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Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Accion contra el hambre
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Beirut /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Récolte de fonds
Date de publication : 09/03/2023
Date limite : 31/03/2023


Training/ Education:

Degree and/or master’s degree in Humanitarian Action or any related field (communications, political science, law, etc.)

Technical specific knowledge:

Good experience in proposal writing, donor rules, validation procedures, coordination of processes. Experience in Project Cycle Management. Ability to write donor reports and proposals in excellent English.

Previous experience:

Previous experience in a similar position and/or in the humanitarian field of at least 3 years.


  • English: Compulsory working language. Excellent writing skills are required for this position.
  • Arabic: Useful
  • French/Spanish: An asset.

IT and specific systems:

Good skills in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint


Action against Hunger is an international non-governmental, private, apolitical, non-religious and non-profit organization created in 1979. Its goal is to combat hunger and dangerous situations that threaten men, women, and children. Currently 500 expats and more than 5,000 employees are working for Action against Hunger in more than forty-six countries working in projects concerning four areas of focus: nutrition, health, food security and water and sanitation. 

In Lebanon, the Syrian crisis continues to generate political, social, and economic pressure due to the war in Lebanon and keeps more than 1.5 million refugees in a situation of increasing vulnerability. In this environment of political, economic and social uncertainty, our teams have maintained their high levels of humanitarian response and aid to Lebanon. Likewise, our interventions have been maintained in the Bekaa and northern areas, as well as in the south of the country, with a special focus on working in partnership or in consortium with other organizations and on institutional strengthening of the relationship with both donors. institutional, such as with local authorities and entities.  


  • Focusing on Syrian refugee population and Lebanese host communities,  
  • mobilization committees, 
  • isolation centers,  
  • municipalities and service providers. 
  • Conducting training for health personnel.  
  • Distributing disinfection and dignity kits.  
  • Installing latrines for people with specific needs in Aarsal.  
  • Carrying out channel cleaning to ensure proper drainage. Distributing water through tanker trucks. 

The Grants Coordinator will be responsible of:

The Grants Coordinator, in close collaboration with the Deputy Country Director and the SMT members, will ensure regular oversight, monitoring, and support to the management of the Mission’s grant portfolio, all through the lifecycle, from early discussions with the donor and/or organisational partners, proposal preparation, to grant compliance checks, donor visibility requirements and reporting.  

The Grants Coordinator will take the lead and coordinate the process of development of high quality funding proposals, concept notes and reports in compliance with donor regulations, and shall follow HQ and mission-level related established processes, and ensure all documentation is in line with Action Against Hunger’s internal Guidelines.  

In order to ensure efficient processes and contract monitoring, the Grants Coordinator is expected to create and maintain tools and grant files and records, including the GESPRA system and stay updated on donor requirements. In addition, 

This is an extremely dynamic and rigorous role, requiring strong coordination and organisation skills, to ensure that all deliverables are produced in a timely manner, which can be a challenge at times. The Grants Coordinator will keep in regular contact with all staff involved in the implementation of grants, as well as donors’ focal points in charge of tasks related to the management of contracts, reporting, communication and monitoring. 

Objective 1: Identification, coordination, preparation, writing and submission of quality and timely proposals/concept notes, following Action Against Hunger’s validation processes and taking into account the donor guidelines

  • Under the direction of the Deputy Country Director, and in consultation with Technical Coordinators, Logistics, HR, and Admin/Fin Coordinator, the GM will design, coordinate, gather inputs, collect relevant information to draft full proposals (including proposal narratives, and other required annexes, such as the budget and PPP) or Concept Notes to be presented to donors. The GM will ensure that the proposals are validated and submitted on time
  • The GM will assist programme teams in designing Project proposals in response to various proposals such as Call for Proposals (CFP), Requests for Proposal (RFP) or Concept Notes (CN), and as such, will participate to early technical discussions with the donors, when and if feasible.
  • The GM will follow Action Against Hunger’s Lebanon Strategic Framework, and promote the harmonization of indicators and means of verification. The GM will ensure the respect for Action Against Hunger’s Lebanon standard operating procedures and the validation procedure defined by HQ. The GW will ensure that proposals take into consideration Gender, Protection and Accountability Guidelines, according to Action Against Hunger policies.
  • The GM will ensure proposals/CN are in accordance with donor frameworks, guidelines and language.
  • The GM will coordinate any donor feedback and ensure timely submission of requested feedback and resubmission
  • The GM will liaise with either HQ or donors in following-up/tracking of submitted proposals, so as to support the Mission’s budgetary planning

Objective 2: Coordinate and lead the production and submission of quality and timely donor reports

  • Coordinate donor reporting processes as outlined at mission and HQ level, with the relevant departments to collect the information/inputs and ensure the timely submission of high quality programmatic reports
  • Coordinate with Admin/Finance Coordinator or Deputy Country Director to ensure timely submission of financial reports.
  • Assist field teams in drafting of donor reports by ensuring that reports are in accordance with donor requirements and are submitted on time
  • Liaise with either HQ or donor in following-up/tracking of submitted reports
  • When feasible, ensure that reporting requirements are kept minimal for the Mission and that processes are streamlined and efficient.

Objective 3: Grant Management & donors relations and Intellegence

  • Maintain an updated calendar of project report obligations and project development, and ensure key staff are aware of it and respect the deadlines by sharing it regularly with the SMT and HQ project manager. This includes the maintenance of the related sections in GESPRA (Online Project Management Tool), at least on a weekly basis.
  • In coordination with the Deputy Country Director, liaise with HQ staff (throughout the Action Against Hunger International network, including the Donor Relations Unit and with Madrid HQ Operations) on potential funding opportunities, as and when requested, including donor’s mapping/intelligence.
  • Ensure comprehensive grant files are created and regularly updated, and are available for use. Provide briefing papers and support the development of external communication tools relevant for donor visits/meetings.
  • Set up and constantly update database for donor guidelines and regulations, and create fact sheets for main donors.
  • Inform programme and support teams on any changes to existing donor guidelines and regulations
  • Act as a focal point for the Mission for external communications with donors for all grant management and reporting matters
  • Coordination with Admin/Finance Coordinator on donor compliance issue and contractual issues
  • Follow up with Programme Managers and Technical Coordinators on Programme Implementation and collection of data according to means of verification, from kick-off meeting to contract closure, to allow pro-activeness in the monitoring of the grant and related tasks (such as ad-hoc donor requirements or extension/amendment requests)
  • Support Programme Teams (and if applicable, communication officer) in ensuring donor visibility requirements are met and in the planning and organisation of donor field visits.
  • If time allows: Efficiently coordinate with and provide support to Deputy Country Director in coordination tasks with consortium partners and organisational partners (sub-grants)

Objective 4 : Security

  • Respect the security rules specified in the mission and base security plan, see to it that the team under his/her responsibility complies with the security plan and perform the security management tasks that can be assigned in its protocols.
  • Communicate to the security managers of the working location any security related information or noncompliance with the security plan

Objective 5 : Support humanitarian activities of Action Against Hunger     

  • Support the emergency interventions of the organization as per the employee’s abilities.
  • Support any activity that helps reaching our humanitarian goals, as per the employee’s abilities.
  • Promote gender equality within the humanitarian and/or development work

Action Against Hunger – Lebanon seeks to promote gender equality and is committed to empowering women to participate effectively in their communities, we strongly encourage women to apply.

We Strongly encourage people with disabilities to apply.

ACF has a zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, and abuse (SEA)

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Médecins Sans Frontières - Artsen Zonder Grenzen
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Beirut /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée indéterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 17/02/2023
Date limite : 09/03/2023



Formation & expériences

  • Diplôme médical ou paramédical avec une maîtrise ou un diplôme de troisième cycle en lien avec la PCI, l’hygiène hospitalière ou la résistance aux antimicrobiens
  • Au moins 2 ans d’expérience avérée en gestion de la PCI (ou comme IPC manager) afin de soutenir l’application clinique de la formation
  • Expérience terrain avec MSF est hautement préférée
  • Expérience en tant que mentor clinique, précepteur, tuteur, coach ou formateur ainsi qu’en suivi à distance est un atout
  • Expérience de travail dans des pays d’Afrique, du Moyen-Orient ou d’Asie


  • Excellentes compétences en communication, notamment au sein d’un environnement interculturel
  • Capacité à travailler de manière autonome
  • Très organisé et orienté solutions
  • Résolution de problèmes avec empathie
  • Disponibilité et flexibilité d’être souvent en contact avec les participants (base hebdomadaire en moyenne).


  • Idéalement avec maîtrise du Français et de l’Anglais
  • Pour Dakar, excellente maîtrise orale et écrite du Français; L’Anglais est un atout important
  • Pour Beirut, excellente maîtrise orale et écrite de l’Anglais; Le Français est un atout important
  • L’arabe est un atout.


Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) est une organisation médicale d’aide humanitaire. Dans plus de 60 pays, les équipes MSF apportent leurs secours aux populations en détresse, aux victimes de belligérances, sans aucune discrimination d’origine, de nationalité, religion, philosophie ou politique.

Mentor Clinique en Prévention & Contrôle des Infections (m/f/x) – Dakar & Beirut/Nairobi - MSF Belgique

MSF est à la recherche d’un.e spécialiste PCI enthousiaste avec une formation en PCI ou Hygiène hospitalière et une expérience en mentorat clinique et/ou en pédagogie pour compléter notre équipe de mentorat. Rejoignez-nous pour promouvoir la valeur du mentorat clinique, de la PCI et de la RAM dans nos programmes et dans le monde entier.


