up the nationalization of the key positions of the Project ensuring and proposing capacity-building opportunities for national staff.
  • Responsible of the management of the international missions in Mount Lebanon area from HQ and other missions (Jordan), including accommodation, logistic support and security advice.
  • Responsible of the Main Office and Guest House regarding the security location, maintenance, finalization of the contract and keeping the relationship with the owners.
  • Ensuring the planning, implementation as well as monitoring and evaluation of the six project’s sub-components (WASH, protection monitoring, legal assistance, case management, community services) and timely delivery of the set targets as included in the project description.
  • Guaranteeing an efficient financial management for the project, in compliance with INTERSOS model and donor regulations.
  • Establishing and managing relations pertaining to project activities, with relevant stakeholders, local authorities, relevant donors and institutions. In particular, the 2018 UNHCR program foresee an important partnership with local authorities and local organizations.
  • Contributing to the formulation of new projects and programme strategy for the respective area of intervention (he should participate in the writing and support the program team in proposal writing regarding Mount Lebanon, no matter what grants)
  • Ensuring project team management and coordination (in particular coordination between the different projects ongoing in the area of intervention (i.e. UNICEF, OCHA, UNFPA and other possible grants).
  • Delivering timely quality reporting on project activities (on UNHCR project), including findings in terms of impact and changes at the level of individual beneficiaries and communities.
  • As Head of Base, performing of support functions (i.e. administration, logistics) at the Base level in Mount Lebanon.
  • As Head of Base, performing coordination and functions in terms of security at the Base level in Mount Lebanon for all projects and staff (as per INTERSOS Lebanon Security Plan, to be updated).

More specifically:

Ensuring activities implementation

  • Preparing, managing and regularly updating the project activities work plan and related financial plan, while ensuring timely and quality implementation in compliance with the defined project strategy as well as INTERSOS and donor guidelines, in coordination with the technical and administrative staff, and other staff as needed.
  • Undertaking regular field visits to provide technical guidance and supervision as well as regularly monitoring the progress of project activities (at least one field visit per week is required).
  • Conducting weekly team meetings with the staff in charge of each project’s sub-component (ensuring as well the participation of the key staff of other projects).

Ensuring financial management and procurement

  • Preparing, monitoring and implementing financial and procurement plan, including monthly updates.
  • Ensuring the preparation and approving weekly liquidity plans.
  • Verifying and approving purchase, contracting and budget line allocations.
  • Verifying on a weekly basis the bookkeeping entries in the INTERSOS accounting spreadsheets (PN): verifying budget line allocations, budget expenditure status against actual delivery and the financial plan for the project implementation period.
  • Ensuring purchase and contracting of goods, services, supplies in line with the relevant INTERSOS procurement guidelines (in particular, he is responsible of the procedures done under UNHCR ML funded project and is supposed to play the role of president of the evaluation committee)
  • Verifying the list of expenditures, prior to finalizing the interim and final financial reports.
  • Holding final responsibility for verification of all support documents.
  • As per delegation letter, he compiles a report on the contracts and checks signed on behalf of the HoM and send monthly to HoM.

Managing team and ensuring relevant capacity building and on-job coaching to the project staff

  • Managing all project staff.
  • Ensuring regular performance evaluation of project staff (national and international, as needed) as per internal rule.
  • Ensuring the timely recruitment of national staff, in coordination with relevant support staff, as per INTERSOS policy for staff recruitment.
  • Conducting weekly and monthly meetings with relevant project staff to review the planning and discuss the main concerns (the key staff of the other projects should be informed as well as briefed).
  • Ensuring respect of and adherence to INTERSOS rules and regulations, code of conduct and ethical values chart.
  • Establishing a participatory process to inform and develop relevant response strategies for conflict mitigation and to promote cohesion amongst staff.
  • Undertaking regular field visits to the project sites to provide technical guidance and supervision to the team and to monitor the progress and quality of the different project activities.
  • Ensuring and proposing capacity-building opportunities for national staff, keeping clear oversight and reporting on trainings attended and conducted by national staff.

Monitoring and evaluation

  • Ensuring monitoring and verification for targeting of beneficiaries.
  • Ensuring relevant monitoring systems and ensuring that systems permit the appropriate implementation, including quick response to changing circumstances and erroneous assumptions in the project design.
  • Applying a result-based management approach and monitoring the project outcomes, in addition to the outputs and activities, including changes at the household and community level achieved through the project.
  • Assessing, analyzing and evaluating the impact of project activities and needs of the target populations in the project areas, periodically updating the situation analysis and proposing to the Head of Mission and the Programme Coordinator possible programme developments.


  • Ensuring quality reporting on achievements through short briefings, monthly and weekly planning presented against weekly and monthly performance reports containing clear quantitative and qualitative information related to the activities.
  • Delivering timely, complete and qualitative monthly a comprehensive project reporting (project appraisal tool, PAT) for submission to the Programme Coordinator.
  • He is responsible of the uploading of the monthly PAT on the IMP.
  • Delivering quality project activities reporting, including the findings in terms of impact and changes at the level of individuals, households and communities. More specifically, preparing ad-hoc progress reporting as well as required project interim and final reports.
  • Holding final responsibility for all support documents (means of verification) and general project documents.
  • Delivering regular communication products on the project to be used by INTERSOS Communication Department.

Coordination and representation

  • Conducting regular meetings with donor representatives and facilitating field visits by donor missions.
  • Establishing and maintaining excellent relationships with relevant stakeholders, local authorities, relevant donors and institutions.
  • Helping to set programming strategies for INTERSOS Lebanon in particular in Mount Lebanon area.
  • Actively steering and contributing to the coordination between the different projects in Mount Lebanon. Informing the staff of the monthly activity, providing leadership to the projects.
  • Proactively participating and representing INTERSOS in relevant working groups (i.e. inter-agency and other relevant working groups) at the regional level (Mount Lebanon).
  • Proactively engaging in bi-lateral meetings with other INGOs and NGOs active in relevant sectors and geographical areas to avoid duplication, ensure coordination and referral and work for complementary efforts.
  • Ensuring systematic information and update sharing with the Programme Coordinator and relevant colleagues.

