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Junior Expert in Infrastructure Works (Enabel)

Détails de l'annonce

Organisation : Programme Junior (Enabel)
Site web :
Adresse email :
Lieu de l'emploi : Kigoma / Tanzania
Type d'emploi : Contrat à durée déterminée
Type de contrat : Temps plein
Fonction : Mission terrain
Date de publication : 30/03/2021
Date limite : 13/04/2021


Required training/degree (eliminatory on CV):

Master or Professional Bachelor’s Degree in

  • Agronomy/Bio-ir - pnly option Agricultural Engineering (genie rural, boerderijbouw)

  • Civil ir./Architect

Preferred assets (not eliminatory on CV):

  • Elaboration of bill of quantities of bridges in Excel

  • Straon interest in and good analytical skills to document experiences and compare with conventional approaches

  • AutoCAD, ArcView, QGis

Language skills:

  • English: essential

  • Kiswahili: willing to learn

Discover the complete job description.


The Junior Programme aims to contribute to the development of a new generation of young people who, following their Junior Expert experience, will commit to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). During their field experience, the focus is on developing competences, innovation, contact with the local reality and networking. This way, our Junior Experts can professionally contribute to the project/programme to which they are assigned; and at the same time, they acquire the necessary competences and expertise to actively contribute to the SDGs.

The Junior Experts work at least 1 and at most 2 years in a project of Enabel or of one of the  27 Non-governmental Actors (NGA) that are affiliated with the Junior Programme


Agriculture employs over 70% of the population of the region. It is dominated by small-scale farmers, especially women. The major crops are maize, beans, cassava, rice, bananas, oil palm, coffee, tobacco and various fruits and vegetables. Agriculture in Kigoma region is characterized by low crop production and productivity, poor service delivery, lack of farmer organisation, poor market access, weak linkages between actors and lack of active search for supporting each other and achieving win-win outcomes.

This project facilitates value chain development of cassava and beans through increasing crop productivity, organising smallholders producer groups and linking them with traders, facilitating value chain financing, strengthening value chain service provision and market intelligence.

Through the value chain approach the project aims to improve the income of 12.000 smallholder farmers in 6 rural districts of Kigoma region. Secondary beneficiaries are the local chain supporters, including the Kigoma Regional office and especially the agricultural extension system of the districts. 

The project has a successful component “access to agricultural commodity markets”. Under this component the construction of stone arch bridges is done to facilitate the transportation of agricultural produce. The use of stone arch bridges allows for the maximum use of locally available resources and reduces construction cost considerably.


In collaboration with TARURA (Tanzania Rural & Urban Roads Agency), , the junior expert will support the roll-out of the construction of stone arch bridges in 6 districts of Kigoma region. S/he will contribute to quality control, training of TARURA staff and craftsman so that a local pool of expertise is available in Kigoma region after the closure of the project

If you meet the general admission requirements and the specific criteria of this position, apply online from March 30 at 12:00 (noon - Brussels time) to April 13, 2021 at 12:00 (noon - Brussels time).