Dans le cadre de l’ambition de lutter contre la résistance aux antibiotiques dans les projets MSF, le centre opérationnel de MSF-Amsterdam (OCA) et l’Académie MSF ont développé la AMR learning initiative : un projet de formation des superviseurs/managers PCI (Prévention & Contrôle des Infections) et des points focaux BUA (Bon Usage des Antimicrobiens actifs) dans les projets MSF de toutes les centres opérationnels. Le projet s’est associé à la BSAC (British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy), une organisation internationale respectée, pour développer le contenu du programme en collaboration et le transférer dans un format d’apprentissage en ligne. Les cours PCI et BUA, sont dispensés en Français et en anglais. Un suivi par un mentor clinique est fourni à chaque participant, parallèlement au cours, afin de faciliter l’intégration de l’apprentissage et le transfert à la pratique professionnelle.

Ces cours donnent accès à un diplôme reconnu internationalement, qui vise à améliorer à la fois les compétences techniques et managériales du personnel national de MSF travaillant en tant que points focaux pour la PCI ou le BUA. Chaque cours est structuré en 5 modules, correspondant à un total de 160 heures d’apprentissage, y compris le mentorat clinique.

La clé du succès de ce projet est le développement et la mise en œuvre d’une stratégie efficace pour le mentorat clinique, qui est dirigée par la MSF Academy for healthcare, basée sur son expérience existante dans le domaine. La MSF Academy for healthcare est une initiative qui a été créée dans le but d’augmenter la qualité des soins de santé fournis par notre personnel aux patients que nous assistons dans les missions. L’Académie dispose d’un portefeuille croissant de programmes d’apprentissage répondant aux objectifs spécifiques de différentes catégories de personnel de santé de MSF. Tous ces projets sont choisis en fonction des priorités opérationnelles et médicales globales de MSF.  Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur l’Académie MSF et ses activités sur

La AMR learning initiative est mise en œuvre par la MSF Academy for Healthcare, en étroite coordination avec tous les Centres Opérationnels MSF et sous la gestion d’un Project Manager MSF Academy.   L’équipe de mentorat de la AMR learning initiative est composée de 7 mentors cliniques, avec une expertise IPC et/ou AMR, coordonnée par un clinical mentoring coordinator, travaillant avec le Project Manager et l’équipe MSF Academy.

Le « Mentor Clinique en Prévention & Contrôle des Infections » est un rôle nouveau passionnant directement lié à l’ambition de MSF de développer et de mettre en œuvre un programme de formation sur la résistance aux antimicrobiens. Le but de ce rôle est de fournir un soutien aux participants d’un cours d’apprentissage en ligne pour les praticiens MSF travaillant dans le domaine de la RAM, en particulier les Points Focaux BUA ou pour la PCI.

Nous cherchons actuellement 2 mentors cliniques en Prévention & Contrôle des Infections, l’un basé à Dakar et l’autre basé à Beirut.

Les candidats sélectionnés suivront d’abord la formation PCI sur la plate-forme de formation Tembo et seront ensuite formé au mentorat clinique. Les mentorés sont partagés entre les mentors en fonction du domaine d’expertise, de la langue et de la disponibilité du mentor. 


1. Fournir un suivi de mentorat individuel aux apprenants (75 %)

  1. À distance via téléphone, visio, chats en ligne, e-mails (2h / semaine / apprenant):
  • Construire une relation de mentorat de qualité en établissant un accord mutuel de mentorat et en assurant le suivi du plan de développement individuel, basé sur l’auto-évaluation des apprenants dans les différents domaines de compétences de leur travail et en fonction de leur contexte de travail
  • Diriger et guider l’apprentissage des apprenants via les activités d’apprentissage et ressources mises à disposition sur Tembo, y compris les lectures, les forums et un journal de l’apprenant.
  • Créer, adapter ou organiser des activités supplémentaires en fonction des besoins spécifiques de l’apprenant.
  • Aider l’apprenant à s’orienter dans le cours (où trouver les informations sur tembo Learning Management System (LMS) : moyens de communication, système et critères d’évaluation, calendrier des cours ; se référant au Coordinateur du mentorat clinique ou au service technique de Tembo pour des questions spécifiques, etc.).
  • Assurer de bons progrès dans l’achèvement des activités d’apprentissage du cours en tenant compte des besoins et de la situation spécifiques des apprenants, identifier et résoudre les obstacles tout au long du cours.
  • Évaluer les résultats de l’apprentissage (affiner/adapter les devoirs, donner des commentaires sur devoirs, quiz et études de cas)

b. Présentiel

  • Visites sur le terrain sur le lieu de travail de l’apprenant (1 visite / cohorte possible en fonction des besoins et des opportunités de l’apprenant et du projet)

2. Préparer et animer des activités de formation en groupe (20 %)

  • Préparer et animer des classes virtuelles et webinaires interactifs, y compris des journal club (3/module).
  • Encourager l’apprentissage par les pairs et le renforcement de la communauté d’apprentissage en créant et en modérant le chat, les discussions de groupe, forums de discussion sur Tembo LMS, etc.
  • Suivi du système de « buddy » et des travaux de groupe.

3. Administration, suivi et évaluation (5 %)

    1. Participer aux réunions d’équipe (hebdomadaires et ponctuelles).
    2. Recueillir des données et rendre compte des acquis des apprenants, de leur participation, de leurs progrès, de leur satisfaction et de leurs obstacles.
    3. Débriefer et partager de manière proactive avec les autres mentors cliniques et la Clinical Mentoring Coordinator.

4. Évaluation de l’apprentissage (transversale)

  • Participer à la définition des critères de cotation des évaluations.
  • Évaluer et certifier les compétences développées.
  • Donner du feedback sur l’accomplissement des tâches, les performances et l’évolution de l’apprentissage du participant lors des conseils de classes.

5. Représentation et promotion de l'AMR, du mentorat clinique et de l'académie MSF.

  • Interagir avec toutes les acteurs-clés des projets pour assurer une bonne planification et de bonnes conditions d'apprentissage pour les apprenants.
  • Partager l'expérience et fournir une expertise technique dans le domaine de l'AMR et du mentorat clinique avec l'équipe du bureau contractuel et tout autre acteur, en collaborant étroitement avec le Clinical mentoring Coordinator et conformément aux recommandations des experts en la matière (référents siège AMR ou IPC). Participer aux réunions pertinentes du bureau contractant.
  • Participer à la promotion des programmes et des approches d'apprentissage de l'Académie MSF.
  • Participer aux communautés de pratiques AMR et/ou IPC ainsi que mentorat clinique.


  • Date de début : Dès que possible  
  • Localisation*:
    • 1 position basée à Dakar (Sénégal)
    • 1 position basée à Beirut (Liban); Nairobi (Kenya) peut être discuté
  • Type de contrat : Contrat à durée indéterminée (CDI) – Temps plein
  • 1 ou 2 visites de terrain par an
  • Pour Dakar : Contrat local – Salaire selon la grille et les conditions de MSF Dakar
  • Pour Beirut ou Nairobi : Les termes contractuels, conditions et salaire seront établis sur base de l’endroit du poste, des contraintes administratives / légales et en respect des grilles de fonction et politiques salariales de MSF.
  • Adhésion aux valeurs managériales de l’organisation : Respect, Transparence, Responsabilisation, Intégrité, Confiance, Autonomisation
  • Adhésion aux engagements pour un comportement responsable 

* Le résultat final dépend des limitations légales locales (résidence, permis de travail, etc.) et de l'accord avec le bureau MSF d'accueil sur place.

Date limite pour postuler : 9 Mars 2023

Comment postuler ?

CV et lettre de motivation à envoyer à l’adresse avec en sujet « Mentor Clinique IPC ».

Seules les personnes dont la candidature sera retenue seront contactées.

MSF valorise la diversité et s'engage à créer un environnement de travail inclusif. Nous accueillons les candidatures de tous les candidats qualifiés, quels que soient leur invalidité, leur identité de genre, leur statut matrimonial ou civil, leur race, leur couleur ou leurs origines ethniques et nationales, leur religion ou leurs convictions ou leur orientation sexuelle.

MSF se soucie de la protection de vos données. En soumettant votre candidature, vous acceptez que MSF utilise vos données personnelles. Pour plus d’informations, consultez notre avis de confidentialité destinée aux candidats.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Accion contra el hambre
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Beirut /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 14/02/2023
Date limite : 28/02/2023


Training/ Education:

Bachelor’s degree in social work, agriculture, economy, food security, international affairs, humanitarian action or any related field.

Technical specific knowledge:

  • Food security and livelihoods, agriculture, economy, etc.
  • Logistics or operations work a plus

Previous experience:

  • 3-4 years’ experience in humanitarian and development organizations
  • 2 years’ experience in food security & livelihoods programs are desirable
  • Experience with cash and voucher assistance & food parcels distribution highly desirable
  • Experience with complex programming highly desirable

Humanitarian sector knowledge:

Good knowledge of INGOs and donor agencies procedure, guidelines and intervention in the country

Action Against the Hunger knowledge:

Previous knowledge of Action Against Hunger policies, strategy and previous interventions in the country or Middle-East region is an asset

IT and specific systems:

Good skills in Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook and good skills in smart phones

Action Against Hunger – Lebanon seeks to promote gender equality and is committed to empowering women to participate effectively in their communities, we strongly encourage women to apply.

We Strongly encourage people with disabilities to apply.

ACF has a zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, and abuse (SEA).