Security management

  • Performing coordination and functions in terms of security at the Base level in Mount Lebanon for all projects and staff (as per INTERSOS Lebanon Security Plan).
  • Analyzing and updating the security situation in Mount Lebanon, in close coordination with the security Focal Point (SFP) and suggesting Head of Mission for possible adaptation of security measures according to the situation in the area of operation.
  • Ensuring implementation and staff adherence to the INTERSOS Mount Lebanon Security Plan.
  • Ensuring coordination with UNHCR and and other agencies for security analysis.

Any other duty demanded by his line manager

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web : http://
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : The post holder will be based in Tripoli with several field visit in the governorates of North and Akkar /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 26/07/2018
Date limite : 08/08/2018


Required profile and experience

Master degree in Refugee law, International Human Rights Law, Forced Migration and Refugee Studies, Gender studies or other relevant to the position;

At least 5 years in humanitarian assistance and 2 years of international relief and emergency experience in senior (Field Coordination and up) positions in a multicultural environment, preferably in emergency setting;

Previous experience in the Middle East region (desirable);

Experience in conflict/post-conflict contexts, with experience in supporting emergency responses, access and security analysis and management;

Background in protection and human rights emergency projects, especially in SGBV and Child Protection or legal aspects;

Ability to set high standards for quality of work and quick adaptability and flexibility in stressful environment;

Ability to manage human, technical, administrative and financial resources. Facilitating and encouraging open communication in the team, communicating effectively;

Fluency in English, spoken and written; Arabic is an asset;

Perfect knowledge of all the phases of the PCM;

Willingness to visit the field at least once a week;

Ability to work in partnership with local organizations and under stressful conditions;

Excellent diplomacy skills;

Ability to delegate and work in team;

Flexibility (will have to take on responsibilities that might not be directly on his/her JD);

Adaptability to changing work environment and possible volatile security situation;

Stress management skills: ability to work under pressure to meet tight deadlines, with peaks of heavy workloads;

Good communication skills, both written and oral;

Self-development, initiative-taking;

Strong organizational and problem-solving skills with analytic approach;

Good computing skills.


For further information and to apply, follow the link below: 

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS' platform, you can also apply by sending your CV, motivation letter and 2 references via email to , with subject line: "SR-34-650 – Project Manager Head of Base -Lebanon".

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.


Code: SR-34-650

Country: Lebanon

Duty Station: The post holder will be based in Tripoli with several field visit in the governorates of North and Akkar (northern region of Lebanon).

Starting date: 27/08/2018

Contract duration: 4 months, to be renewed if funding available

Reporting to: Program Coordinator and Head of Mission

Supervision of: 6 personnel (including one intern)

General context of the project

The project seeks to strengthen protection and support to Syrian refugees and vulnerable Lebanese in the North of Lebanon through the provision of legal services and the implementation of protection monitoring. The latter comprises: safe identification and referrals as well as information dissemination; training and administration of Outreach Volunteers (OVs); and, in general, empowering refugee and host communities to address common protection concerns at the community level.

General purpose of the position

The Project Manager – Head of Base, has 2 components of responsibilities:

UNHCR Project management

She/He is in charge of the proper implementation and the supervision of the activities of the UNHCR-funded project in North and Akkar (northern region of Lebanon), ensuring qualitative and timely planning, implementation as well as monitoring and evaluation of INTERSOS activities in compliance with relevant standard operating procedures, established and an efficient financial management.

The North base management

She/He is also in charge of the overall management of the base, meaning, under the relevant technical coordinators, the coordination of essential support functions (i.e. administration, logistics). He is the focal point for the security in the area.

He may also be involved in the potential extension to the activities if requested.

Main responsibilities and tasks

Ensuring the planning, implementation as well as monitoring and evaluation of the project and timely achievement of the set targets as stated in the project description and logical framework;

Guaranteeing an efficient and resourceful financial and procurement management of project operations, in compliance with INTERSOS management model and donor regulations and guidelines;

Establishing and managing relations pertaining to project activities, with all relevant stakeholders such as local authorities, relevant partners, donors and institutions. In particular, the 2018 UNHCR program foresees closer partnership with a local organization FRONTIERS and as per last amendment of the agreement with UNHCR (PPA) with the Tripoli Bar Association for legal assistance, namely court representation for GBV and CP cases;

Contributing to the development and drawing of new projects and program strategy for the respective area of intervention (he should provide comprehensive support to the program team of the mission in proposal writing regarding North and Akkar, no matter what grants);

Ensuring strong support in project team management and coordination in particular coordination between possible different projects on-going in the area of intervention (i.e. UNICEF, WFP, OCHA, AICS and other possible grants);

Manage all national and international staff of the UNHCR funded project ensuring regular coordination meeting and performance evaluation, of project staff with support of HR Coordination at mission level;

Delivering timely quality reporting on project activities (UNHCR project), including findings in terms of impact and changes at the level of individual beneficiaries and communities;

As Head of Base, performing supportive functions (i.e. administration, logistics) at Base level in North and Akkar – that is running the sub-office in Tripoli and the field office in Halba;

As Head of Base, coordinating and managing security in close link with HoM and supported by the local Security Focal Point and the Security Officer/Liaison Officer for all projects and staff (as per INTERSOS Lebanon Security Plan, to be updated);

Any other duty requested by the line manager.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : SB OverSeas
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Beirut/Saida /
Fichier : File application_form_-_lvp_2019.docx
Type d'emploi : Volontariat
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 16/05/2019
Date limite : 01/11/2019


No specific skills or experience are considered essential, although having a good level of English language and some experience teaching or working with children in some other capacity are desirable.

The single most important quality we look for in candidates is that they are motivated to help others. As with all teaching roles, the ideal candidate will be adaptable and have a positive and resilient attitude, capable of bringing energy, patience, persistence and creativity to the role.


How to apply:

For more info, please head to our website (, where you can read through our FAQ sheet and download a copy of our application form. Please fill out this application form and send it along with your CV to For all inquiries about the programme, please send an email to



Period: 2- 8  months

Starting date: July 1st or Septmber 1st 2019


Programme Description:

SB Overseas is looking for enthusiastic and capable volunteers to teach English and help run two of our schools and women’s training centres in Lebanon, both of which were established to serve refugees: one in Saida (in the south-west), and another in Beirut (in the west).