Action against Hunger is an international non-governmental, private, apolitical, non-religious and non-profit organization created in 1979. Its goal is to combat hunger and dangerous situations that threaten men, women, and children. Currently 500 expats and more than 5,000 employees are working for Action against Hunger in more than forty-six countries working in projects concerning four areas of focus: nutrition, health, food security and water and sanitation.

In Lebanon, the Syrian crisis continues to generate political, social, and economic pressure due to the war in Lebanon and keeps more than 1.5 million refugees in a situation of increasing vulnerability. In this environment of political, economic and social uncertainty, our teams have maintained their high levels of humanitarian response and aid to Lebanon. Likewise, our interventions have been maintained in the Bekaa and northern areas, as well as in the south of the country, with a special focus on working in partnership or in consortium with other organizations and on institutional strengthening of the relationship with both donors. institutional, such as with local authorities and entities.


  • Focusing on Syrian refugee population and Lebanese host communities,
  • mobilization committees,
  • isolation centers,
  • municipalities and service providers.
  • Conducting training for health personnel.
  • Distributing disinfection and dignity kits.
  • Installing latrines for people with specific needs in Aarsal.
  • Carrying out channel cleaning to ensure proper drainage. Distributing water through tanker trucks.

The Deputy Food Security & Livelihoods Coordinator will be responsible for:

  • The operational side of implementation in the FSL Department. The Dep FSL Co will support the PMs with program activities on the ground in project coverage areas, including technical, logistical, financial, and administrative support.
  • The Dep FSL Co will monitor project performance and provide problem-solving support to the projects to run smoothly according to work-plan and logical frameworks. The individual is expected to identify issues and risks related to program implementation in a timely manner and suggest appropriate program adjustments.
  • Support the FSL Co with oversight on technical issues in programming, collecting data using MEAL tools, and drafting quality reports.

Objective 1: To ensure timely and quality implementation of FSL projects (60 %)

  • To support the FSL Co with technical supports to PMs in design of FSL department and project tools, including beneficiary selection criteria, tracking tools, and so forth for the cash and voucher programmes & in-kind food assistance projects.
  • To support PMs with development of implementation plan per project area and ensure targets are reached in a timely manner.
  • To present food security activity (identifying vulnerable households, delivering cash and voucher support as well as in-kind food assistance) work-plans, designs, and proposals to the PM based on on-going ACF programs and ACF country strategy.
  • To support PMs with food security implementation, such as fresh food voucher programs, school gardens, agricultural livelihoods, and in-kind food parcels.
  • Under FSL Coordinator leadership, work with Health and Nutrition Coordinator on joint-program implementation.
  • Plans, coordinates, monitors and provides technical assistance for the implementation of activities.
  • To dedicate extensive time at the Bases, supporting the PMs and teams in the field with implementation plans and tools.
  • To provide support on technical needs of procurement and logistics to the PMs, such as oversight on Purchase Requests, quality checks on materials purchases to ensure standards, and
  • To support bases with information sharing to ensure harmonization of FSL tools and approach.
  • To provide verbal and written reports to the FSL Co on project implementation on the agreed frequency.
  • Under the guidance of the FSL Co, participate in the development of capitalization reports for each food security activity conducted by ACF
  • To support PMs to facilitate the implementation of pilot food security activities in Bekaa and the South.
  • To provide distribution plans, procurement requests to the PM based on agreed project work-plan
  • To ensure timely procurement of goods and services for the programme and accurate, regularly updated, budget follow-up and forecast, in close coordination with the Logistics and Admin department;
  • Support PMs with specific project (s) budget forecast & follow up
  • Participate in the design of new budget
  • Flag any deviation on budgets to the FSL Co and PMs and propose solutions;
  • To support drafting of food security sector analysis sections in conducted assessments and surveys under the guidance of PM and in coordination with MEAL Manager
  • Follow-up the MEAL plan and project indicators, in coordination with MEAL Department;
  • Support the staff under line management in integrating MEAL activities;

Objective 2: To contribute to the comprehension and support to the implementation of food security and Livelihoods strategy (15 %)

  • Collect and evaluate information on the food security level of the targeted populations in project areas;
  • Identify food security support needs of the refugee population and propose intervention opportunities in line with ACF country strategy to the FSL Co.
  • Identify the food support needs of the vulnerable local population and propose how to meet these needs in line with ACF country strategy to the PM
  • Under the guidance of the FSL Co, actively coordinate with other agencies implementing food security interventions (fresh food vouchers, cash for food, in-kind food support such as food parcels) in ACF project areas.
  • Under the guidance of the FSL Co, actively coordinate with other stakeholders in food security sector to support smooth, coordinated project interventions.
  • To support emergency response programming, such as COVID-19 FSL response activities.

Objective 3: Team Management (15%)

  • Support preparation of team workplans with PM in accordance with the project’s overall implementation plan
  • Participate in staff training, helping to build technical capacity of staff, operators and partners in the area of FSL
  • Monitor and coach colleagues and team members, building the capacity to obtain high quality results and impacts.
  • Helps to develop and execute context – specific solutions to improve collaboration, coordination and performance.
  • Ensure the good respect of working condition while in office or the field, especially the respect of ACF Code of conduct and standard operation procedures for the area of operation and safety rules on the construction sites.

Objective 5: Reporting (10 %)

  • To be involved in the project reporting, supporting Bases with drafting and compiling.
  • To flag any issues received in reports from Bases to the FSL Co.
  • Ensure monthly program progress reports elaboration and submission to donor agency.

Objective 6: Security

  • To respect the security rules specified in the mission and base security plan, see to it that the team under his/her responsibility complies with the security plan and perform the security management tasks that can be assigned in its protocols
  • To communicate to the security managers of the working location any security related information or non-compliance with the security plan

Objective 7: Support humanitarian activities of Action Against Hunger

  • Support the emergency interventions of the organization as per the employee’s abilities.
  • Support any activity that helps reaching our humanitarian goals, as per the employee’s abilities.
  • ACF employees will show commitment to human rights principles, gender equality and non-discrimination approach in all their work

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Accion Contra El Hambre
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Achrafieh /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 31/10/2022
Date limite : 14/11/2022


Training/ Education:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Public Health or Environmental Sciences.
  • Specific training on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in humanitarian context.
  • Specific training on Programme Cycle Management.

Technical specific knowledge:

  • Good analytical skills and capability to work in a precise, structured, and detailed manner.
  • Must have good drafting and reporting skills.
  • Experienced on the development of technical assessment and monitoring tools.
  • Significant understanding and experience with project budgets and logistic procedures.
  • Good communication skills, diplomacy, and coordination skills.

Previous experience:

  • 3 years of previous experience in similar position or relevant experience in the in the WASH Sector for at least 5 years
  • Previous experience in WASH Program management in emergencies and Water Governance.
  • Experience in conflict/post-conflict contexts, preferably with experience supporting emergency or post-emergencies responses.
  • Experienced in training and team capacity-building.
  • Experience in representation/external coordination.


English (compulsory working language, spoken, read and written). Knowledge of Arabic is an asset.

IT and specific systems:

Strong computer skills in Office environment and data management. Knowledge of GIS software or AutoCAD is a plus.

Action Against Hunger – Lebanon seeks to promote gender equality and is committed to empowering women to participate effectively in their communities, we strongly encourage women to apply.

We Strongly encourage people with disabilities to apply.

ACF has a zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, and abuse (SEA).


Action against Hunger is an international non-governmental, private, apolitical, non-religious and non-profit organization created in 1979. Its goal is to combat hunger and dangerous situations that threaten men, women, and children. Currently 500 expats and more than 5,000 employees are working for Action against Hunger in more than forty-six countries working in projects concerning four areas of focus: nutrition, health, food security and water and sanitation.

In Lebanon, the Syrian crisis continues to generate political, social, and economic pressure due to the war in Lebanon and keeps more than 1.5 million refugees in a situation of increasing vulnerability. In this environment of political, economic and social uncertainty, our teams have maintained their high levels of humanitarian response and aid to Lebanon. Likewise, our interventions have been maintained in the Bekaa and northern areas, as well as in the south of the country, with a special focus on working in partnership or in consortium with other organizations and on institutional strengthening of the relationship with both donors. institutional, such as with local authorities and entities.


  • Focusing on Syrian refugee population and Lebanese host communities,
  • mobilization committees,
  • isolation centers,
  • municipalities and service providers.
  • Conducting training for health personnel.
  • Distributing disinfection and dignity kits.
  • Installing latrines for people with specific needs in Aarsal.
  • Carrying out channel cleaning to ensure proper drainage. Distributing water through tanker trucks.

The WASH Coordinator will be responsible of:

Following-up implementation and increasing the quality of the WASH Programs in both bases (South and Bekaa) in close collaboration with technical teams. The Technical Coordinator will also liaise with both WASH PMs to support on reporting, project design and monitoring of current interventions.

WASH Coordinator is also in charge of orienting the direction of the Department, aligning the strategy of the Department with the overall mission strategy and the Technical Programming Framework defined at HQ level. The WASH Coordinator will be in charge to decide which sub-sectors will be prioritize in the country based on the needs and gaps identified by the teams.

The position also entails a considerable amount of time spent on nourishing external relationships, liaising with all type of external stakeholders: donors, local, regional, national authorities, working groups and overall representing Action Against Hunger in the country.

Finally, WASH Coordinator will be in charge of capitalizing lessons learnt and build the capacity of ACF WASH teams, feeding up the future ACF Sectorial Strategy in Lebanon.