The refugee children in our schools need this remedial education in order to have a chance of passing entry tests for the Lebanese public education system. Without access to public education, they risk missing out on an education permanently, and becoming a “lost generation”.

The women who go to our centres, meanwhile, find themselves in particularly vulnerable situations inside the refugee camps, and need the training and support provided by our teams to empower them with the promise of a brighter future.



The core activity in this role is providing English, Maths or Science lessons to our women and children. Other duties will include running weekend activities for the children, day care, and potentially some other tasks, such as administrative work.

The volunteering programme offers accommodation and Arabic classes.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : SB OverSeas
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Beirut/Saida /
Type d'emploi : Volontariat
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Communication
Date de publication : 13/03/2019
Date limite : 30/06/2019



No specific skills or experience are considered essential, although some experience teaching or working with children in some other capacity is desirable.

The single most important quality we look for in candidates is that they are motivated to help others. As with all teaching roles, the ideal candidate will be adaptable and have a positive and resilient attitude, capable of bringing energy, patience, persistence and creativity to the role.

To apply, please head to our website (, where you can download a copy of our application form. Please fill out this application form and send it along with your CV to

Alongside the application form on our website, you can also find our programme FAQ, which contains more detailed information about the programme. You can also check out our programme’s Facebook group, where you can find photos and updates, as well as the most up to date information on the application process.

If you have any questions that aren’t answered in these sources, please send them to


Period: 2- 8  months

Starting date: 1st May or 1st July 2019

Programme Description:

SB Overseas is looking for enthusiastic and capable volunteers to teach English and help run two of our schools and women’s training centres in Lebanon, both of which were established to serve refugees: one in Saida (in the south-west), and another in Beirut (in the west).

The refugee children in our schools need this remedial education in order to have a chance of passing entry tests for the Lebanese public education system. Without access to public education, they risk missing out on an education permanently, and becoming a “lost generation”.

The women who go to our centres, meanwhile, find themselves in particularly vulnerable situations inside the refugee camps, and need the training and support provided by our teams to empower them with the promise of a brighter future.


The core activity in this role is providing English lessons to our women and children. Other duties will include running weekend activities for the children, day care, and potentially some other tasks, such as administrative work.



NOTE: We also run a programme that allows volunteers to partake in intensive Arabic lessons for between two and eight months. 

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : SB OverSeas
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Beirut/Saida /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 01/05/2018
Date limite : 01/06/2018


University Degree in education or related field



·        2 years management experience in an NGO environment, including Education and emergencies experience;


·        Proficient user of MS office


·        Experience in managing projects focusing on child protection / psychosocial support / education;


·        A very good understanding of the public Lebanese Education system;


·        Excellent interpersonal, communication and presentation skills;

·         Fluency in English  

To Apply: Please visit our website at and send your CV to


Start date: August

Duration: One year (2 months internship + 10 CD)  (with possibility of renewal)

Among the functions and the results s/he is expected to achieve:

1- Manage and oversee the programs, activities, operations and team members and ensure the successful achievement of planned goals and strategies.

2-Oversee the development of programs that align with SB’s strategic plan in coordination with team members.

3-Coordinate with the HQ-Leb to ensure proper implementation of projects in compliance with SB’s strategies, rules and policies as well as with the sector’s best practices and the national and international accepted standards and regulations.

4-Develop project budget and ensure that appropriate budget management practices are maintained at all times and that all reporting practices are in line with donors’ requirements — in coordination with the HQ-Leb.

5-Liaise with partners and donors to develop new relations and maintain the current ones while ensuring proper communication and the development of innovative fundraising strategies that will result in the acquirement of new contracts — in coordination with the HQ-Leb.

6-Maintain a good relationship with SB’s partners and develop a fundraising strategy to motivate funding of SB’s programs and activities.

7-Develop and maintain positive, constructive and supportive relationships among the different projects, teams, partners, and other relevant stakeholders.

Position reports to: Head of Mission

Position in the center: S/he manages a team (teachers, educators, Psychologist…)

Duties and Responsibilities

Strategic Program Management

Define, develop and implement the operational programing in the center:


-         S/He develops the strategy for the Education, Vocation Training in close coordination with the Head of Mission.


-         S/He technically defines the Education, Vocation Training component in the whole programming strategy at mission level in close coordination with the Head of Mission.


-         S/He strongly supports the writing of concept notes, proposals and budgets for new projects and extensions of projects in coordination with the Head of Mission.


-         S/He supervises and follows up the implementation of Education, Vocation Training (objectives achievement, follow up of the indicators, respect of the work plan).


-         S/He identifies the best practices in the Education, Vocation Training and ensures their capitalization.


-         S/He shares documentation about Education, Vocation Training with the team.


Manage the Education, Vocation Training team:


-         S/He ensures the technical supervision of Education, Vocation Training team.


-         S/He ensures the administrative HR management (daily attendance, leaves management) in collaboration with the HQ-Leb


-         S/He ensures timely completion and submission of appraisals for Education, Vocation Training staff.


-         In coordination with the HQ-Leb, S/He clearly defines the training needs of Education, Vocation Training staff and ensures they are able to access training and professional development resources appropriate to their skill gaps/needs.


Ensure logistical, administrative monitoring of the Education, Vocation Training


-         S/He is kept informed about the budget follow up analysis and approves any decision to be taken related to the modification of the Education, Vocation Training budgets (reallocation, change of activities, project extension) in coordination with the Head of Mission.


-         In collaboration with the logistics coordination, S/He contributes to analyzing bids made by suppliers for purchases with stringent technical specifications 

Partnership & Networking


1-     Supervise the management of partnership relations and ensure smooth communication and productive collaboration with all partners, networks and stakeholders.


2-     Overview the joint interventions between SB and its partners and ensure that all activities follow proper quality measures, accountability and adherence to the principles that SB fosters (such as gender sensitivity, Do No Harm, etc.).


3-     Support SB’s partners in the development and implementation of joint projects/interventions.


4-     Ensure the collaboration of and coordination among SB’s partners if they are working on the same projects.


5-     Organize meetings with partners to discuss project impediments, risks and assumptions, needed resources or issues/delays in completing planned tasks.


6-     Represents SB to Education, Vocation Training in relevant sectors and ensure good relationships are maintained with each of them.


Program Fundraising


1-     Monitor and explore gender-related strategic opportunities and budget lines and accordingly develop matching concepts and proposals that would raise proper funds — while working in close collaboration with the project team and the HQ-Leb.


2-     Develop fundraising strategies, diversify aid resources and target individuals, foundations and corporate funding sources.


3-     Manage funding strategies and activities to ensure the sustainability and viability of SB's programs.


4-     Manage and maintain SB’s relations with current partners and donors as well as plan to create new partnerships with agencies and donors both locally and internationally.


5-     Contribute in building SB’s visibility and in promoting its achievements, value propositions, quality services and competitive advantages.


Reporting and Communication


1-     Provide regular updates and monthly reports to the HQ-Leb on all issues related to the programs’ progress, challenges, achievements and other important or emerging issues.


2-     Ensure communication flow internally by putting effective practices for regular project team meetings, reviews, reporting, information and knowledge sharing and management.


3-     Ensure most effective and external communication by reporting timely with partners, donors and stakeholders.


4-     Organize regular meetings with the team (both separately and collectively) to discuss project wins, achievements, impediments, risks, emerging needs, delays and measures that should be taken.


5-     Serve as a focal point to communicate and resolve interface and integration issues with all programs.


6-     Provide professional guidance, technical support, mentoring and coaching to the team to help them manage their activities more effectively.


7-     Motivate the team through SB’s values and principles.


8-     Support team members and implementation of the capacity building plan of the teams.


9-     Ensure proper capacity development and the use of best practices, proper attitudes and behavior by all the team members.


10- Create an environment oriented to trust, open communication, creative thinking, and cohesive team effort.


11- Assess team performance regularly and encourage creativity, learning and constant improvement.


12- Recognize and celebrate team members’ accomplishments and exceptional performances.


13- Manage and resolve personal and professional conflicts among team members.


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Tyr in Lebanon (approximately 70% of the time) and Amman in Jordan (approximately 30% of the time) /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 23/04/2018
Date limite : 08/05/2018


  • University degree graduated in a relevant technical discipline (engineering, geology, biology, architecture)
  • Specialization in water and sanitation
  • Master in a related area
  • At least 5 years of professional experience in a multicultural environment, in the humanitarian-recovery-development space
  • Previous WASH experience with follow up of infrastructural projects
  • Previous experiences in European Union and Italia Cooperation funded projects is an asset
  • In-depth understanding of WASH issues
  • Ability to set high standards for quality of work
  • Ability to manage human, technical, administrative and financial resources
  • Facilitating and encouraging open communication in the team, communicating effectively
  • Demonstrated capacity of writing project proposal
  • Very good knowledge of Microsoft Office suite
  • Fluency in English
  • Arabic is an asset
  • Good communication skills
  • Self-development, initiative-taking
  • Strong organizational and problem-solving skills with analytic approach
  • Ability to integrate and work well within multicultural teams
  • Acting as a team player and facilitating team work
  • Ability to achieve results effectively, considering the need for speed, scale and quality
  • Ability to develop and maintain collaborative relationships
  • Flexibility to adapt to fluid situations in order to achieve objectives
  • Willingness and commitment to work in the humanitarian sphere


INTERSOS is an independent humanitarian organization that assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts and exclusion. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable people.

1. Terms of reference

Job Title: Programme Manager - Head of Base
Code: SR-34-523
Country: Lebanon
Duty Station: Tyr in Lebanon (approximately 70% of the time) and Amman in Jordan (approximately 30% of the time) with regular visits to the project locations
Starting date: 15/06/2018
Contract duration: 12 months
Reporting to: - Head of Mission Lebanon and Head of Mission Jordan for project management-related responsibilities and tasks - Regional Director Middle East for programme development-related responsibilities and tasks
Supervision of: 10 technical staff in Lebanon + support staff and volunteers+ 8 staff in Jordan + consultants Dependents: According to INTERSOS HR Manual

2. General context of the project

Clear gaps in service delivery and pre-existing lack of capacity and financial constraints have been exacerbated by refugee population influx, which is often concentrated in the most vulnerable areas of Jordan and Lebanon. The intervention aims to relieve some of these pressures and to build the resilience of refugees and host communities through a participatory approach that increases access to effective water and sanitation services and improves health outcomes through improved hygienic environments and practices. The action will target both Syrian refugees living in the targeted communities and the communities hosting them who have faced significant challenges with increased populations. A holistic approach will be taken to help stabilise the communities and to build the resilience of both groups.

The action will achieve this by improving both physical WatSan infrastructure and enhancing the capacity of institutions and communities to manage WASH services and practices in a participatory and inclusive manner.

Support will be provided at a network, community and individual level to ensure a holistic and sustainable approach, tailored to the needs of specific communities and the different contexts across Jordan and Lebanon. These activities, will achieve the specific objective of improving stability and resilience of Lebanese and Jordanian communities hosting Syrian refugees through improved access to water, sanitation and hygienic health outcomes. This enhanced resilience will contribute to a longer-term response to the Syria crisis, helping address not just the short term humanitarian needs but the root causes of vulnerability and social tension and provide assistance that is locally centred, sustainable and cost-effective.

The Programme is co-funded by a regional EU fund and it is implemented in consortium with ACTED (leading Agency) and ACF in both Lebanon and Jordan. The programme is complemented by funds and other financing of other agencies (Italian Cooperation, Foundations).

3. General purpose of the position

The general purpose of the position is to ensure the proper and effective implementation of all activities planned by INTERSOS to achieve the intervention objectives and expected results, including all related administrative and financial aspects.

4. Main responsibilities and tasks

The Project Manager is in charge of the coordination and supervision of INTERSOS project component activities, ensuring timely and quality implementation and monitoring in compliance with relevant Standard Operating Procedures, International Principles and Guidelines, International Standards, Good Practices in WASH Responses, INTERSOS Fundamental Charter and Code of Ethics. Moreover, the Project Manager is in charge of supporting the Head of Mission Lebanon and Head of Mission Jordan in the development, implementation and evaluation of the WASH strategy and programme at country and regional level.