Objective 1: (30%):Ensure quality implementation of WASH activities, providing technical advice and guidance to the technical teams at base level

  • Define program implementation modalities and methodology, from emergency relief to long term actions in collaboration with the technical teams including, but not limited to, technical specifications, BOQs, identification of activities and follow-up and workplans.
  • Provide technical guidance and advice to the technical teams when required: program orientation, monitoring, team support and follow-up at field level, ensuring quality and timely implementation of the WASH activities.
  • Support, when needed, on the timely procurement of goods and services and budget follow-up of programmes, in close coordination with Logistics and Finance Departments and the WASH PMs.
  • Ensure team’s monitoring and evaluation plan is effective, logical, and moving towards achieving the expected results and indicators of the project.
  • Identify, jointly with the WASH teams program constraints and bottlenecks during implementation, propose solutions and support teams while implementation the proposed actions.
  • Participate in the development of technical and programmatic tools related to monitoring and evaluation of WASH projects (Monitoring tools, ToRs for consultants and evaluators, ad hoc reports, capitalization reports) in direct relation with Programme Managers, Country Director, MEAL and Coordinator and Head of Bases.

Objective 2: (30%): Identification of needs, evaluation assessments and project design – Strategy of the WASH Department

  • Collect and analyse primary and secondary data from different sources related to the WASH sector gaps in Lebanon, especially focusing on South Lebanon and Bekaa regions.
  • Design and define needs assessments to be performed at field level and identify WASH needs of the most vulnerable populations across the country.
  • Propose cost-effective implementation options and high-impact humanitarian responses to identified needs. Define program implementation modalities and methodologies, from emergency relief to long-term actions.
  • Design and prepare WASH interventions in coordination with other Departments ensuring the technical relevancy of the Action by providing expertise, assertive and efficient inputs to each proposed intervention.
  • Based on the identified needs and in alignment with the Mission objectives, define WASH Strategy for the coming years in collaboration with the Senior Management Team and the rest of the WASH team.

Objective 3: (30%): External coordination and donor reporting

  • Maintain and develop fruitful external relationship with relevant WASH stakeholders: Donors, Ministries of Energy, Water and Environment, National Water Sector Group and other WASH partners.
  • Ensure effective communication with regional and local stakeholders (Water Establishments and Municipalities) involved in the WASH Sector during project definition and/or during implementation.
  • Work closely with the WASH PMs and Grants Manager to produce and revise donors reports on a timely and quality manner in collaboration with the technical teams.
  • Represent Action Against Hunger in technical working groups and other external coordination meetings, participating in stakeholders’ relevant meetings when needed.

Objective 4: (10%): Capacity building for WASH teams and capitalization of previous and future interventions in the WASH Sector

  • Participate in the recruitment process of key WASH staff and assess the capacity of the existing team, suggesting to conduct trainings and propose new recruitments when needed.
  • Identify WASH training and propose training plans to the technical teams, ssupport the team through coordination meetings and capacity building initiatives.
  • Capitalize on current and past pilot experiences (Cash for Wash, Shelter/WASH interventions, decentralized sanitation systems) and provide a framework for upscaling those programmes.
  • Develop and prepare SOPs to standardize intervention proposed by the WASH Department according to the different settings (ITS, Collective Shelters, Lebanese communities…etc).

Objective 5: Security

  • Respect the security rules specified in the mission and base security plan, see to it that the team under his/her responsibility complies with the security plan and perform the security management tasks that can be assigned in its protocols.
  • Communicate to the security managers of the working location any security related information or noncompliance with the security plan.

Objective 6: Support humanitarian activities of Action Against Hunger

  • Support the emergency interventions of the organization as per the employee’s abilities.
  • Support any activity that helps reaching our humanitarian goals, as per the employee’s abilities.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Accion contra el hambre
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Beirut /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Gestion de projet
Date de publication : 18/10/2022
Date limite : 31/10/2022


Training/ Education:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Public Health or Environmental Sciences.
  • Specific training on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in humanitarian context.
  • Specific training on Programme Cycle Management.

Technical specific knowledge:

  • Good analytical skills and capability to work in a precise, structured, and detailed manner.
  • Must have good drafting and reporting skills.
  • Experienced on the development of technical assessment and monitoring tools.
  • Significant understanding and experience with project budgets and logistic procedures.
  • Good communication skills, diplomacy, and coordination skills.

Previous experience:

  • 3 years of previous experience in similar position or relevant experience in the in the WASH Sector for at least 5 years
  • Previous experience in WASH Program management in emergencies and Water Governance.
  • Experience in conflict/post-conflict contexts, preferably with experience supporting emergency or post-emergencies responses.
  • Experienced in training and team capacity-building.
  • Experience in representation/external coordination.


English (compulsory working language, spoken, read and written). Knowledge of Arabic is an asset.

IT and specific systems:

Strong computer skills in Office environment and data management. Knowledge of GIS software or AutoCAD is a plus.


The WASH Coordinator will be responsible of: 

Following-up implementation and increasing the quality of the WASH Programs in both bases (South and Bekaa) in close collaboration with technical teams. The Technical Coordinator will also liaise with both WASH PMs to support on reporting, project design and monitoring of current interventions. 

WASH Coordinator is also in charge of orienting the direction of the Department, aligning the strategy of the Department with the overall mission strategy and the Technical Programming Framework defined at HQ level. The WASH Coordinator will be in charge to decide which sub-sectors will be prioritize in the country based on the needs and gaps identified by the teams.

The position also entails a considerable amount of time spent on nourishing external relationships, liaising with all type of external stakeholders: donors, local, regional, national authorities, working groups and overall representing Action Against Hunger in the country. 

Finally, WASH Coordinator will be in charge of capitalizing lessons learnt and build the capacity of ACF WASH teams, feeding up the future ACF Sectorial Strategy in Lebanon.

Objective 1: (30%): Ensure quality implementation of WASH activities, providing technical advice and guidance to the technical teams at base level

  • Define program implementation modalities and methodology, from emergency relief to long term actions in collaboration with the technical teams including, but not limited to, technical specifications, BOQs, identification of activities and follow-up and workplans.
  • Provide technical guidance and advice to the technical teams when required: program orientation, monitoring, team support and follow-up at field level, ensuring quality and timely implementation of the WASH activities.
  • Support, when needed, on the timely procurement of goods and services and budget follow-up of programmes, in close coordination with Logistics and Finance Departments and the WASH PMs.
  • Ensure team’s monitoring and evaluation plan is effective, logical, and moving towards achieving the expected results and indicators of the project.
  • Identify, jointly with the WASH teams program constraints and bottlenecks during implementation, propose solutions and support teams while implementation the proposed actions.
  • Participate in the development of technical and programmatic tools related to monitoring and evaluation of WASH projects (Monitoring tools, ToRs for consultants and evaluators, ad hoc reports, capitalization reports) in direct relation with Programme Managers, Country Director, MEAL and Coordinator and Head of Bases.

Objective 2: (30%): Identification of needs, evaluation assessments and project design – Strategy of the WASH Department

  • Collect and analyse primary and secondary data from different sources related to the WASH sector gaps in Lebanon, especially focusing on South Lebanon and Bekaa regions.
  • Design and define needs assessments to be performed at field level and identify WASH needs of the most vulnerable populations across the country.
  • Propose cost-effective implementation options and high-impact humanitarian responses to identified needs. Define program implementation modalities and methodologies, from emergency relief to long-term actions.
  • Design and prepare WASH interventions in coordination with other Departments ensuring the technical relevancy of the Action by providing expertise, assertive and efficient inputs to each proposed intervention.
  • Based on the identified needs and in alignment with the Mission objectives, define WASH Strategy for the coming years in collaboration with the Senior Management Team and the rest of the WASH team.

Objective 3: (30%): External coordination and donor reporting

  • Maintain and develop fruitful external relationship with relevant WASH stakeholders: Donors, Ministries of Energy, Water and Environment, National Water Sector Group and other WASH partners.
  • Ensure effective communication with regional and local stakeholders (Water Establishments and Municipalities) involved in the WASH Sector during project definition and/or during implementation.
  • Work closely with the WASH PMs and Grants Manager to produce and revise donors reports on a timely and quality manner in collaboration with the technical teams.
  • Represent Action Against Hunger in technical working groups and other external coordination meetings, participating in stakeholders’ relevant meetings when needed.

Objective 4: (10%): Capacity building for WASH teams and capitalization of previous and future interventions in the WASH Sector

  • Participate in the recruitment process of key WASH staff and assess the capacity of the existing team, suggesting to conduct trainings and propose new recruitments when needed.
  • Identify WASH training and propose training plans to the technical teams, ssupport the team through coordination meetings and capacity building initiatives.
  • Capitalize on current and past pilot experiences (Cash for Wash, Shelter/WASH interventions, decentralized sanitation systems) and provide a framework for upscaling those programmes.
  • Develop and prepare SOPs to standardize intervention proposed by the WASH Department according to the different settings (ITS, Collective Shelters, Lebanese communities…etc).

Objective 5: Security

  • Respect the security rules specified in the mission and base security plan, see to it that the team under his/her responsibility complies with the security plan and perform the security management tasks that can be assigned in its protocols.
  • Communicate to the security managers of the working location any security related information or noncompliance with the security plan.

Objective 6: Support humanitarian activities of Action Against Hunger

  • Support the emergency interventions of the organization as per the employee’s abilities.
  • Support any activity that helps reaching our humanitarian goals, as per the employee’s abilities.