Main responsibilities:

  1. Planning, coordinating, monitoring and evaluating the project activities (improvement of water and sanitation infrastructure at community level; improvement of water and sanitation facilities in public institutions; improvement of water and sanitation facilities at household level; capacity building of water authorities and establishments; creation and support of community committees; hygiene promotion and information events), ensuring timely and quality delivery of the targets set as per approved project proposal.

  2. Building the capacity, coordinating and supervising the project national staffs, as well as the local counterparts, providing ad hoc training sessions and continuous on-the-job coaching.

  3. Maintaining relations pertaining to the project activities and the WASH programme at large with donors, local authorities, government institutions, partners, key stakeholders, and other relevant actors at the regional, national and field level.

  4. Assisting the development, implementation and evaluation of the WASH strategy and programme at country and regional level, providing technical inputs, suggestions for improvements and recommendations for future actions.

More specifically:

Project activities planning, coordination, monitoring and evaluation

  1. Contribute to defining the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to be signed with the consortium partners and the local counterparts in the project framework.

  2. Prepare, manage and regularly update the project activities work plan and related financial plan / procurement plan, ensuring timely and quality implementation in compliance with the defined project strategy, as well as INTERSOS and donor guidelines.

  3. Undertake detailed technical assessments of the WASH needs and gaps of the target populations in the project areas to define the exact locations of intervention and the beneficiaries.

  4. Coordinate with the logistic, administration and finance staffs to procure all equipment, supplies and materials, as well as works and services, required to implement the project activities, ensuring cost efficiency and accountability in compliance with INTERSOS and donor regulations and procedures.

  5. Supervise the use and keep updated records of the project resources.

  6. Provide inputs, guidance and support to ensure the quality implementation of the project activities from the technical point of view.

  7. Promote age, gender and diversity sensitive approaches into the project activities, as well as social cohesion by facilitating access and participation of vulnerable host communities.

  8. Elaborate and set up specific mechanisms to monitor and evaluate the project activities, as well as to collect feedback and complaints from beneficiaries and target populations at large.

  9. Undertake field visits to the project locations as needed to continuously monitor the progress and the quality implementation of the project activities.

  10. Continuously assess, analyze and evaluate the impact of the project activities to inform and adjust the programme accordingly.

  11. Report in a timely manner to the Head of Mission any eventual challenges or delays faced, loss or damage occurred, fraud or misuse detected in the daily implementation of the project activities.

  12. Work closely with the colleagues to ensure the integration of the project activities with other projects and sectors of intervention.

  13. Provide the Communication Department in the HQ with relevant information on the project activities, as well as related photo and video documentation, prior notification to the Head of Mission.

Project national staffs and local counterparts capacity building, coordination and supervision

  1. Coordinate with the human resources staffs to carry out the identification and selection of the project national staffs, as required.

  2. Define the operating processes required to ensure a proper management of the project (roles, decision-making, operating procedures, working methodologies, etc.).

  3. Train, coordinate and supervise the project national staffs, promoting role-positioning, capacity building and assumption of responsibility, as well as motivation and cohesion, and evaluate their performance.

  4. Ensure that the project national staffs respect INTERSOS rules and regulations, and adheres to INTERSOS Fundamental Charter Values and Code of Ethics.

  5. In cooperation with the consortium partners, continuously assess the training needs of the local counterparts, design the capacity building programme and develop the related material for enhanced quality and sustainability of service provision according to international standards and principles.

Project reporting

  1. Elaborate and monthly update the internal monitoring and evaluation tool, the Project Appraisal Tool (PAT), for submission to the Head of Mission.

  2. Prepare the project narrative and financial reports, as well as other ad hoc reports and material, according to INTERSOS and donor requirements.

  3. Ensure that all data related to the project activities are disaggregated by sex and age, in order to develop profiles on the different needs and realities of women, girls, boys and men, for reporting and analysis purposes.

  4. Ensure that all supporting documents (means of verification) and general project documents are properly filled in and filed.

Coordination and representation

  1. Establish and maintain collaborative relations with the consortium partners (ACTED and ACF), as well as relevant donor officers, local authorities, government institutions, project stakeholders and other humanitarian actors.

  2. Participate in meetings with relevant donor officers, programme and financial, according to the guidelines of the Head of Mission.

  3. Facilitate field visits by donor missions.

  4. Proactively participate in WASH and Inter-Sector coordination meetings, as well as relevant thematic working groups, at regional, national and field level, as required.

Programme development

  1. Continuously assess the WASH needs and gaps of target populations in current and prospective areas of operations, periodically update the WASH situation analysis and inform the programme accordingly.

  2. Continuously assess the WASH response capacity of potential partners.

  3. Support the development, implementation and evaluation of the WASH strategy and programme at country and regional level, providing technical inputs, suggestions for improvements and recommendations for future actions.

  4. Support the design, promotion and elaboration of new WASH interventions.

  5. Conduct missions to other countries of operations, according to the guidelines of the Regional Director.

  6. Stimulate and maintain active exchange of WASH information and experience within the region on useful news, publications, tools, best practices and lessons learned, to create opportunities for learning, promote harmonization of programme, and ensure common approaches and methodologies across the different countries of operations.



For further information and to apply, follow the link below:

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS' platform, you can also apply by sending your CV, motivation letter and 2 references via email to , with subject line: "SR-34-523 Programme Manager - Head of Base - Lebanon**".

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Zahle, Bekaa /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 10/04/2018
Date limite : 24/04/2018


  • Master degree in Refugee law, International Human Rights Law, Forced Migration and Refugee Studies, Gender studies or other relevant to the position
  • At least 5 years in humanitarian assistance and 2 years of international relief and emergency experience in senior (Field Coordination and up) positions in a multicultural environment, preferably in emergency setting
  • Previous experience in the Middle East region (desirable)
  • Experience in conflict/post-conflict contexts, with experience in supporting emergency responses, access and security analysis and management
  • Background in protection and human rights emergency projects, especially in SGBV and CP
  • Ability to set high standards for quality of work 
  • Ability to manage human, technical, administrative and financial resources
  • Facilitating and encouraging open communication in the team, communicating effectively
  • Fluency in English
  • Arabic is an asset
  • Perfect knowledge of all the phases of the PCM
  • Ability to work in partnership with local organizations and under stressful conditions
  • Excellent diplomacy skills
  • Ability to delegate and work in team
  • Flexibility (will have to take on responsibilities that might not be directly on his/her JD)
  • Adaptability to changing work environment
  • Stress management skills
  • Good communication skills
  • Self-development, initiative-taking
  • Strong organizational and problem-solving skills with analytic approach
  • Good computing skills


INTERSOS is an independent non-profit humanitarian organization committed to assist the victims of natural disasters and armed conflicts. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, and respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable and unprotected people.

1. Terms of reference

Job Title: Protection Project Manager
Code: SR-34-459
Country: Lebanon
Duty Station: Zahle, Bekaa
Starting date: 01/05/2018
Contract duration: 7 months
Reporting to: Programme Coordinator, Head of Mission. Coordinate with Head of Base
Supervision of: 60 employees 7 consultants
Dependents: ///

2. General context of the project The project is designed and has being implemented in accordance with the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan, UNHCR and INTERSOS Protection Frameworks. This project aims at reinforcing effective protection environment for Syrian refugees and other vulnerable communities in Central and West Bekaa providing access to structured and quality services. These services target individuals at risk or survivors of SGBV, as well as children and adolescents with protection concerns living in Bekaa region. The project targets vulnerable refugees and host community. Additionally, Intersos will provide legal assistance and protection monitoring. The programming promotes a strengthened protection environment for Syrian refugees through the implementation of protection outreach, capacity building of Refugee Outreach Volunteers (ROVs), provision of mobile legal services (information dissemination, counseling and assistance) and support for collective site management and coordination. INTERSOS will continue the management of the UNHCR Warehouse.

3. General purpose of the position

The Project Manager will manage the UNHCR-funded programme - focused on protection activities - as well as coordination with other INTERSOS’ interventions implemented in the area and cooperation with external stakeholders.

The Project Manager Protection is responsible for the overall management and economic and financial administration of the assigned project and for its entire implementation process, ensuring the achievement of its objectives and results.

4. Main responsabilities and tasks


-Preparing, managing and regularly updating the project activities work plan and related financial plan, ensuring timely and quality implementation in compliance with the defined project strategy as well as INTERSOS and donor guidelines.

-Supervising the provision of the protection-related case management services, including emergency cash assistance for the most vulnerable or high risk cases and for persons of concern with specific needs.

-Strengthening community-based interventions to prevent and protect persons of concern and survivors.

-Capacitating public institutions, non-governmental partners, and refugee and host communities to safely identify, refer and provide effective and timely response to protection violations.

-Supervising the promotion social cohesion by facilitating the participation of vulnerable Lebanese to the activities and access to the services provided.

-Undertaking regular field visits to provide technical guidance and supervision as well as regularly monitoring the progress of project activities.

In coordination with relevant actors, developing and setting up the monitoring, complaint and appeal mechanisms necessary to guarantee quality and effectiveness of assistance.

-Working closely with colleagues in order to ensure the integration of project activities with other sectors.

-Coordinating with logistics, administration and finance units to procure all equipment, supplies and materials required to implement the project activities, ensuring cost efficiency and accountability in compliance with INTERSOS and donor regulations and procedures.

In coordination with the administration and finance units, approving the release of installment payments to suppliers in line with the works progress.

-Preparing periodic project narrative and financial reports as well as other ad hoc reports, according to INTERSOS and donor requirements.

-Supporting the development, implementation and evaluation of the Mission strategy and programme.

-Ensuring the integration of activities with other INTERSOS projects, as well as coordinating with other actors intervening in the same area.

-Representing INTERSOS in relevant thematic working groups as well as other coordination and meetings, as needed.

Human resources:

-Addressing hiring needs for local workforce and managing contracts in accordance to guidelines provided by the Head of Mission.

-Managing project staff and promoting role-positioning, education, training, growth and assumption of responsibility.

-Supervising, motivating and appraising project staff, while promoting cohesion.

-Appraising senior project staff by means of performance appraisal forms to be shared with the Head of Mission.

In coordination with the Human Resources Unit, carrying out recruitment procedures when needed.

-Training, coordinating and supervising the project staff and evaluating their performance.

Working relationships:

-Establishing and maintaining collaborative relations with relevant donor officers, local authorities, partners, project stakeholders and other organizations working in the project areas.

-Proactively engaging with donors, international NGO and other actors participating at sectorial coordination meetings and/or working in the project locations.

-Proactively participating in protection and relevant clusters, as well as relevant inter-sectorial coordination meetings.

-Defining the operating processes required to ensure a proper management of the project (roles, procedures, decision-making, operating processes, working methodologies, etc.).

Other objectives and duties:

As requested by the Head of Mission (or Programme Coordinator), for the effective implementation of the project.



For further information and to apply, follow the link below:

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS' platform, you can also apply by sending your CV, motivation letter and 2 references via email to , with subject line: "SR- 34-459 Protection Project Manager - Lebanon".

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : SB OverSeas
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Beirut/Saida /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 03/04/2018
Date limite : 20/04/2018


University Degree in education or related field


·         2 years management experience in an NGO environment, including Education and emergencies experience;

·         Proficient user of MS office

·         Experience in managing projects focusing on child protection / psychosocial support / education;

·         A very good understanding of the public Lebanese Education system;

·         Excellent interpersonal, communication and presentation skills;

·         Fluency in English  

To Apply: Please visit our website at and send your CV to


Start date: May

Duration: One year (2 months internship + 10 CD)  (with possibility of renewal)

Among the functions and the results s/he is expected to achieve:

1- Manage and oversee the programs, activities, operations and team members and ensure the successful achievement of planned goals and strategies.

2-Oversee the development of programs that align with SB’s strategic plan in coordination with team members.

3-Coordinate with the HQ-Leb to ensure proper implementation of projects in compliance with SB’s strategies, rules and policies as well as with the sector’s best practices and the national and international accepted standards and regulations.

4-Develop project budget and ensure that appropriate budget management practices are maintained at all times and that all reporting practices are in line with donors’ requirements — in coordination with the HQ-Leb.

5-Liaise with partners and donors to develop new relations and maintain the current ones while ensuring proper communication and the development of innovative fundraising strategies that will result in the acquirement of new contracts — in coordination with the HQ-Leb.