Action Against Hunger – Lebanon seeks to promote gender equality and is committed to empowering women to participate effectively in their communities, we strongly encourage women to apply.

We Strongly encourage people with disabilities to apply.

ACF has a zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, and abuse (SEA).

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Accion contra el hambre
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Beirut /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Communication
Date de publication : 28/09/2022
Date limite : 23/10/2022



Master’s degree in law or any other related field

Technical specific knowledge:

  • A demonstrated understanding of relevant areas of international law, in particular of international humanitarian law, excellent analytical skills and the capability to work in a precise, structured and detailed manner.
  • Must have strong drafting and verbal communications skills; research and analytical skills; ability to manage competing deadlines and priorities.

Previous experience (years):

  • Minimum 4 to 5 years’ relevant professional experience in advocacy and communications;
  • Good knowledge of the Lebanon context. Previous working experience in the Middle East is desirable.
  • Proven experience in influencing skills to achieve policy change
  • Proven track record of achieving international media coverage, both traditional and new media

Humanitarian sector knowledge:

  • Motivation and commitment to humanitarian work according to organisational mandate
  • Minimum 4 to 5 years of experience working in humanitarian and/or development aid
  • Experience in complex humanitarian and protection contexts
  • Solid understanding of the global dynamics: Triple Nexus, CT measures, Grand Bargain….
  • Demonstrated experience of active participation/coordination of Humanitarian INGOs Platform

Organisation knowledge:

  • Excellent communication, interpersonal and coordination skills and an ability to work independently and as a part of a team to deliver under a tight deadline
  • Demonstrated leadership and supervisory skills
  • Good capacity for creative thinking and creative production
  • Solid understanding of the political and humanitarian context of Lebanon and the Syria Crisis
  • Proven interpersonal and networking skills with international organisations and donors
  • Strong negotiation skills and capacity to promote consortiums and partnerships
  • Well organised, professional and rigorous


English compulsory, Arabic desirable.

IT systems:

Windows Domain


Action against Hunger is an international non-governmental, private, apolitical, non-religious and non-profit organization created in 1979. Its goal is to combat hunger and dangerous situations that threaten men, women, and children. Currently 500 expats and more than 5,000 employees are working for Action against Hunger in more than forty-six countries working in projects concerning four areas of focus: nutrition, health, food security and water and sanitation.

In Lebanon, the Syrian crisis continues to generate political, social, and economic pressure due to the war in Lebanon and keeps more than 1.5 million refugees in a situation of increasing vulnerability. In this environment of political, economic and social uncertainty, our teams have maintained their high levels of humanitarian response and aid to Lebanon. Likewise, our interventions have been maintained in the Bekaa and northern areas, as well as in the south of the country, with a special focus on working in partnership or in consortium with other organizations and on institutional strengthening of the relationship with both donors. institutional, such as with local authorities and entities.


  • Focusing on Syrian refugee population and Lebanese host communities,
  • mobilization committees,
  • isolation centers,
  • municipalities and service providers.
  • Conducting training for health personnel.
  • Distributing disinfection and dignity kits.
  • Installing latrines for people with specific needs in Aarsal.
  • Carrying out channel cleaning to ensure proper drainage. Distributing water through tanker trucks.

The Advocacy Coordinator will be responsible of:

The Advocacy Coordinator will work as part of the Action Against Hunger Lebanon Mission to develop strategic advocacy and contribute to the overall programs of Action Against Hunger in the country.

Objective 1: Task To operationalize the advocacy strategy for Lebanon, establish relevant collaborations for its implementation.

  • Guide advocacy strategy’s implementation development and priority setting for aforementioned working groups/ consortiums, ensuring views of Action Against Hunger are represented and included.
  • Ensure the coherent contribution of the mission Advocacy Strategy to the global advocacy initiatives of the Action Network Against Hunger.
  • Ensure monitoring and reporting of advocacy activities to LB Mission and HQ Advocacy Department.
  • Responsible for advocacy campaigns when appropriate, in multiple programs as well as co-coordinating advocacy and communication work for Action Against Hunger for Lebanon.
  • Guide strategic direction of advocacy initiatives for Action Against Hunger including actively contributing to the definition and inclusion of advocacy initiatives in new projects during the proposal development phase.
  • Provide strong support to the field teams with regards to the implementation of the new ways of working of the organizations by consolidating the linkage between advocacy and operations department (MP1).
  • Support capacity-building activities in advocacy for staff and partners.

Objective 2: Conduct advocacy initiatives such as research and lobbying on root causes of vulnerabilities faced by our beneficiaries/right holders and by the mission to discharge its humanitarian mandate and action.

  • Work closely with Action Against Hunger Bases, sectoral Technical Coordinators, and MEAL Coordinator to conduct field visits in areas of operation verify generate evidence on practices, humanitarian needs, responses implemented, and remaining gaps to feed evidence-based advocacy.
  • Establish exchange of information between MEAL unit, advocacy team, technical/program units and Information management considering different levels: activities/project; project/mission.
  • Monitor closely relevant humanitarian and policy issues, including media reports, surveys, statistical reports, databases and relevant literature, as needed for the production of reports and background/position papers.
  • Analyse political and normative frameworks affecting humanitarian situation in Lebanon.
  • Actively contribute to the analysis on the development of mission Comms and Advocacy products to utilise for external purposes.
  • Undertake strategic lobbying on policies and practices based on Action Against Hunger generated findings and experiences by engaging with relevant stakeholders. Identify the key linkages among Action Against Hunger programming, root causes of vulnerabilities and potential consequences.
  • Support the Bases in implementing, at the local level, advocacy initiatives and operationalization of the advocacy strategy and action plan.

Objective 3: Tasks To liaise with external stakeholders and headquarters to ensure collaboration

  • Update on regular basis the mapping of key stakeholders and conducting regular power analysis to identify direct and intermediate targets.
  • Liaison, networking and building relationships with donors, UN and diplomatic community in Lebanon as requested and under overall supervision of the Country Director.
  • Represent AAH Lebanon and actively participate in the Regional Durable Solutions platform.
  • Work closely with Advocacy desk in headquarters, under overall supervision of the Country Director, to develop advocacy initiatives, messaging and materials in line with advocacy priorities in both headquarters and Lebanon mission.
  • Production of advocacy materials for use by Action Against Hunger HQ and ensure that Lebanon Mission Advocacy priorities are fed back to headquarters in line with organizational mandate.

Objective 4: To contribute oversee the mission Comms strategy and roll out

  • Guide communication strategy’s implementation (as part of the advocacy strategy) and priority setting.
  • Support capacity building activities in basic communications and visibility skills for staff.
  • Ensure HQ and mission’s red lines are respected.
  • Manage the mission Advocacy officer, Comms officer, and external consultants (designer, photographer, video maker) on an ad hoc basis.
  • Ensure Advocacy and Communication – based validation of all external products developed by the mission.
  • Ensure quality and guidance on the production of key mission communication products.
  • Manage and oversee the mission Communications and Visibility budget.

Objective 5:Security

  • Respect the security rules specified in the mission and base security plan, see to it that the team under his responsibility complies with the security plan and perform the security management tasks that can be assigned in its protocols.
  • Support in security & access analysis when needed.
  • Communicate to the security managers of the working location any security related information or noncompliance with the security plan.

Action Against Hunger – Lebanon seeks to promote gender equality and is committed to empowering women to participate effectively in their communities, we strongly encourage women to apply.

We Strongly encourage people with disabilities to apply.

ACF has a zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, and abuse (SEA).

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Accion contra el hambre
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Zahle /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Entretien/logisitique
Date de publication : 08/09/2022
Date limite : 30/09/2022


Training/ Education:

University degree with professional experience in humanitarian logistics work.

Technical specific knowledge:

Procurement management, fleet management, supply chain management, inventory control, intermediate IT knowledge.

Previous experience:

2 years minimum experience working on projects at humanitarian aid organizations and/or international donors or private sector.

Humanitarian sector knowledge:



English compulsory (written and verbal), Arabic an asset.

Action Against Hunger – Lebanon seeks to promote gender equality and is committed to empowering women to participate effectively in their communities, we strongly encourage women to apply.

We Strongly encourage people with disabilities to apply.

ACF has a zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, and abuse (SEA)


Action against Hunger is an international non-governmental, private, apolitical, non-religious and non-profit organization created in 1979. Its goal is to combat hunger and dangerous situations that threaten men, women, and children. Currently 500 expats and more than 5,000 employees are working for Action against Hunger in more than forty-six countries working in projects concerning four areas of focus: nutrition, health, food security and water and sanitation.

In Lebanon, the Syrian crisis continues to generate political, social, and economic pressure due to the war in Lebanon and keeps more than 1.5 million refugees in a situation of increasing vulnerability. In this environment of political, economic and social uncertainty, our teams have maintained their high levels of humanitarian response and aid to Lebanon. Likewise, our interventions have been maintained in the Bekaa and northern areas, as well as in the south of the country, with a special focus on working in partnership or in consortium with other organizations and on institutional strengthening of the relationship with both donors. institutional, such as with local authorities and entities.


  • Focusing on Syrian refugee population and Lebanese host communities,
  • mobilization committees,
  • isolation centers,
  • municipalities and service providers.
  • Conducting training for health personnel.
  • Distributing disinfection and dignity kits.
  • Installing latrines for people with specific needs in Aarsal.
  • Carrying out channel cleaning to ensure proper drainage. Distributing water through tanker trucks.