6-Maintain a good relationship with SB’s partners and develop a fundraising strategy to motivate funding of SB’s programs and activities.

7-Develop and maintain positive, constructive and supportive relationships among the different projects, teams, partners, and other relevant stakeholders.

Position reports to: Head of Mission

Position in the center: S/he manages a team (teachers, educators, Psychologist…)

Duties and Responsibilities

Strategic Program Management

Define, develop and implement the operational programing in the center:

-          S/He develops the strategy for the Education, Vocation Training in close coordination with the Head of Mission.

-          S/He technically defines the Education, Vocation Training component in the whole programming strategy at mission level in close coordination with the Head of Mission.

-          S/He strongly supports the writing of concept notes, proposals and budgets for new projects and extensions of projects in coordination with the Head of Mission.

-          S/He supervises and follows up the implementation of Education, Vocation Training (objectives achievement, follow up of the indicators, respect of the work plan).

-          S/He identifies the best practices in the Education, Vocation Training and ensures their capitalization.

-          S/He shares documentation about Education, Vocation Training with the team.

Manage the Education, Vocation Training team:

-          S/He ensures the technical supervision of Education, Vocation Training team.

-          S/He ensures the administrative HR management (daily attendance, leaves management) in collaboration with the HQ-Leb

-          S/He ensures timely completion and submission of appraisals for Education, Vocation Training staff.

-          In coordination with the HQ-Leb, S/He clearly defines the training needs of Education, Vocation Training staff and ensures they are able to access training and professional development resources appropriate to their skill gaps/needs.


Ensure logistical, administrative monitoring of the Education, Vocation Training

-          S/He is kept informed about the budget follow up analysis and approves any decision to be taken related to the modification of the Education, Vocation Training budgets (reallocation, change of activities, project extension) in coordination with the Head of Mission.

-          In collaboration with the logistics coordination, S/He contributes to analyzing bids made by suppliers for purchases with stringent technical specifications 

Partnership & Networking

1-      Supervise the management of partnership relations and ensure smooth communication and productive collaboration with all partners, networks and stakeholders.

2-      Overview the joint interventions between SB and its partners and ensure that all activities follow proper quality measures, accountability and adherence to the principles that SB fosters (such as gender sensitivity, Do No Harm, etc.).

3-      Support SB’s partners in the development and implementation of joint projects/interventions.

4-      Ensure the collaboration of and coordination among SB’s partners if they are working on the same projects.

5-      Organize meetings with partners to discuss project impediments, risks and assumptions, needed resources or issues/delays in completing planned tasks.

6-      Represents SB to Education, Vocation Training in relevant sectors and ensure good relationships are maintained with each of them.



Program Fundraising

1-      Monitor and explore gender-related strategic opportunities and budget lines and accordingly develop matching concepts and proposals that would raise proper funds — while working in close collaboration with the project team and the HQ-Leb.

2-      Develop fundraising strategies, diversify aid resources and target individuals, foundations and corporate funding sources.

3-      Manage funding strategies and activities to ensure the sustainability and viability of SB's programs.

4-      Manage and maintain SB’s relations with current partners and donors as well as plan to create new partnerships with agencies and donors both locally and internationally.

5-      Contribute in building SB’s visibility and in promoting its achievements, value propositions, quality services and competitive advantages.


Reporting and Communication

1-      Provide regular updates and monthly reports to the HQ-Leb on all issues related to the programs’ progress, challenges, achievements and other important or emerging issues.

2-      Ensure communication flow internally by putting effective practices for regular project team meetings, reviews, reporting, information and knowledge sharing and management.

3-      Ensure most effective and external communication by reporting timely with partners, donors and stakeholders.

4-      Organize regular meetings with the team (both separately and collectively) to discuss project wins, achievements, impediments, risks, emerging needs, delays and measures that should be taken.

5-      Serve as a focal point to communicate and resolve interface and integration issues with all programs.

6-      Provide professional guidance, technical support, mentoring and coaching to the team to help them manage their activities more effectively.

7-      Motivate the team through SB’s values and principles.

8-      Support team members and implementation of the capacity building plan of the teams.

9-      Ensure proper capacity development and the use of best practices, proper attitudes and behavior by all the team members.

10-  Create an environment oriented to trust, open communication, creative thinking, and cohesive team effort.

11-  Assess team performance regularly and encourage creativity, learning and constant improvement.

12-  Recognize and celebrate team members’ accomplishments and exceptional performances.

13-  Manage and resolve personal and professional conflicts among team members.


Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : SB OverSeas
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Beirut /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 03/04/2018
Date limite : 20/04/2018


Required skills/experience:

          Proficiency in speaking, reading and writing English, preferably as a native English speaker.

          TESOL/TEFL or other ESL teaching qualifications

          Prior experience teaching English as a second language to refugees

          Commitment to teach for 6 months

          Skills in cross-cultural communication, organization, planning and teaching/instruction preferably as an Arabic speaker.

How to apply:

To apply, please send your CV to



SB Overseas is a non-profit organisation registered in Belgium, dedicated to providing essential humanitarian aid, as well as education, vocational training and psychological support for refugees, asylum seekers, and other victims of conflict. We run projects in Belgium, Lebanon, and Turkey, our foundational philosophy is to provide this aid without reference or discrimination towards any religious or political affiliation.

Period: One year (2 months’ internship + 10 CD) (with possibility of renewal)

Starting date: Jul 2018

Location: Lebanon


Description: SB Overseas is looking for an enthusiastic and qualified ESL teacher to help run two of our schools for refugee children in Lebanon. Your main responsibilities will be developing the curriculum and providing training and ongoing support to teachers and volunteers. In our schools, volunteers are primarily responsible for leading English lessons with refugee children who have beginning literacy or low beginning ESL. In some cases, volunteers may also teach Maths and Science with the assistance of our teaching staff.

We deliver a curriculum of remedial education for young refugee children who have missed out on one or more years of their education. The refugee children in our schools need remedial education in order to have a chance of passing entry tests for the Lebanese public education system. Without access to public education, they risk missing out on an education permanently and becoming a ‘lost generation’.

Position reports to: Head of mission.

Position in the center: S/he collaborates closely with manger of the centers, teachers and team leader.

Roles/ Duties:

•          Preparation of curriculum and daily lesson plans based on student needs

•          Develop active learning instructional strategies to enhance learning

•          Conduct pre and post testing of all students to measure degree of change in English knowledge

•          Maintain attendance sheets


•          Provide ongoing support and training to volunteers.



Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : INTERSOS - Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Zahle, Bekaa /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 28/03/2018
Date limite : 10/04/2018


  • Master degree in Refugee law, International Human Rights Law, Forced Migration and Refugee Studies, Gender studies or other relevant to the position
  • At least 5 years in humanitarian assistance and 2 years of international relief and emergency experience in senior (Field Coordination and up) positions in a multicultural environment, preferably in emergency setting
  • Previous experience in the Middle East region (desirable)
  • Experience in conflict/post-conflict contexts, with experience in supporting emergency responses, access and security analysis and management
  • Background in protection and human rights emergency projects, especially in SGBV and Child Protection
  • Ability to set high standards for quality of work and quick adaptability and flexibility in stressful environment
  • Ability to manage human, technical, administrative and financial resources
  • Facilitating and encouraging open communication in the team, communicating effectively
  • Fluency in English, spoken and written
  • Arabic is an asset
  • Perfect knowledge of all the phases of the PCM
  • Ability to work in partnership with local organizations and under stressful conditions
  • Excellent diplomacy skills
  • Ability to delegate and work in team
  • Flexibility (will have to take on responsibilities that might not be directly on his/her JD)
  • Ability to work under pressure 
  • Good communication skills, both written and oral
  • Strong organizational and problem-solving skills with analytic approach
  • Good computing skills


INTERSOS is an independent non-profit humanitarian organization committed to assist the victims of natural disasters and armed conflicts. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equality of rights and opportunities, and respect for diversity and coexistence, paying special attention to the most vulnerable and unprotected people.

1. Terms of reference

Job Title: Protection Project Manager
Code: SR-34-459
Country: Lebanon
Duty Station: Zahle, Bekaa
Starting date: 01/05/2018
Contract duration: 7 months
Reporting to: Programme Coordinator, Head of Mission. Coordinate with Head of Base
Supervision of: 60 employees 7 consultants
Dependents: ///

2. General context of the project The project is designed and has being implemented in accordance with the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan, UNHCR and INTERSOS Protection Frameworks. This project aims at reinforcing effective protection environment for Syrian refugees and other vulnerable communities in Central and West Bekaa providing access to structured and quality services. These services target individuals at risk or survivors of SGBV, as well as children and adolescents with protection concerns living in Bekaa region. The project targets vulnerable refugees and host community. Additionally, Intersos will provide legal assistance and protection monitoring. The programming promotes a strengthened protection environment for Syrian refugees through the implementation of protection outreach, capacity building of Refugee Outreach Volunteers (ROVs), provision of mobile legal services (information dissemination, counseling and assistance) and support for collective site management and coordination. INTERSOS will continue the management of the UNHCR Warehouse.

3. General purpose of the position

The Project Manager will manage the UNHCR-funded programme - focused on protection activities - as well as coordination with other INTERSOS’ interventions implemented in the area and cooperation with external stakeholders.

The Project Manager Protection is responsible for the overall management and economic and financial administration of the assigned project and for its entire implementation process, ensuring the achievement of its objectives and results.

4. Main responsabilities and tasks


-Preparing, managing and regularly updating the project activities work plan and related financial plan, ensuring timely and quality implementation in compliance with the defined project strategy as well as INTERSOS and donor guidelines.

-Supervising the provision of the protection-related case management services, including emergency cash assistance for the most vulnerable or high risk cases and for persons of concern with specific needs.

-Strengthening community-based interventions to prevent and protect persons of concern and survivors.

-Capacitating public institutions, non-governmental partners, and refugee and host communities to safely identify, refer and provide effective and timely response to protection violations.

-Supervising the promotion social cohesion by facilitating the participation of vulnerable Lebanese to the activities and access to the services provided.

-Undertaking regular field visits to provide technical guidance and supervision as well as regularly monitoring the progress of project activities.

In coordination with relevant actors, developing and setting up the monitoring, complaint and appeal mechanisms necessary to guarantee quality and effectiveness of assistance.

-Working closely with colleagues in order to ensure the integration of project activities with other sectors.

-Coordinating with logistics, administration and finance units to procure all equipment, supplies and materials required to implement the project activities, ensuring cost efficiency and accountability in compliance with INTERSOS and donor regulations and procedures.

In coordination with the administration and finance units, approving the release of installment payments to suppliers in line with the works progress.

-Preparing periodic project narrative and financial reports as well as other ad hoc reports, according to INTERSOS and donor requirements.

-Supporting the development, implementation and evaluation of the Mission strategy and programme.

-Ensuring the integration of activities with other INTERSOS projects, as well as coordinating with other actors intervening in the same area.

-Representing INTERSOS in relevant thematic working groups as well as other coordination and meetings, as needed.

Human resources:

-Addressing hiring needs for local workforce and managing contracts in accordance to guidelines provided by the Head of Mission.

-Managing project staff and promoting role-positioning, education, training, growth and assumption of responsibility.

-Supervising, motivating and appraising project staff, while promoting cohesion.

-Appraising senior project staff by means of performance appraisal forms to be shared with the Head of Mission.

In coordination with the Human Resources Unit, carrying out recruitment procedures when needed.

-Training, coordinating and supervising the project staff and evaluating their performance.

Working relationships:

-Establishing and maintaining collaborative relations with relevant donor officers, local authorities, partners, project stakeholders and other organizations working in the project areas.

-Proactively engaging with donors, international NGO and other actors participating at sectorial coordination meetings and/or working in the project locations.

-Proactively participating in protection and relevant clusters, as well as relevant inter-sectorial coordination meetings.

-Defining the operating processes required to ensure a proper management of the project (roles, procedures, decision-making, operating processes, working methodologies, etc.).

Other objectives and duties:

As requested by the Head of Mission (or Programme Coordinator), for the effective implementation of the project.



For further information and to apply, follow the link below:

In case you encounter difficulties applying through INTERSOS' platform, you can also apply by sending your CV, motivation letter and 2 references via email to , with subject line: "SR- 34-459 Protection Project Manager - Lebanon".

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the first interview.