The Logistics Manager will be responsible of:

Implement the logistics policy of the mission to ensure good logistical performance and provide the best possible support to the programs throughout his/her zone

Objective 1: Provide leadership in the area of activity (5%)

  • Monitoring and analyzing logistical indicators and tools in his/her zone
  • Assessment of the logistical capacities of his/her zone
  • Support to Program Managers in the assessment of their needs
  • Optimizing the logistics response for his/her zone by analyzing indicators, making recommendations, and providing information updates
  • Maintaining updates of the logistics capacity in his/her zone and planning accordingly
  • Making available all logistical information needed for the elaboration of projects, training and monitoring Program Managers

Objective 2: Implement and ensure the performance of the supply chain and procurement (30%)

  • Ensuring conformity with ACF procedures and compliance at each stage of the supply chain
  • Performance in respect of costs, quality, and timeliness in the supply chain (purchasing, transport, stock) throughout his/her zone
  • Advice, information, and alerts on the processing of requests to the requesters
  • Comprehensive knowledge of the market in his/her zone
  • Timely and high-quality reporting on his/her area of activity
  • To ensure ACF logistical procedures and training and supervising both clients and suppliers in the application of these procedures
  • Contributing to the Project Procurement Plan at the launch of new projects
  • Monitoring the Supply Plan
  • Establishing the Treasury Forecast
  • Receiving and approving the Procurement Requests and updating the Procurement Follow-Up
  • Putting in place and arranging for purchases in a timely manner and in accordance with the ACF procedures applying to each purchase (goods, tasks, services, premises)
  • Negotiation and selection of suppliers
  • Controlling deliveries to bases and programs
  • Control stock management (storage conditions, reporting, expiry dates) and stock movements
  • Collecting data on the market and local suppliers

Objective 3: Implement and ensure the performance of fleet & facilities management (15%)

  • Managing the fleet, cars and its drivers. To ensure safe, timely and efficient movements to support the base its activities.
  • Safety of the working and living environment and provision and maintenance of logistical equipment
  • Security of logistical equipment, training and assistance to users
  • Supervision of the ACF buildings (offices, warehouses and guesthouses), rehabilitation and maintenance required for the functioning of the base and the living environment
  • Provision of water and energy supplies to all buildings required for the functioning of the base and the living environment
  • Timely and high-quality reporting on his/her area of activity
  • Undertaking or supervising the installation, maintenance and repair of logistical equipment
  • Supervising the equipment list at the base
  • Assessing the needs for logistical equipment and ensuring proportional allocation
  • Supervising an inventory and reporting on the state of repairs of property on arrival and departure
  • Supervision of the energy sources and vehicle fleet management: maintenance, planning, tracking, monitoring costs, administrative aspects (insurance, documentation)
  • Supervision of security guards and drivers

Objective 4: Implement and ensure the performance of information and communication technology and network management (10%)

  • The setting up and efficient operation of the means of communication (voice and data) in accordance with ACF standards
  • The security of both equipment and its users
  • Training and support to users
  • Rationalization of the costs of equipment utilization
  • Assistance to the Logistic Coordinator in the strategic choice of equipment
  • Undertaking or supervising the installation, maintenance and repair of equipment
  • Maintaining the equipment list
  • Assessing the needs for equipment and ensuring proportional allocation
  • Putting in place rules for the use of equipment and ensuring they are observed

Objective 5: Contribute to security management : Security (10%)

  • Working with the Head of Base/Operations Coordinator on the definition of a local security plan
  • Putting in place security guidelines for the base and ensuring they are properly applied
  • Cooperate in writing of the local security together with the Security Manager and the Head of Base/operations coordinator for validation
  • Respect the security rules specified in the mission and base security plan, see to it that the team under his/her responsibility complies with the security plan and perform the security management tasks that can be assigned in its protocols.
  • Communicate to the security managers of the working location any security related information or noncompliance with the security plan

Objective 6: Setting in place and following up collaboration and coordination in logistics with the mission's partners (10%)

  • Analysing the risks in logistical matters and formulating recommendations concerning the selection of partners
  • Implementing and monitoring the modes of logistics management in the framework of joint projects
  • Playing a role in consolidating the capacities of partners where a need is identified
  • At base level, taking full advantage of all innovative practices in the management of partnerships

Objective 7: Manage the Logistics team in the base (20%)

  • Day-to-day management of his/her team (guidance, follow-up, motivation)
  • Evaluating the performance and developing the skills of his/her team members
  • Defining the Human Resources needs in his/her area of activity and producing the organisational chart of his/her team
  • Taking part in the recruitment of his/her teams
  • Organising and leading team meetings
  • Working out and monitoring individual action and work plans for team members
  • Managing planning operations, task sharing and coordination of work
  • Providing for evaluation interviews for team members
  • Providing technical support to the teams
  • Identifying the training needs of team members
  • Devising, organising and leading training sessions

Objective 8 : Support humanitarian activities of Action Against Hunger

  • Support the emergency interventions of the organization as per the employee’s abilities.
  • Support any activity that helps reaching our humanitarian goals, as per the employee’s abilities.
  • Promote gender equality within the humanitarian and/or development work


Eligible candidates are invited to apply the earliest possible as we are screening applications on a rolling basis.

Only the applications received through our website will be taken into consideration

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Accion contra el hambre
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Zahle /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Entretien/logisitique
Date de publication : 03/08/2022
Date limite : 28/08/2022


Training/ Education:

University degree with professional experience in humanitarian logistics work.

Technical specific knowledge:

Procurement management, fleet management, supply chain management, inventory control, intermediate IT knowledge.

Previous experience:

2 years minimum experience working on projects at humanitarian aid organizations and/or international donors or private sector.

Humanitarian sector knowledge:



English compulsory (written and verbal), Arabic an asset.


Action against Hunger is an international non-governmental, private, apolitical, non-religious and non-profit organization created in 1979. Its goal is to combat hunger and dangerous situations that threaten men, women, and children. Currently 500 expats and more than 5,000 employees are working for Action against Hunger in more than forty-six countries working in projects concerning four areas of focus: nutrition, health, food security and water and sanitation.

In Lebanon, the Syrian crisis continues to generate political, social, and economic pressure due to the war in Lebanon and keeps more than 1.5 million refugees in a situation of increasing vulnerability. In this environment of political, economic and social uncertainty, our teams have maintained their high levels of humanitarian response and aid to Lebanon. Likewise, our interventions have been maintained in the Bekaa and northern areas, as well as in the south of the country, with a special focus on working in partnership or in consortium with other organizations and on institutional strengthening of the relationship with both donors. institutional, such as with local authorities and entities.


  • Focusing on Syrian refugee population and Lebanese host communities,
  • mobilization committees,
  • isolation centers,
  • municipalities and service providers.
  • Conducting training for health personnel.
  • Distributing disinfection and dignity kits.
  • Installing latrines for people with specific needs in Aarsal.
  • Carrying out channel cleaning to ensure proper drainage. Distributing water through tanker trucks.

The Logistics Manager will be responsible of:

Implement the logistics policy of the mission to ensure good logistical performance and provide the best possible support to the programs throughout his/her zone

Objective 1: Provide leadership in the area of activity (5%)

  • Monitoring and analyzing logistical indicators and tools in his/her zone
  • Assessment of the logistical capacities of his/her zone
  • Support to Program Managers in the assessment of their needs
  • Optimizing the logistics response for his/her zone by analyzing indicators, making recommendations, and providing information updates
  • Maintaining updates of the logistics capacity in his/her zone and planning accordingly
  • Making available all logistical information needed for the elaboration of projects, training and monitoring Program Managers

Objective 2: Implement and ensure the performance of the supply chain and procurement (30%)

  • Ensuring conformity with ACF procedures and compliance at each stage of the supply chain
  • Performance in respect of costs, quality, and timeliness in the supply chain (purchasing, transport, stock) throughout his/her zone
  • Advice, information, and alerts on the processing of requests to the requesters
  • Comprehensive knowledge of the market in his/her zone
  • Timely and high-quality reporting on his/her area of activity
  • To ensure ACF logistical procedures and training and supervising both clients and suppliers in the application of these procedures
  • Contributing to the Project Procurement Plan at the launch of new projects
  • Monitoring the Supply Plan
  • Establishing the Treasury Forecast
  • Receiving and approving the Procurement Requests and updating the Procurement Follow-Up
  • Putting in place and arranging for purchases in a timely manner and in accordance with the ACF procedures applying to each purchase (goods, tasks, services, premises)
  • Negotiation and selection of suppliers
  • Controlling deliveries to bases and programs
  • Control stock management (storage conditions, reporting, expiry dates) and stock movements
  • Collecting data on the market and local suppliers

Objective 3: Implement and ensure the performance of fleet & facilities management (15%)

  • Managing the fleet, cars and its drivers. To ensure safe, timely and efficient movements to support the base its activities.
  • Safety of the working and living environment and provision and maintenance of logistical equipment
  • Security of logistical equipment, training and assistance to users
  • Supervision of the ACF buildings (offices, warehouses and guesthouses), rehabilitation and maintenance required for the functioning of the base and the living environment
  • Provision of water and energy supplies to all buildings required for the functioning of the base and the living environment
  • Timely and high-quality reporting on his/her area of activity
  • Undertaking or supervising the installation, maintenance and repair of logistical equipment
  • Supervising the equipment list at the base
  • Assessing the needs for logistical equipment and ensuring proportional allocation
  • Supervising an inventory and reporting on the state of repairs of property on arrival and departure
  • Supervision of the energy sources and vehicle fleet management: maintenance, planning, tracking, monitoring costs, administrative aspects (insurance, documentation)
  • Supervision of security guards and drivers

Objective 4: Implement and ensure the performance of information and communication technology and network management (10%)

  • The setting up and efficient operation of the means of communication (voice and data) in accordance with ACF standards
  • The security of both equipment and its users
  • Training and support to users
  • Rationalization of the costs of equipment utilization
  • Assistance to the Logistic Coordinator in the strategic choice of equipment
  • Undertaking or supervising the installation, maintenance and repair of equipment
  • Maintaining the equipment list
  • Assessing the needs for equipment and ensuring proportional allocation
  • Putting in place rules for the use of equipment and ensuring they are observed

Objective 5: Contribute to security management : Security (10%)

  • Working with the Head of Base/Operations Coordinator on the definition of a local security plan
  • Putting in place security guidelines for the base and ensuring they are properly applied
  • Cooperate in writing of the local security together with the Security Manager and the Head of Base/operations coordinator for validation
  • Respect the security rules specified in the mission and base security plan, see to it that the team under his/her responsibility complies with the security plan and perform the security management tasks that can be assigned in its protocols.
  • Communicate to the security managers of the working location any security related information or noncompliance with the security plan

Objective 6: Setting in place and following up collaboration and coordination in logistics with the mission's partners (10%)

  • Analysing the risks in logistical matters and formulating recommendations concerning the selection of partners
  • Implementing and monitoring the modes of logistics management in the framework of joint projects
  • Playing a role in consolidating the capacities of partners where a need is identified
  • At base level, taking full advantage of all innovative practices in the management of partnerships

Objective 7: Manage the Logistics team in the base (20%)

  • Day-to-day management of his/her team (guidance, follow-up, motivation)
  • Evaluating the performance and developing the skills of his/her team members
  • Defining the Human Resources needs in his/her area of activity and producing the organisational chart of his/her team
  • Taking part in the recruitment of his/her teams
  • Organising and leading team meetings
  • Working out and monitoring individual action and work plans for team members
  • Managing planning operations, task sharing and coordination of work
  • Providing for evaluation interviews for team members
  • Providing technical support to the teams
  • Identifying the training needs of team members
  • Devising, organising and leading training sessions

Objective 8 : Support humanitarian activities of Action Against Hunger

  • Support the emergency interventions of the organization as per the employee’s abilities.
  • Support any activity that helps reaching our humanitarian goals, as per the employee’s abilities.
  • Promote gender equality within the humanitarian and/or development work

Action Against Hunger – Lebanon seeks to promote gender equality and is committed to empowering women to participate effectively in their communities, we strongly encourage women to apply.

We Strongly encourage people with disabilities to apply.

ACF has a zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, and abuse (SEA).

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Médecins Sans Frontières - Artsen Zonder Grenzen
Site web :
Lieu de l'emploi : Beirut /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 29/07/2022
Date limite : 06/09/2022



  • Diploma and specialization in the field of fleet management and/or technical education in automotive mechanics required
  • Min. 5 years of professional experience in variety of Fleet Management, Garage Management and Logistics with fleet under his/her management
  • Min. 2 years of experience in a Humanitarian organization or at least 1 year of experience with MSF
  • Experience in coaching team or individual is an asset
  • Good oral and written communication in Arabic and in English
  • Nationality that allows travelling to all the countries in the region: Yemen, Syria, Irak, Lebanon, Gaza, Egypt

Technical Skills

  • Mechanical workshop & fleet management
  • Repair and maintenance skills for the automotive and generator industry
  • Mechanical, electrical and electronic diagnostics
  • Good understanding of quality control sourcing & related supply constraints

Transversal Skills

  • Willing to take measured risks and responsibility for her/his choices
  • Good Teamwork and cooperation capacity
  • Analytical skills
  • Ability to monitor several projects/missions from a distance.
  • Result, quality & service oriented
  • Innovative and inventive
  • Good and patient listener


Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international humanitarian aid organization that provides assistance in more than 60 countries to populations in distress, to victims of natural or manmade disasters and to victims of armed conflicts, without discrimination and irrespective of origin, religion, creed or political affiliation.

Regional Motorized Fleet Referent Middle East (m/f/x) – Beirut – MSF Belgium


MSF Belgium (OCB - Operational Center Brussels) Logistics Department’s mission is to provide the logisticians in the project, access to resources (information, knowledge, technical support) and professional developments (learning, etc.) for them to be able to carry out their mission.

The Regional Motorized Fleet Referent is a delocalized position of the Logistics Department, which provides local technical support to operations for the Middle East region. The Logistics Department is composed of the Logistics Support Unit (LSU), the Knowledge and Information Management Unit (KMU) and the WorkForce Unit (WFU). The mission of the Log Department is to support Logs on projects and missions, today in terms of technical support, access to information and knowledge, and professional development. The rationale underlying the location of the position in Beirut is twofold: to optimize the quality of support by increasing the proximity and contextualization of interventions and to strengthen the autonomy of all Log staff in the field.

Raison d’être:

MSF medical activities require continuous support to ensure the mobility of patients, staff and goods as well as safe and appropriate production of energy (generators). The regional context of use and the complexity of our various machines require continuous support to field technicians and regular assessment to avoid unforeseen damage, significant expenses and an impact on the continuity of our operations.

The position of the Regional Motorized Fleet Referent is under the management of the Motorized Fleet Team Leader. With the support of the LogCell and the team leader, s/he provides support to the region at 3 levels: 2nd line (complex and contextualized support), 3rd line (response in the medium or long-term on the basis of a continuous process of improvement and innovation), and exceptionally 1st line (support on basic knowledge, existing standard documentation and training).

S/he works with the Motorized Fleet team leader and the local team develop and/or implement regional policies, processes, tools, training and techniques in his/her technical area. S/he is proactive in evaluating and proposing solutions related to his/her technical field. S/he increases decision-making in close proximity to the reality of the region: responsiveness, reliability, speed. 


The role of the Regional Motorized Fleet Referent is to ensure an effective and efficient design, management, use and maintenance of motorized equipment for the mobility of patients, personnel and goods as well as the production of electrical energy by combustion engine. The motorized fleet sector includes machinery (light vehicles, trucks, motorcycles, generators, motor pumps, etc.), human resources (fleet managers, drivers, workshop managers, mechanics, etc.), infrastructure and equipment, spares/consumables and protocols. The two main areas of activity are the management of fleets and the maintenance of these fleets of machines. Within that framework, his/her specific objectives are:

  • Ensure technical support requests are answered and Log basics are implemented; and answer questions coming from the Logistics Coordinators and LogCell in her/his geographic area (Yemen, Syria, Irak, Lebanon, Gaza, Egypt)
  • Mentor Logs, Mechanics and Drivers; coordinate on site trainings
  • Perform a regional and national (countries custom needs) outsourcing analysis; harmonise tools and practices
  • Develop monitoring and evaluation of indicators approach
  • Provide recommendation for vehicles sourcing in the region
  • Develop custom made Road safety practices and defensive driving training
  • Actor of inter OCs (Operational Centers) collaboration
  • Identify a pilot mission and prepare the action plan for the implementation of the Fleet Management System


  1. Provide specialized 2nd line support in the Motorized Fleet Management domain in the region and contribute to the reflection on the impact of this 2nd line support on the 3rd line developments:

  • Support the field log team to solve technical problems affecting the optimal functionality of the vehicles
  • Propose, improve and implement MSF protocols, tools and techniques related to the motorized fleet (design, management and maintenance)
  • Analyze the maintenance needs in the different projects and make recommendations for the ideal HR configuration
  • Mentor/coach field logistics teams on the use and responsibilities of motorized equipment and increase their capacity in this area
  • Be a major player on the road safety practices and safe fuel storage; and their related maintenance by providing protocols, awareness/training, mentoring
  • Compile monthly and ad-hoc reports for Motorized Fleet in the region and make recommendations as necessary
  • Report and inform on fleet management running costs
  • Support the field log team on regional/national supplier evaluation, maintenance contracts and rental contracts, regional procurement and possible outsourcing of services
  • Assess opportunities of collaboration with other technical families and other OCs
  • Provide support for unresolved issues on the Help Desk
  • Monitor motorized fleet indicators and Track My Stuff up to date
  • Ensure that each major element of 2nd line support is adequately capitalized and has an impact on 3rd line developments
  1. Provide 3rd line development, such as:

  • Define and update country-specific transport policies
  • Monitor and supervise the development of outsourced third line projects in the region
  • Participate in the definition of job descriptions and the recruitment of national technicians in the region
  • Assess the market for assets, tools and equipment related to its technical area and validate product-supplier matching
  • Define strategies for sourcing and stocking spare parts and other items to enable maintenance of the technical family's machinery and equipment
  • Create a network to support the motorized fleet community in the region
  • Build capacity by organizing technical training adapted to the reality of the region
  • In cooperation with the Team Leader increase and standardize "individual training" for operational logs (Logistic Coordinator - LogCo, Logictic Team Leader - LTL, Log Managers...) and specialists WS (Workshop) managers and supervisors, mechanics)
  • Define content and methodology for training on new topics, both technical and organizational, such as "diagnostic training", "generator training" and "special vehicle training", "fleet management for drivers"...
  • Study local regulations that affect the use and safety of equipment and capitalize on relevant documentation
  • Identify a pilot mission and prepare the action plan for the implementation of the Fleet Management System
  1. Provide specialized 1st line support in Motorized Fleet domain, in very specific cases when no other solution is possible:

  • Support the field logistics team in the design and/or evaluation of motor fleet parameters
  • In collaboration with the LogCos, assist the field logistics teams in organizing, coordinating and monitoring the implementation of motorized fleets
  • Support missions in the management of spare parts and the concrete planning and definition of periodic spare parts orders (frequency, content and validation of parts and service providers)
  • Coordinate the translation of main fleet management documents from English (or French) to Arabic
  • In collaboration with the LogCos, facilitate the clarification of roles and responsibilities between fleet managers and maintenance teams as well as communications with other departments


  • Expected starting date: October 2022
  • Location: Beirut (Lebanon) but mainly carried out in the field  
  • Up to 75% of the time in the field (Yemen, Syria, Irak, Lebanon, Gaza, Egypt) 
  • Contract type: Fixed-term contract
  • Contract duration: 1-year contract (extendable for 1 more year) – Full time
  • The contractual terms, conditions and salary will be established according to the candidate fiscal residency and administrative constraints and in respect of MSF function grids and salary policies
  • No family position
  • Adhere to the MSF principles and to our managerial values: Respect, Transparency, Integrity, Accountability, Trust and Empowerment
  • Adhere to the MSF Behavioral Commitments

Deadline for applications: 6 September 2022

How to apply?

Please, send your CV and cover letter to and mention “Regional Motorized Fleet Referent – Middle East” in the subject of your email.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

MSF values diversity and is committed to create an inclusive working environment. We welcome applications from all qualified candidates regardless of disability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.

The protection of your personal data is important to MSF. By submitting your application, you consent to MSF using your personal data. For more information, consult our privacy notice to job applicants.

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Médecins Sans Frontières - Artsen Zonder Grenzen
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Beirut /
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Autre
Date de publication : 15/03/2022
Date limite : 01/04/2022




  • Engineering background in energy
  • Certificates in technical maintenance are an asset



  • Minimum 5 years of professional experience in Energy projects with experience in related position of which at least 1 year with MSF or another INGO
  • Relevant work experience in the Middle East and Asia region is an asset
  • Relevant work experience in health structures is an asset
  • Experience in coaching and training of staff



  • Good analytical skills
  • Proactive and willing to propose innovative ideas and solutions rapidly
  • Ability to set priorities and organize his/her own work
  • Result, quality & service oriented
  • Good teamwork and cooperation capacity
  • Willing to take measured risks and responsibility for her/his choices
  • Mobile & flexible
  • Nationality that allows travelling to all the countries in the region: Gaza, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, Bangladesh, India
  • Excellent written and oral communications skills
  • Ability to plan and organize in stressful environment


  • Good oral and written communication in English
  • Oral and written communication in Arab is an asset


Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international humanitarian aid organization that provides assistance in more than 60 countries to populations in distress, to victims of natural or manmade disasters and to victims of armed conflicts, without discrimination and irrespective of origin, religion, creed or political affiliation.

Regional Energy Referent Middle East and Asia - Beirut (m/f/x)


MSF Belgium (OCB) Logistics Department’s mission is to provide the logisticians in the project, access to resources (information, knowledge, technical support) and professional developments (learning, etc.) for them to be able to carry out their mission.

Raison d’être:

Energy production and use is key for MSF’s operations. MSF activities are increasing in number and complexity and ensuring quality energy production has become more important in recent years. Energy basics need to be ensured in all projects to ensure safety of people, protection of devices and continuity of service. Innovative short-term and long-term energy solutions adapted to MSF’s different operational realities are needed; solutions focused on beneficiaries and staff health, and which are appropriate for contexts or environments.

Based in Beirut, the position of Regional Energy Referent for Middle East (Gaza, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria) and Asia (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India) is part of the Energy Team within the Log Support Unit (LSU) of the Logistics Department and is under the line management of the Energy & HVAC Team Leader. The Energy Team is composed of a Team Leader and 1 Energy Specialist (based in OCB HQ in Brussels); 1 Mobile Implementation Officer (MIO) for HVAC & Cold Chain (mainly in the field); 1 Regional HVAC Referent for Middle East (based in Beirut), 1 Regional Energy Referent for Central and West Africa (based in Dakar) and 1 Regional Energy Referent for Middle East and Asia (based in Beirut).

With the LogCells (logistic responsible for each cell) support and the Energy & HVAC Team Leader, s/he will be able to give support to the MSF OCB missions and projects in the Middle East and Asia regions in second line (complex and contextualized support) and third line (response to a medium or long-term approach based on a process of continuous improvement and innovation), and exceptionally in first line (support on basic knowledge and standard existing support). S/he will coordinate with the Energy & HVAC Team Leader and the Energy Team to improve and/or implement the MSF policies, processes, tools and techniques related. S/he will be proactive to evaluate and propose solutions in line to her/his technical domain. S/he will allow to increase decision-making closer to the region reality: reactivity, reliability, rapidity.


The aim of the Regional Energy Referent for Middle East and Asia is to help on the implementation of the energy vision, always ensuring the safety of the people, the protection of equipment, and the continuity of the electrical service. S/he will implement or improve practices in the field for an effective and efficient design, installation, management, and use of the energy settings.

  • S/he is the central point for technical support requests, and answers questions coming from the Logistics Coordinators and LogCells in her/his geographic area, if needed with the support from the Energy & HVAC Team Leader and the Energy Specialist
  • S/he contributes with the Energy & HVAC Team Leader and the LogCells by giving feedback of the functional status of the Energy conditions in running projects
  • S/he assists and gives advice on the setup of Energy settings in starting or running missions in terms of technical needs, human resources, trainings, and external contractors according to MSF framework
  • Gives strategical and first line technical support for those Missions/Projects where a local expertise is not available; s/he exceptionally helps the projects to best design and maintain Energy equipment installed in the supported countries in the Middle East and Asia regions
  • Identifying, defining and proposing to the missions and cells solutions and strategies that reduce the environmental footprint of the electrical installations
  • Market Assessment of local/regional Distributors/Suppliers including after sales services
  • Harmonization of the Energy support in the region
  • High level analyses of recurrent issues

Provide specialized 2nd line support in the Energy domain in the region and contribute to the reflection on the impact of this 2nd line support on the 3rd line developments:

  • To support the Log Field Team on evaluation of regional external suppliers, maintenance contracts, regional purchase and outsourced Energy services and equipment
  • To support the Log Field Team to solve interdisciplinary technical problems affecting the optimal functionality of the Energy equipment with regards to electrical or water supply, infrastructural concerns, infection control matters, among others
  • Contribute to ensure that each/most of 2nd line support has an impact on the 3rd line developments and has proper capitalization
  • To ensure the MIO Energy and Energy Managers working in the region have the necessary technical support and guidance

Provide support to the Energy & HVAC Team Leader in 3rd line support tools development, such as:

  • Reinforce capacities by organizing Energy technical training adapted to the region, of which s/he defines content and methodology
  • Guidelines for designing and maintaining complex Energy settings (i.e. solar systems or synchronized generators)
  • Follow up and supervise outsourced projects and developments in the region maintaining a database of external contractors and providers, giving advice on contracts between the missions under her/his responsibility and 3rd parties in energy matters
  • Job descriptions of Mission Energy Referents, Managers and Specialists, and/or Energy and cold chain Technicians in the region
  • Regional market assessment of Energy equipment
  • Build a network to support the Log Community on the Energy domain in the Region

Exceptionally provide specialized 1st line support in Energy domain, in very specific cases when no other solution is possible:

  • Support the Log Field Team on the design, installation, use, maintenance and commissioning of the energy settings (hospitals and health centers, bases and residences)
  • Support the Log Field Team to design, organize, coordinate and follow up the implementation or rehabilitation of complex and/or large Energy settings
  • Support the Log Field Team on functional evaluation of Energy setups as well as in proposing new solutions
  • Support the field to increase the abilities and capacities of the field team in the Energy domain
  • Improve and/or implement in the field the MSF basics, protocols, tools and techniques related to Energy solutions (design, installation and maintenance)
  • Analyze the needs for maintenance in the different projects and give recommendations for HR ideal setup
  • Follow up and ensure the reporting on the progress of the Energy activities following the adequate lines of communications
  • Study local regulations that impact the use and safety of Energy equipment
  • Facilitate the clarification of roles and responsibilities, between different technical families and users for appropriate management of Energy equipment in the field
  • Evaluate in the field the possibilities and advantages of collaboration with the other technical families: HVAC, Construction, Motorized Fleet, Telecom, Environmental Health (WatSan), Biomed, Health Facilities Management


  • Expected starting date: 30/05/2022
  • Location: based in Beirut but mainly carried out in the field (up to 70% of the time)
  • Contract type: 1-year contract (extendable for 1 more year), full time
  • The contractual conditions will be established based on candidate residency and administrative constraints and in respect of MSF function grids and salary policies. Compensation package will also vary accordingly, defined by local status
  • Adhere to the MSF principles and to our managerial values: Respect, Transparency, Integrity, Accountability, Trust and Empowerment
  • Adhere to the MSF Behavioral Commitments

Deadline for applications: 1st April 2022

How to apply?

Please, send your CV and cover letter to and mention “Regional Energy Referent Middle East and Asia - Beirut” in the subject of your email.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

MSF values diversity and is committed to create an inclusive working environment. We welcome applications from all qualified candidates regardless of disability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.

The protection of your personal data is important to MSF. By submitting your application, you consent to MSF using your personal data. For more information, consult our privacy notice to job applicants.
